/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef _PROPREAD_HXX_ #define _PROPREAD_HXX_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // SummaryInformation #define PID_TITLE 0x02 #define PID_SUBJECT 0x03 #define PID_AUTHOR 0x04 #define PID_KEYWORDS 0x05 #define PID_COMMENTS 0x06 #define PID_TEMPLATE 0x07 #define PID_LASTAUTHOR 0x08 #define PID_REVNUMBER 0x09 #define PID_EDITTIME 0x0a #define PID_LASTPRINTED_DTM 0x0b #define PID_CREATE_DTM 0x0c #define PID_LASTSAVED_DTM 0x0d // DocumentSummaryInformation #define PID_CATEGORY 0x02 #define PID_PRESFORMAT 0x03 #define PID_BYTECOUNT 0x04 #define PID_LINECOUNT 0x05 #define PID_PARACOUNT 0x06 #define PID_SLIDECOUNT 0x07 #define PID_NOTECOUNT 0x08 #define PID_HIDDENCOUNT 0x09 #define PID_MMCLIPCOUNT 0x0a #define PID_SCALE 0x0b #define PID_HEADINGPAIR 0x0c #define PID_DOCPARTS 0x0d #define PID_MANAGER 0x0e #define PID_COMPANY 0x0f #define PID_LINKSDIRTY 0x10 #define VT_EMPTY 0 #define VT_NULL 1 #define VT_I2 2 #define VT_I4 3 #define VT_R4 4 #define VT_R8 5 #define VT_CY 6 #define VT_DATE 7 #define VT_BSTR 8 #define VT_UI4 9 #define VT_ERROR 10 #define VT_BOOL 11 #define VT_VARIANT 12 #define VT_DECIMAL 14 #define VT_I1 16 #define VT_UI1 17 #define VT_UI2 18 #define VT_I8 20 #define VT_UI8 21 #define VT_INT 22 #define VT_UINT 23 #define VT_LPSTR 30 #define VT_LPWSTR 31 #define VT_FILETIME 64 #define VT_BLOB 65 #define VT_STREAM 66 #define VT_STORAGE 67 #define VT_STREAMED_OBJECT 68 #define VT_STORED_OBJECT 69 #define VT_BLOB_OBJECT 70 #define VT_CF 71 #define VT_CLSID 72 #define VT_VECTOR 0x1000 #define VT_ARRAY 0x2000 #define VT_BYREF 0x4000 #define VT_TYPEMASK 0xFFF // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PropItem : public SvMemoryStream { sal_uInt16 mnTextEnc; public : PropItem(){}; void Clear(); void SetTextEncoding( sal_uInt16 nTextEnc ){ mnTextEnc = nTextEnc; }; sal_Bool Read( String& rString, sal_uInt32 nType = VT_EMPTY, sal_Bool bDwordAlign = sal_True ); PropItem& operator=( PropItem& rPropItem ); using SvStream::Read; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Dictionary : protected List { friend class Section; void AddProperty( sal_uInt32 nId, const String& rString ); public : Dictionary(){}; ~Dictionary(); Dictionary& operator=( Dictionary& rDictionary ); sal_uInt32 GetProperty( const String& rPropName ); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Section : private List { sal_uInt16 mnTextEnc; protected: sal_uInt8 aFMTID[ 16 ]; void AddProperty( sal_uInt32 nId, const sal_uInt8* pBuf, sal_uInt32 nBufSize ); public: Section( const sal_uInt8* pFMTID ); Section( Section& rSection ); ~Section(); Section& operator=( Section& rSection ); sal_Bool GetProperty( sal_uInt32 nId, PropItem& rPropItem ); sal_Bool GetDictionary( Dictionary& rDict ); const sal_uInt8* GetFMTID() const { return aFMTID; }; void Read( SvStorageStream* pStrm ); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PropRead : private List { sal_Bool mbStatus; SvStorageStreamRef mpSvStream; sal_uInt16 mnByteOrder; sal_uInt16 mnFormat; sal_uInt16 mnVersionLo; sal_uInt16 mnVersionHi; sal_uInt8 mApplicationCLSID[ 16 ]; void AddSection( Section& rSection ); public: PropRead( SvStorage& rSvStorage, const String& rName ); ~PropRead(); PropRead& operator=( PropRead& rPropRead ); const Section* GetSection( const sal_uInt8* pFMTID ); sal_Bool IsValid() const { return mbStatus; }; void Read(); }; #endif