#************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** package installer::windows::msiglobal; use Cwd; use Digest::MD5; use installer::converter; use installer::exiter; use installer::files; use installer::globals; use installer::logger; use installer::pathanalyzer; use installer::remover; use installer::scriptitems; use installer::systemactions; use installer::worker; use installer::windows::idtglobal; use installer::windows::language; use installer::patch::ReleasesList; use strict; ########################################################################### # Generating the header of the ddf file. # The usage of ddf files is needed, because makecab.exe can only include # one sourcefile into a cab file ########################################################################### sub write_ddf_file_header { my ($ddffileref, $cabinetfile, $installdir) = @_; my $oneline; $oneline = ".Set CabinetName1=" . $cabinetfile . "\n"; push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline); $oneline = ".Set ReservePerCabinetSize=128\n"; # This reserves space for a digital signature. push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline); $oneline = ".Set MaxDiskSize=2147483648\n"; # This allows the .cab file to get a size of 2 GB. push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline); $oneline = ".Set CompressionType=LZX\n"; push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline); $oneline = ".Set Compress=ON\n"; push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline); $oneline = ".Set CompressionLevel=$installer::globals::cabfilecompressionlevel\n"; push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline); $oneline = ".Set Cabinet=ON\n"; push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline); $oneline = ".Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=" . $installdir . "\n"; push(@{$ddffileref} ,$oneline); } ########################################################################## # Lines in ddf files must not contain more than 256 characters ########################################################################## sub check_ddf_file { my ( $ddffile, $ddffilename ) = @_; my $maxlength = 0; my $maxline = 0; my $linelength = 0; my $linenumber = 0; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$ddffile}; $i++ ) { my $oneline = ${$ddffile}[$i]; $linelength = length($oneline); $linenumber = $i + 1; if ( $linelength > 256 ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR \"$ddffilename\" line $linenumber: Lines in ddf files must not contain more than 256 characters!", "check_ddf_file"); } if ( $linelength > $maxlength ) { $maxlength = $linelength; $maxline = $linenumber; } } my $infoline = "Check of ddf file \"$ddffilename\": Maximum length \"$maxlength\" in line \"$maxline\" (allowed line length: 256 characters)\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } ########################################################################## # Lines in ddf files must not be longer than 256 characters. # Therefore it can be useful to use relative paths. Then it is # necessary to change into temp directory before calling # makecab.exe. ########################################################################## sub make_relative_ddf_path { my ( $sourcepath ) = @_; my $windowstemppath = $installer::globals::temppath; if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { $windowstemppath = $installer::globals::cyg_temppath; } $sourcepath =~ s/\Q$windowstemppath\E//; $sourcepath =~ s/^\\//; return $sourcepath; } ########################################################################## # Generation the list, in which the source of the files is connected # with the cabinet destination file. Because more than one file needs # to be included into a cab file, this has to be done via ddf files. ########################################################################## sub generate_cab_file_list ($$$$) { my ($filesref, $installdir, $ddfdir, $allvariables) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Generating ddf files"); if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { installer::worker::generate_cygwin_pathes($filesref); } # Make sure that all files point to the same cabinet file. # Multiple cabinet files are not supported anymore. my $cabinetfile = $filesref->[0]->{'cabinet'}; foreach my $onefile (@$filesref) { if ($onefile->{'cabinet'} ne $cabinetfile) { installer::exiter::exit_program( "ERROR: multiple cabinet files are not supported", "generate_cab_file_list"); } } # Sort files on the sequence number. my @sorted_files = sort {$a->{'sequencenumber'} <=> $b->{'sequencenumber'}} @$filesref; my @ddffile = (); write_ddf_file_header(\@ddffile, $cabinetfile, $installdir); foreach my $onefile (@sorted_files) { my $styles = $onefile->{'Styles'}; $styles = "" unless defined $styles; if ($styles =~ /\bDONT_PACK\b/) { $installer::logger::Lang->printf(" excluding '%s' from ddf\n", $onefile->{'uniquename'}); } my $uniquename = $onefile->{'uniquename'}; my $sourcepath = $onefile->{'sourcepath'}; if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { $sourcepath = $onefile->{'cyg_sourcepath'}; } # to avoid lines with more than 256 characters, it can be useful to use relative paths if ($allvariables->{'RELATIVE_PATHES_IN_DDF'}) { $sourcepath = make_relative_ddf_path($sourcepath); } my $ddfline = "\"" . $sourcepath . "\"" . " " . $uniquename . "\n"; push(@ddffile, $ddfline); $installer::logger::Lang->printf(" adding '%s' with sequence %d to ddf\n", $onefile->{'uniquename'}, $onefile->{'sequencenumber'}); } # creating the DDF file my $ddffilename = $cabinetfile; $ddffilename =~ s/.cab/.ddf/; $ddfdir =~ s/\Q$installer::globals::separator\E\s*$//; $ddffilename = $ddfdir . $installer::globals::separator . $ddffilename; installer::files::save_file($ddffilename ,\@ddffile); $installer::logger::Lang->print("Created ddf file: %s\n", $ddffilename); # lines in ddf files must not be longer than 256 characters check_ddf_file(\@ddffile, $ddffilename); # collecting all ddf files push(@installer::globals::allddffiles, $ddffilename); # Writing the makecab system call # Return a list with all system calls for packaging process. my @cabfilelist = ("makecab.exe /V3 /F " . $ddffilename . " 2\>\&1 |" . "\n"); return \@cabfilelist; } ################################################################# # Returning the name of the msi database ################################################################# sub get_msidatabasename { my ($allvariableshashref, $language) = @_; my $databasename = $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'} . $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTVERSION'}; $databasename = lc($databasename); $databasename =~ s/\.//g; $databasename =~ s/\-//g; $databasename =~ s/\s//g; # possibility to overwrite the name with variable DATABASENAME if ( $allvariableshashref->{'DATABASENAME'} ) { $databasename = $allvariableshashref->{'DATABASENAME'}; } if ( $language ) { if (!($language eq "")) { $databasename .= "_$language"; } } $databasename .= ".msi"; return $databasename; } ################################################################# # Creating the msi database # This works only on Windows ################################################################# sub create_msi_database { my ($idtdirbase ,$msifilename) = @_; # -f : path containing the idt files # -d : msi database, including path # -c : create database # -i : include the following tables ("*" includes all available tables) my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path my $extraslash = ""; # Has to be set for non-ActiveState perl installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating msi database"); $idtdirbase = installer::converter::make_path_conform($idtdirbase); $msifilename = installer::converter::make_path_conform($msifilename); if ( $^O =~ /cygwin/i ) { # msidb.exe really wants backslashes. (And double escaping because system() expands the string.) $idtdirbase =~ s/\//\\\\/g; $msifilename =~ s/\//\\\\/g; $extraslash = "\\"; } my $systemcall = $msidb . " -f " . $idtdirbase . " -d " . $msifilename . " -c " . "-i " . $extraslash . "*"; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $msidb!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed $msidb successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } ##################################################################### # Returning the value from sis.mlf for Summary Information Stream ##################################################################### sub get_value_from_sis_lng { my ($language, $languagefile, $searchstring) = @_; my $language_block = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_block_from_language_file($searchstring, $languagefile); my $newstring = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_string_from_language_block($language_block, $language, $searchstring); $newstring = "\"" . $newstring . "\""; return $newstring; } ################################################################# # Returning the msi version for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_msiversion_for_sis { my $msiversion = "200"; return $msiversion; } ################################################################# # Returning the word count for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_wordcount_for_sis { my $wordcount = "0"; return $wordcount; } ################################################################# # Returning the codepage for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_codepage_for_sis { my ( $language ) = @_; my $codepage = installer::windows::language::get_windows_encoding($language); # Codepage 65001 does not work in Summary Information Stream if ( $codepage == 65001 ) { $codepage = 0; } # my $codepage = "1252"; # determine dynamically in a function # my $codepage = "65001"; # UTF-8 return $codepage; } ################################################################# # Returning the template for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_template_for_sis { my ( $language, $allvariables ) = @_; my $windowslanguage = installer::windows::language::get_windows_language($language); my $architecture = "Intel"; # Adding 256, if this is a 64 bit installation set. if (( $allvariables->{'64BITPRODUCT'} ) && ( $allvariables->{'64BITPRODUCT'} == 1 )) { $architecture = "x64"; } my $value = "\"" . $architecture . ";" . $windowslanguage; # adding the Windows language $value = $value . "\""; # adding ending '"' return $value ; } ################################################################# # Returning the PackageCode for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_packagecode_for_sis { # always generating a new package code for each package my $guid = "\{" . create_guid() . "\}"; my $infoline = "PackageCode: $guid\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); return $guid; } ################################################################# # Returning the title for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_title_for_sis { my ( $language, $languagefile, $searchstring ) = @_; my $title = get_value_from_sis_lng($language, $languagefile, $searchstring ); return $title; } ################################################################# # Returning the author for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_author_for_sis { my $author = $installer::globals::longmanufacturer; $author = "\"" . $author . "\""; return $author; } ################################################################# # Returning the subject for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_subject_for_sis { my ( $allvariableshashref ) = @_; my $subject = $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'} . " " . $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTVERSION'}; $subject = "\"" . $subject . "\""; return $subject; } ################################################################# # Returning the comment for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_comment_for_sis { my ( $language, $languagefile, $searchstring ) = @_; my $comment = get_value_from_sis_lng($language, $languagefile, $searchstring ); return $comment; } ################################################################# # Returning the keywords for the Summary Information Stream ################################################################# sub get_keywords_for_sis { my ( $language, $languagefile, $searchstring ) = @_; my $keywords = get_value_from_sis_lng($language, $languagefile, $searchstring ); return $keywords; } ###################################################################### # Returning the application name for the Summary Information Stream ###################################################################### sub get_appname_for_sis { my ( $language, $languagefile, $searchstring ) = @_; my $appname = get_value_from_sis_lng($language, $languagefile, $searchstring ); return $appname; } ###################################################################### # Returning the security for the Summary Information Stream ###################################################################### sub get_security_for_sis { my $security = "0"; return $security; } ################################################################# # Writing the Summary information stream into the msi database # This works only on Windows ################################################################# sub write_summary_into_msi_database { my ($msifilename, $language, $languagefile, $allvariableshashref) = @_; # -g : requrired msi version # -c : codepage # -p : template installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Writing summary information stream"); my $msiinfo = "msiinfo.exe"; # Has to be in the path my $sislanguage = "en-US"; # title, comment, keyword and appname alway in english my $msiversion = get_msiversion_for_sis(); my $codepage = get_codepage_for_sis($language); my $template = get_template_for_sis($language, $allvariableshashref); my $guid = get_packagecode_for_sis(); my $title = get_title_for_sis($sislanguage,$languagefile, "OOO_SIS_TITLE"); my $author = get_author_for_sis(); my $subject = get_subject_for_sis($allvariableshashref); my $comment = get_comment_for_sis($sislanguage,$languagefile, "OOO_SIS_COMMENT"); my $keywords = get_keywords_for_sis($sislanguage,$languagefile, "OOO_SIS_KEYWORDS"); my $appname = get_appname_for_sis($sislanguage,$languagefile, "OOO_SIS_APPNAME"); my $security = get_security_for_sis(); my $wordcount = get_wordcount_for_sis(); $msifilename = installer::converter::make_path_conform($msifilename); my $systemcall = $msiinfo . " " . $msifilename . " -g " . $msiversion . " -c " . $codepage . " -p " . $template . " -v " . $guid . " -t " . $title . " -a " . $author . " -j " . $subject . " -o " . $comment . " -k " . $keywords . " -n " . $appname . " -u " . $security . " -w " . $wordcount; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $msiinfo!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed $msiinfo successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } ######################################################################### # For more than one language in the installation set: # Use one database and create Transformations for all other languages ######################################################################### sub create_transforms { my ($languagesarray, $defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allvariableshashref) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating Transforms"); my $msitran = "msitran.exe"; # Has to be in the path $installdir = installer::converter::make_path_conform($installdir); # Syntax for creating a transformation # msitran.exe -g [} my $basedbname = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref, $defaultlanguage); $basedbname = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $basedbname; my $errorhandling = "f"; # Suppress "change codepage" error # Iterating over all files foreach ( @{$languagesarray} ) { my $onelanguage = $_; if ( $onelanguage eq $defaultlanguage ) { next; } my $referencedbname = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref, $onelanguage); $referencedbname = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $referencedbname; my $transformfile = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . "trans_" . $onelanguage . ".mst"; my $systemcall = $msitran . " " . " -g " . $basedbname . " " . $referencedbname . " " . $transformfile . " " . $errorhandling; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); my $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # Problem: msitran.exe in version 4.0 always returns "1", even if no failure occurred. # Therefore it has to be checked, if this is version 4.0. If yes, if the mst file # exists and if it is larger than 0 bytes. If this is true, then no error occurred. # File Version of msitran.exe: 4.0.6000.16384 has checksum: "b66190a70145a57773ec769e16777b29". # Same for msitran.exe from wntmsci12: "aa25d3445b94ffde8ef0c1efb77a56b8" if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "WARNING: Returnvalue of $msitran is not 0. Checking version of $msitran!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); open(FILE, "<$installer::globals::msitranpath") or die "ERROR: Can't open $installer::globals::msitranpath for creating file hash"; binmode(FILE); my $digest = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest; close(FILE); my @problemchecksums = ("b66190a70145a57773ec769e16777b29", "aa25d3445b94ffde8ef0c1efb77a56b8"); my $isproblemchecksum = 0; foreach my $problemchecksum ( @problemchecksums ) { $infoline = "Checksum of problematic MsiTran.exe: $problemchecksum\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); $infoline = "Checksum of used MsiTran.exe: $digest\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ( $digest eq $problemchecksum ) { $isproblemchecksum = 1; } } if ( $isproblemchecksum ) { # Check existence of mst if ( -f $transformfile ) { $infoline = "File $transformfile exists.\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); my $filesize = ( -s $transformfile ); $infoline = "Size of $transformfile: $filesize\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ( $filesize > 0 ) { $infoline = "Info: Returnvalue $returnvalue of $msitran is no problem :-) .\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); $returnvalue = 0; # reset the error } else { $infoline = "Filesize indicates that an error occurred.\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } else { $infoline = "File $transformfile does not exist -> An error occurred.\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } else { $infoline = "This is not a problematic version of msitran.exe. Therefore the error is not caused by problematic msitran.exe.\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $msitran!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed $msitran successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } # The reference database can be deleted my $result = unlink($referencedbname); # $result contains the number of deleted files if ( $result == 0 ) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not remove file $$referencedbname !\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); installer::exiter::exit_program($infoline, "create_transforms"); } } } ######################################################################### # The default language msi database does not need to contain # the language in the database name. Therefore the file # is renamed. Example: "openofficeorg20_01.msi" to "openofficeorg20.msi" ######################################################################### sub rename_msi_database_in_installset { my ($defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allvariableshashref) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Renaming msi database"); my $olddatabasename = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref, $defaultlanguage); $olddatabasename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $olddatabasename; my $newdatabasename = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref); $installer::globals::shortmsidatabasename = $newdatabasename; $newdatabasename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $newdatabasename; installer::systemactions::rename_one_file($olddatabasename, $newdatabasename); $installer::globals::msidatabasename = $newdatabasename; } ######################################################################### # Adding the language to the name of the msi databasename, # if this is required (ADDLANGUAGEINDATABASENAME) ######################################################################### sub add_language_to_msi_database { my ($defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allvariables) = @_; my $languagestring = $defaultlanguage; if ( $allvariables->{'USELANGUAGECODE'} ) { $languagestring = installer::windows::language::get_windows_language($defaultlanguage); } my $newdatabasename = $installer::globals::shortmsidatabasename; $newdatabasename =~ s/\.msi\s*$/_$languagestring\.msi/; $installer::globals::shortmsidatabasename = $newdatabasename; $newdatabasename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $newdatabasename; my $olddatabasename = $installer::globals::msidatabasename; installer::systemactions::rename_one_file($olddatabasename, $newdatabasename); $installer::globals::msidatabasename = $newdatabasename; } ########################################################################## # Writing the databasename into the setup.ini. ########################################################################## sub put_databasename_into_setupini { my ($setupinifile, $allvariableshashref) = @_; my $databasename = get_msidatabasename($allvariableshashref); my $line = "database=" . $databasename . "\n"; push(@{$setupinifile}, $line); } ########################################################################## # Writing the required msi version into setup.ini ########################################################################## sub put_msiversion_into_setupini { my ($setupinifile) = @_; my $msiversion = "2.0"; my $line = "msiversion=" . $msiversion . "\n"; push(@{$setupinifile}, $line); } ########################################################################## # Writing the productname into setup.ini ########################################################################## sub put_productname_into_setupini { my ($setupinifile, $allvariableshashref) = @_; my $productname = $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTNAME'}; my $line = "productname=" . $productname . "\n"; push(@{$setupinifile}, $line); } ########################################################################## # Writing the productcode into setup.ini ########################################################################## sub put_productcode_into_setupini { my ($setupinifile) = @_; my $productcode = $installer::globals::productcode; my $line = "productcode=" . $productcode . "\n"; push(@{$setupinifile}, $line); } ########################################################################## # Writing the ProductVersion from Property table into setup.ini ########################################################################## sub put_productversion_into_setupini { my ($setupinifile) = @_; my $line = "productversion=" . $installer::globals::msiproductversion . "\n"; push(@{$setupinifile}, $line); } ########################################################################## # Writing the key for Minor Upgrades into setup.ini ########################################################################## sub put_upgradekey_into_setupini { my ($setupinifile) = @_; if ( $installer::globals::minorupgradekey ne "" ) { my $line = "upgradekey=" . $installer::globals::minorupgradekey . "\n"; push(@{$setupinifile}, $line); } } ########################################################################## # Writing the number of languages into setup.ini ########################################################################## sub put_languagecount_into_setupini { my ($setupinifile, $languagesarray) = @_; my $languagecount = $#{$languagesarray} + 1; my $line = "count=" . $languagecount . "\n"; push(@{$setupinifile}, $line); } ########################################################################## # Writing the defaultlanguage into setup.ini ########################################################################## sub put_defaultlanguage_into_setupini { my ($setupinifile, $defaultlanguage) = @_; my $windowslanguage = installer::windows::language::get_windows_language($defaultlanguage); my $line = "default=" . $windowslanguage . "\n"; push(@{$setupinifile}, $line); } ########################################################################## # Writing the information about transformations into setup.ini ########################################################################## sub put_transforms_into_setupini { my ($setupinifile, $onelanguage, $counter) = @_; my $windowslanguage = installer::windows::language::get_windows_language($onelanguage); my $transformfilename = "trans_" . $onelanguage . ".mst"; my $line = "lang" . $counter . "=" . $windowslanguage . "," . $transformfilename . "\n"; push(@{$setupinifile}, $line); } ################################################### # Including Windows line ends in ini files # Profiles on Windows shall have \r\n line ends ################################################### sub include_windows_lineends { my ($onefile) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$onefile}; $i++ ) { ${$onefile}[$i] =~ s/\r?\n$/\r\n/; } } ########################################################################## # Generation the file setup.ini, that is used by the loader setup.exe. ########################################################################## sub create_setup_ini { my ($languagesarray, $defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allvariableshashref) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Creating setup.ini"); my $setupinifilename = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . "setup.ini"; my @setupinifile = (); my $setupinifile = \@setupinifile; my $line = "\[setup\]\n"; push(@setupinifile, $line); put_databasename_into_setupini($setupinifile, $allvariableshashref); put_msiversion_into_setupini($setupinifile); put_productname_into_setupini($setupinifile, $allvariableshashref); put_productcode_into_setupini($setupinifile); put_productversion_into_setupini($setupinifile); put_upgradekey_into_setupini($setupinifile); $line = "\[languages\]\n"; push(@setupinifile, $line); put_languagecount_into_setupini($setupinifile, $languagesarray); put_defaultlanguage_into_setupini($setupinifile, $defaultlanguage); if ( $#{$languagesarray} > 0 ) # writing the transforms information { my $counter = 1; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$languagesarray}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$languagesarray}[$i] eq $defaultlanguage ) { next; } put_transforms_into_setupini($setupinifile, ${$languagesarray}[$i], $counter); $counter++; } } if ( $installer::globals::iswin && $installer::globals::plat =~ /cygwin/i) # Windows line ends only for Cygwin { include_windows_lineends($setupinifile); } installer::files::save_file($setupinifilename, $setupinifile); $installer::logger::Lang->printf("Generated file %s\n", $setupinifilename); } ################################################################# # Copying the files defined as ScpActions into the # installation set. ################################################################# sub copy_scpactions_into_installset { my ($defaultlanguage, $installdir, $allscpactions) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Copying ScpAction files into installation set"); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allscpactions}; $i++ ) { my $onescpaction = ${$allscpactions}[$i]; if ( $onescpaction->{'Name'} eq "loader.exe" ) { next; } # do not copy this ScpAction loader # only copying language independent files or files with the correct language (the defaultlanguage) my $filelanguage = $onescpaction->{'specificlanguage'}; if ( ($filelanguage eq $defaultlanguage) || ($filelanguage eq "") ) { my $sourcefile = $onescpaction->{'sourcepath'}; my $destfile = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $onescpaction->{'DestinationName'}; installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destfile); } } } ################################################################# # Copying the files for the Windows installer into the # installation set (setup.exe). ################################################################# sub copy_windows_installer_files_into_installset { my ($installdir, $includepatharrayref, $allvariables) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Copying Windows installer files into installation set"); my @copyfile = (); push(@copyfile, "loader2.exe"); if ( $allvariables->{'NOLOADERREQUIRED'} ) { @copyfile = (); } for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#copyfile; $i++ ) { my $filename = $copyfile[$i]; my $sourcefileref = installer::scriptitems::get_sourcepath_from_filename_and_includepath(\$filename, $includepatharrayref, 1); if ( ! -f $$sourcefileref ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: msi file not found: $$sourcefileref !", "copy_windows_installer_files_into_installset"); } my $destfile; if ( $copyfile[$i] eq "loader2.exe" ) { $destfile = "setup.exe"; } # renaming the loader else { $destfile = $copyfile[$i]; } $destfile = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $destfile; installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($$sourcefileref, $destfile); } } ################################################################# # Copying the child projects into the # installation set ################################################################# sub copy_child_projects_into_installset { my ($installdir, $allvariables) = @_; my $sourcefile = ""; my $destdir = ""; # adding Java if ( $allvariables->{'JAVAPRODUCT'} ) { $sourcefile = $installer::globals::javafile->{'sourcepath'}; $destdir = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::javafile->{'Subdir'}; if ( ! -d $destdir) { installer::systemactions::create_directory($destdir); } installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destdir); } if ( $allvariables->{'UREPRODUCT'} ) { $sourcefile = $installer::globals::urefile->{'sourcepath'}; $destdir = $installdir . $installer::globals::separator . $installer::globals::urefile->{'Subdir'}; if ( ! -d $destdir) { installer::systemactions::create_directory($destdir); } installer::systemactions::copy_one_file($sourcefile, $destdir); } } =head2 create_guid () Create a single UUID aka GUID via calling the external executable 'uuidgen'. There are Perl modules for that, but do they exist on the build bots? =cut sub create_guid () { my $uuid = qx("uuidgen"); $uuid =~ s/\s*$//; return uc($uuid); } ################################################################# # Calculating a GUID with a string using md5. ################################################################# sub calculate_guid { my ( $string ) = @_; my $guid = ""; my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5->add($string); my $digest = $md5->hexdigest; $digest = uc($digest); # my $id = pack("A32", $digest); my ($first, $second, $third, $fourth, $fifth) = unpack ('A8 A4 A4 A4 A12', $digest); $guid = "$first-$second-$third-$fourth-$fifth"; $installer::logger::Lang->printf("guid for '%s' is %s\n", $string, $guid); return $guid; } ################################################################# # Calculating a ID with a string using md5 (very fast). ################################################################# sub calculate_id { my ( $string, $length ) = @_; my $id = ""; my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new; $md5->add($string); my $digest = lc($md5->hexdigest); $id = substr($digest, 0, $length); return $id; } ################################################################# # Filling the component hash with the values of the # component file. ################################################################# sub fill_component_hash { my ($componentfile) = @_; my %components = (); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$componentfile}; $i++ ) { my $line = ${$componentfile}[$i]; if ( $line =~ /^\s*(.*?)\t(.*?)\s*$/ ) { my $key = $1; my $value = $2; $components{$key} = $value; } } return \%components; } ################################################################# # Creating a new component file, if new guids were generated. ################################################################# sub create_new_component_file { my ($componenthash) = @_; my @componentfile = (); my $key; foreach $key (keys %{$componenthash}) { my $value = $componenthash->{$key}; my $input = "$key\t$value\n"; push(@componentfile ,$input); } return \@componentfile; } ################################################################# # Filling real component GUID into the component table. # This works only on Windows ################################################################# sub __set_uuid_into_component_table { my ($idtdirbase, $allvariables) = @_; my $componenttablename = $idtdirbase . $installer::globals::separator . "Componen.idt"; my $componenttable = installer::files::read_file($componenttablename); # For update and patch reasons (small update) the GUID of an existing component must not change! # The collection of component GUIDs is saved in the directory $installer::globals::idttemplatepath in the file "components.txt" my $infoline = ""; my $counter = 0; # my $componentfile = installer::files::read_file($installer::globals::componentfilename); # my $componenthash = fill_component_hash($componentfile); for ( my $i = 3; $i <= $#{$componenttable}; $i++ ) # ignoring the first three lines { my $oneline = ${$componenttable}[$i]; my $componentname = ""; if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*(\S+?)\t/ ) { $componentname = $1; } my $uuid = ""; # if ( $componenthash->{$componentname} ) # { # $uuid = $componenthash->{$componentname}; # } # else # { if ( exists($installer::globals::calculated_component_guids{$componentname})) { $uuid = $installer::globals::calculated_component_guids{$componentname}; } else { # Calculating new GUID with the help of the component name. my $useooobaseversion = 1; if ( exists($installer::globals::base_independent_components{$componentname})) { $useooobaseversion = 0; } my $sourcestring = $componentname; if ( $useooobaseversion ) { if ( ! exists($allvariables->{'OOOBASEVERSION'}) ) { installer::exiter::exit_program( "ERROR: Could not find variable \"OOOBASEVERSION\" (required value for GUID creation)!", "set_uuid_into_component_table"); } $sourcestring = $sourcestring . "_" . $allvariables->{'OOOBASEVERSION'}; } $uuid = calculate_guid($sourcestring); $counter++; # checking, if there is a conflict with an already created guid if ( exists($installer::globals::allcalculated_guids{$uuid}) ) { installer::exiter::exit_program( "ERROR: \"$uuid\" was already created before!", "set_uuid_into_component_table"); } $installer::globals::allcalculated_guids{$uuid} = 1; $installer::globals::calculated_component_guids{$componentname} = $uuid; # Setting new uuid # $componenthash->{$componentname} = $uuid; # Setting flag # $installer::globals::created_new_component_guid = 1; # this is very important! } # } ${$componenttable}[$i] =~ s/COMPONENTGUID/$uuid/; } installer::files::save_file($componenttablename, $componenttable); # if ( $installer::globals::created_new_component_guid ) # { # # create new component file! # $componentfile = create_new_component_file($componenthash); # installer::worker::sort_array($componentfile); # # # To avoid conflict the components file cannot be saved at the same place # # All important data have to be saved in the directory: $installer::globals::infodirectory # my $localcomponentfilename = $installer::globals::componentfilename; # installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$localcomponentfilename); # $localcomponentfilename = $installer::globals::infodirectory . $installer::globals::separator . $localcomponentfilename; # installer::files::save_file($localcomponentfilename, $componentfile); # # # installer::files::save_file($installer::globals::componentfilename, $componentfile); # version using new file in solver # # $infoline = "COMPONENTCODES: Created $counter new GUIDs for components ! \n"; # $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # } # else # { # $infoline = "SUCCESS COMPONENTCODES: All component codes exist! \n"; # $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # } } ######################################################################### # Adding final 64 properties into msi database, if required. # RegLocator : +16 in type column to search in 64 bit registry. # All conditions: "VersionNT" -> "VersionNT64" (several tables). # Already done: "+256" in Attributes column of table "Component". # Still following: Setting "x64" instead of "Intel" in Summary # Information Stream of msi database in "get_template_for_sis". ######################################################################### sub prepare_64bit_database { my ($basedir, $allvariables) = @_; my $infoline = ""; if (( $allvariables->{'64BITPRODUCT'} ) && ( $allvariables->{'64BITPRODUCT'} == 1 )) { # 1. Beginning with table "RegLocat.idt". Adding "16" to the type. my $reglocatfile = ""; my $reglocatfilename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . "RegLocat.idt"; if ( -f $reglocatfilename ) { my $saving_required = 0; $reglocatfile = installer::files::read_file($reglocatfilename); for ( my $i = 3; $i <= $#{$reglocatfile}; $i++ ) # ignoring the first three lines { my $oneline = ${$reglocatfile}[$i]; if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*\#/ ) { next; } # this is a comment line if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*$/ ) { next; } if ( $oneline =~ /^\s*(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(.*?)\t(\d+)\s*$/ ) { # Syntax: Signature_ Root Key Name Type my $sig = $1; my $root = $2; my $key = $3; my $name = $4; my $type = $5; $type = $type + 16; my $newline = $sig . "\t" . $root . "\t" . $key . "\t" . $name . "\t" . $type . "\n"; ${$reglocatfile}[$i] = $newline; $saving_required = 1; } } if ( $saving_required ) { # Saving the files installer::files::save_file($reglocatfilename ,$reglocatfile); $infoline = "Making idt file 64 bit conform: $reglocatfilename\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } # 2. Replacing all occurrences of "VersionNT" by "VersionNT64" my @versionnt_files = ("Componen.idt", "InstallE.idt", "InstallU.idt", "LaunchCo.idt"); foreach my $onefile ( @versionnt_files ) { my $fullfilename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . $onefile; if ( -f $fullfilename ) { my $saving_required = 0; my $filecontent = installer::files::read_file($fullfilename); for ( my $i = 3; $i <= $#{$filecontent}; $i++ ) # ignoring the first three lines { my $oneline = ${$filecontent}[$i]; if ( $oneline =~ /\bVersionNT\b/ ) { ${$filecontent}[$i] =~ s/\bVersionNT\b/VersionNT64/g; $saving_required = 1; } } if ( $saving_required ) { # Saving the files installer::files::save_file($fullfilename ,$filecontent); $infoline = "Making idt file 64 bit conform: $fullfilename\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } } } } ################################################################# # Include all cab files into the msi database. # This works only on Windows ################################################################# sub include_cabs_into_msi { my ($installdir) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Including cabs into msi database"); my $from = cwd(); my $to = $installdir; chdir($to); my $infoline = "Changing into directory: $to"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); my $msidb = "msidb.exe"; # Has to be in the path my $extraslash = ""; # Has to be set for non-ActiveState perl my $msifilename = $installer::globals::msidatabasename; $msifilename = installer::converter::make_path_conform($msifilename); # msidb.exe really wants backslashes. (And double escaping because system() expands the string.) $msifilename =~ s/\//\\\\/g; $extraslash = "\\"; my $allcabfiles = installer::systemactions::find_file_with_file_extension("cab", $installdir); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$allcabfiles}; $i++ ) { my $systemcall = $msidb . " -d " . $msifilename . " -a " . ${$allcabfiles}[$i]; my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); if ($returnvalue) { $infoline = "ERROR: Could not execute $systemcall !\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } else { $infoline = "Success: Executed $systemcall successfully!\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } # deleting the cab file unlink(${$allcabfiles}[$i]); $infoline = "Deleted cab file: ${$allcabfiles}[$i]\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } $infoline = "Changing back into directory: $from"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); chdir($from); } ################################################################# # Executing the created batch file to pack all files. # This works only on Windows ################################################################# sub execute_packaging { my ($localpackjobref, $loggingdir, $allvariables) = @_; installer::logger::include_header_into_logfile("Packaging process"); $installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Performance Info: Execute packaging start"); my $infoline = ""; my $from = cwd(); my $to = $loggingdir; chdir($to); $infoline = "chdir: $to \n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); # if the ddf file contains relative paths, it is necessary to change into the temp directory if ( $allvariables->{'RELATIVE_PATHES_IN_DDF'} ) { $to = $installer::globals::temppath; chdir($to); $infoline = "chdir: $to \n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } # changing the tmp directory, because makecab.exe generates temporary cab files my $origtemppath = ""; if ( $ENV{'TMP'} ) { $origtemppath = $ENV{'TMP'}; } $ENV{'TMP'} = $installer::globals::temppath; # setting TMP to the new unique directory! my $maxmakecabcalls = 3; my $allmakecabcalls = $#{$localpackjobref} + 1; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$localpackjobref}; $i++ ) { my $systemcall = ${$localpackjobref}[$i]; my $callscounter = $i + 1; $installer::logger::Info->printf("... makecab.exe (%s/%s) ... \n", $callscounter, $allmakecabcalls); # my $returnvalue = system($systemcall); for ( my $n = 1; $n <= $maxmakecabcalls; $n++ ) { my @ddfoutput = (); $infoline = "Systemcall: $systemcall"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); open (DDF, "$systemcall"); while () {push(@ddfoutput, $_); } close (DDF); my $returnvalue = $?; # $? contains the return value of the systemcall if ($returnvalue) { if ( $n < $maxmakecabcalls ) { $installer::logger::Info->printf("makecab_error (Try %s): Trying again\n", $n); $installer::logger::Lang->printf("makecab_error (Try %s): Trying again\n", $n); } else { $installer::logger::Info->printf("ERROR (Try %s): Abort packing \n", $n); $installer::logger::Lang->printf("ERROR (Try %s): Abort packing \n", $n); } for ( my $m = 0; $m <= $#ddfoutput; $m++ ) { if ( $ddfoutput[$m] =~ /(ERROR\:.*?)\s*$/ ) { $infoline = $1 . "\n"; if ( $n < $maxmakecabcalls ) { $infoline =~ s/ERROR\:/makecab_error\:/i; } $installer::logger::Info->print($infoline); $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } if ( $n == $maxmakecabcalls ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: \"$systemcall\"!", "execute_packaging"); } } else { $infoline = "Success (Try $n): $systemcall"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); last; } } } $installer::logger::Lang->add_timestamp("Performance Info: Execute packaging end"); # setting back to the original tmp directory $ENV{'TMP'} = $origtemppath; chdir($from); $infoline = "chdir: $from \n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } =head2 get_source_codes($languagesref) Return product code and upgrade code from the source version. When no source version is defined then return undef for both. =cut sub get_source_codes ($) { my ($languagesref) = @_; if ( ! $installer::globals::is_release) { return (undef, undef); } elsif ( ! defined $installer::globals::source_version) { $installer::logger::Lang->printf("no source version defined\n"); return (undef, undef); } my $onelanguage = installer::languages::get_key_language($languagesref); my $release_data = installer::patch::ReleasesList::Instance() ->{$installer::globals::source_version} ->{$installer::globals::packageformat}; if (defined $release_data) { my $normalized_language = installer::languages::get_normalized_language($languagesref); my $language_data = $release_data->{$normalized_language}; if (defined $language_data) { $installer::logger::Lang->printf("source product code is %s\n", $language_data->{'product-code'}); $installer::logger::Lang->printf("source upgrade code is %s\n", $release_data->{'upgrade-code'}); return ( $language_data->{'product-code'}, $release_data->{'upgrade-code'} ); } else { $installer::logger::Info->printf( "Warning: can not access information about previous version %s and language %s/%s/%s\n", $installer::globals::source_version, $onelanguage, join(", ",@$languagesref), $normalized_language); return (undef,undef); } } else { $installer::logger::Info->printf("Warning: can not access information about previous version %s\n", $installer::globals::source_version); return (undef,undef); } } =head2 set_global_code_variables ($languagesref, $allvariableshashref) Determine values for the product code and upgrade code of the target version. As preparation for building a Windows patch, certain conditions have to be fulfilled. - The upgrade code remains the same - The product code remains the same [this is still to be determined. For patches to work we need the same product codes but the install sets install only when the product codes differ.] In order to enforce that we have to access information about the source version. The resulting values are stored as global variables $installer::globals::productcode $installer::globals::upgradecode and as variables in the given hash $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTCODE'} $allvariableshashref->{'UPGRADECODE'} =cut sub set_global_code_variables ($$) { my ($languagesref, $allvariableshashref) = @_; my ($source_product_code, $source_upgrade_code) = get_source_codes($languagesref); my ($target_product_code, $target_upgrade_code) = (undef, undef); if (defined $source_product_code && defined $source_upgrade_code) { if ($installer::globals::is_major_release) { # For a major release we have to change the product code. $target_product_code = "{" . create_guid() . "}"; $installer::logger::Lang->printf("building a major release, created new product code %s\n", $target_product_code); # Let's do a paranoia check that the new and the old guids are # different. In reality the new guid really has to be # different from all other guids used for * codes, components, # etc. if ($target_product_code eq $source_product_code) { installer::logger::PrintError( "new GUID for product code is the same as the old product code but should be different."); } } else { # For minor or micro releases we have to keeep the old product code. $target_product_code = "{" . $source_product_code . "}"; $installer::logger::Lang->printf("building a minor or micro release, reusing product code %s\n", $target_product_code); } $target_upgrade_code = "{" . create_guid() . "}"; # Again, just one test for paranoia. if ($target_upgrade_code eq $source_upgrade_code) { installer::logger::PrintError( "new GUID for upgrade code is the same as the old upgrade code but should be different."); } } else { # There is no previous version with which to compare the product code. # Just create two new uuids. $target_product_code = "{" . create_guid() . "}"; $target_upgrade_code = "{" . create_guid() . "}"; $installer::logger::Lang->printf("there is no source version => created new guids\n"); } # Keep the upgrade code constant between versions. Read it from the codes.txt file. # Note that this handles regular installation sets and language packs. my $onelanguage = ${$languagesref}[0]; $installer::logger::Lang->printf("reading upgrade code for language %s from %s\n", $onelanguage, $installer::globals::codefilename); if (defined $installer::globals::codefilename) { my $code_filename = $installer::globals::codefilename; installer::files::check_file($code_filename); my $codefile = installer::files::read_file($code_filename); my $searchstring = "UPGRADECODE"; my $codeblock = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_block_from_language_file( $searchstring, $codefile); $target_upgrade_code = installer::windows::idtglobal::get_language_string_from_language_block( $codeblock, $onelanguage, ""); } # else use the previously generated upgrade code. $installer::globals::productcode = $target_product_code; $installer::globals::upgradecode = $target_upgrade_code; $allvariableshashref->{'PRODUCTCODE'} = $target_product_code; $allvariableshashref->{'UPGRADECODE'} = $target_upgrade_code; $installer::logger::Lang->printf("target product code is %s\n", $target_product_code); $installer::logger::Lang->printf("target upgrade code is %s\n", $target_upgrade_code); } ############################################################### # Setting the product version used in property table and # upgrade table. Saving in global variable $msiproductversion ############################################################### sub set_msiproductversion { my ( $allvariables ) = @_; my $productversion = $allvariables->{'PRODUCTVERSION'}; if (( $productversion =~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/ ) && ( $productversion > 255 )) { $productversion = $productversion%256; } if ( $productversion =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $productversion = $1 . "\." . $2 . $3 . "\." . $installer::globals::buildid; } elsif ( $productversion =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $productversion = $1 . "\." . $2 . "\." . $installer::globals::buildid; } else { my $productminor = "00"; if (( $allvariables->{'PACKAGEVERSION'} ) && ( $allvariables->{'PACKAGEVERSION'} ne "" )) { if ( $allvariables->{'PACKAGEVERSION'} =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $productminor = $2; } } $productversion = $productversion . "\." . $productminor . "\." . $installer::globals::buildid; } $installer::globals::msiproductversion = $productversion; # Setting $installer::globals::msimajorproductversion, to differ between old version in upgrade table if ( $installer::globals::msiproductversion =~ /^\s*(\d+)\./ ) { my $major = $1; $installer::globals::msimajorproductversion = $major . "\.0\.0"; } } ################################################################################# # Including the msi product version into the bootstrap.ini, Windows only ################################################################################# sub put_msiproductversion_into_bootstrapfile { my ($filesref) = @_; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$filesref}; $i++ ) { my $onefile = ${$filesref}[$i]; if ( $onefile->{'gid'} eq "gid_Profile_Version_Ini" ) { my $file = installer::files::read_file($onefile->{'sourcepath'}); for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#{$file}; $j++ ) { ${$file}[$j] =~ s/\/$installer::globals::msiproductversion/; } installer::files::save_file($onefile->{'sourcepath'}, $file); last; } } } #################################################################################### # Updating the file Property.idt dynamically # Content: # Property Value #################################################################################### sub update_reglocat_table { my ($basedir, $allvariables) = @_; my $reglocatfilename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . "RegLocat.idt"; # Only do something, if this file exists if ( -f $reglocatfilename ) { my $reglocatfile = installer::files::read_file($reglocatfilename); my $layername = ""; if ( $allvariables->{'REGISTRYLAYERNAME'} ) { $layername = $allvariables->{'REGISTRYLAYERNAME'}; } else { for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$reglocatfile}; $i++ ) { if ( ${$reglocatfile}[$i] =~ /\bLAYERNAMETEMPLATE\b/ ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Variable \"REGISTRYLAYERNAME\" has to be defined", "update_reglocat_table"); } } } if ( $layername ne "" ) { # Updating the layername in for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$reglocatfile}; $i++ ) { ${$reglocatfile}[$i] =~ s/\bLAYERNAMETEMPLATE\b/$layername/; } # Saving the file installer::files::save_file($reglocatfilename ,$reglocatfile); my $infoline = "Updated idt file: $reglocatfilename\n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } } #################################################################################### # Updating the file RemoveRe.idt dynamically (RemoveRegistry.idt) # The name of the component has to be replaced. #################################################################################### sub update_removere_table { my ($basedir) = @_; my $removeregistryfilename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . "RemoveRe.idt"; # Only do something, if this file exists if ( -f $removeregistryfilename ) { my $removeregistryfile = installer::files::read_file($removeregistryfilename); for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$removeregistryfile}; $i++ ) { for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$removeregistryfile}; $i++ ) { ${$removeregistryfile}[$i] =~ s/\bREGISTRYROOTCOMPONENT\b/$installer::globals::registryrootcomponent/; } } # Saving the file installer::files::save_file($removeregistryfilename ,$removeregistryfile); my $infoline = "Updated idt file: $removeregistryfilename \n"; $installer::logger::Lang->print($infoline); } } 1;