/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "CustomAnimation.hrc" #include "SlideTransitionPane.hrc" #include "helpids.h" #ifndef _SVT_CONTROLDIMS_HRC_ #include #endif // Note: Sizes of 1 usually means they are auto-calculated Control DLG_SLIDE_TRANSITION_PANE { OutputSize = TRUE ; DialogControl = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, 1 ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "Slide Transition" ; FixedLine FL_APPLY_TRANSITION { Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_FIXEDLINE_HEIGHT ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "Apply to selected slides" ; }; ListBox LB_SLIDE_TRANSITIONS { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_LB_SLIDE_TRANSITIONS ; Border = TRUE ; TabStop = TRUE ; AutoHScroll = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, 1 ) ; }; Fixedline FL_MODIFY_TRANSITION { Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_FIXEDLINE_HEIGHT ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "Modify transition" ; }; FixedText FT_SPEED { Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_FIXEDTEXT_HEIGHT ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "Speed" ; }; ListBox LB_SPEED { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_LB_SPEED ; Border = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; TabStop = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_DROPDOWN_HEIGHT ) ; StringList [ en-US ] = { < "Slow" ; > ; < "Medium" ; > ; < "Fast" ; > ; }; }; FixedText FT_SOUND { Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_FIXEDTEXT_HEIGHT ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "Sound" ; }; ListBox LB_SOUND { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_LB_SOUND ; Border = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; TabStop = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_DROPDOWN_HEIGHT ) ; StringList [ en-US ] = { < "" ; > ; < "" ; > ; < "Other Sound..." ; > ; }; }; Checkbox CB_LOOP_SOUND { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_CB_LOOP_SOUND ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_CHECKBOX_HEIGHT ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "Loop until next sound" ; }; Fixedline FL_ADVANCE_SLIDE { Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_FIXEDLINE_HEIGHT ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "Advance slide" ; }; RadioButton RB_ADVANCE_ON_MOUSE { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_RB_ADVANCE_ON_MOUSE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_RADIOBUTTON_HEIGHT ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "On mouse click" ; }; RadioButton RB_ADVANCE_AUTO { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_RB_ADVANCE_AUTO ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_RADIOBUTTON_HEIGHT ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "Automatically after" ; }; MetricField MF_ADVANCE_AUTO_AFTER { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_MF_ADVANCE_AUTO_AFTER ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_TEXTBOX_HEIGHT ) ; Border = TRUE ; TabStop = TRUE ; Repeat = TRUE ; Spin = TRUE ; Minimum = 0 ; Maximum = 999 ; // decimal digits should be 1, but for now the model only supports whole seconds DecimalDigits = 0 ; // spin size (increment value) should be 5 if digits are 1 SpinSize = 1 ; Unit = FUNIT_CUSTOM ; CustomUnitText [ en-US ] = " sec" ; }; FixedLine FL_EMPTY1 { Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_FIXEDLINE_HEIGHT ) ; }; PushButton PB_APPLY_TO_ALL { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_PB_APPLY_TO_ALL ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "Apply to All Slides" ; }; PushButton PB_PLAY { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_PB_PLAY ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "Play" ; }; PushButton PB_SLIDE_SHOW { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_PB_SLIDE_SHOW ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_PUSHBUTTON_HEIGHT ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "Slide Show" ; }; FixedLine FL_EMPTY2 { Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_FIXEDLINE_HEIGHT ) ; }; Checkbox CB_AUTO_PREVIEW { HelpId = HID_SD_SLIDETRANSITIONPANE_CB_AUTO_PREVIEW ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 1, RSC_CD_CHECKBOX_HEIGHT ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "Automatic preview" ; }; // -------------------- String STR_NO_TRANSITION { Text [ en-US ] = "No Transition" ; }; }; // ********************************************************************** EOF