/aoo4110/main/i18npool/source/collator/ |
H A D | chaptercollator.cxx | 59 #define DIGIT KCharacterType::DIGIT macro 69 for (i1 = len1; i1 && (cclass->getCharacterType(str1, off1+i1-1, nLocale) & DIGIT); i1--) ; in compareSubstring() 70 for (i2 = len2; i2 && (cclass->getCharacterType(str2, off2+i2-1, nLocale) & DIGIT); i2--) ; in compareSubstring() 81 res1 = cclass->parseAnyToken( s1, 0, nLocale, DIGIT, aAddAllowed, DIGIT, aAddAllowed ); in compareSubstring() 82 res2 = cclass->parseAnyToken( s2, 0, nLocale, DIGIT, aAddAllowed, DIGIT, aAddAllowed ); in compareSubstring()
/aoo4110/main/i18npool/source/breakiterator/data/ |
H A D | edit_word_hu.txt | 31 [:name = DIGIT ZERO:] 32 [:name = DIGIT ONE:] 33 [:name = DIGIT TWO:] 34 [:name = DIGIT THREE:] 35 [:name = DIGIT FOUR:] 36 [:name = DIGIT FIVE:] 37 [:name = DIGIT SIX:] 38 [:name = DIGIT SEVEN:] 39 [:name = DIGIT EIGHT:] 40 [:name = DIGIT NINE:]
H A D | dict_word_hu.txt | 31 [:name = DIGIT ZERO:] 32 [:name = DIGIT ONE:] 33 [:name = DIGIT TWO:] 34 [:name = DIGIT THREE:] 35 [:name = DIGIT FOUR:] 36 [:name = DIGIT FIVE:] 37 [:name = DIGIT SIX:] 38 [:name = DIGIT SEVEN:] 39 [:name = DIGIT EIGHT:] 40 [:name = DIGIT NINE:]
/aoo4110/main/idlc/source/ |
H A D | scanner.ll | 265 DIGIT [0-9] 274 IDENTIFIER_NEW ({ALPHA}({ALPHA}|{DIGIT})*)|({CAPITAL}("_"?({ALPHA}|{DIGIT})+)*) 275 IDENTIFIER ("_"?({ALPHA}|{DIGIT})+)* 357 ("-")?{DIGIT}+(e|E){1}(("+"|"-")?{DIGIT}+)+(f|F)? | 358 ("-")?"."{DIGIT}+((e|E)("+"|"-")?{DIGIT}+)?(f|F)? | 359 ("-")?{DIGIT}*"."{DIGIT}+((e|E)("+"|"-")?{DIGIT}+)?(f|F)? {
/aoo4110/main/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/ |
H A D | XCharacterClassification.idl | 59 ALPHA,DIGIT are the tokens which return true for isAlpha and isDigit 60 ALNUM=ALPHA|DIGIT 75 NUMBER=[SIGN]*(1*DIGIT *(GRPSEP 1*DIGIT))[DECSEP]1*DIGIT[EXPONENT]
H A D | KCharacterType.idl | 43 const long DIGIT = 0x00000001;
/aoo4110/main/unotools/source/i18n/ |
H A D | charclass.cxx | 260 KCharacterType::DIGIT) != 0; in isDigit() 299 (nCharClassAlphaType | KCharacterType::DIGIT)) != 0; in isAlphaNumeric() 338 (nCharClassLetterType | KCharacterType::DIGIT)) != 0; in isLetterNumeric()
/aoo4110/main/xmloff/source/text/ |
H A D | XMLIndexChapterInfoEntryContext.cxx | 86 { XML_PLAIN_NUMBER, ChapterFormat::DIGIT }, 162 nChapterInfo = ChapterFormat::DIGIT; in StartElement()
H A D | XMLSectionExport.cxx | 1429 case ChapterFormat::DIGIT: in ExportIndexTemplateElement()
H A D | txtflde.cxx | 3114 case ChapterFormat::DIGIT: in MapChapterDisplayFormat()
H A D | txtfldi.cxx | 2423 { XML_PLAIN_NUMBER, ChapterFormat::DIGIT },
/aoo4110/main/offapi/com/sun/star/text/ |
H A D | ChapterFormat.idl | 69 // DocMerge from idl: value com::sun::star::text::ChapterFormat::DIGIT 72 const short DIGIT = 4;
H A D | DocumentIndexLevelFormat.idl | 121 …om.sun.star.text.ChapterFormat.NUMBER and com.sun.star.text.ChapterFormat.DIGIT constants are allo…
/aoo4110/main/sw/source/core/fields/ |
H A D | chpfld.cxx | 263 nRet = text::ChapterFormat::DIGIT; in QueryValue() 310 case text::ChapterFormat::DIGIT: in PutValue()
/aoo4110/main/sw/source/core/edit/ |
H A D | autofmt.cxx | 125 DIGIT = 2, enumerator 131 NO_DELIM = (DIGIT|LOWER_ALPHA|UPPER_ALPHA|LOWER_ROMAN|UPPER_ROMAN) 834 else if( pNumTypes && !(eScan & DIGIT) ) in GetDigitLevel() 838 if( 0 != (eScan & ~CHG) && DIGIT != (eScan & ~CHG)) in GetDigitLevel() 841 eScan |= DIGIT; // Digit rein in GetDigitLevel()
/aoo4110/main/unotools/inc/unotools/ |
H A D | charclass.hxx | 64 ::com::sun::star::i18n::KCharacterType::DIGIT;
/aoo4110/main/i18npool/source/characterclassification/ |
H A D | cclass_unicode.cxx | 164 return DIGIT|PRINTABLE|BASE_FORM; in getCharType()
/aoo4110/main/i18nutil/source/utility/ |
H A D | unicode.cxx | 452 return DIGIT|PRINTABLE|BASE_FORM; in getCharType()
/aoo4110/main/offapi/com/sun/star/ucb/ |
H A D | XContentProviderManager.idl | 88 <li><code>scheme = ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / ".")</code></li>
/aoo4110/main/sw/source/core/unocore/ |
H A D | unoidx.cxx | 3089 case text::ChapterFormat::DIGIT: in replaceByIndex() 3261 nVal = text::ChapterFormat::DIGIT; in getByIndex() 3375 nVal = text::ChapterFormat::DIGIT; in getByIndex()
/aoo4110/main/comphelper/source/misc/ |
H A D | accessibletexthelper.cxx | 170 if ( ( nType & ( i18n::KCharacterType::LETTER | i18n::KCharacterType::DIGIT ) ) != 0 ) in implGetWordBoundary()
/aoo4110/main/i18npool/source/search/ |
H A D | textsearch.cxx | 430 if( 0 != (( KCharacterType::DIGIT | KCharacterType::ALPHA | in IsDelimiter()