# ************************************************************* # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # ************************************************************* eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+\"$@\"}' if 0; # This program has to start for the new convwatch, # once on Windows environment and once on Linux environment # Solaris is handled by the linux also. # # This program polls the database (documentcompare) every 60s for new jobs # it runs over the given directory from documentpoolpath and pool, and create for every file # a new database entry in documents. # BEGIN { # Adding the path of this script file to the include path in the hope # that all used modules can be found in it. $0 =~ /^(.*)[\/\\]/; push @INC, $1; } use ConvwatchHelper; use CallExternals; use stringhelper; use filehelper; use oshelper; use timehelper; use cwstestresulthelper; use strict; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use English; # $OSNAME, ... use Getopt::Long; use File::Path; use Cwd 'chdir'; my $cwd = getcwd(); our $help; # Help option flag our $version; # Version option flag our $test; our $version_info = 'convwatch.pl $Revision: 1.24 $ '; our $SOLARENV; our $COMMON_ENV_TOOLS; our $documentpoolname; our $documentpoolpath; our $dbdistinct; our $sParentDistinct; our $sCurrentDocumentPool; our $fs; our @aEntries; # Prototypes # sub getJavaFileDirSeparator(); sub readdirectory($$$); sub putDocumentInDB($$$); # flush STDOUT my $old_handle = select (STDOUT); # "select" STDOUT and save # previously selected handle $| = 1; # perform flush after each write to STDOUT select ($old_handle); # restore previously selected handle setPrefix("gfxcmp"); if (!GetOptions( "test" => \$test, "help" => \$help, "version" => \$version )) { print_usage(*STDERR); exit(1); } if ($help) { print_usage(*STDOUT); exit(0); } # Check for version option if ($version) { print STDERR "$version_info\n"; exit(0); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # within mysql it is better to use only '/' $fs = "/"; # getJavaFileDirSeparator(); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub readdirectory($$$) { my $startdir = shift; my $sValues = shift; my $hook = shift; my $myfile; local *DIR; chdir $startdir; cwd(); if (! endswith($startdir, $fs)) { $startdir .= $fs; } my $nCountFiles = 0; if (opendir (DIR, $startdir)) # Directory oeffnen { while ($myfile = readdir(DIR)) { # ein filename holen #if (! -l $myfile) # not a link #{ if (-d $myfile ) # is a directory { if ( -l $myfile) { next; } if ($myfile ne "." && $myfile ne "..") { my $sNewStartDir = $startdir . $myfile ."/"; # neuen Directorystring erstellen if ($sNewStartDir =~ "^\/proc" || $sNewStartDir =~ "^\/dev" || $sNewStartDir =~ "^\/udev" || $sNewStartDir =~ "lost+found" ) { next; } # my $sNewDestDir = $destdir . $myfile ."/"; # do a recursive call # $nCountFiles++; my $nFileCount = readdirectory($sNewStartDir, $sValues, $hook); # workOnDir($sNewDir, $nFileCount); $nCountFiles += $nFileCount; chdir ($startdir); # zurueckwechseln. cwd(); } } else { # File must exist, be a regular file and must not be the $onlyOnFile if (-f $myfile) { # print " $startdir" . "$myfile\n"; $nCountFiles++; # workOnFile($startdir, $myfile, $destdir); $hook->($startdir, $myfile, $sValues); } } #} #else #{ # print "linked file: $dir/$myfile\n"; #} } closedir(DIR); } else { print "could not open $startdir\n"; } return $nCountFiles; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub putDocumentInDB($$$) { my $currentDir = shift; my $currentFile = shift; my $sValues = shift; my $sSourceFilename = $currentDir . $currentFile; # we cut down all the previous names like documentpoolpath and the documentpoolname $sSourceFilename = substr($sSourceFilename, length($sCurrentDocumentPool . $fs)); my $sSQL = "INSERT INTO documents (dbdistinct2, name, pagecount, priority, parentdistinct) VALUES"; $sSQL .= "('" . $dbdistinct . "', '" . $sSourceFilename . "', 0, 1, '". $sParentDistinct . "')"; # print $sSQL . "\n"; push(@aEntries, $sSQL); # ExecSQL($sSQL); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub createDBEntriesForEveryDocument($) { my $sStr = shift; if ($sStr =~ /^MySQL-Error/ ) { # we don't do anything if an error occurred return; } # interpret the follows string # documentpoolpath='//so-gfxcmp-documents/doc-pool', documentpool='demo_lla', dbdistinct=62, # my $sDocumentPoolDir; if ( $sStr =~ /documentpoolpath='(.*?)',/ ) { $documentpoolpath = $1; } if (! $documentpoolpath) { print "Error: no value for documentpoolpath found.\n"; return; } # my $sDocumentPool; if ( $sStr =~ /documentpool='(.*?)',/ ) { $documentpoolname = $1; } if (! $documentpoolname) { print "Error: no value for documentpool found.\n"; return; } # my $dbdistinct; if ( $sStr =~ /dbdistinct2='(\S*?)',/ ) { $dbdistinct = $1; } if (! $dbdistinct) { print "Error: no dbdistinct given.\n"; return; } if (! -d $documentpoolpath ) { my $sEnv = getEnvironment(); if ( isUnixEnvironment() ) { $documentpoolpath = "/net/so-gfxcmp-documents" . $documentpoolpath; } if ( -d $documentpoolpath ) { print "Warning: given documentpoolpath seems to be local, fix to '$documentpoolpath'\n"; my $sSQL = "UPDATE documentcompare SET documentpoolpath='$documentpoolpath' WHERE dbdistinct2='$dbdistinct'"; print "$sSQL\n"; ExecSQL($sSQL); } else { print "Error: documentpoolpath '$documentpoolpath' not found. Don't insert anything.\n"; my $sSQL = "UPDATE documentcompare SET state='failed',info='documentpoolpath not found.' WHERE dbdistinct2='$dbdistinct'"; print "$sSQL\n"; ExecSQL($sSQL); return; } } # create the documentpool directory, to run through $sCurrentDocumentPool = $documentpoolpath; if (! endswith($sCurrentDocumentPool, $fs)) { $sCurrentDocumentPool .= $fs; } $sCurrentDocumentPool .= $documentpoolname; if ( -d $sCurrentDocumentPool ) { if ( $sStr =~ /parentdistinct='(.*?)',/ ) { $sParentDistinct = $1; } else { $sParentDistinct = ""; } # remove any doubles, if any my $sSQL = "DELETE FROM documents WHERE dbdistinct2='$dbdistinct'"; print "$sSQL\n"; ExecSQL($sSQL); # run over the whole given document pool and store every found document name in the database readdirectory($sCurrentDocumentPool, "", \&putDocumentInDB); chdir $cwd; cwd(); foreach $sSQL (@aEntries) { # print "# $sSQL\n"; print "$sSQL\n"; ExecSQL($sSQL); } my $sSQL = "UPDATE documentcompare SET state='inprogress' WHERE dbdistinct2='$dbdistinct'"; print "$sSQL\n"; ExecSQL($sSQL); print "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; $sParentDistinct = ""; @aEntries = (); } else { print "Error: Given document pool '$sCurrentDocumentPool' doesn't exists.\n"; my $sSQL = "UPDATE documentcompare SET state='cancelled' WHERE dbdistinct2='$dbdistinct'"; ExecSQL($sSQL); return; } # Send Mail, due to startconvwatch now sendMail($sStr, $documentpoolname, $dbdistinct); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub sendMail($$$) { my $sStr = shift; my $documentpool = shift; my $dbdistinct = shift; my $sourceversion; if ( $sStr =~ /sourceversion='(.*?)',/ ) { $sourceversion = $1; } if (! $sourceversion) { print "Warning: no value for sourceversion found.\n"; return; } my $destinationversion; if ( $sStr =~ /destinationversion='(.*?)',/ ) { $destinationversion = $1; } if (! $destinationversion) { print "Warning: no value for destinationversion found.\n"; return; } my $mailaddress; if ( $sStr =~ /mailfeedback='(.*?)',/ ) { $mailaddress = $1; } if (! $mailaddress) { print "Warning: no value for mailfeedback found.\n"; return; } # state is 'inprogress', so send a mail # my $sMailAddress = getMailAddress($sDoneStr); my $sParams = "$sourceversion"; $sParams .= " $destinationversion"; $sParams .= " $documentpool"; $sParams .= " $dbdistinct"; $sParams .= " $mailaddress"; $sParams .= " starts"; # run through state of convwatch my $sMailProgram = appendPath(getQADEVToolsPath(), "mailsend.php"); my $err; my @lines; my $sLine; ($err, @lines) = callphp(getPHPExecutable(), $sMailProgram, $sParams); foreach $sLine (@lines) { log_print( "Mail: $sLine\n"); } if ($documentpool eq "EIS-tests") { cwstestresult("running", $dbdistinct, $sourceversion, $destinationversion, $SOLARENV, $COMMON_ENV_TOOLS); } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my $sEnvironmentCondition; if (isWindowsEnvironment()) { $sEnvironmentCondition = "environment='" . getEnvironment() . "'"; } elsif (isUnixEnvironment()) { # $sEnvironmentCondition = " ( environment='unxlngi' OR environment='unxsoli' ) "; $sEnvironmentCondition = " environment='" . getEnvironment() . "'"; } else { print "Error: wrong environment.\n"; exit(1); } my $sWhereClause = "WHERE "; if ($sEnvironmentCondition) { $sWhereClause .= $sEnvironmentCondition . " AND "; } $sWhereClause .= " state='new'"; setToolsPath(getQADEVToolsPath()); # ---------------------------------- main loop ---------------------------------- while (1) { my @aResult; my $sSQL = "SELECT documentpoolpath,documentpool,dbdistinct2,sourceversion,destinationversion,mailfeedback,parentdistinct FROM documentcompare $sWhereClause"; @aResult = ExecSQL($sSQL); my $aValue; foreach $aValue (@aResult) { # print "# $nValue\n"; createDBEntriesForEveryDocument($aValue); } if ($test) { last; } # wait 30sec. # wait30seconds(); waitAMinute(); checkForStop("stop_fill_documents_loop"); }