/aoo42x/main/qadevOOo/runner/convwatch/ |
H A D | PRNCompare.java | 331 int nResult = identify(sDiffGfx); in createDiffs() 371 nResult = identify(sDiff_BM_Gfx); in createDiffs() 447 int nResult = identify(sDiffGfx); in createDiffs() 495 nResult = identify(sDiff_BM_Gfx); in createDiffs() 592 int identify(String _sDiffGfx) in identify() method in PRNCompare 679 int nResult = identify(sDiffGfx); in checkDiffDiff()
/aoo42x/main/basic/source/basmgr/ |
H A D | vbahelper.cxx | 86 ::rtl::OUString aIdentifier = xModuleManager->identify( rxModel ); in DocumentsEnumeration() 94 if( xModuleManager->identify( xCurrModel ) == aIdentifier ) in DocumentsEnumeration() 230 ::rtl::OUString aIdentifier = xModuleManager->identify( rxModel ); in registerCurrentDirectory() 250 ::rtl::OUString aIdentifier = xModuleManager->identify( rxModel ); in getCurrentDirectory()
/aoo42x/main/qadevOOo/tests/java/ifc/frame/ |
H A D | _XModuleManager.java | 122 oObj.identify(oObj); in _identify() 135 if (oObj.identify(sequenze[i].Value).equals( in testSequenze() 140 oObj.identify(sequenze[i].Value) + in testSequenze()
/aoo42x/main/framework/qa/complex/ModuleManager/ |
H A D | CheckXModuleManager.java | 274 String sModuleFrame = m_xMM.identify(xFrame ); in impl_identifyModulesBasedOnDocs() 275 String sModuleController = m_xMM.identify(xController); in impl_identifyModulesBasedOnDocs() 276 String sModuleModel = m_xMM.identify(xModel ); in impl_identifyModulesBasedOnDocs()
/aoo42x/main/setup_native/source/mac/ |
H A D | macinstall.ulf | 50 en-US = "Do you want to identify as administrator and try again?" 53 en-US = "Yes, identify"
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/frame/ |
H A D | ModuleManager.idl | 40 /** can be used to identify office modules. 53 /** provides functions to identify office modules.
H A D | XModuleManager.idl | 44 /** can be used to identify office modules. 102 string identify( [in] ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface Module )
H A D | XStatusbarController.idl | 74 The command is used to identify the status bar controller 87 <member scope="com::sun::star::frame">XModuleManager::identify()</member>.
/aoo42x/main/framework/source/fwe/classes/ |
H A D | framelistanalyzer.cxx | 159 ::rtl::OUString sModule = xModuleMgr->identify(m_xReferenceFrame); in impl_analyze() 234 ::rtl::OUString sModule = xModuleMgr->identify(xFrame); in impl_analyze()
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/sheet/ |
H A D | XFormulaOpCodeMapper.idl | 49 <p>Needed to be able to identify which of the function names map to an 60 <p>Used to identify which of the function names queried with
/aoo42x/main/qadevOOo/runner/graphical/ |
H A D | JPEGComparator.java | 435 int nResult = identify(sDifference); in compareJPEG() 729 int identify(String _sDiffGfx) in identify() method in JPEGComparator
/aoo42x/main/svtools/source/misc/ |
H A D | acceleratorexecute.cxx | 261 const ::rtl::OUString sModule = xModuleDetection->identify(m_xDispatcher); in execute() 478 sModule = xModuleDetection->identify(xFrame); in st_openModuleConfig()
/aoo42x/main/qadevOOo/objdsc/fwk/ |
H A D | com.sun.star.comp.framework.ModuleManager.csv | 4 "ModuleManager";"com::sun::star::frame::XModuleManager";"identify()"
/aoo42x/main/ucb/ |
H A D | Library_ucb1.mk | 53 ucb/source/core/identify \
/aoo42x/main/svx/source/sidebar/ |
H A D | ContextChangeEventMultiplexer.cxx | 81 return xModuleManager->identify(rxFrame); in GetModuleName()
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/ |
H A D | XTransliteration.idl | 104 /** Unique ASCII name to identify a module. This name is used 139 {implName} is a unique name used to identify a module. The
/aoo42x/main/framework/source/inc/dispatch/ |
H A D | uieventloghelper.hxx | 62 m_aAppName = xModuleManager->identify(rModel); in log()
/aoo42x/main/sfx2/source/sidebar/ |
H A D | ContextChangeBroadcaster.cxx | 143 return xModuleManager->identify(rxFrame); in GetModuleName()
/aoo42x/main/winaccessibility/source/UAccCOMIDL/ |
H A D | defines.idl | 31 long m_dChildID;//identify a unique child node
/aoo42x/main/forms/source/helper/ |
H A D | commanddescriptionprovider.cxx | 97 ::rtl::OUString sModuleID = xModuleManager->identify( _rxDocument ); in impl_init_nothrow()
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/configuration/backend/ |
H A D | TemplateIdentifier.idl | 33 /** holds the data needed to identify a template.
/aoo42x/main/framework/inc/services/ |
H A D | modulemanager.hxx | 103 …virtual ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL identify(const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >& xModu…
/aoo42x/main/svx/source/dialog/ |
H A D | fontwork.hrc | 40 // the following ids are also used to identify the
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/presentation/ |
H A D | EffectPresetClass.idl | 38 It can be used to quickly identify preset animations inside an animation hierarchy.
/aoo42x/main/offapi/com/sun/star/configuration/ |
H A D | CorruptedConfigurationException.idl | 41 specialized exceptions from it which identify a concrete