/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sc.hxx" // INCLUDE --------------------------------------------------------------- #include "dpoutputgeometry.hxx" #include "address.hxx" #include using ::std::vector; ScDPOutputGeometry::ScDPOutputGeometry(const ScRange& rOutRange, bool bShowFilter, ImportType eImportType) : maOutRange(rOutRange), mnRowFields(0), mnColumnFields(0), mnPageFields(0), mnDataFields(0), meImportType(eImportType), mbShowFilter(bShowFilter) { } ScDPOutputGeometry::~ScDPOutputGeometry() { } void ScDPOutputGeometry::setRowFieldCount(sal_uInt32 nCount) { mnRowFields = nCount; } void ScDPOutputGeometry::setColumnFieldCount(sal_uInt32 nCount) { mnColumnFields = nCount; } void ScDPOutputGeometry::setPageFieldCount(sal_uInt32 nCount) { mnPageFields = nCount; } void ScDPOutputGeometry::setDataFieldCount(sal_uInt32 nCount) { mnDataFields = nCount; } void ScDPOutputGeometry::getColumnFieldPositions(vector& rAddrs) const { vector aAddrs; if (!mnColumnFields) { rAddrs.swap(aAddrs); return; } bool bDataLayout = mnDataFields > 1; SCROW nCurRow = maOutRange.aStart.Row(); if (mnPageFields) { SCROW nRowStart = maOutRange.aStart.Row() + mbShowFilter; SCROW nRowEnd = nRowStart + static_cast(mnPageFields-1); nCurRow = nRowEnd + 2; } else if (mbShowFilter) nCurRow += 2; SCROW nRow = nCurRow; SCTAB nTab = maOutRange.aStart.Tab(); SCCOL nColStart = static_cast(maOutRange.aStart.Col() + mnRowFields + (bDataLayout ? 1 : 0)); SCCOL nColEnd = nColStart + static_cast(mnColumnFields-1); for (SCCOL nCol = nColStart; nCol <= nColEnd; ++nCol) aAddrs.push_back(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab)); rAddrs.swap(aAddrs); } void ScDPOutputGeometry::getRowFieldPositions(vector& rAddrs) const { vector aAddrs; if (!mnRowFields) { rAddrs.swap(aAddrs); return; } SCROW nRow = getRowFieldHeaderRow(); SCTAB nTab = maOutRange.aStart.Tab(); SCCOL nColStart = maOutRange.aStart.Col(); SCCOL nColEnd = nColStart + static_cast(mnRowFields-1); for (SCCOL nCol = nColStart; nCol <= nColEnd; ++nCol) aAddrs.push_back(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab)); rAddrs.swap(aAddrs); } void ScDPOutputGeometry::getPageFieldPositions(vector& rAddrs) const { vector aAddrs; if (!mnPageFields) { rAddrs.swap(aAddrs); return; } SCTAB nTab = maOutRange.aStart.Tab(); SCCOL nCol = maOutRange.aStart.Col(); SCROW nRowStart = maOutRange.aStart.Row() + mbShowFilter; SCROW nRowEnd = nRowStart + static_cast(mnPageFields-1); for (SCROW nRow = nRowStart; nRow <= nRowEnd; ++nRow) aAddrs.push_back(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab)); rAddrs.swap(aAddrs); } SCROW ScDPOutputGeometry::getRowFieldHeaderRow() const { SCROW nCurRow = maOutRange.aStart.Row(); if (mnPageFields) { SCROW nRowStart = maOutRange.aStart.Row() + mbShowFilter; SCROW nRowEnd = nRowStart + static_cast(mnPageFields-1); nCurRow = nRowEnd + 2; } else if (mbShowFilter) nCurRow += 2; if (mnColumnFields) nCurRow += static_cast(mnColumnFields); else if (mnRowFields) ++nCurRow; return nCurRow; } ScDPOutputGeometry::FieldType ScDPOutputGeometry::getFieldButtonType(const ScAddress& rPos) const { // We will ignore the table position for now. bool bExtraTitleRow = (mnColumnFields == 0 && meImportType == ScDPOutputGeometry::XLS); bool bDataLayout = mnDataFields > 1; SCROW nCurRow = maOutRange.aStart.Row(); if (mnPageFields) { SCCOL nCol = maOutRange.aStart.Col(); SCROW nRowStart = maOutRange.aStart.Row() + mbShowFilter; SCROW nRowEnd = nRowStart + static_cast(mnPageFields-1); if (rPos.Col() == nCol && nRowStart <= rPos.Row() && rPos.Row() <= nRowEnd) return Page; nCurRow = nRowEnd + 2; } else if (mbShowFilter) nCurRow += 2; if (mnColumnFields) { SCROW nRow = nCurRow; SCCOL nColStart = static_cast(maOutRange.aStart.Col() + mnRowFields + (bDataLayout ? 1 : 0)); SCCOL nColEnd = nColStart + static_cast(mnColumnFields-1); if (rPos.Row() == nRow && nColStart <= rPos.Col() && rPos.Col() <= nColEnd) return Column; nCurRow += static_cast(mnColumnFields); } if (bExtraTitleRow) ++nCurRow; if (mnRowFields) { SCCOL nColStart = maOutRange.aStart.Col(); SCCOL nColEnd = nColStart + static_cast(mnRowFields-1); if (rPos.Row() == nCurRow && nColStart <= rPos.Col() && rPos.Col() <= nColEnd) return Row; } return None; }