xref: /aoo41x/main/basic/source/runtime/runtime.cxx (revision cdf0e10c)
1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
29 #include "precompiled_basic.hxx"
30 #include <tools/fsys.hxx>
31 #include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
32 #include <tools/wldcrd.hxx>
33 #include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
34 #include <unotools/syslocale.hxx>
35 #include "runtime.hxx"
36 #include "sbintern.hxx"
37 #include "opcodes.hxx"
38 #include "codegen.hxx"
39 #include "iosys.hxx"
40 #include "image.hxx"
41 #include "ddectrl.hxx"
42 #include "dllmgr.hxx"
43 #include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
44 #include <com/sun/star/container/XEnumerationAccess.hpp>
45 #include "sbunoobj.hxx"
46 #include "errobject.hxx"
47 #include "sbtrace.hxx"
48 #include "comenumwrapper.hxx"
50 using namespace ::com::sun::star;
52 bool SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled()
53 {
54 	bool result = false;
55 	SbiInstance* pInst = pINST;
56 	if ( pInst && pINST->pRun )
57 		result = pInst->pRun->bVBAEnabled;
58 	return result;
59 }
61 // #91147 Global reschedule flag
62 static sal_Bool bStaticGlobalEnableReschedule = sal_True;
64 void StarBASIC::StaticEnableReschedule( sal_Bool bReschedule )
65 {
66     bStaticGlobalEnableReschedule = bReschedule;
67 }
68 void StarBASIC::SetVBAEnabled( sal_Bool bEnabled )
69 {
70     if ( bDocBasic )
71     {
72         bVBAEnabled = bEnabled;
73     }
74 }
76 sal_Bool StarBASIC::isVBAEnabled()
77 {
78     if ( bDocBasic )
79     {
80         if( SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled() )
81             return sal_True;
82         return bVBAEnabled;
83     }
84     return sal_False;
85 }
88 struct SbiArgvStack {					// Argv stack:
89 	SbiArgvStack*  pNext;	   			// Stack Chain
90 	SbxArrayRef    refArgv;	 			// Argv
91 	short nArgc;						// Argc
92 };
94 SbiRuntime::pStep0 SbiRuntime::aStep0[] = {	// Alle Opcodes ohne Operanden
95 	&SbiRuntime::StepNOP,
96 	&SbiRuntime::StepEXP,
97 	&SbiRuntime::StepMUL,
98 	&SbiRuntime::StepDIV,
99 	&SbiRuntime::StepMOD,
100 	&SbiRuntime::StepPLUS,
101 	&SbiRuntime::StepMINUS,
102 	&SbiRuntime::StepNEG,
103 	&SbiRuntime::StepEQ,
104 	&SbiRuntime::StepNE,
105 	&SbiRuntime::StepLT,
106 	&SbiRuntime::StepGT,
107 	&SbiRuntime::StepLE,
108 	&SbiRuntime::StepGE,
109 	&SbiRuntime::StepIDIV,
110 	&SbiRuntime::StepAND,
111 	&SbiRuntime::StepOR,
112 	&SbiRuntime::StepXOR,
113 	&SbiRuntime::StepEQV,
114 	&SbiRuntime::StepIMP,
115 	&SbiRuntime::StepNOT,
116 	&SbiRuntime::StepCAT,
118 	&SbiRuntime::StepLIKE,
119 	&SbiRuntime::StepIS,
120 	// Laden/speichern
121 	&SbiRuntime::StepARGC,		// neuen Argv einrichten
122 	&SbiRuntime::StepARGV,		// TOS ==> aktueller Argv
123 	&SbiRuntime::StepINPUT,	 	// Input ==> TOS
124 	&SbiRuntime::StepLINPUT,	 	// Line Input ==> TOS
125 	&SbiRuntime::StepGET,        // TOS anfassen
126 	&SbiRuntime::StepSET,        // Speichern Objekt TOS ==> TOS-1
127 	&SbiRuntime::StepPUT,		// TOS ==> TOS-1
128 	&SbiRuntime::StepPUTC,		// TOS ==> TOS-1, dann ReadOnly
129 	&SbiRuntime::StepDIM,		// DIM
130 	&SbiRuntime::StepREDIM, 		// REDIM
131 	&SbiRuntime::StepREDIMP,		// REDIM PRESERVE
132 	&SbiRuntime::StepERASE, 		// TOS loeschen
133 	// Verzweigen
134 	&SbiRuntime::StepSTOP,  	  	// Programmende
135 	&SbiRuntime::StepINITFOR,  	// FOR-Variable initialisieren
136 	&SbiRuntime::StepNEXT,	  	// FOR-Variable inkrementieren
137 	&SbiRuntime::StepCASE,	  	// Anfang CASE
138 	&SbiRuntime::StepENDCASE,  	// Ende CASE
139 	&SbiRuntime::StepSTDERROR,  	// Standard-Fehlerbehandlung
140 	&SbiRuntime::StepNOERROR,  	// keine Fehlerbehandlung
141 	&SbiRuntime::StepLEAVE,		// UP verlassen
142 	// E/A
143 	&SbiRuntime::StepCHANNEL,  	// TOS = Kanalnummer
144 	&SbiRuntime::StepPRINT,	  	// print TOS
145 	&SbiRuntime::StepPRINTF,	  	// print TOS in field
146 	&SbiRuntime::StepWRITE,	  	// write TOS
147 	&SbiRuntime::StepRENAME,	  	// Rename Tos+1 to Tos
148 	&SbiRuntime::StepPROMPT,	  	// Input Prompt aus TOS definieren
149 	&SbiRuntime::StepRESTART,  	// Set restart point
150 	&SbiRuntime::StepCHANNEL0,	// E/A-Kanal 0 einstellen
151 	&SbiRuntime::StepEMPTY,		// Leeren Ausdruck auf Stack
152 	&SbiRuntime::StepERROR,	  	// TOS = Fehlercode
153 	&SbiRuntime::StepLSET,		// Speichern Objekt TOS ==> TOS-1
154 	&SbiRuntime::StepRSET,		// Speichern Objekt TOS ==> TOS-1
155 	&SbiRuntime::StepREDIMP_ERASE,// Copy array object for REDIMP
156 	&SbiRuntime::StepINITFOREACH,// Init for each loop
157 	&SbiRuntime::StepVBASET,// vba-like set statement
158 	&SbiRuntime::StepERASE_CLEAR,// vba-like set statement
159 	&SbiRuntime::StepARRAYACCESS,// access TOS as array
160 	&SbiRuntime::StepBYVAL,     // access TOS as array
161 };
163 SbiRuntime::pStep1 SbiRuntime::aStep1[] = {	// Alle Opcodes mit einem Operanden
164 	&SbiRuntime::StepLOADNC,	  	// Laden einer numerischen Konstanten (+ID)
165 	&SbiRuntime::StepLOADSC,	  	// Laden einer Stringkonstanten (+ID)
166 	&SbiRuntime::StepLOADI,	  	// Immediate Load (+Wert)
167 	&SbiRuntime::StepARGN,		// Speichern eines named Args in Argv (+StringID)
168 	&SbiRuntime::StepPAD,	  	// String auf feste Laenge bringen (+Laenge)
169 	// Verzweigungen
170 	&SbiRuntime::StepJUMP,	  	// Sprung (+Target)
171 	&SbiRuntime::StepJUMPT,	  	// TOS auswerten), bedingter Sprung (+Target)
172 	&SbiRuntime::StepJUMPF,	  	// TOS auswerten), bedingter Sprung (+Target)
173 	&SbiRuntime::StepONJUMP,	  	// TOS auswerten), Sprung in JUMP-Tabelle (+MaxVal)
174 	&SbiRuntime::StepGOSUB,		// UP-Aufruf (+Target)
175 	&SbiRuntime::StepRETURN,		// UP-Return (+0 oder Target)
176 	&SbiRuntime::StepTESTFOR,	// FOR-Variable testen), inkrementieren (+Endlabel)
177 	&SbiRuntime::StepCASETO,		// Tos+1 <= Case <= Tos), 2xremove (+Target)
178 	&SbiRuntime::StepERRHDL,		// Fehler-Handler (+Offset)
179 	&SbiRuntime::StepRESUME,		// Resume nach Fehlern (+0 or 1 or Label)
180 	// E/A
181 	&SbiRuntime::StepCLOSE,		// (+Kanal/0)
182 	&SbiRuntime::StepPRCHAR,		// (+char)
183 	// Verwaltung
184 	&SbiRuntime::StepSETCLASS,	// Set + Klassennamen testen (+StringId)
185 	&SbiRuntime::StepTESTCLASS,	// Check TOS class (+StringId)
186 	&SbiRuntime::StepLIB,  		// Lib fuer Declare-Call (+StringId)
187 	&SbiRuntime::StepBASED,	  	// TOS wird um BASE erhoeht, BASE davor gepusht
188 	&SbiRuntime::StepARGTYP,	  	// Letzten Parameter in Argv konvertieren (+Typ)
189 	&SbiRuntime::StepVBASETCLASS,// vba-like set statement
190 };
192 SbiRuntime::pStep2 SbiRuntime::aStep2[] = {// Alle Opcodes mit zwei Operanden
193 	&SbiRuntime::StepRTL,  	    // Laden aus RTL (+StringID+Typ)
194 	&SbiRuntime::StepFIND,	    // Laden (+StringID+Typ)
195 	&SbiRuntime::StepELEM,  		// Laden Element (+StringID+Typ)
196 	&SbiRuntime::StepPARAM,		// Parameter (+Offset+Typ)
197 	// Verzweigen
198 	&SbiRuntime::StepCALL,	  	// Declare-Call (+StringID+Typ)
199 	&SbiRuntime::StepCALLC,	  	// CDecl-Declare-Call (+StringID+Typ)
200 	&SbiRuntime::StepCASEIS,		// Case-Test (+Test-Opcode+False-Target)
201 	// Verwaltung
202 	&SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT, 		// Beginn eines Statements (+Line+Col)
203 	// E/A
204 	&SbiRuntime::StepOPEN,  		// (+SvStreamFlags+Flags)
205 	// Objekte
206 	&SbiRuntime::StepLOCAL,		// Lokale Variable definieren (+StringId+Typ)
207 	&SbiRuntime::StepPUBLIC,		// Modulglobale Variable (+StringID+Typ)
208 	&SbiRuntime::StepGLOBAL,	  	// Globale Variable definieren (+StringID+Typ)
209 	&SbiRuntime::StepCREATE,		// Objekt kreieren (+StringId+StringId)
210 	&SbiRuntime::StepSTATIC,     // Statische Variable (+StringId+StringId)
211 	&SbiRuntime::StepTCREATE,    // User Defined Objekte (+StringId+StringId)
212 	&SbiRuntime::StepDCREATE,    // Objekt-Array kreieren (+StringID+StringID)
213 	&SbiRuntime::StepGLOBAL_P,   // Globale Variable definieren, die beim Neustart
214                                         // von Basic nicht ueberschrieben wird (+StringID+Typ)
215 	&SbiRuntime::StepFIND_G,    	// Sucht globale Variable mit Spezialbehandlung wegen _GLOBAL_P
216 	&SbiRuntime::StepDCREATE_REDIMP, // Objekt-Array redimensionieren (+StringID+StringID)
217 	&SbiRuntime::StepFIND_CM,    // Search inside a class module (CM) to enable global search in time
218 	&SbiRuntime::StepPUBLIC_P,    // Search inside a class module (CM) to enable global search in time
219 	&SbiRuntime::StepFIND_STATIC,    // Search inside a class module (CM) to enable global search in time
220 };
223 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
224 //								SbiRTLData								//
225 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
227 SbiRTLData::SbiRTLData()
228 {
229 	pDir		= 0;
230 	nDirFlags	= 0;
231 	nCurDirPos	= 0;
232 	pWildCard	= NULL;
233 }
235 SbiRTLData::~SbiRTLData()
236 {
237 	delete pDir;
238 	pDir = 0;
239 	delete pWildCard;
240 }
242 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
243 //								SbiInstance								//
244 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
246 // 16.10.96: #31460 Neues Konzept fuer StepInto/Over/Out
247 // Die Entscheidung, ob StepPoint aufgerufen werden soll, wird anhand des
248 // CallLevels getroffen. Angehalten wird, wenn der aktuelle CallLevel <=
249 // nBreakCallLvl ist. Der aktuelle CallLevel kann niemals kleiner als 1
250 // sein, da er beim Aufruf einer Methode (auch main) inkrementiert wird.
251 // Daher bedeutet ein BreakCallLvl von 0, dass das Programm gar nicht
252 // angehalten wird.
253 // (siehe auch step2.cxx, SbiRuntime::StepSTMNT() )
255 // Hilfsfunktion, um den BreakCallLevel gemaess der der Debug-Flags zu ermitteln
256 void SbiInstance::CalcBreakCallLevel( sal_uInt16 nFlags )
257 {
258 	// Break-Flag wegfiltern
259 	nFlags &= ~((sal_uInt16)SbDEBUG_BREAK);
261 	sal_uInt16 nRet;
262 	switch( nFlags )
263 	{
264 		case SbDEBUG_STEPINTO:
265 			nRet = nCallLvl + 1;	// CallLevel+1 wird auch angehalten
266 			break;
268 			nRet = nCallLvl;		// Aktueller CallLevel wird angehalten
269 			break;
270 		case SbDEBUG_STEPOUT:
271 			nRet = nCallLvl - 1;	// Kleinerer CallLevel wird angehalten
272 			break;
273 		case SbDEBUG_CONTINUE:
274 		// Basic-IDE liefert 0 statt SbDEBUG_CONTINUE, also auch default=continue
275 		default:
276 			nRet = 0;				// CallLevel ist immer >0 -> kein StepPoint
277 	}
278 	nBreakCallLvl = nRet;			// Ergebnis uebernehmen
279 }
281 SbiInstance::SbiInstance( StarBASIC* p )
282 {
283 	pBasic   = p;
284 	pNext    = NULL;
285 	pRun     = NULL;
286 	pIosys   = new SbiIoSystem;
287 	pDdeCtrl = new SbiDdeControl;
288 	pDllMgr	 = 0; // on demand
289 	pNumberFormatter = 0; // on demand
290 	nCallLvl = 0;
291 	nBreakCallLvl = 0;
292 	nErr	 =
293 	nErl	 = 0;
294 	bReschedule = sal_True;
295 	bCompatibility = sal_False;
296 }
298 SbiInstance::~SbiInstance()
299 {
300 	while( pRun )
301 	{
302 		SbiRuntime* p = pRun->pNext;
303 		delete pRun;
304 		pRun = p;
305 	}
306 	delete pIosys;
307 	delete pDdeCtrl;
308 	delete pDllMgr;
309 	delete pNumberFormatter;
311 	try
312 	{
313 		int nSize = ComponentVector.size();
314 		if( nSize )
315 		{
316 			for( int i = nSize - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i )
317 			{
318 				Reference< XComponent > xDlgComponent = ComponentVector[i];
319 				if( xDlgComponent.is() )
320 					xDlgComponent->dispose();
321 			}
322 		}
323 	}
324 	catch( const Exception& )
325 	{
326 		DBG_ERROR( "SbiInstance::~SbiInstance: caught an exception while disposing the components!" );
327 	}
329     ComponentVector.clear();
330 }
332 SbiDllMgr* SbiInstance::GetDllMgr()
333 {
334 	if( !pDllMgr )
335 		pDllMgr = new SbiDllMgr;
336 	return pDllMgr;
337 }
339 // #39629 NumberFormatter jetzt ueber statische Methode anlegen
340 SvNumberFormatter* SbiInstance::GetNumberFormatter()
341 {
342     LanguageType eLangType = GetpApp()->GetSettings().GetLanguage();
343     SvtSysLocale aSysLocale;
344     DateFormat eDate = aSysLocale.GetLocaleData().getDateFormat();
345 	if( pNumberFormatter )
346     {
347         if( eLangType != meFormatterLangType ||
348             eDate != meFormatterDateFormat )
349         {
350             delete pNumberFormatter;
351             pNumberFormatter = NULL;
352         }
353     }
354     meFormatterLangType = eLangType;
355     meFormatterDateFormat = eDate;
356 	if( !pNumberFormatter )
357 		PrepareNumberFormatter( pNumberFormatter, nStdDateIdx, nStdTimeIdx, nStdDateTimeIdx,
358         &meFormatterLangType, &meFormatterDateFormat );
359 	return pNumberFormatter;
360 }
362 // #39629 NumberFormatter auch statisch anbieten
363 void SbiInstance::PrepareNumberFormatter( SvNumberFormatter*& rpNumberFormatter,
364 	sal_uInt32 &rnStdDateIdx, sal_uInt32 &rnStdTimeIdx, sal_uInt32 &rnStdDateTimeIdx,
365     LanguageType* peFormatterLangType, DateFormat* peFormatterDateFormat )
366 {
367 	com::sun::star::uno::Reference< com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory >
368 		xFactory = comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory();
370     LanguageType eLangType;
371     if( peFormatterLangType )
372         eLangType = *peFormatterLangType;
373     else
374         eLangType = GetpApp()->GetSettings().GetLanguage();
376     DateFormat eDate;
377     if( peFormatterDateFormat )
378         eDate = *peFormatterDateFormat;
379     else
380     {
381         SvtSysLocale aSysLocale;
382         eDate = aSysLocale.GetLocaleData().getDateFormat();
383     }
385     rpNumberFormatter = new SvNumberFormatter( xFactory, eLangType );
387 	xub_StrLen nCheckPos = 0; short nType;
388 	rnStdTimeIdx = rpNumberFormatter->GetStandardFormat( NUMBERFORMAT_TIME, eLangType );
390 	// Standard-Vorlagen des Formatters haben nur zweistellige
391 	// Jahreszahl. Deshalb eigenes Format registrieren
393 	// HACK, da der Numberformatter in PutandConvertEntry die Platzhalter
394 	// fuer Monat, Tag, Jahr nicht entsprechend der Systemeinstellung
395 	// austauscht. Problem: Print Year(Date) unter engl. BS
396 	// siehe auch svtools\source\sbx\sbxdate.cxx
398 	String aDateStr;
399 	switch( eDate )
400 	{
401 		case MDY: aDateStr = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("MM.TT.JJJJ") ); break;
402 		case DMY: aDateStr = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TT.MM.JJJJ") ); break;
403 		case YMD: aDateStr = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("JJJJ.MM.TT") ); break;
404 		default:  aDateStr = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("MM.TT.JJJJ") );
405 	}
406 	String aStr( aDateStr );
407 	rpNumberFormatter->PutandConvertEntry( aStr, nCheckPos, nType,
408 		rnStdDateIdx, LANGUAGE_GERMAN, eLangType );
409 	nCheckPos = 0;
411 	aStr = aDateStr;
412 	aStr += aStrHHMMSS;
413 	rpNumberFormatter->PutandConvertEntry( aStr, nCheckPos, nType,
414 		rnStdDateTimeIdx, LANGUAGE_GERMAN, eLangType );
415 }
419 // Engine laufenlassen. Falls Flags == SbDEBUG_CONTINUE, Flags uebernehmen
421 void SbiInstance::Stop()
422 {
423 	for( SbiRuntime* p = pRun; p; p = p->pNext )
424 		p->Stop();
425 }
427 // Allows Basic IDE to set watch mode to suppress errors
428 static bool bWatchMode = false;
430 void setBasicWatchMode( bool bOn )
431 {
432 	bWatchMode = bOn;
433 }
435 void SbiInstance::Error( SbError n )
436 {
437 	Error( n, String() );
438 }
440 void SbiInstance::Error( SbError n, const String& rMsg )
441 {
442 	if( !bWatchMode )
443 	{
444 		aErrorMsg = rMsg;
445 		pRun->Error( n );
446 	}
447 }
449 void SbiInstance::ErrorVB( sal_Int32 nVBNumber, const String& rMsg )
450 {
451 	if( !bWatchMode )
452 	{
453 		SbError n = StarBASIC::GetSfxFromVBError( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nVBNumber ) );
454 		if ( !n )
455 			n = nVBNumber; // force orig number, probably should have a specific table of vb ( localized ) errors
457 		aErrorMsg = rMsg;
458 		SbiRuntime::translateErrorToVba( n, aErrorMsg );
460 		bool bVBATranslationAlreadyDone = true;
461 		pRun->Error( SbERR_BASIC_COMPAT, bVBATranslationAlreadyDone );
462 	}
463 }
465 void SbiInstance::setErrorVB( sal_Int32 nVBNumber, const String& rMsg )
466 {
467 	SbError n = StarBASIC::GetSfxFromVBError( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( nVBNumber ) );
468 	if( !n )
469 		n = nVBNumber; // force orig number, probably should have a specific table of vb ( localized ) errors
471 	aErrorMsg = rMsg;
472 	SbiRuntime::translateErrorToVba( n, aErrorMsg );
474 	nErr = n;
475 }
478 void SbiInstance::FatalError( SbError n )
479 {
480 	pRun->FatalError( n );
481 }
483 void SbiInstance::FatalError( SbError _errCode, const String& _details )
484 {
485 	pRun->FatalError( _errCode, _details );
486 }
488 void SbiInstance::Abort()
489 {
490 	// Basic suchen, in dem der Fehler auftrat
491 	StarBASIC* pErrBasic = GetCurrentBasic( pBasic );
492 	pErrBasic->RTError( nErr, aErrorMsg, pRun->nLine, pRun->nCol1, pRun->nCol2 );
493 	pBasic->Stop();
494 }
496 // Hilfsfunktion, um aktives Basic zu finden, kann ungleich pRTBasic sein
497 StarBASIC* GetCurrentBasic( StarBASIC* pRTBasic )
498 {
499 	StarBASIC* pCurBasic = pRTBasic;
500 	SbModule* pActiveModule = pRTBasic->GetActiveModule();
501 	if( pActiveModule )
502 	{
503 		SbxObject* pParent = pActiveModule->GetParent();
504 		if( pParent && pParent->ISA(StarBASIC) )
505 			pCurBasic = (StarBASIC*)pParent;
506 	}
507 	return pCurBasic;
508 }
510 SbModule* SbiInstance::GetActiveModule()
511 {
512 	if( pRun )
513 		return pRun->GetModule();
514 	else
515 		return NULL;
516 }
518 SbMethod* SbiInstance::GetCaller( sal_uInt16 nLevel )
519 {
520 	SbiRuntime* p = pRun;
521 	while( nLevel-- && p )
522 		p = p->pNext;
523 	if( p )
524 		return p->GetCaller();
525 	else
526 		return NULL;
527 }
529 SbxArray* SbiInstance::GetLocals( SbMethod* pMeth )
530 {
531 	SbiRuntime* p = pRun;
532 	while( p && p->GetMethod() != pMeth )
533 		p = p->pNext;
534 	if( p )
535 		return p->GetLocals();
536 	else
537 		return NULL;
538 }
540 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
541 //								SbiInstance								//
542 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
544 // Achtung: pMeth kann auch NULL sein (beim Aufruf des Init-Codes)
546 SbiRuntime::SbiRuntime( SbModule* pm, SbMethod* pe, sal_uInt32 nStart )
547 		 : rBasic( *(StarBASIC*)pm->pParent ), pInst( pINST ),
548 		   pMod( pm ), pMeth( pe ), pImg( pMod->pImage ), m_nLastTime(0)
549 {
550 	nFlags	  = pe ? pe->GetDebugFlags() : 0;
551 	pIosys	  = pInst->pIosys;
552 	pArgvStk  = NULL;
553 	pGosubStk = NULL;
554 	pForStk   = NULL;
555 	pError    = NULL;
556 	pErrCode  =
557 	pErrStmnt =
558 	pRestart  = NULL;
559 	pNext     = NULL;
560 	pCode     =
561 	pStmnt    = (const sal_uInt8* ) pImg->GetCode() + nStart;
562 	bRun      =
563 	bError    = sal_True;
564 	bInError  = sal_False;
565 	bBlocked  = sal_False;
566 	nLine	  = 0;
567 	nCol1	  = 0;
568 	nCol2	  = 0;
569 	nExprLvl  = 0;
570 	nArgc     = 0;
571 	nError	  = 0;
572 	nGosubLvl = 0;
573 	nForLvl   = 0;
574 	nOps	  = 0;
575 	refExprStk = new SbxArray;
576 	SetVBAEnabled( pMod->IsVBACompat() );
577 #if defined GCC
578 	SetParameters( pe ? pe->GetParameters() : (class SbxArray *)NULL );
579 #else
580 	SetParameters( pe ? pe->GetParameters() : NULL );
581 #endif
582 	pRefSaveList = NULL;
583 	pItemStoreList = NULL;
584 }
586 SbiRuntime::~SbiRuntime()
587 {
588 	ClearGosubStack();
589 	ClearArgvStack();
590 	ClearForStack();
592 	// #74254 Items zum Sichern temporaere Referenzen freigeben
593 	ClearRefs();
594 	while( pItemStoreList )
595 	{
596 		RefSaveItem* pToDeleteItem = pItemStoreList;
597 		pItemStoreList = pToDeleteItem->pNext;
598 		delete pToDeleteItem;
599 	}
600 }
602 void SbiRuntime::SetVBAEnabled(bool bEnabled )
603 {
604 	bVBAEnabled = bEnabled;
605 }
607 // Aufbau der Parameterliste. Alle ByRef-Parameter werden direkt
608 // uebernommen; von ByVal-Parametern werden Kopien angelegt. Falls
609 // ein bestimmter Datentyp verlangt wird, wird konvertiert.
611 void SbiRuntime::SetParameters( SbxArray* pParams )
612 {
613 	refParams = new SbxArray;
614 	// fuer den Returnwert
615 	refParams->Put( pMeth, 0 );
617 	SbxInfo* pInfo = pMeth ? pMeth->GetInfo() : NULL;
618 	sal_uInt16 nParamCount = pParams ? pParams->Count() : 1;
619 	if( nParamCount > 1 )
620 	{
621 		for( sal_uInt16 i = 1 ; i < nParamCount ; i++ )
622 		{
623 			const SbxParamInfo* p = pInfo ? pInfo->GetParam( i ) : NULL;
625 			// #111897 ParamArray
626 			if( p && (p->nUserData & PARAM_INFO_PARAMARRAY) != 0 )
627 			{
628 				SbxDimArray* pArray = new SbxDimArray( SbxVARIANT );
629 				sal_uInt16 nParamArrayParamCount = nParamCount - i;
630 				pArray->unoAddDim( 0, nParamArrayParamCount - 1 );
631 				for( sal_uInt16 j = i ; j < nParamCount ; j++ )
632 				{
633 					SbxVariable* v = pParams->Get( j );
634 					short nDimIndex = j - i;
635 					pArray->Put( v, &nDimIndex );
636 				}
637 				SbxVariable* pArrayVar = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT );
638 				pArrayVar->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE );
639 				pArrayVar->PutObject( pArray );
640 				refParams->Put( pArrayVar, i );
642 				// Block ParamArray for missing parameter
643 				pInfo = NULL;
644 				break;
645 			}
647 			SbxVariable* v = pParams->Get( i );
648 			// Methoden sind immer byval!
649 			sal_Bool bByVal = v->IsA( TYPE(SbxMethod) );
650 			SbxDataType t = v->GetType();
651 			bool bTargetTypeIsArray = false;
652 			if( p )
653 			{
654 				bByVal |= sal_Bool( ( p->eType & SbxBYREF ) == 0 );
655 				t = (SbxDataType) ( p->eType & 0x0FFF );
657 				if( !bByVal && t != SbxVARIANT &&
658 					(!v->IsFixed() || (SbxDataType)(v->GetType() & 0x0FFF ) != t) )
659 						bByVal = sal_True;
661 				bTargetTypeIsArray = (p->nUserData & PARAM_INFO_WITHBRACKETS) != 0;
662 			}
663 			if( bByVal )
664 			{
665 				if( bTargetTypeIsArray )
666 					t = SbxOBJECT;
667 				SbxVariable* v2 = new SbxVariable( t );
668 				v2->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE );
669 				*v2 = *v;
670 				refParams->Put( v2, i );
671 			}
672 			else
673 			{
674 				if( t != SbxVARIANT && t != ( v->GetType() & 0x0FFF ) )
675 				{
676 					// Array konvertieren??
677 					if( p && (p->eType & SbxARRAY) )
678 						Error( SbERR_CONVERSION );
679 					else
680 						v->Convert( t );
681 				}
682 				refParams->Put( v, i );
683 			}
684 			if( p )
685 				refParams->PutAlias( p->aName, i );
686 		}
687 	}
689 	// ParamArray for missing parameter
690 	if( pInfo )
691 	{
692 		// #111897 Check first missing parameter for ParamArray
693 		const SbxParamInfo* p = pInfo->GetParam( nParamCount );
694 		if( p && (p->nUserData & PARAM_INFO_PARAMARRAY) != 0 )
695 		{
696 			SbxDimArray* pArray = new SbxDimArray( SbxVARIANT );
697 			pArray->unoAddDim( 0, -1 );
698 			SbxVariable* pArrayVar = new SbxVariable( SbxVARIANT );
699 			pArrayVar->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE );
700 			pArrayVar->PutObject( pArray );
701 			refParams->Put( pArrayVar, nParamCount );
702 		}
703 	}
704 }
707 // Einen P-Code ausfuehren
709 sal_Bool SbiRuntime::Step()
710 {
711 	if( bRun )
712 	{
713 		// Unbedingt gelegentlich die Kontrolle abgeben!
714 		if( !( ++nOps & 0xF ) && pInst->IsReschedule() && bStaticGlobalEnableReschedule )
715 		{
716 			sal_uInt32 nTime = osl_getGlobalTimer();
717 			if (nTime - m_nLastTime > 5 ) // 20 ms
718 			{
719 				Application::Reschedule();
720 				m_nLastTime = nTime;
721 			}
722 		}
724 		// #i48868 blocked by next call level?
725 		while( bBlocked )
726 		{
727 			if( pInst->IsReschedule() && bStaticGlobalEnableReschedule )
728 				Application::Reschedule();
729 		}
731 #ifdef DBG_TRACE_BASIC
732 		sal_uInt32 nPC = ( pCode - (const sal_uInt8* )pImg->GetCode() );
733 		dbg_traceStep( pMod, nPC, pINST->nCallLvl );
734 #endif
736 		SbiOpcode eOp = (SbiOpcode ) ( *pCode++ );
737 		sal_uInt32 nOp1, nOp2;
738 		if( eOp <= SbOP0_END )
739 		{
740 			(this->*( aStep0[ eOp ] ) )();
741 		}
742 		else if( eOp >= SbOP1_START && eOp <= SbOP1_END )
743 		{
744 			nOp1 = *pCode++; nOp1 |= *pCode++ << 8; nOp1 |= *pCode++ << 16; nOp1 |= *pCode++ << 24;
746 			(this->*( aStep1[ eOp - SbOP1_START ] ) )( nOp1 );
747 		}
748 		else if( eOp >= SbOP2_START && eOp <= SbOP2_END )
749 		{
750 			nOp1 = *pCode++; nOp1 |= *pCode++ << 8; nOp1 |= *pCode++ << 16; nOp1 |= *pCode++ << 24;
751 			nOp2 = *pCode++; nOp2 |= *pCode++ << 8; nOp2 |= *pCode++ << 16; nOp2 |= *pCode++ << 24;
752 			(this->*( aStep2[ eOp - SbOP2_START ] ) )( nOp1, nOp2 );
753 		}
754 		else
755 			StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR );
757 		// SBX-Fehler aufgetreten?
758 		SbError nSbError = SbxBase::GetError();
759 		Error( ERRCODE_TOERROR(nSbError) );			// Warnings rausfiltern
761 		// AB 13.2.1997, neues Error-Handling:
762 		// ACHTUNG: Hier kann nError auch dann gesetzt sein, wenn !nSbError,
763 		// da nError jetzt auch von anderen RT-Instanzen gesetzt werden kann
765 		if( nError )
766 			SbxBase::ResetError();
768 		// AB,15.3.96: Fehler nur anzeigen, wenn BASIC noch aktiv
769 		// (insbesondere nicht nach Compiler-Fehlern zur Laufzeit)
770 		if( nError && bRun )
771 		{
772 #ifdef DBG_TRACE_BASIC
773 			SbError nTraceErr = nError;
774 			String aTraceErrMsg = GetSbData()->aErrMsg;
775 			bool bTraceErrHandled = true;
776 #endif
777 			SbError err = nError;
778 			ClearExprStack();
779 			nError = 0;
780 			pInst->nErr = err;
781 			pInst->nErl = nLine;
782 			pErrCode    = pCode;
783 			pErrStmnt   = pStmnt;
784 			// An error occured in an error handler
785 			// force parent handler ( if there is one )
786 			// to handle the error
787 			bool bLetParentHandleThis = false;
789 			// Im Error Handler? Dann Std-Error
790 			if ( !bInError )
791 			{
792 				bInError = sal_True;
794 				if( !bError )			// On Error Resume Next
795 					StepRESUME( 1 );
796 				else if( pError )		// On Error Goto ...
797 					pCode = pError;
798 				else
799 					bLetParentHandleThis = true;
800             }
801 			else
802 			{
803 				bLetParentHandleThis = true;
804 				pError = NULL; //terminate the handler
805 			}
806 			if ( bLetParentHandleThis )
807 			{
808 				// AB 13.2.1997, neues Error-Handling:
809 				// Uebergeordnete Error-Handler beruecksichtigen
811 				// Wir haben keinen Error-Handler -> weiter oben suchen
812 				SbiRuntime* pRtErrHdl = NULL;
813 				SbiRuntime* pRt = this;
814 				while( NULL != (pRt = pRt->pNext) )
815 				{
816 					// Gibt es einen Error-Handler?
817 					if( pRt->bError == sal_False || pRt->pError != NULL )
818 					{
819 						pRtErrHdl = pRt;
820 						break;
821 					}
822 				}
824 				// Error-Hdl gefunden?
825 				if( pRtErrHdl )
826 				{
827 					// (Neuen) Error-Stack anlegen
828 					SbErrorStack*& rErrStack = GetSbData()->pErrStack;
829 					if( rErrStack )
830 						delete rErrStack;
831 					rErrStack = new SbErrorStack();
833 					// Alle im Call-Stack darunter stehenden RTs manipulieren
834 					pRt = this;
835 					do
836 					{
837 						// Fehler setzen
838 						pRt->nError = err;
839 						if( pRt != pRtErrHdl )
840 							pRt->bRun = sal_False;
842 						// In Error-Stack eintragen
843 						SbErrorStackEntry *pEntry = new SbErrorStackEntry
844 							( pRt->pMeth, pRt->nLine, pRt->nCol1, pRt->nCol2 );
845 						rErrStack->C40_INSERT(SbErrorStackEntry, pEntry, rErrStack->Count() );
847 						// Nach RT mit Error-Handler aufhoeren
848 						if( pRt == pRtErrHdl )
849 							break;
850                            pRt = pRt->pNext;
851 					}
852 					while( pRt );
853 				}
854 				// Kein Error-Hdl gefunden -> altes Vorgehen
855 				else
856 				{
857 #ifdef DBG_TRACE_BASIC
858 					bTraceErrHandled = false;
859 #endif
860 					pInst->Abort();
861 				}
863 				// ALT: Nur
864 				// pInst->Abort();
865 			}
867 #ifdef DBG_TRACE_BASIC
868 			dbg_traceNotifyError( nTraceErr, aTraceErrMsg, bTraceErrHandled, pINST->nCallLvl );
869 #endif
870 		}
871 	}
872 	return bRun;
873 }
875 void SbiRuntime::Error( SbError n, bool bVBATranslationAlreadyDone )
876 {
877 	if( n )
878 	{
879 		nError = n;
880 		if( isVBAEnabled() && !bVBATranslationAlreadyDone )
881 		{
882 			String aMsg = pInst->GetErrorMsg();
883 			sal_Int32 nVBAErrorNumber = translateErrorToVba( nError, aMsg );
884 			SbxVariable* pSbxErrObjVar = SbxErrObject::getErrObject();
885 			SbxErrObject* pGlobErr = static_cast< SbxErrObject* >( pSbxErrObjVar );
886 			if( pGlobErr != NULL )
887 				pGlobErr->setNumberAndDescription( nVBAErrorNumber, aMsg );
889 			pInst->aErrorMsg = aMsg;
890 			nError = SbERR_BASIC_COMPAT;
891 		}
892 	}
893 }
895 void SbiRuntime::Error( SbError _errCode, const String& _details )
896 {
897     if ( _errCode )
898     {
899 		// Not correct for class module usage, remove for now
900         //OSL_ENSURE( pInst->pRun == this, "SbiRuntime::Error: can't propagate the error message details!" );
901         if ( pInst->pRun == this )
902         {
903             pInst->Error( _errCode, _details );
904             //OSL_POSTCOND( nError == _errCode, "SbiRuntime::Error: the instance is expecte to propagate the error code back to me!" );
905         }
906         else
907         {
908             nError = _errCode;
909         }
910     }
911 }
913 void SbiRuntime::FatalError( SbError n )
914 {
915 	StepSTDERROR();
916 	Error( n );
917 }
919 void SbiRuntime::FatalError( SbError _errCode, const String& _details )
920 {
921 	StepSTDERROR();
922 	Error( _errCode, _details );
923 }
925 sal_Int32 SbiRuntime::translateErrorToVba( SbError nError, String& rMsg )
926 {
927 	// If a message is defined use that ( in preference to
928 	// the defined one for the error ) NB #TODO
929 	// if there is an error defined it more than likely
930 	// is not the one you want ( some are the same though )
931 	// we really need a new vba compatible error list
932 	if ( !rMsg.Len() )
933 	{
934 		// TEST, has to be vb here always
935 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
936 		SbError nTmp = StarBASIC::GetSfxFromVBError( (sal_uInt16)nError );
937 		DBG_ASSERT( nTmp, "No VB error!" );
938 #endif
940 		StarBASIC::MakeErrorText( nError, rMsg );
941 		rMsg = StarBASIC::GetErrorText();
942 		if ( !rMsg.Len() ) // no message for err no, need localized resource here
943 			rMsg = String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Internal Object Error:") );
944 	}
945 	// no num? most likely then it *is* really a vba err
946 	sal_uInt16 nVBErrorCode = StarBASIC::GetVBErrorCode( nError );
947 	sal_Int32 nVBAErrorNumber = ( nVBErrorCode == 0 ) ? nError : nVBErrorCode;
948 	return nVBAErrorNumber;
949 }
951 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
952 //
953 //	Parameter, Locals, Caller
954 //
955 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
957 SbMethod* SbiRuntime::GetCaller()
958 {
959 	return pMeth;
960 }
962 SbxArray* SbiRuntime::GetLocals()
963 {
964 	return refLocals;
965 }
967 SbxArray* SbiRuntime::GetParams()
968 {
969 	return refParams;
970 }
972 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
973 //
974 //	Stacks
975 //
976 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
978 // Der Expression-Stack steht fuer die laufende Auswertung von Expressions
979 // zur Verfuegung.
981 void SbiRuntime::PushVar( SbxVariable* pVar )
982 {
983 	if( pVar )
984 		refExprStk->Put( pVar, nExprLvl++ );
985 }
987 SbxVariableRef SbiRuntime::PopVar()
988 {
989 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
990 	if( !nExprLvl )
991 	{
992 		StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR );
993 		return new SbxVariable;
994 	}
995 #endif
996 	SbxVariableRef xVar = refExprStk->Get( --nExprLvl );
997 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
998 	if ( xVar->GetName().EqualsAscii( "Cells" ) )
999 		DBG_TRACE( "" );
1000 #endif
1001 	// Methods halten im 0.Parameter sich selbst, also weghauen
1002 	if( xVar->IsA( TYPE(SbxMethod) ) )
1003 		xVar->SetParameters(0);
1004 	return xVar;
1005 }
1007 sal_Bool SbiRuntime::ClearExprStack()
1008 {
1009 	// Achtung: Clear() reicht nicht, da Methods geloescht werden muessen
1010 	while ( nExprLvl )
1011 	{
1012 		PopVar();
1013 	}
1014 	refExprStk->Clear();
1015 	return sal_False;
1016 }
1018 // Variable auf dem Expression-Stack holen, ohne sie zu entfernen
1019 // n zaehlt ab 0.
1021 SbxVariable* SbiRuntime::GetTOS( short n )
1022 {
1023 	n = nExprLvl - n - 1;
1024 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1025 	if( n < 0 )
1026 	{
1027 		StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_INTERNAL_ERROR );
1028 		return new SbxVariable;
1029 	}
1030 #endif
1031 	return refExprStk->Get( (sal_uInt16) n );
1032 }
1034 // Sicherstellen, dass TOS eine temporaere Variable ist
1036 void SbiRuntime::TOSMakeTemp()
1037 {
1038 	SbxVariable* p = refExprStk->Get( nExprLvl - 1 );
1039 	if( p->GetRefCount() != 1 )
1040 	{
1041 		SbxVariable* pNew = new SbxVariable( *p );
1042 		pNew->SetFlag( SBX_READWRITE );
1043 		refExprStk->Put( pNew, nExprLvl - 1 );
1044 	}
1045 }
1047 // Der GOSUB-Stack nimmt Returnadressen fuer GOSUBs auf
1049 void SbiRuntime::PushGosub( const sal_uInt8* pc )
1050 {
1051 	if( ++nGosubLvl > MAXRECURSION )
1052 		StarBASIC::FatalError( SbERR_STACK_OVERFLOW );
1053 	SbiGosubStack* p = new SbiGosubStack;
1054 	p->pCode  = pc;
1055 	p->pNext  = pGosubStk;
1056 	p->nStartForLvl = nForLvl;
1057 	pGosubStk = p;
1058 }
1060 void SbiRuntime::PopGosub()
1061 {
1062 	if( !pGosubStk )
1063 		Error( SbERR_NO_GOSUB );
1064 	else
1065 	{
1066 		SbiGosubStack* p = pGosubStk;
1067 		pCode = p->pCode;
1068 		pGosubStk = p->pNext;
1069 		delete p;
1070 		nGosubLvl--;
1071 	}
1072 }
1074 // Entleeren des GOSUB-Stacks
1076 void SbiRuntime::ClearGosubStack()
1077 {
1078 	SbiGosubStack* p;
1079 	while(( p = pGosubStk ) != NULL )
1080 		pGosubStk = p->pNext, delete p;
1081 	nGosubLvl = 0;
1082 }
1084 // Der Argv-Stack nimmt aktuelle Argument-Vektoren auf
1086 void SbiRuntime::PushArgv()
1087 {
1088 	SbiArgvStack* p = new SbiArgvStack;
1089 	p->refArgv = refArgv;
1090 	p->nArgc = nArgc;
1091 	nArgc = 1;
1092 	refArgv.Clear();
1093 	p->pNext = pArgvStk;
1094 	pArgvStk = p;
1095 }
1097 void SbiRuntime::PopArgv()
1098 {
1099 	if( pArgvStk )
1100 	{
1101 		SbiArgvStack* p = pArgvStk;
1102 		pArgvStk = p->pNext;
1103 		refArgv = p->refArgv;
1104 		nArgc = p->nArgc;
1105 		delete p;
1106 	}
1107 }
1109 // Entleeren des Argv-Stacks
1111 void SbiRuntime::ClearArgvStack()
1112 {
1113 	while( pArgvStk )
1114 		PopArgv();
1115 }
1117 // Push des For-Stacks. Der Stack hat Inkrement, Ende, Beginn und Variable.
1118 // Nach Aufbau des Stack-Elements ist der Stack leer.
1120 void SbiRuntime::PushFor()
1121 {
1122 	SbiForStack* p = new SbiForStack;
1123 	p->eForType = FOR_TO;
1124 	p->pNext = pForStk;
1125 	pForStk = p;
1126 	// Der Stack ist wie folgt aufgebaut:
1127 	p->refInc = PopVar();
1128 	p->refEnd = PopVar();
1129 	SbxVariableRef xBgn = PopVar();
1130 	p->refVar = PopVar();
1131 	*(p->refVar) = *xBgn;
1132 	nForLvl++;
1133 }
1135 void SbiRuntime::PushForEach()
1136 {
1137 	SbiForStack* p = new SbiForStack;
1138 	p->pNext = pForStk;
1139 	pForStk = p;
1141 	SbxVariableRef xObjVar = PopVar();
1142 	SbxBase* pObj = xObjVar.Is() ? xObjVar->GetObject() : NULL;
1143 	if( pObj == NULL )
1144 	{
1145 		Error( SbERR_NO_OBJECT );
1146 		return;
1147 	}
1149 	bool bError_ = false;
1150 	BasicCollection* pCollection;
1151 	SbxDimArray* pArray;
1152 	SbUnoObject* pUnoObj;
1153 	if( (pArray = PTR_CAST(SbxDimArray,pObj)) != NULL )
1154 	{
1155 		p->eForType = FOR_EACH_ARRAY;
1156 		p->refEnd = (SbxVariable*)pArray;
1158 		short nDims = pArray->GetDims();
1159 		p->pArrayLowerBounds = new sal_Int32[nDims];
1160 		p->pArrayUpperBounds = new sal_Int32[nDims];
1161 		p->pArrayCurIndices  = new sal_Int32[nDims];
1162 		sal_Int32 lBound, uBound;
1163 		for( short i = 0 ; i < nDims ; i++ )
1164 		{
1165 			pArray->GetDim32( i+1, lBound, uBound );
1166 			p->pArrayCurIndices[i] = p->pArrayLowerBounds[i] = lBound;
1167 			p->pArrayUpperBounds[i] = uBound;
1168 		}
1169 	}
1170 	else if( (pCollection = PTR_CAST(BasicCollection,pObj)) != NULL )
1171 	{
1172 		p->eForType = FOR_EACH_COLLECTION;
1173 		p->refEnd = pCollection;
1174 		p->nCurCollectionIndex = 0;
1175 	}
1176 	else if( (pUnoObj = PTR_CAST(SbUnoObject,pObj)) != NULL )
1177 	{
1178 		// XEnumerationAccess?
1179 		Any aAny = pUnoObj->getUnoAny();
1180 		Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEnumerationAccess;
1181 		if( (aAny >>= xEnumerationAccess) )
1182 		{
1183 			p->xEnumeration = xEnumerationAccess->createEnumeration();
1184 			p->eForType = FOR_EACH_XENUMERATION;
1185 		}
1186 		else if ( isVBAEnabled() && pUnoObj->isNativeCOMObject() )
1187         {
1188             uno::Reference< script::XInvocation > xInvocation;
1189             if ( ( aAny >>= xInvocation ) && xInvocation.is() )
1190             {
1191                 try
1192                 {
1193                     p->xEnumeration = new ComEnumerationWrapper( xInvocation );
1194                     p->eForType = FOR_EACH_XENUMERATION;
1195                 }
1196                 catch( uno::Exception& )
1197                 {}
1198             }
1200             if ( !p->xEnumeration.is() )
1201                 bError_ = true;
1202         }
1203         else
1204 		{
1205 			bError_ = true;
1206 		}
1207 	}
1208 	else
1209 	{
1210 		bError_ = true;
1211 	}
1213 	if( bError_ )
1214 	{
1215 		Error( SbERR_CONVERSION );
1216 		return;
1217 	}
1219 	// Container variable
1220 	p->refVar = PopVar();
1221 	nForLvl++;
1222 }
1224 // Poppen des FOR-Stacks
1226 void SbiRuntime::PopFor()
1227 {
1228 	if( pForStk )
1229 	{
1230 		SbiForStack* p = pForStk;
1231 		pForStk = p->pNext;
1232 		delete p;
1233 		nForLvl--;
1234 	}
1235 }
1237 // Entleeren des FOR-Stacks
1239 void SbiRuntime::ClearForStack()
1240 {
1241 	while( pForStk )
1242 		PopFor();
1243 }
1245 SbiForStack* SbiRuntime::FindForStackItemForCollection( class BasicCollection* pCollection )
1246 {
1247 	SbiForStack* pRet = NULL;
1249 	SbiForStack* p = pForStk;
1250 	while( p )
1251 	{
1252 		SbxVariable* pVar = p->refEnd.Is() ? (SbxVariable*)p->refEnd : NULL;
1253 		if( p->eForType == FOR_EACH_COLLECTION && pVar != NULL &&
1254 			(pCollection = PTR_CAST(BasicCollection,pVar)) == pCollection )
1255 		{
1256 			pRet = p;
1257 			break;
1258 		}
1259 	}
1261 	return pRet;
1262 }
1265 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1266 //
1267 //	DLL-Aufrufe
1268 //
1269 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1271 void SbiRuntime::DllCall
1272 	( const String& aFuncName,	// Funktionsname
1273 	  const String& aDLLName,	// Name der DLL
1274 	  SbxArray* pArgs,			// Parameter (ab Index 1, kann NULL sein)
1275 	  SbxDataType eResType,		// Returnwert
1276 	  sal_Bool bCDecl )				// sal_True: nach C-Konventionen
1277 {
1278 	// No DllCall for "virtual" portal users
1279 	if( needSecurityRestrictions() )
1280 	{
1282 		return;
1283 	}
1286 	/*
1287 	String aMsg;
1288 	aMsg = "FUNC=";
1289 	aMsg += pFunc;
1290 	aMsg += " DLL=";
1291 	aMsg += pDLL;
1292 	MessBox( NULL, WB_OK, String( "DLL-CALL" ), aMsg ).Execute();
1294 	*/
1296 	SbxVariable* pRes = new SbxVariable( eResType );
1297 	SbiDllMgr* pDllMgr = pInst->GetDllMgr();
1298 	SbError nErr = pDllMgr->Call( aFuncName, aDLLName, pArgs, *pRes, bCDecl );
1299 	if( nErr )
1300 		Error( nErr );
1301 	PushVar( pRes );
1302 }
1304 sal_uInt16 SbiRuntime::GetImageFlag( sal_uInt16 n ) const
1305 {
1306 	return pImg->GetFlag( n );
1307 }
1309 sal_uInt16 SbiRuntime::GetBase()
1310 {
1311 	return pImg->GetBase();
1312 }