1/************************************************************** 2 * 3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file 5 * distributed with this work for additional information 6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file 7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 9 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 10 * 11 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 12 * 13 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, 14 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an 15 * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY 16 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 17 * specific language governing permissions and limitations 18 * under the License. 19 * 20 *************************************************************/ 21 22 23#ifndef __com_sun_star_chart_ChartAxis_idl__ 24#define __com_sun_star_chart_ChartAxis_idl__ 25 26#ifndef __com_sun_star_drawing_LineProperties_idl__ 27#include <com/sun/star/drawing/LineProperties.idl> 28#endif 29 30#ifndef __com_sun_star_style_CharacterProperties_idl__ 31#include <com/sun/star/style/CharacterProperties.idl> 32#endif 33 34#ifndef __com_sun_star_beans_XPropertySet_idl__ 35#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.idl> 36#endif 37 38#ifndef __com_sun_star_chart_ChartAxisArrangeOrderType_idl__ 39#include <com/sun/star/chart/ChartAxisArrangeOrderType.idl> 40#endif 41 42#ifndef __com_sun_star_chart_ChartAxisPosition_idl__ 43#include <com/sun/star/chart/ChartAxisPosition.idl> 44#endif 45 46#ifndef __com_sun_star_chart_ChartAxisLabelPosition_idl__ 47#include <com/sun/star/chart/ChartAxisLabelPosition.idl> 48#endif 49 50#ifndef __com_sun_star_chart_ChartAxisMarkPosition_idl__ 51#include <com/sun/star/chart/ChartAxisMarkPosition.idl> 52#endif 53 54#ifndef __com_sun_star_chart_ChartAxisType_idl__ 55#include <com/sun/star/chart/ChartAxisType.idl> 56#endif 57 58#ifndef __com_sun_star_chart_TimeIncrement_idl__ 59#include <com/sun/star/chart/TimeIncrement.idl> 60#endif 61 62#ifndef __com_sun_star_chart_XAxis_idl__ 63#include <com/sun/star/chart/XAxis.idl> 64#endif 65 66#ifndef _com_sun_star_xml_UserDefinedAttributeSupplier_idl_ 67#include <com/sun/star/xml/UserDefinedAttributeSupplier.idl> 68#endif 69 70//============================================================================= 71 72 module com { module sun { module star { module chart { 73 74//============================================================================= 75 76/** Specifies the axes in a diagram. 77 78 <p>Note: The text properties correlate to all axis description 79 elements, not to just a single text element.</p> 80 */ 81published service ChartAxis 82{ 83 /** set the properties for the entire axis line as well as for the 84 tick marks. 85 */ 86 service com::sun::star::drawing::LineProperties; 87 88 /** set the properties for all text labels of the axis 89 */ 90 service com::sun::star::style::CharacterProperties; 91 92 /** If a <type>ChartAxis</type> may be stored as XML element, this 93 service should be supported in order to preserve unparsed XML 94 attributes. 95 96 @since OOo 1.1.2 97 */ 98 [optional] service com::sun::star::xml::UserDefinedAttributeSupplier; 99 100 /** Access to the sub elements of an axis like title and grids. 101 @since OOo 3.4 102 */ 103 [optional] interface com::sun::star::chart::XAxis; 104 105 interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet; 106 107 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 108 /** Properties for scaling: 109 */ 110 111 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 113 /** Contains the maximum value for the axis scale. 114 */ 115 [optional, property] double Max; 116 117 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118 119 /** Contains the minimum value for the axis scale. 120 */ 121 [optional, property] double Min; 122 123 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 124 125 /** Contains the distance between the main tick marks. 126 */ 127 [optional, property] double StepMain; 128 129 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 131 /** 132 Contains the number of help intervals within a main interval. E.g. a StepHelpCount of 5 divides 133 the main interval into 5 pieces and thus producces 4 help tick marks. 134 */ 135 [optional, property] long StepHelpCount; 136 137 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 138 139 /** @deprecated 140 User property StepHelpCount instead 141 Contains the distance between the help tick marks. 142 */ 143 [optional, property] double StepHelp; 144 145 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 146 147 /** The maximium value of the axis scale is calculated by the chart if 148 this property is <TRUE/>. 149 */ 150 [optional, property] boolean AutoMax; 151 152 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 153 154 /** The minimum value of the axis scale is calculated by the chart if 155 this property is <TRUE/>. 156 */ 157 [optional, property] boolean AutoMin; 158 159 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 160 161 /** The distance between the main tick marks is calculated by the chart 162 if this property is <TRUE/>. 163 */ 164 [optional, property] boolean AutoStepMain; 165 166 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 167 168 /** The number of help intervals within a main interval is calculated by the 169 chart if this property is <TRUE/>. 170 */ 171 [optional, property] boolean AutoStepHelp; 172 173 174 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 175 176 /** Determines if the axis is scaled logarithmically or 177 not (linear). 178 */ 179 [optional, property] boolean Logarithmic; 180 181 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 182 183 /** determines which type of axis this is, e.g. a date-axis or a category-axis @see ChartAxisType 184 @since OOo 3.4 185 */ 186 [optional, property] long AxisType; 187 188 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 189 190 /** if the current axis is a date-axis the intervals are choosen as given with TimeIncrement 191 @since OOo 3.4 192 */ 193 [optional, maybevoid, property] TimeIncrement TimeIncrement; 194 195 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196 197 /** Determines if the axis orientation is mathematical or reversed. 198 */ 199 [optional, property] boolean ReverseDirection; 200 201 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 202 203 /** Determines where the axis crosses the other axis. 204 */ 205 [optional, property] com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisPosition CrossoverPosition; 206 207 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 208 209 /** Determines the scale value on the other axis when CrossoverPosition is set to VALUE. 210 */ 211 [optional, property] double CrossoverValue; 212 213 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 214 215 /** Indicates the reference value where bars or areas have their grounding. 216 This property has only an effect when the used odf fileformat does not allow for 217 further axis posiioning or the axis is a secondary y-axis. 218 */ 219 [optional, property] double Origin; 220 221 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 222 223 /** The origin is calculated by the chart if this property is <TRUE/>. 224 */ 225 [optional, property] boolean AutoOrigin; 226 227 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 228 /** Properties for interval marks: 229 */ 230 231 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 232 233 /** Determines the type of the marks.@see ChartAxisMarks 234 */ 235 [property] long Marks; 236 237 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 238 239 /** Determines the type of the help marks.@see ChartAxisMarks 240 */ 241 [property] long HelpMarks; 242 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 243 244 /** Determines where the interval marks are placed. 245 */ 246 [optional, property] com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisMarkPosition MarkPosition; 247 248 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 249 /** Properties for axes labels: 250 */ 251 252 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 253 254 /** Determines whether to display text at the axis or not. 255 */ 256 [property] boolean DisplayLabels; 257 258 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 259 260 /** Contains the type id for the number formatter of the axis. 261 262 @see com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormatter 263 */ 264 [property] long NumberFormat; 265 266 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 267 268 /** determines whether to use the number format given by the 269 container application, e.g. a spreadsheet document, or from 270 the own property <member>NumberFormat</member>. 271 */ 272 [optional, property] boolean LinkNumberFormatToSource; 273 274 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 275 276 /** Determines where the axis labels are placed. 277 */ 278 [optional, property] com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition LabelPosition; 279 280 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 281 282 /** Determines the rotation of the text elements 283 (axis description) in 100th degrees. 284 */ 285 [property] long TextRotation; 286 287 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 288 289 /** The axis description may be arranged in a special order for a 290 better placement. 291 */ 292 [property] com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisArrangeOrderType ArrangeOrder; 293 294 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 295 296 /** Determines if long text is broken into multiple lines. 297 */ 298 [property] boolean TextBreak; 299 300 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 301 302 /** Determines if certain labels are hidden, if they would otherwise overlap. 303 In this case, the value of this property must be set to <FALSE/>. 304 */ 305 [property] boolean TextCanOverlap; 306 307 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 308 /** Properties related to bar charts: 309 */ 310 311 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 312 313 /** Determines the overlap of the bars in a bar-type chart. 314 315 <p>The value is given in percent of the width of the bars. The 316 valid range is -100% to +100%. +100% means full overlap, -100% 317 indicates a distance of one bar between 2 neighboring bars.</p> 318 */ 319 [property] long Overlap; 320 321 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- 322 323 /** Specifies the width of the gaps between each set of data points 324 in a bar chart. 325 326 <p>The value is given in percent of the width of a bar; the 327 valid range is 0 to 600%.</p> 328 */ 329 [property] long GapWidth; 330}; 331 332//============================================================================= 333 334}; }; }; }; 335 336#endif 337