/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "dialog.hrc" #include "helpid.h" #include "ascfldlg.hrc" ModalDialog DLG_ASCII_FILTER { HelpID = HID_ASCII_FILTER ; OutputSize = TRUE ; SVLook = TRUE ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 239, 80 ) ; Moveable = TRUE ; FixedLine FL_1 { OutputSize = TRUE ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 6, 3 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 170, 8 ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "Properties" ; }; FixedText FT_CHARSET { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12, 15 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 66, 10 ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "~Character set" ; }; ListBox LB_CHARSET { HelpID = "sw:ListBox:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:LB_CHARSET" ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 80, 14 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 90, 61 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; Sort = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_FONT { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12, 31 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 66, 10 ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "Default fonts" ; }; ListBox LB_FONT { HelpID = "sw:ListBox:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:LB_FONT" ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 80, 30 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 90, 61 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; Sort = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_LANGUAGE { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12, 47 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 66, 10 ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "Lan~guage" ; }; ListBox LB_LANGUAGE { HelpID = "sw:ListBox:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:LB_LANGUAGE" ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 80, 46 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 90, 61 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; DropDown = TRUE ; Sort = TRUE ; }; FixedText FT_CRLF { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 12, 64 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 66, 8 ) ; Text [ en-US ] = "~Paragraph break" ; }; RadioButton RB_CRLF { HelpID = "sw:RadioButton:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:RB_CRLF" ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 80, 64 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 40, 10 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; Check = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "~CR & LF" ; }; RadioButton RB_CR { HelpID = "sw:RadioButton:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:RB_CR" ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 121, 64 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 20, 10 ) ; // TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "C~R" ; }; RadioButton RB_LF { HelpID = "sw:RadioButton:DLG_ASCII_FILTER:RB_LF" ; Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 155, 64 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 20, 10 ) ; // TabStop = TRUE ; Text [ en-US ] = "~LF" ; }; OKButton PB_OK { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 183, 6 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50, 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; DefButton = TRUE ; }; CancelButton PB_CANCEL { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 183, 23 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50, 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; HelpButton PB_HELP { Pos = MAP_APPFONT ( 183, 43 ) ; Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 50, 14 ) ; TabStop = TRUE ; }; String STR_SYS_CHARSET { Text [ en-US ] = "System" ; }; Text [ en-US ] = "ASCII Filter Options" ; }; // ********************************************************************** EOF