 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"

#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h>
#include <unotools/linguprops.hxx>
#include <unotools/lingucfg.hxx>
#include <hintids.hxx>
#include <sfx2/printer.hxx>
#include <editeng/hyznitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/escpitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/hngpnctitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/scriptspaceitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/brshitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/splwrap.hxx>
#include <editeng/pgrditem.hxx>
#include <editeng/tstpitem.hxx>

#include <SwSmartTagMgr.hxx>
#include <linguistic/lngprops.hxx>
#include <editeng/unolingu.hxx>
#include <breakit.hxx>
#include <editeng/forbiddenruleitem.hxx>
#include <txatbase.hxx>
#include <fmtinfmt.hxx>
#include <swmodule.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
#include <viewsh.hxx>	// ViewShell
#include <viewopt.hxx>	// SwViewOptions
#include <frmtool.hxx>	// DrawGraphic
#include <IDocumentSettingAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentDeviceAccess.hxx>
#include <paratr.hxx>	// SwFmtDrop
#include <rootfrm.hxx>  // SwRootFrm
#include <inftxt.hxx>	// SwTxtInfo
#include <blink.hxx>	// SwBlink
#include <noteurl.hxx>	// SwNoteURL
#include <porftn.hxx>	// SwFtnPortion
#include <porrst.hxx>		// SwHangingPortion
#include <itratr.hxx>
#include <accessibilityoptions.hxx>
#include <wrong.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <SwGrammarMarkUp.hxx>
#include <cstdio>
#include <EnhancedPDFExportHelper.hxx>

#include <frmfmt.hxx>

#include <unomid.h>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;

#define CHAR_UNDERSCORE ((sal_Unicode)0x005F)
#define CHAR_LEFT_ARROW ((sal_Unicode)0x25C0)
#define CHAR_RIGHT_ARROW ((sal_Unicode)0x25B6)
#define CHAR_TAB ((sal_Unicode)0x2192)
#define CHAR_TAB_RTL ((sal_Unicode)0x2190)
#define CHAR_LINEBREAK ((sal_Unicode)0x21B5)
#define CHAR_LINEBREAK_RTL ((sal_Unicode)0x21B3)


// --> OD 2006-06-27 #b6440955#
// variable moved to class <numfunc:GetDefBulletConfig>
//extern const sal_Char __FAR_DATA sBulletFntName[];
namespace numfunc
    extern const String& GetDefBulletFontname();
    extern bool IsDefBulletFontUserDefined();
// <--

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
// Test2: WYSIWYG++
// Test4: WYSIWYG debug
static sal_Bool bDbgLow = sal_False;

#ifdef DBG_UTIL

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptCalm() const { return !GetOpt().IsTest3(); }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptLow() const { return bDbgLow; }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptDbg() const { return GetOpt().IsTest4(); }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptTest1() const { return GetOpt().IsTest1(); }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptTest2() const { return GetOpt().IsTest2(); }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptTest3() const { return GetOpt().IsTest3(); }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptTest4() const { return GetOpt().IsTest4(); }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptTest5() const { return GetOpt().IsTest5(); }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptTest6() const { return GetOpt().IsTest6(); }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptTest7() const { return GetOpt().IsTest7(); }

sal_Bool SwTxtSizeInfo::IsOptTest8() const { return GetOpt().IsTest8(); }


 *						SwLineInfo::SwLineInfo()

// --> OD 2008-01-17 #newlistlevelattrs#
    : pRuler( 0 ),
      pSpace( 0 ),
      nVertAlign( 0 ),
      nDefTabStop( 0 ),
      bListTabStopIncluded( false ),
      nListTabStopPosition( 0 )

    delete pRuler;
void SwLineInfo::CtorInitLineInfo( const SwAttrSet& rAttrSet,
                                   const SwTxtNode& rTxtNode )
// <--
    // --> OD 2008-01-17 #newlistlevelattrs#
//    pRuler = &rAttrSet.GetTabStops();
    delete pRuler;
    pRuler = new SvxTabStopItem( rAttrSet.GetTabStops() );
    if ( rTxtNode.GetListTabStopPosition( nListTabStopPosition ) )
        bListTabStopIncluded = true;

        // insert the list tab stop into SvxTabItem instance <pRuler>
        const SvxTabStop aListTabStop( nListTabStopPosition,
                                       SVX_TAB_ADJUST_LEFT );
        pRuler->Insert( aListTabStop );

        // remove default tab stops, which are before the inserted list tab stop
        for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pRuler->Count(); i++ )
            if ( (*pRuler)[i].GetTabPos() < nListTabStopPosition &&
                 (*pRuler)[i].GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_DEFAULT )
    // <--
    // --> OD 2008-02-15 #newlistlevelattrs#
    if ( !rTxtNode.getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::TABS_RELATIVE_TO_INDENT) )
        // remove default tab stop at position 0
        for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pRuler->Count(); i++ )
            if ( (*pRuler)[i].GetTabPos() == 0 &&
                 (*pRuler)[i].GetAdjustment() == SVX_TAB_ADJUST_DEFAULT )
    // <--
	pSpace = &rAttrSet.GetLineSpacing();
    nVertAlign = rAttrSet.GetParaVertAlign().GetValue();
    nDefTabStop = MSHRT_MAX;

 *						SwTxtInfo::CtorInitTxtInfo()

void SwTxtInfo::CtorInitTxtInfo( SwTxtFrm *pFrm )
	pPara = pFrm->GetPara();
	nTxtStart = pFrm->GetOfst();
	if( !pPara )
		ASSERT( pPara, "+SwTxtInfo::CTOR: missing paragraph information" );
		pPara = pFrm->GetPara();

SwTxtInfo::SwTxtInfo( const SwTxtInfo &rInf )
	: pPara( ((SwTxtInfo&)rInf).GetParaPortion() ),
	  nTxtStart( rInf.GetTxtStart() )
{ }

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
 *						ChkOutDev()

void ChkOutDev( const SwTxtSizeInfo &rInf )
    if ( !rInf.GetVsh() )

    const OutputDevice* pOut = rInf.GetOut();
    const OutputDevice* pRef = rInf.GetRefDev();
    ASSERT( pOut && pRef, "ChkOutDev: invalid output devices" )
#endif	// PRODUCT

inline xub_StrLen GetMinLen( const SwTxtSizeInfo &rInf )
	const xub_StrLen nInfLen = rInf.GetIdx() + rInf.GetLen();
	return Min( rInf.GetTxt().Len(), nInfLen );

SwTxtSizeInfo::SwTxtSizeInfo( const SwTxtSizeInfo &rNew )
	: SwTxtInfo( rNew ),
      nKanaIdx( rNew.GetKanaIdx() ),
	  bOnWin( rNew.OnWin() ),
	  bNotEOL( rNew.NotEOL() ),
	  bURLNotify( rNew.URLNotify() ),
	  bStopUnderFlow( rNew.StopUnderFlow() ),
      bFtnInside( rNew.IsFtnInside() ),
      bOtherThanFtnInside( rNew.IsOtherThanFtnInside() ),
	  bMulti( rNew.IsMulti() ),
	  bFirstMulti( rNew.IsFirstMulti() ),
	  bRuby( rNew.IsRuby() ),
	  bHanging( rNew.IsHanging() ),
	  bScriptSpace( rNew.HasScriptSpace() ),
	  bForbiddenChars( rNew.HasForbiddenChars() ),
      bSnapToGrid( rNew.SnapToGrid() ),
	  nDirection( rNew.GetDirection() )
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
	ChkOutDev( *this );

void SwTxtSizeInfo::CtorInitTxtSizeInfo( SwTxtFrm *pFrame, SwFont *pNewFnt,
				   const xub_StrLen nNewIdx, const xub_StrLen nNewLen )
    pKanaComp = NULL;
    nKanaIdx = 0;
	pFrm = pFrame;
	CtorInitTxtInfo( pFrm );
    const SwTxtNode *pNd = pFrm->GetTxtNode();
    pVsh = pFrm->getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();

    // Get the output and reference device
    if ( pVsh )
        pOut = pVsh->GetOut();
        pRef = &pVsh->GetRefDev();
        bOnWin = pVsh->GetWin() || OUTDEV_WINDOW == pOut->GetOutDevType();
        //Zugriff ueber StarONE, es muss keine Shell existieren oder aktiv sein.
        if ( pNd->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::HTML_MODE) )
            //in Ermangelung eines Besseren kann hier ja wohl nur noch das
            //AppWin genommen werden?
            pOut = GetpApp()->GetDefaultDevice();
            pOut = pNd->getIDocumentDeviceAccess()->getPrinter( false );

        pRef = pOut;

#ifdef DBG_UTIL
    ChkOutDev( *this );

    // Set default layout mode ( LTR or RTL ).
    if ( pFrm->IsRightToLeft() )
        nDirection = DIR_RIGHT2LEFT;
        pOut->SetLayoutMode( TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_STRONG );
        pRef->SetLayoutMode( TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_STRONG );
        nDirection = DIR_LEFT2RIGHT;

/*    LanguageType eLang;
    const SvtCTLOptions& rCTLOptions = SW_MOD()->GetCTLOptions();
    if ( SvtCTLOptions::NUMERALS_HINDI == rCTLOptions.GetCTLTextNumerals() )
    else if ( SvtCTLOptions::NUMERALS_ARABIC == rCTLOptions.GetCTLTextNumerals() )
        eLang = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;
        eLang = (LanguageType)::GetAppLanguage();

    pOut->SetDigitLanguage( eLang );
    pRef->SetDigitLanguage( eLang );*/

    // The Options
    pOpt = pVsh ?
           pVsh->GetViewOptions() :
           SW_MOD()->GetViewOption( pNd->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::HTML_MODE) ); //Options vom Module wg. StarONE

    // bURLNotify wird gesetzt, wenn MakeGraphic dies vorbereitet
    // TODO: Aufdr?seln
    bURLNotify = pNoteURL && !bOnWin;

    SetSnapToGrid( pNd->GetSwAttrSet().GetParaGrid().GetValue() &&
                   pFrm->IsInDocBody() );

    pFnt = pNewFnt;
    pUnderFnt = 0;
    pTxt = &pNd->GetTxt();

	nIdx = nNewIdx;
	nLen = nNewLen;
	bNotEOL = sal_False;
    bStopUnderFlow = bFtnInside = bOtherThanFtnInside = sal_False;
	bMulti = bFirstMulti = bRuby = bHanging = bScriptSpace =
		bForbiddenChars = sal_False;

	SetLen( GetMinLen( *this ) );

SwTxtSizeInfo::SwTxtSizeInfo( const SwTxtSizeInfo &rNew, const XubString &rTxt,
                              const xub_StrLen nIndex, const xub_StrLen nLength )
	: SwTxtInfo( rNew ),
	  pFrm( rNew.pFrm ),
      nKanaIdx( rNew.GetKanaIdx() ),
	  bOnWin( rNew.OnWin() ),
	  bNotEOL( rNew.NotEOL() ),
	  bURLNotify( rNew.URLNotify() ),
	  bStopUnderFlow( rNew.StopUnderFlow() ),
      bFtnInside( rNew.IsFtnInside() ),
      bOtherThanFtnInside( rNew.IsOtherThanFtnInside() ),
	  bMulti( rNew.IsMulti() ),
	  bFirstMulti( rNew.IsFirstMulti() ),
	  bRuby( rNew.IsRuby() ),
	  bHanging( rNew.IsHanging() ),
	  bScriptSpace( rNew.HasScriptSpace() ),
	  bForbiddenChars( rNew.HasForbiddenChars() ),
      bSnapToGrid( rNew.SnapToGrid() ),
	  nDirection( rNew.GetDirection() )
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
	ChkOutDev( *this );
	SetLen( GetMinLen( *this ) );

 *						SwTxtSizeInfo::SelectFont()

void SwTxtSizeInfo::SelectFont()
	// 8731: Der Weg muss ueber ChgPhysFnt gehen, sonst geraet
	// der FontMetricCache durcheinander. In diesem Fall steht pLastMet
	// auf dem alten Wert.
	// Falsch: GetOut()->SetFont( GetFont()->GetFnt() );
    GetFont()->ChgPhysFnt( pVsh, *GetOut() );

 *                      SwTxtSizeInfo::NoteAnimation()

void SwTxtSizeInfo::NoteAnimation() const
    if( OnWin() )

    ASSERT( pOut == pVsh->GetOut(),
            "SwTxtSizeInfo::NoteAnimation() changed pOut" )

 *                      SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtSize()

SwPosSize SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtSize( OutputDevice* pOutDev,
                                     const SwScriptInfo* pSI,
                                     const XubString& rTxt,
                                     const xub_StrLen nIndex,
                                     const xub_StrLen nLength,
                                     const sal_uInt16 nComp ) const
    SwDrawTextInfo aDrawInf( pVsh, *pOutDev, pSI, rTxt, nIndex, nLength );
    aDrawInf.SetFrm( pFrm );
    aDrawInf.SetFont( pFnt );
    aDrawInf.SetSnapToGrid( SnapToGrid() );
    aDrawInf.SetKanaComp( nComp );
    SwPosSize aSize = pFnt->_GetTxtSize( aDrawInf );
    return aSize;

 *                      SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtSize()

SwPosSize SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtSize() const
    const SwScriptInfo& rSI =
                     ( (SwParaPortion*)GetParaPortion() )->GetScriptInfo();

    // in some cases, compression is not allowed or suppressed for
    // performance reasons
    sal_uInt16 nComp =( SW_CJK == GetFont()->GetActual() &&
                    rSI.CountCompChg() &&
                    ! IsMulti() ) ?
                    GetKanaComp() :
                                0 ;

    SwDrawTextInfo aDrawInf( pVsh, *pOut, &rSI, *pTxt, nIdx, nLen );
    aDrawInf.SetFrm( pFrm );
    aDrawInf.SetFont( pFnt );
    aDrawInf.SetSnapToGrid( SnapToGrid() );
    aDrawInf.SetKanaComp( nComp );
    return pFnt->_GetTxtSize( aDrawInf );

 *                      SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtSize()

void SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtSize( const SwScriptInfo* pSI, const xub_StrLen nIndex,
                                const xub_StrLen nLength, const sal_uInt16 nComp,
                                sal_uInt16& nMinSize, sal_uInt16& nMaxSizeDiff ) const
    SwDrawTextInfo aDrawInf( pVsh, *pOut, pSI, *pTxt, nIndex, nLength );
    aDrawInf.SetFrm( pFrm );
    aDrawInf.SetFont( pFnt );
    aDrawInf.SetSnapToGrid( SnapToGrid() );
    aDrawInf.SetKanaComp( nComp );
    SwPosSize aSize = pFnt->_GetTxtSize( aDrawInf );
    nMaxSizeDiff = (sal_uInt16)aDrawInf.GetKanaDiff();
    nMinSize = aSize.Width();

 *                      SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtBreak()

xub_StrLen SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtBreak( const long nLineWidth,
                                       const xub_StrLen nMaxLen,
                                       const sal_uInt16 nComp ) const
    const SwScriptInfo& rScriptInfo =
                     ( (SwParaPortion*)GetParaPortion() )->GetScriptInfo();

    ASSERT( pRef == pOut, "GetTxtBreak is supposed to use the RefDev" )
    SwDrawTextInfo aDrawInf( pVsh, *pOut, &rScriptInfo,
                             *pTxt, GetIdx(), nMaxLen );
    aDrawInf.SetFrm( pFrm );
    aDrawInf.SetFont( pFnt );
    aDrawInf.SetSnapToGrid( SnapToGrid() );
    aDrawInf.SetKanaComp( nComp );
    aDrawInf.SetHyphPos( 0 );

    return pFnt->GetTxtBreak( aDrawInf, nLineWidth );

 *                      SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtBreak()

xub_StrLen SwTxtSizeInfo::GetTxtBreak( const long nLineWidth,
                                       const xub_StrLen nMaxLen,
                                       const sal_uInt16 nComp,
                                       xub_StrLen& rExtraCharPos ) const
    const SwScriptInfo& rScriptInfo =
                     ( (SwParaPortion*)GetParaPortion() )->GetScriptInfo();

    ASSERT( pRef == pOut, "GetTxtBreak is supposed to use the RefDev" )
    SwDrawTextInfo aDrawInf( pVsh, *pOut, &rScriptInfo,
                             *pTxt, GetIdx(), nMaxLen );
    aDrawInf.SetFrm( pFrm );
    aDrawInf.SetFont( pFnt );
    aDrawInf.SetSnapToGrid( SnapToGrid() );
    aDrawInf.SetKanaComp( nComp );
    aDrawInf.SetHyphPos( &rExtraCharPos );

    return pFnt->GetTxtBreak( aDrawInf, nLineWidth );

 *					   SwTxtPaintInfo::CtorInitTxtPaintInfo()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::CtorInitTxtPaintInfo( SwTxtFrm *pFrame, const SwRect &rPaint )
	CtorInitTxtSizeInfo( pFrame );
	aTxtFly.CtorInitTxtFly( pFrame ),
	aPaintRect = rPaint;
	nSpaceIdx = 0;
	pSpaceAdd = NULL;
	pWrongList = NULL;
    pGrammarCheckList = NULL;
    pSmartTags = NULL;  // SMARTTAGS

#ifndef DBG_UTIL
	pBrushItem = 0;
	pBrushItem = ((SvxBrushItem*)-1);

SwTxtPaintInfo::SwTxtPaintInfo( const SwTxtPaintInfo &rInf, const XubString &rTxt )
	: SwTxtSizeInfo( rInf, rTxt ),
      pWrongList( rInf.GetpWrongList() ),
      pGrammarCheckList( rInf.GetGrammarCheckList() ),
      pSmartTags( rInf.GetSmartTags() ),    // SMARTTAGS
      pSpaceAdd( rInf.GetpSpaceAdd() ),
      pBrushItem( rInf.GetBrushItem() ),
      aTxtFly( *rInf.GetTxtFly() ),
	  aPos( rInf.GetPos() ),
	  aPaintRect( rInf.GetPaintRect() ),
	  nSpaceIdx( rInf.GetSpaceIdx() )
{ }

SwTxtPaintInfo::SwTxtPaintInfo( const SwTxtPaintInfo &rInf )
	: SwTxtSizeInfo( rInf ),
      pWrongList( rInf.GetpWrongList() ),
      pGrammarCheckList( rInf.GetGrammarCheckList() ),
      pSmartTags( rInf.GetSmartTags() ),    // SMARTTAGS
      pSpaceAdd( rInf.GetpSpaceAdd() ),
      pBrushItem( rInf.GetBrushItem() ),
      aTxtFly( *rInf.GetTxtFly() ),
	  aPos( rInf.GetPos() ),
	  aPaintRect( rInf.GetPaintRect() ),
	  nSpaceIdx( rInf.GetSpaceIdx() )
{ }

extern Color aGlobalRetoucheColor;

 *                          lcl_IsDarkBackground
 * Returns if the current background color is dark.

sal_Bool lcl_IsDarkBackground( const SwTxtPaintInfo& rInf )
    const Color* pCol = rInf.GetFont()->GetBackColor();
    if( ! pCol || COL_TRANSPARENT == pCol->GetColor() )
        const SvxBrushItem* pItem;
        SwRect aOrigBackRect;

        drawinglayer::attribute::SdrAllFillAttributesHelperPtr aFillAttributes;

        /// OD 21.08.2002
        ///     consider, that [GetBackgroundBrush(...)] can set <pCol>
        ///     - see implementation in /core/layout/paintfrm.cxx
        /// OD 21.08.2002 #99657#
        ///     There is a background color, if there is a background brush and
        ///     its color is *not* "no fill"/"auto fill".
        if( rInf.GetTxtFrm()->GetBackgroundBrush( aFillAttributes, pItem, pCol, aOrigBackRect, sal_False ) )
            if ( !pCol )
                pCol = &pItem->GetColor();

            /// OD 30.08.2002 #99657#
            /// determined color <pCol> can be <COL_TRANSPARENT>. Thus, check it.
            if ( pCol->GetColor() == COL_TRANSPARENT)
                pCol = NULL;
            pCol = NULL;

    if( !pCol )
        pCol = &aGlobalRetoucheColor;

    return pCol->IsDark();

 *					   SwTxtPaintInfo::_DrawText()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::_DrawText( const XubString &rText, const SwLinePortion &rPor,
                                const xub_StrLen nStart, const xub_StrLen nLength,
                                const sal_Bool bKern, const sal_Bool bWrong,
                                const sal_Bool bSmartTag,
                                const sal_Bool bGrammarCheck )  // SMARTTAGS
    if( !nLength )

    if( GetFont()->IsBlink() && OnWin() && rPor.Width() )
        // check if accessibility options allow blinking portions:
        const ViewShell* pSh = GetTxtFrm()->getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell();
        if ( pSh && ! pSh->GetAccessibilityOptions()->IsStopAnimatedText() &&
             ! pSh->IsPreView() )
            if( !pBlink )
                pBlink = new SwBlink();

			Point aPoint( aPos );

            if ( GetTxtFrm()->IsRightToLeft() )
                GetTxtFrm()->SwitchLTRtoRTL( aPoint );

			if ( TEXT_LAYOUT_BIDI_STRONG != GetOut()->GetLayoutMode() )
                aPoint.X() -= rPor.Width();

            if ( GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() )
                GetTxtFrm()->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( aPoint );

            pBlink->Insert( aPoint, &rPor, GetTxtFrm(), pFnt->GetOrientation() );

            if( !pBlink->IsVisible() )
            delete pBlink;
            pBlink = NULL;

    // The SwScriptInfo is useless if we are inside a field portion
    SwScriptInfo* pSI = 0;
    if ( ! rPor.InFldGrp() )
        pSI = &GetParaPortion()->GetScriptInfo();

    // in some cases, kana compression is not allowed or suppressed for
    // performance reasons
    sal_uInt16 nComp = 0;
    if ( ! IsMulti() )
        nComp = GetKanaComp();

    sal_Bool bCfgIsAutoGrammar = sal_False;
    SvtLinguConfig().GetProperty( C2U( UPN_IS_GRAMMAR_AUTO ) ) >>= bCfgIsAutoGrammar;
	const sal_Bool bBullet = OnWin() && GetOpt().IsBlank() && IsNoSymbol();
    const sal_Bool bTmpWrong = bWrong && OnWin() && GetOpt().IsOnlineSpell();
    const sal_Bool bTmpGrammarCheck = bGrammarCheck && OnWin() && bCfgIsAutoGrammar && GetOpt().IsOnlineSpell();
    const sal_Bool bTmpSmart = bSmartTag && OnWin() && !GetOpt().IsPagePreview() && SwSmartTagMgr::Get().IsSmartTagsEnabled(); // SMARTTAGS

    ASSERT( GetParaPortion(), "No paragraph!");
    SwDrawTextInfo aDrawInf( pFrm->getRootFrm()->GetCurrShell(), *pOut, pSI, rText, nStart, nLength,
                             rPor.Width(), bBullet );

	aDrawInf.SetLeft( GetPaintRect().Left() );
	aDrawInf.SetRight( GetPaintRect().Right() );
    aDrawInf.SetUnderFnt( pUnderFnt );

    const long nSpaceAdd = ( rPor.IsBlankPortion() || rPor.IsDropPortion() ||
                             rPor.InNumberGrp() ) ? 0 : GetSpaceAdd();
    if ( nSpaceAdd )
        xub_StrLen nCharCnt;
        // --> FME 2005-04-04 #i41860# Thai justified alignemt needs some
        // additional information:
        aDrawInf.SetNumberOfBlanks( rPor.InTxtGrp() ?
                                    static_cast<const SwTxtPortion&>(rPor).GetSpaceCnt( *this, nCharCnt ) :
                                    0 );
        // <--

    aDrawInf.SetSpace( nSpaceAdd );
    aDrawInf.SetKanaComp( nComp );

    // the font is used to identify the current script via nActual
    aDrawInf.SetFont( pFnt );
    // the frame is used to identify the orientation
    aDrawInf.SetFrm( GetTxtFrm() );
    // we have to know if the paragraph should snap to grid
    aDrawInf.SetSnapToGrid( SnapToGrid() );
    // for underlining we must know when not to add extra space behind
    // a character in justified mode
    aDrawInf.SetSpaceStop( ! rPor.GetPortion() ||
                             rPor.GetPortion()->InFixMargGrp() ||
                             rPor.GetPortion()->IsHolePortion() );

	if( GetTxtFly()->IsOn() )
		// aPos muss als TopLeft vorliegen, weil die ClipRects sonst
		// nicht berechnet werden koennen.
		const Point aPoint( aPos.X(), aPos.Y() - rPor.GetAscent() );
		const Size aSize( rPor.Width(), rPor.Height() );
        aDrawInf.SetPos( aPoint );
		aDrawInf.SetSize( aSize );
		aDrawInf.SetAscent( rPor.GetAscent() );
		aDrawInf.SetKern( bKern ? rPor.Width() : 0 );
        aDrawInf.SetWrong( bTmpWrong ? pWrongList : NULL );
        aDrawInf.SetGrammarCheck( bTmpGrammarCheck ? pGrammarCheckList : NULL );
        aDrawInf.SetSmartTags( bTmpSmart ? pSmartTags : NULL );     // SMARTTAGS
        GetTxtFly()->DrawTextOpaque( aDrawInf );
		aDrawInf.SetPos( aPos );
		if( bKern )
			pFnt->_DrawStretchText( aDrawInf );
			aDrawInf.SetWrong( bTmpWrong ? pWrongList : NULL );
            aDrawInf.SetGrammarCheck( bTmpGrammarCheck ? pGrammarCheckList : NULL );
            aDrawInf.SetSmartTags( bTmpSmart ? pSmartTags : NULL );  // SMARTTAGS
            pFnt->_DrawText( aDrawInf );

 *                          SwTxtPaintInfo::CalcRect()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::CalcRect( const SwLinePortion& rPor,
                               SwRect* pRect, SwRect* pIntersect ) const
	Size aSize( rPor.Width(), rPor.Height() );
	if( rPor.IsHangingPortion() )
		aSize.Width() = ((SwHangingPortion&)rPor).GetInnerWidth();
    if( rPor.InSpaceGrp() && GetSpaceAdd() )
        SwTwips nAdd = rPor.CalcSpacing( GetSpaceAdd(), *this );
        if( rPor.InFldGrp() && GetSpaceAdd() < 0 && nAdd )
            nAdd += GetSpaceAdd() / SPACING_PRECISION_FACTOR;
		aSize.Width() += nAdd;

	Point aPoint;

    if( IsRotated() )
		long nTmp = aSize.Width();
		aSize.Width() = aSize.Height();
		aSize.Height() = nTmp;
        if ( 1 == GetDirection() )
            aPoint.A() = X() - rPor.GetAscent();
            aPoint.B() = Y() - aSize.Height();
            aPoint.A() = X() - rPor.Height() + rPor.GetAscent();
            aPoint.B() = Y();
        aPoint.A() = X();
        //Badaa: 2008-04-18 * Support for Classical Mongolian Script (SCMS) joint with Jiayanmin
        if ( GetTxtFrm()->IsVertLR() )
			aPoint.B() = Y() - rPor.Height() + rPor.GetAscent();
			aPoint.B() = Y() - rPor.GetAscent();

    // Adjust x coordinate if we are inside a bidi portion
    const sal_Bool bFrmDir = GetTxtFrm()->IsRightToLeft();
    sal_Bool bCounterDir = ( ! bFrmDir && DIR_RIGHT2LEFT == GetDirection() ) ||
                       (   bFrmDir && DIR_LEFT2RIGHT == GetDirection() );

    if ( bCounterDir )
        aPoint.A() -= aSize.Width();

    SwRect aRect( aPoint, aSize );

    if ( GetTxtFrm()->IsRightToLeft() )
        GetTxtFrm()->SwitchLTRtoRTL( aRect );

    if ( GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() )
        GetTxtFrm()->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( aRect );

    if ( pRect )
        *pRect = aRect;

    if( aRect.HasArea() && pIntersect )
        ::SwAlignRect( aRect, (ViewShell*)GetVsh() );

        if ( GetOut()->IsClipRegion() )
            SwRect aClip( GetOut()->GetClipRegion().GetBoundRect() );
			aRect.Intersection( aClip );

        *pIntersect = aRect;

 *                          lcl_DrawSpecial
 * Draws a special portion, e.g., line break portion, tab portion.
 * rPor - The portion
 * rRect - The rectangle surrounding the character
 * pCol     - Specify a color for the character
 * bCenter  - Draw the character centered, otherwise left aligned
 * bRotate  - Rotate the character if character rotation is set

static void lcl_DrawSpecial( const SwTxtPaintInfo& rInf, const SwLinePortion& rPor,
                      SwRect& rRect, const Color* pCol, sal_Unicode cChar,
                      sal_uInt8 nOptions )
    sal_Bool bCenter = 0 != ( nOptions & DRAW_SPECIAL_OPTIONS_CENTER );
    sal_Bool bRotate = 0 != ( nOptions & DRAW_SPECIAL_OPTIONS_ROTATE );

    // rRect is given in absolute coordinates
    if ( rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsRightToLeft() )
        rInf.GetTxtFrm()->SwitchRTLtoLTR( rRect );
    if ( rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() )
        rInf.GetTxtFrm()->SwitchVerticalToHorizontal( rRect );

    const SwFont* pOldFnt = rInf.GetFont();

    // Font is generated only once:
    static SwFont* pFnt = 0;
    if ( ! pFnt )
        pFnt = new SwFont( *pOldFnt );
        pFnt->SetFamily( FAMILY_DONTKNOW, pFnt->GetActual() );
        pFnt->SetName( numfunc::GetDefBulletFontname(), pFnt->GetActual() );
        pFnt->SetStyleName( aEmptyStr, pFnt->GetActual() );
        pFnt->SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL, pFnt->GetActual() );

    // Some of the current values are set at the font:
    if ( ! bRotate )
        pFnt->SetVertical( 0, rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() );
        pFnt->SetVertical( pOldFnt->GetOrientation() );

    if ( pCol )
        pFnt->SetColor( *pCol );
        pFnt->SetColor( pOldFnt->GetColor() );

    Size aFontSize( 0, SPECIAL_FONT_HEIGHT );
    pFnt->SetSize( aFontSize, pFnt->GetActual() );

    ((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).SetFont( pFnt );

    // The maximum width depends on the current orientation
    const sal_uInt16 nDir = pFnt->GetOrientation( rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() );
    SwTwips nMaxWidth = 0;
    switch ( nDir )
    case 0 :
        nMaxWidth = rRect.Width();
    case 900 :
    case 2700 :
        nMaxWidth = rRect.Height();
        ASSERT( sal_False, "Unknown direction set at font" )

    // check if char fits into rectangle
    const XubString aTmp( cChar );
    aFontSize = rInf.GetTxtSize( aTmp ).SvLSize();
    while ( aFontSize.Width() > nMaxWidth )
        SwTwips nFactor = ( 100 * aFontSize.Width() ) / nMaxWidth;
        const SwTwips nOldWidth = aFontSize.Width();

        // new height for font
        const sal_uInt8 nAct = pFnt->GetActual();
        aFontSize.Height() = ( 100 * pFnt->GetSize( nAct ).Height() ) / nFactor;
        aFontSize.Width() = ( 100 * pFnt->GetSize( nAct).Width() ) / nFactor;

        if ( !aFontSize.Width() && !aFontSize.Height() )

        pFnt->SetSize( aFontSize, nAct );

        aFontSize = rInf.GetTxtSize( aTmp ).SvLSize();

        if ( aFontSize.Width() >= nOldWidth )

    const Point aOldPos( rInf.GetPos() );

    // adjust values so that tab is vertically and horizontally centered
    SwTwips nX = rRect.Left();
    SwTwips nY = rRect.Top();
    switch ( nDir )
    case 0 :
        if ( bCenter )
            nX += ( rRect.Width() - aFontSize.Width() ) / 2;
        nY += ( rRect.Height() - aFontSize.Height() ) / 2 + rInf.GetAscent();
    case 900 :
        if ( bCenter )
            nX += ( rRect.Width() - aFontSize.Height() ) / 2 + rInf.GetAscent();
        nY += ( rRect.Height() + aFontSize.Width() ) / 2;
    case 2700 :
        if ( bCenter )
            nX += ( rRect.Width() + aFontSize.Height() ) / 2 - rInf.GetAscent();
        nY += ( rRect.Height() - aFontSize.Width() ) / 2;

    Point aTmpPos( nX, nY );
    ((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).SetPos( aTmpPos );
    sal_uInt16 nOldWidth = rPor.Width();
    ((SwLinePortion&)rPor).Width( (sal_uInt16)aFontSize.Width() );
    rInf.DrawText( aTmp, rPor );
    ((SwLinePortion&)rPor).Width( nOldWidth );
    ((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).SetFont( (SwFont*)pOldFnt );
    ((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).SetPos( aOldPos );

 *					   SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawRect()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawRect( const SwRect &rRect, sal_Bool bNoGraphic,
							   sal_Bool bRetouche ) const
	if ( OnWin() || !bRetouche )
		if( aTxtFly.IsOn() )
				DrawFlyRect( pOut, rRect, *this, bNoGraphic );
		else if ( bNoGraphic )
			pOut->DrawRect( rRect.SVRect() );
            if(pBrushItem != ((SvxBrushItem*)-1))
                ::DrawGraphic( pBrushItem, pOut, aItemRect, rRect );
                OSL_ENSURE(false, "DrawRect: Uninitialized BrushItem!" );

 *					   SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawTab()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawTab( const SwLinePortion &rPor ) const
	if( OnWin() )
        SwRect aRect;
        CalcRect( rPor, &aRect );

        if ( ! aRect.HasArea() )

        const sal_Unicode cChar = GetTxtFrm()->IsRightToLeft() ?
                                  CHAR_TAB_RTL : CHAR_TAB;
        const sal_uInt8 nOptions = DRAW_SPECIAL_OPTIONS_CENTER |
        lcl_DrawSpecial( *this, rPor, aRect, 0, cChar, nOptions );

 *					   SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawLineBreak()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawLineBreak( const SwLinePortion &rPor ) const
	if( OnWin() )
		KSHORT nOldWidth = rPor.Width();
        ((SwLinePortion&)rPor).Width( LINE_BREAK_WIDTH );

        SwRect aRect;
        CalcRect( rPor, &aRect );

		if( aRect.HasArea() )
            const sal_Unicode cChar = GetTxtFrm()->IsRightToLeft() ?
                                      CHAR_LINEBREAK_RTL : CHAR_LINEBREAK;
            const sal_uInt8 nOptions = 0;
            lcl_DrawSpecial( *this, rPor, aRect, 0, cChar, nOptions );

        ((SwLinePortion&)rPor).Width( nOldWidth );

 *                     SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawRedArrow()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawRedArrow( const SwLinePortion &rPor ) const
    SwRect aRect( ((SwArrowPortion&)rPor).GetPos(), aSize );
    sal_Unicode cChar;
    if( ((SwArrowPortion&)rPor).IsLeft() )
		aRect.Pos().Y() += 20 - GetAscent();
		aRect.Pos().X() += 20;
        if( aSize.Height() > rPor.Height() )
            aRect.Height( rPor.Height() );
        cChar = CHAR_LEFT_ARROW;
        if( aSize.Height() > rPor.Height() )
            aRect.Height( rPor.Height() );
		aRect.Pos().Y() -= aRect.Height() + 20;
		aRect.Pos().X() -= aRect.Width() + 20;
        cChar = CHAR_RIGHT_ARROW;

    if ( GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() )
        GetTxtFrm()->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( aRect );

	Color aCol( COL_LIGHTRED );

    if( aRect.HasArea() )
        const sal_uInt8 nOptions = 0;
        lcl_DrawSpecial( *this, rPor, aRect, &aCol, cChar, nOptions );

 *					   SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawPostIts()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawPostIts( const SwLinePortion&, sal_Bool bScript ) const
	if( OnWin() && pOpt->IsPostIts() )
        Size aSize;
        Point aTmp;

        const sal_uInt16 nPostItsWidth = pOpt->GetPostItsWidth( GetOut() );
        const sal_uInt16 nFontHeight = pFnt->GetHeight( pVsh, *GetOut() );
        const sal_uInt16 nFontAscent = pFnt->GetAscent( pVsh, *GetOut() );

        switch ( pFnt->GetOrientation( GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() ) )
        case 0 :
            aSize.Width() = nPostItsWidth;
            aSize.Height() = nFontHeight;
            aTmp.X() = aPos.X();
            aTmp.Y() = aPos.Y() - nFontAscent;
        case 900 :
            aSize.Height() = nPostItsWidth;
            aSize.Width() = nFontHeight;
            aTmp.X() = aPos.X() - nFontAscent;
            aTmp.Y() = aPos.Y();
        case 2700 :
            aSize.Height() = nPostItsWidth;
            aSize.Width() = nFontHeight;
            aTmp.X() = aPos.X() - nFontHeight +
            aTmp.Y() = aPos.Y();

        SwRect aTmpRect( aTmp, aSize );

        if ( GetTxtFrm()->IsRightToLeft() )
            GetTxtFrm()->SwitchLTRtoRTL( aTmpRect );

        if ( GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() )
            GetTxtFrm()->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( aTmpRect );

        const Rectangle aRect( aTmpRect.SVRect() );
		pOpt->PaintPostIts( (OutputDevice*)GetOut(), aRect, bScript );

void SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawCheckBox( const SwFieldFormPortion &rPor, bool checked) const
    SwRect aIntersect;
    CalcRect( rPor, &aIntersect, 0 );
    if ( aIntersect.HasArea() ) 
	    if (OnWin() && SwViewOption::IsFieldShadings() && 
    	    OutputDevice* pOut_ = (OutputDevice*)GetOut();
	        pOut_->Push( PUSH_LINECOLOR | PUSH_FILLCOLOR );
    	    pOut_->SetFillColor( SwViewOption::GetFieldShadingsColor() );
	        pOut_->DrawRect( aIntersect.SVRect() );
        const int delta=10;
        Rectangle r(aIntersect.Left()+delta, aIntersect.Top()+delta, aIntersect.Right()-delta, aIntersect.Bottom()-delta);
        pOut->Push( PUSH_LINECOLOR | PUSH_FILLCOLOR );	    
        pOut->SetLineColor( Color(0, 0, 0));
        pOut->DrawRect( r );
        if (checked) {
            pOut->DrawLine(r.TopLeft(), r.BottomRight());
            pOut->DrawLine(r.TopRight(), r.BottomLeft());
 *					   SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawBackGround()
void SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawBackground( const SwLinePortion &rPor ) const
	ASSERT( OnWin(), "SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawBackground: printer pollution ?" );

    SwRect aIntersect;
    CalcRect( rPor, 0, &aIntersect );

    if ( aIntersect.HasArea() )
        OutputDevice* pTmpOut = (OutputDevice*)GetOut();

        // For dark background we do not want to have a filled rectangle
        if ( GetVsh() && GetVsh()->GetWin() && lcl_IsDarkBackground( *this ) )
            pTmpOut->SetLineColor( SwViewOption::GetFontColor().GetColor() );
            pTmpOut->SetFillColor( SwViewOption::GetFieldShadingsColor() );

        DrawRect( aIntersect, sal_True );

void SwTxtPaintInfo::_DrawBackBrush( const SwLinePortion &rPor ) const
        SwRect aIntersect;
        CalcRect( rPor, &aIntersect, 0 );
            SwTxtNode *pNd = pFrm->GetTxtNode();
            const ::sw::mark::IMark* pFieldmark = NULL;
                const SwDoc *doc=pNd->GetDoc();
                    SwIndex aIndex(pNd, GetIdx());
                    SwPosition aPosition(*pNd, aIndex);
            bool bIsStartMark=(1==GetLen() && CH_TXT_ATR_FIELDSTART==GetTxt().GetChar(GetIdx()));
            if(pFieldmark) {
                OSL_TRACE("Found Fieldmark");
                rtl::OUString str = pFieldmark->ToString( );
                fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", rtl::OUStringToOString( str, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr( ) );
            if(bIsStartMark) OSL_TRACE("Found StartMark");
            if (OnWin() && (pFieldmark!=NULL || bIsStartMark) &&
                    SwViewOption::IsFieldShadings() &&
                OutputDevice* pOutDev = (OutputDevice*)GetOut();
                pOutDev->Push( PUSH_LINECOLOR | PUSH_FILLCOLOR );
                pOutDev->SetFillColor( SwViewOption::GetFieldShadingsColor() );
                pOutDev->SetLineColor( );
                pOutDev->DrawRect( aIntersect.SVRect() );
    if( !pFnt->GetBackColor() ) return;

    ASSERT( pFnt->GetBackColor(), "DrawBackBrush: Lost Color" );

    SwRect aIntersect;
    CalcRect( rPor, 0, &aIntersect );

    if ( aIntersect.HasArea() )
        OutputDevice* pTmpOut = (OutputDevice*)GetOut();

        // --> FME 2004-06-24 #i16816# tagged pdf support
        SwTaggedPDFHelper aTaggedPDFHelper( 0, 0, 0, *pTmpOut );
        // <--


        pTmpOut->SetFillColor( *pFnt->GetBackColor() );

        DrawRect( aIntersect, sal_True, sal_False );


 *					   SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawViewOpt()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawViewOpt( const SwLinePortion &rPor,
                                  const MSHORT nWhich ) const
    if( OnWin() && !IsMulti() )
        sal_Bool bDraw = sal_False;
        switch( nWhich )
        case POR_FTN:
        case POR_QUOVADIS:
        case POR_NUMBER:
        case POR_FLD:
        case POR_URL:
        case POR_HIDDEN:
        case POR_TOX:
        case POR_REF:
        case POR_META:
        case POR_CONTROLCHAR:
            if ( !GetOpt().IsPagePreview()
                 && !GetOpt().IsReadonly()
                 && SwViewOption::IsFieldShadings()
                 && ( POR_NUMBER != nWhich
                      || pFrm->GetTxtNode()->HasMarkedLabel())) // #i27615#
                bDraw = sal_True;
        case POR_INPUTFLD:
            // input field shading also in read-only mode
            if ( !GetOpt().IsPagePreview()
                 && SwViewOption::IsFieldShadings() )
                bDraw = sal_True;
        case POR_TAB:		if ( GetOpt().IsTab() )		bDraw = sal_True; break;
        case POR_SOFTHYPH:	if ( GetOpt().IsSoftHyph() )bDraw = sal_True; break;
        case POR_BLANK:     if ( GetOpt().IsHardBlank())bDraw = sal_True; break;
                ASSERT( !this, "SwTxtPaintInfo::DrawViewOpt: don't know how to draw this" );
        if ( bDraw )
            DrawBackground( rPor );

 *					   SwTxtPaintInfo::_NotifyURL()

void SwTxtPaintInfo::_NotifyURL( const SwLinePortion &rPor ) const
	ASSERT( pNoteURL, "NotifyURL: pNoteURL gone with the wind!" );

    SwRect aIntersect;
    CalcRect( rPor, 0, &aIntersect );

    if( aIntersect.HasArea() )
		SwTxtNode *pNd = (SwTxtNode*)GetTxtFrm()->GetTxtNode();
        SwTxtAttr *const pAttr =
            pNd->GetTxtAttrAt(GetIdx(), RES_TXTATR_INETFMT);
		if( pAttr )
			const SwFmtINetFmt& rFmt = pAttr->GetINetFmt();
			pNoteURL->InsertURLNote( rFmt.GetValue(), rFmt.GetTargetFrame(),
                aIntersect );

 *					lcl_InitHyphValues()

static void lcl_InitHyphValues( PropertyValues &rVals,
			sal_Int16 nMinLeading, sal_Int16 nMinTrailing )
	sal_Int32 nLen = rVals.getLength();

	if (0 == nLen)	// yet to be initialized?
		rVals.realloc( 2 );
		PropertyValue *pVal = rVals.getArray();

		pVal[0].Name	= C2U( UPN_HYPH_MIN_LEADING );
		pVal[0].Handle	= UPH_HYPH_MIN_LEADING;
		pVal[0].Value	<<= nMinLeading;

		pVal[1].Name	= C2U( UPN_HYPH_MIN_TRAILING );
		pVal[1].Handle	= UPH_HYPH_MIN_TRAILING;
		pVal[1].Value	<<= nMinTrailing;
	else if (2 == nLen)	// already initialized once?
		PropertyValue *pVal = rVals.getArray();
		pVal[0].Value <<= nMinLeading;
		pVal[1].Value <<= nMinTrailing;
	else {
		DBG_ERROR( "unxpected size of sequence" );

 *					SwTxtFormatInfo::GetHyphValues()

const PropertyValues & SwTxtFormatInfo::GetHyphValues() const
	DBG_ASSERT( 2 == aHyphVals.getLength(),
			"hyphenation values not yet initialized" );
	return aHyphVals;

 *					SwTxtFormatInfo::InitHyph()

sal_Bool SwTxtFormatInfo::InitHyph( const sal_Bool bAutoHyphen )
	const SwAttrSet& rAttrSet = GetTxtFrm()->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet();
	SetHanging( rAttrSet.GetHangingPunctuation().GetValue() );
	SetScriptSpace( rAttrSet.GetScriptSpace().GetValue() );
	SetForbiddenChars( rAttrSet.GetForbiddenRule().GetValue() );
	const SvxHyphenZoneItem &rAttr = rAttrSet.GetHyphenZone();
	MaxHyph() = rAttr.GetMaxHyphens();
    sal_Bool bAuto = bAutoHyphen || rAttr.IsHyphen();
	if( bAuto || bInterHyph )
		nHyphStart = nHyphWrdStart = STRING_LEN;
		nHyphWrdLen = 0;

        const sal_Int16 nMinimalLeading  = Max(rAttr.GetMinLead(), sal_uInt8(2));
        const sal_Int16 nMinimalTrailing = rAttr.GetMinTrail();
        lcl_InitHyphValues( aHyphVals, nMinimalLeading, nMinimalTrailing);
	return bAuto;

 *					SwTxtFormatInfo::CtorInitTxtFormatInfo()

void SwTxtFormatInfo::CtorInitTxtFormatInfo( SwTxtFrm *pNewFrm, const sal_Bool bNewInterHyph,
								const sal_Bool bNewQuick, const sal_Bool bTst )
	CtorInitTxtPaintInfo( pNewFrm, SwRect() );

	bQuick = bNewQuick;
	bInterHyph = bNewInterHyph;

	//! needs to be done in this order
	nMinLeading		= 2;
	nMinTrailing	= 2;
	nMinWordLength	= 0;
	bAutoHyph = InitHyph();

	bIgnoreFly = sal_False;
    bFakeLineStart = sal_False;
	bShift = sal_False;
	bDropInit = sal_False;
	bTestFormat = bTst;
	nLeft = 0;
	nRight = 0;
	nFirst = 0;
	nRealWidth = 0;
	nForcedLeftMargin = 0;
	pRest = 0;
	nLineHeight = 0;
    nLineNettoHeight = 0;

 *					SwTxtFormatInfo::IsHyphenate()
// Trennen oder nicht trennen, das ist hier die Frage:
// - in keinem Fall trennen, wenn der Hyphenator ERROR zurueckliefert,
//	 oder wenn als Sprache NOLANGUAGE eingestellt ist.
// - ansonsten immer trennen, wenn interaktive Trennung vorliegt
// - wenn keine interakt. Trennung, dann nur trennen, wenn im ParaFmt
//	 automatische Trennung eingestellt ist.

sal_Bool SwTxtFormatInfo::IsHyphenate() const
	if( !bInterHyph && !bAutoHyph )
		return sal_False;

	LanguageType eTmp = GetFont()->GetLanguage();
		return sal_False;

	uno::Reference< XHyphenator > xHyph = ::GetHyphenator();
	if (bInterHyph && xHyph.is())
		SvxSpellWrapper::CheckHyphLang( xHyph, eTmp );

	if( !xHyph.is() || !xHyph->hasLocale( pBreakIt->GetLocale(eTmp) ) )
		return sal_False;
	return sal_True;

 *					SwTxtFormatInfo::GetDropFmt()

// Dropcaps vom SwTxtFormatter::CTOR gerufen.
const SwFmtDrop *SwTxtFormatInfo::GetDropFmt() const
	const SwFmtDrop *pDrop = &GetTxtFrm()->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet().GetDrop();
	if( 1 >= pDrop->GetLines() ||
		( !pDrop->GetChars() && !pDrop->GetWholeWord() ) )
		pDrop = 0;
	return pDrop;

 *						SwTxtFormatInfo::Init()

void SwTxtFormatInfo::Init()
	// Nicht initialisieren: pRest, nLeft, nRight, nFirst, nRealWidth
	bArrowDone = bFull = bFtnDone = bErgoDone = bNumDone = bNoEndHyph =
		bNoMidHyph = bStop = bNewLine = bUnderFlow = sal_False;

    // generally we do not allow number portions in follows, except...
    if ( GetTxtFrm()->IsFollow() )
        const SwTxtFrm* pMaster = GetTxtFrm()->FindMaster();
        const SwLinePortion* pTmpPara = pMaster->GetPara();

        // there is a master for this follow and the master does not have
        // any contents (especially it does not have a number portion)
        bNumDone = ! pTmpPara ||
                   ! ((SwParaPortion*)pTmpPara)->GetFirstPortion()->IsFlyPortion();

	pRoot = 0;
	pLast = 0;
	pFly = 0;
	pLastFld = 0;
	pLastTab = 0;
	pUnderFlow = 0;
	cTabDecimal = 0;
	nWidth = nRealWidth;
	nForcedLeftMargin = 0;
	nSoftHyphPos = 0;
    nUnderScorePos = STRING_LEN;
	cHookChar = 0;
	SetLen( GetTxt().Len() );

/*-----------------16.10.00 11:39-------------------
 * There are a few differences between a copy constructor
 * and the following constructor for multi-line formatting.
 * The root is the first line inside the multi-portion,
 * the line start is the actual position in the text,
 * the line width is the rest width from the surrounding line
 * and the bMulti and bFirstMulti-flag has to be set correctly.
 * --------------------------------------------------*/

SwTxtFormatInfo::SwTxtFormatInfo( const SwTxtFormatInfo& rInf,
	SwLineLayout& rLay, SwTwips nActWidth ) : SwTxtPaintInfo( rInf )
	pRoot = &rLay;
	pLast = &rLay;
	pFly = NULL;
	pLastFld = NULL;
	pUnderFlow = NULL;
	pRest = NULL;
	pLastTab = NULL;

	nSoftHyphPos = 0;
    nUnderScorePos = STRING_LEN;
    nHyphStart = 0;
	nHyphWrdStart = 0;
	nHyphWrdLen = 0;
	nLineStart = rInf.GetIdx();
	nLeft = rInf.nLeft;
	nRight = rInf.nRight;
	nFirst = rInf.nLeft;
	nRealWidth = KSHORT(nActWidth);
	nWidth = nRealWidth;
	nLineHeight = 0;
    nLineNettoHeight = 0;
	nForcedLeftMargin = 0;

	nMinLeading = 0;
	nMinTrailing = 0;
	nMinWordLength = 0;
	bFull = sal_False;
	bFtnDone = sal_True;
	bErgoDone = sal_True;
	bNumDone = sal_True;
    bArrowDone = sal_True;
    bStop = sal_False;
	bNewLine = sal_True;
	bShift	= sal_False;
	bUnderFlow = sal_False;
	bInterHyph = sal_False;
	bAutoHyph = sal_False;
	bDropInit = sal_False;
	bQuick	= rInf.bQuick;
	bNoEndHyph	= sal_False;
	bNoMidHyph	= sal_False;
	bIgnoreFly = sal_False;
    bFakeLineStart = sal_False;

	cTabDecimal = 0;
	cHookChar = 0;
	nMaxHyph = 0;
	bTestFormat = rInf.bTestFormat;
	SetMulti( sal_True );
    SetFirstMulti( rInf.IsFirstMulti() );

 *				   SwTxtFormatInfo::_CheckFtnPortion()

sal_Bool SwTxtFormatInfo::_CheckFtnPortion( SwLineLayout* pCurr )
	KSHORT nHeight = pCurr->GetRealHeight();
	SwLinePortion *pPor = pCurr->GetPortion();
	sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
	while( pPor )
		if( pPor->IsFtnPortion() && nHeight > ((SwFtnPortion*)pPor)->Orig() )
			bRet = sal_True;
			SetLineHeight( nHeight );
            SetLineNettoHeight( pCurr->Height() );
		pPor = pPor->GetPortion();
	return bRet;

 *				   SwTxtFormatInfo::ScanPortionEnd()
xub_StrLen SwTxtFormatInfo::ScanPortionEnd( const xub_StrLen nStart,
                                            const xub_StrLen nEnd )
	cHookChar = 0;
    xub_StrLen i = nStart;

    // Used for decimal tab handling:
    const xub_Unicode cTabDec = GetLastTab() ? (sal_Unicode)GetTabDecimal() : 0;
    const xub_Unicode cThousandSep  = ',' == cTabDec ? '.' : ',';
    // --> FME 2006-01-23 #i45951# German (Switzerland) uses ' as thousand separator:
    const xub_Unicode cThousandSep2 = ',' == cTabDec ? '.' : '\'';
    // <--

    bool bNumFound = false;
    const bool bTabCompat = GetTxtFrm()->GetTxtNode()->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::TAB_COMPAT);

    // Removed for i7288. bSkip used to be passed from SwFldPortion::Format
    // as IsFollow(). Therefore more than one special character was not
    // handled correctly at the beginning of follow fields.
//    if ( bSkip && i < nEnd )
//       ++i;

	for( ; i < nEnd; ++i )
		const xub_Unicode cPos = GetChar( i );
		switch( cPos )
			if( !HasHint( i ))
			// no break;

		case CH_TAB:
		case CH_BREAK:
        case CHAR_ZWSP :
        case CHAR_ZWNBSP :
//        case CHAR_RLM :
//        case CHAR_LRM :
			cHookChar = cPos;
			return i;

        case CHAR_UNDERSCORE:
            if ( STRING_LEN == nUnderScorePos )
                nUnderScorePos = i;

            if ( cTabDec )
			    if( cTabDec == cPos )
    				ASSERT( cPos, "Unexpected end of string" );
				    if( cPos ) // robust
    					cHookChar = cPos;
					    return i;

                // Compatibility: First non-digit character behind a
                // a digit character becomes the hook character
                if ( bTabCompat )
                    if ( ( 0x2F < cPos && cPos < 0x3A ) ||
                         ( bNumFound && ( cPos == cThousandSep || cPos == cThousandSep2 ) ) )
                        bNumFound = true;
                        if ( bNumFound )
    				    	cHookChar = cPos;
                            SetTabDecimal( cPos );
    					    return i;

    // --> FME 2006-01-13 #130210# Check if character *behind* the portion has
    // to become the hook:
    if ( i == nEnd && i < GetTxt().Len() && bNumFound )
		const xub_Unicode cPos = GetChar( i );
        if ( cPos != cTabDec && cPos != cThousandSep && cPos !=cThousandSep2 && ( 0x2F >= cPos || cPos >= 0x3A ) )
            cHookChar = GetChar( i );
            SetTabDecimal( cHookChar );

	return i;

sal_Bool SwTxtFormatInfo::LastKernPortion()
	if( GetLast() )
	 	if( GetLast()->IsKernPortion() )
			return sal_True;
		if( GetLast()->Width() || ( GetLast()->GetLen() &&
			!GetLast()->IsHolePortion() ) )
			return sal_False;
	SwLinePortion* pPor = GetRoot();
	SwLinePortion *pKern = NULL;
	while( pPor )
		if( pPor->IsKernPortion() )
			pKern = pPor;
		else if( pPor->Width() || ( pPor->GetLen() && !pPor->IsHolePortion() ) )
			pKern = NULL;
		pPor = pPor->GetPortion();
	if( pKern )
		SetLast( pKern );
		return sal_True;
	return sal_False;

 *                      class SwTxtSlot

    const SwTxtSizeInfo *pNew,
    const SwLinePortion *pPor,
    bool bTxtLen,
    bool bExgLists,
    const sal_Char *pCh )
    : pOldTxt( 0 ),
      pOldSmartTagList( 0 ),
      pOldGrammarCheckList( 0 ),
      pTempList( 0 )
	if( pCh )
		aTxt = XubString( pCh, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
		bOn = sal_True;
		bOn = pPor->GetExpTxt( *pNew, aTxt );

	// Der Text wird ausgetauscht...
	if( bOn )
		pInf = (SwTxtSizeInfo*)pNew;
		nIdx = pInf->GetIdx();
		nLen = pInf->GetLen();
		pOldTxt = &(pInf->GetTxt());
		pInf->SetTxt( aTxt );
		pInf->SetIdx( 0 );
        pInf->SetLen( bTxtLen ? pInf->GetTxt().Len() : pPor->GetLen() );

        // ST2
        if ( bExgLists )
            pOldSmartTagList = static_cast<SwTxtPaintInfo*>(pInf)->GetSmartTags();
            if ( pOldSmartTagList )
                const sal_uInt16 nPos = pOldSmartTagList->GetWrongPos(nIdx);
                const xub_StrLen nListPos = pOldSmartTagList->Pos(nPos);
                if( nListPos == nIdx )
                    ((SwTxtPaintInfo*)pInf)->SetSmartTags( pOldSmartTagList->SubList( nPos ) );
                else if( !pTempList && nPos < pOldSmartTagList->Count() && nListPos < nIdx && aTxt.Len() )
                    pTempList = new SwWrongList( WRONGLIST_SMARTTAG );
                    pTempList->Insert( rtl::OUString(), 0, 0, aTxt.Len(), 0 );
                    ((SwTxtPaintInfo*)pInf)->SetSmartTags( pTempList );
                    ((SwTxtPaintInfo*)pInf)->SetSmartTags( 0);
            pOldGrammarCheckList = static_cast<SwTxtPaintInfo*>(pInf)->GetGrammarCheckList();
            if ( pOldGrammarCheckList )
                const sal_uInt16 nPos = pOldGrammarCheckList->GetWrongPos(nIdx);
                const xub_StrLen nListPos = pOldGrammarCheckList->Pos(nPos);
                if( nListPos == nIdx )
                    ((SwTxtPaintInfo*)pInf)->SetGrammarCheckList( pOldGrammarCheckList->SubList( nPos ) );
                else if( !pTempList && nPos < pOldGrammarCheckList->Count() && nListPos < nIdx && aTxt.Len() )
                    pTempList = new SwWrongList( WRONGLIST_GRAMMAR );
                    pTempList->Insert( rtl::OUString(), 0, 0, aTxt.Len(), 0 );
                    ((SwTxtPaintInfo*)pInf)->SetGrammarCheckList( pTempList );
                    ((SwTxtPaintInfo*)pInf)->SetGrammarCheckList( 0);

 *                       SwTxtSlot::~SwTxtSlot()

	if( bOn )
		pInf->SetTxt( *pOldTxt );
		pInf->SetIdx( nIdx );
		pInf->SetLen( nLen );

        // ST2
        // Restore old smart tag list
        if ( pOldSmartTagList )
            ((SwTxtPaintInfo*)pInf)->SetSmartTags( pOldSmartTagList );
        if ( pOldGrammarCheckList )
            ((SwTxtPaintInfo*)pInf)->SetGrammarCheckList( pOldGrammarCheckList );
        delete pTempList;

 *					   SwFontSave::SwFontSave()

SwFontSave::SwFontSave( const SwTxtSizeInfo &rInf, SwFont *pNew,
		SwAttrIter* pItr )
		: pFnt( pNew ? ((SwTxtSizeInfo&)rInf).GetFont() : 0 )
	if( pFnt )
		pInf = &((SwTxtSizeInfo&)rInf);
        // In these cases we temporarily switch to the new font:
        // 1. the fonts have a different magic number
        // 2. they have different script types
        // 3. their background colors differ (this is not covered by 1.)
		if( pFnt->DifferentMagic( pNew, pFnt->GetActual() ) ||
            pNew->GetActual() != pFnt->GetActual() ||
            ( ! pNew->GetBackColor() && pFnt->GetBackColor() ) ||
            ( pNew->GetBackColor() && ! pFnt->GetBackColor() ) ||
            ( pNew->GetBackColor() && pFnt->GetBackColor() &&
              ( *pNew->GetBackColor() != *pFnt->GetBackColor() ) ) )
			pNew->SetTransparent( sal_True );
			pNew->SetAlign( ALIGN_BASELINE );
			pInf->SetFont( pNew );
			pFnt = 0;
        pNew->ChgPhysFnt( pInf->GetVsh(), *pInf->GetOut() );
		if( pItr && pItr->GetFnt() == pFnt )
			pIter = pItr;
			pIter->SetFnt( pNew );
			pIter = NULL;

 *					   SwFontSave::~SwFontSave()

	if( pFnt )
		// SwFont zurueckstellen
		pInf->SetFont( pFnt );
		if( pIter )
			pIter->SetFnt( pFnt );
			pIter->nPos = STRING_LEN;

 *					   SwDefFontSave::SwDefFontSave()

SwDefFontSave::SwDefFontSave( const SwTxtSizeInfo &rInf )
		: pFnt( ((SwTxtSizeInfo&)rInf).GetFont()  )
    const sal_Bool bTmpAlter = pFnt->GetFixKerning() ||
		 ( RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL == pFnt->GetCharSet(pFnt->GetActual()) )

    const sal_Bool bFamily = bTmpAlter &&
          pFnt->GetName( pFnt->GetActual() ) != numfunc::GetDefBulletFontname();
    const sal_Bool bRotation = (sal_Bool)pFnt->GetOrientation() &&
                                ! rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical();

    if( bFamily || bRotation )
		pNewFnt = new SwFont( *pFnt );

        if ( bFamily )
            pNewFnt->SetFamily( FAMILY_DONTKNOW, pFnt->GetActual() );
            pNewFnt->SetName( numfunc::GetDefBulletFontname(), pFnt->GetActual() );
            pNewFnt->SetStyleName( aEmptyStr, pFnt->GetActual() );
            pNewFnt->SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_SYMBOL, pFnt->GetActual() );
            pNewFnt->SetFixKerning( 0 );

        if ( bRotation )
            pNewFnt->SetVertical( 0, rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() );

        pInf = &((SwTxtSizeInfo&)rInf);
		pInf->SetFont( pNewFnt );
		pFnt = 0;
		pNewFnt = 0;

 *					   SwDefFontSave::~SwDefFontSave()

	if( pFnt )
		delete pNewFnt;
		// SwFont zurueckstellen
		pInf->SetFont( pFnt );

 *					SwTxtFormatInfo::ChgHyph()

sal_Bool SwTxtFormatInfo::ChgHyph( const sal_Bool bNew )
	const sal_Bool bOld = bAutoHyph;
	if( bAutoHyph != bNew )
		bAutoHyph = bNew;
		InitHyph( bNew );
		// 5744: Sprache am Hyphenator einstellen.
		if( pFnt )
            pFnt->ChgPhysFnt( pVsh, *pOut );
	return bOld;