/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_starmath.hxx" #define SMDLL 1 #include "tools/rcid.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dialog.hxx" #include "starmath.hrc" #include "config.hxx" #include "dialog.hrc" #include "smmod.hxx" #include "symbol.hxx" #include "view.hxx" #include "document.hxx" #include "unomodel.hxx" using ::rtl::OUString; //////////////////////////////////////// // // Da der FontStyle besser ueber die Attribute gesetzt/abgefragt wird als ueber // den StyleName bauen wir uns hier unsere eigene Uebersetzung // Attribute <-> StyleName // class SmFontStyles { String aNormal; String aBold; String aItalic; String aBoldItalic; String aEmpty; public: SmFontStyles(); sal_uInt16 GetCount() const { return 4; } const String & GetStyleName( const Font &rFont ) const; const String & GetStyleName( sal_uInt16 nIdx ) const; }; SmFontStyles::SmFontStyles() : aNormal ( ResId( RID_FONTREGULAR, *SM_MOD()->GetResMgr() ) ), aBold ( ResId( RID_FONTBOLD, *SM_MOD()->GetResMgr() ) ), aItalic ( ResId( RID_FONTITALIC, *SM_MOD()->GetResMgr() ) ) { // SM_MOD()->GetResMgr().FreeResource(); aBoldItalic = aBold; aBoldItalic.AppendAscii( ", " ); aBoldItalic += aItalic; } const String & SmFontStyles::GetStyleName( const Font &rFont ) const { //! compare also SmSpecialNode::Prepare sal_Bool bBold = IsBold( rFont ), bItalic = IsItalic( rFont ); if (bBold && bItalic) return aBoldItalic; else if (bItalic) return aItalic; else if (bBold) return aBold; else return aNormal; } const String & SmFontStyles::GetStyleName( sal_uInt16 nIdx ) const { // 0 = "normal", 1 = "italic", // 2 = "bold", 3 = "bold italic" #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT( nIdx < GetCount(), "index out of range" ); #endif switch (nIdx) { case 0 : return aNormal; case 1 : return aItalic; case 2 : return aBold; case 3 : return aBoldItalic; } return aEmpty; } const SmFontStyles & GetFontStyles() { static const SmFontStyles aImpl; return aImpl; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SetFontStyle(const XubString &rStyleName, Font &rFont) { // finden des Index passend zum StyleName fuer den leeren StyleName wird // 0 (nicht bold nicht italic) angenommen. sal_uInt16 nIndex = 0; if (rStyleName.Len()) { sal_uInt16 i; const SmFontStyles &rStyles = GetFontStyles(); for (i = 0; i < rStyles.GetCount(); i++) if (rStyleName.CompareTo( rStyles.GetStyleName(i) ) == COMPARE_EQUAL) break; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(i < rStyles.GetCount(), "style-name unknown"); #endif nIndex = i; } rFont.SetItalic((nIndex & 0x1) ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE); rFont.SetWeight((nIndex & 0x2) ? WEIGHT_BOLD : WEIGHT_NORMAL); } /**************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG/*pButton*/ ) { aZoom.Enable(aSizeZoomed.IsChecked()); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl, Button *, pButton ) SmPrintOptionsTabPage::SmPrintOptionsTabPage(Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rOptions) : SfxTabPage(pParent, SmResId(RID_PRINTOPTIONPAGE), rOptions), aFixedLine1 (this, SmResId( FL_PRINTOPTIONS )), aTitle (this, SmResId( CB_TITLEROW )), aText (this, SmResId( CB_EQUATION_TEXT )), aFrame (this, SmResId( CB_FRAME )), aFixedLine2 (this, SmResId( FL_PRINT_FORMAT )), aSizeNormal (this, SmResId( RB_ORIGINAL_SIZE )), aSizeScaled (this, SmResId( RB_FIT_TO_PAGE )), aSizeZoomed (this, SmResId( RB_ZOOM )), aZoom (this, SmResId( MF_ZOOM )), aFixedLine3 (this, SmResId( FL_MISC_OPTIONS )), aNoRightSpaces (this, SmResId( CB_IGNORE_SPACING )), aSaveOnlyUsedSymbols (this, SmResId( CB_SAVE_ONLY_USED_SYMBOLS )) { FreeResource(); aSizeNormal.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl)); aSizeScaled.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl)); aSizeZoomed.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmPrintOptionsTabPage, SizeButtonClickHdl)); Reset(rOptions); } sal_Bool SmPrintOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet& rSet) { sal_uInt16 nPrintSize; if (aSizeNormal.IsChecked()) nPrintSize = PRINT_SIZE_NORMAL; else if (aSizeScaled.IsChecked()) nPrintSize = PRINT_SIZE_SCALED; else nPrintSize = PRINT_SIZE_ZOOMED; rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(GetWhich(SID_PRINTSIZE), (sal_uInt16) nPrintSize)); rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(GetWhich(SID_PRINTZOOM), (sal_uInt16) aZoom.GetValue())); rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_PRINTTITLE), aTitle.IsChecked())); rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_PRINTTEXT), aText.IsChecked())); rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_PRINTFRAME), aFrame.IsChecked())); rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_NO_RIGHT_SPACES), aNoRightSpaces.IsChecked())); rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(GetWhich(SID_SAVE_ONLY_USED_SYMBOLS), aSaveOnlyUsedSymbols.IsChecked())); return sal_True; } void SmPrintOptionsTabPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet& rSet) { SmPrintSize ePrintSize = (SmPrintSize)((const SfxUInt16Item &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTSIZE))).GetValue(); aSizeNormal.Check(ePrintSize == PRINT_SIZE_NORMAL); aSizeScaled.Check(ePrintSize == PRINT_SIZE_SCALED); aSizeZoomed.Check(ePrintSize == PRINT_SIZE_ZOOMED); aZoom.Enable(aSizeZoomed.IsChecked()); aZoom.SetValue(((const SfxUInt16Item &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTZOOM))).GetValue()); aTitle.Check(((const SfxBoolItem &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTTITLE))).GetValue()); aText.Check(((const SfxBoolItem &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTTEXT))).GetValue()); aFrame.Check(((const SfxBoolItem &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_PRINTFRAME))).GetValue()); aNoRightSpaces.Check(((const SfxBoolItem &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_NO_RIGHT_SPACES))).GetValue()); aSaveOnlyUsedSymbols.Check(((const SfxBoolItem &)rSet.Get(GetWhich(SID_SAVE_ONLY_USED_SYMBOLS))).GetValue()); } SfxTabPage* SmPrintOptionsTabPage::Create(Window* pWindow, const SfxItemSet& rSet) { return (new SmPrintOptionsTabPage(pWindow, rSet)); } /**************************************************************************/ void SmShowFont::Paint(const Rectangle& rRect ) { Control::Paint( rRect ); XubString Text (GetFont().GetName()); Size TextSize(GetTextWidth(Text), GetTextHeight()); DrawText(Point((GetOutputSize().Width() - TextSize.Width()) / 2, (GetOutputSize().Height() - TextSize.Height()) / 2), Text); } void SmShowFont::SetFont(const Font& rFont) { Color aTxtColor( GetTextColor() ); Font aFont (rFont); Invalidate(); aFont.SetSize(Size(0, 24)); aFont.SetAlign(ALIGN_TOP); Control::SetFont(aFont); // keep old text color (new font may have different color) SetTextColor( aTxtColor ); } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmFontDialog, FontSelectHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox ) { Face.SetName(pComboBox->GetText()); aShowFont.SetFont(Face); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmFontDialog, FontSelectHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox ) IMPL_LINK( SmFontDialog, FontModifyHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox ) { // if font is available in list then use it sal_uInt16 nPos = pComboBox->GetEntryPos( pComboBox->GetText() ); if (COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND != nPos) { FontSelectHdl( pComboBox ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmFontDialog, AttrChangeHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG /*pCheckBox*/ ) { if (aBoldCheckBox.IsChecked()) Face.SetWeight(FontWeight(WEIGHT_BOLD)); else Face.SetWeight(FontWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL)); if (aItalicCheckBox.IsChecked()) Face.SetItalic(ITALIC_NORMAL); else Face.SetItalic(ITALIC_NONE); aShowFont.SetFont(Face); return 0; } void SmFontDialog::SetFont(const Font &rFont) { Face = rFont; aFontBox.SetText( Face.GetName() ); aBoldCheckBox.Check( IsBold( Face ) ); aItalicCheckBox.Check( IsItalic( Face ) ); aShowFont.SetFont(Face); } SmFontDialog::SmFontDialog(Window * pParent, OutputDevice *pFntListDevice, sal_Bool bHideCheckboxes, sal_Bool bFreeRes) : ModalDialog(pParent,SmResId(RID_FONTDIALOG)), aFixedText1 (this, SmResId(1)), aFontBox (this, SmResId(1)), aBoldCheckBox (this, SmResId(1)), aItalicCheckBox (this, SmResId(2)), aOKButton1 (this, SmResId(1)), aCancelButton1 (this, SmResId(1)), aShowFont (this, SmResId(1)), aFixedText2 (this, SmResId(2)) { if (bFreeRes) FreeResource(); { WaitObject( this ); FontList aFontList( pFntListDevice ); sal_uInt16 nCount = aFontList.GetFontNameCount(); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++) aFontBox.InsertEntry( aFontList.GetFontName(i).GetName() ); Face.SetSize(Size(0, 24)); Face.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL); Face.SetItalic(ITALIC_NONE); Face.SetFamily(FAMILY_DONTKNOW); Face.SetPitch(PITCH_DONTKNOW); Face.SetCharSet(RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW); Face.SetTransparent(sal_True); InitColor_Impl(); // preview like controls should have a 2D look aShowFont.SetBorderStyle( WINDOW_BORDER_MONO ); } aFontBox.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmFontDialog, FontSelectHdl)); aFontBox.SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmFontDialog, FontModifyHdl)); aBoldCheckBox.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmFontDialog, AttrChangeHdl)); aItalicCheckBox.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmFontDialog, AttrChangeHdl)); if (bHideCheckboxes) { aBoldCheckBox.Check( sal_False ); aBoldCheckBox.Enable( sal_False ); aBoldCheckBox.Show( sal_False ); aItalicCheckBox.Check( sal_False ); aItalicCheckBox.Enable( sal_False ); aItalicCheckBox.Show( sal_False ); aFixedText2.Show( sal_False ); Size aSize( aFontBox.GetSizePixel() ); long nComboBoxBottom = aFontBox.GetPosPixel().Y() + aFontBox.GetSizePixel().Height(); long nCheckBoxBottom = aItalicCheckBox.GetPosPixel().Y() + aItalicCheckBox.GetSizePixel().Height(); aSize.Height() += nCheckBoxBottom - nComboBoxBottom; aFontBox.SetSizePixel( aSize ); } } void SmFontDialog::InitColor_Impl() { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 Color aBC( GetDisplayBackground().GetColor() ); #endif ColorData nBgCol = COL_WHITE, nTxtCol = COL_BLACK; const StyleSettings &rS = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if (rS.GetHighContrastMode()) { nBgCol = rS.GetFieldColor().GetColor(); nTxtCol = rS.GetFieldTextColor().GetColor(); } Color aTmpColor( nBgCol ); Wallpaper aWall( aTmpColor ); Color aTxtColor( nTxtCol ); aShowFont.SetBackground( aWall ); aShowFont.SetTextColor( aTxtColor ); } void SmFontDialog::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) ) InitColor_Impl(); ModalDialog::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } /**************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SmFontSizeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG /*pButton*/ ) { QueryBox *pQueryBox = new QueryBox(this, SmResId(RID_DEFAULTSAVEQUERY)); if (pQueryBox->Execute() == RET_YES) { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD(); SmFormat aFmt( pp->GetConfig()->GetStandardFormat() ); WriteTo( aFmt ); pp->GetConfig()->SetStandardFormat( aFmt ); } delete pQueryBox; return 0; } SmFontSizeDialog::SmFontSizeDialog(Window * pParent, sal_Bool bFreeRes) : ModalDialog(pParent, SmResId(RID_FONTSIZEDIALOG)), aFixedText1(this, SmResId(1)), aBaseSize(this, SmResId(1)), aFixedText4(this, SmResId(4)), aTextSize(this, SmResId(4)), aFixedText5(this, SmResId(5)), aIndexSize(this, SmResId(5)), aFixedText6(this, SmResId(6)), aFunctionSize(this, SmResId(6)), aFixedText7(this, SmResId(7)), aOperatorSize(this, SmResId(7)), aFixedText8(this, SmResId(8)), aBorderSize(this, SmResId(8)), aFixedLine1(this, SmResId(1)), aOKButton1(this, SmResId(1)), aCancelButton1(this, SmResId(1)), aDefaultButton(this, SmResId(1)) { if (bFreeRes) FreeResource(); aDefaultButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmFontSizeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl)); } void SmFontSizeDialog::ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat) { //! aufpassen: richtig runden! aBaseSize.SetValue( SmRoundFraction( Sm100th_mmToPts( rFormat.GetBaseSize().Height() ) ) ); aTextSize .SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_TEXT) ); aIndexSize .SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_INDEX) ); aFunctionSize.SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_FUNCTION) ); aOperatorSize.SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_OPERATOR) ); aBorderSize .SetValue( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_LIMITS) ); } void SmFontSizeDialog::WriteTo(SmFormat &rFormat) const { rFormat.SetBaseSize( Size(0, SmPtsTo100th_mm( static_cast< long >(aBaseSize.GetValue()))) ); rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_TEXT, (sal_uInt16) aTextSize .GetValue()); rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_INDEX, (sal_uInt16) aIndexSize .GetValue()); rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_FUNCTION, (sal_uInt16) aFunctionSize.GetValue()); rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_OPERATOR, (sal_uInt16) aOperatorSize.GetValue()); rFormat.SetRelSize(SIZ_LIMITS, (sal_uInt16) aBorderSize .GetValue()); const Size aTmp (rFormat.GetBaseSize()); for (sal_uInt16 i = FNT_BEGIN; i <= FNT_END; i++) rFormat.SetFontSize(i, aTmp); rFormat.RequestApplyChanges(); } /**************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SmFontTypeDialog, MenuSelectHdl, Menu *, pMenu ) { SmFontPickListBox *pActiveListBox; sal_Bool bHideCheckboxes = sal_False; switch (pMenu->GetCurItemId()) { case 1: pActiveListBox = &aVariableFont; break; case 2: pActiveListBox = &aFunctionFont; break; case 3: pActiveListBox = &aNumberFont; break; case 4: pActiveListBox = &aTextFont; break; case 5: pActiveListBox = &aSerifFont; bHideCheckboxes = sal_True; break; case 6: pActiveListBox = &aSansFont; bHideCheckboxes = sal_True; break; case 7: pActiveListBox = &aFixedFont; bHideCheckboxes = sal_True; break; default:pActiveListBox = NULL; } if (pActiveListBox) { SmFontDialog *pFontDialog = new SmFontDialog(this, pFontListDev, bHideCheckboxes); pActiveListBox->WriteTo(*pFontDialog); if (pFontDialog->Execute() == RET_OK) pActiveListBox->ReadFrom(*pFontDialog); delete pFontDialog; } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmFontTypeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG /*pButton*/ ) { QueryBox *pQueryBox = new QueryBox(this, SmResId(RID_DEFAULTSAVEQUERY)); if (pQueryBox->Execute() == RET_YES) { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD(); SmFormat aFmt( pp->GetConfig()->GetStandardFormat() ); WriteTo( aFmt ); pp->GetConfig()->SetStandardFormat( aFmt, sal_True ); } delete pQueryBox; return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmFontTypeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, pButton ) SmFontTypeDialog::SmFontTypeDialog(Window * pParent, OutputDevice *pFntListDevice, sal_Bool bFreeRes) : ModalDialog(pParent, SmResId(RID_FONTTYPEDIALOG)), aFixedText1 (this, SmResId(1)), aVariableFont (this, SmResId(1)), aFixedText2 (this, SmResId(2)), aFunctionFont (this, SmResId(2)), aFixedText3 (this, SmResId(3)), aNumberFont (this, SmResId(3)), aFixedText4 (this, SmResId(4)), aTextFont (this, SmResId(4)), aFixedText5 (this, SmResId(5)), aSerifFont (this, SmResId(5)), aFixedText6 (this, SmResId(6)), aSansFont (this, SmResId(6)), aFixedText7 (this, SmResId(7)), aFixedFont (this, SmResId(7)), aFixedLine1 (this, SmResId(1)), aFixedLine2 (this, SmResId(2)), aOKButton1 (this, SmResId(1)), aCancelButton1 (this, SmResId(1)), aMenuButton (this, SmResId(1)), aDefaultButton (this, SmResId(2)), pFontListDev (pFntListDevice) { if (bFreeRes) FreeResource(); aDefaultButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmFontTypeDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl)); aMenuButton.GetPopupMenu()->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmFontTypeDialog, MenuSelectHdl)); } void SmFontTypeDialog::ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat) { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD(); aVariableFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_VARIABLE); aFunctionFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_FUNCTION); aNumberFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_NUMBER); aTextFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_TEXT); aSerifFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_SERIF); aSansFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_SANS); aFixedFont = pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_FIXED); aVariableFont.Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_VARIABLE) ); aFunctionFont.Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_FUNCTION) ); aNumberFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_NUMBER) ); aTextFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_TEXT) ); aSerifFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_SERIF) ); aSansFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_SANS) ); aFixedFont .Insert( rFormat.GetFont(FNT_FIXED) ); } void SmFontTypeDialog::WriteTo(SmFormat &rFormat) const { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD(); pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_VARIABLE) = aVariableFont; pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_FUNCTION) = aFunctionFont; pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_NUMBER) = aNumberFont; pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_TEXT) = aTextFont; pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_SERIF) = aSerifFont; pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_SANS) = aSansFont; pp->GetConfig()->GetFontPickList(FNT_FIXED) = aFixedFont; rFormat.SetFont( FNT_VARIABLE, aVariableFont.Get(0) ); rFormat.SetFont( FNT_FUNCTION, aFunctionFont.Get(0) ); rFormat.SetFont( FNT_NUMBER, aNumberFont .Get(0) ); rFormat.SetFont( FNT_TEXT, aTextFont .Get(0) ); rFormat.SetFont( FNT_SERIF, aSerifFont .Get(0) ); rFormat.SetFont( FNT_SANS, aSansFont .Get(0) ); rFormat.SetFont( FNT_FIXED, aFixedFont .Get(0) ); rFormat.RequestApplyChanges(); } /**************************************************************************/ struct FieldMinMax { sal_uInt16 nMin, nMax; }; // Data for min and max values of the 4 metric fields // for each of the 10 categories static const FieldMinMax pMinMaxData[10][4] = { // 0 {{ 0, 200 }, { 0, 200 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }}, // 1 {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }}, // 2 {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }}, // 3 {{ 0, 100 }, { 1, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }}, // 4 {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }}, // 5 {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 100 }}, // 6 {{ 0, 300 }, { 0, 300 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }}, // 7 {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }}, // 8 {{ 0, 100 }, { 0, 100 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }}, // 9 {{ 0, 10000 }, { 0, 10000 }, { 0, 10000 }, { 0, 10000 }} }; SmCategoryDesc::SmCategoryDesc(const ResId& rResId, sal_uInt16 nCategoryIdx) : Resource(rResId), bIsHighContrast(sal_False) { if (IsAvailableRes(ResId(1,*rResId.GetResMgr()).SetRT(RSC_STRING))) { Name = XubString(ResId(1,*rResId.GetResMgr())); int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int nI2 = i + 2; if (IsAvailableRes(ResId(nI2,*rResId.GetResMgr()).SetRT(RSC_STRING))) { Strings [i] = new XubString(ResId(nI2,*rResId.GetResMgr())); Graphics [i] = new Bitmap(ResId(10*nI2,*rResId.GetResMgr())); GraphicsH[i] = new Bitmap(ResId(10*nI2+1,*rResId.GetResMgr())); } else { Strings [i] = 0; Graphics [i] = 0; GraphicsH[i] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const FieldMinMax &rMinMax = pMinMaxData[ nCategoryIdx ][i]; Value[i] = Minimum[i] = rMinMax.nMin; Maximum[i] = rMinMax.nMax; } } FreeResource(); } SmCategoryDesc::~SmCategoryDesc() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { delete Strings [i]; delete Graphics [i]; delete GraphicsH[i]; } } /**************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl, Control *, pControl ) { if (Categories[nActiveCategory]) { sal_uInt16 i; if (pControl == &aMetricField1) i = 0; else if (pControl == &aMetricField2) i = 1; else if (pControl == &aMetricField3) i = 2; else if (pControl == &aMetricField4) i = 3; else return 0; aBitmap.SetBitmap(*(Categories[nActiveCategory]->GetGraphic(i))); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmDistanceDialog, MenuSelectHdl, Menu *, pMenu ) { SetCategory(pMenu->GetCurItemId() - 1); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmDistanceDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG /*pButton*/ ) { QueryBox *pQueryBox = new QueryBox(this, SmResId(RID_DEFAULTSAVEQUERY)); if (pQueryBox->Execute() == RET_YES) { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD(); SmFormat aFmt( pp->GetConfig()->GetStandardFormat() ); WriteTo( aFmt ); pp->GetConfig()->SetStandardFormat( aFmt ); } delete pQueryBox; return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmDistanceDialog, CheckBoxClickHdl, CheckBox *, pCheckBox ) { if (pCheckBox == &aCheckBox1) { aCheckBox1.Toggle(); sal_Bool bChecked = aCheckBox1.IsChecked(); aFixedText4 .Enable( bChecked ); aMetricField4.Enable( bChecked ); } return 0; } void SmDistanceDialog::SetHelpId(MetricField &rField, const rtl::OString& sHelpId) { //! HelpID's die auf diese Weise explizit gesetzt werden, muessen im //! util Verzeichnis im File "hidother.src" mit Hilfe von "hidspecial" //! definiert werden! const XubString aEmptyText; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(aEmptyText.Len() == 0, "Sm: Ooops..."); #endif rField.SetHelpId(sHelpId); rField.SetHelpText(aEmptyText); // since MetricField inherits from SpinField which has a sub Edit field // (which is actually the one we modify) we have to set the help-id // for it too. Edit *pSubEdit = rField.GetSubEdit(); if (pSubEdit) { pSubEdit->SetHelpId(sHelpId); pSubEdit->SetHelpText(aEmptyText); } } void SmDistanceDialog::SetCategory(sal_uInt16 nCategory) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(/*0 <= nCategory &&*/ nCategory < NOCATEGORIES, "Sm: falsche Kategorienummer in SmDistanceDialog"); #endif // array to convert category- and metricfield-number in help ids. // 0 is used in case of unused combinations. #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(NOCATEGORIES == 10, "Sm : Array passt nicht zu Anzahl der Kategorien"); #endif const char* __READONLY_DATA aCatMf2Hid[10][4] = { { HID_SMA_DEFAULT_DIST, HID_SMA_LINE_DIST, HID_SMA_ROOT_DIST, 0 }, { HID_SMA_SUP_DIST, HID_SMA_SUB_DIST , 0, 0 }, { HID_SMA_NUMERATOR_DIST, HID_SMA_DENOMINATOR_DIST, 0, 0 }, { HID_SMA_FRACLINE_EXCWIDTH, HID_SMA_FRACLINE_LINEWIDTH, 0, 0 }, { HID_SMA_UPPERLIMIT_DIST, HID_SMA_LOWERLIMIT_DIST, 0, 0 }, { HID_SMA_BRACKET_EXCHEIGHT, HID_SMA_BRACKET_DIST, 0, HID_SMA_BRACKET_EXCHEIGHT2 }, { HID_SMA_MATRIXROW_DIST, HID_SMA_MATRIXCOL_DIST, 0, 0 }, { HID_SMA_ATTRIBUT_DIST, HID_SMA_INTERATTRIBUT_DIST, 0, 0 }, { HID_SMA_OPERATOR_EXCHEIGHT, HID_SMA_OPERATOR_DIST, 0, 0 }, { HID_SMA_LEFTBORDER_DIST, HID_SMA_RIGHTBORDER_DIST, HID_SMA_UPPERBORDER_DIST, HID_SMA_LOWERBORDER_DIST } }; // array to help iterate over the controls Window * __READONLY_DATA aWin[4][2] = { { &aFixedText1, &aMetricField1 }, { &aFixedText2, &aMetricField2 }, { &aFixedText3, &aMetricField3 }, { &aFixedText4, &aMetricField4 } }; SmCategoryDesc *pCat; // merken der (evtl neuen) Einstellungen der aktiven SmCategoryDesc // bevor zu der neuen gewechselt wird. if (nActiveCategory != CATEGORY_NONE) { pCat = Categories[nActiveCategory]; pCat->SetValue(0, (sal_uInt16) aMetricField1.GetValue()); pCat->SetValue(1, (sal_uInt16) aMetricField2.GetValue()); pCat->SetValue(2, (sal_uInt16) aMetricField3.GetValue()); pCat->SetValue(3, (sal_uInt16) aMetricField4.GetValue()); if (nActiveCategory == 5) bScaleAllBrackets = aCheckBox1.IsChecked(); aMenuButton.GetPopupMenu()->CheckItem(nActiveCategory + 1, sal_False); } // aktivieren/deaktivieren der zugehoerigen Controls in Abhaengigkeit von der // gewaehlten Kategorie. sal_Bool bActive; for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < 4; i++) { FixedText *pFT = (FixedText * const) aWin[i][0]; MetricField *pMF = (MetricField * const) aWin[i][1]; // Um feststellen welche Controls aktiv sein sollen wird das // vorhandensein einer zugehoerigen HelpID ueberprueft. bActive = aCatMf2Hid[nCategory][i] != 0; pFT->Show(bActive); pFT->Enable(bActive); pMF->Show(bActive); pMF->Enable(bActive); // setzen von Masseinheit und Anzahl der Nachkommastellen FieldUnit eUnit; sal_uInt16 nDigits; if (nCategory < 9) { eUnit = FUNIT_CUSTOM; nDigits = 0; pMF->SetCustomUnitText( '%' ); } else { eUnit = FUNIT_100TH_MM; nDigits = 2; } pMF->SetUnit(eUnit); //! veraendert den Wert pMF->SetDecimalDigits(nDigits); if (bActive) { pCat = Categories[nCategory]; pFT->SetText(*pCat->GetString(i)); pMF->SetMin(pCat->GetMinimum(i)); pMF->SetMax(pCat->GetMaximum(i)); pMF->SetValue(pCat->GetValue(i)); SetHelpId(*pMF, aCatMf2Hid[nCategory][i]); } } // nun noch die CheckBox und das zugehoerige MetricField genau dann aktivieren, // falls es sich um das Klammer Menu handelt. bActive = nCategory == 5; aCheckBox1.Show(bActive); aCheckBox1.Enable(bActive); if (bActive) { aCheckBox1.Check( bScaleAllBrackets ); sal_Bool bChecked = aCheckBox1.IsChecked(); aFixedText4 .Enable( bChecked ); aMetricField4.Enable( bChecked ); } aMenuButton.GetPopupMenu()->CheckItem(nCategory + 1, sal_True); aFixedLine.SetText(Categories[nCategory]->GetName()); nActiveCategory = nCategory; aMetricField1.GrabFocus(); Invalidate(); Update(); } SmDistanceDialog::SmDistanceDialog(Window *pParent, sal_Bool bFreeRes) : ModalDialog(pParent, SmResId(RID_DISTANCEDIALOG)), aFixedText1 (this, SmResId(1)), aMetricField1 (this, SmResId(1)), aFixedText2 (this, SmResId(2)), aMetricField2 (this, SmResId(2)), aFixedText3 (this, SmResId(3)), aMetricField3 (this, SmResId(3)), aCheckBox1 (this, SmResId(1)), aFixedText4 (this, SmResId(4)), aMetricField4 (this, SmResId(4)), aOKButton1 (this, SmResId(1)), aCancelButton1 (this, SmResId(1)), aMenuButton (this, SmResId(1)), aDefaultButton (this, SmResId(1)), aBitmap (this, SmResId(1)), aFixedLine (this, SmResId(1)) { for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < NOCATEGORIES; i++) Categories[i] = new SmCategoryDesc(SmResId(i + 1), i); nActiveCategory = CATEGORY_NONE; bScaleAllBrackets = sal_False; if (bFreeRes) FreeResource(); ApplyImages(); // preview like controls should have a 2D look aBitmap.SetBorderStyle( WINDOW_BORDER_MONO ); aMetricField1.SetGetFocusHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl)); aMetricField2.SetGetFocusHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl)); aMetricField3.SetGetFocusHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl)); aMetricField4.SetGetFocusHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, GetFocusHdl)); aCheckBox1.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, CheckBoxClickHdl)); aMenuButton.GetPopupMenu()->SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, MenuSelectHdl)); aDefaultButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmDistanceDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl)); } SmDistanceDialog::~SmDistanceDialog() { for (int i = 0; i < NOCATEGORIES; i++) DELETEZ(Categories[i]); } void SmDistanceDialog::ApplyImages() { sal_Bool bHighContrast = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode(); for (int i = 0; i < NOCATEGORIES; ++i) { SmCategoryDesc *pCat = Categories[i]; if (pCat) pCat->SetHighContrast( bHighContrast ); } } void SmDistanceDialog::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent &rEvt ) { if ( (rEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS) && (rEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) ) ApplyImages(); ModalDialog::DataChanged( rEvt ); } void SmDistanceDialog::ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat) { Categories[0]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_HORIZONTAL)); Categories[0]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_VERTICAL)); Categories[0]->SetValue(2, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ROOT)); Categories[1]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_SUPERSCRIPT)); Categories[1]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_SUBSCRIPT)); Categories[2]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_NUMERATOR)); Categories[2]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_DENOMINATOR)); Categories[3]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_FRACTION)); Categories[3]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_STROKEWIDTH)); Categories[4]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_UPPERLIMIT)); Categories[4]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_LOWERLIMIT)); Categories[5]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BRACKETSIZE)); Categories[5]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BRACKETSPACE)); Categories[5]->SetValue(3, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_NORMALBRACKETSIZE)); Categories[6]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_MATRIXROW)); Categories[6]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_MATRIXCOL)); Categories[7]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ORNAMENTSIZE)); Categories[7]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ORNAMENTSPACE)); Categories[8]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_OPERATORSIZE)); Categories[8]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_OPERATORSPACE)); Categories[9]->SetValue(0, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_LEFTSPACE)); Categories[9]->SetValue(1, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_RIGHTSPACE)); Categories[9]->SetValue(2, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_TOPSPACE)); Categories[9]->SetValue(3, rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BOTTOMSPACE)); bScaleAllBrackets = rFormat.IsScaleNormalBrackets(); // force update (even of category 0) by setting nActiveCategory to a // non-existent category number nActiveCategory = CATEGORY_NONE; SetCategory(0); } void SmDistanceDialog::WriteTo(SmFormat &rFormat) /*const*/ { // hmm... koennen die tatsaechlich unterschiedlich sein? // wenn nicht kann oben naemlich das const stehen! SetCategory(nActiveCategory); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_HORIZONTAL, Categories[0]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_VERTICAL, Categories[0]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_ROOT, Categories[0]->GetValue(2) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_SUPERSCRIPT, Categories[1]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_SUBSCRIPT, Categories[1]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_NUMERATOR, Categories[2]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_DENOMINATOR, Categories[2]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_FRACTION, Categories[3]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_STROKEWIDTH, Categories[3]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_UPPERLIMIT, Categories[4]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_LOWERLIMIT, Categories[4]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_BRACKETSIZE, Categories[5]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_BRACKETSPACE, Categories[5]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_MATRIXROW, Categories[6]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_MATRIXCOL, Categories[6]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_ORNAMENTSIZE, Categories[7]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_ORNAMENTSPACE, Categories[7]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_OPERATORSIZE, Categories[8]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_OPERATORSPACE, Categories[8]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_LEFTSPACE, Categories[9]->GetValue(0) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_RIGHTSPACE, Categories[9]->GetValue(1) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_TOPSPACE, Categories[9]->GetValue(2) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_BOTTOMSPACE, Categories[9]->GetValue(3) ); rFormat.SetDistance( DIS_NORMALBRACKETSIZE, Categories[5]->GetValue(3) ); rFormat.SetScaleNormalBrackets( bScaleAllBrackets ); rFormat.RequestApplyChanges(); } /**************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SmAlignDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG /*pButton*/ ) { QueryBox *pQueryBox = new QueryBox(this, SmResId(RID_DEFAULTSAVEQUERY)); if (pQueryBox->Execute() == RET_YES) { SmModule *pp = SM_MOD(); SmFormat aFmt( pp->GetConfig()->GetStandardFormat() ); WriteTo( aFmt ); pp->GetConfig()->SetStandardFormat( aFmt ); } delete pQueryBox; return 0; } SmAlignDialog::SmAlignDialog(Window * pParent, sal_Bool bFreeRes) : ModalDialog(pParent, SmResId(RID_ALIGNDIALOG)), aLeft (this, SmResId(1)), aCenter (this, SmResId(2)), aRight (this, SmResId(3)), aFixedLine1 (this, SmResId(1)), aOKButton1 (this, SmResId(1)), aCancelButton1 (this, SmResId(1)), aDefaultButton (this, SmResId(1)) { if (bFreeRes) FreeResource(); aDefaultButton.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SmAlignDialog, DefaultButtonClickHdl)); } void SmAlignDialog::ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat) { switch (rFormat.GetHorAlign()) { case AlignLeft: aLeft .Check(sal_True); aCenter.Check(sal_False); aRight .Check(sal_False); break; case AlignCenter: aLeft .Check(sal_False); aCenter.Check(sal_True); aRight .Check(sal_False); break; case AlignRight: aLeft .Check(sal_False); aCenter.Check(sal_False); aRight .Check(sal_True); break; } } void SmAlignDialog::WriteTo(SmFormat &rFormat) const { if (aLeft.IsChecked()) rFormat.SetHorAlign(AlignLeft); else if (aRight.IsChecked()) rFormat.SetHorAlign(AlignRight); else rFormat.SetHorAlign(AlignCenter); rFormat.RequestApplyChanges(); } /**************************************************************************/ void SmShowSymbolSet::Paint(const Rectangle&) { Push(PUSH_MAPMODE); // MapUnit einstellen fuer die 'nLen' berechnet wurde SetMapMode(MapMode(MAP_PIXEL)); sal_uInt16 v = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >((aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() * nColumns)); size_t nSymbols = aSymbolSet.size(); Color aTxtColor( GetTextColor() ); for (sal_uInt16 i = v; i < nSymbols ; i++) { SmSym aSymbol (*aSymbolSet[i]); Font aFont (aSymbol.GetFace()); aFont.SetAlign(ALIGN_TOP); // etwas kleinere FontSize nehmen (als nLen) um etwas Luft zu haben // (hoffentlich auch genug fuer links und rechts!) aFont.SetSize(Size(0, nLen - (nLen / 3))); SetFont(aFont); // keep text color SetTextColor( aTxtColor ); int nIV = i - v; sal_UCS4 cChar = aSymbol.GetCharacter(); String aText( OUString( &cChar, 1 ) ); Size aSize( GetTextWidth( aText ), GetTextHeight()); DrawText(Point((nIV % nColumns) * nLen + (nLen - aSize.Width()) / 2, (nIV / nColumns) * nLen + (nLen - aSize.Height()) / 2), aText); } if (nSelectSymbol != SYMBOL_NONE) { Invert(Rectangle(Point(((nSelectSymbol - v) % nColumns) * nLen, ((nSelectSymbol - v) / nColumns) * nLen), Size(nLen, nLen))); } Pop(); } void SmShowSymbolSet::MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { GrabFocus(); if (rMEvt.IsLeft() && Rectangle(Point(0, 0), aOutputSize).IsInside(rMEvt.GetPosPixel())) { long nPos = (rMEvt.GetPosPixel().Y() / nLen) * nColumns + (rMEvt.GetPosPixel().X() / nLen) + aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() * nColumns; SelectSymbol( sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(nPos) ); aSelectHdlLink.Call(this); if (rMEvt.GetClicks() > 1) aDblClickHdlLink.Call(this); } else Control::MouseButtonDown (rMEvt); } void SmShowSymbolSet::KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt) { sal_uInt16 n = nSelectSymbol; if (n != SYMBOL_NONE) { switch (rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode()) { case KEY_DOWN: n = n + nColumns; break; case KEY_UP: n = n - nColumns; break; case KEY_LEFT: n -= 1; break; case KEY_RIGHT: n += 1; break; case KEY_HOME: n = 0; break; case KEY_END: n = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(aSymbolSet.size() - 1); break; case KEY_PAGEUP: n -= nColumns * nRows; break; case KEY_PAGEDOWN: n += nColumns * nRows; break; default: Control::KeyInput(rKEvt); return; } } else n = 0; if (n >= aSymbolSet.size()) n = nSelectSymbol; // adjust scrollbar if ((n < (sal_uInt16) (aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() * nColumns)) || (n >= (sal_uInt16) ((aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() + nRows) * nColumns))) { aVScrollBar.SetThumbPos(n / nColumns); Invalidate(); Update(); } SelectSymbol(n); aSelectHdlLink.Call(this); } SmShowSymbolSet::SmShowSymbolSet(Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId) : Control(pParent, rResId), aVScrollBar(this, WinBits(WB_VSCROLL)) { nSelectSymbol = SYMBOL_NONE; aOutputSize = GetOutputSizePixel(); long nScrollBarWidth = aVScrollBar.GetSizePixel().Width(), nUseableWidth = aOutputSize.Width() - nScrollBarWidth; // Hoehe von 16pt in Pixeln (passend zu 'aOutputSize') nLen = (sal_uInt16) LogicToPixel(Size(0, 16), MapMode(MAP_POINT)).Height(); nColumns = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(nUseableWidth / nLen); if (nColumns > 2 && nColumns % 2 != 0) nColumns--; nRows = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(aOutputSize.Height() / nLen); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(nColumns > 0, "Sm : keine Spalten"); DBG_ASSERT(nRows > 0, "Sm : keine Zeilen"); #endif // genau passend machen aOutputSize.Width() = nColumns * nLen; aOutputSize.Height() = nRows * nLen; aVScrollBar.SetPosSizePixel(Point(aOutputSize.Width() + 1, -1), Size(nScrollBarWidth, aOutputSize.Height() + 2)); aVScrollBar.Enable(sal_False); aVScrollBar.Show(); aVScrollBar.SetScrollHdl(LINK(this, SmShowSymbolSet, ScrollHdl)); Size WindowSize (aOutputSize); WindowSize.Width() += nScrollBarWidth; SetOutputSizePixel(WindowSize); } void SmShowSymbolSet::SetSymbolSet(const SymbolPtrVec_t& rSymbolSet) { aSymbolSet = rSymbolSet; if (static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(aSymbolSet.size()) > (nColumns * nRows)) { aVScrollBar.SetRange(Range(0, ((aSymbolSet.size() + (nColumns - 1)) / nColumns) - nRows)); aVScrollBar.Enable(sal_True); } else { aVScrollBar.SetRange(Range(0,0)); aVScrollBar.Enable (sal_False); } Invalidate(); } void SmShowSymbolSet::SelectSymbol(sal_uInt16 nSymbol) { int v = (int) (aVScrollBar.GetThumbPos() * nColumns); if (nSelectSymbol != SYMBOL_NONE) Invalidate(Rectangle(Point(((nSelectSymbol - v) % nColumns) * nLen, ((nSelectSymbol - v) / nColumns) * nLen), Size(nLen, nLen))); if (nSymbol < aSymbolSet.size()) nSelectSymbol = nSymbol; if (aSymbolSet.size() == 0) nSelectSymbol = SYMBOL_NONE; if (nSelectSymbol != SYMBOL_NONE) Invalidate(Rectangle(Point(((nSelectSymbol - v) % nColumns) * nLen, ((nSelectSymbol - v) / nColumns) * nLen), Size(nLen, nLen))); Update(); } IMPL_LINK( SmShowSymbolSet, ScrollHdl, ScrollBar*, EMPTYARG /*pScrollBar*/) { Invalidate(); return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SmShowSymbol::Paint(const Rectangle &rRect) { Control::Paint( rRect ); const XubString &rText = GetText(); Size aTextSize(GetTextWidth(rText), GetTextHeight()); DrawText(Point((GetOutputSize().Width() - aTextSize.Width()) / 2, (GetOutputSize().Height() * 7/10)), rText); } void SmShowSymbol::MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt) { if (rMEvt.GetClicks() > 1) aDblClickHdlLink.Call(this); else Control::MouseButtonDown (rMEvt); } void SmShowSymbol::SetSymbol(const SmSym *pSymbol) { if (pSymbol) { Font aFont (pSymbol->GetFace()); aFont.SetSize(Size(0, GetOutputSize().Height() - GetOutputSize().Height() / 3)); aFont.SetAlign(ALIGN_BASELINE); SetFont(aFont); sal_UCS4 cChar = pSymbol->GetCharacter(); String aText( OUString( &cChar, 1 ) ); SetText( aText ); } // 'Invalidate' fuellt den background mit der background-Farbe. // Falls der NULL pointer uebergeben wurde reicht dies also zum loeschen // der Anzeige Invalidate(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SmSymbolDialog::FillSymbolSets(sal_Bool bDeleteText) // fuellt die Eintraege der moeglichen 'SymbolsSet's im Dialog mit den // aktuellen Werten des SymbolSet Managers, selektiert aber keinen. { aSymbolSets.Clear(); if (bDeleteText) aSymbolSets.SetNoSelection(); std::set< String > aSybolSetNames( rSymbolMgr.GetSymbolSetNames() ); std::set< String >::const_iterator aIt( aSybolSetNames.begin() ); for ( ; aIt != aSybolSetNames.end(); ++aIt) aSymbolSets.InsertEntry( *aIt ); } IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, SymbolSetChangeHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG pListBox ) { (void) pListBox; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pListBox == &aSymbolSets, "Sm : falsches Argument"); #endif SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets.GetSelectEntry()); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, SymbolChangeHdl, SmShowSymbolSet *, EMPTYARG pShowSymbolSet ) { (void) pShowSymbolSet; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pShowSymbolSet == &aSymbolSetDisplay, "Sm : falsches Argument"); #endif SelectSymbol(aSymbolSetDisplay.GetSelectSymbol()); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, EditClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG pButton ) { (void) pButton; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aEditBtn, "Sm : falsches Argument"); #endif SmSymDefineDialog *pDialog = new SmSymDefineDialog(this, pFontListDev, rSymbolMgr); // aktuelles Symbol und SymbolSet am neuen Dialog setzen const XubString aSymSetName (aSymbolSets.GetSelectEntry()), aSymName (aSymbolName.GetText()); pDialog->SelectOldSymbolSet(aSymSetName); pDialog->SelectOldSymbol(aSymName); pDialog->SelectSymbolSet(aSymSetName); pDialog->SelectSymbol(aSymName); // altes SymbolSet merken XubString aOldSymbolSet (aSymbolSets.GetSelectEntry()); sal_uInt16 nSymPos = GetSelectedSymbol(); // Dialog an evtl geaenderte Daten des SymbolSet Manager anpassen if (pDialog->Execute() == RET_OK && rSymbolMgr.IsModified()) { rSymbolMgr.Save(); FillSymbolSets(); } // wenn das alte SymbolSet nicht mehr existiert zum ersten gehen // (soweit eines vorhanden ist) if (!SelectSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSet) && aSymbolSets.GetEntryCount() > 0) SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets.GetEntry(0)); else { // just update display of current symbol set DBG_ASSERT( aSymSetName == aSymSetName, "unexpected change in symbol set name" ); aSymbolSet = rSymbolMgr.GetSymbolSet( aSymbolSetName ); aSymbolSetDisplay.SetSymbolSet( aSymbolSet ); } if (nSymPos >= aSymbolSet.size()) nSymPos = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(aSymbolSet.size()) - 1; SelectSymbol( nSymPos ); delete pDialog; return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, SymbolDblClickHdl, SmShowSymbolSet *, EMPTYARG pShowSymbolSet ) { (void) pShowSymbolSet; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pShowSymbolSet == &aSymbolSetDisplay, "Sm : falsches Argument"); #endif GetClickHdl(&aGetBtn); EndDialog(RET_OK); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymbolDialog, GetClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG pButton ) { (void) pButton; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aGetBtn, "Sm : falscher Button"); #endif const SmSym *pSym = GetSymbol(); if (pSym) { String aText ('%'); aText += pSym->GetName(); aText += (sal_Unicode)' '; rViewSh.GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( SID_INSERTTEXT, SFX_CALLMODE_STANDARD, new SfxStringItem(SID_INSERTTEXT, aText), 0L); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SmSymbolDialog, CloseClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG pButton ) { (void) pButton; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aCloseBtn, "Sm : falscher Button"); #endif EndDialog(sal_True); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SmSymbolDialog, CloseClickHdl, Button *, pButton ) SmSymbolDialog::SmSymbolDialog(Window *pParent, OutputDevice *pFntListDevice, SmSymbolManager &rMgr, SmViewShell &rViewShell, sal_Bool bFreeRes) : ModalDialog (pParent, SmResId(RID_SYMBOLDIALOG)), aSymbolSetText (this, SmResId(1)), aSymbolSets (this, SmResId(1)), aSymbolSetDisplay (this, SmResId(1)), aSymbolName (this, SmResId(2)), aSymbolDisplay (this, SmResId(2)), aGetBtn (this, SmResId(2)), aCloseBtn (this, SmResId(3)), aEditBtn (this, SmResId(1)), rViewSh (rViewShell), rSymbolMgr (rMgr), pFontListDev (pFntListDevice) { if (bFreeRes) FreeResource(); aSymbolSetName = String(); aSymbolSet.clear(); FillSymbolSets(); if (aSymbolSets.GetEntryCount() > 0) SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets.GetEntry(0)); InitColor_Impl(); // preview like controls should have a 2D look aSymbolDisplay.SetBorderStyle( WINDOW_BORDER_MONO ); aSymbolSets .SetSelectHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, SymbolSetChangeHdl)); aSymbolSetDisplay.SetSelectHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, SymbolChangeHdl)); aSymbolSetDisplay.SetDblClickHdl(LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, SymbolDblClickHdl)); aSymbolDisplay .SetDblClickHdl(LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, SymbolDblClickHdl)); aCloseBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, CloseClickHdl)); aEditBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, EditClickHdl)); aGetBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymbolDialog, GetClickHdl)); } SmSymbolDialog::~SmSymbolDialog() { } void SmSymbolDialog::InitColor_Impl() { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 Color aBC( GetDisplayBackground().GetColor() ); #endif ColorData nBgCol = COL_WHITE, nTxtCol = COL_BLACK; const StyleSettings &rS = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); if (rS.GetHighContrastMode()) { nBgCol = rS.GetFieldColor().GetColor(); nTxtCol = rS.GetFieldTextColor().GetColor(); } Color aTmpColor( nBgCol ); Wallpaper aWall( aTmpColor ); Color aTxtColor( nTxtCol ); aSymbolDisplay .SetBackground( aWall ); aSymbolDisplay .SetTextColor( aTxtColor ); aSymbolSetDisplay.SetBackground( aWall ); aSymbolSetDisplay.SetTextColor( aTxtColor ); } void SmSymbolDialog::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) ) InitColor_Impl(); ModalDialog::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } sal_Bool SmSymbolDialog::SelectSymbolSet(const XubString &rSymbolSetName) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nPos = aSymbolSets.GetEntryPos(rSymbolSetName); aSymbolSetName = String(); aSymbolSet.clear(); if (nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { aSymbolSets.SelectEntryPos(nPos); aSymbolSetName = rSymbolSetName; aSymbolSet = rSymbolMgr.GetSymbolSet( aSymbolSetName ); // sort symbols by Unicode position (useful for displaying Greek characters alphabetically) std::sort( aSymbolSet.begin(), aSymbolSet.end(), lt_SmSymPtr() ); aSymbolSetDisplay.SetSymbolSet( aSymbolSet ); if (aSymbolSet.size() > 0) SelectSymbol(0); bRet = sal_True; } else aSymbolSets.SetNoSelection(); return bRet; } void SmSymbolDialog::SelectSymbol(sal_uInt16 nSymbolNo) { const SmSym *pSym = NULL; if (aSymbolSetName.Len() > 0 && nSymbolNo < static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(aSymbolSet.size())) pSym = aSymbolSet[ nSymbolNo ]; aSymbolSetDisplay.SelectSymbol(nSymbolNo); aSymbolDisplay.SetSymbol(pSym); aSymbolName.SetText(pSym ? pSym->GetName() : XubString()); } const SmSym * SmSymbolDialog::GetSymbol() const { sal_uInt16 nSymbolNo = aSymbolSetDisplay.GetSelectSymbol(); bool bValid = aSymbolSetName.Len() > 0 && nSymbolNo < static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(aSymbolSet.size()); return bValid ? aSymbolSet[ nSymbolNo ] : NULL; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SmShowChar::Paint(const Rectangle &rRect) { Control::Paint( rRect ); OUString aText( GetText() ); if (aText.getLength() > 0) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 sal_Int32 nPos = 0; sal_UCS4 cChar = aText.iterateCodePoints( &nPos ); (void) cChar; #endif Size aTextSize(GetTextWidth(aText), GetTextHeight()); DrawText(Point((GetOutputSize().Width() - aTextSize.Width()) / 2, (GetOutputSize().Height() * 7/10)), aText); } } void SmShowChar::SetSymbol( const SmSym *pSym ) { if (pSym) SetSymbol( pSym->GetCharacter(), pSym->GetFace() ); } void SmShowChar::SetSymbol( sal_UCS4 cChar, const Font &rFont ) { Font aFont( rFont ); aFont.SetSize( Size(0, GetOutputSize().Height() - GetOutputSize().Height() / 3) ); aFont.SetAlign(ALIGN_BASELINE); SetFont(aFont); String aText( OUString( &cChar, 1) ); SetText( aText ); Invalidate(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SmSymDefineDialog::FillSymbols(ComboBox &rComboBox, sal_Bool bDeleteText) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbols || &rComboBox == &aSymbols, "Sm : falsche ComboBox"); #endif rComboBox.Clear(); if (bDeleteText) rComboBox.SetText(XubString()); ComboBox &rBox = &rComboBox == &aOldSymbols ? aOldSymbolSets : aSymbolSets; SymbolPtrVec_t aSymSet( aSymbolMgrCopy.GetSymbolSet( rBox.GetText() ) ); for (size_t i = 0; i < aSymSet.size(); ++i) rComboBox.InsertEntry( aSymSet[i]->GetName() ); } void SmSymDefineDialog::FillSymbolSets(ComboBox &rComboBox, sal_Bool bDeleteText) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets || &rComboBox == &aSymbolSets, "Sm : falsche ComboBox"); #endif rComboBox.Clear(); if (bDeleteText) rComboBox.SetText(XubString()); const std::set< String > aSymbolSetNames( aSymbolMgrCopy.GetSymbolSetNames() ); std::set< String >::const_iterator aIt( aSymbolSetNames.begin() ); for ( ; aIt != aSymbolSetNames.end(); ++aIt) rComboBox.InsertEntry( *aIt ); } void SmSymDefineDialog::FillFonts(sal_Bool bDelete) { aFonts.Clear(); if (bDelete) aFonts.SetNoSelection(); // alle Fonts der 'FontList' in die Fontliste aufnehmen // von denen mit gleichen Namen jedoch nur einen (denn der Style wird // ueber die 'FontStyleBox' gewaehlt und nicht auch noch hier) if (pFontList) { sal_uInt16 nCount = pFontList->GetFontNameCount(); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++) aFonts.InsertEntry( pFontList->GetFontName(i).GetName() ); } } void SmSymDefineDialog::FillStyles(sal_Bool bDeleteText) { aStyles.Clear(); if (bDeleteText) aStyles.SetText(XubString()); XubString aText (aFonts.GetSelectEntry()); if (aText.Len() != 0) { //aStyles.Fill(aText, &aFontList); // eigene StyleName's verwenden const SmFontStyles &rStyles = GetFontStyles(); for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rStyles.GetCount(); i++) aStyles.InsertEntry( rStyles.GetStyleName(i) ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(aStyles.GetEntryCount() > 0, "Sm : keine Styles vorhanden"); #endif aStyles.SetText( aStyles.GetEntry(0) ); } } SmSym * SmSymDefineDialog::GetSymbol(const ComboBox &rComboBox) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbols || &rComboBox == &aSymbols, "Sm : falsche ComboBox"); #endif return aSymbolMgrCopy.GetSymbolByName(rComboBox.GetText()); } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, OldSymbolChangeHdl, ComboBox *, EMPTYARG pComboBox ) { (void) pComboBox; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pComboBox == &aOldSymbols, "Sm : falsches Argument"); #endif SelectSymbol(aOldSymbols, aOldSymbols.GetText(), sal_False); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, OldSymbolSetChangeHdl, ComboBox *, EMPTYARG pComboBox ) { (void) pComboBox; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets, "Sm : falsches Argument"); #endif SelectSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSets, aOldSymbolSets.GetText(), sal_False); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl, ComboBox *, pComboBox ) { // merken der Cursorposition zum wiederherstellen derselben Selection aSelection (pComboBox->GetSelection()); if (pComboBox == &aSymbols) SelectSymbol(aSymbols, aSymbols.GetText(), sal_False); else if (pComboBox == &aSymbolSets) SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets, aSymbolSets.GetText(), sal_False); else if (pComboBox == &aOldSymbols) // nur Namen aus der Liste erlauben SelectSymbol(aOldSymbols, aOldSymbols.GetText(), sal_True); else if (pComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets) // nur Namen aus der Liste erlauben SelectSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSets, aOldSymbolSets.GetText(), sal_True); else if (pComboBox == &aStyles) // nur Namen aus der Liste erlauben (ist hier eh immer der Fall) SelectStyle(aStyles.GetText(), sal_True); else { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(0, "Sm : falsche ComboBox Argument"); #endif } pComboBox->SetSelection(aSelection); UpdateButtons(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, FontChangeHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG pListBox ) { (void) pListBox; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pListBox == &aFonts, "Sm : falsches Argument"); #endif SelectFont(aFonts.GetSelectEntry()); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, SubsetChangeHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG pListBox ) { (void) pListBox; sal_uInt16 nPos = aFontsSubsetLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if (LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND != nPos) { const Subset* pSubset = reinterpret_cast (aFontsSubsetLB.GetEntryData( nPos )); if (pSubset) { aCharsetDisplay.SelectCharacter( pSubset->GetRangeMin() ); } } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, StyleChangeHdl, ComboBox *, EMPTYARG pComboBox ) { (void) pComboBox; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pComboBox == &aStyles, "Sm : falsches Argument"); #endif SelectStyle(aStyles.GetText()); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, CharHighlightHdl, Control *, EMPTYARG ) { sal_UCS4 cChar = aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectCharacter(); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT( pSubsetMap, "SubsetMap missing" ); #endif if (pSubsetMap) { const Subset* pSubset = pSubsetMap->GetSubsetByUnicode( cChar ); if (pSubset) aFontsSubsetLB.SelectEntry( pSubset->GetName() ); else aFontsSubsetLB.SetNoSelection(); } aSymbolDisplay.SetSymbol( cChar, aCharsetDisplay.GetFont() ); UpdateButtons(); // display Unicode position as symbol name while iterating over characters const String aHex( String::CreateFromInt64( cChar, 16 ).ToUpperAscii() ); const String aPattern( A2OU( aHex.Len() > 4 ? "Ux000000" : "Ux0000" ) ); String aUnicodePos( aPattern.Copy( 0, aPattern.Len() - aHex.Len() ) ); aUnicodePos += aHex; aSymbols.SetText( aUnicodePos ); aSymbolName.SetText( aUnicodePos ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, AddClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG pButton ) { (void) pButton; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aAddBtn, "Sm : falsches Argument"); DBG_ASSERT(aAddBtn.IsEnabled(), "Sm : Voraussetzungen erfuellt ??"); #endif // add symbol const SmSym aNewSymbol( aSymbols.GetText(), aCharsetDisplay.GetFont(), aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectCharacter(), aSymbolSets.GetText() ); //DBG_ASSERT( aSymbolMgrCopy.GetSymbolByName(aTmpSymbolName) == NULL, "symbol already exists" ); aSymbolMgrCopy.AddOrReplaceSymbol( aNewSymbol ); // update display of new symbol aSymbolDisplay.SetSymbol( &aNewSymbol ); aSymbolName.SetText( aNewSymbol.GetName() ); aSymbolSetName.SetText( aNewSymbol.GetSymbolSetName() ); // update list box entries FillSymbolSets(aOldSymbolSets, sal_False); FillSymbolSets(aSymbolSets, sal_False); FillSymbols(aOldSymbols ,sal_False); FillSymbols(aSymbols ,sal_False); UpdateButtons(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, ChangeClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG pButton ) { (void) pButton; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aChangeBtn, "Sm : falsches Argument"); DBG_ASSERT(aChangeBtn.IsEnabled(), "Sm : Voraussetzungen erfuellt ??"); #endif // get new Sybol to use //! get font from symbol-disp lay since charset-display does not keep //! the bold attribut. const SmSym aNewSymbol( aSymbols.GetText(), aCharsetDisplay.GetFont(), aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectCharacter(), aSymbolSets.GetText() ); // remove old symbol if the name was changed then add new one // const bool bSetNameChanged = aOldSymbolSets.GetText() != aSymbolSets.GetText(); const bool bNameChanged = aOldSymbols.GetText() != aSymbols.GetText(); if (bNameChanged) aSymbolMgrCopy.RemoveSymbol( aOldSymbols.GetText() ); aSymbolMgrCopy.AddOrReplaceSymbol( aNewSymbol, true ); // clear display for original symbol if necessary if (bNameChanged) SetOrigSymbol(NULL, XubString()); // update display of new symbol aSymbolDisplay.SetSymbol( &aNewSymbol ); aSymbolName.SetText( aNewSymbol.GetName() ); aSymbolSetName.SetText( aNewSymbol.GetSymbolSetName() ); // update list box entries FillSymbolSets(aOldSymbolSets, sal_False); FillSymbolSets(aSymbolSets, sal_False); FillSymbols(aOldSymbols ,sal_False); FillSymbols(aSymbols ,sal_False); UpdateButtons(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SmSymDefineDialog, DeleteClickHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG pButton ) { (void) pButton; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(pButton == &aDeleteBtn, "Sm : falsches Argument"); DBG_ASSERT(aDeleteBtn.IsEnabled(), "Sm : Voraussetzungen erfuellt ??"); #endif if (pOrigSymbol) { aSymbolMgrCopy.RemoveSymbol( pOrigSymbol->GetName() ); // clear display for original symbol SetOrigSymbol(NULL, XubString()); // update list box entries FillSymbolSets(aOldSymbolSets, sal_False); FillSymbolSets(aSymbolSets, sal_False); FillSymbols(aOldSymbols ,sal_False); FillSymbols(aSymbols ,sal_False); } UpdateButtons(); return 0; } void SmSymDefineDialog::UpdateButtons() { sal_Bool bAdd = sal_False, bChange = sal_False, bDelete = sal_False, bEqual; XubString aTmpSymbolName (aSymbols.GetText()), aTmpSymbolSetName (aSymbolSets.GetText()); if (aTmpSymbolName.Len() > 0 && aTmpSymbolSetName.Len() > 0) { // alle Einstellungen gleich? //! (Font-, Style- und SymbolSet Name werden nicht case sensitiv verglichen) bEqual = pOrigSymbol && aTmpSymbolSetName.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii(aOldSymbolSetName.GetText()) && aTmpSymbolName.Equals(pOrigSymbol->GetName()) && aFonts.GetSelectEntry().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( pOrigSymbol->GetFace().GetName()) && aStyles.GetText().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( GetFontStyles().GetStyleName(pOrigSymbol->GetFace())) && aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectCharacter() == pOrigSymbol->GetCharacter(); // hinzufuegen nur wenn es noch kein Symbol desgleichen Namens gibt bAdd = aSymbolMgrCopy.GetSymbolByName(aTmpSymbolName) == NULL; // loeschen nur wenn alle Einstellungen gleich sind bDelete = pOrigSymbol != NULL; // aendern wenn bei gleichem Namen mindestens eine Einstellung anders ist // oder wenn es noch kein Symbol des neuen Namens gibt (wuerde implizites // loeschen des bereits vorhandenen Symbols erfordern) // sal_Bool bEqualName = pOrigSymbol && aTmpSymbolName == pOrigSymbol->GetName(); // bChange = pOrigSymbol && ( (bEqualName && !bEqual) || (!bEqualName && bAdd) ); // aendern nur falls altes Symbol vorhanden und am neuen etwas anders ist bChange = pOrigSymbol && !bEqual; } aAddBtn .Enable(bAdd); aChangeBtn.Enable(bChange); aDeleteBtn.Enable(bDelete); } SmSymDefineDialog::SmSymDefineDialog(Window * pParent, OutputDevice *pFntListDevice, SmSymbolManager &rMgr, sal_Bool bFreeRes) : ModalDialog (pParent, SmResId(RID_SYMDEFINEDIALOG)), aOldSymbolText (this, SmResId(1)), aOldSymbols (this, SmResId(1)), aOldSymbolSetText (this, SmResId(2)), aOldSymbolSets (this, SmResId(2)), aCharsetDisplay (this, SmResId(1)), aSymbolText (this, SmResId(9)), aSymbols (this, SmResId(4)), aSymbolSetText (this, SmResId(10)), aSymbolSets (this, SmResId(5)), aFontText (this, SmResId(3)), aFonts (this, SmResId(1)), aFontsSubsetFT (this, SmResId( FT_FONTS_SUBSET )), aFontsSubsetLB (this, SmResId( LB_FONTS_SUBSET )), aStyleText (this, SmResId(4)), aStyles (this, SmResId(3)), aOldSymbolName (this, SmResId(7)), aOldSymbolDisplay (this, SmResId(3)), aOldSymbolSetName (this, SmResId(8)), aSymbolName (this, SmResId(5)), aSymbolDisplay (this, SmResId(2)), aSymbolSetName (this, SmResId(6)), aOkBtn (this, SmResId(1)), aCancelBtn (this, SmResId(1)), aAddBtn (this, SmResId(1)), aChangeBtn (this, SmResId(2)), aDeleteBtn (this, SmResId(3)), aRightArrow (this, SmResId(1)), aRigthArrow_Im (SmResId(1)), aRigthArrow_Im_HC (SmResId(2)), // hi-contrast version rSymbolMgr (rMgr), pSubsetMap (NULL), pFontList (NULL) { if (bFreeRes) FreeResource(); pFontList = new FontList( pFntListDevice ); pOrigSymbol = 0; // auto completion is troublesome since that symbols character also gets automatically selected in the // display and if the user previously selected a character to define/redefine that one this is bad aOldSymbols.EnableAutocomplete( sal_False, sal_True ); aSymbols .EnableAutocomplete( sal_False, sal_True ); FillFonts(); if (aFonts.GetEntryCount() > 0) SelectFont(aFonts.GetEntry(0)); InitColor_Impl(); SetSymbolSetManager(rSymbolMgr); aOldSymbols .SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, OldSymbolChangeHdl)); aOldSymbolSets .SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, OldSymbolSetChangeHdl)); aSymbolSets .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl)); aOldSymbolSets .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl)); aSymbols .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl)); aOldSymbols .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl)); aStyles .SetModifyHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ModifyHdl)); aFonts .SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, FontChangeHdl)); aFontsSubsetLB .SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, SubsetChangeHdl)); aStyles .SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, StyleChangeHdl)); aAddBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, AddClickHdl)); aChangeBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, ChangeClickHdl)); aDeleteBtn .SetClickHdl (LINK(this, SmSymDefineDialog, DeleteClickHdl)); aCharsetDisplay.SetHighlightHdl( LINK( this, SmSymDefineDialog, CharHighlightHdl ) ); // preview like controls should have a 2D look aOldSymbolDisplay.SetBorderStyle( WINDOW_BORDER_MONO ); aSymbolDisplay .SetBorderStyle( WINDOW_BORDER_MONO ); } SmSymDefineDialog::~SmSymDefineDialog() { delete pSubsetMap; delete pOrigSymbol; } void SmSymDefineDialog::InitColor_Impl() { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 Color aBC( GetDisplayBackground().GetColor() ); #endif ColorData nBgCol = COL_WHITE, nTxtCol = COL_BLACK; sal_Bool bHighContrast = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode(); if (bHighContrast) { const StyleSettings &rS = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings(); nBgCol = rS.GetFieldColor().GetColor(); nTxtCol = rS.GetFieldTextColor().GetColor(); } Color aTmpColor( nBgCol ); Wallpaper aWall( aTmpColor ); Color aTxtColor( nTxtCol ); aCharsetDisplay .SetBackground( aWall ); aCharsetDisplay .SetTextColor( aTxtColor ); aOldSymbolDisplay.SetBackground( aWall ); aOldSymbolDisplay.SetTextColor( aTxtColor ); aSymbolDisplay .SetBackground( aWall ); aSymbolDisplay .SetTextColor( aTxtColor ); const Image &rArrowRight = bHighContrast ? aRigthArrow_Im_HC : aRigthArrow_Im; aRightArrow.SetImage( rArrowRight ); } void SmSymDefineDialog::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS && (rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE) ) InitColor_Impl(); ModalDialog::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } short SmSymDefineDialog::Execute() { short nResult = ModalDialog::Execute(); // Aenderungen uebernehmen falls Dialog mit OK beendet wurde if (aSymbolMgrCopy.IsModified() && nResult == RET_OK) rSymbolMgr = aSymbolMgrCopy; return nResult; } void SmSymDefineDialog::SetSymbolSetManager(const SmSymbolManager &rMgr) { aSymbolMgrCopy = rMgr; #ifdef DEBUG // sal_uInt16 nS = aSymbolMgrCopy.GetSymbolSetCount(); #endif // Das modified Flag der Kopie auf sal_False setzen, damit man spaeter damit // testen kann ob sich was geaendert hat. aSymbolMgrCopy.SetModified(sal_False); FillSymbolSets(aOldSymbolSets); if (aOldSymbolSets.GetEntryCount() > 0) SelectSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSets.GetEntry(0)); FillSymbolSets(aSymbolSets); if (aSymbolSets.GetEntryCount() > 0) SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets.GetEntry(0)); FillSymbols(aOldSymbols); if (aOldSymbols.GetEntryCount() > 0) SelectSymbol(aOldSymbols.GetEntry(0)); FillSymbols(aSymbols); if (aSymbols.GetEntryCount() > 0) SelectSymbol(aSymbols.GetEntry(0)); UpdateButtons(); } sal_Bool SmSymDefineDialog::SelectSymbolSet(ComboBox &rComboBox, const XubString &rSymbolSetName, sal_Bool bDeleteText) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets || &rComboBox == &aSymbolSets, "Sm : falsche ComboBox"); #endif // 'Normalisieren' des SymbolNamens (ohne leading und trailing Leerzeichen) XubString aNormName (rSymbolSetName); aNormName.EraseLeadingChars(' '); aNormName.EraseTrailingChars(' '); // und evtl Abweichungen in der Eingabe beseitigen rComboBox.SetText(aNormName); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nPos = rComboBox.GetEntryPos(aNormName); if (nPos != COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { rComboBox.SetText(rComboBox.GetEntry(nPos)); bRet = sal_True; } else if (bDeleteText) rComboBox.SetText(XubString()); sal_Bool bIsOld = &rComboBox == &aOldSymbolSets; // setzen des SymbolSet Namens an der zugehoerigen Darstellung FixedText &rFT = bIsOld ? aOldSymbolSetName : aSymbolSetName; rFT.SetText(rComboBox.GetText()); // setzen der zum SymbolSet gehoerenden Symbol Namen an der zugehoerigen // Auswahbox ComboBox &rCB = bIsOld ? aOldSymbols : aSymbols; FillSymbols(rCB, sal_False); // bei Wechsel des SymbolSets fuer das alte Zeichen ein gueltiges // Symbol bzw keins zur Anzeige bringen if (bIsOld) { XubString aTmpOldSymbolName; if (aOldSymbols.GetEntryCount() > 0) aTmpOldSymbolName = aOldSymbols.GetEntry(0); SelectSymbol(aOldSymbols, aTmpOldSymbolName, sal_True); } UpdateButtons(); return bRet; } void SmSymDefineDialog::SetOrigSymbol(const SmSym *pSymbol, const XubString &rSymbolSetName) { // clear old symbol delete pOrigSymbol; pOrigSymbol = 0; XubString aSymName, aSymSetName; if (pSymbol) { // set new symbol pOrigSymbol = new SmSym( *pSymbol ); aSymName = pSymbol->GetName(); aSymSetName = rSymbolSetName; aOldSymbolDisplay.SetSymbol( pSymbol ); } else { // loeschen des angezeigten Symbols aOldSymbolDisplay.SetText(XubString()); aOldSymbolDisplay.Invalidate(); } aOldSymbolName .SetText(aSymName); aOldSymbolSetName.SetText(aSymSetName); } sal_Bool SmSymDefineDialog::SelectSymbol(ComboBox &rComboBox, const XubString &rSymbolName, sal_Bool bDeleteText) { #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 DBG_ASSERT(&rComboBox == &aOldSymbols || &rComboBox == &aSymbols, "Sm : falsche ComboBox"); #endif // 'Normalisieren' des SymbolNamens (ohne Leerzeichen) XubString aNormName (rSymbolName); aNormName.EraseAllChars(' '); // und evtl Abweichungen in der Eingabe beseitigen rComboBox.SetText(aNormName); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nPos = rComboBox.GetEntryPos(aNormName); sal_Bool bIsOld = &rComboBox == &aOldSymbols; if (nPos != COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { rComboBox.SetText(rComboBox.GetEntry(nPos)); if (!bIsOld) { const SmSym *pSymbol = GetSymbol(aSymbols); if (pSymbol) { // Font und Style entsprechend waehlen const Font &rFont = pSymbol->GetFace(); SelectFont(rFont.GetName(), sal_False); SelectStyle(GetFontStyles().GetStyleName(rFont), sal_False); // da das setzen des Fonts ueber den Style Namen des SymbolsFonts nicht // so gut klappt (er kann zB leer sein obwohl der Font selbst 'bold' und // 'italic' ist!). Setzen wir hier den Font wie er zum Symbol gehoert // zu Fuss. aCharsetDisplay.SetFont(rFont); aSymbolDisplay.SetFont(rFont); // das zugehoerige Zeichen auswaehlen SelectChar(pSymbol->GetCharacter()); // since SelectChar will also set the unicode point as text in the // symbols box, we have to set the symbol name again to get that one displayed aSymbols.SetText( pSymbol->GetName() ); } } bRet = sal_True; } else if (bDeleteText) rComboBox.SetText(XubString()); if (bIsOld) { // bei Wechsel des alten Symbols nur vorhandene anzeigen sonst keins const SmSym *pOldSymbol = NULL; XubString aTmpOldSymbolSetName; if (nPos != COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { pOldSymbol = aSymbolMgrCopy.GetSymbolByName(aNormName); aTmpOldSymbolSetName = aOldSymbolSets.GetText(); } SetOrigSymbol(pOldSymbol, aTmpOldSymbolSetName); } else aSymbolName.SetText(rComboBox.GetText()); UpdateButtons(); return bRet; } void SmSymDefineDialog::SetFont(const XubString &rFontName, const XubString &rStyleName) { // Font (FontInfo) passend zu Namen und Style holen FontInfo aFI; if (pFontList) aFI = pFontList->Get(rFontName, WEIGHT_NORMAL, ITALIC_NONE); SetFontStyle(rStyleName, aFI); aCharsetDisplay.SetFont(aFI); aSymbolDisplay.SetFont(aFI); // update subset listbox for new font's unicode subsets FontCharMap aFontCharMap; aCharsetDisplay.GetFontCharMap( aFontCharMap ); if (pSubsetMap) delete pSubsetMap; pSubsetMap = new SubsetMap( &aFontCharMap ); // aFontsSubsetLB.Clear(); bool bFirst = true; const Subset* pSubset; while( NULL != (pSubset = pSubsetMap->GetNextSubset( bFirst )) ) { sal_uInt16 nPos = aFontsSubsetLB.InsertEntry( pSubset->GetName()); aFontsSubsetLB.SetEntryData( nPos, (void *) pSubset ); // subset must live at least as long as the selected font !!! if( bFirst ) aFontsSubsetLB.SelectEntryPos( nPos ); bFirst = false; } if( bFirst ) aFontsSubsetLB.SetNoSelection(); aFontsSubsetLB.Enable( !bFirst ); } sal_Bool SmSymDefineDialog::SelectFont(const XubString &rFontName, sal_Bool bApplyFont) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nPos = aFonts.GetEntryPos(rFontName); if (nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { aFonts.SelectEntryPos(nPos); if (aStyles.GetEntryCount() > 0) SelectStyle(aStyles.GetEntry(0)); if (bApplyFont) { SetFont(aFonts.GetSelectEntry(), aStyles.GetText()); // update preview to use new font aSymbolDisplay.SetSymbol( aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectCharacter(), aCharsetDisplay.GetFont() ); } bRet = sal_True; } else aFonts.SetNoSelection(); FillStyles(); UpdateButtons(); return bRet; } sal_Bool SmSymDefineDialog::SelectStyle(const XubString &rStyleName, sal_Bool bApplyFont) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nPos = aStyles.GetEntryPos(rStyleName); // falls der Style nicht zur Auswahl steht nehmen wir den erst moeglichen // (sofern vorhanden) if (nPos == COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND && aStyles.GetEntryCount() > 0) nPos = 0; if (nPos != COMBOBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { aStyles.SetText(aStyles.GetEntry(nPos)); if (bApplyFont) { SetFont(aFonts.GetSelectEntry(), aStyles.GetText()); // update preview to use new font aSymbolDisplay.SetSymbol( aCharsetDisplay.GetSelectCharacter(), aCharsetDisplay.GetFont() ); } bRet = sal_True; } else aStyles.SetText(XubString()); UpdateButtons(); return bRet; } void SmSymDefineDialog::SelectChar(xub_Unicode cChar) { aCharsetDisplay.SelectCharacter( cChar ); aSymbolDisplay.SetSymbol( cChar, aCharsetDisplay.GetFont() ); UpdateButtons(); } /**************************************************************************/