/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svtools.hxx" #include "winmtf.hxx" #include #include #include //=========================== GDI-Array =================================== #define EMR_HEADER 1 #define EMR_POLYBEZIER 2 #define EMR_POLYGON 3 #define EMR_POLYLINE 4 #define EMR_POLYBEZIERTO 5 #define EMR_POLYLINETO 6 #define EMR_POLYPOLYLINE 7 #define EMR_POLYPOLYGON 8 #define EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX 9 #define EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX 10 #define EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX 11 #define EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX 12 #define EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX 13 #define EMR_EOF 14 #define EMR_SETPIXELV 15 #define EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS 16 #define EMR_SETMAPMODE 17 #define EMR_SETBKMODE 18 #define EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE 19 #define EMR_SETROP2 20 #define EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE 21 #define EMR_SETTEXTALIGN 22 #define EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT 23 #define EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR 24 #define EMR_SETBKCOLOR 25 #define EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN 26 #define EMR_MOVETOEX 27 #define EMR_SETMETARGN 28 #define EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT 29 #define EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT 30 #define EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX 31 #define EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX 32 #define EMR_SAVEDC 33 #define EMR_RESTOREDC 34 #define EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM 35 #define EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM 36 #define EMR_SELECTOBJECT 37 #define EMR_CREATEPEN 38 #define EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT 39 #define EMR_DELETEOBJECT 40 #define EMR_ANGLEARC 41 #define EMR_ELLIPSE 42 #define EMR_RECTANGLE 43 #define EMR_ROUNDRECT 44 #define EMR_ARC 45 #define EMR_CHORD 46 #define EMR_PIE 47 #define EMR_SELECTPALETTE 48 #define EMR_CREATEPALETTE 49 #define EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES 50 #define EMR_RESIZEPALETTE 51 #define EMR_REALIZEPALETTE 52 #define EMR_EXTFLOODFILL 53 #define EMR_LINETO 54 #define EMR_ARCTO 55 #define EMR_POLYDRAW 56 #define EMR_SETARCDIRECTION 57 #define EMR_SETMITERLIMIT 58 #define EMR_BEGINPATH 59 #define EMR_ENDPATH 60 #define EMR_CLOSEFIGURE 61 #define EMR_FILLPATH 62 #define EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH 63 #define EMR_STROKEPATH 64 #define EMR_FLATTENPATH 65 #define EMR_WIDENPATH 66 #define EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH 67 #define EMR_ABORTPATH 68 #define EMR_GDICOMMENT 70 #define EMR_FILLRGN 71 #define EMR_FRAMERGN 72 #define EMR_INVERTRGN 73 #define EMR_PAINTRGN 74 #define EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN 75 #define EMR_BITBLT 76 #define EMR_STRETCHBLT 77 #define EMR_MASKBLT 78 #define EMR_PLGBLT 79 #define EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE 80 #define EMR_STRETCHDIBITS 81 #define EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW 82 #define EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA 83 #define EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW 84 #define EMR_POLYBEZIER16 85 #define EMR_POLYGON16 86 #define EMR_POLYLINE16 87 #define EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 88 #define EMR_POLYLINETO16 89 #define EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 90 #define EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 91 #define EMR_POLYDRAW16 92 #define EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH 93 #define EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT 94 #define EMR_EXTCREATEPEN 95 #define EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA 96 #define EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW 97 // WINDOWS VERSION >= 0x400 #define EMR_SETICMMODE 98 #define EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE 99 #define EMR_SETCOLORSPACE 100 #define EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE 101 #define EMR_GLSRECORD 102 #define EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD 103 #define EMR_PIXELFORMAT 104 // WINDOWS VERSION >= 0x500 #define EMR_DRAWESCAPE 105 #define EMR_EXTESCAPE 106 #define EMR_STARTDOC 107 #define EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT 108 #define EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING 109 #define EMR_NAMEDESCAPE 110 #define EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE 111 #define EMR_SETICMPROFILEA 112 #define EMR_SETICMPROFILEW 113 #define EMR_ALPHABLEND 114 #define EMR_ALPHADIBBLEND 115 #define EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT 116 #define EMR_TRANSPARENTDIB 117 #define EMR_GRADIENTFILL 118 #define EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS 119 #define EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION 120 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef OSL_BIGENDIAN // currently unused static float GetSwapFloat( SvStream& rSt ) { float fTmp; sal_Int8* pPtr = (sal_Int8*)&fTmp; rSt >> pPtr[3] >> pPtr[2] >> pPtr[1] >> pPtr[0]; // Little Endian <-> Big Endian switch return fTmp; } #endif struct BLENDFUNCTION{ unsigned char aBlendOperation; unsigned char aBlendFlags; unsigned char aSrcConstantAlpha; unsigned char aAlphaFormat; friend SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIn, BLENDFUNCTION& rBlendFun ); }; SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIn, BLENDFUNCTION& rBlendFun ) { rIn >> rBlendFun.aBlendOperation >> rBlendFun.aBlendFlags >> rBlendFun.aSrcConstantAlpha >> rBlendFun.aAlphaFormat; return rIn; } SvStream& operator>>( SvStream& rIn, XForm& rXForm ) { if ( sizeof( float ) != 4 ) { DBG_ERROR( "EnhWMFReader::sizeof( float ) != 4" ); rXForm = XForm(); } else { #ifdef OSL_BIGENDIAN rXForm.eM11 = GetSwapFloat( rIn ); rXForm.eM12 = GetSwapFloat( rIn ); rXForm.eM21 = GetSwapFloat( rIn ); rXForm.eM22 = GetSwapFloat( rIn ); rXForm.eDx = GetSwapFloat( rIn ); rXForm.eDy = GetSwapFloat( rIn ); #else rIn >> rXForm.eM11 >> rXForm.eM12 >> rXForm.eM21 >> rXForm.eM22 >> rXForm.eDx >> rXForm.eDy; #endif } return rIn; } static sal_Bool ImplReadRegion( PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, SvStream& rSt, sal_uInt32 nLen ) { sal_Bool bOk = sal_False; if ( nLen ) { sal_uInt32 nHdSize, nType, nCount, nRgnSize, i; rSt >> nHdSize >> nType >> nCount >> nRgnSize; if ( nCount && ( nType == RDH_RECTANGLES ) && ( nLen >= ( ( nCount << 4 ) + ( nHdSize - 16 ) ) ) ) { sal_Int32 nx1, ny1, nx2, ny2; for ( i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { rSt >> nx1 >> ny1 >> nx2 >> ny2; Rectangle aRect( Point( nx1, ny1 ), Point( nx2, ny2 ) ); Polygon aPolygon( aRect ); PolyPolygon aPolyPolyOr1( aPolygon ); PolyPolygon aPolyPolyOr2( rPolyPoly ); rPolyPoly.GetUnion( aPolyPolyOr1, aPolyPolyOr2 ); rPolyPoly = aPolyPolyOr2; } bOk = sal_True; } } return bOk; } sal_Bool EnhWMFReader::ReadEnhWMF() { sal_uInt32 nStretchBltMode = 0; sal_uInt32 nRecType, nRecSize, nNextPos, nW, nH, nPoints, nColor, nIndex, nDat32, nNom1, nDen1, nNom2, nDen2; sal_Int32 nX32, nY32, nx32, ny32; sal_Int16 nX16, nY16; sal_Bool bFlag, bStatus = ReadHeader(); while( bStatus && nRecordCount-- ) { *pWMF >> nRecType >> nRecSize; if ( ( nRecSize < 8 ) || ( nRecSize & 3 ) ) // Parameter sind immer durch 4 teilbar { bStatus = sal_False; break; } nNextPos = pWMF->Tell() + ( nRecSize - 8 ); if ( nNextPos > nEndPos ) { bStatus = sal_False; break; } if( aBmpSaveList.Count() && ( nRecType != EMR_STRETCHBLT ) && ( nRecType != EMR_STRETCHDIBITS ) ) pOut->ResolveBitmapActions( aBmpSaveList ); bFlag = sal_False; switch( nRecType ) { case EMR_POLYBEZIERTO : bFlag = sal_True; case EMR_POLYBEZIER : { pWMF->SeekRel( 16 ); *pWMF >> nPoints; sal_uInt16 i = 0; if ( bFlag ) { i++; nPoints++; } Polygon aPoly( (sal_uInt16)nPoints ); for( ; i < (sal_uInt16)nPoints; i++ ) { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; aPoly[ i ] = Point( nX32, nY32 ); } pOut->DrawPolyBezier( aPoly, bFlag, bRecordPath ); } break; case EMR_POLYGON : { pWMF->SeekRel( 16 ); *pWMF >> nPoints; Polygon aPoly( (sal_uInt16)nPoints ); for( sal_uInt16 k = 0; k < (sal_uInt16)nPoints; k++ ) { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; aPoly[ k ] = Point( nX32, nY32 ); } pOut->DrawPolygon( aPoly, bRecordPath ); } break; case EMR_POLYLINETO : bFlag = sal_True; case EMR_POLYLINE : { pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); *pWMF >> nPoints; sal_uInt16 i = 0; if ( bFlag ) { i++; nPoints++; } Polygon aPolygon( (sal_uInt16)nPoints ); for ( ; i < (sal_uInt16)nPoints; i++ ) { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; aPolygon[ i ] = Point( nX32, nY32 ); } pOut->DrawPolyLine( aPolygon, bFlag, bRecordPath ); } break; case EMR_POLYPOLYLINE : { sal_Int32 i, nPoly; pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); // Anzahl der Polygone: *pWMF >> nPoly >> i; // taking the amount of points of each polygon, retrieving the total number of points if ( static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nPoly) < SAL_MAX_UINT32 / sizeof(sal_uInt16) ) { if ( ( static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( nPoly ) * sizeof(sal_uInt16) ) <= ( nEndPos - pWMF->Tell() ) ) { sal_uInt16* pnPoints = new sal_uInt16[ nPoly ]; for ( i = 0; i < nPoly && !pWMF->IsEof(); i++ ) { *pWMF >> nPoints; pnPoints[ i ] = (sal_uInt16)nPoints; } // Polygonpunkte holen: for ( i = 0; ( i < nPoly ) && !pWMF->IsEof(); i++ ) { Polygon aPoly( pnPoints[ i ] ); for( sal_uInt16 k = 0; k < pnPoints[ i ]; k++ ) { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; aPoly[ k ] = Point( nX32, nY32 ); } pOut->DrawPolyLine( aPoly, sal_False, bRecordPath ); } delete[] pnPoints; } } } break; case EMR_POLYPOLYGON : { sal_uInt32 nPoly(0); sal_uInt32 nGesPoints(0); sal_uInt32 nReadPoints(0); pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); // Anzahl der Polygone: *pWMF >> nPoly >> nGesPoints; if ( ( nGesPoints < SAL_MAX_UINT32 / sizeof(Point) ) && ( nPoly < SAL_MAX_UINT32 / sizeof(sal_uInt16) ) && !pWMF->IsEof() ) { if ( ( nPoly * sizeof(sal_uInt16) ) <= ( nEndPos - pWMF->Tell() ) ) { sal_uInt32 i(0); sal_uInt16* pnPoints = new sal_uInt16[ nPoly ]; for ( i = 0; i < nPoly && !pWMF->IsEof(); i++ ) { *pWMF >> nPoints; pnPoints[ i ] = (sal_uInt16)nPoints; } if ( ( nGesPoints * (sizeof(sal_uInt32)+sizeof(sal_uInt32)) ) <= ( nEndPos - pWMF->Tell() ) && !pWMF->IsEof()) { PolyPolygon aPolyPoly(nPoly, nPoly); for ( i = 0; i < nPoly && !pWMF->IsEof(); i++ ) { const sal_uInt16 nPointCount(pnPoints[i]); Point* pPtAry = new Point[nPointCount]; for(sal_uInt16 j(0); j < nPointCount && !pWMF->IsEof(); j++) { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; pPtAry[ j ] = Point( nX32, nY32 ); nReadPoints++; } aPolyPoly.Insert(Polygon(nPointCount, pPtAry)); delete[] pPtAry; } pOut->DrawPolyPolygon( aPolyPoly, bRecordPath ); } delete[] pnPoints; } } OSL_ENSURE(nReadPoints == nGesPoints, "The number Points processed from EMR_POLYPOLYGON is unequal imported number (!)"); } break; case EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX : { // #75383# *pWMF >> nW >> nH; pOut->SetWinExt( Size( nW, nH ) ); } break; case EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; pOut->SetWinOrg( Point( nX32, nY32 ) ); } break; case EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX : { *pWMF >> nNom1 >> nDen1 >> nNom2 >> nDen2; pOut->ScaleWinExt( (double)nNom1 / nDen1, (double)nNom2 / nDen2 ); } break; case EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; pOut->SetDevOrg( Point( nX32, nY32 ) ); } break; case EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX : { *pWMF >> nNom1 >> nDen1 >> nNom2 >> nDen2; pOut->ScaleDevExt( (double)nNom1 / nDen1, (double)nNom2 / nDen2 ); } break; case EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX : { *pWMF >> nW >> nH; pOut->SetDevExt( Size( nW, nH ) ); } break; case EMR_EOF : nRecordCount = 0; // #76846# break; case EMR_SETPIXELV : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; pOut->DrawPixel( Point( nX32, nY32 ), ReadColor() ); } break; case EMR_SETMAPMODE : { sal_uInt32 nMapMode; *pWMF >> nMapMode; pOut->SetMapMode( nMapMode ); } break; case EMR_SETBKMODE : { *pWMF >> nDat32; pOut->SetBkMode( nDat32 ); } break; case EMR_SETPOLYFILLMODE : break; case EMR_SETROP2 : { *pWMF >> nDat32; pOut->SetRasterOp( nDat32 ); } break; case EMR_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE : { *pWMF >> nStretchBltMode; } break; case EMR_SETTEXTALIGN : { *pWMF >> nDat32; pOut->SetTextAlign( nDat32 ); } break; case EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR : { pOut->SetTextColor( ReadColor() ); } break; case EMR_SETBKCOLOR : { pOut->SetBkColor( ReadColor() ); } break; case EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; pOut->MoveClipRegion( Size( nX32, nY32 ) ); } break; case EMR_MOVETOEX : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; pOut->MoveTo( Point( nX32, nY32 ), bRecordPath ); } break; case EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32 >> nx32 >> ny32; pOut->IntersectClipRect( ReadRectangle( nX32, nY32, nx32, ny32 ) ); } break; case EMR_SAVEDC : { pOut->Push(); } break; case EMR_RESTOREDC : { pOut->Pop(); } break; case EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM : { XForm aTempXForm; *pWMF >> aTempXForm; pOut->SetWorldTransform( aTempXForm ); } break; case EMR_MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM : { sal_uInt32 nMode; XForm aTempXForm; *pWMF >> aTempXForm >> nMode; pOut->ModifyWorldTransform( aTempXForm, nMode ); } break; case EMR_SELECTOBJECT : { *pWMF >> nIndex; pOut->SelectObject( nIndex ); } break; case EMR_CREATEPEN : { *pWMF >> nIndex; if ( ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT ) == 0 ) { LineInfo aLineInfo; sal_uInt32 nStyle; Size aSize; *pWMF >> nStyle >> aSize.Width() >> aSize.Height(); if ( aSize.Width() ) aLineInfo.SetWidth( aSize.Width() ); sal_Bool bTransparent = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nDashCount = 0; sal_uInt16 nDotCount = 0; switch( nStyle ) { case PS_DASHDOTDOT : nDotCount++; case PS_DASHDOT : nDashCount++; case PS_DOT : nDotCount++; break; case PS_DASH : nDashCount++; break; case PS_NULL : bTransparent = sal_True; aLineInfo.SetStyle( LINE_NONE ); break; default : case PS_INSIDEFRAME : case PS_SOLID : aLineInfo.SetStyle( LINE_SOLID ); } if ( nDashCount | nDotCount ) { aLineInfo.SetStyle( LINE_DASH ); aLineInfo.SetDashCount( nDashCount ); aLineInfo.SetDotCount( nDotCount ); } pOut->CreateObject( nIndex, GDI_PEN, new WinMtfLineStyle( ReadColor(), aLineInfo, bTransparent ) ); } } break; case EMR_EXTCREATEPEN : { sal_Int32 elpHatch; sal_uInt32 offBmi, cbBmi, offBits, cbBits, nStyle, nWidth, nBrushStyle, elpNumEntries; Color aColorRef; *pWMF >> nIndex; if ( ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT ) == 0 ) { *pWMF >> offBmi >> cbBmi >> offBits >> cbBits >> nStyle >> nWidth >> nBrushStyle; aColorRef = ReadColor(); *pWMF >> elpHatch >> elpNumEntries; LineInfo aLineInfo; if ( nWidth ) aLineInfo.SetWidth( nWidth ); sal_Bool bTransparent = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nDashCount = 0; sal_uInt16 nDotCount = 0; switch( nStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK ) { case PS_DASHDOTDOT : nDotCount++; case PS_DASHDOT : nDashCount++; case PS_DOT : nDotCount++; break; case PS_DASH : nDashCount++; break; case PS_NULL : bTransparent = sal_True; aLineInfo.SetStyle( LINE_NONE ); break; default : case PS_INSIDEFRAME : case PS_SOLID : aLineInfo.SetStyle( LINE_SOLID ); } if ( nDashCount | nDotCount ) { aLineInfo.SetStyle( LINE_DASH ); aLineInfo.SetDashCount( nDashCount ); aLineInfo.SetDotCount( nDotCount ); } pOut->CreateObject( nIndex, GDI_PEN, new WinMtfLineStyle( aColorRef, aLineInfo, bTransparent ) ); } } break; case EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT : { sal_uInt32 nStyle; *pWMF >> nIndex; if ( ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT ) == 0 ) { *pWMF >> nStyle; pOut->CreateObject( nIndex, GDI_BRUSH, new WinMtfFillStyle( ReadColor(), ( nStyle == BS_HOLLOW ) ? sal_True : sal_False ) ); } } break; case EMR_DELETEOBJECT : { *pWMF >> nIndex; if ( ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT ) == 0 ) pOut->DeleteObject( nIndex ); } break; case EMR_ELLIPSE : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32 >> nx32 >> ny32; pOut->DrawEllipse( ReadRectangle( nX32, nY32, nx32, ny32 ) ); } break; case EMR_RECTANGLE : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32 >> nx32 >> ny32; pOut->DrawRect( ReadRectangle( nX32, nY32, nx32, ny32 ) ); } break; case EMR_ROUNDRECT : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32 >> nx32 >> ny32 >> nW >> nH; Size aSize( Size( nW, nH ) ); pOut->DrawRoundRect( ReadRectangle( nX32, nY32, nx32, ny32 ), aSize ); } break; case EMR_ARC : { sal_uInt32 nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY; *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32 >> nx32 >> ny32 >> nStartX >> nStartY >> nEndX >> nEndY; pOut->DrawArc( ReadRectangle( nX32, nY32, nx32, ny32 ), Point( nStartX, nStartY ), Point( nEndX, nEndY ) ); } break; case EMR_CHORD : { sal_uInt32 nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY; *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32 >> nx32 >> ny32 >> nStartX >> nStartY >> nEndX >> nEndY; pOut->DrawChord( ReadRectangle( nX32, nY32, nx32, ny32 ), Point( nStartX, nStartY ), Point( nEndX, nEndY ) ); } break; case EMR_PIE : { sal_uInt32 nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY; *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32 >> nx32 >> ny32 >> nStartX >> nStartY >> nEndX >> nEndY; const Rectangle aRect( ReadRectangle( nX32, nY32, nx32, ny32 )); // #i73608# OutputDevice deviates from WMF // semantics. start==end means full ellipse here. if( nStartX == nEndX && nStartY == nEndY ) pOut->DrawEllipse( aRect ); else pOut->DrawPie( aRect, Point( nStartX, nStartY ), Point( nEndX, nEndY ) ); } break; case EMR_LINETO : { *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32; pOut->LineTo( Point( nX32, nY32 ), bRecordPath ); } break; case EMR_ARCTO : { sal_uInt32 nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY; *pWMF >> nX32 >> nY32 >> nx32 >> ny32 >> nStartX >> nStartY >> nEndX >> nEndY; pOut->DrawArc( ReadRectangle( nX32, nY32, nx32, ny32 ), Point( nStartX, nStartY ), Point( nEndX, nEndY ), sal_True ); } break; case EMR_BEGINPATH : { pOut->ClearPath(); bRecordPath = sal_True; } break; case EMR_ABORTPATH : pOut->ClearPath(); case EMR_ENDPATH : bRecordPath = sal_False; break; case EMR_CLOSEFIGURE : pOut->ClosePath(); break; case EMR_FILLPATH : pOut->StrokeAndFillPath( sal_False, sal_True ); break; case EMR_STROKEANDFILLPATH : pOut->StrokeAndFillPath( sal_True, sal_True ); break; case EMR_STROKEPATH : pOut->StrokeAndFillPath( sal_True, sal_False ); break; case EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH : { sal_Int32 nClippingMode; *pWMF >> nClippingMode; pOut->SetClipPath( pOut->GetPathObj(), nClippingMode, sal_True ); } break; case EMR_EXTSELECTCLIPRGN : { sal_Int32 iMode, cbRgnData; *pWMF >> cbRgnData >> iMode; PolyPolygon aPolyPoly; if ( cbRgnData ) ImplReadRegion( aPolyPoly, *pWMF, nRecSize ); pOut->SetClipPath( aPolyPoly, iMode, sal_False ); } break; case EMR_ALPHABLEND: { sal_Int32 xDest, yDest, cxDest, cyDest; BLENDFUNCTION aFunc; sal_Int32 xSrc, ySrc; XForm xformSrc; sal_uInt32 BkColorSrc,iUsageSrc ,offBmiSrc,cbBmiSrc,offBitsSrc,cbBitsSrc ,cxSrc,cySrc ; sal_uInt32 nStart = pWMF->Tell() - 8; pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); *pWMF >> xDest >> yDest >> cxDest >> cyDest >> aFunc >> xSrc >> ySrc >> xformSrc >> BkColorSrc >> iUsageSrc >> offBmiSrc >> cbBmiSrc >> offBitsSrc >> cbBitsSrc >>cxSrc>>cySrc ; sal_uInt32 dwRop = SRCAND|SRCINVERT; Bitmap aBitmap; Rectangle aRect( Point( xDest, yDest ), Size( cxDest+1, cyDest+1 ) ); if ( (cbBitsSrc > (SAL_MAX_UINT32 - 14)) || ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - 14) - cbBitsSrc < cbBmiSrc) ) bStatus = sal_False; else { sal_uInt32 nSize = cbBmiSrc + cbBitsSrc + 14; if ( nSize <= ( nEndPos - nStartPos ) ) { char* pBuf = new char[ nSize ]; SvMemoryStream aTmp( pBuf, nSize, STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE ); aTmp.ObjectOwnsMemory( sal_True ); aTmp << (sal_uInt8)'B' << (sal_uInt8)'M' << (sal_uInt32)cbBitsSrc << (sal_uInt16)0 << (sal_uInt16)0 << (sal_uInt32)cbBmiSrc + 14; pWMF->Seek( nStart + offBmiSrc ); pWMF->Read( pBuf + 14, cbBmiSrc ); pWMF->Seek( nStart + offBitsSrc ); pWMF->Read( pBuf + 14 + cbBmiSrc, cbBitsSrc ); aTmp.Seek( 0 ); ReadDIB(aBitmap, aTmp, true); // test if it is sensible to crop if ( ( cxSrc > 0 ) && ( cySrc > 0 ) && ( xSrc >= 0 ) && ( ySrc >= 0 ) && ( xSrc + static_cast< sal_Int32 >(cxSrc) <= static_cast< sal_Int32 >(aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width()) ) && ( ySrc + static_cast< sal_Int32 >(cySrc) <= static_cast< sal_Int32 >(aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height()) ) ) { Rectangle aCropRect( Point( xSrc, ySrc ), Size( cxSrc, cySrc ) ); aBitmap.Crop( aCropRect ); } aBmpSaveList.Insert( new BSaveStruct( aBitmap, aRect, dwRop ), LIST_APPEND ); } } } break; case EMR_BITBLT : // PASSTHROUGH INTENDED case EMR_STRETCHBLT : { sal_Int32 xDest, yDest, cxDest, cyDest, xSrc, ySrc, cxSrc, cySrc; sal_uInt32 dwRop, iUsageSrc, offBmiSrc, cbBmiSrc, offBitsSrc, cbBitsSrc; XForm xformSrc; sal_uInt32 nStart = pWMF->Tell() - 8; pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); *pWMF >> xDest >> yDest >> cxDest >> cyDest >> dwRop >> xSrc >> ySrc >> xformSrc >> nColor >> iUsageSrc >> offBmiSrc >> cbBmiSrc >> offBitsSrc >> cbBitsSrc; if ( nRecType == EMR_STRETCHBLT ) *pWMF >> cxSrc >> cySrc; else cxSrc = cySrc = 0; Bitmap aBitmap; Rectangle aRect( Point( xDest, yDest ), Size( cxDest+1, cyDest+1 ) ); cxDest = abs( (int)cxDest ); // sj: i37894, size can be negative cyDest = abs( (int)cyDest ); // and also 122889 if ( (cbBitsSrc > (SAL_MAX_UINT32 - 14)) || ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - 14) - cbBitsSrc < cbBmiSrc) ) bStatus = sal_False; else { sal_uInt32 nSize = cbBmiSrc + cbBitsSrc + 14; if ( nSize <= ( nEndPos - nStartPos ) ) { char* pBuf = new char[ nSize ]; SvMemoryStream aTmp( pBuf, nSize, STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE ); aTmp.ObjectOwnsMemory( sal_True ); aTmp << (sal_uInt8)'B' << (sal_uInt8)'M' << (sal_uInt32)cbBitsSrc << (sal_uInt16)0 << (sal_uInt16)0 << (sal_uInt32)cbBmiSrc + 14; pWMF->Seek( nStart + offBmiSrc ); pWMF->Read( pBuf + 14, cbBmiSrc ); pWMF->Seek( nStart + offBitsSrc ); pWMF->Read( pBuf + 14 + cbBmiSrc, cbBitsSrc ); aTmp.Seek( 0 ); ReadDIB(aBitmap, aTmp, true); // test if it is sensible to crop if ( ( cxSrc > 0 ) && ( cySrc > 0 ) && ( xSrc >= 0 ) && ( ySrc >= 0 ) && ( xSrc + cxSrc <= aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width() ) && ( ySrc + cySrc <= aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height() ) ) { Rectangle aCropRect( Point( xSrc, ySrc ), Size( cxSrc, cySrc ) ); aBitmap.Crop( aCropRect ); } aBmpSaveList.Insert( new BSaveStruct( aBitmap, aRect, dwRop ), LIST_APPEND ); } } } break; case EMR_STRETCHDIBITS : { sal_Int32 xDest, yDest, xSrc, ySrc, cxSrc, cySrc, cxDest, cyDest; sal_uInt32 offBmiSrc, cbBmiSrc, offBitsSrc, cbBitsSrc, iUsageSrc, dwRop; sal_uInt32 nStart = pWMF->Tell() - 8; pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); *pWMF >> xDest >> yDest >> xSrc >> ySrc >> cxSrc >> cySrc >> offBmiSrc >> cbBmiSrc >> offBitsSrc >> cbBitsSrc >> iUsageSrc >> dwRop >> cxDest >> cyDest; Bitmap aBitmap; Rectangle aRect( Point( xDest, yDest ), Size( cxDest+1, cyDest+1 ) ); cxDest = abs( (int)cxDest ); // sj: i37894, size can be negative cyDest = abs( (int)cyDest ); // and also 122889 if ( (cbBitsSrc > (SAL_MAX_UINT32 - 14)) || ((SAL_MAX_UINT32 - 14) - cbBitsSrc < cbBmiSrc) ) bStatus = sal_False; else { sal_uInt32 nSize = cbBmiSrc + cbBitsSrc + 14; if ( nSize <= ( nEndPos - nStartPos ) ) { char* pBuf = new char[ nSize ]; SvMemoryStream aTmp( pBuf, nSize, STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE ); aTmp.ObjectOwnsMemory( sal_True ); aTmp << (sal_uInt8)'B' << (sal_uInt8)'M' << (sal_uInt32)cbBitsSrc << (sal_uInt16)0 << (sal_uInt16)0 << (sal_uInt32)cbBmiSrc + 14; pWMF->Seek( nStart + offBmiSrc ); pWMF->Read( pBuf + 14, cbBmiSrc ); pWMF->Seek( nStart + offBitsSrc ); pWMF->Read( pBuf + 14 + cbBmiSrc, cbBitsSrc ); aTmp.Seek( 0 ); ReadDIB(aBitmap, aTmp, true); // test if it is sensible to crop if ( ( cxSrc > 0 ) && ( cySrc > 0 ) && ( xSrc >= 0 ) && ( ySrc >= 0 ) && ( xSrc + cxSrc <= aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width() ) && ( ySrc + cySrc <= aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height() ) ) { Rectangle aCropRect( Point( xSrc, ySrc ), Size( cxSrc, cySrc ) ); aBitmap.Crop( aCropRect ); } aBmpSaveList.Insert( new BSaveStruct( aBitmap, aRect, dwRop ), LIST_APPEND ); } } } break; case EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW : { *pWMF >> nIndex; if ( ( nIndex & ENHMETA_STOCK_OBJECT ) == 0 ) { LOGFONTW aLogFont; *pWMF >> aLogFont.lfHeight >> aLogFont.lfWidth >> aLogFont.lfEscapement >> aLogFont.lfOrientation >> aLogFont.lfWeight >> aLogFont.lfItalic >> aLogFont.lfUnderline >> aLogFont.lfStrikeOut >> aLogFont.lfCharSet >> aLogFont.lfOutPrecision >> aLogFont.lfClipPrecision >> aLogFont.lfQuality >> aLogFont.lfPitchAndFamily; sal_Unicode lfFaceName[ LF_FACESIZE ]; for ( int i = 0; i < LF_FACESIZE; i++ ) { sal_uInt16 nChar; *pWMF >> nChar; lfFaceName[ i ] = nChar; } aLogFont.alfFaceName = UniString( lfFaceName ); // #123216# Not used in the test case of #121382# (always identity in XForm), also // no hints in ms docu if FontSize should be scaled with WT. Using with the example // from #123216# creates errors, so removing. // // // #121382# Need to apply WorldTransform to FontHeight/Width; this should be completely // // changed to basegfx::B2DHomMatrix instead of 'struct XForm', but not now due to time // // constraints and dangers // const XForm& rXF = pOut->GetWorldTransform(); // const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aWT(rXF.eM11, rXF.eM21, rXF.eDx, rXF.eM12, rXF.eM22, rXF.eDy); // const basegfx::B2DVector aTransVec(aWT * basegfx::B2DVector(aLogFont.lfWidth, aLogFont.lfHeight)); // aLogFont.lfWidth = aTransVec.getX(); // aLogFont.lfHeight = aTransVec.getY(); pOut->CreateObject( nIndex, GDI_FONT, new WinMtfFontStyle( aLogFont ) ); } } break; case EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA : bFlag = sal_True; case EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW : { sal_Int32 nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom, ptlReferenceX, ptlReferenceY, nGfxMode, nXScale, nYScale; sal_uInt32 nCurPos, nLen, nOffString, nOptions, offDx; sal_Int32* pDX = NULL; nCurPos = pWMF->Tell() - 8; *pWMF >> nLeft >> nTop >> nRight >> nBottom >> nGfxMode >> nXScale >> nYScale >> ptlReferenceX >> ptlReferenceY >> nLen >> nOffString >> nOptions; pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); *pWMF >> offDx; sal_Int32 nTextLayoutMode = TEXT_LAYOUT_DEFAULT; if ( nOptions & ETO_RTLREADING ) nTextLayoutMode = TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_RTL | TEXT_LAYOUT_TEXTORIGIN_LEFT; pOut->SetTextLayoutMode( nTextLayoutMode ); DBG_ASSERT( ( nOptions & ( ETO_PDY | ETO_GLYPH_INDEX ) ) == 0, "SJ: ETO_PDY || ETO_GLYPH_INDEX in EMF" ); Point aPos( ptlReferenceX, ptlReferenceY ); if ( nLen && ( nLen < SAL_MAX_UINT32 / sizeof(sal_Int32) ) ) { if ( offDx && (( nCurPos + offDx + nLen * 4 ) <= nNextPos ) ) { pWMF->Seek( nCurPos + offDx ); if ( ( nLen * sizeof(sal_uInt32) ) <= ( nEndPos - pWMF->Tell() ) ) { pDX = new sal_Int32[ nLen ]; sal_uInt32 i; for ( i = 0; i < nLen; i++ ) *pWMF >> pDX[ i ]; } } pWMF->Seek( nCurPos + nOffString ); String aText; if ( bFlag ) { if ( nLen <= ( nEndPos - pWMF->Tell() ) ) { sal_Char* pBuf = new sal_Char[ nLen ]; pWMF->Read( pBuf, nLen ); aText = String( pBuf, (sal_uInt16)nLen, pOut->GetCharSet() ); delete[] pBuf; if ( aText.Len() != nLen ) { sal_uInt16 i, j, k; sal_Int32* pOldDx = pDX; pDX = new sal_Int32[ aText.Len() ]; for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < aText.Len(); i++ ) { ByteString aCharacter( aText.GetChar( i ), pOut->GetCharSet() ); pDX[ i ] = 0; for ( k = 0; ( k < aCharacter.Len() ) && ( j < nLen ) && ( i < aText.Len() ); k++ ) pDX[ i ] += pOldDx[ j++ ]; } delete[] pOldDx; } } } else { if ( ( nLen * sizeof(sal_Unicode) ) <= ( nEndPos - pWMF->Tell() ) ) { sal_Unicode* pBuf = new sal_Unicode[ nLen ]; pWMF->Read( pBuf, nLen << 1 ); #ifdef OSL_BIGENDIAN sal_Char nTmp, *pTmp = (sal_Char*)( pBuf + nLen ); while ( pTmp-- != (sal_Char*)pBuf ) { nTmp = *pTmp--; pTmp[ 1 ] = *pTmp; *pTmp = nTmp; } #endif aText = String( pBuf, (xub_StrLen)nLen ); delete[] pBuf; } } pOut->DrawText( aPos, aText, pDX, bRecordPath, nGfxMode ); } delete[] pDX; } break; case EMR_POLYBEZIERTO16 : bFlag = sal_True; case EMR_POLYBEZIER16 : { pWMF->SeekRel( 16 ); *pWMF >> nPoints; sal_uInt16 i = 0; if ( bFlag ) { i++; nPoints++; } Polygon aPoly( (sal_uInt16)nPoints ); for( ; i < (sal_uInt16)nPoints; i++ ) { *pWMF >> nX16 >> nY16; aPoly[ i ] = Point( nX16, nY16 ); } pOut->DrawPolyBezier( aPoly, bFlag, bRecordPath ); // Line( aPoly, bFlag ); } break; case EMR_POLYGON16 : { pWMF->SeekRel( 16 ); *pWMF >> nPoints; Polygon aPoly( (sal_uInt16)nPoints ); for( sal_uInt16 k = 0; k < (sal_uInt16)nPoints; k++ ) { *pWMF >> nX16 >> nY16; aPoly[ k ] = Point( nX16, nY16 ); } pOut->DrawPolygon( aPoly, bRecordPath ); } break; case EMR_POLYLINETO16 : bFlag = sal_True; case EMR_POLYLINE16 : { pWMF->SeekRel( 16 ); *pWMF >> nPoints; sal_uInt16 i = 0; if ( bFlag ) { i++; nPoints++; } Polygon aPoly( (sal_uInt16)nPoints ); for( ; i < (sal_uInt16)nPoints; i++ ) { *pWMF >> nX16 >> nY16; aPoly[ i ] = Point( nX16, nY16 ); } pOut->DrawPolyLine( aPoly, bFlag, bRecordPath ); } break; case EMR_POLYPOLYLINE16 : { sal_uInt16* pnPoints; sal_Int32 i, nPoly, nGesPoints; pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); // Anzahl der Polygone: *pWMF >> nPoly >> nGesPoints; // taking the amount of points of each polygon, retrieving the total number of points if ( static_cast< sal_uInt32 >(nPoly) < SAL_MAX_UINT32 / sizeof(sal_uInt16) ) { if ( ( static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( nPoly ) * sizeof(sal_uInt16) ) <= ( nEndPos - pWMF->Tell() ) ) { pnPoints = new sal_uInt16[ nPoly ]; for ( i = 0; i < nPoly; i++ ) { *pWMF >> nPoints; pnPoints[ i ] = (sal_uInt16)nPoints; } // Polygonpunkte holen: for ( i = 0; ( i < nPoly ) && !pWMF->IsEof(); i++ ) { Polygon aPolygon( pnPoints[ i ] ); for ( sal_uInt16 k = 0; k < pnPoints[ i ]; k++ ) { *pWMF >> nX16 >> nY16; aPolygon[ k ] = Point( nX16, nY16 ); } pOut->DrawPolyLine( aPolygon, sal_False, bRecordPath ); } delete[] pnPoints; } } } break; case EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 : { sal_uInt32 nPoly(0); sal_uInt32 nGesPoints(0); pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); // Anzahl der Polygone: *pWMF >> nPoly >> nGesPoints; sal_uInt32 nReadPoints(0); if ( ( nGesPoints < SAL_MAX_UINT32 / sizeof(Point) ) && ( nPoly < SAL_MAX_UINT32 / sizeof(sal_uInt16) ) && !pWMF->IsEof() ) { if ( ( static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( nPoly ) * sizeof( sal_uInt16 ) ) <= ( nEndPos - pWMF->Tell() ) ) { sal_uInt32 i(0); sal_uInt16* pnPoints = new sal_uInt16[ nPoly ]; for ( i = 0; i < nPoly && !pWMF->IsEof(); i++ ) { *pWMF >> nPoints; pnPoints[ i ] = (sal_uInt16)nPoints; } if ( ( nGesPoints * (sizeof(sal_uInt16)+sizeof(sal_uInt16)) ) <= ( nEndPos - pWMF->Tell() ) && !pWMF->IsEof() ) { PolyPolygon aPolyPoly(nPoly, nPoly); for ( i = 0; i < nPoly && !pWMF->IsEof(); i++ ) { const sal_uInt16 nPointCount(pnPoints[i]); Point* pPtAry = new Point[nPointCount]; for(sal_uInt16 b(0); b < nPointCount && !pWMF->IsEof(); b++) { *pWMF >> nX16 >> nY16; pPtAry[b] = Point( nX16, nY16 ); nReadPoints++; } aPolyPoly.Insert(Polygon(nPointCount, pPtAry)); delete[] pPtAry; } // create PolyPolygon actions pOut->DrawPolyPolygon( aPolyPoly, bRecordPath ); } delete[] pnPoints; } } OSL_ENSURE(nReadPoints == nGesPoints, "The number Points processed from EMR_POLYPOLYGON16 is unequal imported number (!)"); } break; case EMR_FILLRGN : { sal_uInt32 nLen; PolyPolygon aPolyPoly; pWMF->SeekRel( 0x10 ); *pWMF >> nLen >> nIndex; if ( ImplReadRegion( aPolyPoly, *pWMF, nRecSize ) ) { pOut->Push(); pOut->SelectObject( nIndex ); pOut->DrawPolyPolygon( aPolyPoly, sal_False ); pOut->Pop(); } } break; case EMR_CREATEDIBPATTERNBRUSHPT : { sal_uInt32 nTmp32; sal_uInt32 nOffset; *pWMF >> nIndex; Bitmap aBmp; BitmapReadAccess* pBmp; sal_uInt32 nRed = 0, nGreen = 0, nBlue = 0, nCount = 1; *pWMF >> nTmp32; *pWMF >> nOffset; for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < (nOffset - 20)/4; i ++ ) { *pWMF >> nTmp32; } ReadDIB(aBmp, *pWMF, false); pBmp = aBmp.AcquireReadAccess(); if ( pBmp ) { for ( sal_Int32 y = 0; y < pBmp->Height(); y++ ) { for ( sal_Int32 x = 0; x < pBmp->Width(); x++ ) { const BitmapColor aColor( pBmp->GetColor( y, x ) ); nRed += aColor.GetRed(); nGreen += aColor.GetGreen(); nBlue += aColor.GetBlue(); } } nCount = pBmp->Height() * pBmp->Width(); if ( !nCount ) nCount++; aBmp.ReleaseAccess( pBmp ); } Color aColor( (sal_Char)( nRed / nCount ), (sal_Char)( nGreen / nCount ), (sal_Char)( nBlue / nCount ) ); pOut->CreateObject( nIndex, GDI_BRUSH, new WinMtfFillStyle( aColor, sal_False ) ); } break; #ifdef WIN_MTF_ASSERT default : WinMtfAssertHandler( "Unknown Meta Action" ); break; case EMR_MASKBLT : WinMtfAssertHandler( "MaskBlt" ); break; case EMR_PLGBLT : WinMtfAssertHandler( "PlgBlt" ); break; case EMR_SETDIBITSTODEVICE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetDIBitsToDevice" ); break; case EMR_FRAMERGN : WinMtfAssertHandler( "FrameRgn" ); break; case EMR_INVERTRGN : WinMtfAssertHandler( "InvertRgn" ); break; case EMR_PAINTRGN : WinMtfAssertHandler( "PaintRgn" ); break; case EMR_FLATTENPATH : WinMtfAssertHandler( "FlattenPath" ); break; case EMR_WIDENPATH : WinMtfAssertHandler( "WidenPath" ); break; case EMR_POLYDRAW : WinMtfAssertHandler( "Polydraw" ); break; case EMR_SETARCDIRECTION : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetArcDirection" ); break; case EMR_SETPALETTEENTRIES : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetPaletteEntries" ); break; case EMR_RESIZEPALETTE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "ResizePalette" ); break; case EMR_EXTFLOODFILL : WinMtfAssertHandler( "ExtFloodFill" ); break; case EMR_ANGLEARC : WinMtfAssertHandler( "AngleArc" ); break; case EMR_SETCOLORADJUSTMENT : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetColorAdjustment" ); break; case EMR_POLYDRAW16 : WinMtfAssertHandler( "PolyDraw16" ); break; case EMR_POLYTEXTOUTA : WinMtfAssertHandler( "PolyTextOutA" ); break; case EMR_POLYTEXTOUTW : WinMtfAssertHandler( "PolyTextOutW" ); break; case EMR_CREATECOLORSPACE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "CreateColorSpace" ); break; case EMR_SETCOLORSPACE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetColorSpace" ); break; case EMR_DELETECOLORSPACE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "DeleteColorSpace" ); break; case EMR_GLSRECORD : WinMtfAssertHandler( "GlsRecord" ); break; case EMR_GLSBOUNDEDRECORD : WinMtfAssertHandler( "GlsBoundRecord" ); break; case EMR_PIXELFORMAT : WinMtfAssertHandler( "PixelFormat" ); break; case EMR_DRAWESCAPE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "DrawEscape" ); break; case EMR_EXTESCAPE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "ExtEscape" ); break; case EMR_STARTDOC : WinMtfAssertHandler( "StartDoc" ); break; case EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SmallTextOut" ); break; case EMR_FORCEUFIMAPPING : WinMtfAssertHandler( "ForceUFIMapping" ); break; case EMR_NAMEDESCAPE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "NamedEscape" ); break; case EMR_COLORCORRECTPALETTE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "ColorCorrectPalette" ); break; case EMR_SETICMPROFILEA : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetICMProfileA" ); break; case EMR_SETICMPROFILEW : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetICMProfileW" ); break; case EMR_TRANSPARENTBLT : WinMtfAssertHandler( "TransparenBlt" ); break; case EMR_TRANSPARENTDIB : WinMtfAssertHandler( "TransparenDib" ); break; case EMR_GRADIENTFILL : WinMtfAssertHandler( "GradientFill" ); break; case EMR_SETLINKEDUFIS : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetLinkedUFIS" ); break; case EMR_SETMAPPERFLAGS : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetMapperFlags", 0 ); break; case EMR_SETICMMODE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetICMMode", 0 ); break; case EMR_CREATEMONOBRUSH : WinMtfAssertHandler( "CreateMonoBrush", 0 ); break; case EMR_SETBRUSHORGEX : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetBrushOrgEx", 0 ); break; case EMR_SETMETARGN : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetMetArgn", 0 ); break; case EMR_SETMITERLIMIT : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetMiterLimit", 0 ); break; case EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT : WinMtfAssertHandler( "ExcludeClipRect", 0 ); break; case EMR_REALIZEPALETTE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "RealizePalette", 0 ); break; case EMR_SELECTPALETTE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SelectPalette", 0 ); break; case EMR_CREATEPALETTE : WinMtfAssertHandler( "CreatePalette", 0 ); break; case EMR_ALPHADIBBLEND : WinMtfAssertHandler( "AlphaDibBlend", 0 ); break; case EMR_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION : WinMtfAssertHandler( "SetTextJustification", 0 ); break; case EMR_GDICOMMENT : case EMR_HEADER : // has already been read at ReadHeader() break; #endif } pWMF->Seek( nNextPos ); } if( aBmpSaveList.Count() ) pOut->ResolveBitmapActions( aBmpSaveList ); if ( bStatus ) pWMF->Seek(nEndPos); return bStatus; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool EnhWMFReader::ReadHeader() { sal_uInt32 nsal_uInt32, nHeaderSize, nPalEntries; sal_Int32 nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom; // METAFILEHEADER SPARE ICH MIR HIER // Einlesen des METAHEADER *pWMF >> nsal_uInt32 >> nHeaderSize; if ( nsal_uInt32 != 1 ) // Typ return sal_False; // bound size Rectangle rclBounds; // rectangle in logical units 1/100th mm *pWMF >> nLeft >> nTop >> nRight >> nBottom; rclBounds.Left() = nLeft; rclBounds.Top() = nTop; rclBounds.Right() = nRight; rclBounds.Bottom() = nBottom; // picture frame size Rectangle rclFrame; // rectangle in device units *pWMF >> nLeft >> nTop >> nRight >> nBottom; rclFrame.Left() = nLeft; rclFrame.Top() = nTop; rclFrame.Right() = nRight; rclFrame.Bottom() = nBottom; *pWMF >> nsal_uInt32; // signature if ( nsal_uInt32 != 0x464d4520 ) return sal_False; *pWMF >> nsal_uInt32; // nVersion *pWMF >> nEndPos; // size of metafile nEndPos += nStartPos; sal_uInt32 nStrmPos = pWMF->Tell(); // checking if nEndPos is valid pWMF->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ); if ( pWMF->Tell() < nEndPos ) nEndPos = pWMF->Tell(); pWMF->Seek( nStrmPos ); *pWMF >> nRecordCount; if ( !nRecordCount ) return sal_False; pWMF->SeekRel( 0xc ); sal_Int32 nPixX, nPixY, nMillX, nMillY; *pWMF >> nPalEntries >> nPixX >> nPixY >> nMillX >> nMillY; pOut->SetrclFrame( rclFrame ); pOut->SetrclBounds( rclBounds ); pOut->SetRefPix( Size( nPixX, nPixY ) ); pOut->SetRefMill( Size( nMillX, nMillY ) ); pWMF->Seek( nStartPos + nHeaderSize ); return sal_True; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rectangle EnhWMFReader::ReadRectangle( sal_Int32 x1, sal_Int32 y1, sal_Int32 x2, sal_Int32 y2 ) { Point aTL ( Point( x1, y1 ) ); Point aBR( Point( --x2, --y2 ) ); return Rectangle( aTL, aBR ); } EnhWMFReader::~EnhWMFReader() { }; /* vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4: */