/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svx.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "svtools/filter.hxx" #include #include "helpid.hrc" #include "svx/gallery.hxx" #include "galobj.hxx" #include "svx/gallery1.hxx" #include "svx/galtheme.hxx" #include "svx/galctrl.hxx" #include "svx/galmisc.hxx" #include "galbrws2.hxx" #include "gallery.hrc" #include #include #include #include #include #include "GalleryControl.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ----------- // - Defines - // ----------- #undef GALLERY_USE_CLIPBOARD #define TBX_ID_ICON 1 #define TBX_ID_LIST 2 #define C2U( cstr ) (::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM(cstr))) namespace css = ::com::sun::star; using rtl::OUString; // ----------- // - statics - // ----------- GalleryBrowserMode GalleryBrowser2::meInitMode = GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON; struct DispatchInfo { css::util::URL TargetURL; css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > Arguments; css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatch > Dispatch; }; IMPL_STATIC_LINK_NOINSTANCE( GalleryBrowser2, AsyncDispatch_Impl, DispatchInfo*, pDispatchInfo ) { if ( pDispatchInfo && pDispatchInfo->Dispatch.is() ) { try { pDispatchInfo->Dispatch->dispatch( pDispatchInfo->TargetURL, pDispatchInfo->Arguments ); } catch ( const css::uno::Exception& ) { } } delete pDispatchInfo; return 0; } namespace { struct CommandInfo { css::util::URL URL; css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatch > Dispatch; CommandInfo( const OUString &rURL ) { URL.Complete = rURL; } }; class GalleryThemePopup : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< css::frame::XStatusListener > { private: const GalleryTheme* mpTheme; sal_uIntPtr mnObjectPos; sal_Bool mbPreview; PopupMenu maPopupMenu; PopupMenu maBackgroundPopup; GalleryBrowser2* mpBrowser; typedef std::map< int, CommandInfo > CommandInfoMap; CommandInfoMap m_aCommandInfo; void Execute( const CommandInfo &rCmdInfo, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &rArguments ); DECL_LINK( MenuSelectHdl, Menu* pMenu ); DECL_LINK( BackgroundMenuSelectHdl, Menu* pMenu ); public: GalleryThemePopup( const GalleryTheme* pTheme, sal_uIntPtr nObjectPos, sal_Bool bPreview, GalleryBrowser2* pBrowser ); ~GalleryThemePopup(); void ExecutePopup( Window *pParent, const ::Point &aPos ); virtual void SAL_CALL statusChanged( const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent &rEvent) throw ( css::uno::RuntimeException ); virtual void SAL_CALL disposing( const css::lang::EventObject &rSource) throw ( css::uno::RuntimeException ); }; DBG_NAME(GalleryThemePopup) GalleryThemePopup::GalleryThemePopup( const GalleryTheme* pTheme, sal_uIntPtr nObjectPos, sal_Bool bPreview, GalleryBrowser2* pBrowser ) : mpTheme( pTheme ) , mnObjectPos( nObjectPos ) , mbPreview( bPreview ) , maPopupMenu( GAL_RESID( RID_SVXMN_GALLERY2 ) ) , maBackgroundPopup() , mpBrowser( pBrowser ) { DBG_CTOR(GalleryThemePopup,NULL); // SID_GALLERY_ENABLE_ADDCOPY m_aCommandInfo.insert( CommandInfoMap::value_type( SID_GALLERY_ENABLE_ADDCOPY, CommandInfo( C2U(CMD_SID_GALLERY_ENABLE_ADDCOPY )))); // SID_GALLERY_BG_BRUSH m_aCommandInfo.insert( CommandInfoMap::value_type( SID_GALLERY_BG_BRUSH, CommandInfo(C2U(CMD_SID_GALLERY_BG_BRUSH )))); // SID_GALLERY_FORMATS m_aCommandInfo.insert( CommandInfoMap::value_type( SID_GALLERY_FORMATS, CommandInfo(C2U(CMD_SID_GALLERY_FORMATS )))); } GalleryThemePopup::~GalleryThemePopup() { DBG_DTOR(GalleryThemePopup,NULL); } void SAL_CALL GalleryThemePopup::statusChanged( const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent &rEvent ) throw ( css::uno::RuntimeException ) { const OUString &rURL = rEvent.FeatureURL.Complete; if ( rURL.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( CMD_SID_GALLERY_ENABLE_ADDCOPY ) ) ) { if ( !rEvent.IsEnabled ) { PopupMenu *pAddMenu = maPopupMenu.GetPopupMenu( MN_ADDMENU ); pAddMenu->EnableItem( MN_ADD, sal_False ); pAddMenu->EnableItem( MN_ADD_LINK, sal_False ); } } else if ( rURL.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( CMD_SID_GALLERY_BG_BRUSH ) ) ) { maBackgroundPopup.Clear(); if ( rEvent.IsEnabled ) { OUString sItem; css::uno::Sequence< OUString > sItems; if ( ( rEvent.State >>= sItem ) && sItem.getLength() ) { maBackgroundPopup.InsertItem( 1, sItem ); } else if ( ( rEvent.State >>= sItems ) && sItems.getLength() ) { const OUString *pStr = sItems.getConstArray(); const OUString *pEnd = pStr + sItems.getLength(); for ( sal_uInt16 nId = 1; pStr != pEnd; pStr++, nId++ ) { maBackgroundPopup.InsertItem( nId, *pStr ); } } } } } void SAL_CALL GalleryThemePopup::disposing( const css::lang::EventObject &/*rSource*/) throw ( css::uno::RuntimeException ) { } void GalleryThemePopup::Execute( const CommandInfo &rCmdInfo, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > &rArguments ) { if ( rCmdInfo.Dispatch.is() ) { DispatchInfo *pInfo = new DispatchInfo; pInfo->TargetURL = rCmdInfo.URL; pInfo->Arguments = rArguments; pInfo->Dispatch = rCmdInfo.Dispatch; if ( !Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( 0, GalleryBrowser2, AsyncDispatch_Impl), pInfo ) ) delete pInfo; } } void GalleryThemePopup::ExecutePopup( Window *pWindow, const ::Point &aPos ) { css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStatusListener > xThis( this ); const SgaObjKind eObjKind = mpTheme->GetObjectKind( mnObjectPos ); PopupMenu* pAddMenu = maPopupMenu.GetPopupMenu( MN_ADDMENU ); INetURLObject aURL; const_cast< GalleryTheme* >( mpTheme )->GetURL( mnObjectPos, aURL ); const sal_Bool bValidURL = ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ); pAddMenu->EnableItem( MN_ADD, bValidURL && SGA_OBJ_SOUND != eObjKind ); pAddMenu->EnableItem( MN_ADD_LINK, bValidURL && SGA_OBJ_SVDRAW != eObjKind ); maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_ADDMENU, pAddMenu->IsItemEnabled( MN_ADD ) || pAddMenu->IsItemEnabled( MN_ADD_LINK ) ); maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_PREVIEW, bValidURL ); maPopupMenu.CheckItem( MN_PREVIEW, mbPreview ); if( mpTheme->IsReadOnly() || !mpTheme->GetObjectCount() ) { maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_DELETE, sal_False ); maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_TITLE, sal_False ); if( mpTheme->IsReadOnly() ) maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_PASTECLIPBOARD, sal_False ); if( !mpTheme->GetObjectCount() ) maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_COPYCLIPBOARD, sal_False ); } else { maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_DELETE, !mbPreview ); maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_TITLE, sal_True ); maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_COPYCLIPBOARD, sal_True ); maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_PASTECLIPBOARD, sal_True ); } #ifdef GALLERY_USE_CLIPBOARD if( maPopupMenu.IsItemEnabled( MN_PASTECLIPBOARD ) ) { TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard( this ) ); sal_Bool bEnable = sal_False; if( aDataHelper.GetFormatCount() ) { if( aDataHelper.HasFormat( SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_DRAWING ) || aDataHelper.HasFormat( SOT_FORMAT_FILE_LIST ) || aDataHelper.HasFormat( FORMAT_FILE ) || aDataHelper.HasFormat( SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_SVXB ) || aDataHelper.HasFormat( FORMAT_GDIMETAFILE ) || aDataHelper.HasFormat( FORMAT_BITMAP ) ) { bEnable = sal_True; } } if( !bEnable ) maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_PASTECLIPBOARD, sal_False ); } #else maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_COPYCLIPBOARD, sal_False ); maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_PASTECLIPBOARD, sal_False ); #endif // update status css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchProvider> xDispatchProvider( mpBrowser->GetFrame(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY ); css::uno::Reference< css::util::XURLTransformer > xTransformer( mpBrowser->GetURLTransformer() ); for ( CommandInfoMap::iterator it = m_aCommandInfo.begin(); it != m_aCommandInfo.end(); it++ ) { try { CommandInfo &rCmdInfo = it->second; if ( xTransformer.is() ) xTransformer->parseStrict( rCmdInfo.URL ); if ( xDispatchProvider.is() ) { rCmdInfo.Dispatch = xDispatchProvider->queryDispatch( rCmdInfo.URL, C2U( "_self" ), css::frame::FrameSearchFlag::SELF ); } if ( rCmdInfo.Dispatch.is() ) { rCmdInfo.Dispatch->addStatusListener( this, rCmdInfo.URL ); rCmdInfo.Dispatch->removeStatusListener( this, rCmdInfo.URL ); } } catch ( ... ) {} } if( !maBackgroundPopup.GetItemCount() || ( eObjKind == SGA_OBJ_SVDRAW ) || ( eObjKind == SGA_OBJ_SOUND ) ) pAddMenu->EnableItem( MN_BACKGROUND, sal_False ); else { pAddMenu->EnableItem( MN_BACKGROUND, sal_True ); pAddMenu->SetPopupMenu( MN_BACKGROUND, &maBackgroundPopup ); maBackgroundPopup.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, GalleryThemePopup, BackgroundMenuSelectHdl ) ); } pAddMenu->RemoveDisabledEntries(); if ( !pAddMenu->GetItemCount() ) maPopupMenu.EnableItem( MN_ADDMENU, sal_False ); maPopupMenu.RemoveDisabledEntries(); maPopupMenu.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, GalleryThemePopup, MenuSelectHdl ) ); maPopupMenu.Execute( pWindow, aPos ); } IMPL_LINK( GalleryThemePopup, MenuSelectHdl, Menu*, pMenu ) { if( !pMenu ) return 0; sal_uInt16 nId( pMenu->GetCurItemId() ); switch ( nId ) { case( MN_ADD ): case( MN_ADD_LINK ): { const CommandInfoMap::const_iterator it = m_aCommandInfo.find( SID_GALLERY_FORMATS ); if ( it != m_aCommandInfo.end() ) mpBrowser->Dispatch( nId, it->second.Dispatch, it->second.URL ); } break; default: mpBrowser->Execute( nId ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( GalleryThemePopup, BackgroundMenuSelectHdl, Menu*, pMenu ) { if( !pMenu ) return 0; sal_uInt16 nPos( pMenu->GetCurItemId() - 1 ); OUString aURL( mpBrowser->GetURL().GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) ); OUString aFilterName( mpBrowser->GetFilterName() ); css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs( 6 ); aArgs[0].Name = C2U( "Background.Transparent" ); aArgs[0].Value <<= sal_Int32( 0 ); // 0 - 100 aArgs[1].Name = C2U( "Background.BackColor" ); aArgs[1].Value <<= sal_Int32( - 1 ); aArgs[2].Name = C2U( "Background.URL" ); aArgs[2].Value <<= aURL; aArgs[3].Name = C2U( "Background.Filtername" ); // FIXME should be FilterName aArgs[3].Value <<= aFilterName; aArgs[4].Name = C2U( "Background.Position" ); aArgs[4].Value <<= css::style::GraphicLocation_TILED; aArgs[5].Name = C2U( "Position" ); aArgs[5].Value <<= nPos; const CommandInfoMap::const_iterator it = m_aCommandInfo.find( SID_GALLERY_BG_BRUSH ); if ( it != m_aCommandInfo.end() ) Execute( it->second, aArgs ); return 0; } } // end anonymous namespace // ------------------ // - GalleryToolBox - // ------------------ DBG_NAME(GalleryToolBox) GalleryToolBox::GalleryToolBox( GalleryBrowser2* pParent ) : ToolBox( pParent, WB_TABSTOP ) { DBG_CTOR(GalleryToolBox,NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GalleryToolBox::~GalleryToolBox() { DBG_DTOR(GalleryToolBox,NULL); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void GalleryToolBox::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt ) { if( !static_cast< GalleryBrowser2* >( GetParent() )->KeyInput( rKEvt, this ) ) ToolBox::KeyInput( rKEvt ); } // ------------------- // - GalleryBrowser2 - // ------------------- DBG_NAME(GalleryBrowser2) GalleryBrowser2::GalleryBrowser2( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, Gallery* pGallery ) : Control ( pParent, rResId ), mpGallery ( pGallery ), mpCurTheme ( NULL ), mpIconView ( new GalleryIconView( this, NULL ) ), mpListView ( new GalleryListView( this, NULL ) ), mpPreview ( new GalleryPreview( this, NULL ) ), maViewBox ( this ), maSeparator ( this, WB_VERT ), maInfoBar ( this, WB_LEFT | WB_VCENTER ), mnCurActionPos ( 0xffffffff ), meMode ( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_NONE ), meLastMode ( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_NONE ) { DBG_CTOR(GalleryBrowser2,NULL); m_xContext.set( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ); m_xTransformer.set( m_xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext( C2U( "com.sun.star.util.URLTransformer" ), m_xContext ), css::uno::UNO_QUERY ); Image aDummyImage; const Link aSelectHdl( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser2, SelectObjectHdl ) ); Font aInfoFont( maInfoBar.GetControlFont() ); maMiscOptions.AddListenerLink( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser2, MiscHdl ) ); maViewBox.InsertItem( TBX_ID_ICON, aDummyImage ); maViewBox.SetItemBits( TBX_ID_ICON, TIB_RADIOCHECK | TIB_AUTOCHECK ); maViewBox.SetHelpId( TBX_ID_ICON, HID_GALLERY_ICONVIEW ); maViewBox.SetQuickHelpText( TBX_ID_ICON, String( GAL_RESID( RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_ICONVIEW ) ) ); maViewBox.InsertItem( TBX_ID_LIST, aDummyImage ); maViewBox.SetItemBits( TBX_ID_LIST, TIB_RADIOCHECK | TIB_AUTOCHECK ); maViewBox.SetHelpId( TBX_ID_LIST, HID_GALLERY_LISTVIEW ); maViewBox.SetQuickHelpText( TBX_ID_LIST, String( GAL_RESID( RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_LISTVIEW ) ) ); maViewBox.SetBorder( 0, 1 ); MiscHdl( NULL ); maViewBox.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser2, SelectTbxHdl ) ); maViewBox.Show(); mpIconView->SetAccessibleName(String( SVX_RES( RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_THEMEITEMS ) )); mpListView->SetAccessibleName(String( SVX_RES( RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_THEMEITEMS ) )); maInfoBar.Show(); maSeparator.Show(); mpIconView->SetSelectHdl( aSelectHdl ); mpListView->SetSelectHdl( aSelectHdl ); InitSettings(); SetMode( ( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW != GalleryBrowser2::meInitMode ) ? GalleryBrowser2::meInitMode : GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON ); if(maInfoBar.GetText().Len() == 0) mpIconView->SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy(mpIconView); else mpIconView->SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy(&maInfoBar); mpIconView->SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf(mpIconView); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GalleryBrowser2::~GalleryBrowser2() { maMiscOptions.RemoveListenerLink( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser2, MiscHdl ) ); delete mpPreview; delete mpListView; delete mpIconView; if( mpCurTheme ) mpGallery->ReleaseTheme( mpCurTheme, *this ); DBG_DTOR(GalleryBrowser2,NULL); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::InitSettings() { Font aInfoFont( maInfoBar.GetControlFont() ); aInfoFont.SetWeight( WEIGHT_BOLD ); aInfoFont.SetColor( GALLERY_FG_COLOR ); maInfoBar.SetControlFont( aInfoFont ); maInfoBar.SetBackground( Wallpaper( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ) ); maInfoBar.SetControlBackground( GALLERY_DLG_COLOR ); maSeparator.SetBackground( Wallpaper( GALLERY_BG_COLOR ) ); maSeparator.SetControlBackground( GALLERY_BG_COLOR ); maSeparator.SetControlForeground( GALLERY_FG_COLOR ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) { if ( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DATACHANGED_SETTINGS ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & SETTINGS_STYLE ) ) InitSettings(); else Control::DataChanged( rDCEvt ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::Resize() { Control::Resize(); mpIconView->Hide(); mpListView->Hide(); mpPreview->Hide(); const Size aOutSize( GetOutputSizePixel() ); const Size aBoxSize( maViewBox.GetOutputSizePixel() ); const long nOffset = 2, nSepWidth = 2; const long nInfoBarX = aBoxSize.Width() + ( nOffset * 3 ) + nSepWidth; const Point aPt( 0, aBoxSize.Height() + 3 ); const Size aSz( aOutSize.Width(), aOutSize.Height() - aPt.Y() ); maSeparator.SetPosSizePixel( Point( aBoxSize.Width() + nOffset, 0 ), Size( nSepWidth, aBoxSize.Height() ) ); maInfoBar.SetPosSizePixel( Point( nInfoBarX, 0 ), Size( aOutSize.Width() - nInfoBarX, aBoxSize.Height() ) ); mpIconView->SetPosSizePixel( aPt, aSz ); mpListView->SetPosSizePixel( aPt, aSz ); mpPreview->SetPosSizePixel( aPt, aSz ); switch( GetMode() ) { case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON ): mpIconView->Show(); break; case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_LIST ): mpListView->Show(); break; case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW ): mpPreview->Show(); break; default: break; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint ) { const GalleryHint& rGalleryHint = (const GalleryHint&) rHint; switch( rGalleryHint.GetType() ) { case( GALLERY_HINT_THEME_UPDATEVIEW ): { if( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW == GetMode() ) SetMode( meLastMode ); ImplUpdateViews( (sal_uInt16) rGalleryHint.GetData1() + 1 ); } break; default: break; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int8 GalleryBrowser2::AcceptDrop( DropTargetHelper& rTarget, const AcceptDropEvent& ) { sal_Int8 nRet = DND_ACTION_NONE; if( mpCurTheme && !mpCurTheme->IsReadOnly() && !mpCurTheme ->IsImported() ) { if( !mpCurTheme->IsDragging() ) { if( rTarget.IsDropFormatSupported( SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_DRAWING ) || rTarget.IsDropFormatSupported( SOT_FORMAT_FILE_LIST ) || rTarget.IsDropFormatSupported( FORMAT_FILE ) || rTarget.IsDropFormatSupported( SOT_FORMATSTR_ID_SVXB ) || rTarget.IsDropFormatSupported( FORMAT_GDIMETAFILE ) || rTarget.IsDropFormatSupported( FORMAT_BITMAP ) ) { nRet = DND_ACTION_COPY; } } else nRet = DND_ACTION_COPY; } return nRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int8 GalleryBrowser2::ExecuteDrop( DropTargetHelper&, const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt ) { sal_Int8 nRet = DND_ACTION_NONE; if( mpCurTheme ) { Point aSelPos; const sal_uIntPtr nItemId = ImplGetSelectedItemId( &rEvt.maPosPixel, aSelPos ); const sal_uIntPtr nInsertPos = ( nItemId ? ( nItemId - 1 ) : LIST_APPEND ); if( mpCurTheme->IsDragging() ) mpCurTheme->ChangeObjectPos( mpCurTheme->GetDragPos(), nInsertPos ); else nRet = mpCurTheme->InsertTransferable( rEvt.maDropEvent.Transferable, nInsertPos ); } return nRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::StartDrag( Window*, const Point* pDragPoint ) { if( mpCurTheme ) { Point aSelPos; const sal_uIntPtr nItemId = ImplGetSelectedItemId( pDragPoint, aSelPos ); if( nItemId ) mpCurTheme->StartDrag( this, nItemId - 1 ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::TogglePreview( Window*, const Point* ) { SetMode( ( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW != GetMode() ) ? GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW : meLastMode ); GetViewWindow()->GrabFocus(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::ShowContextMenu( Window*, const Point* pContextPoint ) { Point aSelPos; const sal_uIntPtr nItemId = ImplGetSelectedItemId( pContextPoint, aSelPos ); if( mpCurTheme && nItemId && ( nItemId <= mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount() ) ) { ImplSelectItemId( nItemId ); css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrame( GetFrame() ); if ( xFrame.is() ) { mnCurActionPos = nItemId - 1; rtl::Reference< GalleryThemePopup > rPopup( new GalleryThemePopup( mpCurTheme, mnCurActionPos, GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW == GetMode(), this ) ); rPopup->ExecutePopup( this, aSelPos ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool GalleryBrowser2::KeyInput( const KeyEvent& rKEvt, Window* pWindow ) { Point aSelPos; const sal_uIntPtr nItemId = ImplGetSelectedItemId( NULL, aSelPos ); GalleryBrowser* pParentBrowser = dynamic_cast(GetParent()); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if (pParentBrowser != NULL) bRet = pParentBrowser->KeyInput( rKEvt, pWindow ); else { svx::sidebar::GalleryControl* pParentControl = dynamic_cast(GetParent()); if (pParentControl != NULL) bRet = pParentControl->KeyInput(rKEvt, pWindow); } if( !bRet && !maViewBox.HasFocus() && nItemId && mpCurTheme ) { sal_uInt16 nExecuteId = 0; const SgaObjKind eObjKind = mpCurTheme->GetObjectKind( nItemId - 1 ); INetURLObject aURL; const_cast< GalleryTheme* >( mpCurTheme )->GetURL( nItemId - 1, aURL ); const sal_Bool bValidURL = ( aURL.GetProtocol() != INET_PROT_NOT_VALID ); sal_Bool bPreview = bValidURL; sal_Bool bAdd = bValidURL; sal_Bool bAddLink = ( bValidURL && SGA_OBJ_SVDRAW != eObjKind ); sal_Bool bDelete = sal_False; sal_Bool bTitle = sal_False; if( !mpCurTheme->IsReadOnly() && mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount() ) { bDelete = ( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW != GetMode() ); bTitle = sal_True; } switch( rKEvt.GetKeyCode().GetCode() ) { case( KEY_SPACE ): case( KEY_RETURN ): case( KEY_P ): { if( bPreview ) { TogglePreview( pWindow ); bRet = sal_True; } } break; case( KEY_INSERT ): case( KEY_I ): { // Inserting a gallery item in the document must be dispatched if( bAddLink && rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsShift() && rKEvt.GetKeyCode().IsMod1() ) nExecuteId = MN_ADD_LINK; else if( bAdd ) nExecuteId = MN_ADD; if( nExecuteId ) { Dispatch( nExecuteId ); return sal_True; } } break; case( KEY_DELETE ): case( KEY_D ): { if( bDelete ) nExecuteId = MN_DELETE; } break; case( KEY_T ): { if( bTitle ) nExecuteId = MN_TITLE; } break; default: break; } if( nExecuteId ) { Execute( nExecuteId ); bRet = sal_True; } } return bRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::SelectTheme( const String& rThemeName ) { delete mpIconView, mpIconView = NULL; delete mpListView, mpListView = NULL; delete mpPreview, mpPreview = NULL; if( mpCurTheme ) mpGallery->ReleaseTheme( mpCurTheme, *this ); mpCurTheme = mpGallery->AcquireTheme( rThemeName, *this ); mpIconView = new GalleryIconView( this, mpCurTheme ); mpListView = new GalleryListView( this, mpCurTheme ); mpPreview = new GalleryPreview( this, mpCurTheme ); mpIconView->SetAccessibleName(String( SVX_RES( RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_THEMEITEMS ) )); mpListView->SetAccessibleName(String( SVX_RES( RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_THEMEITEMS ) )); mpPreview->SetAccessibleName(String( SVX_RES( RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_PREVIEW ) )); const Link aSelectHdl( LINK( this, GalleryBrowser2, SelectObjectHdl ) ); mpIconView->SetSelectHdl( aSelectHdl ); mpListView->SetSelectHdl( aSelectHdl ); if( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW == GetMode() ) meMode = meLastMode; Resize(); ImplUpdateViews( 1 ); maViewBox.EnableItem( TBX_ID_ICON, sal_True ); maViewBox.EnableItem( TBX_ID_LIST, sal_True ); maViewBox.CheckItem( ( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON == GetMode() ) ? TBX_ID_ICON : TBX_ID_LIST, sal_True ); if(maInfoBar.GetText().Len() == 0) mpIconView->SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy(mpIconView); else mpIconView->SetAccessibleRelationLabeledBy(&maInfoBar); mpIconView->SetAccessibleRelationMemberOf(mpIconView); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::SetMode( GalleryBrowserMode eMode ) { if( GetMode() != eMode ) { meLastMode = GetMode(); switch( eMode ) { case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON ): { mpListView->Hide(); mpPreview->Hide(); mpPreview->SetGraphic( Graphic() ); mpPreview->PreviewMedia( INetURLObject() ); mpIconView->Show(); maViewBox.EnableItem( TBX_ID_ICON, sal_True ); maViewBox.EnableItem( TBX_ID_LIST, sal_True ); maViewBox.CheckItem( TBX_ID_ICON, sal_True ); maViewBox.CheckItem( TBX_ID_LIST, sal_False ); } break; case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_LIST ): { mpIconView->Hide(); mpPreview->Hide(); mpPreview->SetGraphic( Graphic() ); mpPreview->PreviewMedia( INetURLObject() ); mpListView->Show(); maViewBox.EnableItem( TBX_ID_ICON, sal_True ); maViewBox.EnableItem( TBX_ID_LIST, sal_True ); maViewBox.CheckItem( TBX_ID_ICON, sal_False ); maViewBox.CheckItem( TBX_ID_LIST, sal_True ); } break; case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW ): { Graphic aGraphic; Point aSelPos; const sal_uIntPtr nItemId = ImplGetSelectedItemId( NULL, aSelPos ); if( nItemId ) { const sal_uIntPtr nPos = nItemId - 1; mpIconView->Hide(); mpListView->Hide(); if( mpCurTheme ) mpCurTheme->GetGraphic( nPos, aGraphic ); mpPreview->SetGraphic( aGraphic ); mpPreview->Show(); if( mpCurTheme && mpCurTheme->GetObjectKind( nPos ) == SGA_OBJ_SOUND ) mpPreview->PreviewMedia( mpCurTheme->GetObjectURL( nPos ) ); maViewBox.EnableItem( TBX_ID_ICON, sal_False ); maViewBox.EnableItem( TBX_ID_LIST, sal_False ); } } break; default: break; } GalleryBrowser2::meInitMode = meMode = eMode; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Window* GalleryBrowser2::GetViewWindow() const { Window* pRet; switch( GetMode() ) { case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_LIST ): pRet = mpListView; break; case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW ): pRet = mpPreview; break; default: pRet = mpIconView; break; } return pRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::Travel( GalleryBrowserTravel eTravel ) { if( mpCurTheme ) { Point aSelPos; const sal_uIntPtr nItemId = ImplGetSelectedItemId( NULL, aSelPos ); if( nItemId ) { sal_uIntPtr nNewItemId = nItemId; switch( eTravel ) { case( GALLERYBROWSERTRAVEL_FIRST ): nNewItemId = 1; break; case( GALLERYBROWSERTRAVEL_LAST ): nNewItemId = mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount(); break; case( GALLERYBROWSERTRAVEL_PREVIOUS ): nNewItemId--; break; case( GALLERYBROWSERTRAVEL_NEXT ): nNewItemId++; break; default: break; } if( nNewItemId < 1 ) nNewItemId = 1; else if( nNewItemId > mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount() ) nNewItemId = mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount(); if( nNewItemId != nItemId ) { ImplSelectItemId( nNewItemId ); ImplUpdateInfoBar(); if( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW == GetMode() ) { Graphic aGraphic; const sal_uIntPtr nPos = nNewItemId - 1; mpCurTheme->GetGraphic( nPos, aGraphic ); mpPreview->SetGraphic( aGraphic ); if( SGA_OBJ_SOUND == mpCurTheme->GetObjectKind( nPos ) ) mpPreview->PreviewMedia( mpCurTheme->GetObjectURL( nPos ) ); mpPreview->Invalidate(); } } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::ImplUpdateViews( sal_uInt16 nSelectionId ) { mpIconView->Hide(); mpListView->Hide(); mpPreview->Hide(); mpIconView->Clear(); mpListView->Clear(); if( mpCurTheme ) { for( sal_uIntPtr i = 0, nCount = mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount(); i < nCount; ) { mpListView->RowInserted( i++ ); mpIconView->InsertItem( (sal_uInt16) i ); } ImplSelectItemId( ( ( nSelectionId > mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount() ) ? mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount() : nSelectionId ) ); } switch( GetMode() ) { case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON ): mpIconView->Show(); break; case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_LIST ): mpListView->Show(); break; case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW ): mpPreview->Show(); break; default: break; } ImplUpdateInfoBar(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::ImplUpdateInfoBar() { String aInfoText; if( mpCurTheme ) { Point aSelPos; const sal_uIntPtr nItemId = ImplGetSelectedItemId( NULL, aSelPos ); if( nItemId ) { const sal_uIntPtr nPos = nItemId - 1; aInfoText = mpCurTheme->GetName(); if( nPos < mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount() ) { SgaObject* pObj = mpCurTheme->AcquireObject( nPos ); if( pObj ) { aInfoText = GetItemText( *mpCurTheme, *pObj, GALLERY_ITEM_THEMENAME | GALLERY_ITEM_TITLE | GALLERY_ITEM_PATH ); mpCurTheme->ReleaseObject( pObj ); } } } } maInfoBar.SetText( aInfoText ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uIntPtr GalleryBrowser2::ImplGetSelectedItemId( const Point* pSelPos, Point& rSelPos ) { const Size aOutputSizePixel( GetOutputSizePixel() ); sal_uIntPtr nRet = 0; if( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW == GetMode() ) { nRet = ( ( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON == meLastMode ) ? mpIconView->GetSelectItemId() : ( mpListView->FirstSelectedRow() + 1 ) ); if( pSelPos ) rSelPos = GetPointerPosPixel(); else rSelPos = Point( aOutputSizePixel.Width() >> 1, aOutputSizePixel.Height() >> 1 ); } else if( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON == GetMode() ) { if( pSelPos ) { nRet = mpIconView->GetItemId( *pSelPos ); rSelPos = GetPointerPosPixel(); } else { nRet = mpIconView->GetSelectItemId(); rSelPos = mpIconView->GetItemRect( (sal_uInt16) nRet ).Center(); } } else { if( pSelPos ) { nRet = mpListView->GetRowAtYPosPixel( pSelPos->Y() ) + 1; rSelPos = GetPointerPosPixel(); } else { nRet = mpListView->FirstSelectedRow() + 1; rSelPos = mpListView->GetFieldRectPixel( (sal_uInt16) nRet, 1 ).Center(); } } rSelPos.X() = Max( Min( rSelPos.X(), aOutputSizePixel.Width() - 1L ), 0L ); rSelPos.Y() = Max( Min( rSelPos.Y(), aOutputSizePixel.Height() - 1L ), 0L ); if( nRet && ( !mpCurTheme || ( nRet > mpCurTheme->GetObjectCount() ) ) ) { nRet = 0; } return nRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void GalleryBrowser2::ImplSelectItemId( sal_uIntPtr nItemId ) { if( nItemId ) { mpIconView->SelectItem( (sal_uInt16) nItemId ); mpListView->SelectRow( nItemId - 1 ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > GalleryBrowser2::GetFrame() const { css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrame; SfxViewFrame* pCurrentViewFrame = SfxViewFrame::Current(); if ( pCurrentViewFrame ) { SfxBindings& rBindings = pCurrentViewFrame->GetBindings(); xFrame.set( rBindings.GetActiveFrame() ); } return xFrame; } void GalleryBrowser2::Dispatch( sal_uInt16 nId, const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatch > &rxDispatch, const css::util::URL &rURL ) { Point aSelPos; const sal_uIntPtr nItemId = ImplGetSelectedItemId( NULL, aSelPos ); if( !mpCurTheme || !nItemId ) return; mnCurActionPos = nItemId - 1; switch( nId ) { case( MN_ADD ): case( MN_ADD_LINK ): { css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatch > xDispatch( rxDispatch ); css::util::URL aURL = rURL; if ( !xDispatch.is() ) { css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchProvider > xDispatchProvider( GetFrame(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY ); if ( !xDispatchProvider.is() || !m_xTransformer.is() ) return; aURL.Complete = C2U( CMD_SID_GALLERY_FORMATS ); m_xTransformer->parseStrict( aURL ); xDispatch = xDispatchProvider->queryDispatch( aURL, C2U( "_self" ), css::frame::FrameSearchFlag::SELF ); } if ( !xDispatch.is() ) return; sal_Int8 nType = 0; sal_Bool bIsLink( MN_ADD_LINK == nId ); OUString aFileURL, aFilterName; css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XComponent > xDrawing; css::uno::Reference< css::graphic::XGraphic > xGraphic; aFilterName = GetFilterName(); switch( mpCurTheme->GetObjectKind( mnCurActionPos ) ) { case( SGA_OBJ_BMP ): case( SGA_OBJ_ANIM ): case( SGA_OBJ_INET ): // TODO drawing objects are inserted as drawings only via drag&drop case( SGA_OBJ_SVDRAW ): nType = css::gallery::GalleryItemType::GRAPHIC; break; case ( SGA_OBJ_SOUND ) : nType = css::gallery::GalleryItemType::MEDIA; break; default: nType = css::gallery::GalleryItemType::EMPTY; break; } if ( bIsLink ) { aFileURL = mpCurTheme->GetObjectURL( mnCurActionPos ).GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ); OSL_ENSURE( aFileURL.getLength(), "gallery item is link but no URL!" ); } Graphic aGraphic; sal_Bool bGraphic = mpCurTheme->GetGraphic( mnCurActionPos, aGraphic ); if ( bGraphic && !!aGraphic ) xGraphic.set( aGraphic.GetXGraphic() ); OSL_ENSURE( xGraphic.is(), "gallery item is graphic, but the reference is invalid!" ); css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > aSeq( SVXGALLERYITEM_PARAMS ); aSeq[0].Name = C2U( SVXGALLERYITEM_TYPE ); aSeq[0].Value <<= nType; aSeq[1].Name = C2U( SVXGALLERYITEM_LINK ); aSeq[1].Value <<= bIsLink; aSeq[2].Name = C2U( SVXGALLERYITEM_URL ); aSeq[2].Value <<= aFileURL; aSeq[3].Name = C2U( SVXGALLERYITEM_FILTER ); aSeq[3].Value <<= aFilterName; aSeq[4].Name = C2U( SVXGALLERYITEM_DRAWING ); aSeq[4].Value <<= xDrawing; aSeq[5].Name = C2U( SVXGALLERYITEM_GRAPHIC ); aSeq[5].Value <<= xGraphic; css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > aArgs( 1 ); aArgs[0].Name = C2U( SVXGALLERYITEM_ARGNAME ); aArgs[0].Value <<= aSeq; DispatchInfo *pInfo = new DispatchInfo; pInfo->TargetURL = aURL; pInfo->Arguments = aArgs; pInfo->Dispatch = xDispatch; if ( !Application::PostUserEvent( STATIC_LINK( 0, GalleryBrowser2, AsyncDispatch_Impl), pInfo ) ) delete pInfo; } break; default: break; } } void GalleryBrowser2::Execute( sal_uInt16 nId ) { Point aSelPos; const sal_uIntPtr nItemId = ImplGetSelectedItemId( NULL, aSelPos ); if( mpCurTheme && nItemId ) { mnCurActionPos = nItemId - 1; switch( nId ) { case( MN_PREVIEW ): SetMode( ( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW != GetMode() ) ? GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW : meLastMode ); break; case( MN_DELETE ): { if( !mpCurTheme->IsReadOnly() && QueryBox( NULL, WB_YES_NO, String( GAL_RESID( RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_DELETEOBJ ) ) ).Execute() == RET_YES ) { mpCurTheme->RemoveObject( mnCurActionPos ); } } break; case( MN_TITLE ): { SgaObject* pObj = mpCurTheme->AcquireObject( mnCurActionPos ); if( pObj ) { const String aOldTitle( GetItemText( *mpCurTheme, *pObj, GALLERY_ITEM_TITLE ) ); //CHINA001 TitleDialog aDlg( this, aOldTitle ); SvxAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SvxAbstractDialogFactory::Create(); if(pFact) { AbstractTitleDialog* aDlg = pFact->CreateTitleDialog( this, aOldTitle ); DBG_ASSERT(aDlg, "Dialogdiet fail!");//CHINA001 if( aDlg->Execute() == RET_OK )//CHINA001 if( aDlg.Execute() == RET_OK ) { String aNewTitle( aDlg->GetTitle() );//CHINA001 String aNewTitle( aDlg.GetTitle() ); if( ( !aNewTitle.Len() && pObj->GetTitle().Len() ) || ( aNewTitle != aOldTitle ) ) { if( !aNewTitle.Len() ) aNewTitle = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "____" ) ); pObj->SetTitle( aNewTitle ); mpCurTheme->InsertObject( *pObj ); } } mpCurTheme->ReleaseObject( pObj ); delete aDlg; //add CHINA001 } } } break; case( MN_COPYCLIPBOARD ): { Window* pWindow; switch( GetMode() ) { case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON ): pWindow = (Window*) mpIconView; break; case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_LIST ): pWindow = (Window*) mpListView; break; case( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_PREVIEW ): pWindow = (Window*) mpPreview; break; default: pWindow = NULL; break; } mpCurTheme->CopyToClipboard( pWindow, mnCurActionPos ); } break; case( MN_PASTECLIPBOARD ): { if( !mpCurTheme->IsReadOnly() ) { TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard( this ) ); mpCurTheme->InsertTransferable( aDataHelper.GetTransferable(), mnCurActionPos ); } } break; default: break; } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- String GalleryBrowser2::GetItemText( const GalleryTheme& rTheme, const SgaObject& rObj, sal_uIntPtr nItemTextFlags ) { INetURLObject aURL; String aRet; if( rTheme.IsImported() ) { aURL = rTheme.GetParent()->GetImportURL( rTheme.GetName() ); aURL.removeSegment(); aURL.Append( rObj.GetURL().GetName() ); } else aURL = rObj.GetURL(); if( nItemTextFlags & GALLERY_ITEM_THEMENAME ) { aRet += rTheme.GetName(); aRet += String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( " - " ) ); } if( nItemTextFlags & GALLERY_ITEM_TITLE ) { String aTitle( rObj.GetTitle() ); if( !aTitle.Len() ) aTitle = aURL.getBase( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true, INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS ); if( !aTitle.Len() ) { aTitle = aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS ); aTitle = aTitle.GetToken( aTitle.GetTokenCount( '/' ) - 1, '/' ); } aRet += aTitle; } if( nItemTextFlags & GALLERY_ITEM_PATH ) { const String aPath( aURL.getFSysPath( INetURLObject::FSYS_DETECT ) ); if( aPath.Len() && ( nItemTextFlags & GALLERY_ITEM_TITLE ) ) aRet += String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( " (" ) ); aRet += String(aURL.getFSysPath( INetURLObject::FSYS_DETECT )); if( aPath.Len() && ( nItemTextFlags & GALLERY_ITEM_TITLE ) ) aRet += ')'; } return aRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INetURLObject GalleryBrowser2::GetURL() const { INetURLObject aURL; if( mpCurTheme && mnCurActionPos != 0xffffffff ) aURL = mpCurTheme->GetObjectURL( mnCurActionPos ); return aURL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- String GalleryBrowser2::GetFilterName() const { String aFilterName; if( mpCurTheme && mnCurActionPos != 0xffffffff ) { const SgaObjKind eObjKind = mpCurTheme->GetObjectKind( mnCurActionPos ); if( ( SGA_OBJ_BMP == eObjKind ) || ( SGA_OBJ_ANIM == eObjKind ) ) { GraphicFilter* pFilter = GraphicFilter::GetGraphicFilter(); INetURLObject aURL; mpCurTheme->GetURL( mnCurActionPos, aURL ); sal_uInt16 nFilter = pFilter->GetImportFormatNumberForShortName( aURL.GetExtension() ); if( GRFILTER_FORMAT_DONTKNOW != nFilter ) aFilterName = pFilter->GetImportFormatName( nFilter ); } } return aFilterName; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graphic GalleryBrowser2::GetGraphic() const { Graphic aGraphic; if( mpCurTheme && mnCurActionPos != 0xffffffff ) mpCurTheme->GetGraphic( mnCurActionPos, aGraphic ); return aGraphic; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool GalleryBrowser2::GetVCDrawModel( FmFormModel& rModel ) const { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if( mpCurTheme && mnCurActionPos != 0xffffffff ) bRet = mpCurTheme->GetModel( mnCurActionPos, rModel ); return bRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( GalleryBrowser2, SelectObjectHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { ImplUpdateInfoBar(); return 0L; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( GalleryBrowser2, SelectTbxHdl, ToolBox*, pBox ) { if( pBox->GetCurItemId() == TBX_ID_ICON ) SetMode( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_ICON ); else if( pBox->GetCurItemId() == TBX_ID_LIST ) SetMode( GALLERYBROWSERMODE_LIST ); return 0L; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPL_LINK( GalleryBrowser2, MiscHdl, void*, EMPTYARG ) { const sal_Bool bHC = maViewBox.GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetHighContrastMode(); maViewBox.SetOutStyle( maMiscOptions.GetToolboxStyle() ); BitmapEx aIconBmpEx = BitmapEx( Image( GAL_RESID( bHC? RID_SVXIMG_GALLERY_VIEW_ICON_HC : RID_SVXIMG_GALLERY_VIEW_ICON ) ).GetBitmapEx() ); BitmapEx aListBmpEx = BitmapEx( Image( GAL_RESID( bHC? RID_SVXIMG_GALLERY_VIEW_LIST_HC : RID_SVXIMG_GALLERY_VIEW_LIST ) ).GetBitmapEx() ); if( maMiscOptions.AreCurrentSymbolsLarge() ) { const Size aLargeSize( 24, 24); aIconBmpEx.Scale( aLargeSize ); aListBmpEx.Scale( aLargeSize ); } maViewBox.SetItemImage( TBX_ID_ICON, aIconBmpEx ); maViewBox.SetItemImage( TBX_ID_LIST, aListBmpEx ); maViewBox.SetSizePixel( maViewBox.CalcWindowSizePixel() ); Resize(); return 0L; }