1*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski /**************************************************************
2*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  *
3*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * distributed with this work for additional information
6*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  *
11*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  *
13*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  * under the License.
19*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  *
20*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  *************************************************************/
21*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
22*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
23*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
24*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #ifndef VBAHELPER_COLLECTIONBASE_HXX
25*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #define VBAHELPER_COLLECTIONBASE_HXX
26*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
27*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #include <vector>
28*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #include <com/sun/star/beans/NamedValue.hpp>
29*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #include <com/sun/star/container/XElementAccess.hpp>
30*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #include <com/sun/star/container/XNamed.hpp>
31*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #include <ooo/vba/XCollectionBase.hpp>
32*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #include <cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx>
33*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #include <vbahelper/vbahelper.hxx>
34*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
35*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski namespace vbahelper {
36*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
37*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski // ============================================================================
38*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
39*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski typedef ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< ov::XCollectionBase > CollectionBase_BASE;
40*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
41*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski /** Base class of VBA objects implementing the VBA collection concept.
42*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
43*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     This base class intentionally does not include the interface
44*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     XHelperInterface supported by all application VBA object. There may be
45*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     other VBA objects that do not support the special methods provided by
46*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     XHelperInterface.
47*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski  */
48*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski class VBAHELPER_DLLPUBLIC CollectionBase : public CollectionBase_BASE
49*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski {
50*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski public:
51*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Enumerates different container types a VBA collection can be based on. */
52*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     enum ContainerType
53*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     {
54*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         /** Container elements are VBA items.
55*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
56*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The initial container contains the final VBA items provided by the
57*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             VBA collection. No conversion takes place on item access.
58*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski          */
59*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         CONTAINER_NATIVE_VBA,
60*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
61*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         /** Container elements will be converted to VBA items on demand.
62*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
63*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The initial container contains intermediate objects (e.g. UNO
64*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             objects) which will be converted to VBA items everytime the item is
65*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             accessed (e.g. item access method, enumeration). Changes in the
66*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             initial container are reflected by the collection.
67*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski          */
68*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         CONTAINER_CONVERT_ON_DEMAND,
69*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     };
70*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
71*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
72*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
73*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     CollectionBase( const css::uno::Type& rElementType );
74*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
75*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
76*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
77*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     // attributes
78*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getCount() throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
79*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     // XEnumerationAccess
80*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     virtual css::uno::Reference< css::container::XEnumeration > SAL_CALL createEnumeration() throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
81*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     // XElementAccess
82*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     virtual css::uno::Type SAL_CALL getElementType() throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
83*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasElements() throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
84*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     // XDefaultMethod
85*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     virtual ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL getDefaultMethodName() throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
86*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
87*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
88*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
89*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Associates this collection with the passed UNO container.
90*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
91*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rxElementAccess
92*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The UNO container with the elements of this collection. Shall
93*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             support either XIndexAccess or XNameAccess, may support both.
94*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
95*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             If the container does not support XIndexAccess, index access is
96*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             simulated based on the order returned by the function
97*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             XNameAccess::getElementNames().
98*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
99*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             If the container does not support XNameAccess, name access is
100*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             simulated by iterating the elements via index access and asking the
101*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             elements for their name via the interface XNamed. If the elements
102*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             do not support XNamed, the elements cannot be accessed by name.
103*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
104*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param eContainerType
105*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             Specifies the type of the passed container.
106*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski      */
107*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     void initContainer(
108*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         const css::uno::Reference< css::container::XElementAccess >& rxElementAccess,
109*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         ContainerType eContainerType ) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
110*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
111*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Initializes this collection with copies of all elements in the passed
112*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         temporary STL vector.
113*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
114*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rElements
115*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The STL vector with the named elements of this collection.
116*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param eContainerType
117*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             Specifies the type of the passed vector.
118*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski      */
119*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     void initElements(
120*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         const ::std::vector< css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNamed > >& rElements,
121*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         ContainerType eContainerType ) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
122*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
123*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Initializes this collection with copies of all elements in the passed
124*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         temporary STL vector.
125*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
126*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rElements
127*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The STL vector with the named elements of this collection.
128*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param eContainerType
129*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             Specifies the type of the passed vector.
130*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski      */
131*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     void initElements(
132*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         const ::std::vector< css::beans::NamedValue >& rElements,
133*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         ContainerType eContainerType ) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
134*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
135*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Returns a VBA implementation object from the passed element.
136*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
137*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         If the container type is CONTAINER_NATIVE_VBA, returns the passed
138*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         object unmodified. If the container type is CONTAINER_CONVERT_ON_DEMAND,
139*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         calls the virtual function implCreateCollectionItem() that implements
140*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         creation of the VBA implmentation object.
141*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
142*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rElement
143*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The container element the VBA implementation object is based on.
144*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
145*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rIndex
146*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The index or name that has been used to access the item.
147*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski      */
148*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     css::uno::Any createCollectionItem(
149*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         const css::uno::Any& rElement,
150*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         const css::uno::Any& rIndex ) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
151*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
152*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Returns a collection item specified by its one-based item index.
153*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
154*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param nIndex
155*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The one-based index of the collection item.
156*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     */
157*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     css::uno::Any getItemByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex ) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
158*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
159*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Returns a collection item specified by its name.
160*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
161*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rName
162*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The name of the collection item.
163*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     */
164*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     css::uno::Any getItemByName( const ::rtl::OUString& rName ) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
165*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
166*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Returns a collection item specified by its index or name.
167*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
168*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rIndex
169*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The index or name of the collection item. May be empty, in that
170*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             case the entire collection is returned.
171*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     */
172*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     css::uno::Any getAnyItemOrThis( const css::uno::Any& rIndex ) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
173*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
174*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Returns a collection item of a specific type specified by its index or
175*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         name.
176*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
177*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rIndex
178*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The index or name of the collection item.
179*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     */
180*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     template< typename XType >
getAnyItem(const css::uno::Any & rIndex)181*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     inline css::uno::Reference< XType > getAnyItem( const css::uno::Any& rIndex ) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException)
182*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         { css::uno::Any aRet; if( rIndex.hasValue() ) aRet = getAnyItemOrThis( rIndex ); return css::uno::Reference< XType >( aRet, css::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); }
183*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
184*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski protected:
185*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     /** Derived classes implement creation of a VBA implementation object from
186*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         the passed intermediate container element.
187*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
188*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         May be kept unimplemented if container type is CONTAINER_NATIVE_VBA.
189*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
190*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rElement
191*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The container element the VBA implementation object is based on.
192*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
193*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski         @param rIndex
194*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             The index or name used to access the item. Can be used by
195*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski             implementations as a hint how to find or convert the VBA object.
196*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski      */
197*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     virtual css::uno::Any implCreateCollectionItem( const css::uno::Any& rElement, const css::uno::Any& rIndex ) throw (css::uno::RuntimeException);
198*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
199*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski private:
200*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     css::uno::Reference< css::container::XIndexAccess > mxIndexAccess;
201*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     css::uno::Reference< css::container::XNameAccess > mxNameAccess;
202*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     css::uno::Type maElementType;
203*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski     bool mbConvertOnDemand;
204*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski };
205*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
206*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski // ============================================================================
207*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
208*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski } // namespace vbahelper
209*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski 
210*b1cdbd2cSJim Jagielski #endif