 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"

#include "hintids.hxx"
#include "errhdl.hxx"
#include "ndtxt.hxx"
#include "frmfmt.hxx"
#include "paratr.hxx"
#include "flyfrm.hxx"
#include "pam.hxx"
#include "swselectionlist.hxx"
#include <sortedobjs.hxx>
#include <editeng/protitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/adjitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/lspcitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
#include <frmatr.hxx>
#include <pagedesc.hxx> // SwPageDesc
#include <tgrditem.hxx>
#include <IDocumentSettingAccess.hxx>
#include <pagefrm.hxx>

#include "txtcfg.hxx"
#include "itrtxt.hxx"
#include "txtfrm.hxx"
#include "flyfrms.hxx"
#include "porglue.hxx"		// SwFlyCnt
#include "porfld.hxx"		// SwFldPortion::IsFollow()
#include "porfly.hxx"		// GetFlyCrsrOfst()
#include "pordrop.hxx"
#include "crstate.hxx"      // SwCrsrMoveState
#include <pormulti.hxx> 	// SwMultiPortion
// --> OD 2010-05-05 #i111284#
#include <numrule.hxx>
// <--
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/ScriptType.hpp>

// Nicht reentrant !!!
// wird in GetCharRect gesetzt und im UnitUp/Down ausgewertet.
sal_Bool SwTxtCursor::bRightMargin = sal_False;

 *                    lcl_GetCharRectInsideField
 * After calculating the position of a character during GetCharRect
 * this function allows to find the coordinates of a position (defined
 * in pCMS->pSpecialPos) inside a special portion (e.g., a field)
void lcl_GetCharRectInsideField( SwTxtSizeInfo& rInf, SwRect& rOrig,
                                 const SwCrsrMoveState& rCMS,
                                 const SwLinePortion& rPor )
    ASSERT( rCMS.pSpecialPos, "Information about special pos missing" )

    if ( rPor.InFldGrp() && ((SwFldPortion&)rPor).GetExp().Len() )
        const sal_uInt16 nCharOfst = rCMS.pSpecialPos->nCharOfst;
        sal_uInt16 nFldIdx = 0;
        sal_uInt16 nFldLen = 0;

        const XubString* pString = 0;
        const SwLinePortion* pPor = &rPor;
            if ( pPor->InFldGrp() )
                pString = &((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->GetExp();
                nFldLen = pString->Len();
                pString = 0;
                nFldLen = 0;

            if ( ! pPor->GetPortion() || nFldIdx + nFldLen > nCharOfst )

            nFldIdx = nFldIdx + nFldLen;
            rOrig.Pos().X() += pPor->Width();
            pPor = pPor->GetPortion();

        } while ( sal_True );

        ASSERT( nCharOfst >= nFldIdx, "Request of position inside field failed" )
        sal_uInt16 nLen = nCharOfst - nFldIdx + 1;

        if ( pString )
            // get script for field portion
            rInf.GetFont()->SetActual( SwScriptInfo::WhichFont( 0, pString, 0 ) );

            xub_StrLen nOldLen = pPor->GetLen();
            ((SwLinePortion*)pPor)->SetLen( nLen - 1 );
            const SwTwips nX1 = pPor->GetLen() ?
                                pPor->GetTxtSize( rInf ).Width() :

            SwTwips nX2 = 0;
            if ( rCMS.bRealWidth )
                ((SwLinePortion*)pPor)->SetLen( nLen );
                nX2 = pPor->GetTxtSize( rInf ).Width();

            ((SwLinePortion*)pPor)->SetLen( nOldLen );

            rOrig.Pos().X() += nX1;
            rOrig.Width( ( nX2 > nX1 ) ?
                         ( nX2 - nX1 ) :
                           1 );
        // special cases: no common fields, e.g., graphic number portion,
        // FlyInCntPortions, Notes
        rOrig.Width( rCMS.bRealWidth && rPor.Width() ? rPor.Width() : 1 );

// --> OD 2010-05-05 #i111284#
namespace {
    bool AreListLevelIndentsApplicableAndLabelAlignmentActive( const SwTxtNode& rTxtNode )
        bool bRet( false );
        if ( rTxtNode.AreListLevelIndentsApplicable() )
            const SwNumFmt& rNumFmt =
                    rTxtNode.GetNumRule()->Get( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(rTxtNode.GetActualListLevel()) );
            if ( rNumFmt.GetPositionAndSpaceMode() == SvxNumberFormat::LABEL_ALIGNMENT )
                bRet = true;
        return bRet;    
} // end of anonymous namespace
// <--
 *				  SwTxtMargin::CtorInitTxtMargin()
void SwTxtMargin::CtorInitTxtMargin( SwTxtFrm *pNewFrm, SwTxtSizeInfo *pNewInf )
	CtorInitTxtIter( pNewFrm, pNewInf );

	pInf = pNewInf;
	GetInfo().SetFont( GetFnt() );
	const SwTxtNode *pNode = pFrm->GetTxtNode();

    const SvxLRSpaceItem &rSpace = pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet().GetLRSpace();
    // --> OD 2009-09-08 #i95907#, #b6879723#
    // --> OD 2010-05-05 #i111284#
    const bool bListLevelIndentsApplicableAndLabelAlignmentActive( 
        AreListLevelIndentsApplicableAndLabelAlignmentActive( *(pFrm->GetTxtNode()) ) );
    // <--

    // Carefully adjust the text formatting ranges.
    // This whole area desperately needs some rework. There are
    // quite a couple of values that need to be considered:
    // 1. paragraph indent
    // 2. paragraph first line indent
    // 3. numbering indent
    // 4. numbering spacing to text
    // 5. paragraph border
    // Note: These values have already been used during calculation
    // of the printing area of the paragraph.
    const int nLMWithNum = pNode->GetLeftMarginWithNum( sal_True );
    if ( pFrm->IsRightToLeft() )
        // --> OD 2008-01-23 #newlistlevelattrs#
        // this calculation is identical this the calculation for L2R layout - see below
        nLeft = pFrm->Frm().Left() +
                pFrm->Prt().Left() +
                nLMWithNum -
                pNode->GetLeftMarginWithNum( sal_False ) -
                // --> OD 2009-09-08 #i95907#, #b6879723#
                // --> OD 2010-05-05 #i111284#
//                rSpace.GetLeft() +
//                rSpace.GetTxtLeft();
                ( bListLevelIndentsApplicableAndLabelAlignmentActive
                  ? 0
                  : ( rSpace.GetLeft() - rSpace.GetTxtLeft() ) );
                // <--
        // --> OD 2009-09-08 #i95907#, #b6879723#
        // --> OD 2010-05-05 #i111284#
//        if ( !pNode->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::IGNORE_FIRST_LINE_INDENT_IN_NUMBERING) )
        if ( bListLevelIndentsApplicableAndLabelAlignmentActive ||
             !pNode->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::IGNORE_FIRST_LINE_INDENT_IN_NUMBERING) )
        // <--
            // this calculation is identical this the calculation for R2L layout - see above
            nLeft = pFrm->Frm().Left() +
                    pFrm->Prt().Left() +
                    nLMWithNum -
                    pNode->GetLeftMarginWithNum( sal_False ) -
                    // --> OD 2009-09-08 #i95907#, #b6879723#
                    // --> OD 2010-05-05 #i111284#
//                    rSpace.GetLeft() +
//                    rSpace.GetTxtLeft();
                    ( bListLevelIndentsApplicableAndLabelAlignmentActive
                      ? 0
                      : ( rSpace.GetLeft() - rSpace.GetTxtLeft() ) );
                    // <--
            nLeft = pFrm->Frm().Left() +
                    Max( long( rSpace.GetTxtLeft() + nLMWithNum ),
                         pFrm->Prt().Left() );

    nRight = pFrm->Frm().Left() + pFrm->Prt().Left() + pFrm->Prt().Width();

	if( nLeft >= nRight &&
         // --> FME 2005-08-10 #i53066# Omit adjustment of nLeft for numbered
         // paras inside cells inside new documents:
        ( pNode->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::IGNORE_FIRST_LINE_INDENT_IN_NUMBERING) ||
          !pFrm->IsInTab() ||
          !nLMWithNum ) )
         // <--
		nLeft = pFrm->Prt().Left() + pFrm->Frm().Left();
	    if( nLeft >= nRight )   // z.B. bei grossen Absatzeinzuegen in schmalen Tabellenspalten
		    nRight = nLeft + 1; // einen goennen wir uns immer

	if( pFrm->IsFollow() && pFrm->GetOfst() )
		nFirst = nLeft;
        short nFLOfst = 0;
        long nFirstLineOfs = 0;
		if( !pNode->GetFirstLineOfsWithNum( nFLOfst ) &&
			rSpace.IsAutoFirst() )
			nFirstLineOfs = GetFnt()->GetSize( GetFnt()->GetActual() ).Height();
                        LanguageType aLang = pNode->GetLang( 0, 1, i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN);
                        if (aLang != LANGUAGE_KOREAN && aLang != LANGUAGE_JAPANESE)
			const SvxLineSpacingItem *pSpace = aLineInf.GetLineSpacing();
			if( pSpace )
				switch( pSpace->GetLineSpaceRule() )
						if( nFirstLineOfs < KSHORT( pSpace->GetLineHeight() ) )
							nFirstLineOfs = pSpace->GetLineHeight();
						nFirstLineOfs = pSpace->GetLineHeight();
					default: ASSERT( sal_False, ": unknown LineSpaceRule" );
				switch( pSpace->GetInterLineSpaceRule() )
						long nTmp = pSpace->GetPropLineSpace();
						// 50% ist das Minimum, bei 0% schalten wir auf
						// den Defaultwert 100% um ...
						if( nTmp < 50 )
							nTmp = nTmp ? 50 : 100;

						nTmp *= nFirstLineOfs;
						nTmp /= 100;
						if( !nTmp )
						nFirstLineOfs = (KSHORT)nTmp;
						nFirstLineOfs += pSpace->GetInterLineSpace();
					default: ASSERT( sal_False, ": unknown InterLineSpaceRule" );
			nFirstLineOfs = nFLOfst;

        // --> OD 2009-09-08 #i95907#, #b6879723#
        // --> OD 2010-05-05 #i111284#
//        if ( pFrm->IsRightToLeft() ||
//             !pNode->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::IGNORE_FIRST_LINE_INDENT_IN_NUMBERING) )
        if ( pFrm->IsRightToLeft() ||
             bListLevelIndentsApplicableAndLabelAlignmentActive ||
             !pNode->getIDocumentSettingAccess()->get(IDocumentSettingAccess::IGNORE_FIRST_LINE_INDENT_IN_NUMBERING) )
        // <--
            nFirst = nLeft + nFirstLineOfs;
      	    nFirst = pFrm->Frm().Left() +
                     Max( rSpace.GetTxtLeft() + nLMWithNum+ nFirstLineOfs,
                          pFrm->Prt().Left() );

        // --> OD 2008-01-31 #newlistlevelattrs#
        // Note: <SwTxtFrm::GetAdditionalFirstLineOffset()> returns a negative
        //       value for the new list label postion and space mode LABEL_ALIGNMENT
        //       and label alignment CENTER and RIGHT in L2R layout respectively
        //       label alignment LEFT and CENTER in R2L layout
        nFirst += pFrm->GetAdditionalFirstLineOffset();
        // <--

		if( nFirst >= nRight )
			nFirst = nRight - 1;
    const SvxAdjustItem& rAdjust = pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet().GetAdjust();
	nAdjust = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(rAdjust.GetAdjust());

    // left is left and right is right
    if ( pFrm->IsRightToLeft() )
        if ( SVX_ADJUST_LEFT == nAdjust )
            nAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT;
        else if ( SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT == nAdjust )
            nAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT;

	bOneBlock = rAdjust.GetOneWord() == SVX_ADJUST_BLOCK;
	bLastBlock = rAdjust.GetLastBlock() == SVX_ADJUST_BLOCK;
	bLastCenter = rAdjust.GetLastBlock() == SVX_ADJUST_CENTER;

    // --> OD 2008-07-01 #i91133#
    mnTabLeft = pNode->GetLeftMarginForTabCalculation();
    // <--

	static sal_Bool bOne = sal_False;
	static sal_Bool bLast = sal_False;
	static sal_Bool bCenter = sal_False;
	bOneBlock |= bOne;
	bLastBlock |= bLast;
	bLastCenter |= bCenter;

 *				  SwTxtMargin::DropInit()
void SwTxtMargin::DropInit()
	nDropLeft = nDropLines = nDropHeight = nDropDescent = 0;
	const SwParaPortion *pPara = GetInfo().GetParaPortion();
	if( pPara )
		const SwDropPortion *pPorDrop = pPara->FindDropPortion();
		if ( pPorDrop )
			nDropLeft = pPorDrop->GetDropLeft();
			nDropLines = pPorDrop->GetLines();
			nDropHeight = pPorDrop->GetDropHeight();
			nDropDescent = pPorDrop->GetDropDescent();

 *				  SwTxtMargin::GetLineStart()

// Unter Beruecksichtigung des Erstzeileneinzuges und der angebenen Breite.
SwTwips SwTxtMargin::GetLineStart() const
	SwTwips nRet = GetLeftMargin();
	if( GetAdjust() != SVX_ADJUST_LEFT &&
		!pCurr->GetFirstPortion()->IsMarginPortion() )
		// Wenn die erste Portion ein Margin ist, dann wird das
		// Adjustment durch die Portions ausgedrueckt.
		if( GetAdjust() == SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT )
			nRet = Right() - CurrWidth();
		else if( GetAdjust() == SVX_ADJUST_CENTER )
			nRet += (GetLineWidth() - CurrWidth()) / 2;
	return nRet;

 *						SwTxtCursor::CtorInitTxtCursor()
void SwTxtCursor::CtorInitTxtCursor( SwTxtFrm *pNewFrm, SwTxtSizeInfo *pNewInf )
	CtorInitTxtMargin( pNewFrm, pNewInf );
	// 6096: Vorsicht, die Iteratoren sind abgeleitet!
	// GetInfo().SetOut( GetInfo().GetWin() );

 *						SwTxtCursor::GetEndCharRect()

// 1170: Antikbug: Shift-Ende vergisst das letzte Zeichen ...

sal_Bool SwTxtCursor::GetEndCharRect( SwRect* pOrig, const xub_StrLen nOfst,
								  SwCrsrMoveState* pCMS, const long nMax )
	// 1170: Mehrdeutigkeit von Dokumentpositionen
	bRightMargin = sal_True;

	// Etwas verdreht: nOfst bezeichnet die Position hinter dem letzten
	// Zeichen der letzten Zeile == Position vor dem ersten Zeichen der
	// Zeile in der wir gerade stehen:
	if( nOfst != GetStart() || !pCurr->GetLen() )
		// 8810: Masterzeile RightMargin, danach LeftMargin
		const sal_Bool bRet = GetCharRect( pOrig, nOfst, pCMS, nMax );
		bRightMargin = nOfst >= GetEnd() && nOfst < GetInfo().GetTxt().Len();
		return bRet;

	if( !GetPrev() || !GetPrev()->GetLen() || !PrevLine() )
		return GetCharRect( pOrig, nOfst, pCMS, nMax );

	// Adjustierung ggf. nachholen

	KSHORT nX = 0;
	KSHORT nLast = 0;
	SwLinePortion *pPor = pCurr->GetFirstPortion();

	KSHORT nTmpHeight, nTmpAscent;
	CalcAscentAndHeight( nTmpAscent, nTmpHeight );
	KSHORT nPorHeight = nTmpHeight;
	KSHORT nPorAscent = nTmpAscent;

	// Die letzte Text/EndPortion der Zeile suchen
	while( pPor )
		nX = nX + pPor->Width();
		if( pPor->InTxtGrp() || ( pPor->GetLen() && !pPor->IsFlyPortion()
			&& !pPor->IsHolePortion() ) || pPor->IsBreakPortion() )
			nLast = nX;
			nPorHeight = pPor->Height();
			nPorAscent = pPor->GetAscent();
		pPor = pPor->GetPortion();

	const Size aCharSize( 1, nTmpHeight );
	pOrig->Pos( GetTopLeft() );
	pOrig->SSize( aCharSize );
	pOrig->Pos().X() += nLast;
	const SwTwips nTmpRight = Right() - 1;
	if( pOrig->Left() > nTmpRight )
		pOrig->Pos().X() = nTmpRight;

	if ( pCMS && pCMS->bRealHeight )
		if ( nTmpAscent > nPorAscent )
			pCMS->aRealHeight.X() = nTmpAscent - nPorAscent;
			pCMS->aRealHeight.X() = 0;
		ASSERT( nPorHeight, "GetCharRect: Missing Portion-Height" );
		pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() = nPorHeight;

	return sal_True;

 * void	SwTxtCursor::_GetCharRect(..)
 * internal function, called by SwTxtCursor::GetCharRect() to calculate
 * the relative character position in the current line.
 * pOrig referes to x and y coordinates, width and height of the cursor
 * pCMS is used for restricting the cursor, if there are different font
 * heights in one line ( first value = offset to y of pOrig, second
 * value = real height of (shortened) cursor

void SwTxtCursor::_GetCharRect( SwRect* pOrig, const xub_StrLen nOfst,
    SwCrsrMoveState* pCMS )
	const XubString &rText = GetInfo().GetTxt();
	SwTxtSizeInfo aInf( GetInfo(), rText, nStart );
	if( GetPropFont() )
		aInf.GetFont()->SetProportion( GetPropFont() );
	KSHORT nTmpAscent, nTmpHeight;	// Zeilenhoehe
	CalcAscentAndHeight( nTmpAscent, nTmpHeight );
	const Size	aCharSize( 1, nTmpHeight );
	const Point aCharPos;
	pOrig->Pos( aCharPos );
	pOrig->SSize( aCharSize );

    // If we are looking for a position inside a field which covers
    // more than one line we may not skip any "empty portions" at the
    // beginning of a line
    const sal_Bool bInsideFirstField = pCMS && pCMS->pSpecialPos &&
                                       ( pCMS->pSpecialPos->nLineOfst ||
                                         SP_EXTEND_RANGE_BEFORE ==
                                         pCMS->pSpecialPos->nExtendRange );

	sal_Bool bWidth = pCMS && pCMS->bRealWidth;
	if( !pCurr->GetLen() && !pCurr->Width() )
		if ( pCMS && pCMS->bRealHeight )
			pCMS->aRealHeight.X() = 0;
			pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() = nTmpHeight;
		KSHORT nPorHeight = nTmpHeight;
		KSHORT nPorAscent = nTmpAscent;
		SwTwips nX = 0;
        SwTwips nTmpFirst = 0;
		SwLinePortion *pPor = pCurr->GetFirstPortion();
        SwBidiPortion* pLastBidiPor = 0;
		SwTwips nLastBidiPorWidth = 0;
        SvUShorts* pKanaComp = pCurr->GetpKanaComp();
        MSHORT nSpaceIdx = 0;
        MSHORT nKanaIdx = 0;
        long nSpaceAdd = pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() ? pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( 0 ) : 0;

        sal_Bool bNoTxt = sal_True;

		// Zuerst werden alle Portions ohne Len am Zeilenanfang uebersprungen.
		// Ausnahme bilden die fiesen Spezialportions aus WhichFirstPortion:
		// Num, ErgoSum, FtnNum, FeldReste
		// 8477: aber auch die einzige Textportion einer leeren Zeile mit
		// Right/Center-Adjustment! Also nicht nur pPor->GetExpandPortion() ...
        while( pPor && !pPor->GetLen() && ! bInsideFirstField )
			nX += pPor->Width();
            if ( pPor->InSpaceGrp() && nSpaceAdd )
				nX += pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );
			if( bNoTxt )
                nTmpFirst = nX;
			// 8670: EndPortions zaehlen hier einmal als TxtPortions.
            // --> OD 2008-01-28 #newlistlevelattrs#
//            if( pPor->InTxtGrp() || pPor->IsBreakPortion() )
            if( pPor->InTxtGrp() || pPor->IsBreakPortion() || pPor->InTabGrp() )
            // <--
				bNoTxt = sal_False;
				nTmpFirst = nX;
            if( pPor->IsMultiPortion() && ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasTabulator() )
                if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() )
                    if ( ++nSpaceIdx < pCurr->GetLLSpaceAddCount() )
                        nSpaceAdd = pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( nSpaceIdx );
                        nSpaceAdd = 0;

                if( pKanaComp && ( nKanaIdx + 1 ) < pKanaComp->Count() )
			if( pPor->InFixMargGrp() )
				if( pPor->IsMarginPortion() )
					bNoTxt = sal_False;
                    // fix margin portion => next SpaceAdd, KanaComp value
                    if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() )
                        if ( ++nSpaceIdx < pCurr->GetLLSpaceAddCount() )
                            nSpaceAdd = pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( nSpaceIdx );
                            nSpaceAdd = 0;

                    if( pKanaComp && ( nKanaIdx + 1 ) < pKanaComp->Count() )
			pPor = pPor->GetPortion();

		if( !pPor )
            // Es sind nur Spezialportions unterwegs.
            nX = nTmpFirst;
            if( !pPor->IsMarginPortion() && !pPor->IsPostItsPortion() &&
				(!pPor->InFldGrp() || pPor->GetAscent() ) )
				nPorHeight = pPor->Height();
				nPorAscent = pPor->GetAscent();
			while( pPor && !pPor->IsBreakPortion() && ( aInf.GetIdx() < nOfst ||
                   ( bWidth && ( pPor->IsKernPortion() || pPor->IsMultiPortion() ) ) ) )
				if( !pPor->IsMarginPortion() && !pPor->IsPostItsPortion() &&
					(!pPor->InFldGrp() || pPor->GetAscent() ) )
					nPorHeight = pPor->Height();
					nPorAscent = pPor->GetAscent();

                // If we are behind the portion, we add the portion width to
                // nX. Special case: nOfst = aInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen().
                // For common portions (including BidiPortions) we want to add
                // the portion width to nX. For MultiPortions, nExtra = 0,
                // therefore we go to the 'else' branch and start a recursion.
                const sal_uInt8 nExtra = pPor->IsMultiPortion() &&
                                    ! ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsBidi() &&
                                    ! bWidth ? 0 : 1;
                if ( aInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen() < nOfst + nExtra )
                    if ( pPor->InSpaceGrp() && nSpaceAdd )
                        nX += pPor->PrtWidth() +
                              pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );
                        if( pPor->InFixMargGrp() && ! pPor->IsMarginPortion() )
                            // update to current SpaceAdd, KanaComp values
                            if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() )
                                if ( ++nSpaceIdx < pCurr->GetLLSpaceAddCount() )
                                    nSpaceAdd = pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( nSpaceIdx );
                                    nSpaceAdd = 0;

                            if ( pKanaComp &&
                                ( nKanaIdx + 1 ) < pKanaComp->Count()
						if ( !pPor->IsFlyPortion() || ( pPor->GetPortion() &&
								!pPor->GetPortion()->IsMarginPortion() ) )
							nX += pPor->PrtWidth();
                    if( pPor->IsMultiPortion() )
                        if ( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasTabulator() )
                            if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() )
                                if ( ++nSpaceIdx < pCurr->GetLLSpaceAddCount() )
                                    nSpaceAdd = pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( nSpaceIdx );
                                    nSpaceAdd = 0;

                            if( pKanaComp && ( nKanaIdx + 1 ) < pKanaComp->Count() )

                        // if we are right behind a BidiPortion, we have to
                        // hold a pointer to the BidiPortion in order to
                        // find the correct cursor position, depending on the
                        // cursor level
                        if ( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsBidi() &&
                             aInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen() == nOfst )
                             pLastBidiPor = (SwBidiPortion*)pPor;
                             nLastBidiPorWidth = pLastBidiPor->Width() +
                                                 pLastBidiPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );;

					aInf.SetIdx( aInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen() );
                    pPor = pPor->GetPortion();
					if( pPor->IsMultiPortion() )
                        nTmpAscent = AdjustBaseLine( *pCurr, pPor );
                        GetInfo().SetMulti( sal_True );
                        pOrig->Pos().Y() += nTmpAscent - nPorAscent;

                        if( pCMS && pCMS->b2Lines )
                            sal_Bool bRecursion = sal_True;
                            if ( ! pCMS->p2Lines )
                                pCMS->p2Lines = new Sw2LinesPos;
                                pCMS->p2Lines->aLine = SwRect(aCharPos, aCharSize);
                                bRecursion = sal_False;

							if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasRotation() )
								if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRevers() )
                                    pCMS->p2Lines->nMultiType = MT_ROT_270;
                                    pCMS->p2Lines->nMultiType = MT_ROT_90;
							else if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsDouble() )
                                pCMS->p2Lines->nMultiType = MT_TWOLINE;
                            else if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsBidi() )
                                pCMS->p2Lines->nMultiType = MT_BIDI;
                                pCMS->p2Lines->nMultiType = MT_RUBY;

                            SwTwips nTmpWidth = pPor->Width();
							if( nSpaceAdd )
								nTmpWidth += pPor->CalcSpacing(nSpaceAdd, aInf);

                            SwRect aRect( Point(aCharPos.X() + nX, pOrig->Top() ),
                                          Size( nTmpWidth, pPor->Height() ) );

                            if ( ! bRecursion )
                                pCMS->p2Lines->aPortion = aRect;
                                pCMS->p2Lines->aPortion2 = aRect;

						// In a multi-portion we use GetCharRect()-function
                        // recursively and must add the x-position
						// of the multi-portion.
						xub_StrLen nOldStart = nStart;
                        SwTwips nOldY = nY;
						sal_uInt8 nOldProp = GetPropFont();
						nStart = aInf.GetIdx();
						SwLineLayout* pOldCurr = pCurr;
						pCurr = &((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->GetRoot();
						if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsDouble() )
							SetPropFont( 50 );

                        GETGRID( GetTxtFrm()->FindPageFrm() )
                        const sal_Bool bHasGrid = pGrid && GetInfo().SnapToGrid();
                        const sal_uInt16 nRubyHeight = bHasGrid ?
                                                   pGrid->GetRubyHeight() : 0;

                        if( nStart + pCurr->GetLen() <= nOfst && GetNext() &&
                            ( ! ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRuby() ||
                                ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->OnTop() ) )
                            sal_uInt16 nOffset;
                            // in grid mode we may only add the height of the
                            // ruby line if ruby line is on top
                            if ( bHasGrid &&
                                ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRuby() &&
                                ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->OnTop() )
                                nOffset = nRubyHeight;
                                nOffset = GetLineHeight();

                            pOrig->Pos().Y() += nOffset;

						sal_Bool bSpaceChg = ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->
												ChgSpaceAdd( pCurr, nSpaceAdd );
						Point aOldPos = pOrig->Pos();

                        // Ok, for ruby portions in grid mode we have to
                        // temporarily set the inner line height to the
                        // outer line height because that value is needed
                        // for the adjustment inside the recursion
                        const sal_uInt16 nOldRubyHeight = pCurr->Height();
                        const sal_uInt16 nOldRubyRealHeight = pCurr->GetRealHeight();
                        const sal_Bool bChgHeight =
                                ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRuby() && bHasGrid;

                        if ( bChgHeight )
                            pCurr->Height( pOldCurr->Height() - nRubyHeight );
                            pCurr->SetRealHeight( pOldCurr->GetRealHeight() -
                                                  nRubyHeight );

                        SwLayoutModeModifier aLayoutModeModifier( *GetInfo().GetOut() );
                        if ( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsBidi() )
                                ((SwBidiPortion*)pPor)->GetLevel() % 2 );

                        _GetCharRect( pOrig, nOfst, pCMS );

                        if ( bChgHeight )
                            pCurr->Height( nOldRubyHeight );
                            pCurr->SetRealHeight( nOldRubyRealHeight );

                        // if we are still in the first row of
                        // our 2 line multiportion, we use the FirstMulti flag
                        // to indicate this
                        if ( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsDouble() )
                            // the recursion may have damaged our font size
                            SetPropFont( nOldProp );
                            if ( !nOldProp )
                                nOldProp = 100;
                            GetInfo().GetFont()->SetProportion( 100 );

                            if ( pCurr == &((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->GetRoot() )
                                GetInfo().SetFirstMulti( sal_True );

                                // we want to treat a double line portion like a
                                // single line portion, if there is no text in
                                // the second line
                                if ( !pCurr->GetNext() ||
                                     !pCurr->GetNext()->GetLen() )
                                    GetInfo().SetMulti( sal_False );
                        // ruby portions are treated like single line portions
                        else if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRuby() ||
                                 ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsBidi() )
                            GetInfo().SetMulti( sal_False );

                        // calculate cursor values
                        if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasRotation() )
                            GetInfo().SetMulti( sal_False );
                            long nTmp = pOrig->Width();
							pOrig->Width( pOrig->Height() );
							pOrig->Height( nTmp );
							nTmp = pOrig->Left() - aOldPos.X();

                            // if we travel into our rotated portion from
                            // a line below, we have to take care, that the
                            // y coord in pOrig is less than line height:
                            if ( nTmp )

                            pOrig->Pos().X() = nX + aOldPos.X();
							if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRevers() )
								pOrig->Pos().Y() = aOldPos.Y() + nTmp;
								pOrig->Pos().Y() = aOldPos.Y()
									+ pPor->Height() - nTmp - pOrig->Height();
							if ( pCMS && pCMS->bRealHeight )
								pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() = -pCMS->aRealHeight.Y();
                                // result for rotated multi portion is not
                                // correct for reverse (270 degree) portions
                                if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRevers() )
                                    if ( SvxParaVertAlignItem::AUTOMATIC ==
                                         GetLineInfo().GetVertAlign() )
                                        // if vertical alignment is set to auto,
                                        // we switch from base line alignment
                                        // to centered alignment
                                        pCMS->aRealHeight.X() =
                                            ( pOrig->Width() +
                                              pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() ) / 2;
                                        pCMS->aRealHeight.X() =
                                            ( pOrig->Width() -
                                              pCMS->aRealHeight.X() +
                                              pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() );
							pOrig->Pos().Y() += aOldPos.Y();
                            if ( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsBidi() )
                                const SwTwips nPorWidth = pPor->Width() +
                                                         pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );
                                const SwTwips nInsideOfst = pOrig->Pos().X();
                                pOrig->Pos().X() = nX + nPorWidth -
                                                   nInsideOfst - pOrig->Width();
                                pOrig->Pos().X() += nX;

                            if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasBrackets() )
								pOrig->Pos().X() +=

                        if( bSpaceChg )
							SwDoubleLinePortion::ResetSpaceAdd( pCurr );

                        pCurr = pOldCurr;
						nStart = nOldStart;
                        nY = nOldY;
                        bPrev = sal_False;

					if ( pPor->PrtWidth() )
						xub_StrLen nOldLen = pPor->GetLen();
						pPor->SetLen( nOfst - aInf.GetIdx() );
						aInf.SetLen( pPor->GetLen() );
						if( nX || !pPor->InNumberGrp() )
							SeekAndChg( aInf );
							const sal_Bool bOldOnWin = aInf.OnWin();
							aInf.SetOnWin( sal_False ); // keine BULLETs!
							SwTwips nTmp = nX;
                            aInf.SetKanaComp( pKanaComp );
                            aInf.SetKanaIdx( nKanaIdx );
                            nX += pPor->GetTxtSize( aInf ).Width();
							aInf.SetOnWin( bOldOnWin );
							if ( pPor->InSpaceGrp() && nSpaceAdd )
								nX += pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );
							if( bWidth )
								pPor->SetLen( pPor->GetLen() + 1 );
								aInf.SetLen( pPor->GetLen() );
								aInf.SetOnWin( sal_False ); // keine BULLETs!
								nTmp += pPor->GetTxtSize( aInf ).Width();
								aInf.SetOnWin( bOldOnWin );
								if ( pPor->InSpaceGrp() && nSpaceAdd )
									nTmp += pPor->CalcSpacing(nSpaceAdd, aInf);
								pOrig->Width( nTmp - nX );
						pPor->SetLen( nOldLen );
					bWidth = sal_False;

		if( pPor )
            ASSERT( !pPor->InNumberGrp() || bInsideFirstField, "Number surprise" );
			sal_Bool bEmptyFld = sal_False;
			if( pPor->InFldGrp() && pPor->GetLen() )
				SwFldPortion *pTmp = (SwFldPortion*)pPor;
				while( pTmp->HasFollow() && !pTmp->GetExp().Len() )
					KSHORT nAddX = pTmp->Width();
					SwLinePortion *pNext = pTmp->GetPortion();
					while( pNext && !pNext->InFldGrp() )
						ASSERT( !pNext->GetLen(), "Where's my field follow?" );
						nAddX = nAddX + pNext->Width();
						pNext = pNext->GetPortion();
					if( !pNext )
					pTmp = (SwFldPortion*)pNext;
					nPorHeight = pTmp->Height();
					nPorAscent = pTmp->GetAscent();
					nX += nAddX;
					bEmptyFld = sal_True;
			// 8513: Felder im Blocksatz, ueberspringen
            while( pPor && !pPor->GetLen() && ! bInsideFirstField &&
                   ( pPor->IsFlyPortion() || pPor->IsKernPortion() ||
                     pPor->IsBlankPortion() || pPor->InTabGrp() ||
                     ( !bEmptyFld && pPor->InFldGrp() ) ) )
				if ( pPor->InSpaceGrp() && nSpaceAdd )
					nX += pPor->PrtWidth() +
						  pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );
                    if( pPor->InFixMargGrp() && ! pPor->IsMarginPortion() )
                        if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() )
                            if ( ++nSpaceIdx < pCurr->GetLLSpaceAddCount() )
                                nSpaceAdd = pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( nSpaceIdx );
                                nSpaceAdd = 0;

                        if( pKanaComp && ( nKanaIdx + 1 ) < pKanaComp->Count() )
					if ( !pPor->IsFlyPortion() || ( pPor->GetPortion() &&
							!pPor->GetPortion()->IsMarginPortion() ) )
						nX += pPor->PrtWidth();
                if( pPor->IsMultiPortion() &&
                    ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasTabulator() )
                    if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() )
                        if ( ++nSpaceIdx < pCurr->GetLLSpaceAddCount() )
                            nSpaceAdd = pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( nSpaceIdx );
                            nSpaceAdd = 0;

                    if( pKanaComp && ( nKanaIdx + 1 ) < pKanaComp->Count() )
				if( !pPor->IsFlyPortion() )
					nPorHeight = pPor->Height();
					nPorAscent = pPor->GetAscent();
				pPor = pPor->GetPortion();

			if( aInf.GetIdx() == nOfst && pPor && pPor->InHyphGrp() &&
				pPor->GetPortion() && pPor->GetPortion()->InFixGrp() )
				// Alle Sonderportions muessen uebersprungen werden
				// Beispiel: zu-[FLY]sammen, 'u' == 19, 's' == 20; Right()
				// Ohne den Ausgleich landen wir vor '-' mit dem
				// Ausgleich vor 's'.
				while( pPor && !pPor->GetLen() )
					nX += pPor->Width();
					if( !pPor->IsMarginPortion() )
						nPorHeight = pPor->Height();
						nPorAscent = pPor->GetAscent();
					pPor = pPor->GetPortion();
			if( pPor && pCMS )
				if( pCMS->bFieldInfo &&	pPor->InFldGrp() && pPor->Width() )
					pOrig->Width( pPor->Width() );
				if( pPor->IsDropPortion() )
					nPorAscent = ((SwDropPortion*)pPor)->GetDropHeight();
                    // The drop height is only calculated, if we have more than
                    // one line. Otherwise it is 0.
                    if ( ! nPorAscent)
                        nPorAscent = pPor->Height();
					nPorHeight = nPorAscent;
					pOrig->Height( nPorHeight +
						((SwDropPortion*)pPor)->GetDropDescent() );
					if( nTmpHeight < pOrig->Height() )
						nTmpAscent = nPorAscent;
						nTmpHeight = sal_uInt16( pOrig->Height() );
				if( bWidth && pPor->PrtWidth() && pPor->GetLen() &&
					aInf.GetIdx() == nOfst )
					if( !pPor->IsFlyPortion() && pPor->Height() &&
						pPor->GetAscent() )
						nPorHeight = pPor->Height();
						nPorAscent = pPor->GetAscent();
					SwTwips nTmp;
					if( 2 > pPor->GetLen() )
						nTmp = pPor->Width();
						if ( pPor->InSpaceGrp() && nSpaceAdd )
							nTmp += pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );
						const sal_Bool bOldOnWin = aInf.OnWin();
						xub_StrLen nOldLen = pPor->GetLen();
						pPor->SetLen( 1 );
						aInf.SetLen( pPor->GetLen() );
						SeekAndChg( aInf );
						aInf.SetOnWin( sal_False ); // keine BULLETs!
                        aInf.SetKanaComp( pKanaComp );
                        aInf.SetKanaIdx( nKanaIdx );
						nTmp = pPor->GetTxtSize( aInf ).Width();
						aInf.SetOnWin( bOldOnWin );
						if ( pPor->InSpaceGrp() && nSpaceAdd )
							nTmp += pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );
						pPor->SetLen( nOldLen );
					pOrig->Width( nTmp );

                // travel inside field portion?
                if ( pCMS->pSpecialPos )
                    // apply attributes to font
                    Seek( nOfst );
                    lcl_GetCharRectInsideField( aInf, *pOrig, *pCMS, *pPor );

        // special case: We are at the beginning of a BidiPortion or
        // directly behind a BidiPortion
        if ( pCMS &&
                ( pLastBidiPor ||
                ( pPor &&
                  pPor->IsMultiPortion() &&
                  ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsBidi() ) ) )
            // we determine if the cursor has to blink before or behind
            // the bidi portion
            if ( pLastBidiPor )
                const sal_uInt8 nPortionLevel = pLastBidiPor->GetLevel();

                if ( pCMS->nCursorBidiLevel >= nPortionLevel )
                    // we came from inside the bidi portion, we want to blink
                    // behind the portion
                    pOrig->Pos().X() -= nLastBidiPorWidth;

                    // Again, there is a special case: logically behind
                    // the portion can actually mean that the cursor is inside
                    // the portion. This can happen is the last portion
                    // inside the bidi portion is a nested bidi portion
                    SwLineLayout& rLineLayout =

                    const SwLinePortion *pLast = rLineLayout.FindLastPortion();
                    if ( pLast->IsMultiPortion() )
                        ASSERT( ((SwMultiPortion*)pLast)->IsBidi(),
                                 "Non-BidiPortion inside BidiPortion" )
                        pOrig->Pos().X() += pLast->Width() +
                                            pLast->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );
                const sal_uInt8 nPortionLevel = ((SwBidiPortion*)pPor)->GetLevel();

                if ( pCMS->nCursorBidiLevel >= nPortionLevel )
                    // we came from inside the bidi portion, we want to blink
                    // behind the portion
                    pOrig->Pos().X() += pPor->Width() +
                                        pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, aInf );

		pOrig->Pos().X() += nX;

		if ( pCMS && pCMS->bRealHeight )
            nTmpAscent = AdjustBaseLine( *pCurr, 0, nPorHeight, nPorAscent );
            if ( nTmpAscent > nPorAscent )
				pCMS->aRealHeight.X() = nTmpAscent - nPorAscent;
				pCMS->aRealHeight.X() = 0;
			ASSERT( nPorHeight, "GetCharRect: Missing Portion-Height" );
			if ( nTmpHeight > nPorHeight )
				pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() = nPorHeight;
				pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() = nTmpHeight;

 *						SwTxtCursor::GetCharRect()

sal_Bool SwTxtCursor::GetCharRect( SwRect* pOrig, const xub_StrLen nOfst,
							   SwCrsrMoveState* pCMS, const long nMax )

    // Indicates that a position inside a special portion (field, number portion)
    // is requested.
    const sal_Bool bSpecialPos = pCMS && pCMS->pSpecialPos;
    xub_StrLen nFindOfst = nOfst;

    if ( bSpecialPos )
        const sal_uInt8 nExtendRange = pCMS->pSpecialPos->nExtendRange;

        ASSERT( ! pCMS->pSpecialPos->nLineOfst || SP_EXTEND_RANGE_BEFORE != nExtendRange,
                "LineOffset AND Number Portion?" )

        // portions which are behind the string
        if ( SP_EXTEND_RANGE_BEHIND == nExtendRange )

        // skip lines for fields which cover more than one line
        for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pCMS->pSpecialPos->nLineOfst; i++ )

	// Adjustierung ggf. nachholen

	const Point aCharPos( GetTopLeft() );
	sal_Bool bRet = sal_True;

    _GetCharRect( pOrig, nFindOfst, pCMS );

    const SwTwips nTmpRight = Right() - 12;

    pOrig->Pos().X() += aCharPos.X();
	pOrig->Pos().Y() += aCharPos.Y();

	if( pCMS && pCMS->b2Lines && pCMS->p2Lines )
		pCMS->p2Lines->aLine.Pos().X() += aCharPos.X();
		pCMS->p2Lines->aLine.Pos().Y() += aCharPos.Y();
		pCMS->p2Lines->aPortion.Pos().X() += aCharPos.X();
		pCMS->p2Lines->aPortion.Pos().Y() += aCharPos.Y();

    if( pOrig->Left() > nTmpRight )
        pOrig->Pos().X() = nTmpRight;

	if( nMax )
        if( pOrig->Top() + pOrig->Height() > nMax )
			if( pOrig->Top() > nMax )
				pOrig->Top( nMax );
            pOrig->Height( nMax - pOrig->Top() );
		if ( pCMS && pCMS->bRealHeight && pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() >= 0 )
			long nTmp = pCMS->aRealHeight.X() + pOrig->Top();
			if(	nTmp >= nMax )
				pCMS->aRealHeight.X() = nMax - pOrig->Top();
				pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() = 0;
			else if( nTmp + pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() > nMax )
				pCMS->aRealHeight.Y() = nMax - nTmp;
	long nOut = pOrig->Right() - GetTxtFrm()->Frm().Right();
	if( nOut > 0 )
		if( GetTxtFrm()->Frm().Width() < GetTxtFrm()->Prt().Left()
								   + GetTxtFrm()->Prt().Width() )
			nOut += GetTxtFrm()->Frm().Width() - GetTxtFrm()->Prt().Left()
					- GetTxtFrm()->Prt().Width();
		if( nOut > 0 )
			pOrig->Pos().X() -= nOut + 10;
	return bRet;

 *						SwTxtCursor::GetCrsrOfst()
 * Return: Offset im String
xub_StrLen SwTxtCursor::GetCrsrOfst( SwPosition *pPos, const Point &rPoint,
					 const MSHORT nChgNode, SwCrsrMoveState* pCMS ) const
	// Adjustierung ggf. nachholen

	const XubString &rText = GetInfo().GetTxt();
	xub_StrLen nOffset = 0;

	// x ist der horizontale Offset innerhalb der Zeile.
	SwTwips x = rPoint.X();
	CONST SwTwips nLeftMargin  = GetLineStart();
	SwTwips nRightMargin = GetLineEnd();
	if( nRightMargin == nLeftMargin )
		nRightMargin += 30;

	const sal_Bool bLeftOver = x < nLeftMargin;
	if( bLeftOver )
		x = nLeftMargin;
	const sal_Bool bRightOver = x > nRightMargin;
	if( bRightOver )
		x = nRightMargin;

	sal_Bool bRightAllowed = pCMS && ( pCMS->eState == MV_NONE );

	// Bis hierher in Dokumentkoordinaten.
	x -= nLeftMargin;


	// Wenn es in der Zeile Attributwechsel gibt, den Abschnitt
	// suchen, in dem nX liegt.
	SwLinePortion *pPor = pCurr->GetFirstPortion();
	xub_StrLen nCurrStart  = nStart;
	sal_Bool bHolePortion = sal_False;
	sal_Bool bLastHyph = sal_False;

    SvUShorts *pKanaComp = pCurr->GetpKanaComp();
	xub_StrLen nOldIdx = GetInfo().GetIdx();
	MSHORT nSpaceIdx = 0;
    MSHORT nKanaIdx = 0;
    long nSpaceAdd = pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() ? pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( 0 ) : 0;
    short nKanaComp = pKanaComp ? (*pKanaComp)[0] : 0;

	// nWidth ist die Breite der Zeile, oder die Breite des
	// Abschnitts mit dem Fontwechsel, in dem nX liegt.

	KSHORT nWidth = pPor->Width();
    if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() || pKanaComp )
		if ( pPor->InSpaceGrp() && nSpaceAdd )
			((SwTxtSizeInfo&)GetInfo()).SetIdx( nCurrStart );
			nWidth = nWidth + sal_uInt16( pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, GetInfo() ) );
        if( ( pPor->InFixMargGrp() && ! pPor->IsMarginPortion() ) ||
            ( pPor->IsMultiPortion() && ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasTabulator() )
            if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() )
                if ( ++nSpaceIdx < pCurr->GetLLSpaceAddCount() )
                    nSpaceAdd = pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( nSpaceIdx );
                    nSpaceAdd = 0;

            if( pKanaComp )
                if ( nKanaIdx + 1 < pKanaComp->Count() )
                    nKanaComp = (*pKanaComp)[++nKanaIdx];
                    nKanaComp = 0;

    KSHORT nWidth30;
    if ( pPor->IsPostItsPortion() )
        nWidth30 = 30 + pPor->GetViewWidth( GetInfo() ) / 2;
        nWidth30 = ! nWidth && pPor->GetLen() && pPor->InToxRefOrFldGrp() ?
                     30 :

	while( pPor->GetPortion() && nWidth30 < nX && !pPor->IsBreakPortion() )
		nX = nX - nWidth;
		nCurrStart = nCurrStart + pPor->GetLen();
		bHolePortion = pPor->IsHolePortion();
		pPor = pPor->GetPortion();
		nWidth = pPor->Width();
        if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() || pKanaComp )
			if ( pPor->InSpaceGrp() && nSpaceAdd )
				((SwTxtSizeInfo&)GetInfo()).SetIdx( nCurrStart );
				nWidth = nWidth + sal_uInt16( pPor->CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, GetInfo() ) );

            if( ( pPor->InFixMargGrp() && ! pPor->IsMarginPortion() ) ||
                ( pPor->IsMultiPortion() && ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasTabulator() )
                if ( pCurr->IsSpaceAdd() )
                    if ( ++nSpaceIdx < pCurr->GetLLSpaceAddCount() )
                        nSpaceAdd = pCurr->GetLLSpaceAdd( nSpaceIdx );
                        nSpaceAdd = 0;

                if ( pKanaComp )
                    if( nKanaIdx + 1 < pKanaComp->Count() )
                        nKanaComp = (*pKanaComp)[++nKanaIdx];
                        nKanaComp = 0;

        if ( pPor->IsPostItsPortion() )
            nWidth30 = 30 +  pPor->GetViewWidth( GetInfo() ) / 2;
            nWidth30 = ! nWidth && pPor->GetLen() && pPor->InToxRefOrFldGrp() ?
                         30 :
		if( !pPor->IsFlyPortion() && !pPor->IsMarginPortion() )
			bLastHyph = pPor->InHyphGrp();

    const sal_Bool bLastPortion = (0 == pPor->GetPortion());

	if( nX==nWidth )
		SwLinePortion *pNextPor = pPor->GetPortion();
		while( pNextPor && pNextPor->InFldGrp() && !pNextPor->Width() )
			nCurrStart = nCurrStart + pPor->GetLen();
			pPor = pNextPor;
			if( !pPor->IsFlyPortion() && !pPor->IsMarginPortion() )
				bLastHyph = pPor->InHyphGrp();
			pNextPor = pPor->GetPortion();

	((SwTxtSizeInfo&)GetInfo()).SetIdx( nOldIdx );

	xub_StrLen nLength = pPor->GetLen();

	sal_Bool bFieldInfo = pCMS && pCMS->bFieldInfo;

	if( bFieldInfo && ( nWidth30 < nX || bRightOver || bLeftOver ||
		( pPor->InNumberGrp() && !pPor->IsFtnNumPortion() ) ||
		( pPor->IsMarginPortion() && nWidth > nX + 30 ) ) )
		((SwCrsrMoveState*)pCMS)->bPosCorr = sal_True;

    // #i27615#
    if (pCMS)
        if( pCMS->bInFrontOfLabel)
            if (! (2 * nX < nWidth && pPor->InNumberGrp() &&
                pCMS->bInFrontOfLabel = sal_False;

	// 7684: Wir sind genau auf der HyphPortion angelangt und muessen dafuer
	// sorgen, dass wir in dem String landen.
	// 7993: Wenn die Laenge 0 ist muessen wir raus...
	if( !nLength )
		if( pCMS )
			if( pPor->IsFlyPortion() && bFieldInfo )
				((SwCrsrMoveState*)pCMS)->bPosCorr = sal_True;

            if (!bRightOver && nX)
                if( pPor->IsFtnNumPortion())
                    ((SwCrsrMoveState*)pCMS)->bFtnNoInfo = sal_True;
                else if (pPor->InNumberGrp() ) // #i23726#
                    ((SwCrsrMoveState*)pCMS)->nInNumPostionOffset = nX;
                    ((SwCrsrMoveState*)pCMS)->bInNumPortion = sal_True;
		if( !nCurrStart )
			return 0;

		 // 7849, 7816: auf pPor->GetHyphPortion kann nicht verzichtet werden!
		if( bHolePortion || ( !bRightAllowed && bLastHyph ) ||
			( pPor->IsMarginPortion() && !pPor->GetPortion() &&
			// 46598: In der letzten Zeile eines zentrierten Absatzes wollen
			// wir auch mal hinter dem letzten Zeichen landen.
              nCurrStart < rText.Len() ) )
		else if( pPor->InFldGrp() && ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->IsFollow()
				 && nWidth > nX )
			if( bFieldInfo )
				KSHORT nHeight = pPor->Height();
				if ( !nHeight || nHeight > nWidth )
					nHeight = nWidth;
				if( nChgNode && nWidth - nHeight/2 > nX )
		return nCurrStart;
	if ( 1 == nLength )
		if ( nWidth )
			// Sonst kommen wir nicht mehr in zeichengeb. Rahmen hinein...
			if( !( nChgNode && pPos && pPor->IsFlyCntPortion() ) )
				if ( pPor->InFldGrp() ||
                     ( pPor->IsMultiPortion() &&
                       ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsBidi()  ) )
					KSHORT nHeight = 0;
					if( !bFieldInfo )
						nHeight = pPor->Height();
						if ( !nHeight || nHeight > nWidth )
							nHeight = nWidth;

					if( nWidth - nHeight/2 <= nX &&
                        ( ! pPor->InFldGrp() ||
                          !((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->HasFollow() ) )
                else if ( ( !pPor->IsFlyPortion() || ( pPor->GetPortion() &&
					!pPor->GetPortion()->IsMarginPortion() &&
                    !pPor->GetPortion()->IsHolePortion() ) )
                         && ( nWidth/2 < nX ) &&
                         ( !bFieldInfo ||
                            ( pPor->GetPortion() &&
                              pPor->GetPortion()->IsPostItsPortion() ) )
						 && ( bRightAllowed || !bLastHyph ))

                // if we want to get the position inside the field, we should not return
                if ( !pCMS || !pCMS->pSpecialPos )
				    return nCurrStart;
			if ( pPor->IsPostItsPortion() || pPor->IsBreakPortion() ||
				 pPor->InToxRefGrp() )
				return nCurrStart;
			if ( pPor->InFldGrp() )
				if( bRightOver && !((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->HasFollow() )
				return nCurrStart;

	if( bLastPortion && (pCurr->GetNext() || pFrm->GetFollow() ) )

    if( nWidth > nX ||
      ( nWidth == nX && pPor->IsMultiPortion() && ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsDouble() ) )
		if( pPor->IsMultiPortion() )
            // In a multi-portion we use GetCrsrOfst()-function recursively
			SwTwips nTmpY = rPoint.Y() - pCurr->GetAscent() + pPor->GetAscent();
            // if we are in the first line of a double line portion, we have
            // to add a value to nTmpY for not staying in this line
            // we also want to skip the first line, if we are inside ruby
            if ( ( ((SwTxtSizeInfo*)pInf)->IsMulti() &&
                   ((SwTxtSizeInfo*)pInf)->IsFirstMulti() ) ||
                 ( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRuby() &&
                   ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->OnTop() ) )
                nTmpY += ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->Height();

            // Important for cursor traveling in ruby portions:
            // We have to set nTmpY to 0 in order to stay in the first row
            // if the phonetic line is the second row
            if (   ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRuby() &&
                 ! ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->OnTop() )
                nTmpY = 0;

            SwTxtCursorSave aSave( (SwTxtCursor*)this, (SwMultiPortion*)pPor,
                 nTmpY, nX, nCurrStart, nSpaceAdd );

            SwLayoutModeModifier aLayoutModeModifier( *GetInfo().GetOut() );
            if ( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsBidi() )
                const sal_uInt8 nBidiLevel = ((SwBidiPortion*)pPor)->GetLevel();
                aLayoutModeModifier.Modify( nBidiLevel % 2 );

			if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasRotation() )
				nTmpY -= nY;
				if( !((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsRevers() )
					nTmpY = pPor->Height() - nTmpY;
				if( nTmpY < 0 )
					nTmpY = 0;
                nX = (KSHORT)nTmpY;

			if( ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasBrackets() )
                sal_uInt16 nPreWidth = ((SwDoubleLinePortion*)pPor)->PreWidth();
                if ( nX > nPreWidth )
                    nX = nX - nPreWidth;
                    nX = 0;

            return GetCrsrOfst( pPos, Point( GetLineStart() + nX, rPoint.Y() ),
								nChgNode, pCMS );
		if( pPor->InTxtGrp() )
			sal_uInt8 nOldProp;
			if( GetPropFont() )
				((SwFont*)GetFnt())->SetProportion( GetPropFont() );
				nOldProp = GetFnt()->GetPropr();
				nOldProp = 0;
				SwTxtSizeInfo aSizeInf( GetInfo(), rText, nCurrStart );
				((SwTxtCursor*)this)->SeekAndChg( aSizeInf );
                SwTxtSlot aDiffTxt( &aSizeInf, ((SwTxtPortion*)pPor), false, false );
				SwFontSave aSave( aSizeInf, pPor->IsDropPortion() ?
						((SwDropPortion*)pPor)->GetFnt() : NULL );

                SwParaPortion* pPara = (SwParaPortion*)GetInfo().GetParaPortion();
                ASSERT( pPara, "No paragraph!" );

                SwDrawTextInfo aDrawInf( aSizeInf.GetVsh(),
                                         pPor->GetLen() );
                aDrawInf.SetOfst( nX );

                if ( nSpaceAdd )
                    xub_StrLen nCharCnt;
                    // --> FME 2005-04-04 #i41860# Thai justified alignemt needs some
                    // additional information:
                    aDrawInf.SetNumberOfBlanks( pPor->InTxtGrp() ?
                                                static_cast<const SwTxtPortion*>(pPor)->GetSpaceCnt( aSizeInf, nCharCnt ) :
                                                0 );
                    // <--

                if ( pPor->InFldGrp() && pCMS && pCMS->pSpecialPos )
                    aDrawInf.SetLen( STRING_LEN ); // SMARTTAGS

                aDrawInf.SetSpace( nSpaceAdd );
                aDrawInf.SetFont( aSizeInf.GetFont() );
                aDrawInf.SetFrm( pFrm );
                aDrawInf.SetSnapToGrid( aSizeInf.SnapToGrid() );
                aDrawInf.SetPosMatchesBounds( pCMS && pCMS->bPosMatchesBounds );

                if ( SW_CJK == aSizeInf.GetFont()->GetActual() &&
                     pPara->GetScriptInfo().CountCompChg() &&
                    ! pPor->InFldGrp() )
                    aDrawInf.SetKanaComp( nKanaComp );

                nLength = aSizeInf.GetFont()->_GetCrsrOfst( aDrawInf );

                // get position inside field portion?
                if ( pPor->InFldGrp() && pCMS && pCMS->pSpecialPos )
                    pCMS->pSpecialPos->nCharOfst = nLength;
                    nLength = 0; // SMARTTAGS

                // set cursor bidi level
                if ( pCMS )
                    ((SwCrsrMoveState*)pCMS)->nCursorBidiLevel =

                if( bFieldInfo && nLength == pPor->GetLen() &&
                    ( ! pPor->GetPortion() ||
                      ! pPor->GetPortion()->IsPostItsPortion() ) )
			if( nOldProp )
				((SwFont*)GetFnt())->SetProportion( nOldProp );
			if( nChgNode && pPos && pPor->IsFlyCntPortion()
				&& !( (SwFlyCntPortion*)pPor )->IsDraw() )
				// JP 24.11.94: liegt die Pos nicht im Fly, dann
				// 				darf nicht mit STRING_LEN returnt werden!
				//				(BugId: 9692 + Aenderung in feshview)
				SwFlyInCntFrm *pTmp = ( (SwFlyCntPortion*)pPor )->GetFlyFrm();
				sal_Bool bChgNode = 1 < nChgNode;
				if( !bChgNode )
					SwFrm* pLower = pTmp->GetLower();
					if( pLower && (pLower->IsTxtFrm() || pLower->IsLayoutFrm()) )
						bChgNode = sal_True;
                Point aTmpPoint( rPoint );

                if ( pFrm->IsRightToLeft() )
                    pFrm->SwitchLTRtoRTL( aTmpPoint );

                if ( pFrm->IsVertical() )
                    pFrm->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( aTmpPoint );

                if( bChgNode && pTmp->Frm().IsInside( aTmpPoint ) &&
					!( pTmp->IsProtected() ) )
					nLength = ((SwFlyCntPortion*)pPor)->
                              GetFlyCrsrOfst( nX, aTmpPoint, pPos, pCMS );
					// Sobald der Frame gewechselt wird, muessen wir aufpassen, dass
					// unser Font wieder im OutputDevice steht.
					// vgl. Paint und new SwFlyCntPortion !

					// 6776: Das pIter->GetCrsrOfst returnt
					// aus einer Verschachtelung mit STRING_LEN.
					return STRING_LEN;
				nLength = pPor->GetCrsrOfst( nX );
	nOffset = nCurrStart + nLength;

	// 7684: Wir sind vor der HyphPortion angelangt und muessen dafuer
	// sorgen, dass wir in dem String landen.
	// Bei Zeilenenden vor FlyFrms muessen ebenso behandelt werden.

	if( nOffset && pPor->GetLen() == nLength && pPor->GetPortion() &&
		!pPor->GetPortion()->GetLen() && pPor->GetPortion()->InHyphGrp() )

	return nOffset;

/** Looks for text portions which are inside the given rectangle

    For a rectangular text selection every text portions which is inside the given
    rectangle has to be put into the SwSelectionList as SwPaM
    From these SwPaM the SwCursors will be created.

    @param rSelList
    The container for the overlapped text portions

    @param rRect
    A rectangle in document coordinates, text inside this rectangle has to be

    @return [ true, false ]
    true if any overlapping text portion has been found and put into list
    false if no portion overlaps, the list has been unchanged
bool SwTxtFrm::FillSelection( SwSelectionList& rSelList, const SwRect& rRect ) const
    bool bRet = false;
    // PaintArea() instead Frm() for negative indents
    SwRect aTmpFrm( PaintArea() );
    if( !rRect.IsOver( aTmpFrm ) )
        return false;
    if( rSelList.checkContext( this ) )
        SwRect aRect( aTmpFrm );
        aRect.Intersection( rRect );
        // rNode without const to create SwPaMs
        SwCntntNode &rNode = const_cast<SwCntntNode&>( *GetNode() );
        SwNodeIndex aIdx( rNode );
        SwPosition aPosL( aIdx, SwIndex( &rNode, 0 ) );
        if( IsEmpty() )
            SwPaM *pPam = new SwPaM( aPosL, aPosL );
            rSelList.insertPaM( pPam );
        else if( aRect.HasArea() )
            xub_StrLen nOld = STRING_LEN;
            SwPosition aPosR( aPosL );
            Point aPoint;
            SwTxtInfo aInf( const_cast<SwTxtFrm*>(this) );
            SwTxtIter aLine( const_cast<SwTxtFrm*>(this), &aInf );
            // We have to care for top-to-bottom layout, where right becomes top etc.
            SWRECTFN( this )
            SwTwips nTop = (aRect.*fnRect->fnGetTop)();
            SwTwips nBottom = (aRect.*fnRect->fnGetBottom)();
            SwTwips nLeft = (aRect.*fnRect->fnGetLeft)();
            SwTwips nRight = (aRect.*fnRect->fnGetRight)();
            SwTwips nY = aLine.Y(); // Top position of the first line
            SwTwips nLastY = nY;
            while( nY < nTop && aLine.Next() ) // line above rectangle
                nLastY = nY;
                nY = aLine.Y();
            bool bLastLine = false;
            if( nY < nTop && !aLine.GetNext() )
                bLastLine = true;
                nY += aLine.GetLineHeight();
            do // check the lines for overlapping
                if( nLastY < nTop ) // if the last line was above rectangle
                    nLastY = nTop;
                if( nY > nBottom ) // if the current line leaves the rectangle
                    nY = nBottom;
                if( nY >= nLastY ) // gotcha: overlapping
                    nLastY += nY;
                    nLastY /= 2;
                    if( bVert )
                        aPoint.X() = nLastY;
                        aPoint.Y() = nLeft;
                        aPoint.X() = nLeft;
                        aPoint.Y() = nLastY;
                    // Looking for the position of the left border of the rectangle
                    // in this text line
                    SwCrsrMoveState aState( MV_UPDOWN );
                    if( GetCrsrOfst( &aPosL, aPoint, &aState ) )
                        if( bVert )
                            aPoint.X() = nLastY;
                            aPoint.Y() = nRight;
                            aPoint.X() = nRight;
                            aPoint.Y() = nLastY;
                        // If we get a right position and if the left position
                        // is not the same like the left position of the line before
                        // which cound happen e.g. for field portions or fly frames
                        // a SwPaM will be inserted with these positions
                        if( GetCrsrOfst( &aPosR, aPoint, &aState ) &&
                            nOld != aPosL.nContent.GetIndex() )
                            SwPaM *pPam = new SwPaM( aPosL, aPosR );
                            rSelList.insertPaM( pPam );
                            nOld = aPosL.nContent.GetIndex();
                if( aLine.Next() )
                    nLastY = nY;
                    nY = aLine.Y();
                else if( !bLastLine )
                    bLastLine = true;
                    nLastY = nY;
                    nY += aLine.GetLineHeight();
            }while( nLastY < nBottom );
    if( GetDrawObjs() )
        const SwSortedObjs &rObjs = *GetDrawObjs();
        for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rObjs.Count(); ++i )
            const SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = rObjs[i];
            if( !pAnchoredObj->ISA(SwFlyFrm) )
            const SwFlyFrm* pFly = static_cast<const SwFlyFrm*>(pAnchoredObj);
            if( pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm() && pFly->FillSelection( rSelList, rRect ) )
                bRet = true;
    return bRet;