 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#ifndef _PAGEFRM_HXX
#define _PAGEFRM_HXX

#include <svl/svarray.hxx>

#include "ftnboss.hxx"
#include <tools/mempool.hxx>

#include <SidebarWindowsTypes.hxx>

class SwFlyFrm;
class SwFlyFrmFmt;
class SwPageDesc;
class SwCntntFrm;
struct SwPosition;
struct SwCrsrMoveState;
class SdrObject;
class SwAttrSetChg;
class Font;

// OD 2004-05-07 #i28701# - replaced by class <SwSortedObjs>
class SwSortedObjs;
// --> OD 2004-07-02 #i28701#
class SwAnchoredObject;
// <--

enum SwPageChg

class SwPageFrm: public SwFtnBossFrm
	friend class SwFrm;

    // OD 2004-05-07 #i28701# - use <SwSortedObjs>
    SwSortedObjs *pSortedObjs;

	SwPageDesc *pDesc;		//PageDesc der die Seite beschreibt.

	sal_uInt16	nPhyPageNum;		//Physikalische Seitennummer.

	sal_Bool bInvalidCntnt		:1;
	sal_Bool bInvalidLayout		:1;
	sal_Bool bInvalidFlyCntnt	:1;
	sal_Bool bInvalidFlyLayout	:1;
	sal_Bool bInvalidFlyInCnt	:1;
	sal_Bool bFtnPage			:1;	//Diese Seite ist fuer Dokumentende-Fussnoten.
	sal_Bool bEmptyPage			:1; //Dies ist eine explizite Leerseite
    sal_Bool bEndNotePage       :1; //'Fussnotenseite' fuer Endnoten
    sal_Bool bInvalidSpelling   :1; //Das Online-Spelling ist gefordert
    sal_Bool bInvalidSmartTags :1;  //checking for smarttags is needed  // SMARTTAGS
    sal_Bool bInvalidAutoCmplWrds :1; //Auto-Complete Wordliste aktualisieren
    sal_Bool bInvalidWordCount  :1;
    sal_Bool bHasGrid           :1; // Grid for Asian layout

    // OD 2004-05-17 #i28701# - boolean, indicating that layout of page frame
    // is in progress.
    bool mbLayoutInProgress;

    // OD 12.02.2003 #i9719#, #105645#
    static const sal_Int8 mnBorderPxWidth;
    static const sal_Int8 mnShadowPxWidth;

	void _UpdateAttr( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem*, sal_uInt8 &,
					  SwAttrSetChg *pa = 0, SwAttrSetChg *pb = 0 );

	// Anpassen der max. Fussnotenhoehen in den einzelnen Spalten
	void SetColMaxFtnHeight();

    /** determine rectangle for page border

        OD 12.02.2003 for #i9719# and #105645#

        @author OD

        @param _rPageRect
        input parameter - constant instance reference of the page rectangle.
        Generally, it's the frame area of the page, but for empty pages in print
        preview, this parameter is useful.

        @param _pViewShell
        input parameter - instance of the view shell, for which the rectangle
        has to be generated.

        @param _orBorderRect
        output parameter - instance reference of the border rectangle for
        the given page rectangle
    static void GetBorderRect( const SwRect& _rPageRect,
                               ViewShell*    _pViewShell,
                               SwRect& _orBorderRect,
                               bool bRightSidebar );

    /** determine rectangle for right page shadow

        OD 12.02.2003 for #i9719# and #105645#

        @author OD

        @param _rPageRect
        input parameter - constant instance reference of the page rectangle.
        Generally, it's the frame area of the page, but for empty pages in print
        preview, this parameter is useful.

        @param _pViewShell
        input parameter - instance of the view shell, for which the rectangle
        has to be generated.

        @param _orRightShadowRect
        output parameter - instance reference of the right shadow rectangle for
        the given page rectangle
    static void GetRightShadowRect( const SwRect& _rPageRect,
                                    ViewShell*    _pViewShell,
                                    SwRect&       _orRightShadowRect,
                                    bool bRightSidebar );

    /** determine rectangle for bottom page shadow

        OD 12.02.2003 for #i9719# and #105645#

        @author OD

        @param _rPageRect
        input parameter - constant instance reference of the page rectangle.
        Generally, it's the frame area of the page, but for empty pages in print
        preview, this parameter is useful.

        @param _pViewShell
        input parameter - instance of the view shell, for which the rectangle
        has to be generated.

        @param _orBottomShadowRect
        output parameter - instance reference of the bottom shadow rectangle for
        the given page rectangle

    static void GetBottomShadowRect( const SwRect& _rPageRect,
                                     ViewShell*    _pViewShell,
                                     SwRect&       _orBottomShadowRect,
                                     bool bRightSidebar );

    /** adds the sidebar used for notes to right and left border
        mod 20.10.2007 for #i6193#

        @author mod

        @param aRect
        input parameter - current rect, we change borders if we want a sidebar

        @param _pViewShell
        input parameter - instance of the view shell, for which the rectangle
        has to be generated.

        @param bPx
        input parameter - if set to true, we add in pixel
    static void AddSidebarBorders( Rectangle& aRect, ViewShell* _pViewShell, bool bRight, bool bPx = false);
    static void AddSidebarBorders(       SwRect& aRect, ViewShell* _pViewShell, bool bRight, bool bPx = false);

	virtual void MakeAll();
	virtual void Modify( const SfxPoolItem*, const SfxPoolItem* );


	SwPageFrm( SwFrmFmt*, SwFrm*, SwPageDesc* );

	//public, damit die ViewShell beim Umschalten vom BrowseMode darauf
	//zugreifen kann.
	void PrepareHeader();	//Kopf-/Fusszeilen anlegen/entfernen.
	void PrepareFooter();

    const SwSortedObjs  *GetSortedObjs() const  { return pSortedObjs; }
          SwSortedObjs  *GetSortedObjs()          { return pSortedObjs; }

    // --> OD 2004-07-02 #i28701# - new methods to append/remove drawing objects
    void AppendDrawObjToPage( SwAnchoredObject& _rNewObj );
    void RemoveDrawObjFromPage( SwAnchoredObject& _rToRemoveObj );
    // <--

    void AppendFlyToPage( SwFlyFrm *pNew );
    void RemoveFlyFromPage( SwFlyFrm *pToRemove );
	void MoveFly( SwFlyFrm *pToMove, SwPageFrm *pDest );//optimiertes Remove/Append

	void  SetPageDesc( SwPageDesc *, SwFrmFmt * );
		  SwPageDesc *GetPageDesc() { return pDesc; }
	const SwPageDesc *GetPageDesc() const { return pDesc; }
		  SwPageDesc *FindPageDesc();

				 SwCntntFrm  *FindLastBodyCntnt();
	inline 		 SwCntntFrm	 *FindFirstBodyCntnt();
	inline const SwCntntFrm  *FindFirstBodyCntnt() const;
	inline const SwCntntFrm  *FindLastBodyCntnt() const;

	//Spezialisiertes GetCntntPos() fuer Felder in Rahmen.
	void GetCntntPosition( const Point &rPt, SwPosition &rPos ) const;

	sal_Bool IsEmptyPage() const { return bEmptyPage; } //explizite Leerseite.

	void	UpdateFtnNum();

	//Immer nach dem Paste rufen. Erzeugt die Seitengeb. Rahmen und Formatiert
	//generischen Inhalt.
	void PreparePage( sal_Bool bFtn );

	//Schickt an alle ContentFrames ein Prepare wg. geaenderter Registervorlage
	void PrepareRegisterChg();

    // --> OD 2005-06-09 #i50432# - adjust method description and synopsis.
    // Appends a fly frame - the given one or a new one - at the page frame.
    // Needed for <Modify> and <MakeFrms>
    // - return value not needed any more
    // - second parameter is of type <SwFlyFrmFmt*>
    // - third parameter only needed for assertion, but calling method assures
    //   this assertion. Thus, delete it.
    void PlaceFly( SwFlyFrm* pFly, SwFlyFrmFmt* pFmt );
    // <--

	virtual sal_Bool GetCrsrOfst( SwPosition *, Point&,
							  SwCrsrMoveState* = 0 ) const;
		// erfrage vom Client Informationen
	virtual sal_Bool GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const;

	virtual void Cut();
	virtual void Paste( SwFrm* pParent, SwFrm* pSibling = 0 );
    virtual void  CheckDirection( sal_Bool bVert );
    void CheckGrid( sal_Bool bInvalidate );
    void PaintGrid( OutputDevice* pOut, SwRect &rRect ) const;
    sal_Bool HasGrid() const { return bHasGrid; }

	//Zeilennummern usw malen
	void RefreshExtraData( const SwRect & ) const;

	//Hilfslinien malen.
	void RefreshSubsidiary( const SwRect& ) const;

	sal_Bool IsFtnPage() const									{ return bFtnPage; }
	sal_Bool IsEndNotePage() const								{ return bEndNotePage; }
	void SetFtnPage( sal_Bool b )								{ bFtnPage = b; }
	void SetEndNotePage( sal_Bool b )							{ bEndNotePage = b; }

	inline	sal_uInt16 GetPhyPageNum() const	    { return nPhyPageNum;}
	inline	void SetPhyPageNum( sal_uInt16 nNum )	{ nPhyPageNum = nNum;}
	inline	void DecrPhyPageNum()				{ --nPhyPageNum;	 }
	inline	void IncrPhyPageNum()				{ ++nPhyPageNum;	 }

	//Validieren, invalidieren und abfragen des Status der Seite.
	//Layout/Cntnt und jeweils Fly/nicht Fly werden getrennt betrachtet.
	inline void InvalidateFlyLayout() const;
	inline void InvalidateFlyCntnt() const;
	inline void InvalidateFlyInCnt() const;
	inline void	InvalidateLayout() const;
	inline void	InvalidateCntnt() const;
	inline void	InvalidateSpelling() const;
    inline void InvalidateSmartTags() const;
	inline void	InvalidateAutoCompleteWords() const;
    inline void InvalidateWordCount() const;
	inline void ValidateFlyLayout() const;
	inline void ValidateFlyCntnt() const;
	inline void ValidateFlyInCnt() const;
	inline void	ValidateLayout() const;
	inline void	ValidateCntnt()	const;
	inline void	ValidateSpelling()	const;
    inline void ValidateSmartTags() const;        // SMARTTAGS
    inline void ValidateAutoCompleteWords() const;
    inline void ValidateWordCount() const;
	inline sal_Bool IsInvalid() const;
	inline sal_Bool IsInvalidFly() const;
	sal_Bool IsInvalidFlyLayout() const { return bInvalidFlyLayout; }
	sal_Bool IsInvalidFlyCntnt() const { return bInvalidFlyCntnt; }
	sal_Bool IsInvalidFlyInCnt() const { return bInvalidFlyInCnt; }
	sal_Bool IsInvalidLayout() const { return bInvalidLayout; }
	sal_Bool IsInvalidCntnt() const { return (bInvalidCntnt || bInvalidFlyInCnt); }
	sal_Bool IsInvalidSpelling() const { return bInvalidSpelling; }
    sal_Bool IsInvalidSmartTags() const { return bInvalidSmartTags; }   // SMARTTAGS
	sal_Bool IsInvalidAutoCompleteWords() const { return bInvalidAutoCmplWrds; }
    sal_Bool IsInvalidWordCount() const { return bInvalidWordCount; }

    /** SwPageFrm::GetDrawBackgrdColor - for #102450#

        determine the color, that is respectively will be drawn as background
        for the page frame.

        @author OD

        @return reference to an instance of class Color
    const Color GetDrawBackgrdColor() const;

    /** paint margin area of a page

        OD 20.11.2002 for #104598#:
        implement paint of margin area; margin area will be painted for a
        view shell with a window and if the document is not in online layout.

        @author OD

        @param _rOutputRect
        input parameter - constant instance reference of the rectangle, for
        which an output has to be generated.

        @param _pViewShell
        input parameter - instance of the view shell, on which the output
        has to be generated.
    void PaintMarginArea( const SwRect& _rOutputRect,
                          ViewShell* _pViewShell ) const;

    /** paint page border and shadow

        OD 12.02.2003 for #i9719# and #105645#
        implement paint of page border and shadow

        @author OD

        @param _rPageRect
        input parameter - constant instance reference of the page rectangle.
        Generally, it's the frame area of the page, but for empty pages in print
        preview, this parameter is useful.

        @param _pViewShell
        input parameter - instance of the view shell, on which the output
        has to be generated.
    static void PaintBorderAndShadow( const SwRect& _rPageRect,
                                      ViewShell*    _pViewShell,
                                      bool bPaintRightShadow,
                                      bool bRightSidebar );

    /** get bound rectangle of border and shadow for repaints

        OD 12.02.2003 for #i9719# and #105645#

        author OD

        @param _rPageRect
        input parameter - constant instance reference of the page rectangle.
        Generally, it's the frame area of the page, but for empty pages in print
        preview, this parameter is useful.

        @param _pViewShell
        input parameter - instance of the view shell, for which the rectangle
        has to be generated.

        @param _orBorderAndShadowBoundRect
        output parameter - instance reference of the bounded border and shadow
        rectangle for the given page rectangle
    static void GetBorderAndShadowBoundRect( const SwRect& _rPageRect,
                                             ViewShell*    _pViewShell,
                                             SwRect& _orBorderAndShadowBoundRect,
                                             const bool bRightSidebar );

    static void PaintNotesSidebar(const SwRect& _rPageRect, ViewShell* _pViewShell, sal_uInt16 nPageNum, bool bRight);
    static void PaintNotesSidebarArrows(const Point &aMiddleFirst, const Point &aMiddleSecond, ViewShell* _pViewShell, const Color aColorUp, const Color aColorDown);
		mod #6i193#

		asks the page on which side a margin should be shown, e.g for notes
		returns true for left side, false for right side
    sw::sidebarwindows::SidebarPosition SidebarPosition() const;

	virtual bool FillSelection( SwSelectionList& rList, const SwRect& rRect ) const;

    // OD 12.02.2003 #i9719#, #105645#
    inline sal_Int8 BorderPxWidth() const
        return mnBorderPxWidth;
    inline sal_Int8 ShadowPxWidth() const
        return mnShadowPxWidth;

    // OD 22.09.2003 #110978#
    const SwRect PrtWithoutHeaderAndFooter() const;

    // OD 2004-05-17 #i28701#
    inline bool IsLayoutInProgress() const
        return mbLayoutInProgress;
    inline void SetLayoutInProgress( const bool _bLayoutInProgress )
        mbLayoutInProgress = _bLayoutInProgress;

    // in case this is am empty page, this function returns the 'reference' page
    const SwPageFrm& GetFormatPage() const;

    // return font used to paint the "empty page" string
    static const Font& GetEmptyPageFont();

    static SwTwips GetSidebarBorderWidth( const ViewShell* );

inline SwCntntFrm *SwPageFrm::FindFirstBodyCntnt()
	SwLayoutFrm *pBody = FindBodyCont();
	return pBody ? pBody->ContainsCntnt() : 0;
inline const SwCntntFrm *SwPageFrm::FindFirstBodyCntnt() const
	const SwLayoutFrm *pBody = FindBodyCont();
	return pBody ? pBody->ContainsCntnt() : 0;
inline const SwCntntFrm *SwPageFrm::FindLastBodyCntnt() const
	return ((SwPageFrm*)this)->FindLastBodyCntnt();
inline void	SwPageFrm::InvalidateFlyLayout() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidFlyLayout = sal_True;
inline void	SwPageFrm::InvalidateFlyCntnt() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidFlyCntnt = sal_True;
inline void SwPageFrm::InvalidateFlyInCnt() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidFlyInCnt = sal_True;
inline void	SwPageFrm::InvalidateLayout() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidLayout = sal_True;
inline void	SwPageFrm::InvalidateCntnt() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidCntnt = sal_True;
inline void	SwPageFrm::InvalidateSpelling() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidSpelling = sal_True;
inline void    SwPageFrm::InvalidateSmartTags() const
   ((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidSmartTags = sal_True;
inline void	SwPageFrm::InvalidateAutoCompleteWords() const
    ((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidAutoCmplWrds = sal_True;
inline void SwPageFrm::InvalidateWordCount() const
    ((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidWordCount = sal_True;
inline void	SwPageFrm::ValidateFlyLayout() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidFlyLayout = sal_False;
inline void	SwPageFrm::ValidateFlyCntnt() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidFlyCntnt = sal_False;
inline void SwPageFrm::ValidateFlyInCnt() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidFlyInCnt = sal_False;
inline void	SwPageFrm::ValidateLayout() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidLayout = sal_False;
inline void	SwPageFrm::ValidateCntnt() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidCntnt = sal_False;
inline void	SwPageFrm::ValidateSpelling() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidSpelling = sal_False;
inline void    SwPageFrm::ValidateSmartTags() const
   ((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidSmartTags = sal_False;
inline void SwPageFrm::ValidateAutoCompleteWords() const
	((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidAutoCmplWrds = sal_False;
inline void SwPageFrm::ValidateWordCount() const
    ((SwPageFrm*)this)->bInvalidWordCount = sal_False;

inline sal_Bool SwPageFrm::IsInvalid() const
	return (bInvalidCntnt || bInvalidLayout || bInvalidFlyInCnt);
inline sal_Bool SwPageFrm::IsInvalidFly() const
	return bInvalidFlyLayout || bInvalidFlyCntnt;

#define GETGRID( pPage ) const SwTextGridItem *pGrid = NULL; \
 {if( pPage && pPage->HasGrid() && GRID_NONE==(pGrid=(SwTextGridItem*)&pPage->\
     GetPageDesc()->GetMaster().GetFmtAttr(RES_TEXTGRID))->GetGridType() ) \
    pGrid = NULL;}

#define GETGRIDWIDTH( pGrid , pDoc )  pDoc->IsSquaredPageMode() ? \
	pGrid->GetBaseHeight(): pGrid->GetBaseWidth()

#endif	//_PAGEFRM_HXX