 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#ifndef _DOCTXM_HXX
#define _DOCTXM_HXX

#include <svl/svarray.hxx>
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
#include <tox.hxx>
#include <section.hxx>

class  SwTOXInternational;
class  SvUShorts;
class  SvStringsDtor;
class  SvPtrarr;
class  SwPageDesc;
class  SwTxtNode;
class  SwTxtFmtColl;
struct SwPosition;
struct SwTOXSortTabBase;

typedef SwTOXSortTabBase* SwTOXSortTabBasePtr;

SV_DECL_PTRARR(SwTOXSortTabBases, SwTOXSortTabBasePtr, 0, 5 )

	 Beschreibung: Ring der speziellen Verzeichnisse

class SwTOXBaseSection : public SwTOXBase, public SwSection
	SwTOXSortTabBases aSortArr;

	void 	UpdateMarks( const SwTOXInternational& rIntl,
							const SwTxtNode* pOwnChapterNode );
	void 	UpdateOutline( const SwTxtNode* pOwnChapterNode );
	void 	UpdateTemplate( const SwTxtNode* pOwnChapterNode );
	void 	UpdateCntnt( SwTOXElement eType,
							const SwTxtNode* pOwnChapterNode );
	void 	UpdateTable( const SwTxtNode* pOwnChapterNode );
	void 	UpdateSequence( const SwTxtNode* pOwnChapterNode );
	void 	UpdateAuthorities( const SwTOXInternational& rIntl );
	void	UpdateAll();

	// Sortiert einfuegen ins Array fuer die Generierung
	void	InsertSorted(SwTOXSortTabBase* pBase);

	// Alpha-Trennzeichen bei der Generierung einfuegen
	void	InsertAlphaDelimitter( const SwTOXInternational& rIntl );

	// Textrumpf generieren
    // OD 18.03.2003 #106329# - add parameter <_TOXSectNdIdx> and <_pDefaultPageDesc>
    void GenerateText( sal_uInt16 nArrayIdx,
                       sal_uInt16 nCount,
                       const sal_uInt32   _nTOXSectNdIdx,
                       const SwPageDesc*  _pDefaultPageDesc );

	// Seitennummerplatzhalter gegen aktuelle Nummern austauschen
	void	_UpdatePageNum( SwTxtNode* pNd,
							const SvUShorts& rNums,
							const SvPtrarr &rDescs,
							const SvUShorts* pMainEntryNums,
							const SwTOXInternational& rIntl );

	// Bereich fuer Stichwort einfuegen suchen
    Range GetKeyRange( const String& rStr, const String& rStrReading,
                       const SwTOXSortTabBase& rNew, sal_uInt16 nLevel,
                       const Range& rRange );

	// returne die TextCollection ueber den Namen / aus Format-Pool
	SwTxtFmtColl* GetTxtFmtColl( sal_uInt16 nLevel );

    SwTOXBaseSection(SwTOXBase const& rBase, SwSectionFmt & rFmt);
	virtual ~SwTOXBaseSection();

    // OD 19.03.2003 #106329# - add parameter <_bNewTOX> in order to distinguish
    // between the creation of a new table-of-content or an update of
    // a table-of-content. Default value: false
    void Update( const SfxItemSet* pAttr = 0,
                 const bool        _bNewTOX = false ); // Formatieren
	void UpdatePageNum();   			// Seitennummern einfuegen
	TYPEINFO();							// fuers rtti
	SwTOXSortTabBases* GetTOXSortTabBases() { return &aSortArr; }

	sal_Bool SetPosAtStartEnd( SwPosition& rPos, sal_Bool bAtStart = sal_True ) const;
/* -----------------02.09.99 07:52-------------------

struct SwDefTOXBase_Impl
	SwTOXBase* pContBase;
	SwTOXBase* pIdxBase;
	SwTOXBase* pUserBase;
	SwTOXBase* pTblBase;
	SwTOXBase* pObjBase;
	SwTOXBase* pIllBase;
	SwTOXBase* pAuthBase;

	SwDefTOXBase_Impl() :
		delete pContBase;
		delete pIdxBase;
		delete pUserBase;
		delete pTblBase;
		delete pObjBase;
		delete pIllBase;
		delete pAuthBase;


#endif	// _DOCTXM_HXX