 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#ifndef SW_TOX_HXX
#define SW_TOX_HXX

#include <cppuhelper/weakref.hxx>

#include <i18npool/lang.h>
#include <tools/string.hxx>

#include <editeng/svxenum.hxx>
#include <svl/svarray.hxx>
#include <svl/poolitem.hxx>
#include "swdllapi.h"
#include <swtypes.hxx>
#include <toxe.hxx>
#include <calbck.hxx>
#include <errhdl.hxx>

#include <vector> // #i21237#

namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star {
    namespace text { class XDocumentIndexMark; }
} } }

class SwTOXType;
class SwTOXMark;
class SwTxtTOXMark;
class SwDoc;

SV_DECL_PTRARR(SwTOXMarks, SwTOXMark*, 0, 10)

     Description:  Entry of content index, alphabetical index or user defined index

#define IVER_TOXMARK_STRPOOL ((sal_uInt16)1)
#define IVER_TOXMARK_NEWTOX ((sal_uInt16)2)

    : public SfxPoolItem
    , public SwModify
	friend void _InitCore();
	friend class SwTxtTOXMark;

	String aAltText; 	// Der Text des Eintrages ist unterschiedlich
	String aPrimaryKey, aSecondaryKey;

    // three more strings for phonetic sorting
    String aTextReading;
    String aPrimaryKeyReading;
    String aSecondaryKeyReading;

	SwTxtTOXMark* pTxtAttr;

	sal_uInt16 	nLevel;
	sal_Bool	bAutoGenerated : 1;		// generated using a concordance file
	sal_Bool	bMainEntry : 1;			// main entry emphasized by character style

        ::com::sun::star::text::XDocumentIndexMark> m_wXDocumentIndexMark;

    SwTOXMark();                    // to create the dflt. atr. in _InitCore

    // SwClient
   virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew );

    TYPEINFO();   // rtti

	// single argument ctors shall be explicit.
	explicit SwTOXMark( const SwTOXType* pTyp );
	virtual ~SwTOXMark();

	SwTOXMark( const SwTOXMark& rCopy );
	SwTOXMark& operator=( const SwTOXMark& rCopy );

    // "pure virtual methods" of SfxPoolItem
	virtual int 			operator==( const SfxPoolItem& ) const;
	virtual SfxPoolItem*	Clone( SfxItemPool* pPool = 0 ) const;

    void InvalidateTOXMark();

	String					GetText() const;

	inline sal_Bool				IsAlternativeText() const;
	inline const String&	GetAlternativeText() const;

	inline void				SetAlternativeText( const String& rAlt );

    // content or user defined index
    inline void             SetLevel(sal_uInt16 nLevel);
	inline sal_uInt16			GetLevel() const;

    // for alphabetical index only
	inline void				SetPrimaryKey(const String& rStr );
	inline void				SetSecondaryKey(const String& rStr);
    inline void             SetTextReading(const String& rStr);
    inline void             SetPrimaryKeyReading(const String& rStr );
    inline void             SetSecondaryKeyReading(const String& rStr);

    inline const String&    GetPrimaryKey() const;
	inline const String&	GetSecondaryKey() const;
    inline const String&    GetTextReading() const;
    inline const String&    GetPrimaryKeyReading() const;
    inline const String&    GetSecondaryKeyReading() const;

	sal_Bool					IsAutoGenerated() const {return bAutoGenerated;}
	void					SetAutoGenerated(sal_Bool bSet) {bAutoGenerated = bSet;}

	sal_Bool					IsMainEntry() const {return bMainEntry;}
	void					SetMainEntry(sal_Bool bSet) { bMainEntry = bSet;}

	inline const SwTOXType*    GetTOXType() const;

	const SwTxtTOXMark* GetTxtTOXMark() const	{ return pTxtAttr; }
		  SwTxtTOXMark* GetTxtTOXMark() 		{ return pTxtAttr; }

    SW_DLLPRIVATE ::com::sun::star::uno::WeakReference<
        ::com::sun::star::text::XDocumentIndexMark> const& GetXTOXMark() const
            { return m_wXDocumentIndexMark; }
    SW_DLLPRIVATE void SetXTOXMark(::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
                    ::com::sun::star::text::XDocumentIndexMark> const& xMark)
            { m_wXDocumentIndexMark = xMark; }
    void DeRegister() { GetRegisteredInNonConst()->Remove( this ); }
    void RegisterToTOXType( SwTOXType& rMark );
    static void InsertTOXMarks( SwTOXMarks& aMarks, const SwTOXType& rType );

     Description:  index types

class SwTOXType : public SwModify
	SwTOXType(TOXTypes eTyp, const String& aName);

	// @@@ public copy ctor, but no copy assignment?
	SwTOXType(const SwTOXType& rCopy);

	inline	const String&	GetTypeName() const;
    inline TOXTypes         GetType() const;

	String			aName;
	TOXTypes		eType;

	// @@@ public copy ctor, but no copy assignment?
	SwTOXType & operator= (const SwTOXType &);

     Description:  Structure of the index lines

#define FORM_TITLE 				0
#define FORM_ENTRY				4

 Pattern structure

 <E#> - entry number  					<E# CharStyleName,PoolId>
 <ET> - entry text      				<ET CharStyleName,PoolId>
 <E>  - entry text and number           <E CharStyleName,PoolId>
 <T>  - tab stop                        <T,,Position,Adjust>
 <C>  - chapter info n = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } values of SwChapterFormat <C CharStyleName,PoolId>
 <TX> - text token						<X CharStyleName,PoolId, TOX_STYLE_DELIMITERTextContentTOX_STYLE_DELIMITER>
 <#>  - Page number                     <# CharStyleName,PoolId>
 <LS> - Link start                      <LS>
 <LE> - Link end                        <LE>
 <A00> - Authority entry field			<A02 CharStyleName, PoolId>

// These enum values are stored and must not be changed!
enum FormTokenType

struct SW_DLLPUBLIC SwFormToken
	String			sText;
	String			sCharStyleName;
	SwTwips			nTabStopPosition;
	FormTokenType 	eTokenType;
	sal_uInt16			nPoolId;
    SvxTabAdjust    eTabAlign;
	sal_uInt16			nChapterFormat;		//SwChapterFormat;
    sal_uInt16          nOutlineLevel;//the maximum permitted outline level in numbering
	sal_uInt16			nAuthorityField;	//enum ToxAuthorityField
	sal_Unicode 	cTabFillChar;
    sal_Bool        bWithTab;      // sal_True: do generate tab
                                   // character only the tab stop
                                   // #i21237#

	SwFormToken(FormTokenType eType ) :
        eTabAlign( SVX_TAB_ADJUST_LEFT ),
		nChapterFormat(0 /*CF_NUMBER*/),
        nOutlineLevel(MAXLEVEL),   //default to maximum outline level
		nAuthorityField(0 /*AUTH_FIELD_IDENTIFIER*/),
		cTabFillChar(' '),
        bWithTab(sal_True)  // #i21237#

	String GetString() const;

// -> #i21237#
    Functor that is true when a given token has a certain token type.

    @param _eType  the type to check for
    @param rToken  the token to check

    @retval sal_True   the token has the given type
    @retval sal_False  else
struct SwFormTokenEqualToFormTokenType
    FormTokenType eType;

    SwFormTokenEqualToFormTokenType(FormTokenType _eType) : eType(_eType) {}
    bool operator()(const SwFormToken & rToken)
        return rToken.eTokenType == eType;

   Functor that appends the string representation of a given token to a string.

   @param _rText    string to append the string representation to
   @param rToken    token whose string representation is appended
struct SwFormTokenToString
    String & rText;
    SwFormTokenToString(String & _rText) : rText(_rText) {}
    void operator()(const SwFormToken & rToken) { rText += rToken.GetString(); }

/// Vector of tokens.
typedef std::vector<SwFormToken> SwFormTokens;

   Helper class that converts vectors of tokens to strings and vice
class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwFormTokensHelper
    /// the tokens
    SwFormTokens aTokens;

       Builds a token from its string representation.

       @sPattern          the whole pattern
       @nCurPatternPos    starting position of the token

       @return the token
    SW_DLLPRIVATE SwFormToken BuildToken( const String & sPattern,
										  xub_StrLen & nCurPatternPos ) const;

       Returns the string of a token.

       @param sPattern    the whole pattern
       @param nStt        starting position of the token

       @return   the string representation of the token
    SW_DLLPRIVATE String SearchNextToken( const String & sPattern,
										  xub_StrLen nStt ) const;

       Returns the type of a token.

       @param sToken     the string representation of the token
       @param pTokenLen  return parameter the length of the head of the token

       If pTokenLen is non-NULL the length of the token's head is
       written to *pTokenLen

       @return the type of the token
    SW_DLLPRIVATE FormTokenType GetTokenType(const String & sToken,
											 xub_StrLen * pTokenLen) const;


       @param rTokens       vector of tokens
    SwFormTokensHelper(const SwFormTokens & rTokens) : aTokens(rTokens) {}


       @param rStr   string representation of the tokens
    SwFormTokensHelper(const String & rStr);

       Returns vector of tokens.

       @return vector of tokens
    const SwFormTokens & GetTokens() const { return aTokens; }
// <- #i21237#

	SwFormTokens	aPattern[ AUTH_TYPE_END + 1 ]; // #i21237#
	String	aTemplate[ AUTH_TYPE_END + 1 ];

    TOXTypes    eType;
    sal_uInt16      nFormMaxLevel;

	//sal_uInt16	nFirstTabPos; -> Value in tab token
//	sal_Bool 	bHasFirstTabPos : 1;
	sal_Bool 	bGenerateTabPos : 1;
	sal_Bool 	bIsRelTabPos : 1;
	sal_Bool	bCommaSeparated : 1;

    SwForm( TOXTypes eTOXType = TOX_CONTENT );
	SwForm( const SwForm& rForm );

	SwForm&	operator=( const SwForm& rForm );

	inline void	SetTemplate(sal_uInt16 nLevel, const String& rName);
	inline const String&	GetTemplate(sal_uInt16 nLevel) const;

    // #i21237#
	void	SetPattern(sal_uInt16 nLevel, const SwFormTokens& rName);
	void	SetPattern(sal_uInt16 nLevel, const String& rStr);
	const SwFormTokens&	GetPattern(sal_uInt16 nLevel) const;

	// fill tab stop positions from template to pattern- #i21237#
    void AdjustTabStops( SwDoc& rDoc );

    inline TOXTypes GetTOXType() const;
	inline sal_uInt16	GetFormMax() const;

    sal_Bool IsRelTabPos() const    {   return bIsRelTabPos; }
	void SetRelTabPos( sal_Bool b ) { 	bIsRelTabPos = b;		}

	sal_Bool IsCommaSeparated() const 		{ return bCommaSeparated;}
	void SetCommaSeparated( sal_Bool b)		{ bCommaSeparated = b;}

    static sal_uInt16 GetFormMaxLevel( TOXTypes eType );

	static const sal_Char*	aFormEntry;				// <E>
    static sal_uInt8 nFormEntryLen;                      // 3 characters
	static const sal_Char*	aFormTab;				// <T>
    static sal_uInt8 nFormTabLen;                        // 3 characters
	static const sal_Char*	aFormPageNums;			// <P>
    static sal_uInt8 nFormPageNumsLen;                   // 3 characters
	static const sal_Char* aFormLinkStt;			// <LS>
    static sal_uInt8 nFormLinkSttLen;                    // 4 characters
	static const sal_Char* aFormLinkEnd;			// <LE>
    static sal_uInt8 nFormLinkEndLen;                    // 4 characters
	static const sal_Char*	aFormEntryNum;			// <E#>
    static sal_uInt8 nFormEntryNumLen;                   // 4 characters
	static const sal_Char*	aFormEntryTxt;			// <ET>
    static sal_uInt8 nFormEntryTxtLen;                   // 4 characters
	static const sal_Char*	aFormChapterMark;		// <C>
    static sal_uInt8 nFormChapterMarkLen;                // 3 characters
	static const sal_Char*	aFormText;				// <TX>
    static sal_uInt8 nFormTextLen;                       // 4 characters
	static const sal_Char*	aFormAuth;				// <Axx> xx - decimal enum value
    static sal_uInt8 nFormAuthLen;                       // 3 characters

     Description: Content to create indexes of

typedef sal_uInt16 SwTOXElement;
namespace nsSwTOXElement
    const SwTOXElement TOX_MARK             = 1;
    const SwTOXElement TOX_OUTLINELEVEL     = 2;
    const SwTOXElement TOX_TEMPLATE         = 4;
    const SwTOXElement TOX_OLE              = 8;
    const SwTOXElement TOX_TABLE            = 16;
    const SwTOXElement TOX_GRAPHIC          = 32;
    const SwTOXElement TOX_FRAME            = 64;
    const SwTOXElement TOX_SEQUENCE         = 128;

typedef sal_uInt16 SwTOIOptions;
namespace nsSwTOIOptions
    const SwTOIOptions TOI_SAME_ENTRY       = 1;
    const SwTOIOptions TOI_FF               = 2;
    const SwTOIOptions TOI_CASE_SENSITIVE   = 4;
    const SwTOIOptions TOI_KEY_AS_ENTRY     = 8;
    const SwTOIOptions TOI_ALPHA_DELIMITTER = 16;
    const SwTOIOptions TOI_DASH             = 32;
    const SwTOIOptions TOI_INITIAL_CAPS     = 64;

//which part of the caption is to be displayed
enum SwCaptionDisplay

typedef sal_uInt16 SwTOOElements;
namespace nsSwTOOElements
    const SwTOOElements TOO_MATH            = 0x01;
    const SwTOOElements TOO_CHART           = 0x02;
    const SwTOOElements TOO_CALC            = 0x08;
    const SwTOOElements TOO_DRAW_IMPRESS    = 0x10;
//  const SwTOOElements TOO_IMPRESS         = 0x20;
    const SwTOOElements TOO_OTHER           = 0x80;

#define TOX_STYLE_DELIMITER ((sal_Unicode)0x01)		//JP 19.07.00: use a control char

     Description:  Class for all indexes

class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwTOXBase : public SwClient
    SwForm      aForm;              // description of the lines
	String		aName; 				// unique name
    String      aTitle;             // title

	String 		sMainEntryCharStyle; // name of the character style applied to main index entries

	String		aStyleNames[MAXLEVEL]; // (additional) style names TOX_CONTENT, TOX_USER
	String 		sSequenceName;		// FieldTypeName of a caption sequence

    LanguageType    eLanguage;
    String          sSortAlgorithm;

    union {
        sal_uInt16      nLevel;             // consider outline levels
        sal_uInt16      nOptions;           // options of alphabetical index
	} aData;

    sal_uInt16      nCreateType;        // sources to create the index from
	sal_uInt16		nOLEOptions;		// OLE sources
	SwCaptionDisplay eCaptionDisplay;	//
	sal_Bool 		bProtected : 1;			// index protected ?
	sal_Bool		bFromChapter : 1; 		// create from chapter or document
	sal_Bool 		bFromObjectNames : 1; 	// create a table or object index
									// from the names rather than the caption
	sal_Bool		bLevelFromChapter : 1; // User index: get the level from the source chapter

    // Add a data member, for record the TOC field expression of MS Word binary format
    // For keeping fedality and may giving a better exporting performance
    String maMSTOCExpression;
    sal_Bool mbKeepExpression;

	SwTOXBase( const SwTOXType* pTyp, const SwForm& rForm,
			   sal_uInt16 nCreaType, const String& rTitle );
	SwTOXBase( const SwTOXBase& rCopy, SwDoc* pDoc = 0 );
	virtual ~SwTOXBase();

	virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const;

	// a kind of CopyCtor - check if the TOXBase is at TOXType of the doc.
	// If not, so create it an copy all other used things. The return is this
	SwTOXBase& CopyTOXBase( SwDoc*, const SwTOXBase& );

	const SwTOXType*	GetTOXType() const;	//

    sal_uInt16              GetCreateType() const;      // creation types

	const String&		GetTOXName() const {return aName;}
	void				SetTOXName(const String& rSet) {aName = rSet;}

    // for record the TOC field expression of MS Word binary format
    const String&		GetMSTOCExpression() const{return maMSTOCExpression;}
    void				SetMSTOCExpression(const String& rExp) {maMSTOCExpression = rExp;}
    void				EnableKeepExpression() {mbKeepExpression = sal_True;}
    void				DisableKeepExpression() {mbKeepExpression = sal_False;}

    const String&       GetTitle() const;           // Title
    const String&       GetTypeName() const;        // Name
    const SwForm&       GetTOXForm() const;         // description of the lines

	void 				SetCreate(sal_uInt16);
	void				SetTitle(const String& rTitle);
	void				SetTOXForm(const SwForm& rForm);

	TOXTypes			GetType() const;

	const String&		GetMainEntryCharStyle() const {return sMainEntryCharStyle;}
	void				SetMainEntryCharStyle(const String& rSet)  {sMainEntryCharStyle = rSet;}

    // content index only
    inline void             SetLevel(sal_uInt16);                   // consider outline level
	inline sal_uInt16	  		GetLevel() const;

    // alphabetical index only
    inline sal_uInt16           GetOptions() const;                 // alphabetical index options
	inline void   			SetOptions(sal_uInt16 nOpt);

	// index of objects
	sal_uInt16 		GetOLEOptions() const {return nOLEOptions;}
	void   		SetOLEOptions(sal_uInt16 nOpt) {nOLEOptions = nOpt;}

	// index of objects

    // user defined index only
	inline void				SetTemplateName(const String& rName); // Absatzlayout beachten

	const String&			GetStyleNames(sal_uInt16 nLevel) const
								DBG_ASSERT( nLevel < MAXLEVEL, "Which level?");
								return aStyleNames[nLevel];
	void					SetStyleNames(const String& rSet, sal_uInt16 nLevel)
								DBG_ASSERT( nLevel < MAXLEVEL, "Which level?");
								aStyleNames[nLevel] = rSet;
	sal_Bool					IsFromChapter() const { return bFromChapter;}
	void					SetFromChapter(sal_Bool bSet) { bFromChapter = bSet;}

	sal_Bool					IsFromObjectNames() const {return bFromObjectNames;}
	void					SetFromObjectNames(sal_Bool bSet) {bFromObjectNames = bSet;}

	sal_Bool					IsLevelFromChapter() const {return bLevelFromChapter;}
	void					SetLevelFromChapter(sal_Bool bSet) {bLevelFromChapter = bSet;}

	sal_Bool					IsProtected() const { return bProtected; }
	void					SetProtected(sal_Bool bSet) { bProtected = bSet; }

	const String&			GetSequenceName() const {return sSequenceName;}
	void					SetSequenceName(const String& rSet) {sSequenceName = rSet;}

	SwCaptionDisplay		GetCaptionDisplay() const { return eCaptionDisplay;}
	void					SetCaptionDisplay(SwCaptionDisplay eSet) {eCaptionDisplay = eSet;}

	sal_Bool 					IsTOXBaseInReadonly() const;

	const SfxItemSet*		GetAttrSet() const;
	void 					SetAttrSet( const SfxItemSet& );

    LanguageType    GetLanguage() const {return eLanguage;}
    void            SetLanguage(LanguageType nLang)  {eLanguage = nLang;}

    const String&   GetSortAlgorithm()const {return sSortAlgorithm;}
    void            SetSortAlgorithm(const String& rSet) {sSortAlgorithm = rSet;}

    // #i21237#
    inline void AdjustTabStops( SwDoc & rDoc )
        aForm.AdjustTabStops( rDoc );

    SwTOXBase& operator=(const SwTOXBase& rSource);
    void RegisterToTOXType( SwTOXType& rMark );

     Description:  Inlines

inline const String& SwTOXMark::GetAlternativeText() const
	{	return aAltText;	}

inline const SwTOXType* SwTOXMark::GetTOXType() const
	{ return (SwTOXType*)GetRegisteredIn(); }

inline sal_Bool SwTOXMark::IsAlternativeText() const
	{ return aAltText.Len() > 0; }

inline void SwTOXMark::SetAlternativeText(const String& rAlt)
	aAltText = rAlt;

inline void SwTOXMark::SetLevel( sal_uInt16 nLvl )
	ASSERT( !GetTOXType() || GetTOXType()->GetType() != TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	nLevel = nLvl;

inline void SwTOXMark::SetPrimaryKey( const String& rKey )
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	aPrimaryKey = rKey;

inline void SwTOXMark::SetSecondaryKey( const String& rKey )
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	aSecondaryKey = rKey;

inline void SwTOXMark::SetTextReading( const String& rTxt )
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
    aTextReading = rTxt;

inline void SwTOXMark::SetPrimaryKeyReading( const String& rKey )
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
    aPrimaryKeyReading = rKey;

inline void SwTOXMark::SetSecondaryKeyReading( const String& rKey )
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
    aSecondaryKeyReading = rKey;

inline sal_uInt16 SwTOXMark::GetLevel() const
	ASSERT( !GetTOXType() || GetTOXType()->GetType() != TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	return nLevel;

inline const String& SwTOXMark::GetPrimaryKey() const
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	return aPrimaryKey;

inline const String& SwTOXMark::GetSecondaryKey() const
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	return aSecondaryKey;

inline const String& SwTOXMark::GetTextReading() const
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
    return aTextReading;

inline const String& SwTOXMark::GetPrimaryKeyReading() const
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
    return aPrimaryKeyReading;

inline const String& SwTOXMark::GetSecondaryKeyReading() const
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
    return aSecondaryKeyReading;

inline void SwForm::SetTemplate(sal_uInt16 nLevel, const String& rTemplate)
	ASSERT(nLevel < GetFormMax(), "Index >= FORM_MAX");
	aTemplate[nLevel] = rTemplate;

inline const String& SwForm::GetTemplate(sal_uInt16 nLevel) const
	ASSERT(nLevel < GetFormMax(), "Index >= FORM_MAX");
	return aTemplate[nLevel];

inline TOXTypes SwForm::GetTOXType() const
    return eType;

inline sal_uInt16 SwForm::GetFormMax() const
	return nFormMaxLevel;

inline const String& SwTOXType::GetTypeName() const
	{	return aName;	}

inline TOXTypes SwTOXType::GetType() const
	{	return eType;	}

// SwTOXBase
inline const SwTOXType* SwTOXBase::GetTOXType() const
	{ return (SwTOXType*)GetRegisteredIn(); }

inline sal_uInt16 SwTOXBase::GetCreateType() const
	{ return nCreateType; }

inline const String& SwTOXBase::GetTitle() const
	{ return aTitle; }

inline const String& SwTOXBase::GetTypeName() const
	{ return GetTOXType()->GetTypeName(); }

inline const SwForm& SwTOXBase::GetTOXForm() const
	{ return aForm;	}

inline void SwTOXBase::SetCreate(sal_uInt16 nCreate)
	{ nCreateType = nCreate; }

inline void	SwTOXBase::SetTOXForm(const SwForm& rForm)
	{ aForm = rForm; }

inline TOXTypes SwTOXBase::GetType() const
	{ return GetTOXType()->GetType(); }

inline void SwTOXBase::SetLevel(sal_uInt16 nLev)
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() != TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	aData.nLevel = nLev;

inline sal_uInt16 SwTOXBase::GetLevel() const
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() != TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	return aData.nLevel;

inline void SwTOXBase::SetTemplateName(const String& rName)
//	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_USER, "Falscher Feldtyp");
//	ASSERT(aData.pTemplateName, "pTemplateName == 0");
//	(*aData.pTemplateName) = rName;
	DBG_WARNING("SwTOXBase::SetTemplateName obsolete");
	aStyleNames[0] = rName;


inline sal_uInt16 SwTOXBase::GetOptions() const
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	return aData.nOptions;

inline void SwTOXBase::SetOptions(sal_uInt16 nOpt)
	ASSERT(GetTOXType()->GetType() == TOX_INDEX, "Falscher Feldtyp");
	aData.nOptions = nOpt;

#endif  // SW_TOX_HXX