/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "svx/fmresids.hrc" /* Strings for translation */ String RID_ERR_CONTEXT_ADDFORM { Text [ en-US ] = "Error while creating form" ; }; String RID_ERR_FIELDREQUIRED { Text [ en-US ] = "Input required in field '#'. Please enter a value." ; }; String RID_ERR_DUPLICATE_NAME { Text [ en-US ] = "Entry already exists.\nPlease choose another name." ; }; String RID_STR_FORMS { Text [ en-US ] = "Forms" ; }; String RID_STR_NO_PROPERTIES { Text [ en-US ] = "No control selected" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPERTIES_CONTROL { Text [ en-US ] = "Properties: " ; }; String RID_STR_PROPERTIES_FORM { Text [ en-US ] = "Form Properties" ; }; String RID_STR_FMEXPLORER { Text [ en-US ] = "Form Navigator" ; }; String RID_STR_FORM { Text [ en-US ] = "Form" ; }; Resource RID_RSC_TABWIN_PREFIX { String 1 { Text [ en-US ] = "Table" ; }; String 2 { Text [ en-US ] = "Query" ; }; String 3 { Text [ en-US ] = "SQL" ; }; }; String RID_STR_FORMSHELL { Text = "Form Shell" ; }; String RID_STR_STDFORMNAME { Text [ en-US ]= "Form" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_HIDDEN { Text [ en-US ] = "Hidden Control" ; }; String RID_STR_CONTROL { Text [ en-US ] = "Control" ; }; String RID_STR_REC_TEXT { Text [ en-US ] = "Record" ; }; String RID_STR_REC_FROM_TEXT { Text [ en-US ] = "of" ; }; String RID_STR_FIELDSELECTION { Text [ en-US ] = "Add field:" ; }; String RID_STR_WRITEERROR { Text [ en-US ] = "Error writing data to database" ; }; String RID_STR_SYNTAXERROR { Text [ en-US ] = "Syntax error in query expression" ; }; String RID_STR_DELETECONFIRM_RECORD { Text [ en-US ] = "You intend to delete 1 record." ; }; String RID_STR_DELETECONFIRM_RECORDS { Text [ en-US ] = "# records will be deleted." ; }; String RID_STR_DELETECONFIRM { Text [ en-US ] = "If you click Yes, you won't be able to undo this operation.\nDo you want to continue anyway?" ; }; String RID_ERR_NO_ELEMENT { Text [ en-US ] = "Choose an entry from the list or enter a text corresponding to one of the list items." ; }; String RID_STR_GROUPBOX { Text [ en-US ] = "Frame element" ; }; String RID_STR_NAVIGATION { Text [ en-US ] = "Navigation" ; }; String RID_STR_NAVIGATIONBAR { Text [ en-US ] = "Navigation bar" ; }; String RID_STR_COLUMN { Text [ en-US ] = "Col" ; }; String RID_STR_UNDO_PROPERTY { Text [ en-US ] = "Set property '#'" ; }; String RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_INSERT { Text [ en-US ] = "Insert in container" ; }; String RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REMOVE { Text [ en-US ] = "Delete #" ; }; String RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REMOVE_MULTIPLE { Text [ en-US ] = "Delete # objects" ; }; String RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REPLACE { Text [ en-US ] = "Replace a container element" ; }; String RID_STR_UNDO_DELETE_LOGICAL { Text [ en-US ] = "Delete structure" ; }; String RID_STR_UNDO_MODEL_REPLACE { Text [ en-US ] = "Replace Control" ; }; String RID_STR_DATE { Text [ en-US ] = "Date" ; }; String RID_STR_TIME { Text [ en-US ] = "Time" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_PUSHBUTTON { Text [ en-US ] = "Push Button" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_RADIOBUTTON { Text [ en-US ] = "Option Button" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_CHECKBOX { Text [ en-US ] = "Check Box" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_FIXEDTEXT { Text [ en-US ] = "Label Field" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_GROUPBOX { Text [ en-US ] = "Group Box" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_EDIT { Text [ en-US ] = "Text Box" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_FORMATTED { Text [ en-US ] = "Formatted Field" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_LISTBOX { Text [ en-US ] = "List Box" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_COMBOBOX { Text [ en-US ] = "Combo Box" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_IMAGEBUTTON { Text [ en-US ] = "Image Button" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_IMAGECONTROL { Text [ en-US ] = "Image Control" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_FILECONTROL { Text [ en-US ] = "File Selection" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_DATEFIELD { Text [ en-US ] = "Date Field" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_TIMEFIELD { Text [ en-US ] = "Time Field" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_NUMERICFIELD { Text [ en-US ] = "Numeric Field" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_CURRENCYFIELD { Text [ en-US ] = "Currency Field" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_PATTERNFIELD { Text [ en-US ] = "Pattern Field" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_DBGRID { Text [ en-US ] = "Table Control" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_SCROLLBAR { Text [ en-US ] = "Scrollbar" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_SPINBUTTON { Text [ en-US ] = "Spin Button" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_NAVBAR { Text [ en-US ] = "Navigation Bar" ; }; String RID_STR_PROPTITLE_MULTISELECT { Text [ en-US ] = "Multiselection" ; }; String RID_STR_NODATACONTROLS { Text [ en-US ] = "No data-related controls in the current form!" ; }; String RID_STR_POSTFIX_DATE { Text [ en-US ] = " (Date)" ; }; String RID_STR_POSTFIX_TIME { Text [ en-US ] = " (Time)" ; }; String RID_STR_FILTER_NAVIGATOR { Text [ en-US ] = "Filter navigator" ; }; String RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_FOR { Text [ en-US ] = "Filter for" ; }; String RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_OR { Text [ en-US ] = "Or" ; }; String RID_STR_NOCONTROLS_FOR_EXTERNALDISPLAY { Text [ en-US ] = "Valid bound controls which can be used in the table view do not exist in the current form." ; }; String RID_STR_AUTOFIELD { Text [ en-US ] = "" ; }; QueryBox RID_QRY_SAVEMODIFIED { Buttons = WB_YES_NO_CANCEL ; DefButton = WB_DEF_YES ; Message [ en-US ] = "The content of the current form has been modified.\nDo you want to save your changes?" ; }; Resource RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL { String 1 { Text [ en-US ] = "LIKE" ; }; String 2 { Text [ en-US ] = "NOT" ; }; String 3 { Text [ en-US ] = "EMPTY" ; }; String 4 { Text [ en-US ] = "TRUE" ; }; String 5 { Text [ en-US ] = "FALSE" ; }; String 6 { Text [ en-US ] = "IS" ; }; String 7 { Text [ en-US ] = "BETWEEN" ; }; String 8 { Text [ en-US ] = "OR" ; }; String 9 { Text [ en-US ] = "AND" ; }; String 10 { Text [ en-US ] = "Average" ; }; String 11 { Text [ en-US ] = "Count" ; }; String 12 { Text [ en-US ] = "Maximum" ; }; String 13 { Text [ en-US ] = "Minimum" ; }; String 14 { Text [ en-US ] = "Sum" ; }; String 15 { Text [ en-US ] = "Every" ; }; String 16 { Text [ en-US ] = "Any" ; }; String 17 { Text [ en-US ] = "Some" ; }; String 18 { Text [ en-US ] = "STDDEV_POP" ; }; String 19 { Text [ en-US ] = "STDDEV_SAMP" ; }; String 20 { Text [ en-US ] = "VAR_SAMP" ; }; String 21 { Text [ en-US ] = "VAR_POP" ; }; String 22 { Text [ en-US ] = "Collect" ; }; String 23 { Text [ en-US ] = "Fusion" ; }; String 24 { Text [ en-US ] = "Intersection" ; }; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_ERROR { Text [ en-US ] = "Syntax error in SQL statement" ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_VALUE_NO_LIKE { Text [ en-US ] = "The value #1 cannot be used with LIKE." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_FIELD_NO_LIKE { Text [ en-US ] = "LIKE cannot be used with this field." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_ACCESS_DAT_NO_VALID { Text [ en-US ] = "The value entered is not a valid date. Please enter a date in a valid format, for example, MM/DD/YY." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_INT_NO_VALID { Text [ en-US ] = "The field cannot be compared with an integer." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_TABLE { Text [ en-US ] = "The database does not contain a table named \"#\"." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_TABLE_OR_QUERY { Text [ en-US ] = "The database does contain neither a table nor a query named \"#\"." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_TABLE_EXISTS { Text [ en-US ] = "The database already contains a table or view with name \"#\"." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_QUERY_EXISTS { Text [ en-US ] = "The database already contains a query with name \"#\"." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_COLUMN { Text [ en-US ] = "The column \"#1\" is unknown in the table \"#2\"." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_REAL_NO_VALID { Text [ en-US ] = "The field cannot be compared with a floating point number." ; }; String RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_CRIT_NO_COMPARE { Text [ en-US ] = "The entered criterion cannot be compared with this field." ; }; String RID_STR_DATANAVIGATOR { Text [ en-US ] = "Data Navigator" ; }; String RID_STR_READONLY_VIEW { Text [ en-US ] = " (read-only)" ; }; String RID_STR_ALREADYEXISTOVERWRITE { Text [ en-US ] = "The file already exists. Overwrite?" ; }; String RID_STR_OBJECT_LABEL { Text [ en-US ] = "#object# label" ; }; // ********************************************************************** EOF