/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef INCLUDED_SLIDESHOW_VIEWSHAPE_HXX #define INCLUDED_SLIDESHOW_VIEWSHAPE_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tools.hxx" #include "shapeattributelayer.hxx" #include "animatedsprite.hxx" #include "viewlayer.hxx" #include "doctreenode.hxx" #include namespace slideshow { namespace internal { /** This class is the viewable representation of a draw document's XShape, associated to a specific View The class is able to render the associated XShape on View implementations. */ class ViewShape : private boost::noncopyable { public: /** Create a ViewShape for the given View @param rView The associated View object. */ explicit ViewShape( const ViewLayerSharedPtr& rViewLayer ); /** Query the associated view layer of this shape */ ViewLayerSharedPtr getViewLayer() const; /** Query dimension of a safety border around the shape for AA If the view performs antialiasing, this method calculates a safety border around the shape, in the shape coordinate system, which is guaranteed to include every pixel touched when rendering the shape. */ ::basegfx::B2DSize getAntialiasingBorder() const; // animation methods //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** Notify the ViewShape that an animation starts now This method enters animation mode on the associate target view. The shape can be animated in parallel on different views. @return whether the mode change finished successfully. */ bool enterAnimationMode(); /** Notify the ViewShape that it is no longer animated This methods ends animation mode on the associate target view */ void leaveAnimationMode(); /** Query whether the ViewShape is currently animated This method checks whether the ViewShape is currently in animation mode. */ bool isBackgroundDetached() const { return mbAnimationMode; } // render methods //------------------------------------------------------------------ enum UpdateFlags { NONE= 0, TRANSFORMATION= 1, CLIP= 2, ALPHA= 4, POSITION= 8, CONTENT= 16, FORCE= 32 }; struct RenderArgs { /** Create render argument struct @param rOrigBounds The initial shape bounds @param rUpdateBounds The area covered by the shape @param rBounds The current shape bounds @param rAttr The current shape attribute set. Can be NULL, for default attributes. Attention: stored as a reference, thus, parameter object must stay valid! @param rSubsets Vector of subset rendering ranges. Attention: stored as a reference, thus, parameter object must stay valid! @param nPrio Shape priority */ RenderArgs( const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle& rOrigBounds, const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle& rUpdateBounds, const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle& rBounds, const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle& rUnitBounds, const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& rAttr, const VectorOfDocTreeNodes& rSubsets, double nPrio ) : maOrigBounds( rOrigBounds ), maUpdateBounds( rUpdateBounds ), maBounds( rBounds ), maUnitBounds( rUnitBounds ), mrAttr( rAttr ), mrSubsets( rSubsets ), mnShapePriority( nPrio ) { } const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle maOrigBounds; const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle maUpdateBounds; const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle maBounds; const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle maUnitBounds; const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& mrAttr; const VectorOfDocTreeNodes& mrSubsets; const double mnShapePriority; }; /** Update the ViewShape This method updates the ViewShape on the associated view. If the shape is currently animated, the render target is the sprite, otherwise the view's canvas. This method does not render anything, if the update flags are 0. @param rMtf The metafile representation of the shape @param rArgs Parameter structure, containing all necessary arguments @param nUpdateFlags Bitmask of things to update. Use FORCE to force a repaint. @param bIsVisible When false, the shape is fully invisible (and possibly don't need to be painted) @return whether the rendering finished successfully. */ bool update( const GDIMetaFileSharedPtr& rMtf, const RenderArgs& rArgs, int nUpdateFlags, bool bIsVisible ) const; /** Retrieve renderer for given canvas and metafile. If necessary, the renderer is created or updated for the metafile and attribute layer. @return a renderer that renders to the given destination canvas */ ::cppcanvas::RendererSharedPtr getRenderer( const ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr& rDestinationCanvas, const GDIMetaFileSharedPtr& rMtf, const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& rAttr ) const; private: struct RendererCacheEntry { RendererCacheEntry() : mpDestinationCanvas(), mpRenderer(), mpMtf(), mpLastBitmap(), mpLastBitmapCanvas() { } ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr getDestinationCanvas() { return mpDestinationCanvas; } ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr mpDestinationCanvas; ::cppcanvas::RendererSharedPtr mpRenderer; GDIMetaFileSharedPtr mpMtf; ::cppcanvas::BitmapSharedPtr mpLastBitmap; ::cppcanvas::BitmapCanvasSharedPtr mpLastBitmapCanvas; }; typedef ::std::vector< RendererCacheEntry > RendererCacheVector; /** Prefetch Renderer for given canvas */ bool prefetch( RendererCacheEntry& io_rCacheEntry, const ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr& rDestinationCanvas, const GDIMetaFileSharedPtr& rMtf, const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& rAttr ) const; /** Draw with prefetched Renderer to stored canvas This method draws prefetched Renderer to its associated canvas (which happens to be mpLastCanvas). */ bool draw( const ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr& rDestinationCanvas, const GDIMetaFileSharedPtr& rMtf, const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& rAttr, const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransform, const ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon* pClip, const VectorOfDocTreeNodes& rSubsets ) const; /** Render shape to an active sprite */ bool renderSprite( const ViewLayerSharedPtr& rViewLayer, const GDIMetaFileSharedPtr& rMtf, const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle& rOrigBounds, const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle& rBounds, const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle& rUnitBounds, int nUpdateFlags, const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& pAttr, const VectorOfDocTreeNodes& rSubsets, double nPrio, bool bIsVisible ) const; /** Render shape to given canvas */ bool render( const ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr& rDestinationCanvas, const GDIMetaFileSharedPtr& rMtf, const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle& rBounds, const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle& rUpdateBounds, int nUpdateFlags, const ShapeAttributeLayerSharedPtr& pAttr, const VectorOfDocTreeNodes& rSubsets, bool bIsVisible ) const; /** Calc sprite size in pixel Converts user coordinate system to device pixel, and adds antialiasing border. @param rUserSize Size of the sprite in user coordinate system (doc coordinates) */ ::basegfx::B2DSize calcSpriteSizePixel( const ::basegfx::B2DSize& rUserSize ) const; enum{ MAX_RENDER_CACHE_ENTRIES=2 }; /** Retrieve a valid iterator to renderer cache entry This method ensures that an internal limit of MAX_RENDER_CACHE_ENTRIES is not exceeded. @param rDestinationCanvas Destination canvas to retrieve cache entry for @return a valid iterator to a renderer cache entry for the given canvas. The entry might be default-constructed (if newly added) */ RendererCacheVector::iterator getCacheEntry( const ::cppcanvas::CanvasSharedPtr& rDestinationCanvas ) const; void invalidateRenderer() const; /** The view layer this object is part of. Needed for sprite creation */ ViewLayerSharedPtr mpViewLayer; /// A set of cached mtf/canvas combinations mutable RendererCacheVector maRenderers; /// The sprite object mutable AnimatedSpriteSharedPtr mpSprite; /// If true, render() calls go to the sprite mutable bool mbAnimationMode; /// If true, shape needs full repaint (and the sprite a setup, if any) mutable bool mbForceUpdate; }; typedef ::boost::shared_ptr< ViewShape > ViewShapeSharedPtr; } } #endif /* INCLUDED_SLIDESHOW_VIEWSHAPE_HXX */