/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #define _SV_SVAPP_HXX #ifndef _VOS_THREAD_HXX #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _VCL_SETTINGS_HXX #include #endif #include class Link; class AllSettings; class DataChangedEvent; class Accelerator; class Help; class OutputDevice; class Window; class WorkWindow; class MenuBar; class UnoWrapperBase; class Reflection; class KeyCode; class NotifyEvent; class KeyEvent; class MouseEvent; namespace vos { class IMutex; } #include #include namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace lang { class XMultiServiceFactory; } namespace awt { class XToolkit; class XDisplayConnection; } } } } // helper needed by SalLayout implementations as well as svx/source/dialog/svxbmpnumbalueset.cxx VCL_DLLPUBLIC sal_UCS4 GetMirroredChar( sal_UCS4 ); // -------------------- // - SystemWindowMode - // -------------------- #define SYSTEMWINDOW_MODE_NOAUTOMODE ((sal_uInt16)0x0001) #define SYSTEMWINDOW_MODE_DIALOG ((sal_uInt16)0x0002) // ------------- // - EventHook - // ------------- typedef long (*VCLEventHookProc)( NotifyEvent& rEvt, void* pData ); // -------------------- // - ApplicationEvent - // -------------------- // Erstmal wieder eingebaut, damit AppEvents auf dem MAC funktionieren #ifdef UNX // enum Doppelt in daemon.cxx unter unix Achtung !!! enum Service { SERVICE_OLE, SERVICE_APPEVENT, SERVICE_IPC }; #endif class VCL_DLLPUBLIC ApplicationAddress { friend class Application; protected: UniString aHostName; UniString aDisplayName; UniString aDomainName; int nPID; public: ApplicationAddress(); ApplicationAddress( const UniString& rDomain ); ApplicationAddress( const UniString& rHost, const UniString& rDisp, const UniString& rDomain ); ApplicationAddress( const UniString& rHost, int nPID ); const UniString& GetHost() const { return aHostName; } const UniString& GetDisplay() const { return aDisplayName; } const UniString& GetDomain() const { return aDomainName; } int GetPID() const { return nPID; } sal_Bool IsConnectToSame( const ApplicationAddress& rAdr ) const; }; inline ApplicationAddress::ApplicationAddress() { nPID = 0; } inline ApplicationAddress::ApplicationAddress( const UniString& rDomain ) { aDomainName = rDomain; nPID = 0; } inline ApplicationAddress::ApplicationAddress( const UniString& rHost, const UniString& rDisp, const UniString& rDomain ) { aHostName = rHost; aDisplayName = rDisp; aDomainName = rDomain; nPID = 0; } inline ApplicationAddress::ApplicationAddress( const UniString& rHost, int nPIDPar ) { aHostName = rHost; nPID = nPIDPar; } inline sal_Bool ApplicationAddress::IsConnectToSame( const ApplicationAddress& rAdr ) const { if ( nPID && ((nPID == rAdr.nPID) && (aHostName.Equals( rAdr.aHostName))) ) return sal_True; else return sal_False; } #define APPEVENT_PARAM_DELIMITER '\n' #define APPEVENT_OPEN_STRING "Open" #define APPEVENT_PRINT_STRING "Print" #define APPEVENT_DISKINSERT_STRING "DiskInsert" #define APPEVENT_SAVEDOCUMENTS_STRING "SaveDocuments" class VCL_DLLPUBLIC ApplicationEvent { private: UniString aSenderAppName; // Absender Applikationsname ByteString aEvent; // Event UniString aData; // Uebertragene Daten ApplicationAddress aAppAddr; // Absender Addresse public: ApplicationEvent() {} ApplicationEvent( const UniString& rSenderAppName, const ApplicationAddress& rAppAddr, const ByteString& rEvent, const UniString& rData ); const UniString& GetSenderAppName() const { return aSenderAppName; } const ByteString& GetEvent() const { return aEvent; } const UniString& GetData() const { return aData; } const ApplicationAddress& GetAppAddress() const { return aAppAddr; } sal_Bool IsOpenEvent() const; sal_Bool IsPrintEvent() const; sal_Bool IsDiskInsertEvent() const; sal_uInt16 GetParamCount() const { return aData.GetTokenCount( APPEVENT_PARAM_DELIMITER ); } UniString GetParam( sal_uInt16 nParam ) const { return aData.GetToken( nParam, APPEVENT_PARAM_DELIMITER ); } }; inline ApplicationEvent::ApplicationEvent( const UniString& rSenderAppName, const ApplicationAddress& rAppAddr, const ByteString& rEvent, const UniString& rData ) : aSenderAppName( rSenderAppName ), aEvent( rEvent ), aData( rData ), aAppAddr( rAppAddr ) { } inline sal_Bool ApplicationEvent::IsOpenEvent() const { if ( aEvent.Equals( APPEVENT_OPEN_STRING )) return sal_True; else return sal_False; } inline sal_Bool ApplicationEvent::IsPrintEvent() const { if ( aEvent.Equals( APPEVENT_PRINT_STRING )) return sal_True; else return sal_False; } inline sal_Bool ApplicationEvent::IsDiskInsertEvent() const { if ( aEvent.Equals( APPEVENT_DISKINSERT_STRING )) return sal_True; else return sal_False; } class VCL_DLLPUBLIC PropertyHandler { public: virtual void Property( ApplicationProperty& ) = 0; }; // --------------- // - Application - // --------------- class VCL_DLLPUBLIC Application { public: Application(); virtual ~Application(); virtual void Main() = 0; virtual sal_Bool QueryExit(); virtual void UserEvent( sal_uLong nEvent, void* pEventData ); virtual void ActivateExtHelp(); virtual void DeactivateExtHelp(); virtual void ShowStatusText( const XubString& rText ); virtual void HideStatusText(); virtual void ShowHelpStatusText( const XubString& rText ); virtual void HideHelpStatusText(); virtual void FocusChanged(); virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ); virtual void Init(); virtual void DeInit(); static void InitAppRes( const ResId& rResId ); static sal_uInt16 GetCommandLineParamCount(); static XubString GetCommandLineParam( sal_uInt16 nParam ); static const XubString& GetAppFileName(); virtual sal_uInt16 Exception( sal_uInt16 nError ); static void Abort( const XubString& rErrorText ); static void Execute(); static void Quit(); static void Reschedule( bool bAllEvents = false ); static void Yield( bool bAllEvents = false ); static void EndYield(); static vos::IMutex& GetSolarMutex(); static vos::OThread::TThreadIdentifier GetMainThreadIdentifier(); static sal_uLong ReleaseSolarMutex(); static void AcquireSolarMutex( sal_uLong nCount ); static void EnableNoYieldMode( bool i_bNoYield ); static void AddPostYieldListener( const Link& i_rListener ); static void RemovePostYieldListener( const Link& i_rListener ); static sal_Bool IsInMain(); static sal_Bool IsInExecute(); static sal_Bool IsShutDown(); static sal_Bool IsInModalMode(); static sal_uInt16 GetModalModeCount(); static sal_uInt16 GetDispatchLevel(); static sal_Bool AnyInput( sal_uInt16 nType = INPUT_ANY ); static sal_uLong GetLastInputInterval(); static sal_Bool IsUICaptured(); static sal_Bool IsUserActive( sal_uInt16 nTest = USERACTIVE_ALL ); virtual void SystemSettingsChanging( AllSettings& rSettings, Window* pFrame ); static void MergeSystemSettings( AllSettings& rSettings ); /** validate that the currently selected system UI font is suitable to display the application's UI. A localized test string will be checked if it can be displayed in the currently selected system UI font. If no glyphs are missing it can be assumed that the font is proper for display of the application's UI. @returns if the system font is suitable for our UI if the test string could not be displayed with the system font */ static bool ValidateSystemFont(); static void SetSettings( const AllSettings& rSettings ); static const AllSettings& GetSettings(); static void NotifyAllWindows( DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ); static void AddEventListener( const Link& rEventListener ); static void RemoveEventListener( const Link& rEventListener ); static void AddKeyListener( const Link& rKeyListener ); static void RemoveKeyListener( const Link& rKeyListener ); static void ImplCallEventListeners( sal_uLong nEvent, Window* pWin, void* pData ); static void ImplCallEventListeners( VclSimpleEvent* pEvent ); static sal_Bool HandleKey( sal_uLong nEvent, Window *pWin, KeyEvent* pKeyEvent ); static sal_uLong PostKeyEvent( sal_uLong nEvent, Window *pWin, KeyEvent* pKeyEvent ); static sal_uLong PostMouseEvent( sal_uLong nEvent, Window *pWin, MouseEvent* pMouseEvent ); static void RemoveMouseAndKeyEvents( Window *pWin ); static sal_Bool IsProcessedMouseOrKeyEvent( sal_uLong nEventId ); static sal_uLong PostUserEvent( sal_uLong nEvent, void* pEventData = NULL ); static sal_uLong PostUserEvent( const Link& rLink, void* pCaller = NULL ); static sal_Bool PostUserEvent( sal_uLong& rEventId, sal_uLong nEvent, void* pEventData = NULL ); static sal_Bool PostUserEvent( sal_uLong& rEventId, const Link& rLink, void* pCaller = NULL ); static void RemoveUserEvent( sal_uLong nUserEvent ); static sal_Bool InsertIdleHdl( const Link& rLink, sal_uInt16 nPriority ); static void RemoveIdleHdl( const Link& rLink ); virtual void AppEvent( const ApplicationEvent& rAppEvent ); virtual void Property( ApplicationProperty& ); void SetPropertyHandler( PropertyHandler* pHandler ); #ifndef NO_GETAPPWINDOW static WorkWindow* GetAppWindow(); #endif static Window* GetFocusWindow(); static OutputDevice* GetDefaultDevice(); static Window* GetFirstTopLevelWindow(); static Window* GetNextTopLevelWindow( Window* pWindow ); static long GetTopWindowCount(); static Window* GetTopWindow( long nIndex ); static Window* GetActiveTopWindow(); static void SetAppName( const String& rUniqueName ); static String GetAppName(); static void SetDisplayName( const UniString& rDisplayName ); static UniString GetDisplayName(); static unsigned int GetScreenCount(); // IsMultiDisplay returns: // true: different screens are separate and windows cannot be moved // between them (e.g. Xserver with multiple screens) // false: screens form up one large display area // windows can be moved between single screens // (e.g. Xserver with Xinerama, Windows) static bool IsMultiDisplay(); static Rectangle GetScreenPosSizePixel( unsigned int nScreen ); static Rectangle GetWorkAreaPosSizePixel( unsigned int nScreen ); static rtl::OUString GetScreenName( unsigned int nScreen ); static unsigned int GetDefaultDisplayNumber(); // if IsMultiDisplay() == false the return value will be // nearest screen of the target rectangle // in case of IsMultiDisplay() == true the return value // will always be GetDefaultDisplayNumber() static unsigned int GetBestScreen( const Rectangle& ); static const LocaleDataWrapper& GetAppLocaleDataWrapper(); static sal_Bool InsertAccel( Accelerator* pAccel ); static void RemoveAccel( Accelerator* pAccel ); static void FlushAccel(); static sal_Bool CallAccel( const KeyCode& rKeyCode, sal_uInt16 nRepeat = 0 ); static sal_uLong AddHotKey( const KeyCode& rKeyCode, const Link& rLink, void* pData = NULL ); static void RemoveHotKey( sal_uLong nId ); static sal_uLong AddEventHook( VCLEventHookProc pProc, void* pData = NULL ); static void RemoveEventHook( sal_uLong nId ); static long CallEventHooks( NotifyEvent& rEvt ); static long CallPreNotify( NotifyEvent& rEvt ); static long CallEvent( NotifyEvent& rEvt ); static void SetHelp( Help* pHelp = NULL ); static Help* GetHelp(); static void EnableAutoHelpId( sal_Bool bEnabled = sal_True ); static sal_Bool IsAutoHelpIdEnabled(); static void EnableAutoMnemonic( sal_Bool bEnabled = sal_True ); static sal_Bool IsAutoMnemonicEnabled(); static sal_uLong GetReservedKeyCodeCount(); static const KeyCode* GetReservedKeyCode( sal_uLong i ); static String GetReservedKeyCodeDescription( sal_uLong i ); static void SetDefDialogParent( Window* pWindow ); static Window* GetDefDialogParent(); static void EnableDialogCancel( sal_Bool bDialogCancel = sal_True ); static sal_Bool IsDialogCancelEnabled(); static void SetSystemWindowMode( sal_uInt16 nMode ); static sal_uInt16 GetSystemWindowMode(); static void SetDialogScaleX( short nScale ); static short GetDialogScaleX(); static void SetFontPath( const String& rPath ); static const String& GetFontPath(); static UniqueItemId CreateUniqueId(); static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XDisplayConnection > GetDisplayConnection(); // The global service manager has to be created before! static ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::awt::XToolkit > GetVCLToolkit(); static UnoWrapperBase* GetUnoWrapper( sal_Bool bCreateIfNotExists = sal_True ); static void SetUnoWrapper( UnoWrapperBase* pWrapper ); static void SetFilterHdl( const Link& rLink ); static const Link& GetFilterHdl(); static sal_Bool IsAccessibilityEnabled(); static void EnableHeadlessMode( sal_Bool bEnable = sal_True ); static sal_Bool IsHeadlessModeEnabled(); static void EnableConversionMode( bool bEnableConv = true ); static bool IsConversionModeEnabled(); static void ShowNativeErrorBox(const String& sTitle , const String& sMessage); //IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009----- static bool EnableAccessInterface(bool bEnable); static bool IsEnableAccessInterface(); //-----IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009 // IME Status Window Control: /** Return true if any IME status window can be toggled on and off externally. Must only be called with the Solar mutex locked. */ static bool CanToggleImeStatusWindow(); /** Toggle any IME status window on and off. This only works if CanToggleImeStatusWinodw returns true (otherwise, any calls of this method are ignored). Must only be called with the Solar mutex locked. */ static void ShowImeStatusWindow(bool bShow); /** Return true if any IME status window should be turned on by default (this decision can be locale dependent, for example). Can be called without the Solar mutex locked. */ static bool GetShowImeStatusWindowDefault(); /** Returns a string representing the desktop environment the process is currently running in. */ static const ::rtl::OUString& GetDesktopEnvironment(); /** Add a file to the system shells recent document list if there is any. This function may have no effect under Unix because there is no standard API among the different desktop managers. @param rFileUrl The file url of the document. @param rMimeType The mime content type of the document specified by aFileUrl. If an empty string will be provided "application/octet-stream" will be used. */ static void AddToRecentDocumentList(const rtl::OUString& rFileUrl, const rtl::OUString& rMimeType); private: DECL_STATIC_LINK( Application, PostEventHandler, void* ); }; VCL_DLLPUBLIC Application* GetpApp(); VCL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool InitVCL( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > & ); VCL_DLLPUBLIC void DeInitVCL(); VCL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool InitAccessBridge( sal_Bool bAllowCancel, sal_Bool &rCancelled ); // only allowed to call, if no thread is running. You must call JoinMainLoopThread to free all memory. VCL_DLLPUBLIC void CreateMainLoopThread( oslWorkerFunction pWorker, void * pThreadData ); VCL_DLLPUBLIC void JoinMainLoopThread(); inline void Application::EndYield() { PostUserEvent( Link() ); } //IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009----- #ifdef WNT // VCL_DLLPUBLIC sal_Bool HasAtHook(); VCL_DLLPUBLIC bool IsWNTInitAccessBridge(); bool WNTEnableAccessInterface(bool bEnable); VCL_DLLPUBLIC bool TestBridgeRegistered(); VCL_DLLPUBLIC bool IsBridgeRegistered(); #endif //-----IAccessibility2 Implementation 2009 #endif // _APP_HXX