package installer; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.jar.*; //import org.xml.sax.*; //import org.w3c.dom.*; //import javax.xml.parsers.*; import; import; //import javax.xml.parsers.*; import javax.swing.*; /** * The XmlUpdater pulls a META-INF/converter.xml * file out of a jar file and parses it, providing access to this * information in a Vector of ConverterInfo * objects. * * @author Aidan Butler */ public class IdeUpdater extends Thread { private String classesPath = null; private String jarfilename; private String installPath; private JLabel statusLabel; private Vector listeners; private Thread internalThread; private boolean threadSuspended; private JProgressBar progressBar; private boolean isNetbeansPath = false; public IdeUpdater(String installPath, JLabel statusLabel, JProgressBar pBar) { if (installPath.endsWith(File.separator) == false) installPath += File.separator; //File jeditLauncher = new File( installPath + "jedit.jar" ); File netbeansLauncher = new File( installPath + "bin" ); if( netbeansLauncher.isDirectory() ) { isNetbeansPath = true; installPath = installPath +"modules" + File.separator; } /* else if( jeditLauncher.isFile() ){ isNetbeansPath = false; installPath = installPath + "jars" + File.separator; } */ System.out.println( "IdeUpdater installPath is " + installPath + " isNetbeansPath is " + isNetbeansPath ); this.installPath = installPath; this.statusLabel = statusLabel; listeners = new Vector(); threadSuspended = false; progressBar=pBar; progressBar.setStringPainted(true); }// XmlUpdater public boolean checkStop() { if (internalThread == Thread.currentThread()) return false; return true; }// checkStop public void checkSuspend() { if (threadSuspended) { synchronized(this) { while (threadSuspended) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException eInt) { //... } } } } }// checkSuspend public void setSuspend() { threadSuspended = true; }// setSuspend public void setResume() { threadSuspended = false; notify(); }// setResume public void setStop() { internalThread = null; }// setStop public void run() { //InputStream istream; //URL url; //String fileName = null; internalThread = Thread.currentThread(); progressBar.setString("Unzipping Required Files"); ZipData zd = new ZipData("SFrameworkInstall.jar"); // Adding IDE support if( isNetbeansPath ) { if (!zd.extractEntry("ide/office.jar",installPath, statusLabel)) { onInstallComplete(); return; } } else { if (!zd.extractEntry("ide/idesupport.jar",installPath, statusLabel)) { onInstallComplete(); return; } if (!zd.extractEntry("ide/OfficeScripting.jar",installPath, statusLabel)) { onInstallComplete(); return; } } //System.out.println("About to call register"); //Register.register(installPath+File.separator, statusLabel, progressBar); statusLabel.setText("Installation Complete"); progressBar.setString("Installation Complete"); progressBar.setValue(10); onInstallComplete(); }// run public void addInstallListener(InstallListener listener) { listeners.addElement(listener); }// addInstallListener private void onInstallComplete() { Enumeration e = listeners.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { InstallListener listener = (InstallListener)e.nextElement(); listener.installationComplete(null); } }// onInstallComplete }// XmlUpdater class