/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ /* */ #define UNICODE #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) /* disable warnings within system headers */ #endif #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include //#include //#include #include // 10.11.2009 tkr: MinGW doesn't know anything about RegDeleteKeyExW if WINVER < 0x0502. extern "C" { WINADVAPI LONG WINAPI RegDeleteKeyExW(HKEY,LPCWSTR,REGSAM,DWORD); } // 06.11.2009 tkr: to provide windows xp as build systems for mingw we need to define KEY_WOW64_64KEY // in mingw 3.13 KEY_WOW64_64KEY isn't available < Win2003 systems. // Also defined in setup_native\source\win32\customactions\reg64\reg64.cxx,source\win32\customactions\shellextensions\shellextensions.cxx and // extensions\source\activex\main\so_activex.cpp #ifndef KEY_WOW64_64KEY #define KEY_WOW64_64KEY (0x0100) #endif #define TABLE_NAME L"Reg64" #define INSTALLLOCATION L"[INSTALLLOCATION]" bool isInstall4AllUsers; wchar_t * sBasisInstallLocation; enum OPERATION { SET, REMOVE }; #ifdef DEBUG inline void OutputDebugStringFormat( const wchar_t* pFormat, ... ) { wchar_t buffer[1024]; va_list args; va_start( args, pFormat ); StringCchVPrintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), pFormat, args ); OutputDebugString( buffer ); } #else static inline void OutputDebugStringFormat( const wchar_t*, ... ) { } #endif bool WriteRegistry( MSIHANDLE & hMSI, OPERATION op, const wchar_t* componentName) { INSTALLSTATE current_state; INSTALLSTATE comp_state; UINT ret = MsiGetComponentState( hMSI, componentName, ¤t_state, &comp_state ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == ret ) { if (current_state == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - current_state: INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT"); else if (current_state == INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - current_state: INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT"); else if (current_state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - current_state: INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL"); else if (current_state == INSTALLSTATE_REMOVED) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - current_state: INSTALLSTATE_REMOVED"); else if (current_state == INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - current_state: INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE"); else if (current_state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - current_state: INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN"); if (comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - comp_state: INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT"); else if (comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - comp_state: INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT"); else if (comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - comp_state: INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL"); else if (comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_REMOVED) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - comp_state: INSTALLSTATE_REMOVED"); else if (comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - comp_state: INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE"); else if (comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - comp_state: INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN"); switch (op) { case SET : if ( comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL || ( current_state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL && comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN ) ) { return true; } break; case REMOVE: OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - Remove\n" ); if ( current_state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL && (comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT || comp_state == INSTALLSTATE_REMOVED) ) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - To be removed\n" ); return true; } } } else { if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE == ret) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - Invalid handle"); if (ERROR_UNKNOWN_FEATURE == ret) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"WriteRegistry - Unknown feature"); } return false; } BOOL UnicodeEquals( wchar_t* pStr1, wchar_t* pStr2 ) { if ( pStr1 == NULL && pStr2 == NULL ) return TRUE; else if ( pStr1 == NULL || pStr2 == NULL ) return FALSE; while( *pStr1 == *pStr2 && *pStr1 && *pStr2 ) pStr1++, pStr2++; return ( *pStr1 == 0 && *pStr2 == 0 ); } BOOL GetMsiProp( MSIHANDLE hMSI, const wchar_t* pPropName, wchar_t** ppValue ) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"GetMsiProp - START\n" ); DWORD sz = 0; UINT ret = MsiGetProperty( hMSI, pPropName, L"", &sz ); if ( ret == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { sz++; DWORD nbytes = sz * sizeof( wchar_t ); wchar_t* buff = reinterpret_cast( malloc( nbytes ) ); ZeroMemory( buff, nbytes ); MsiGetProperty( hMSI, pPropName, buff, &sz ); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"GetMsiProp - Value" ); OutputDebugStringFormat( buff ); *ppValue = buff; return TRUE; } else if (ret == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"GetMsiProp - ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE" ); } else if (ret == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"GetMsiProp - ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER" ); } else if (ret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"GetMsiProp - ERROR_SUCCESS" ); } OutputDebugStringFormat(L"GetMsiProp - ENDE\n" ); return FALSE; } bool IsInstallForAllUsers( MSIHANDLE hMSI ) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"IsInstallForAllUsers - START\n" ); bool bResult = FALSE; wchar_t* pVal = NULL; if ( GetMsiProp( hMSI, L"ALLUSERS", &pVal ) && pVal ) { bResult = UnicodeEquals( pVal , L"1" ); free( pVal ); } OutputDebugStringFormat(L"IsInstallForAllUsers - ENDE\n" ); return bResult; } wchar_t* GetBasisInstallLocation( MSIHANDLE hMSI ) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"GetBasisInstallLocation - START\n" ); bool bResult = FALSE; wchar_t* pVal = NULL; GetMsiProp( hMSI, L"INSTALLLOCATION", &pVal); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"GetBasisInstallLocation - ENDE\n" ); return pVal; } bool QueryReg64Table(MSIHANDLE& rhDatabase, MSIHANDLE& rhView) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"QueryReg64Table - START\n" ); int const arraysize = 400; wchar_t szSelect[arraysize]; StringCbPrintfW(szSelect, arraysize * sizeof(wchar_t), L"SELECT * FROM %s",TABLE_NAME); OutputDebugStringFormat( szSelect ); UINT ret = MsiDatabaseOpenView(rhDatabase,szSelect,&rhView); if (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ( ret == ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"QueryReg64Table - MsiDatabaseOpenView - FAILED - ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX\n" ); if ( ret == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) OutputDebugStringFormat(L"QueryReg64Table - MsiDatabaseOpenView - FAILED - ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE\n" ); return false; } // execute query - not a parameter query so second parameter is NULL. if (MsiViewExecute(rhView,NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"QueryReg64Table - MsiViewExecute - FAILED\n" ); return false; } OutputDebugStringFormat(L"QueryReg64Table - ENDE\n" ); return true; } //--------------------------------------- bool DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY RootKey, const wchar_t* KeyName) { int rc = RegDeleteKeyExW( RootKey, KeyName, KEY_WOW64_64KEY, 0); return (ERROR_SUCCESS == rc); } //--------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------- bool SetRegistryKey(HKEY RootKey, const wchar_t* KeyName, const wchar_t* ValueName, const wchar_t* Value) { HKEY hSubKey; // open or create the desired key int rc = RegCreateKeyEx( RootKey, KeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, 0, &hSubKey, 0); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"SetRegistryKey - Created\n" ); rc = RegSetValueEx( hSubKey, ValueName, 0, REG_SZ, reinterpret_cast(Value), (wcslen(Value) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } else { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"SetRegistryKey - FAILED\n" ); } return (ERROR_SUCCESS == rc); } bool DoRegEntries( MSIHANDLE& rhMSI, OPERATION op, MSIHANDLE& rhView) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"DoRegEntries - START\n" ); MSIHANDLE hRecord; long lRoot; wchar_t szKey[255]; wchar_t szName[255]; wchar_t szValue[1024]; wchar_t szComponent[255]; /// read records until there are no more records while (MsiViewFetch(rhView,&hRecord) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwKey = 255; DWORD dwName = 255; DWORD dwValue = 1024; DWORD dwComponent = 255; szKey[0] = '\0'; szName[0] = '\0'; szValue[0] = '\0'; szComponent[0] = '\0'; lRoot = MsiRecordGetInteger(hRecord,2); MsiRecordGetString(hRecord,3,szKey,&dwKey); if (!MsiRecordIsNull(hRecord, 4)) MsiRecordGetString(hRecord,4,szName,&dwName); if (!MsiRecordIsNull(hRecord, 5)) { MsiRecordGetString(hRecord,5,szValue,&dwValue); wchar_t* nPos = wcsstr(szValue , INSTALLLOCATION); if ( NULL != nPos) { DWORD nPrefixSize = nPos - szValue; DWORD nPropSize = wcslen(sBasisInstallLocation); DWORD nPostfixSize = dwValue - wcslen( INSTALLLOCATION ); DWORD nNewValueBytes = (nPropSize + nPostfixSize + 1) * sizeof( wchar_t ); wchar_t* newValue = reinterpret_cast( malloc( nNewValueBytes ) ); ZeroMemory( newValue, nNewValueBytes ); // prefix wcsncpy(newValue, szValue, nPrefixSize); // basis location wcsncat(newValue, sBasisInstallLocation, nPropSize * sizeof( wchar_t )); // postfix wcsncat(newValue, nPos + ( wcslen( INSTALLLOCATION ) ), nPropSize * sizeof( wchar_t )); wcsncpy(szValue, newValue, nNewValueBytes <=1024? nNewValueBytes: 1024); free(newValue); } } MsiRecordGetString(hRecord,6,szComponent,&dwComponent); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"****** DoRegEntries *******" ); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"Root:" ); HKEY key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; switch (lRoot) { case(-1): if (isInstall4AllUsers) { key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; OutputDebugStringFormat(L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" ); } else { key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; OutputDebugStringFormat(L"HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ); } break; case(0): key = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; OutputDebugStringFormat(L"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" ); break; case(1): key = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; OutputDebugStringFormat(L"HKEY_CURRENT_USER" ); break; case(2): key = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; OutputDebugStringFormat(L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" ); break; case(3): key = HKEY_USERS; OutputDebugStringFormat(L"HKEY_USERS" ); break; default: OutputDebugStringFormat(L"Unknown Root!" ); break; } OutputDebugStringFormat(L"Key:"); OutputDebugStringFormat( szKey ); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"Name:"); OutputDebugStringFormat( szName ); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"Value:"); OutputDebugStringFormat( szValue); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"Component:"); OutputDebugStringFormat( szComponent ); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"*******************" ); switch (op) { case SET: if (WriteRegistry(rhMSI, SET, szComponent)) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"DoRegEntries - Write\n" ); SetRegistryKey(key, szKey, szName, szValue); } break; case REMOVE: OutputDebugStringFormat(L"DoRegEntries - PreRemove\n" ); if (WriteRegistry(rhMSI, REMOVE, szComponent)) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"DoRegEntries - Remove\n" ); DeleteRegistryKey(key, szKey); } break; } } MsiCloseHandle(rhView); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"DoRegEntries - ENDE\n" ); return true; } bool Reg64(MSIHANDLE& rhMSI, OPERATION op) { isInstall4AllUsers = IsInstallForAllUsers(rhMSI); sBasisInstallLocation = GetBasisInstallLocation(rhMSI); if (NULL == sBasisInstallLocation) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"BASISINSTALLLOCATION is NULL\n" ); return false; } MSIHANDLE hView; MSIHANDLE hDatabase = MsiGetActiveDatabase(rhMSI); QueryReg64Table(hDatabase, hView); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"Do something\n" ); DoRegEntries( rhMSI, op, hView); OutputDebugStringFormat(L"Something done\n" ); MsiCloseHandle(hView); MsiCloseHandle(hDatabase); free(sBasisInstallLocation); return true; } extern "C" UINT __stdcall InstallReg64(MSIHANDLE hMSI) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"InstallReg64\n" ); Reg64(hMSI, SET); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } extern "C" UINT __stdcall DeinstallReg64(MSIHANDLE hMSI) { OutputDebugStringFormat(L"DeinstallReg64\n" ); Reg64(hMSI, REMOVE); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }