/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ /** * */ package fvt.gui.sc.subtotals; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import static org.openoffice.test.common.Testspace.*; import static org.openoffice.test.vcl.Tester.*; import static testlib.gui.AppTool.*; import static testlib.gui.UIMap.*; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.openoffice.test.common.Logger; import testlib.gui.SCTool; /** * * */ public class SubtotalsFunctions { @Rule public Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { app.start(true); String file = prepareData("sc/SubtotalsSampleFile.ods"); app.dispatch(".uno:Open"); submitOpenDlg(file); calc.waitForExistence(10, 2); SCTool.selectRange("A1:E7"); app.dispatch(".uno:DataSubTotals"); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { } /** * Just support en-US language Verify Average function in SubTotals */ @Test public void testAverage() { scSubTotalsGroupByListBox.select(4); // "Team" // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 25); // In different platform, can // not focus on same checkbox scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(1); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(1); // "Code" sleep(1); scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(2); // "Average" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "", "20", "", "A Average", "" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "", "15", "", "B Average", "" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "", "20", "", "C Average", "" }, { "", "18.33333333", "", "Grand Total", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify Count Numbers only function in * SubTotals */ @Test public void testCountNumbersOnly() { // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 45); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(2); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(2); // "No." scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(6); // "Count (numbers only)" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "BS Count", "", "3", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "CS Count", "", "1", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "MS Count", "", "2", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "6", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify Max Numbers function in SubTotals */ @Test public void testMax() { // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 45); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(2); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(2); // "No." scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(3); // "Max" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "BS Max", "", "6", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "CS Max", "", "5", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "MS Max", "", "3", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "6", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify Min Numbers function in SubTotals */ @Test public void testMin() { // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 45); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(2); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(2); // "No." scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(4); // "Min" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "BS Min", "", "2", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "CS Min", "", "5", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "MS Min", "", "1", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "1", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify Product function in SubTotals */ @Test public void testProduct() { // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 45); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(2); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(2); // "No." scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(5); // "Product" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "BS Product", "", "48", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "CS Product", "", "5", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "MS Product", "", "3", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "720", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify StDevP (Population) function in * SubTotals */ @Test public void testStDevPPopulation() { // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 45); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(2); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(2); // "No." scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(8); // "StDevP (Population)" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "BS StDev", "", "1.63299316", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "CS StDev", "", "0", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "MS StDev", "", "1", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "1.70782513", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify sum function in SubTotals */ @Test public void testSum() { // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 45); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(2); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(2); // "No." scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(0); // "Sum" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "BS Sum", "", "12", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "CS Sum", "", "5", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "MS Sum", "", "4", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "21", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify Var Sample function in SubTotals */ @Test public void testVarSample() { // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 45); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(2); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(2); // "No." scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(9); // "Var (Sample)" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "BS Var", "", "4", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "CS Var", "", "#DIV/0!", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "MS Var", "", "2", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "3.5", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify Don't sort in Sub totals */ @Test public void testDoNotSortOption() { scSubTotalsGroupByListBox.select(4); // "Team" // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 25); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(1); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(1); // "Code" scSubTotalsOptionsTabPage.select(); scSubtotalsPreSortToGroupCheckBox.uncheck(); scSubTotalsOptionsTabPage.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "", "20", "", "B Sum", "" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "", "20", "", "C Sum", "" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "", "60", "", "A Sum", "" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "", "10", "", "B Sum", "" }, { "", "110", "", "Grand Total", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E12")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify SubTotals Options default UI */ @Test public void testDefaultUI() { assertArrayEquals("Group List: ", new String[] { "- none -", "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, scSubTotalsGroupByListBox.getItemsText()); scSubTotalsOptionsTabPage.select(); assertFalse(scSubtotalsInsertPageBreakCheckBox.isChecked()); assertFalse(scSubtotalsCaseSensitiveCheckBox.isChecked()); assertTrue(scSubtotalsPreSortToGroupCheckBox.isChecked()); assertTrue(scSubtotalSortAscendingRadioButton.isChecked()); assertFalse(scSubtotalSortDescendingRadioButton.isChecked()); assertFalse(scSubtotalsIncludeFormatsCheckBox.isChecked()); assertFalse(scSubtotalsCustomSortOrderCheckBox.isChecked()); assertFalse(scSubtotalsCustomSortListBox.isEnabled()); scSubTotalsOptionsTabPage.ok(); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify Subtotals using all group */ @Test public void testUsingAllGroup() { scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.select(); scSubTotalsGroupByListBox.select(1); // "Level" // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 45); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(2); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(2); // "No." scSubTotalsGroup2Dialog.select(); scSubTotalsGroupByListBox.select(4); // "Team" // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 25); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(1); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(1); // "Code" scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(3); // "Max" scSubTotalsGroup3Dialog.select(); scSubTotalsGroupByListBox.select(5); // "Name" // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10, 25); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(1); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(1); // "Code" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.select(); scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "", "20", "", "", "Chcomic Sum" }, { "", "20", "", "A Max", "" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "", "20", "", "", "Elle Sum" }, { "", "20", "", "B Max", "" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "", "20", "", "", "Sweet Sum" }, { "", "20", "", "C Max", "" }, { "BS Sum", "", "12", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "", "30", "", "", "Ally Sum" }, { "", "30", "", "A Max", "" }, { "CS Sum", "", "5", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "", "10", "", "", "Joker Sum" }, { "", "10", "", "A Max", "" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "", "10", "", "", "Kevin Sum" }, { "", "10", "", "B Max", "" }, { "MS Sum", "", "4", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "21", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E23")); } /** * Just support en-US language Verify Subtotals_Recalculate and refresh * results when data rows deleted. */ @Test public void testRecalculateAfterRowDeleted() { // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10,45); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(2); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(2); // "No." scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table before deleting row", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "BS", "20", "6", "C", "Sweet" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "BS Sum", "", "12", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "CS Sum", "", "5", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "MS Sum", "", "4", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "21", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); SCTool.selectRange("A3:E3"); app.dispatch(".uno:DeleteCell"); scDeleteCellsDeleteRowsRadioButton.check(); scDeleteCellsDialog.ok(); sleep(1); assertArrayEquals("Subtotal table after deleting row", new String[][] { { "Level", "Code", "No.", "Team", "Name" }, { "BS", "20", "4", "B", "Elle" }, { "BS", "20", "2", "A", "Chcomic" }, { "BS Sum", "", "6", "", "" }, { "CS", "30", "5", "A", "Ally" }, { "CS Sum", "", "5", "", "" }, { "MS", "10", "1", "A", "Joker" }, { "MS", "10", "3", "B", "Kevin" }, { "MS Sum", "", "4", "", "" }, { "Grand Total", "", "15", "", "" }, { "", "", "", "", "" } }, SCTool.getCellTexts("A1:E11")); } /** * Verify Recalculates when source data changed with Average function in * SubTotals */ @Test public void testRecalculateWhenDataChanged() { scSubTotalsGroupByListBox.select(4); // "Team" // SCCalcSubTotalForColumns.click(10,25); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.select(1); scCalcSubTotalForColumns.check(1); // "Code" scCalcSubTotolsFuncionList.select(2); // "Average" scSubTotalsGroup1Dialog.ok(); sleep(1); SCTool.selectRange("B4"); typeKeys("40" + ""); sleep(1); assertEquals("30", SCTool.getCellText("B5")); assertEquals("23.33333333", SCTool.getCellText("B11")); SCTool.selectRange("B7"); typeKeys("50" + ""); sleep(1); assertEquals("35", SCTool.getCellText("B8")); assertEquals("30", SCTool.getCellText("B11")); SCTool.selectRange("B9"); typeKeys("30" + ""); sleep(1); assertEquals("30", SCTool.getCellText("B10")); assertEquals("31.66666667", SCTool.getCellText("B11")); } }