1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
23 package com.sun.star.wizards.ui;
25 import com.sun.star.beans.*;
26 import com.sun.star.awt.*;
27 import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory;
28 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.*;
29 import com.sun.star.wizards.common.HelpIds;
31 import java.util.*;
33 public abstract class ControlScroller
34 {
36     protected WizardDialog CurUnoDialog;
37     protected XMultiServiceFactory xMSF;
38     private Object oImgControl;
39     protected int ncurfieldcount;
40     protected int nblockincrement;
41     private int nlineincrement;
42     protected int nscrollvalue = 0;
43     protected int ntotfieldcount;
44     XScrollBar xScrollBar;
45     protected Vector scrollfields;
46     protected Integer ICompPosX;
47     protected int iCompPosX;
48     protected Integer ICompPosY;
49     protected int iCompPosY;
50     protected Integer ICompWidth;
51     protected int iCompWidth;
52     protected Integer ICompHeight;
53     protected int iCompHeight;
54     protected int iStartPosY;
55     protected short curtabindex;
56     int iStep;
57     protected Integer IStep;
58     protected int linedistance;
59     int iScrollBarWidth = 10;
60     int SORELFIRSTPOSY = 3;
61     protected int curHelpIndex;
62     String sIncSuffix;
63     protected Vector ControlGroupVector = new Vector();
64     protected PeerConfig oTitlePeerConfig;
66     class AdjustmentListenerImpl implements com.sun.star.awt.XAdjustmentListener
67     {
disposing(com.sun.star.lang.EventObject eventObject)69         public void disposing(com.sun.star.lang.EventObject eventObject)
70         {
71         }
adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent AdjustEvent)73         public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent AdjustEvent)
74         {
75             scrollControls();
76         }
77     }
79     /**
80      *
81      * @param _CurUnoDialog
82      * @param iStep
83      * @param iCompPosX
84      * @param iCompPosY
85      * @param iCompWidth
86      * @param _nblockincrement
87      * @param _firsthelpindex
88      * @author bc93774
89      */
90     // TODO add parameters for tabindices and helpindex
ControlScroller(WizardDialog _CurUnoDialog, XMultiServiceFactory _xMSF, int _iStep, int _iCompPosX, int _iCompPosY, int _iCompWidth, int _nblockincrement, int _nlinedistance, int _firsthelpindex)91     protected ControlScroller(WizardDialog _CurUnoDialog, XMultiServiceFactory _xMSF, int _iStep, int _iCompPosX, int _iCompPosY, int _iCompWidth, int _nblockincrement, int _nlinedistance, int _firsthelpindex)
92     {
93         this.xMSF = _xMSF;
94         this.nblockincrement = _nblockincrement;
95         this.CurUnoDialog = _CurUnoDialog;
96         this.iStep = _iStep;
97         this.curHelpIndex = _firsthelpindex;
98         curtabindex = UnoDialog.setInitialTabindex(iStep);
99         this.linedistance = _nlinedistance;
100         IStep = new Integer(iStep);
101         this.iCompPosX = _iCompPosX;
102         this.iCompPosY = _iCompPosY;
103         this.ICompPosX = new Integer(iCompPosX);
104         this.ICompPosY = new Integer(iCompPosY);
105         this.iCompWidth = _iCompWidth;
106         this.ICompWidth = new Integer(iCompWidth);
107         this.iCompHeight = 2 * SORELFIRSTPOSY + nblockincrement * linedistance;
108         iStartPosY = iCompPosY + SORELFIRSTPOSY;
109         int ScrollHeight = iCompHeight - 2;
110         nlineincrement = 1;
111         sIncSuffix = com.sun.star.wizards.common.Desktop.getIncrementSuffix(CurUnoDialog.getDlgNameAccess(), "imgBackground");
112         oImgControl = CurUnoDialog.insertControlModel("com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlImageControlModel", "imgBackground" + sIncSuffix,
113                 new String[]
114                 {
115                     PropertyNames.PROPERTY_BORDER, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH
116                 },
117                 new Object[]
118                 {
119                     new Short("1"), new Integer(iCompHeight), ICompPosX, new Integer(iCompPosY), IStep, ICompWidth
120                 });
121         oImgControl = CurUnoDialog.xDlgContainer.getControl("imgBackground" + sIncSuffix);
122         setComponentMouseTransparent();
123         xScrollBar = CurUnoDialog.insertScrollBar("TitleScrollBar" + sIncSuffix, 0,
124                 new AdjustmentListenerImpl(),
125                 new String[]
126                 {
127                     PropertyNames.PROPERTY_BORDER, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HEIGHT, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_HELPURL, PropertyNames.ORIENTATION, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_X, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_POSITION_Y, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STEP, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_WIDTH
128                 },
129                 new Object[]
130                 {
131                     new Short((short) 0), Boolean.TRUE, new Integer(ScrollHeight), HelpIds.getHelpIdString(curHelpIndex), new Integer(ScrollBarOrientation.VERTICAL), new Integer(iCompPosX + iCompWidth - iScrollBarWidth - 1), new Integer(iCompPosY + 1), IStep, new Integer(iScrollBarWidth)
132                 });
133         scrollfields = new Vector();
134         int ypos = iStartPosY + SORELFIRSTPOSY;
135         for (int i = 0; i < nblockincrement; i++)
136         {
137             insertControlGroup(i, ypos);
138             ypos += linedistance;
139         }
140     }
setComponentMouseTransparent()142     public void setComponentMouseTransparent()
143     {
144         CurUnoDialog.getPeerConfiguration().setPeerProperties(oImgControl, new String[]
145                 {
146                     "MouseTransparent"
147                 }, new Boolean[]
148                 {
149                     Boolean.TRUE
150                 });
151     }
setScrollBarOrientationHorizontal()153     protected void setScrollBarOrientationHorizontal()
154     {
155         Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(xScrollBar, PropertyNames.ORIENTATION, new Integer(ScrollBarOrientation.HORIZONTAL));
156     }
158     /**
159      * @author bc93774
160      * @param _ntotfieldcount: The number of fields that are to be administered by the ControlScroller
161      */
initialize(int _ntotfieldcount)162     protected void initialize(int _ntotfieldcount)
163     {
164         try
165         {
166             boolean bisVisible;
167             ntotfieldcount = _ntotfieldcount;
168             setCurFieldCount();
169             nscrollvalue = 0;
170             Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(UnoDialog.getModel(xScrollBar), "ScrollValue", new Integer(nscrollvalue));
171             if (ntotfieldcount > nblockincrement)
172             {
173                 Helper.setUnoPropertyValues(UnoDialog.getModel(xScrollBar), new String[]
174                         {
175                             PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, "BlockIncrement", "LineIncrement", "ScrollValue", "ScrollValueMax"
176                         }, new Object[]
177                         {
178                             Boolean.TRUE, new Integer(nblockincrement), new Integer(nlineincrement), new Integer(nscrollvalue), new Integer(ntotfieldcount - nblockincrement)
179                         });
180             }
181             else
182             {
183                 Helper.setUnoPropertyValues(UnoDialog.getModel(xScrollBar), new String[]
184                         {
185                             PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, "ScrollValue"
186                         }, new Object[]
187                         {
188                             Boolean.FALSE, new Integer(nscrollvalue)
189                         });
190             }
191             fillupControls(true);
192         }
193         catch (java.lang.Exception ex)
194         {
195             ex.printStackTrace();
196         }
197     }
fillupControls(boolean binitialize)199     protected void fillupControls(boolean binitialize)
200     {
201         int newindex;
202         PropertyValue[] oldproperties;
203         PropertyValue[] newproperties;
204         for (int a = 0; a < this.nblockincrement; a++)
205         {
206             if (a < ncurfieldcount)
207             {
208                 fillupControls(a);
209             }
210             if (binitialize)
211             {
212                 setControlGroupVisible(a, (a < this.ncurfieldcount));
213             }
214         }
215         if (binitialize)
216         {
217             CurUnoDialog.repaintDialogStep();
218         }
219     }
fillupControls(int guiRow)221     protected void fillupControls(int guiRow)
222     {
223         PropertyValue[] nameProps = (PropertyValue[]) scrollfields.get(guiRow);
224         PropertyValue[] valueProps = (PropertyValue[]) scrollfields.get(guiRow + nscrollvalue);
225         for (int n = 0; n < nameProps.length; n++)
226         {
227             if (CurUnoDialog.getDlgNameAccess().hasByName(nameProps[n].Name))
228             {
229                 setControlData(nameProps[n].Name, valueProps[n].Value);
230             }
231             else
232             {
233                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such control !");
234             }
235         }
236     }
setScrollValue(int _nscrollvalue)238     protected void setScrollValue(int _nscrollvalue)
239     {
240         if (_nscrollvalue >= 0)
241         {
242             Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(UnoDialog.getModel(xScrollBar), "ScrollValue", new Integer(_nscrollvalue));
243             scrollControls();
244         }
245     }
setScrollValue(int _nscrollvalue, int _ntotfieldcount)247     protected void setScrollValue(int _nscrollvalue, int _ntotfieldcount)
248     {
249         setTotalFieldCount(_ntotfieldcount);
250         setScrollValue(_nscrollvalue);
251     }
getTotalFieldCount()253     protected int getTotalFieldCount()
254     {
255         return ntotfieldcount;
256     }
getCurFieldCount()258     protected int getCurFieldCount()
259     {
260         return ncurfieldcount;
261     }
setCurFieldCount()263     private void setCurFieldCount()
264     {
265         if (ntotfieldcount > nblockincrement)
266         {
267             ncurfieldcount = nblockincrement;
268         }
269         else
270         {
271             ncurfieldcount = ntotfieldcount;
272         }
273     }
setTotalFieldCount(int _ntotfieldcount)275     protected void setTotalFieldCount(int _ntotfieldcount)
276     {
277         this.ntotfieldcount = _ntotfieldcount;
278         setCurFieldCount();
279         if (ntotfieldcount > nblockincrement)
280         {
281             Helper.setUnoPropertyValues(UnoDialog.getModel(xScrollBar), new String[]
282                     {
283                         PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, "ScrollValueMax"
284                     }, new Object[]
285                     {
286                         Boolean.TRUE, new Integer(ntotfieldcount - nblockincrement)
287                     });
288         }
289         else
290         {
291             Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(UnoDialog.getModel(xScrollBar), PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE);
292         }
293     }
toggleComponent(boolean _bdoenable)295     protected void toggleComponent(boolean _bdoenable)
296     {
297         boolean bdoenable = _bdoenable && (ntotfieldcount > nblockincrement);
298         CurUnoDialog.setControlProperty("TitleScrollBar" + sIncSuffix, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(bdoenable));
299     }
toggleControls(boolean _bdoenable)301     protected void toggleControls(boolean _bdoenable)
302     {
303         for (int n = 0; n < scrollfields.size(); n++)
304         {
305             PropertyValue[] curproperties = (PropertyValue[]) scrollfields.elementAt(n);
306             for (int m = 0; m < curproperties.length; m++)
307             {
308                 PropertyValue curproperty = curproperties[m];
309                 CurUnoDialog.setControlProperty(curproperty.Name, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, Boolean.valueOf(_bdoenable));
310             }
311         }
313     }
getScrollValue()315     protected int getScrollValue()
316     {
317         return nscrollvalue;
318     }
setLineIncrementation(int _nlineincrement)320     protected void setLineIncrementation(int _nlineincrement)
321     {
322         this.nlineincrement = _nlineincrement;
323         Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(UnoDialog.getModel(xScrollBar), "LineIncrement", new Integer(nlineincrement));
325     }
getLineIncrementation()327     protected int getLineIncrementation()
328     {
329         return nlineincrement;
330     }
setBlockIncrementation(int _nblockincrement)332     protected void setBlockIncrementation(int _nblockincrement)
333     {
334         this.nblockincrement = _nblockincrement;
335         Helper.setUnoPropertyValues(UnoDialog.getModel(xScrollBar), new String[]
336                 {
337                     PropertyNames.PROPERTY_ENABLED, "BlockIncrement", "ScrollValueMax"
338                 }, new Object[]
339                 {
340                         Boolean.valueOf(ntotfieldcount > nblockincrement), new Integer(nblockincrement), new Integer(ntotfieldcount - nblockincrement)
341                 });
342     }
getBlockIncrementation()344     protected int getBlockIncrementation()
345     {
346         return nblockincrement;
347     }
scrollControls()349     private void scrollControls()
350     {
351         try
352         {
353             scrollRowsInfo();
354             nscrollvalue = ((Integer) Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(UnoDialog.getModel(xScrollBar), "ScrollValue")).intValue();
355             if (nscrollvalue + nblockincrement >= ntotfieldcount)
356             {
357                 nscrollvalue = (ntotfieldcount) - nblockincrement;
358             }
359             fillupControls(false);
360         }
361         catch (java.lang.Exception ex)
362         {
363             ex.printStackTrace();
364         }
365     }
scrollRowsInfo()367     protected void scrollRowsInfo()
368     {
369         int cols =
370                 scrollfields.size() > 0
371                 ? ((PropertyValue[]) scrollfields.get(0)).length
372                 : 0;
373         for (int a = 0; a < ncurfieldcount; a++)
374         {
375             for (int n = 0; n < cols; n++)
376             {
377                 fieldInfo(a, n);
378             }
379         }
380     }
382     /**
383      * updates the corresponding data to
384      * the control in guiRow and column
385      * @param guiRow 0 based row index
386      * @param column 0 based column index
387      * @return the propertyValue object corresponding to
388      * this control.
389      */
fieldInfo(int guiRow, int column)390     protected PropertyValue fieldInfo(int guiRow, int column)
391     {
392         if (guiRow + nscrollvalue < scrollfields.size())
393         {
394             return fieldInfo(
395                     ((PropertyValue[]) scrollfields.elementAt(guiRow + nscrollvalue))[column],
396                     ((PropertyValue[]) scrollfields.elementAt(guiRow))[column]);
397             //System.out.println("getting field info for : " + guiRow + "/" + column  + ":" + pv.Value + "(" + pv.Name + ")" );
398         }
399         else
400         {
401             return null;
402         }
403     }
fieldInfo(PropertyValue valueProp, PropertyValue nameProp)405     protected PropertyValue fieldInfo(PropertyValue valueProp, PropertyValue nameProp)
406     {
407         if (CurUnoDialog.getDlgNameAccess().hasByName(nameProp.Name))
408         {
409             valueProp.Value = getControlData(nameProp.Name);
410         }
411         else
412         {
413             valueProp.Value = nameProp.Value;
414         }
415         return valueProp;
416     }
unregisterControlGroup(int _index)418     protected void unregisterControlGroup(int _index)
419     {
420         scrollfields.remove(_index);
421     }
registerControlGroup(PropertyValue[] _currowproperties, int _i)423     protected void registerControlGroup(PropertyValue[] _currowproperties, int _i)
424     {
425         if (_i == 0)
426         {
427             scrollfields.removeAllElements();
428         }
429         if (_i >= scrollfields.size())
430         {
431             scrollfields.addElement(_currowproperties);
432         }
433         else
434         {
435             scrollfields.setElementAt(_currowproperties, _i);
436         }
437     }
getControlGroupInfo(int _i)439     protected PropertyValue[] getControlGroupInfo(int _i)
440     {
441         return (PropertyValue[]) scrollfields.elementAt(_i);
442     }
setControlData(String controlname, Object newvalue)444     protected void setControlData(String controlname, Object newvalue)
445     {
446         Object oControlModel = UnoDialog.getModel(CurUnoDialog.xDlgContainer.getControl(controlname));
447         String propertyname = UnoDialog.getDisplayProperty(oControlModel);
448         if (!propertyname.equals(PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING))
449         {
450             CurUnoDialog.setControlProperty(controlname, propertyname, newvalue);
451         }
452     }
getControlData(String controlname)454     protected Object getControlData(String controlname)
455     {
456         Object oControlModel = UnoDialog.getModel(CurUnoDialog.xDlgContainer.getControl(controlname));
457         String propertyname = UnoDialog.getDisplayProperty(oControlModel);
458         if (!propertyname.equals(PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING))
459         {
460             return CurUnoDialog.getControlProperty(controlname, propertyname);
461         }
462         else
463         {
464             return null;
465         }
466     }
getScrollFieldValues()468     protected PropertyValue[][] getScrollFieldValues()
469     {
470         scrollRowsInfo();
471         PropertyValue[] curproperties;
472         PropertyValue[][] retproperties;
473         retproperties = new PropertyValue[scrollfields.size()][];
474         try
475         {
476             for (int i = 0; i < scrollfields.size(); i++)
477             {
478                 curproperties = (PropertyValue[]) scrollfields.elementAt(i);
479                 retproperties[i] = curproperties;
480             }
481             return retproperties;
482         }
483         catch (java.lang.Exception ex)
484         {
485             ex.printStackTrace(System.out);
486             return null;
487         }
488     }
initializeScrollFields()490     protected abstract void initializeScrollFields();
492     /** inserts a group of controls into the component. The group may either be a row or a column of controls
493      *  The controls should be put on Step 99 (means made invisible at first). All the controlrows that are needed are than
494      *  made visible automatically when calling "initialize(_fieldcount)"
495      * @author bc93774
496      * @param i: The index of the control group
497      * @param npos: Can be an x coordinate or an y coordinate which depends on the orientation of the scrollbar
498      */
insertControlGroup(int _index, int npos)499     protected abstract void insertControlGroup(int _index, int npos);
setControlGroupVisible(int _index, boolean _bIsVisible)501     protected abstract void setControlGroupVisible(int _index, boolean _bIsVisible);
502 }