/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace com::sun::star; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; void SwTable::UpdateCharts() const { GetFrmFmt()->GetDoc()->UpdateCharts( GetFrmFmt()->GetName() ); } sal_Bool SwTable::IsTblComplexForChart( const String& rSelection, SwChartLines* pGetCLines ) const { const SwTableBox* pSttBox, *pEndBox; if( 2 < rSelection.Len() ) { // spitze Klammern am Anfang & Ende enfernen String sBox( rSelection ); if( '<' == sBox.GetChar( 0 ) ) sBox.Erase( 0, 1 ); if( '>' == sBox.GetChar( sBox.Len()-1 ) ) sBox.Erase( sBox.Len()-1 ); xub_StrLen nTrenner = sBox.Search( ':' ); ASSERT( STRING_NOTFOUND != nTrenner, "keine gueltige Selektion" ); pSttBox = GetTblBox( sBox.Copy( 0, nTrenner )); pEndBox = GetTblBox( sBox.Copy( nTrenner+1 )); } else { const SwTableLines* pLns = &GetTabLines(); pSttBox = (*pLns)[ 0 ]->GetTabBoxes()[ 0 ]; while( !pSttBox->GetSttNd() ) // bis zur Content Box! pSttBox = pSttBox->GetTabLines()[ 0 ]->GetTabBoxes()[ 0 ]; const SwTableBoxes* pBoxes = &(*pLns)[ pLns->Count()-1 ]->GetTabBoxes(); pEndBox = (*pBoxes)[ pBoxes->Count()-1 ]; while( !pEndBox->GetSttNd() ) { // bis zur Content Box! pLns = &pEndBox->GetTabLines(); pBoxes = &(*pLns)[ pLns->Count()-1 ]->GetTabBoxes(); pEndBox = (*pBoxes)[ pBoxes->Count()-1 ]; } } return !pSttBox || !pEndBox || !::ChkChartSel( *pSttBox->GetSttNd(), *pEndBox->GetSttNd(), pGetCLines ); } IMPL_LINK( SwDoc, DoUpdateAllCharts, Timer *, EMPTYARG ) { ViewShell* pVSh; GetEditShell( &pVSh ); if( pVSh ) { const SwFrmFmts& rTblFmts = *GetTblFrmFmts(); for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < rTblFmts.Count(); ++n ) { SwTable* pTmpTbl; const SwTableNode* pTblNd; SwFrmFmt* pFmt = rTblFmts[ n ]; if( 0 != ( pTmpTbl = SwTable::FindTable( pFmt ) ) && 0 != ( pTblNd = pTmpTbl->GetTableNode() ) && pTblNd->GetNodes().IsDocNodes() ) { _UpdateCharts( *pTmpTbl, *pVSh ); } } } return 0; } void SwDoc::_UpdateCharts( const SwTable& rTbl, ViewShell& rVSh ) const { String aName( rTbl.GetFrmFmt()->GetName() ); SwOLENode *pONd; SwStartNode *pStNd; SwNodeIndex aIdx( *GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext().StartOfSectionNode(), 1 ); while( 0 != (pStNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetStartNode()) ) { aIdx++; SwFrm* pFrm; if( 0 != ( pONd = aIdx.GetNode().GetOLENode() ) && aName.Equals( pONd->GetChartTblName() ) && 0 != ( pFrm = pONd->getLayoutFrm( rVSh.GetLayout() ) ) ) { SwChartDataProvider *pPCD = GetChartDataProvider(); if (pPCD) pPCD->InvalidateTable( &rTbl ); // following this the framework will now take care of repainting // the chart or it's replacement image... } aIdx.Assign( *pStNd->EndOfSectionNode(), + 1 ); } } void SwDoc::UpdateCharts( const String &rName ) const { SwTable* pTmpTbl = SwTable::FindTable( FindTblFmtByName( rName ) ); if( pTmpTbl ) { ViewShell* pVSh; GetEditShell( &pVSh ); if( pVSh ) _UpdateCharts( *pTmpTbl, *pVSh ); } } void SwDoc::SetTableName( SwFrmFmt& rTblFmt, const String &rNewName ) { // sal_Bool bStop = 1; const String aOldName( rTblFmt.GetName() ); sal_Bool bNameFound = 0 == rNewName.Len(); if( !bNameFound ) { SwFrmFmt* pFmt; const SwFrmFmts& rTbl = *GetTblFrmFmts(); for( sal_uInt16 i = rTbl.Count(); i; ) if( !( pFmt = rTbl[ --i ] )->IsDefault() && pFmt->GetName() == rNewName && IsUsed( *pFmt ) ) { bNameFound = sal_True; break; } } if( !bNameFound ) rTblFmt.SetName( rNewName, sal_True ); else rTblFmt.SetName( GetUniqueTblName(), sal_True ); SwStartNode *pStNd; SwNodeIndex aIdx( *GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext().StartOfSectionNode(), 1 ); while ( 0 != (pStNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetStartNode()) ) { aIdx++; SwOLENode *pNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetOLENode(); if( pNd && aOldName == pNd->GetChartTblName() ) { pNd->SetChartTblName( rNewName ); ViewShell* pVSh; GetEditShell( &pVSh ); SwTable* pTable = SwTable::FindTable( &rTblFmt ); SwChartDataProvider *pPCD = GetChartDataProvider(); if (pPCD) pPCD->InvalidateTable( pTable ); // following this the framework will now take care of repainting // the chart or it's replacement image... } aIdx.Assign( *pStNd->EndOfSectionNode(), + 1 ); } SetModified(); } SwChartDataProvider * SwDoc::GetChartDataProvider( bool bCreate ) const { // since there must be only one instance of this object per document // we need a mutex here vos::OGuard aGuard( Application::GetSolarMutex() ); if (bCreate && !aChartDataProviderImplRef.get()) { aChartDataProviderImplRef = comphelper::ImplementationReference< SwChartDataProvider , chart2::data::XDataProvider >( new SwChartDataProvider( this ) ); } return aChartDataProviderImplRef.get(); } void SwDoc::CreateChartInternalDataProviders( const SwTable *pTable ) { if (pTable) { String aName( pTable->GetFrmFmt()->GetName() ); SwOLENode *pONd; SwStartNode *pStNd; SwNodeIndex aIdx( *GetNodes().GetEndOfAutotext().StartOfSectionNode(), 1 ); while (0 != (pStNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetStartNode())) { aIdx++; if( 0 != ( pONd = aIdx.GetNode().GetOLENode() ) && aName.Equals( pONd->GetChartTblName() ) /* OLE node is chart? */ && 0 != (pONd->getLayoutFrm( GetCurrentLayout() )) /* chart frame is not hidden */ ) { uno::Reference < embed::XEmbeddedObject > xIP = pONd->GetOLEObj().GetOleRef(); if ( svt::EmbeddedObjectRef::TryRunningState( xIP ) ) { uno::Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xChart( xIP->getComponent(), UNO_QUERY ); if (xChart.is()) xChart->createInternalDataProvider( sal_True ); // there may be more than one chart for each table thus we need to continue the loop... } } aIdx.Assign( *pStNd->EndOfSectionNode(), + 1 ); } } } SwChartLockController_Helper & SwDoc::GetChartControllerHelper() { if (!pChartControllerHelper) { pChartControllerHelper = new SwChartLockController_Helper( this ); } return *pChartControllerHelper; }