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23<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="BankHoliday" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
25Sub Main()
26	Call CalAutopilotTable()
27End Sub
30Function CalEasterTable&amp;(byval Year%)
31Dim B%,C%,D%,E%,F%,G%,H%,I%,K%,L%,M%,N%,O%, nMonth%, nDay%
32       N = Year% mod 19
33       B = int(Year% / 100)
34       C = Year% mod 100
35       D = int(B / 4)
36       E = B mod 4
37       F = int((B + 8) / 25)
38       G = int((B - F + 1) / 3)
39       H =(19 * N + B - D - G + 15) mod 30
40       I = int(C / 4)
41       K = C mod 4
42       L =(32 + 2 * E + 2 * I - H - K) mod 7
43       M = int((N + 11 * H + 22 * L) / 451)
44       O = H + L - 7 * M + 114
45       nDay = O mod 31 + 1
46       nMonth = int(O / 31)
47	   CalEasterTable&amp; = DateSerial(Year, nMonth,nDay)
48End Function
51&apos; Note: the following algorithm is valid only till the Year 2100.
52&apos; but I have no Idea from which date in the paste it is valid
53Function CalOrthodoxEasterTable(ByVal iYear as Integer) as Long
54Dim R1%, R2%, R3%, RA%, R4%, RB%, R5%, RC%
55Dim lDate as Long
56	R1 = iYear mod 19
57	R2 = iYear mod 4
58	R3 = iYear mod 7
59	RA =19 * R1 + 16
60	R4 = RA mod 30
61	RB = 2 * R2 + 4 * R3 + 6 * R4
62	R5 = RB mod 7
63	RC = R4 + R5
64	lDate = DateSerial(iYear, 4,4)
65	CalOrthodoxEasterTable() = lDate + RC
66End Function
69Sub CalInitGlobalVariablesDate()
70Dim i as Integer
71	For i = 1 To 374
72		CalBankholidayName$(i) = &quot;&quot;
73		CalTypeOfBankHoliday%(i) = cHolidayType_None
74	Next
75End Sub
78Sub CalInsertBankholiday(byval CurDate as Long, byval EventName as String, ByVal iLevel as Integer)
79Dim iDay
80	iDay =(Month(CurDate)-1)*31 +Day(CurDate)
82	If 0 &lt;&gt; CalTypeOfBankHoliday(iDay) Then
83		If iLevel &lt; CalTypeOfBankHoliday(iDay) Then
84			CalTypeOfBankHoliday(iDay) = iLevel
85		End If
86	Else
87		CalTypeOfBankHoliday(iDay) = iLevel
88	End If
90	If CalBankHolidayName(iDay) = &quot;&quot; Then
91		CalBankHolidayName(iDay) = EventName
92	Else
93		CalBankHolidayName(iDay) = CalBankHolidayName(iDay) &amp; &quot; / &quot; &amp; EventName
94	End If
95End Sub
97Function CalMaxDayInMonth(ByVal iYear as Integer, ByVal iMonth as Integer) as Integer
98&apos; delivers the maximum Day of a month in a certain year
99	Dim TmpDate as Long
100	Dim	MaxDay as Long
102	MaxDay = 28
103	TmpDate = DateSerial(iYear, iMonth, MaxDay)
105	While Month(TmpDate) = iMonth
106		MaxDay = MaxDay + 1
107		TmpDate = TmpDate + 1
108	Wend
109	Maxday = MaxDay - 1
110	CalMaxDayInMonth() = MaxDay
111End Function
114Function CalGetIntOfShortMonthName(ByVal MonthName as String) as Integer
115Dim i as Integer
116Dim nMonth as Integer
118	nMonth = Val(MonthName)
120	If (1 &lt;= nMonth And 12 &gt;= nMonth) Then
121		CalGetIntOfShortMonthName = nMonth
122		Exit Function
123	End If
125	MonthName = UCase(Trim(Left(MonthName, 3)))
127	For i = 0 To 11
128		If (UCase(cCalShortMonthNames(i)) = MonthName) Then
129			CalGetIntOfShortMonthName = i+1
130			Exit Function
131		End If
132	Next
134	&apos;	Not Found
135	CalGetIntOfShortMonthName = 0
136End Function
139Sub CalInsertOwnDataInTables(ByVal iSelYear as Integer)
140	&apos; inserts the individual data from the table into the previously unsorted list
141Dim CurEventName as String
142Dim CurEvMonth as Integer
143Dim CurEvDay as Integer
144Dim LastIndex as Integer
145Dim i as Integer
146Dim DateStr as String
147	LastIndex = Ubound(DlgCalModel.lstOwnData.StringItemList())
148	For i = 0 To LastIndex
149		If GetSelectedDateUnits(CurEvDay, CurEvMonth, i) &lt;&gt; SBDATEUNDEFINED Then
150			CurEventName = CalGetNameOfEvent(i)
151			CalInsertBankholiday(DateSerial(iSelYear, CurEvMonth, CurEvDay), CurEventName, cHolidayType_Own)
152		End If
153	Next
154End Sub
157&apos; Finds eg the first,second Monday in a month
158&apos; Note: in This Function the week starts with the Sunday
159Function GetMonthDate(YearInt as Integer, iMonth as Integer, iWeekDay as Integer, iOffset as Integer)
160Dim bFound as Boolean
161Dim lDate as Long
162	&apos;	1st Tue in Nov : Election Day, Half
163	bFound = False
164	lDate = DateSerial(YearInt, iMonth, 1)
165	Do
166		If iWeekDay = WeekDay(lDate) Then
167			bFound = True
168		Else
169			lDate = lDate + 1
170		End If
171	Loop Until bFound
172	GetMonthDate = lDate + iOffset
173End Function
176&apos; Finds the next weekday after a fixed date
177&apos; e.g. Midsummerfeast in Sweden: next Saturday after 20th June
178Function GetNextWeekDay(iYear as Integer, iMonth as Integer, iDay as Integer, iWeekDay as Integer)
179Dim lDate as Long
180Dim iCurWeekDay as Integer
181	lDate = DateSerial(iYear, iMonth, iDay)
182	iCurWeekDay = WeekDay(lDate)
183	While iCurWeekDay &lt;&gt; iWeekDay
184		lDate = lDate + 1
185		iCurWeekDay = WeekDay(lDate)
186	Wend
187	GetNextWeekDay() = lDate
188End Function
191Sub AddFollowUpHolidays(ByVal lStartDate as Long, iCount as Integer, HolidayName as String, iType as Integer)
192Dim lDate as Long
193	For lDate = lStartDate + 1 To lStartDate + 4
194		CalInsertBankholiday(lDate, HolidayName, iType)
195	Next lDate
196End Sub