/************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_vcl.hxx" #include #include "tools/fsys.hxx" #include "tools/getprocessworkingdir.hxx" #include #include "osl/process.h" #include "rtl/ustrbuf.hxx" #include "vcl/svapp.hxx" #include "vcl/window.hxx" #include "vcl/timer.hxx" #include "aqua/saldata.hxx" #include "aqua/salinst.h" #include "aqua/salframe.h" #include "aqua/salobj.h" #include "aqua/salsys.h" #include "aqua/salvd.h" #include "aqua/salbmp.h" #include "aqua/salprn.h" #include "aqua/saltimer.h" #include "aqua/vclnsapp.h" #include "print.h" #include "impbmp.hxx" #include "salimestatus.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "premac.h" #include #include #import "apple_remote/RemoteMainController.h" #include "apple_remote/RemoteControl.h" #include "postmac.h" using namespace std; using namespace ::com::sun::star; extern sal_Bool ImplSVMain(); static sal_Bool* gpbInit = 0; static NSMenu* pDockMenu = nil; static bool bNoSVMain = true; static bool bLeftMain = false; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class AquaDelayedSettingsChanged : public Timer { bool mbInvalidate; public: AquaDelayedSettingsChanged( bool bInvalidate ) : mbInvalidate( bInvalidate ) { } virtual void Timeout() { SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); if( ! pSalData->maFrames.empty() ) pSalData->maFrames.front()->CallCallback( SALEVENT_SETTINGSCHANGED, NULL ); if( mbInvalidate ) { for( std::list< AquaSalFrame* >::iterator it = pSalData->maFrames.begin(); it != pSalData->maFrames.end(); ++it ) { if( (*it)->mbShown ) (*it)->SendPaintEvent( NULL ); } } Stop(); delete this; } }; void AquaSalInstance::delayedSettingsChanged( bool bInvalidate ) { vos::OGuard aGuard( *mpSalYieldMutex ); AquaDelayedSettingsChanged* pTimer = new AquaDelayedSettingsChanged( bInvalidate ); pTimer->SetTimeout( 50 ); pTimer->Start(); } // the AppEventList must be available before any SalData/SalInst/etc. objects are ready typedef std::list AppEventList; AppEventList AquaSalInstance::aAppEventList; NSMenu* AquaSalInstance::GetDynamicDockMenu() { if( ! pDockMenu && ! bLeftMain ) pDockMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @""]; return pDockMenu; } bool AquaSalInstance::isOnCommandLine( const rtl::OUString& rArg ) { sal_uInt32 nArgs = osl_getCommandArgCount(); for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nArgs; i++ ) { rtl::OUString aArg; osl_getCommandArg( i, &aArg.pData ); if( aArg.equals( rArg ) ) return true; } return false; } // initialize the cocoa VCL_NSApplication object // returns an NSAutoreleasePool that must be released when the event loop begins static void initNSApp() { // create our cocoa NSApplication [VCL_NSApplication sharedApplication]; SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); // put cocoa into multithreaded mode [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(enableCocoaThreads:) toTarget:[[CocoaThreadEnabler alloc] init] withObject:nil]; // activate our delegate methods [NSApp setDelegate: NSApp]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: NSApp selector: @selector(systemColorsChanged:) name: NSSystemColorsDidChangeNotification object: nil ]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: NSApp selector: @selector(screenParametersChanged:) name: NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification object: nil ]; // add observers for some settings changes that affect vcl's settings // scrollbar variant [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: NSApp selector: @selector(scrollbarVariantChanged:) name: @"AppleAquaScrollBarVariantChanged" object: nil ]; // scrollbar page behavior ("jump to here" or not) [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: NSApp selector: @selector(scrollbarSettingsChanged:) name: @"AppleNoRedisplayAppearancePreferenceChanged" object: nil ]; // get System Version and store the value in GetSalData()->mnSystemVersion OSErr err = noErr; SInt32 systemVersion = VER_TIGER; // Initialize with minimal requirement if( (err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &systemVersion)) == noErr ) { GetSalData()->mnSystemVersion = systemVersion; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, "System Version %x\n", (unsigned int)systemVersion); #endif } else NSLog(@"Unable to obtain system version: %ld", (long)err); // Initialize Apple Remote GetSalData()->mpMainController = [[MainController alloc] init]; [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: NSApp selector: @selector(applicationWillBecomeActive:) name: @"AppleRemoteWillBecomeActive" object: nil ]; [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: NSApp selector: @selector(applicationWillResignActive:) name: @"AppleRemoteWillResignActive" object: nil ]; if( ImplGetSVData()->mbIsTestTool ) [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps: YES]; } sal_Bool ImplSVMainHook( sal_Bool * pbInit ) { gpbInit = pbInit; bNoSVMain = false; initNSApp(); NSPoint aPt = { 0, 0 }; NSEvent* pEvent = [NSEvent otherEventWithType: NSApplicationDefined location: aPt modifierFlags: 0 timestamp: 0 windowNumber: 0 context: nil subtype: AquaSalInstance::AppExecuteSVMain data1: 0 data2: 0 ]; if( pEvent ) { [NSApp postEvent: pEvent atStart: NO]; rtl::OUString aExeURL, aExe; osl_getExecutableFile( &aExeURL.pData ); osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aExeURL.pData, &aExe.pData ); rtl::OString aByteExe( rtl::OUStringToOString( aExe, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ) ); #ifdef DEBUG aByteExe += OString ( " NSAccessibilityDebugLogLevel 1" ); const char* pArgv[] = { aByteExe.getStr(), NULL }; NSApplicationMain( 3, pArgv ); #else const char* pArgv[] = { aByteExe.getStr(), NULL }; NSApplicationMain( 1, pArgv ); #endif } else { DBG_ERROR( "NSApplication initialization could not be done" ); } return TRUE; // indicate that ImplSVMainHook is implemented } // ======================================================================= void SalAbort( const XubString& rErrorText ) { if( !rErrorText.Len() ) fprintf( stderr, "Application Error " ); else fprintf( stderr, "%s ", ByteString( rErrorText, gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ).GetBuffer() ); abort(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitSalData() { SalData *pSalData = new SalData; SetSalData( pSalData ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const ::rtl::OUString& SalGetDesktopEnvironment() { static OUString aDesktopEnvironment(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "MacOSX" )); return aDesktopEnvironment; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void DeInitSalData() { SalData *pSalData = GetSalData(); if( pSalData->mpStatusItem ) { [pSalData->mpStatusItem release]; pSalData->mpStatusItem = nil; } delete pSalData; SetSalData( NULL ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" { #include } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitSalMain() { rtl::OUString urlWorkDir; rtl_uString *sysWorkDir = NULL; if (tools::getProcessWorkingDir(&urlWorkDir)) { oslFileError err2 = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL(urlWorkDir.pData, &sysWorkDir); if (err2 == osl_File_E_None) { ByteString aPath( getenv( "PATH" ) ); ByteString aResPath( getenv( "STAR_RESOURCEPATH" ) ); ByteString aLibPath( getenv( "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" ) ); ByteString aCmdPath( OUStringToOString(OUString(sysWorkDir), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr() ); ByteString aTmpPath; // Get absolute path of command's directory if ( aCmdPath.Len() ) { DirEntry aCmdDirEntry( aCmdPath ); aCmdDirEntry.ToAbs(); aCmdPath = ByteString( aCmdDirEntry.GetPath().GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); } // Assign to PATH environment variable if ( aCmdPath.Len() ) { aTmpPath = ByteString( "PATH=" ); aTmpPath += aCmdPath; if ( aPath.Len() ) aTmpPath += ByteString( DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); aTmpPath += aPath; putenv( (char*)aTmpPath.GetBuffer() ); } // Assign to STAR_RESOURCEPATH environment variable if ( aCmdPath.Len() ) { aTmpPath = ByteString( "STAR_RESOURCEPATH=" ); aTmpPath += aCmdPath; if ( aResPath.Len() ) aTmpPath += ByteString( DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); aTmpPath += aResPath; putenv( (char*)aTmpPath.GetBuffer() ); } // Assign to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable if ( aCmdPath.Len() ) { aTmpPath = ByteString( "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=" ); aTmpPath += aCmdPath; if ( aLibPath.Len() ) aTmpPath += ByteString( DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ); aTmpPath += aLibPath; putenv( (char*)aTmpPath.GetBuffer() ); } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void DeInitSalMain() { } // ======================================================================= SalYieldMutex::SalYieldMutex() { mnCount = 0; mnThreadId = 0; } void SalYieldMutex::acquire() { OMutex::acquire(); mnThreadId = vos::OThread::getCurrentIdentifier(); mnCount++; } void SalYieldMutex::release() { if ( mnThreadId == vos::OThread::getCurrentIdentifier() ) { if ( mnCount == 1 ) mnThreadId = 0; mnCount--; } OMutex::release(); } sal_Bool SalYieldMutex::tryToAcquire() { if ( OMutex::tryToAcquire() ) { mnThreadId = vos::OThread::getCurrentIdentifier(); mnCount++; return sal_True; } else return sal_False; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // some convenience functions regarding the yield mutex, aka solar mutex sal_Bool ImplSalYieldMutexTryToAcquire() { AquaSalInstance* pInst = (AquaSalInstance*) GetSalData()->mpFirstInstance; if ( pInst ) return pInst->mpSalYieldMutex->tryToAcquire(); else return FALSE; } void ImplSalYieldMutexAcquire() { AquaSalInstance* pInst = (AquaSalInstance*) GetSalData()->mpFirstInstance; if ( pInst ) pInst->mpSalYieldMutex->acquire(); } void ImplSalYieldMutexRelease() { AquaSalInstance* pInst = (AquaSalInstance*) GetSalData()->mpFirstInstance; if ( pInst ) pInst->mpSalYieldMutex->release(); } // ======================================================================= SalInstance* CreateSalInstance() { // this is the case for not using SVMain // not so good if( bNoSVMain ) initNSApp(); SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); DBG_ASSERT( pSalData->mpFirstInstance == NULL, "more than one instance created" ); AquaSalInstance* pInst = new AquaSalInstance; // init instance (only one instance in this version !!!) pSalData->mpFirstInstance = pInst; // this one is for outside AquaSalInstance::Yield SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); // no focus rects on NWF aqua ImplGetSVData()->maNWFData.mbNoFocusRects = true; ImplGetSVData()->maNWFData.mbNoBoldTabFocus = true; ImplGetSVData()->maNWFData.mbNoActiveTabTextRaise = true; ImplGetSVData()->maNWFData.mbCenteredTabs = true; ImplGetSVData()->maNWFData.mbProgressNeedsErase = true; ImplGetSVData()->maNWFData.mbCheckBoxNeedsErase = true; ImplGetSVData()->maNWFData.mnStatusBarLowerRightOffset = 10; ImplGetSVData()->maGDIData.mbNoXORClipping = true; ImplGetSVData()->maWinData.mbNoSaveBackground = true; return pInst; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void DestroySalInstance( SalInstance* pInst ) { delete pInst; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AquaSalInstance::AquaSalInstance() { mpSalYieldMutex = new SalYieldMutex; mpSalYieldMutex->acquire(); ::tools::SolarMutex::SetSolarMutex( mpSalYieldMutex ); maMainThread = vos::OThread::getCurrentIdentifier(); mbWaitingYield = false; maUserEventListMutex = osl_createMutex(); mnActivePrintJobs = 0; maWaitingYieldCond = osl_createCondition(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AquaSalInstance::~AquaSalInstance() { ::tools::SolarMutex::SetSolarMutex( 0 ); mpSalYieldMutex->release(); delete mpSalYieldMutex; osl_destroyMutex( maUserEventListMutex ); osl_destroyCondition( maWaitingYieldCond ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::wakeupYield() { // wakeup :Yield if( mbWaitingYield ) { SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); NSPoint aPt = { 0, 0 }; NSEvent* pEvent = [NSEvent otherEventWithType: NSApplicationDefined location: aPt modifierFlags: 0 timestamp: 0 windowNumber: 0 context: nil subtype: AquaSalInstance::YieldWakeupEvent data1: 0 data2: 0 ]; if( pEvent ) [NSApp postEvent: pEvent atStart: NO]; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::PostUserEvent( AquaSalFrame* pFrame, sal_uInt16 nType, void* pData ) { osl_acquireMutex( maUserEventListMutex ); maUserEvents.push_back( SalUserEvent( pFrame, pData, nType ) ); osl_releaseMutex( maUserEventListMutex ); // notify main loop that an event has arrived wakeupYield(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- vos::IMutex* AquaSalInstance::GetYieldMutex() { return mpSalYieldMutex; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_uLong AquaSalInstance::ReleaseYieldMutex() { SalYieldMutex* pYieldMutex = mpSalYieldMutex; if ( pYieldMutex->GetThreadId() == vos::OThread::getCurrentIdentifier() ) { sal_uLong nCount = pYieldMutex->GetAcquireCount(); sal_uLong n = nCount; while ( n ) { pYieldMutex->release(); n--; } return nCount; } else return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::AcquireYieldMutex( sal_uLong nCount ) { SalYieldMutex* pYieldMutex = mpSalYieldMutex; while ( nCount ) { pYieldMutex->acquire(); nCount--; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AquaSalInstance::CheckYieldMutex() { bool bRet = true; SalYieldMutex* pYieldMutex = mpSalYieldMutex; if ( pYieldMutex->GetThreadId() != vos::OThread::getCurrentIdentifier() ) { bRet = false; } return bRet; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AquaSalInstance::isNSAppThread() const { return vos::OThread::getCurrentIdentifier() == maMainThread; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::handleAppDefinedEvent( NSEvent* pEvent ) { switch( [pEvent subtype] ) { case AppStartTimerEvent: AquaSalTimer::handleStartTimerEvent( pEvent ); break; case AppEndLoopEvent: [NSApp stop: NSApp]; break; case AppExecuteSVMain: { sal_Bool bResult = ImplSVMain(); if( gpbInit ) *gpbInit = bResult; [NSApp stop: NSApp]; bLeftMain = true; if( pDockMenu ) { [pDockMenu release]; pDockMenu = nil; } } break; case AppleRemoteEvent: { sal_Int16 nCommand = 0; SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); bool bIsFullScreenMode = false; std::list::iterator it = pSalData->maFrames.begin(); while( (*it) && ( (it != pSalData->maFrames.end() ) || ( (*it)->mbFullScreen == false ) ) ) { if ( ((*it)->mbFullScreen == true) ) bIsFullScreenMode = true; it++; } switch ([pEvent data1]) { case kRemoteButtonPlay: nCommand = ( bIsFullScreenMode == true ) ? MEDIA_COMMAND_PLAY_PAUSE : MEDIA_COMMAND_PLAY; break; // kept for experimentation purpose (scheduled for future implementation) // case kRemoteButtonMenu: nCommand = MEDIA_COMMAND_MENU; break; case kRemoteButtonPlus: nCommand = MEDIA_COMMAND_VOLUME_UP; break; case kRemoteButtonMinus: nCommand = MEDIA_COMMAND_VOLUME_DOWN; break; case kRemoteButtonRight: nCommand = MEDIA_COMMAND_NEXTTRACK; break; case kRemoteButtonRight_Hold: nCommand = MEDIA_COMMAND_NEXTTRACK_HOLD; break; case kRemoteButtonLeft: nCommand = MEDIA_COMMAND_PREVIOUSTRACK; break; case kRemoteButtonLeft_Hold: nCommand = MEDIA_COMMAND_REWIND; break; case kRemoteButtonPlay_Hold: nCommand = MEDIA_COMMAND_PLAY_HOLD; break; case kRemoteButtonMenu_Hold: nCommand = MEDIA_COMMAND_STOP; break; // FIXME : not detected case kRemoteButtonPlus_Hold: case kRemoteButtonMinus_Hold: break; default: break; } AquaSalFrame* pFrame = pSalData->maFrames.front(); Window * pWindow = pFrame->GetWindow() ? pSalData->maFrames.front()->GetWindow() : NULL; if( pWindow ) { const Point aPoint; CommandEvent aCEvt( aPoint, COMMAND_MEDIA, FALSE, &nCommand ); NotifyEvent aNCmdEvt( EVENT_COMMAND, pWindow, &aCEvt ); if ( !ImplCallPreNotify( aNCmdEvt ) ) pWindow->Command( aCEvt ); } } break; case YieldWakeupEvent: // do nothing, fall out of Yield break; default: DBG_ERROR( "unhandled NSApplicationDefined event" ); break; }; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class ReleasePoolHolder { NSAutoreleasePool* mpPool; public: ReleasePoolHolder() : mpPool( [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init] ) {} ~ReleasePoolHolder() { [mpPool release]; } }; void AquaSalInstance::Yield( bool bWait, bool bHandleAllCurrentEvents ) { // ensure that the per thread autorelease pool is top level and // will therefore not be destroyed by cocoa implicitly SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); // NSAutoreleasePool documentation suggests we should have // an own pool for each yield level ReleasePoolHolder aReleasePool; // Release all locks so that we don't deadlock when we pull pending // events from the event queue bool bDispatchUser = true; while( bDispatchUser ) { sal_uLong nCount = ReleaseYieldMutex(); // get one user event osl_acquireMutex( maUserEventListMutex ); SalUserEvent aEvent( NULL, NULL, 0 ); if( ! maUserEvents.empty() ) { aEvent = maUserEvents.front(); maUserEvents.pop_front(); } else bDispatchUser = false; osl_releaseMutex( maUserEventListMutex ); AcquireYieldMutex( nCount ); // dispatch it if( aEvent.mpFrame && AquaSalFrame::isAlive( aEvent.mpFrame ) ) { aEvent.mpFrame->CallCallback( aEvent.mnType, aEvent.mpData ); osl_setCondition( maWaitingYieldCond ); // return if only one event is asked for if( ! bHandleAllCurrentEvents ) return; } } // handle cocoa event queue // cocoa events mye be only handled in the thread the NSApp was created if( isNSAppThread() && mnActivePrintJobs == 0 ) { // we need to be woken up by a cocoa-event // if a user event should be posted by the event handling below bool bOldWaitingYield = mbWaitingYield; mbWaitingYield = bWait; // handle available events NSEvent* pEvent = nil; bool bHadEvent = false; do { sal_uLong nCount = ReleaseYieldMutex(); pEvent = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask untilDate: nil inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue: YES]; if( pEvent ) { [NSApp sendEvent: pEvent]; bHadEvent = true; } [NSApp updateWindows]; AcquireYieldMutex( nCount ); } while( bHandleAllCurrentEvents && pEvent ); // if we had no event yet, wait for one if requested if( bWait && ! bHadEvent ) { sal_uLong nCount = ReleaseYieldMutex(); NSDate* pDt = AquaSalTimer::pRunningTimer ? [AquaSalTimer::pRunningTimer fireDate] : [NSDate distantFuture]; pEvent = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask untilDate: pDt inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue: YES]; if( pEvent ) [NSApp sendEvent: pEvent]; [NSApp updateWindows]; AcquireYieldMutex( nCount ); // #i86581# // FIXME: sometimes the NSTimer will never fire. Firing it by hand then // fixes the problem even seems to set the correct next firing date // Why oh why ? if( ! pEvent && AquaSalTimer::pRunningTimer ) { // this cause crashes on MacOSX 10.4 // [AquaSalTimer::pRunningTimer fire]; ImplGetSVData()->mpSalTimer->CallCallback(); } } mbWaitingYield = bOldWaitingYield; // collect update rectangles const std::list< AquaSalFrame* > rFrames( GetSalData()->maFrames ); for( std::list< AquaSalFrame* >::const_iterator it = rFrames.begin(); it != rFrames.end(); ++it ) { if( (*it)->mbShown && ! (*it)->maInvalidRect.IsEmpty() ) { (*it)->Flush( (*it)->maInvalidRect ); (*it)->maInvalidRect.SetEmpty(); } } osl_setCondition( maWaitingYieldCond ); } else if( bWait ) { // #i103162# // wait until any thread (most likely the main thread) // has dispatched an event, cop out at 200 ms osl_resetCondition( maWaitingYieldCond ); TimeValue aVal = { 0, 200000000 }; sal_uLong nCount = ReleaseYieldMutex(); osl_waitCondition( maWaitingYieldCond, &aVal ); AcquireYieldMutex( nCount ); } // we get some apple events way too early // before the application is ready to handle them, // so their corresponding application events need to be delayed // now is a good time to handle at least one of them if( bWait && !aAppEventList.empty() && ImplGetSVData()->maAppData.mbInAppExecute ) { // make sure that only one application event is active at a time static bool bInAppEvent = false; if( !bInAppEvent ) { bInAppEvent = true; // get the next delayed application event const ApplicationEvent* pAppEvent = aAppEventList.front(); aAppEventList.pop_front(); // handle one application event (no recursion) const ImplSVData* pSVData = ImplGetSVData(); pSVData->mpApp->AppEvent( *pAppEvent ); delete pAppEvent; // allow the next delayed application event bInAppEvent = false; } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AquaSalInstance::AnyInput( sal_uInt16 nType ) { if( nType & INPUT_APPEVENT ) { if( ! aAppEventList.empty() ) return true; if( nType == INPUT_APPEVENT ) return false; } if( nType & INPUT_TIMER ) { if( AquaSalTimer::pRunningTimer ) { NSDate* pDt = [AquaSalTimer::pRunningTimer fireDate]; if( pDt && [pDt timeIntervalSinceNow] < 0 ) { return true; } } } unsigned/*NSUInteger*/ nEventMask = 0; if( nType & INPUT_MOUSE) nEventMask |= NSLeftMouseDownMask | NSRightMouseDownMask | NSOtherMouseDownMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask | NSRightMouseUpMask | NSOtherMouseUpMask | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSRightMouseDraggedMask | NSOtherMouseDraggedMask | NSScrollWheelMask | // NSMouseMovedMask | NSMouseEnteredMask | NSMouseExitedMask; if( nType & INPUT_KEYBOARD) nEventMask |= NSKeyDownMask | NSKeyUpMask | NSFlagsChangedMask; if( nType & INPUT_OTHER) nEventMask |= NSTabletPoint; // TODO: INPUT_PAINT / more INPUT_OTHER if( !nType) return false; NSEvent* pEvent = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: nEventMask untilDate: nil inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue: NO]; return (pEvent != NULL); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalFrame* AquaSalInstance::CreateChildFrame( SystemParentData*, sal_uLong /*nSalFrameStyle*/ ) { return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalFrame* AquaSalInstance::CreateFrame( SalFrame* pParent, sal_uLong nSalFrameStyle ) { SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); SalFrame* pFrame = new AquaSalFrame( pParent, nSalFrameStyle ); return pFrame; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::DestroyFrame( SalFrame* pFrame ) { delete pFrame; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalObject* AquaSalInstance::CreateObject( SalFrame* pParent, SystemWindowData* /* pWindowData */, sal_Bool /* bShow */ ) { // SystemWindowData is meaningless on Mac OS X AquaSalObject *pObject = NULL; if ( pParent ) pObject = new AquaSalObject( static_cast(pParent) ); return pObject; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::DestroyObject( SalObject* pObject ) { delete ( pObject ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalPrinter* AquaSalInstance::CreatePrinter( SalInfoPrinter* pInfoPrinter ) { return new AquaSalPrinter( dynamic_cast(pInfoPrinter) ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::DestroyPrinter( SalPrinter* pPrinter ) { delete pPrinter; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::GetPrinterQueueInfo( ImplPrnQueueList* pList ) { NSArray* pNames = [NSPrinter printerNames]; NSArray* pTypes = [NSPrinter printerTypes]; unsigned int nNameCount = pNames ? [pNames count] : 0; unsigned int nTypeCount = pTypes ? [pTypes count] : 0; DBG_ASSERT( nTypeCount == nNameCount, "type count not equal to printer count" ); for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nNameCount; i++ ) { NSString* pName = [pNames objectAtIndex: i]; NSString* pType = i < nTypeCount ? [pTypes objectAtIndex: i] : nil; if( pName ) { SalPrinterQueueInfo* pInfo = new SalPrinterQueueInfo; pInfo->maPrinterName = GetOUString( pName ); if( pType ) pInfo->maDriver = GetOUString( pType ); pInfo->mnStatus = 0; pInfo->mnJobs = 0; pInfo->mpSysData = NULL; pList->Add( pInfo ); } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::GetPrinterQueueState( SalPrinterQueueInfo* ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::DeletePrinterQueueInfo( SalPrinterQueueInfo* pInfo ) { delete pInfo; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- XubString AquaSalInstance::GetDefaultPrinter() { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); if( ! maDefaultPrinter.getLength() ) { NSPrintInfo* pPI = [NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo]; DBG_ASSERT( pPI, "no print info" ); if( pPI ) { NSPrinter* pPr = [pPI printer]; DBG_ASSERT( pPr, "no printer in default info" ); if( pPr ) { NSString* pDefName = [pPr name]; DBG_ASSERT( pDefName, "printer has no name" ); maDefaultPrinter = GetOUString( pDefName ); } } } return maDefaultPrinter; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalInfoPrinter* AquaSalInstance::CreateInfoPrinter( SalPrinterQueueInfo* pQueueInfo, ImplJobSetup* pSetupData ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); SalInfoPrinter* pNewInfoPrinter = NULL; if( pQueueInfo ) { pNewInfoPrinter = new AquaSalInfoPrinter( *pQueueInfo ); if( pSetupData ) pNewInfoPrinter->SetPrinterData( pSetupData ); } return pNewInfoPrinter; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::DestroyInfoPrinter( SalInfoPrinter* pPrinter ) { // #i113170# may not be the main thread if called from UNO API SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); delete pPrinter; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalSystem* AquaSalInstance::CreateSystem() { return new AquaSalSystem(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::DestroySystem( SalSystem* pSystem ) { delete pSystem; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::SetEventCallback( void*, bool(*)(void*,void*,int) ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void AquaSalInstance::SetErrorEventCallback( void*, bool(*)(void*,void*,int) ) { } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void* AquaSalInstance::GetConnectionIdentifier( ConnectionIdentifierType& rReturnedType, int& rReturnedBytes ) { rReturnedBytes = 1; rReturnedType = AsciiCString; return (void*)""; } // We need to re-encode file urls because osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath converts // to UTF-8 before encoding non ascii characters, which is not what other apps expect. static rtl::OUString translateToExternalUrl(const rtl::OUString& internalUrl) { rtl::OUString extUrl; uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > sm = comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); if (sm.is()) { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > pset; sm->queryInterface( getCppuType( &pset )) >>= pset; if (pset.is()) { uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > context; static const rtl::OUString DEFAULT_CONTEXT( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "DefaultContext" ) ); pset->getPropertyValue(DEFAULT_CONTEXT) >>= context; if (context.is()) extUrl = uri::ExternalUriReferenceTranslator::create(context)->translateToExternal(internalUrl); } } return extUrl; } // #i104525# many versions of OSX have problems with some URLs: // when an app requests OSX to add one of these URLs to the "Recent Items" list // then this app gets killed (TextEdit, Preview, etc. and also OOo) static bool isDangerousUrl( const rtl::OUString& rUrl ) { // use a heuristic that detects all known cases since there is no official comment // on the exact impact and root cause of the OSX bug const int nLen = rUrl.getLength(); const sal_Unicode* p = rUrl.getStr(); for( int i = 0; i < nLen-3; ++i, ++p ) { if( p[0] != '%' ) continue; // escaped percent? if( (p[1] == '2') && (p[2] == '5') ) return true; // escapes are considered to be UTF-8 encoded // => check for invalid UTF-8 leading byte if( (p[1] != 'f') && (p[1] != 'F') ) continue; int cLowNibble = p[2]; if( (cLowNibble >= '0' ) && (cLowNibble <= '9')) return false; if( cLowNibble >= 'a' ) cLowNibble -= 'a' - 'A'; if( (cLowNibble < 'A') || (cLowNibble >= 'C')) return true; } return false; } void AquaSalInstance::AddToRecentDocumentList(const rtl::OUString& rFileUrl, const rtl::OUString& /*rMimeType*/) { // Convert file URL for external use (see above) rtl::OUString externalUrl = translateToExternalUrl(rFileUrl); if( 0 == externalUrl.getLength() ) externalUrl = rFileUrl; if( externalUrl.getLength() && !isDangerousUrl( externalUrl ) ) { NSString* pString = CreateNSString( externalUrl ); NSURL* pURL = [NSURL URLWithString: pString]; if( pURL ) { NSDocumentController* pCtrl = [NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController]; [pCtrl noteNewRecentDocumentURL: pURL]; } if( pString ) [pString release]; } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalTimer* AquaSalInstance::CreateSalTimer() { return new AquaSalTimer(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalSystem* AquaSalInstance::CreateSalSystem() { return new AquaSalSystem(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalBitmap* AquaSalInstance::CreateSalBitmap() { return new AquaSalBitmap(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalSession* AquaSalInstance::CreateSalSession() { return NULL; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class MacImeStatus : public SalI18NImeStatus { public: MacImeStatus() {} virtual ~MacImeStatus() {} // asks whether there is a status window available // to toggle into menubar virtual bool canToggle() { return false; } virtual void toggle() {} }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SalI18NImeStatus* AquaSalInstance::CreateI18NImeStatus() { return new MacImeStatus(); } // YieldMutexReleaser YieldMutexReleaser::YieldMutexReleaser() : mnCount( 0 ) { SalData* pSalData = GetSalData(); if( ! pSalData->mpFirstInstance->isNSAppThread() ) { SalData::ensureThreadAutoreleasePool(); mnCount = pSalData->mpFirstInstance->ReleaseYieldMutex(); } } YieldMutexReleaser::~YieldMutexReleaser() { if( mnCount != 0 ) GetSalData()->mpFirstInstance->AcquireYieldMutex( mnCount ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rtl::OUString GetOUString( CFStringRef rStr ) { if( rStr == 0 ) return rtl::OUString(); CFIndex nLength = CFStringGetLength( rStr ); if( nLength == 0 ) return rtl::OUString(); const UniChar* pConstStr = CFStringGetCharactersPtr( rStr ); if( pConstStr ) return rtl::OUString( pConstStr, nLength ); UniChar* pStr = reinterpret_cast( rtl_allocateMemory( sizeof(UniChar)*nLength ) ); CFRange aRange = { 0, nLength }; CFStringGetCharacters( rStr, aRange, pStr ); rtl::OUString aRet( pStr, nLength ); rtl_freeMemory( pStr ); return aRet; } rtl::OUString GetOUString( NSString* pStr ) { if( ! pStr ) return rtl::OUString(); int nLen = [pStr length]; if( nLen == 0 ) return rtl::OUString(); rtl::OUStringBuffer aBuf( nLen+1 ); aBuf.setLength( nLen ); [pStr getCharacters: const_cast(aBuf.getStr())]; return aBuf.makeStringAndClear(); } CFStringRef CreateCFString( const rtl::OUString& rStr ) { return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(kCFAllocatorDefault, rStr.getStr(), rStr.getLength() ); } NSString* CreateNSString( const rtl::OUString& rStr ) { return [[NSString alloc] initWithCharacters: rStr.getStr() length: rStr.getLength()]; } CGImageRef CreateCGImage( const Image& rImage ) { BitmapEx aBmpEx( rImage.GetBitmapEx() ); Bitmap aBmp( aBmpEx.GetBitmap() ); if( ! aBmp || ! aBmp.ImplGetImpBitmap() ) return NULL; // simple case, no transparency AquaSalBitmap* pSalBmp = static_cast(aBmp.ImplGetImpBitmap()->ImplGetSalBitmap()); if( ! pSalBmp ) return NULL; CGImageRef xImage = NULL; if( ! (aBmpEx.IsAlpha() || aBmpEx.IsTransparent() ) ) xImage = pSalBmp->CreateCroppedImage( 0, 0, pSalBmp->mnWidth, pSalBmp->mnHeight ); else if( aBmpEx.IsAlpha() ) { AlphaMask aAlphaMask( aBmpEx.GetAlpha() ); Bitmap aMask( aAlphaMask.GetBitmap() ); AquaSalBitmap* pMaskBmp = static_cast(aMask.ImplGetImpBitmap()->ImplGetSalBitmap()); if( pMaskBmp ) xImage = pSalBmp->CreateWithMask( *pMaskBmp, 0, 0, pSalBmp->mnWidth, pSalBmp->mnHeight ); else xImage = pSalBmp->CreateCroppedImage( 0, 0, pSalBmp->mnWidth, pSalBmp->mnHeight ); } else if( aBmpEx.GetTransparentType() == TRANSPARENT_BITMAP ) { Bitmap aMask( aBmpEx.GetMask() ); AquaSalBitmap* pMaskBmp = static_cast(aMask.ImplGetImpBitmap()->ImplGetSalBitmap()); if( pMaskBmp ) xImage = pSalBmp->CreateWithMask( *pMaskBmp, 0, 0, pSalBmp->mnWidth, pSalBmp->mnHeight ); else xImage = pSalBmp->CreateCroppedImage( 0, 0, pSalBmp->mnWidth, pSalBmp->mnHeight ); } else if( aBmpEx.GetTransparentType() == TRANSPARENT_COLOR ) { Color aTransColor( aBmpEx.GetTransparentColor() ); SalColor nTransColor = MAKE_SALCOLOR( aTransColor.GetRed(), aTransColor.GetGreen(), aTransColor.GetBlue() ); xImage = pSalBmp->CreateColorMask( 0, 0, pSalBmp->mnWidth, pSalBmp->mnHeight, nTransColor ); } return xImage; } NSImage* CreateNSImage( const Image& rImage ) { CGImageRef xImage = CreateCGImage( rImage ); if( ! xImage ) return nil; Size aSize( rImage.GetSizePixel() ); NSImage* pImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: NSMakeSize( aSize.Width(), aSize.Height() )]; if( pImage ) { [pImage setFlipped: YES]; [pImage lockFocus]; NSGraphicsContext* pContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext]; CGContextRef rCGContext = reinterpret_cast([pContext graphicsPort]); const CGRect aDstRect = { {0, 0}, { aSize.Width(), aSize.Height() } }; CGContextDrawImage( rCGContext, aDstRect, xImage ); [pImage unlockFocus]; } CGImageRelease( xImage ); return pImage; }