 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#ifndef _SV_SALPRN_H
#define _SV_SALPRN_H

#include <salprn.hxx>

// -----------------
// - SalDriverData -
// -----------------

// WNT3
#define SAL_DRIVERDATA_SYSSIGN				((sal_uIntPtr)0x574E5433)
#define SAL_DRIVERDATA_VERSION_W            2

#pragma pack( 1 )

struct SalDriverData
	sal_uIntPtr					mnSysSignature;
	sal_uInt16					mnVersion;
	sal_uInt16					mnDriverOffset;
	BYTE					maDriverData[1];

#pragma pack()

// ---------------------
// - WinSalInfoPrinter -
// ---------------------

class WinSalGraphics;

class WinSalInfoPrinter : public SalInfoPrinter
	WinSalGraphics*			mpGraphics; 			// current Printer graphics
	XubString				maDriverName;			// printer driver name
	XubString				maDeviceName;			// printer device name
	XubString				maPortName; 			// printer port name
	HDC 					mhDC;					// printer hdc
	sal_Bool					mbGraphics; 			// is Graphics used
    virtual ~WinSalInfoPrinter();

	virtual SalGraphics*			GetGraphics();
	virtual void					ReleaseGraphics( SalGraphics* pGraphics );
	virtual sal_Bool					Setup( SalFrame* pFrame, ImplJobSetup* pSetupData );
	virtual sal_Bool					SetPrinterData( ImplJobSetup* pSetupData );
	virtual sal_Bool					SetData( sal_uIntPtr nFlags, ImplJobSetup* pSetupData );
	virtual void					GetPageInfo( const ImplJobSetup* pSetupData,
                                                 long& rOutWidth, long& rOutHeight,
                                                 long& rPageOffX, long& rPageOffY,
                                                 long& rPageWidth, long& rPageHeight );
	virtual sal_uIntPtr					GetCapabilities( const ImplJobSetup* pSetupData, sal_uInt16 nType );
	virtual sal_uIntPtr					GetPaperBinCount( const ImplJobSetup* pSetupData );
	virtual String					GetPaperBinName( const ImplJobSetup* pSetupData, sal_uIntPtr nPaperBin );
    virtual void					InitPaperFormats( const ImplJobSetup* pSetupData );
    virtual int					GetLandscapeAngle( const ImplJobSetup* pSetupData );

// -----------------
// - WinSalPrinter -
// -----------------

class WinSalPrinter : public SalPrinter
	WinSalGraphics*			mpGraphics; 			// current Printer graphics
	WinSalInfoPrinter* 		mpInfoPrinter;			// pointer to the compatible InfoPrinter
	WinSalPrinter* 			mpNextPrinter;			// next printing printer
	HDC 					mhDC;					// printer hdc
	sal_uIntPtr					mnError;				// Error Code
	sal_uIntPtr					mnCopies;				// Kopien
	sal_Bool					mbCollate;				// Sortierte Kopien
	sal_Bool					mbAbort;				// Job Aborted

    bool                    mbValid;
    virtual ~WinSalPrinter();

    using SalPrinter::StartJob;
	virtual sal_Bool					StartJob( const XubString* pFileName,
                                              const XubString& rJobName,
                                              const XubString& rAppName,
                                              sal_uIntPtr nCopies,
                                              bool bCollate,
                                              bool bDirect,
                                              ImplJobSetup* pSetupData );
	virtual sal_Bool					EndJob();
	virtual sal_Bool					AbortJob();
	virtual SalGraphics*			StartPage( ImplJobSetup* pSetupData, sal_Bool bNewJobData );
	virtual sal_Bool					EndPage();
	virtual sal_uIntPtr					GetErrorCode();

    void markInvalid();
    bool isValid() const { return mbValid; }

#endif // _SV_SALPRN_H