/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #ifndef _PptEscherEx_HXX #include "escherex.hxx" #endif // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PptEscherEx::PptEscherEx( SvStream& rOutStrm, const rtl::OUString& rBaseURI ) : EscherEx( EscherExGlobalRef( new EscherExGlobal ), rOutStrm ) { mxGlobal->SetBaseURI( rBaseURI ); mnCurrentDg = 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 PptEscherEx::DrawingGroupContainerSize() { return ImplDggContainerSize() + 8; } void PptEscherEx::WriteDrawingGroupContainer( SvStream& rSt ) { sal_uInt32 nSize = DrawingGroupContainerSize(); rSt << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( 1035 << 16 ) ) // EPP_PPDrawingGroup << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); ImplWriteDggContainer( rSt ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 PptEscherEx::ImplDggContainerSize() { sal_uInt32 nSize; nSize = mxGlobal->GetDggAtomSize(); nSize += mxGlobal->GetBlibStoreContainerSize(); nSize += ImplOptAtomSize(); nSize += ImplSplitMenuColorsAtomSize(); return nSize + 8; } void PptEscherEx::ImplWriteDggContainer( SvStream& rSt ) { sal_uInt32 nSize = ImplDggContainerSize(); if ( nSize ) { rSt << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( ESCHER_DggContainer << 16 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); mxGlobal->SetDggContainer(); mxGlobal->WriteDggAtom( rSt ); mxGlobal->WriteBlibStoreContainer( rSt ); ImplWriteOptAtom( rSt ); ImplWriteSplitMenuColorsAtom( rSt ); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define ESCHER_OPT_COUNT 6 sal_uInt32 PptEscherEx::ImplOptAtomSize() { sal_uInt32 nSize = 0; if ( ESCHER_OPT_COUNT ) nSize = ( ESCHER_OPT_COUNT * 6 ) + 8; return nSize; } void PptEscherEx::ImplWriteOptAtom( SvStream& rSt ) { sal_uInt32 nSize = ImplOptAtomSize(); if ( nSize ) { rSt << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_OPT << 16 ) | ( ESCHER_OPT_COUNT << 4 ) | 0x3 ) << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ) << (sal_uInt16)ESCHER_Prop_fillColor << (sal_uInt32)0xffb800 << (sal_uInt16)ESCHER_Prop_fillBackColor << (sal_uInt32)0 << (sal_uInt16)ESCHER_Prop_fNoFillHitTest << (sal_uInt32)0x00100010 << (sal_uInt16)ESCHER_Prop_lineColor << (sal_uInt32)0x8000001 << (sal_uInt16)ESCHER_Prop_fNoLineDrawDash << (sal_uInt32)0x00080008 << (sal_uInt16)ESCHER_Prop_shadowColor << (sal_uInt32)0x8000002; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define ESCHER_SPLIT_MENU_COLORS_COUNT 4 sal_uInt32 PptEscherEx::ImplSplitMenuColorsAtomSize() { sal_uInt32 nSize = 0; if ( ESCHER_SPLIT_MENU_COLORS_COUNT ) nSize = ( ESCHER_SPLIT_MENU_COLORS_COUNT << 2 ) + 8; return nSize; } void PptEscherEx::ImplWriteSplitMenuColorsAtom( SvStream& rSt ) { sal_uInt32 nSize = ImplSplitMenuColorsAtomSize(); if ( nSize ) { rSt << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_SplitMenuColors << 16 ) | ( ESCHER_SPLIT_MENU_COLORS_COUNT << 4 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ) << (sal_uInt32)0x08000004 << (sal_uInt32)0x08000001 << (sal_uInt32)0x08000002 << (sal_uInt32)0x100000f7; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PptEscherEx::~PptEscherEx() { } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PptEscherEx::OpenContainer( sal_uInt16 n_EscherContainer, int nRecInstance ) { *mpOutStrm << (sal_uInt16)( ( nRecInstance << 4 ) | 0xf ) << n_EscherContainer << (sal_uInt32)0; mOffsets.push_back( mpOutStrm->Tell() - 4 ); mRecTypes.push_back( n_EscherContainer ); switch( n_EscherContainer ) { case ESCHER_DgContainer : { if ( !mbEscherDg ) { mbEscherDg = sal_True; mnCurrentDg = mxGlobal->GenerateDrawingId(); AddAtom( 8, ESCHER_Dg, 0, mnCurrentDg ); PtReplaceOrInsert( ESCHER_Persist_Dg | mnCurrentDg, mpOutStrm->Tell() ); *mpOutStrm << (sal_uInt32)0 // The number of shapes in this drawing << (sal_uInt32)0; // The last MSOSPID given to an SP in this DG } } break; case ESCHER_SpgrContainer : { if ( mbEscherDg ) { mbEscherSpgr = sal_True; } } break; case ESCHER_SpContainer : { } break; default: break; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PptEscherEx::CloseContainer() { /* SJ: #Issue 26747# not creating group objects with a depth higher than 16, because then PPT is having a big performance problem when starting a slide show */ if ( ( mRecTypes.back() != ESCHER_SpgrContainer ) || ( mnGroupLevel < 12 ) ) { sal_uInt32 nSize, nPos = mpOutStrm->Tell(); nSize = ( nPos - mOffsets.back() ) - 4; mpOutStrm->Seek( mOffsets.back() ); *mpOutStrm << nSize; switch( mRecTypes.back() ) { case ESCHER_DgContainer : { if ( mbEscherDg ) { mbEscherDg = sal_False; if ( DoSeek( ESCHER_Persist_Dg | mnCurrentDg ) ) *mpOutStrm << mxGlobal->GetDrawingShapeCount( mnCurrentDg ) << mxGlobal->GetLastShapeId( mnCurrentDg ); } } break; case ESCHER_SpgrContainer : { if ( mbEscherSpgr ) { mbEscherSpgr = sal_False; } } break; default: break; } mOffsets.pop_back(); mRecTypes.pop_back(); mpOutStrm->Seek( nPos ); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uInt32 PptEscherEx::EnterGroup( Rectangle* pBoundRect, SvMemoryStream* pClientData ) { sal_uInt32 nShapeId = 0; /* SJ: #Issue 26747# not creating group objects with a depth higher than 16, because then PPT is having a big performance problem when starting a slide show */ if ( mnGroupLevel < 12 ) { Rectangle aRect; if ( pBoundRect ) aRect = *pBoundRect; OpenContainer( ESCHER_SpgrContainer ); OpenContainer( ESCHER_SpContainer ); AddAtom( 16, ESCHER_Spgr, 1 ); PtReplaceOrInsert( ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Snap | mnGroupLevel, mpOutStrm->Tell() ); *mpOutStrm << (sal_Int32)aRect.Left() // Bounding box fuer die Gruppierten shapes an die sie attached werden << (sal_Int32)aRect.Top() << (sal_Int32)aRect.Right() << (sal_Int32)aRect.Bottom(); nShapeId = GenerateShapeId(); if ( !mnGroupLevel ) AddShape( ESCHER_ShpInst_Min, 5, nShapeId ); // Flags: Group | Patriarch else { AddShape( ESCHER_ShpInst_Min, 0x201, nShapeId ); // Flags: Group | HaveAnchor if ( mnGroupLevel == 1 ) { AddAtom( 8, ESCHER_ClientAnchor ); PtReplaceOrInsert( ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Logic | mnGroupLevel, mpOutStrm->Tell() ); *mpOutStrm << (sal_Int16)aRect.Top() << (sal_Int16)aRect.Left() << (sal_Int16)aRect.Right() << (sal_Int16)aRect.Bottom(); } else { AddAtom( 16, ESCHER_ChildAnchor ); PtReplaceOrInsert( ESCHER_Persist_Grouping_Snap | mnGroupLevel, mpOutStrm->Tell() ); *mpOutStrm << (sal_Int32)aRect.Left() << (sal_Int32)aRect.Top() << (sal_Int32)aRect.Right() << (sal_Int32)aRect.Bottom(); } } if ( pClientData ) { pClientData->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); sal_uInt32 nSize = pClientData->Tell(); if ( nSize ) { *mpOutStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_ClientData << 16 ) | 0xf ) << nSize; mpOutStrm->Write( pClientData->GetData(), nSize ); } } CloseContainer(); // ESCHER_SpContainer } mnGroupLevel++; return nShapeId; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------