 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.


#include <vcl/dialog.hxx>
#include <vcl/fixed.hxx>
#include <vcl/lstbox.hxx>
#include <vcl/menubtn.hxx>
#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
#include <vcl/tabctrl.hxx>
#include <vcl/tabpage.hxx>
#include <vcl/toolbox.hxx>
#include <svtools/inettbc.hxx>
#include <svtools/svmedit.hxx>
#include <svtools/svtreebx.hxx>
#include <sfx2/dockwin.hxx>
#include <sfx2/ctrlitem.hxx>
#include <svx/simptabl.hxx>
#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrame.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xforms/XFormsUIHelper1.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xforms/XModel.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xforms/XSubmission.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XNode.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/events/XEventTarget.hpp>

#include "datalistener.hxx"
#include <vector>

// forward ---------------------------------------------------------------

class FmFormShell;

namespace svxform

	enum DataGroupType
		DGTUnknown = 0,

	enum DataItemType
		DITNone = 0,

	struct ItemNode;
	class XFormsPage;
	class DataNavigatorWindow;
	class AddInstanceDialog;

    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::xforms::XFormsUIHelper1 >         XFormsUIHelper1_ref;
    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::XNode >                 XNode_ref;
    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet >             XPropertySet_ref;
    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::xforms::XModel >                  XModel_ref;
    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::container::XContainer >           XContainer_ref;
    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer >       XNameContainer_ref;
    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >                   XFrame_ref;
    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel >                   XFrameModel_ref;
    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::xml::dom::events::XEventTarget >  XEventTarget_ref;
    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                ::com::sun::star::xforms::XSubmission >             XSubmission_ref;

    typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<
                ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >            PropertyValue_seq;

    typedef std::vector< XContainer_ref >                           ContainerList;
    typedef std::vector< XEventTarget_ref >                         EventTargetList;

	class DataTreeListBox : public SvTreeListBox
		XFormsPage*				m_pXFormsPage;
		DataGroupType			m_eGroup;

        using SvTreeListBox::ExecuteDrop;

		DataTreeListBox( XFormsPage* pPage, DataGroupType _eGroup, const ResId& rResId );

		virtual PopupMenu* 		CreateContextMenu( void );
		virtual void			ExcecuteContextMenuAction( sal_uInt16 _nSelectedPopupEntry );
		virtual sal_Int8		AcceptDrop( const AcceptDropEvent& rEvt );
		virtual sal_Int8		ExecuteDrop( const ExecuteDropEvent& rEvt );
		virtual void			StartDrag( sal_Int8 nAction, const Point& rPosPixel );

		void					DeleteAndClear();
		void					RemoveEntry( SvLBoxEntry* _pEntry );

	class XFormsPage : public TabPage
		ToolBox						m_aToolBox;
		DataTreeListBox				m_aItemList;

        XFormsUIHelper1_ref         m_xUIHelper;

		DataNavigatorWindow*		m_pNaviWin;
		bool						m_bHasModel;
		DataGroupType				m_eGroup;
		ImageList					m_TbxImageList;
		ImageList					m_TbxHCImageList;
        // these strings are not valid on the Submission and Binding Page
		// mb: furthermore these are properties of an instance, thus
		// it would be much better to get/set them through the UIHelper
		// interface.
		String						m_sInstanceName;
		String						m_sInstanceURL;
		bool                        m_bLinkOnce;

		DECL_LINK(					TbxSelectHdl, ToolBox * );
		DECL_LINK(					ItemSelectHdl, DataTreeListBox * );

		void						AddChildren( SvLBoxEntry* _pParent,
												 const ImageList& _rImgLst,
                                                 const XNode_ref& _xNode );
		bool						DoToolBoxAction( sal_uInt16 _nToolBoxID );
		SvLBoxEntry*				AddEntry( ItemNode* _pNewNode, bool _bIsElement );
        SvLBoxEntry*                AddEntry( const XPropertySet_ref& _rPropSet );
        void                        EditEntry( const XPropertySet_ref& _rPropSet );
        bool                        RemoveEntry();

	    virtual long        		Notify( NotifyEvent& rNEvt );

		XFormsPage( Window* pParent, DataNavigatorWindow* _pNaviWin, DataGroupType _eGroup );

		virtual void				Resize();

		inline bool					HasModel() const { return m_bHasModel; }
        String                      SetModel( const XModel_ref& _xModel, sal_uInt16 _nPagePos );
		void						ClearModel();
        String                      LoadInstance( const PropertyValue_seq& _xPropSeq,
                                                  const ImageList& _rImgLst );

		bool						DoMenuAction( sal_uInt16 _nMenuID );
		void						EnableMenuItems( Menu* _pMenu );

		inline SvLBoxEntry*			GetSelectedItem() const { return m_aItemList.FirstSelected(); }
		inline const String&		GetInstanceName() const { return m_sInstanceName; }
		inline const String&		GetInstanceURL() const { return m_sInstanceURL; }
		inline bool                 GetLinkOnce() const { return m_bLinkOnce; }
		inline void                 SetInstanceName( const String &name ) { m_sInstanceName=name; }
		inline void                 SetInstanceURL( const String &url ) { m_sInstanceURL=url; }
		inline void                 SetLinkOnce( bool bLinkOnce ) { m_bLinkOnce=bLinkOnce; }

	    typedef com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> XPropertySet_t;
		typedef com::sun::star::uno::Reference<com::sun::star::xml::dom::XNode> XNode_t;

		inline XPropertySet_t GetBindingForNode( const XNode_t &xNode ) { return m_xUIHelper->getBindingForNode(xNode,true); }
		inline String GetServiceNameForNode( const XNode_t &xNode ) { return m_xUIHelper->getDefaultServiceNameForNode(xNode); }
		inline XFormsUIHelper1_ref GetXFormsHelper( void ) const { return m_xUIHelper; }


    typedef std::vector< XFormsPage* >          PageList;
    typedef ::rtl::Reference < DataListener >   DataListener_ref;

    class DataNavigatorWindow : public Window

		ListBox						m_aModelsBox;
		MenuButton					m_aModelBtn;
		TabControl					m_aTabCtrl;
		MenuButton					m_aInstanceBtn;

		XFormsPage*					m_pInstPage;
		XFormsPage*					m_pSubmissionPage;
		XFormsPage*					m_pBindingPage;

		long						m_nMinWidth;
		long						m_nMinHeight;
		long						m_nBorderHeight;
		sal_uInt16						m_nLastSelectedPos;
		bool						m_bShowDetails;
        bool                        m_bIsNotifyDisabled;
		Size						m_a2Size;
		Size						m_a3Size;
		ImageList					m_aItemImageList;
		ImageList					m_aItemHCImageList;
		PageList					m_aPageList;
        ContainerList               m_aContainerList;
        EventTargetList             m_aEventTargetList;
        Timer                       m_aUpdateTimer;

        DataListener_ref            m_xDataListener;
        XNameContainer_ref          m_xDataContainer;
        XFrame_ref                  m_xFrame;
        XFrameModel_ref             m_xFrameModel;

		DECL_LINK(					ModelSelectHdl, ListBox * );
		DECL_LINK(					MenuSelectHdl, MenuButton * );
		DECL_LINK(					MenuActivateHdl, MenuButton * );
        DECL_LINK(                  ActivatePageHdl, TabControl* );
        DECL_LINK(                  UpdateHdl, Timer* );

		XFormsPage*					GetCurrentPage( sal_uInt16& rCurId );
		void						LoadModels();
		void						SetPageModel();
        void                        ClearAllPageModels( bool bClearPages );
		void						InitPages();
        void                        CreateInstancePage( const PropertyValue_seq& _xPropSeq );
        bool                        HasFirstInstancePage() const;
        sal_uInt16                      GetNewPageId() const;

		virtual void				Resize();

		DataNavigatorWindow( Window* pParent, SfxBindings* pBindings );

        void                        SetDocModified();
        void                        NotifyChanges( bool _bLoadAll = false );
        void                        AddContainerBroadcaster( const XContainer_ref& xContainer );
        void                        AddEventBroadcaster( const XEventTarget_ref& xTarget );
        void                        RemoveBroadcaster();

        inline const ImageList&     GetItemImageList() const { return m_aItemImageList; }
		inline const ImageList&		GetItemHCImageList() const { return m_aItemHCImageList; }
		inline bool					IsShowDetails() const { return m_bShowDetails; }
        inline void                 DisableNotify( bool _bDisable ) { m_bIsNotifyDisabled = _bDisable; }

	class DataNavigator : public SfxDockingWindow, public SfxControllerItem
		DataNavigatorWindow			m_aDataWin;

		virtual void				Resize();
		virtual sal_Bool			Close();
		virtual void				GetFocus();
		virtual Size				CalcDockingSize( SfxChildAlignment );
		virtual SfxChildAlignment	CheckAlignment( SfxChildAlignment, SfxChildAlignment );

		DataNavigator( SfxBindings* pBindings, SfxChildWindow* pMgr, Window* pParent );
		virtual ~DataNavigator();

        using Window::Update;
        using                       SfxDockingWindow::StateChanged;

        void 						Update( FmFormShell* pFormShell );
		void						StateChanged( sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxItemState eState,
												  const SfxPoolItem* pState );

	class SVX_DLLPUBLIC DataNavigatorManager : public SfxChildWindow
		SVX_DLLPRIVATE DataNavigatorManager( Window* pParent, sal_uInt16 nId,
							  SfxBindings* pBindings, SfxChildWinInfo* pInfo );
		SFX_DECL_CHILDWINDOW( DataNavigatorManager );

	class AddDataItemDialog : public ModalDialog

		FixedLine			m_aItemFL;
		FixedText			m_aNameFT;
		Edit				m_aNameED;
		FixedText			m_aDefaultFT;
		Edit				m_aDefaultED;
		PushButton			m_aDefaultBtn;

		FixedLine			m_aSettingsFL;
		FixedText			m_aDataTypeFT;
		ListBox				m_aDataTypeLB;

		CheckBox			m_aRequiredCB;
		PushButton			m_aRequiredBtn;
		CheckBox			m_aRelevantCB;
		PushButton			m_aRelevantBtn;
		CheckBox			m_aConstraintCB;
		PushButton			m_aConstraintBtn;
		CheckBox			m_aReadonlyCB;
		PushButton			m_aReadonlyBtn;
		CheckBox			m_aCalculateCB;
		PushButton			m_aCalculateBtn;

		FixedLine			m_aButtonsFL;
		OKButton			m_aOKBtn;
		CancelButton		m_aEscBtn;
		HelpButton			m_aHelpBtn;

        XFormsUIHelper1_ref m_xUIHelper;
        XPropertySet_ref    m_xBinding;
        XPropertySet_ref    m_xTempBinding;

		ItemNode*			m_pItemNode;
		DataItemType		m_eItemType;
		String				m_sFL_Element;
		String				m_sFL_Attribute;
        String              m_sFL_Binding;
        String              m_sFT_BindingExp;

		DECL_LINK(			CheckHdl, CheckBox * );
		DECL_LINK(			ConditionHdl, PushButton * );
		DECL_LINK(			OKHdl, OKButton * );

		void				InitDialog();
		void				InitFromNode();
		void				InitDataTypeBox();

            Window* pParent, ItemNode* _pNode, const XFormsUIHelper1_ref& _rUIHelper );

		void				InitText( DataItemType _eType );

	class AddConditionDialog : public ModalDialog
		FixedText				m_aConditionFT;
		MultiLineEdit			m_aConditionED;
		FixedText				m_aResultFT;
		FixedText				m_aResultWin;
		PushButton				m_aEditNamespacesBtn;
		FixedLine				m_aButtonsFL;
		OKButton				m_aOKBtn;
		CancelButton			m_aEscBtn;
		HelpButton				m_aHelpBtn;

		Timer					m_aResultTimer;
		::rtl::OUString			m_sPropertyName;

        XFormsUIHelper1_ref     m_xUIHelper;
        XPropertySet_ref        m_xBinding;

		DECL_LINK(				ModifyHdl, MultiLineEdit * );
		DECL_LINK(				ResultHdl, Timer * );
		DECL_LINK(				EditHdl, PushButton * );
		DECL_LINK(				OKHdl, OKButton * );

        AddConditionDialog( Window* pParent,
            const ::rtl::OUString& _rPropertyName, const XPropertySet_ref& _rBinding );

        inline XFormsUIHelper1_ref  GetUIHelper() const { return m_xUIHelper; }
        inline String               GetCondition() const { return m_aConditionED.GetText(); }
        inline void                 SetCondition( const String& _rCondition );

	inline void AddConditionDialog::SetCondition( const String& _rCondition )
		m_aConditionED.SetText( _rCondition );

	class NamespaceItemDialog : public ModalDialog
		typedef std::vector< ::rtl::OUString > PrefixList;

		FixedText			m_aNamespacesFT;
		SvxSimpleTable      m_aNamespacesList;
		PushButton			m_aAddNamespaceBtn;
		PushButton			m_aEditNamespaceBtn;
		PushButton			m_aDeleteNamespaceBtn;
		FixedLine			m_aButtonsFL;
		OKButton			m_aOKBtn;
		CancelButton		m_aEscBtn;
		HelpButton			m_aHelpBtn;

		AddConditionDialog*	m_pConditionDlg;
		PrefixList			m_aRemovedList;

        XNameContainer_ref& m_rNamespaces;

		DECL_LINK(			SelectHdl, SvxSimpleTable * );
		DECL_LINK(			ClickHdl, PushButton * );
		DECL_LINK(			OKHdl, OKButton * );

		void				LoadNamespaces();

        NamespaceItemDialog( AddConditionDialog* pParent, XNameContainer_ref& _rContainer );

	class ManageNamespaceDialog : public ModalDialog
		FixedText			m_aPrefixFT;
		Edit				m_aPrefixED;
		FixedText			m_aUrlFT;
		Edit				m_aUrlED;
		FixedLine			m_aButtonsFL;
		OKButton			m_aOKBtn;
		CancelButton		m_aEscBtn;
		HelpButton			m_aHelpBtn;

		AddConditionDialog*	m_pConditionDlg;

		DECL_LINK(			OKHdl, OKButton * );

		ManageNamespaceDialog( Window* pParent, AddConditionDialog* _pCondDlg, bool _bIsEdit );

		inline void			SetNamespace( const String& _rPrefix, const String& _rURL );
		inline String		GetPrefix() const { return m_aPrefixED.GetText(); }
		inline String		GetURL() const { return m_aUrlED.GetText(); }

	void ManageNamespaceDialog::SetNamespace( const String& _rPrefix, const String& _rURL )
		m_aPrefixED.SetText( _rPrefix );
		m_aUrlED.SetText( _rURL );

	class AddSubmissionDialog : public ModalDialog
		FixedLine			m_aSubmissionFL;
		FixedText			m_aNameFT;
		Edit				m_aNameED;
		FixedText			m_aActionFT;
		Edit				m_aActionED;
		FixedText			m_aMethodFT;
		ListBox				m_aMethodLB;
		FixedText			m_aRefFT;
		Edit				m_aRefED;
		PushButton			m_aRefBtn;
		FixedText			m_aBindFT;
		ListBox				m_aBindLB;
		FixedText			m_aReplaceFT;
		ListBox				m_aReplaceLB;

		FixedLine			m_aButtonsFL;
		OKButton			m_aOKBtn;
		CancelButton		m_aEscBtn;
		HelpButton			m_aHelpBtn;

		ItemNode*			m_pItemNode;

        XFormsUIHelper1_ref m_xUIHelper;
        XSubmission_ref     m_xNewSubmission;
        XPropertySet_ref    m_xSubmission;
        XPropertySet_ref    m_xTempBinding;
        XPropertySet_ref    m_xCreatedBinding;

		DECL_LINK(			RefHdl, PushButton * );
		DECL_LINK(			OKHdl, OKButton * );

		void				FillAllBoxes();

		AddSubmissionDialog( Window* pParent, ItemNode* _pNode,
            const XFormsUIHelper1_ref& _rUIHelper );

        inline const XSubmission_ref& GetNewSubmission() const { return m_xNewSubmission; }

	class AddModelDialog : public ModalDialog
		FixedLine			m_aModelFL;
		FixedText			m_aNameFT;
		Edit				m_aNameED;
        CheckBox            m_aModifyCB;
		FixedLine			m_aButtonsFL;
		OKButton			m_aOKBtn;
		CancelButton		m_aEscBtn;
		HelpButton			m_aHelpBtn;

        AddModelDialog( Window* pParent, bool _bEdit );

		inline String			GetName() const { return m_aNameED.GetText(); }
		inline void				SetName( const String& _rName ) { m_aNameED.SetText( _rName );}

        inline bool             GetModifyDoc() const { return bool( m_aModifyCB.IsChecked() ); }
        inline void             SetModifyDoc( const bool _bModify ) { m_aModifyCB.Check( _bModify ); }

	class AddInstanceDialog : public ModalDialog
		FixedLine				m_aInstanceFL;
		FixedText				m_aNameFT;
		Edit					m_aNameED;
		FixedText				m_aURLFT;
		SvtURLBox				m_aURLED;
		PushButton				m_aFilePickerBtn;
		CheckBox				m_aLinkInstanceCB;
		FixedLine				m_aButtonsFL;
		OKButton				m_aOKBtn;
		CancelButton			m_aEscBtn;
		HelpButton				m_aHelpBtn;

		String					m_sAllFilterName;

		DECL_LINK(				FilePickerHdl, PushButton * );

        AddInstanceDialog( Window* pParent, bool _bEdit );

		inline void				SetRenameMode();
		inline String			GetName() const { return m_aNameED.GetText(); }
		inline void				SetName( const String& _rName ) { m_aNameED.SetText( _rName );}
		inline String			GetURL() const { return m_aURLED.GetText(); }
		inline void				SetURL( const String& _rURL ) { m_aURLED.SetText( _rURL );}
		inline bool				IsLinkInstance() const { return ( m_aLinkInstanceCB.IsChecked() != sal_False ); }
		inline void				SetLinkInstance( bool _bLink ) { m_aLinkInstanceCB.Check( _bLink != false ); }

	inline void AddInstanceDialog::SetRenameMode()

    class LinkedInstanceWarningBox : public MessBox
        LinkedInstanceWarningBox( Window* pParent );

}	// namespace svxform