xref: /aoo4110/main/svl/inc/svl/cntnrsrt.hxx (revision b1cdbd2c)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
23 #ifndef _CNTRSRT_HXX
24 #define _CNTRSRT_HXX
26 #if 0
27 ***********************************************************************
28 *
29 *	Hier folgt die Beschreibung fuer die exportierten Makros:
30 *
31 *		DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type )
32 *		IMPL_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type, SortFunc )
33 *
34 *		Definiert eine von Container abgeleitete Klasse "ClassName",
35 *		in der die Elemente des Typs "Type" sortiert enthalten sind.
36 *		Dazu muss einer Funktion "SortFunc" definiert sein, die als
37 *		Paramter zwei "const Type&" erwartet und 0 zurueckgibt, wenn
38 *		beide gleich sind, -1 wenn der erste Paramter kleiner ist als
39 * 		der zweite und +1 wenn der erste Paramter groesser ist als
40 *		der zweite.
41 *
42 *		Die Zugriffs-Methoden entsprechen in etwa denen der Container-
43 *		Klasse, mit Ausnahme von Insert, DeleteAndDestroy und Seek_Entry,
44 *		der den SV-Pointer-Arrays entsprechen.
45 *
47 *		IMPL_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type, SortFunc )
48 *
49 *		Wie DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT, nur dass beim Aufruf des Destruktors
50 *		alle im Conatiner vorhandenen Objekte geloescht werden.
51 *
52 #endif
54 #include <tools/contnr.hxx>
56 #define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_COMMON( ClassName, Type )						\
57 	ClassName( const ClassName& );											\
58     ClassName& operator =( const ClassName& );								\
59 public:                                       								\
60 	using Container::Count;                    								\
61 																			\
62 	ClassName( sal_uInt16  InitSize, sal_uInt16  ReSize ) :							\
63 		Container( CONTAINER_MAXBLOCKSIZE, InitSize, ReSize )	{}			\
64 																			\
65     sal_Bool Insert( Type* pObj );												\
66 							   												\
67 	Type *Remove( sal_uLong nPos ) 												\
68 		{ return (Type *)Container::Remove( nPos ); }						\
69 																			\
70 	Type *Remove( Type* pObj );												\
71 							   												\
72 	void DeleteAndDestroy( sal_uLong nPos )										\
73 	{                                  										\
74 		Type *pObj = Remove( nPos );   										\
75 		if( pObj )                     										\
76 			delete pObj;               										\
77 	}                                  										\
78 							   												\
79 	void DeleteAndDestroy()													\
80 		{ while( Count() ) DeleteAndDestroy( 0 ); }							\
81 																			\
82     Type* GetObject( sal_uLong nPos ) const										\
83 		{ return (Type *)Container::GetObject( nPos ); }					\
84 																			\
85 	Type* operator[]( sal_uLong nPos ) const 									\
86 		{ return GetObject(nPos); }											\
87 																			\
88 	sal_Bool Seek_Entry( const Type *pObj, sal_uLong* pPos ) const;					\
89 																			\
90 	sal_uLong GetPos( const Type* pObj ) const;									\
93 #define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type )							\
94 class ClassName : private Container											\
95 {																			\
96 	DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_COMMON( ClassName, Type )						\
97 	~ClassName() {} 														\
98 };																			\
101 #define DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_DEL( ClassName, Type )							\
102 class ClassName : private Container											\
103 {																			\
104 	DECLARE_CONTAINER_SORT_COMMON( ClassName, Type )							\
105 	~ClassName() { DeleteAndDestroy(); }									\
106 };																			\
109 #define IMPL_CONTAINER_SORT( ClassName, Type, SortFunc )					\
110 sal_Bool ClassName::Insert( Type *pObj )                                        \
111 {                                                                           \
112 	sal_uLong nPos;                                                             \
113 	sal_Bool bExist = Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos );                                \
114 	if( !bExist )                                                           \
115 		Container::Insert( pObj, nPos );                                    \
116 	return !bExist;                                                         \
117 }                                                                           \
118 																			\
119 Type *ClassName::Remove( Type* pObj )                                       \
120 {                                                                           \
121 	sal_uLong nPos;                                                             \
122 	if( Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ) )                                         \
123 		return Remove( nPos );                                              \
124 	else                                                                    \
125 		return 0;                                                           \
126 }                                                                           \
127 																			\
128 sal_uLong ClassName::GetPos( const Type* pObj ) const                           \
129 {                                                                           \
130 	sal_uLong nPos;                                                             \
131 	if( Seek_Entry( pObj, &nPos ) )                                         \
132 		return nPos;                                                        \
133 	else                                                                    \
134 		return CONTAINER_ENTRY_NOTFOUND;                                    \
135 }                                                                           \
136 																			\
137 sal_Bool ClassName::Seek_Entry( const Type* pObj, sal_uLong* pPos ) const           \
138 {                                                                           \
139 	register sal_uLong nO  = Count(),                                           \
140 			nM,                                                             \
141 			nU = 0;                                                         \
142 	if( nO > 0 )                                                            \
143 	{                                                                       \
144 		nO--;                                                               \
145 		while( nU <= nO )                                                   \
146 		{                                                                   \
147 			nM = nU + ( nO - nU ) / 2;                                      \
148 			int nCmp = SortFunc( *GetObject(nM), *pObj );				    \
149 																			\
150 			if( 0 == nCmp )                              					\
151 			{                                                               \
152 				if( pPos ) *pPos = nM;                                      \
153 				return sal_True;                                                \
154 			}                                                               \
155 			else if( nCmp < 0 )                       						\
156 				nU = nM + 1;                                                \
157 			else if( nM == 0 )                                              \
158 			{                                                               \
159 				if( pPos ) *pPos = nU;                                      \
160 				return sal_False;                                               \
161 			}                                                               \
162 			else                                                            \
163 				nO = nM - 1;                                                \
164 		}                                                                   \
165 	}                                                                       \
166 	if( pPos ) *pPos = nU;                                                  \
167 	return sal_False;                                                           \
168 }                                                                           \
170 #endif