 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

// MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_sw.hxx"

#include <hintids.hxx>
#include <fmtanchr.hxx>
#include <frmfmt.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
#include <IShellCursorSupplier.hxx>
#include <docary.hxx>
#include <swundo.hxx>			// fuer die UndoIds
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <UndoCore.hxx>
#include <rolbck.hxx>
#include <redline.hxx>

SwUndoInserts::SwUndoInserts( SwUndoId nUndoId, const SwPaM& rPam )
	: SwUndo( nUndoId ), SwUndRng( rPam ),
    pTxtFmtColl( 0 ), pLastNdColl(0), pFrmFmts( 0 ), pRedlData( 0 ),
	bSttWasTxtNd( sal_True ), nNdDiff( 0 ), pPos( 0 ), nSetPos( 0 )
	pHistory = new SwHistory;
	SwDoc* pDoc = (SwDoc*)rPam.GetDoc();

	SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = rPam.GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
	if( pTxtNd )
		pTxtFmtColl = pTxtNd->GetTxtColl();
        pHistory->CopyAttr( pTxtNd->GetpSwpHints(), nSttNode,
                            0, pTxtNd->GetTxt().Len(), false );
        if( pTxtNd->HasSwAttrSet() )
            pHistory->CopyFmtAttr( *pTxtNd->GetpSwAttrSet(), nSttNode );

		if( !nSttCntnt )	// dann werden Flys mitgenommen !!
			sal_uInt16 nArrLen = pDoc->GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count();
			for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nArrLen; ++n )
				SwFrmFmt* pFmt = (*pDoc->GetSpzFrmFmts())[n];
                SwFmtAnchor const*const  pAnchor = &pFmt->GetAnchor();
                const SwPosition* pAPos = pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor();
                if (pAPos &&
                    (pAnchor->GetAnchorId() == FLY_AT_PARA) &&
					 nSttNode == pAPos->nNode.GetIndex() )
					if( !pFrmFmts )
						pFrmFmts = new SvPtrarr;
					pFrmFmts->Insert( pFmt, pFrmFmts->Count() );
	// Redline beachten
	if( pDoc->IsRedlineOn() )
		pRedlData = new SwRedlineData( nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT, pDoc->GetRedlineAuthor() );
		SetRedlineMode( pDoc->GetRedlineMode() );

// setze den Destination-Bereich nach dem Einlesen.

void SwUndoInserts::SetInsertRange( const SwPaM& rPam, sal_Bool bScanFlys,
									sal_Bool bSttIsTxtNd )
	const SwPosition* pTmpPos = rPam.End();
	nEndNode = pTmpPos->nNode.GetIndex();
	nEndCntnt = pTmpPos->nContent.GetIndex();
	if( rPam.HasMark() )
		if( pTmpPos == rPam.GetPoint() )
			pTmpPos = rPam.GetMark();
			pTmpPos = rPam.GetPoint();

		nSttNode = pTmpPos->nNode.GetIndex();
		nSttCntnt = pTmpPos->nContent.GetIndex();

		if( !bSttIsTxtNd )		// wird eine Tabellenselektion eingefuegt,
			++nSttNode;			// dann stimmt der CopyPam nicht ganz
			bSttWasTxtNd = sal_False;

	if( bScanFlys && !nSttCntnt )
		// dann alle neuen Flys zusammen sammeln !!
		SwDoc* pDoc = (SwDoc*)rPam.GetDoc();
		sal_uInt16 nFndPos, nArrLen = pDoc->GetSpzFrmFmts()->Count();
		for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nArrLen; ++n )
			SwFrmFmt* pFmt = (*pDoc->GetSpzFrmFmts())[n];
            SwFmtAnchor const*const pAnchor = &pFmt->GetAnchor();
            SwPosition const*const pAPos = pAnchor->GetCntntAnchor();
            if (pAPos &&
                (pAnchor->GetAnchorId() == FLY_AT_PARA) &&
				nSttNode == pAPos->nNode.GetIndex() )
				if( !pFrmFmts ||
					USHRT_MAX == ( nFndPos = pFrmFmts->GetPos( pFmt ) ) )
                    ::boost::shared_ptr<SwUndoInsLayFmt> const pFlyUndo(
                        new SwUndoInsLayFmt(pFmt, 0, 0));
					pFrmFmts->Remove( nFndPos );
		delete pFrmFmts, pFrmFmts = 0;

	if( pPos )		// loesche noch den Bereich aus dem UndoNodes Array
		// Insert speichert den Inhalt in der IconSection
		SwNodes& rUNds = pPos->nNode.GetNodes();
		if( pPos->nContent.GetIndex() )			// nicht den gesamten Node loeschen
			SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = pPos->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
			ASSERT( pTxtNd, "kein TextNode, aus dem geloescht werden soll" );
            if( pTxtNd ) // Robust
                pTxtNd->EraseText( pPos->nContent );
		pPos->nContent.Assign( 0, 0 );
		rUNds.Delete( pPos->nNode, rUNds.GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() -
									pPos->nNode.GetIndex() );
		delete pPos;
	delete pFrmFmts;
	delete pRedlData;

void SwUndoInserts::UndoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
    SwDoc *const pDoc = & rContext.GetDoc();
    SwPaM *const pPam = & AddUndoRedoPaM(rContext);

	if( IDocumentRedlineAccess::IsRedlineOn( GetRedlineMode() ))
		pDoc->DeleteRedline( *pPam, true, USHRT_MAX );

	// sind an Point/Mark 2 unterschiedliche TextNodes, dann muss ein
	// JoinNext ausgefuehrt werden.
	sal_Bool bJoinNext = nSttNode != nEndNode &&
				pPam->GetMark()->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode() &&

	// gibts ueberhaupt Inhalt ? (laden von Zeichenvorlagen hat kein Inhalt!)
	if( nSttNode != nEndNode || nSttCntnt != nEndCntnt )
		if( nSttNode != nEndNode )
			SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = pDoc->GetNodes()[ nEndNode ]->GetTxtNode();
			if( pTxtNd && pTxtNd->GetTxt().Len() == nEndCntnt )
				pLastNdColl = pTxtNd->GetTxtColl();

		RemoveIdxFromRange( *pPam, sal_False );

		// sind Fussnoten oder CntntFlyFrames im Text ??
		nSetPos = pHistory->Count();
		nNdDiff = pPam->GetMark()->nNode.GetIndex();
		DelCntntIndex( *pPam->GetMark(), *pPam->GetPoint() );
		nNdDiff -= pPam->GetMark()->nNode.GetIndex();

		if( *pPam->GetPoint() != *pPam->GetMark() )
			pPos = new SwPosition( *pPam->GetPoint() );
			MoveToUndoNds( *pPam, &pPos->nNode, &pPos->nContent );

			if( !bSttWasTxtNd )
				pPam->Move( fnMoveBackward, fnGoCntnt );

    if (m_FlyUndos.size())
		sal_uLong nTmp = pPam->GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex();
        for (size_t n = m_FlyUndos.size(); 0 < n; --n)
            m_FlyUndos[ n-1 ]->UndoImpl(rContext);
		nNdDiff += nTmp - pPam->GetPoint()->nNode.GetIndex();

	SwNodeIndex& rIdx = pPam->GetPoint()->nNode;
	SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = rIdx.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
	if( pTxtNode )
		if( !pTxtFmtColl )		// falls 0, dann war hier auch kein TextNode,
		{                       // dann muss dieser geloescht werden,
			SwNodeIndex aDelIdx( rIdx );
			SwCntntNode* pCNd = rIdx.GetNode().GetCntntNode();
			xub_StrLen nCnt = 0; if( pCNd ) nCnt = pCNd->Len();
			pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pCNd, nCnt );

			RemoveIdxRel( aDelIdx.GetIndex(), *pPam->GetPoint() );

			pDoc->GetNodes().Delete( aDelIdx, 1 );
			if( bJoinNext && pTxtNode->CanJoinNext())
					RemoveIdxRel( rIdx.GetIndex()+1, SwPosition( rIdx,
							SwIndex( pTxtNode, pTxtNode->GetTxt().Len() )));
            // reset all text attributes in the paragraph!
            pTxtNode->RstAttr( SwIndex(pTxtNode, 0), pTxtNode->Len(),
                                0, 0, true );

			// setze alle Attribute im Node zurueck

			if( USHRT_MAX != pDoc->GetTxtFmtColls()->GetPos( pTxtFmtColl ))
				pTxtFmtColl = (SwTxtFmtColl*)pTxtNode->ChgFmtColl( pTxtFmtColl );

			pHistory->SetTmpEnd( nSetPos );
            pHistory->TmpRollback( pDoc, 0, false );

void SwUndoInserts::RedoImpl(::sw::UndoRedoContext & rContext)
	// setze noch den Cursor auf den Redo-Bereich
    SwPaM *const pPam(& rContext.GetCursorSupplier().CreateNewShellCursor());
	SwDoc* pDoc = pPam->GetDoc();
	pPam->GetPoint()->nNode = nSttNode - nNdDiff;
	SwCntntNode* pCNd = pPam->GetCntntNode();
	pPam->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( pCNd, nSttCntnt );

	SwTxtFmtColl* pSavTxtFmtColl = pTxtFmtColl;
	if( pTxtFmtColl && pCNd && pCNd->IsTxtNode() )
		pSavTxtFmtColl = ((SwTxtNode*)pCNd)->GetTxtColl();

	pHistory->SetTmpEnd( nSetPos );

	// alte Anfangs-Position fuers Rollback zurueckholen
	if( ( nSttNode != nEndNode || nSttCntnt != nEndCntnt ) && pPos )
		sal_Bool bMvBkwrd = MovePtBackward( *pPam );

		// Inhalt wieder einfuegen. (erst pPos abmelden !!)
		sal_uLong nMvNd = pPos->nNode.GetIndex();
		xub_StrLen nMvCnt = pPos->nContent.GetIndex();
		DELETEZ( pPos );
		MoveFromUndoNds( *pDoc, nMvNd, nMvCnt, *pPam->GetMark() );
		if( bSttWasTxtNd )
			MovePtForward( *pPam, bMvBkwrd );

	if( USHRT_MAX != pDoc->GetTxtFmtColls()->GetPos( pTxtFmtColl ))
		SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = pPam->GetMark()->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
		if( pTxtNd )
			pTxtNd->ChgFmtColl( pTxtFmtColl );
	pTxtFmtColl = pSavTxtFmtColl;

	if( pLastNdColl && USHRT_MAX != pDoc->GetTxtFmtColls()->GetPos( pLastNdColl ) &&
		pPam->GetPoint()->nNode != pPam->GetMark()->nNode )
		SwTxtNode* pTxtNd = pPam->GetPoint()->nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
		if( pTxtNd )
			pTxtNd->ChgFmtColl( pLastNdColl );

    for (size_t n = m_FlyUndos.size(); 0 < n; --n)
        m_FlyUndos[ n-1 ]->RedoImpl(rContext);

	pHistory->Rollback( pDoc, nSetPos );

	if( pRedlData && IDocumentRedlineAccess::IsRedlineOn( GetRedlineMode() ))
		RedlineMode_t eOld = pDoc->GetRedlineMode();
		pDoc->SetRedlineMode_intern((RedlineMode_t)( eOld & ~nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_IGNORE ));
		pDoc->AppendRedline( new SwRedline( *pRedlData, *pPam ), true);
		pDoc->SetRedlineMode_intern( eOld );
	else if( !( nsRedlineMode_t::REDLINE_IGNORE & GetRedlineMode() ) &&
			pDoc->GetRedlineTbl().Count() )
		pDoc->SplitRedline( *pPam );

void SwUndoInserts::RepeatImpl(::sw::RepeatContext & rContext)
    SwPaM aPam( rContext.GetDoc().GetNodes().GetEndOfContent() );
	SetPaM( aPam );
    SwPaM & rRepeatPaM( rContext.GetRepeatPaM() );
    aPam.GetDoc()->CopyRange( aPam, *rRepeatPaM.GetPoint(), false );


SwUndoInsDoc::SwUndoInsDoc( const SwPaM& rPam )
	: SwUndoInserts( UNDO_INSDOKUMENT, rPam )

SwUndoCpyDoc::SwUndoCpyDoc( const SwPaM& rPam )
	: SwUndoInserts( UNDO_COPY, rPam )