1#ifndef __com_sun_star_awt_XLayoutUnit_idl__ 2#define __com_sun_star_awt_XLayoutUnit_idl__ 3 4#ifndef __com_sun_star_awt_XLayoutContainer_idl__ 5#include <com/sun/star/awt/XLayoutContainer.idl> 6#endif 7 8//============================================================================= 9 10module com { module sun { module star { module awt { 11 12//============================================================================= 13 14interface XLayoutContainer; 15 16/** Responsible to evaluate size damages and force a re-calculation. Containers 17 should let it know of state changes that may affects their size. 18 All children of a top-level window should share the same object. 19 20 @since OOo 3.0 21 */ 22interface XLayoutUnit 23{ 24 void queueResize( [in] com::sun::star::awt::XLayoutContainer Container ); 25}; 26 27//============================================================================= 28 29}; }; }; }; 30 31#endif 32