1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 package com.sun.star.uno;
30 import java.io.IOException;
31 import java.lang.reflect.Array;
32 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
33 import java.util.ArrayList;
34 import java.util.Iterator;
35 import com.sun.star.lib.uno.typedesc.TypeDescription;
36 import com.sun.star.lib.util.WeakMap;
38 /**
39  * The central class needed for implementing or using UNO components in Java.
40  *
41  * <p>The methods <code>queryInterface</code> and <code>areSame</code> delegate
42  * calls to the implementing objects and are used instead of casts,
43  * <code>instanceof</code>, <code>==</code>, and <code>equals</code>.<p>
44  *
45  * <p>For historic reasons, this class is not <code>final</code>, and has a
46  * <code>public</code> constructor.  These artifacts are considered mistakes,
47  * which might be corrected in a future version of this class, so client code
48  * should not rely on them.</p>
49  *
50  * @see com.sun.star.uno.IBridge
51  * @see com.sun.star.uno.IEnvironment
52  * @see com.sun.star.uno.IQueryInterface
53  */
54 public class UnoRuntime {
55     /**
56      * @deprecated As of UDK&nbsp;3.2.0, do not create instances of this class.
57      * It is considered a historic mistake to have a <code>public</code>
58      * constructor for this class, which only has <code>static</code> members.
59      * Also, this class might be changed to become <code>final</code> in a
60      * future version.
61      */
62     public UnoRuntime() {}
64     /**
65      * Generates a world wide unique identifier string.
66      *
67      * <p>It is guaranteed that every invocation of this method generates a new
68      * ID, which is unique within the VM.  The quality of &ldquo;world wide
69      * unique&rdquo; will depend on the actual implementation, you should look
70      * at the source to determine if it meets your requirements.</p>
71      *
72      * @return a unique <code>String</code>
73      */
74     public static String getUniqueKey() {
75         synchronized (uniqueKeyLock) {
76             if (uniqueKeyCount == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
77                 long time;
78                 for (time = System.currentTimeMillis(); time == uniqueKeyTime;)
79                 {
80                     // Conservatively sleep for 100 millisecond to wait for
81                     // System.currentTimeMillis() to change:
82                     try {
83                         Thread.sleep(100);
84                     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
85                         Thread.currentThread().interrupt();
86                     }
87                 }
88                 uniqueKeyTime = time;
89                 uniqueKeyCount = Long.MIN_VALUE;
90             }
91             return uniqueKeyHostPrefix + Long.toString(uniqueKeyTime, 16) + ":"
92                 + Long.toString(uniqueKeyCount++, 16);
93         }
94     }
96     /**
97      * Generates a world wide unique object identifier (OID) for the given
98      * Java object.
99      *
100      * <p>It is guaranteed that subsequent calls to this method with the same
101      * Java object will give the same ID.</p>
102      *
103      * <p>This method is generally of little use for client code.  It should be
104      * considered a mistake that this method is published at all.</p>
105      *
106      * @param object any object for which a OID shall be generated; must not be
107      * <code>null</code>
108      * @return the generated OID
109      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IQueryInterface#getOid
110      */
111     public static String generateOid(Object object) {
112         String oid = null;
113         if (object instanceof IQueryInterface) {
114             oid = ((IQueryInterface) object).getOid();
115         }
116         return oid == null ? object.hashCode() + oidSuffix : oid;
117     }
119     /**
120      * Queries the given UNO object for the given UNO interface type.
121      *
122      * <p>This method returns <code>null</code> in case the given UNO object
123      * does not support the given UNO interface type (or is itself
124      * <code>null</code>).  Otherwise, a reference to a Java object implementing
125      * the Java interface type corresponding to the given UNO interface is
126      * returned.  In the latter case, it is unspecified whether the returned
127      * Java object is the same as the given object, or is another facet of that
128      * UNO object.</p>
129      *
130      * @param type the requested UNO interface type; must be a <code>Type</code>
131      * object representing a UNO interface type
132      * @param object a reference to any Java object representing (a facet of) a
133      * UNO object; may be <code>null</code>
134      * @return a reference to the requested UNO interface type if available,
135      * otherwise <code>null</code>
136      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IQueryInterface#queryInterface
137      */
138     public static Object queryInterface(Type type, Object object) {
139         // Gracefully handle those situations where the passed in UNO object is
140         // wrapped in an Any.  Strictly speaking, such a situation constitutes a
141         // bug, but it is anticipated that such situations will arise quite
142         // often in practice (especially since UNO Anys containing an XInterface
143         // reference are not wrapped in a Java Any, but UNO Anys containing any
144         // other interface reference are wrapped in a Java Any, which can lead
145         // to confusion).
146         if (object instanceof Any) {
147             Any a = (Any) object;
148             if (a.getType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass.INTERFACE) {
149                 object = a.getObject();
150             }
151         }
152         if (object instanceof IQueryInterface) {
153             object = ((IQueryInterface) object).queryInterface(type);
154             if (object instanceof Any) {
155                 Any a = (Any) object;
156                 object = a.getType().getTypeClass() == TypeClass.INTERFACE
157                     ? a.getObject() : null;
158             }
159         }
160         // Ensure that the object implements the requested interface type:
161         Class c = type.getZClass();
162         if (c == null || !c.isInstance(object)) {
163             object = null;
164         }
165         return object;
166     }
168     /**
169      * Queries the given UNO object for the given Java class (which must
170      * represent a UNO interface type).
171      *
172      * @param ifc a Java class representing a UNO interface type
173      * @param object a reference to any Java object representing (a facet of) a
174      * UNO object; may be <code>null</code>
175      * @return a reference to the requested UNO interface type if available,
176      * otherwise <code>null</code>
177      * @see #queryInterface(Type, Object)
178      */
179     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
180     public static <T> T queryInterface(Class<T> zInterface, Object object) {
181         return (T) queryInterface(new Type(zInterface), object);
182     }
184     /**
185        Tests two UNO <code>ANY</code> values for equality.
187        <p>Two UNO values are <dfn>equal</dfn> if and only if they are of the
188        same UNO type&nbsp;<var>t</var>, and they meet the following condition,
189        depending on&nbsp;<var>t</var>:</p>
190        <ul>
191          <li>If <var>t</var> is a primitive type, then both values must denote
192          the same element of the set of values of&nbsp;<var>t</var>.</li>
194          <li>If <var>t</var> is a structured type, then both values must
195          recursively contain corresponding values that are equal.</li>
197          <li>If <var>t</var> is an interface type, then the two values must be
198          either both null references, or both references to the same UNO
199          object.</li>
200        </ul>
202        @param any1 a Java value representing a UNO <code>ANY</code> value.
204        @param any2 a Java value representing a UNO <code>ANY</code> value.
206        @return <code>true</code> if and only if the two arguments represent
207        equal UNO values.
208     */
209     public static boolean areSame(Object any1, Object any2) {
210         Any a1 = Any.complete(any1);
211         Any a2 = Any.complete(any2);
212         Type t = a1.getType();
213         if (!a2.getType().equals(t)) {
214             return false;
215         }
216         Object v1 = a1.getObject();
217         Object v2 = a2.getObject();
218         switch (t.getTypeClass().getValue()) {
219         case TypeClass.VOID_value:
220             return true;
221         case TypeClass.BOOLEAN_value:
222         case TypeClass.BYTE_value:
223         case TypeClass.SHORT_value:
224         case TypeClass.UNSIGNED_SHORT_value:
225         case TypeClass.LONG_value:
226         case TypeClass.UNSIGNED_LONG_value:
227         case TypeClass.HYPER_value:
228         case TypeClass.UNSIGNED_HYPER_value:
229         case TypeClass.FLOAT_value:
230         case TypeClass.DOUBLE_value:
231         case TypeClass.CHAR_value:
232         case TypeClass.STRING_value:
233         case TypeClass.TYPE_value:
234             return v1.equals(v2);
235         case TypeClass.SEQUENCE_value:
236             int n = Array.getLength(v1);
237             if (n != Array.getLength(v2)) {
238                 return false;
239             }
240             for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
241                 // Recursively using areSame on Java values that are (boxed)
242                 // elements of Java arrays representing UNO sequence values,
243                 // instead of on Java values that are representations of UNO ANY
244                 // values, works by chance:
245                 if (!areSame(Array.get(v1, i), Array.get(v2, i))) {
246                     return false;
247                 }
248             }
249             return true;
250         case TypeClass.ENUM_value:
251             return v1 == v2;
252         case TypeClass.STRUCT_value:
253         case TypeClass.EXCEPTION_value:
254             IFieldDescription[] fs;
255             try {
256                 fs = TypeDescription.getTypeDescription(t).
257                     getFieldDescriptions();
258             } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
259                 throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(e.toString());
260             }
261             for (int i = 0; i< fs.length; ++i) {
262                 Type ft = new Type(fs[i].getTypeDescription());
263                 try {
264                     // Recursively using areSame on Java values that are (boxed)
265                     // fields of Java classes representing UNO struct or
266                     // exception values, instead of on Java values that are
267                     // representations of UNO ANY values, works by chance:
268                     if (!areSame(
269                             completeValue(ft, fs[i].getField().get(v1)),
270                             completeValue(ft, fs[i].getField().get(v2))))
271                     {
272                         return false;
273                     }
274                 } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
275                     throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(e.toString());
276                 }
277             }
278             return true;
279         case TypeClass.INTERFACE_value:
280             return v1 == v2
281                 || (v1 instanceof IQueryInterface
282                     && ((IQueryInterface) v1).isSame(v2))
283                 || (v2 instanceof IQueryInterface
284                     && ((IQueryInterface) v2).isSame(v1));
285         default:
286             throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(
287                 "com.sun.star.uno.Any has bad com.sun.star.uno.TypeClass");
288         }
289     }
291     /**
292        Complete a UNO value (make sure it is no invalid <code>null</code>
293        value).
295        <p>This is useful for members of parameterized type of instantiated
296        polymorphic struct types, as <code>null</code> is a valid value there
297        (and only there, for all types except <code>ANY</code> and interface
298        types).</p>
300        @param type a non-void, non-exception UNO type.
302        @param value a Java value representing a UNO value of the given UNO type,
303        or <code>null</code>.
305        @return the given value, or the neutral value of the given type, if the
306        given value was an invalid <code>null</code> value.
308        @since UDK 3.2.3
309     */
310     public static final Object completeValue(Type type, Object value) {
311         if (value != null) {
312             return value;
313         }
314         switch (type.getTypeClass().getValue()) {
315         case TypeClass.BOOLEAN_value:
316             return Boolean.FALSE;
317         case TypeClass.BYTE_value:
318             return new Byte((byte) 0);
319         case TypeClass.SHORT_value:
320         case TypeClass.UNSIGNED_SHORT_value:
321             return new Short((short) 0);
322         case TypeClass.LONG_value:
323         case TypeClass.UNSIGNED_LONG_value:
324             return new Integer(0);
325         case TypeClass.HYPER_value:
326         case TypeClass.UNSIGNED_HYPER_value:
327             return new Long(0L);
328         case TypeClass.FLOAT_value:
329             return new Float(0.0f);
330         case TypeClass.DOUBLE_value:
331             return new Double(0.0);
332         case TypeClass.CHAR_value:
333             return new Character('\u0000');
334         case TypeClass.STRING_value:
335             return "";
336         case TypeClass.TYPE_value:
337             return Type.VOID;
338         case TypeClass.ANY_value:
339         case TypeClass.INTERFACE_value:
340             return null;
341         case TypeClass.SEQUENCE_value:
342             return Array.newInstance(type.getZClass().getComponentType(), 0);
343         case TypeClass.STRUCT_value:
344             try {
345                 return type.getZClass().getConstructor(null).newInstance(null);
346             } catch (java.lang.RuntimeException e) {
347                 throw e;
348             } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
349                 throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(e.toString());
350             }
351         case TypeClass.ENUM_value:
352             try {
353                 return type.getZClass().getMethod("getDefault", null).invoke(
354                     null, null);
355             } catch (java.lang.RuntimeException e) {
356                 throw e;
357             } catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
358                 throw new java.lang.RuntimeException(e.toString());
359             }
360         default:
361             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
362                 "com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime.completeValue called with bad"
363                 + " com.sun.star.uno.Type");
364         }
365     }
367     /**
368      * Gets the current context of the current thread, or <code>null</code> if
369      * no context has been set for the current thread.
370      *
371      * <p>The current context is thread local, which means that this method
372      * returns the context that was last set for this thread.</p>
373      *
374      * @return the current context of the current thread, or <code>null</code>
375      * if no context has been set for the current thread
376      */
377     public static XCurrentContext getCurrentContext() {
378         return (XCurrentContext) currentContext.get();
379     }
381     /**
382      * Sets the current context for the current thread.
383      *
384      * <p>The current context is thread local.  To support a stacking behaviour,
385      * every function that sets the current context should reset it to the
386      * original value when exiting (for example, within a <code>finally</code>
387      * block).</p>
388      *
389      * @param context the context to be set; if <code>null</code>, any
390      * previously set context will be removed
391     */
392     public static void setCurrentContext(XCurrentContext context) {
393         // optimize this by using Java 1.5 ThreadLocal.remove if context == null
394         currentContext.set(context);
395     }
397     /**
398      * Retrieves an environment of type <code>name</code> with context
399      * <code>context</code>.
400      *
401      * <p>Environments are held weakly by this class.  If the requested
402      * environment already exists, this methods simply returns it.  Otherwise,
403      * this method looks for it under
404      * <code>com.sun.star.lib.uno.environments.<var>name</var>.<!--
405      * --><var>name</var>_environment</code>.</p>
406      *
407      * @param name the name of the environment
408      * @param context the context of the environment
409      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IEnvironment
410      *
411      * @deprecated As of UDK&nbsp;3.2.0, this method is deprecated, without
412      * offering a replacement.
413      */
414     public static IEnvironment getEnvironment(String name, Object context)
415         throws java.lang.Exception
416     {
417         synchronized (environments) {
418             IEnvironment env = (IEnvironment) WeakMap.getValue(
419                 environments.get(name + context));
420             if (env == null) {
421                 Class c = Class.forName(
422                     "com.sun.star.lib.uno.environments." + name + "." + name
423                     + "_environment");
424                 Constructor ctor = c.getConstructor(
425                     new Class[] { Object.class });
426                 env = (IEnvironment) ctor.newInstance(new Object[] { context });
427                 environments.put(name + context, env);
428             }
429             return  env;
430         }
431     }
433     /**
434      * Gets a bridge from environment <code>from</code> to environment
435      * <code>to</code>.
436      *
437      * <p>Creates a new bridge, if the requested bridge does not yet exist, and
438      * hands the arguments to the bridge.</p>
439      *
440      * <p>If the requested bridge does not exist, it is searched for in package
441      * <code>com.sun.star.lib.uno.bridges.<var>from</var>_<var>to</var>;</code>
442      * and the root classpath as
443      * <code><var>from</var>_<var>to</var>_bridge</code>.</p>
444      *
445      * @param from the source environment
446      * @param to the target environment
447      * @param args the initial arguments for the bridge
448      * @return the requested bridge
449      * @see #getBridgeByName
450      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IBridge
451      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IEnvironment
452      *
453      * @deprecated As of UDK&nbsp;3.2.0, this method is deprecated, without
454      * offering a replacement.
455      */
456     public static IBridge getBridge(
457         IEnvironment from, IEnvironment to, Object[] args)
458         throws java.lang.Exception
459     {
460         synchronized (bridges) {
461             String name = from.getName() + "_" + to.getName();
462             String hashName = from.getName() + from.getContext() + "_"
463                 + to.getName() + to.getContext();
464             IBridge bridge = (IBridge) WeakMap.getValue(bridges.get(hashName));
465             if(bridge == null) {
466                 Class zClass = null;
467                 String className =  name + "_bridge";
468                 try {
469                     zClass = Class.forName(className);
470                 } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
471                     className = "com.sun.star.lib.uno.bridges." + name + "."
472                         + className;
473                     zClass = Class.forName(className);
474                 }
475                 Class[] signature = {
476                     IEnvironment.class, IEnvironment.class, args.getClass() };
477                 Constructor constructor = zClass.getConstructor(signature);
478                 Object[] iargs = { from, to, args };
479                 bridge = (IBridge) constructor.newInstance(iargs);
480                 bridges.put(hashName, bridge);
481             }
482             return bridge;
483         }
484     }
486     /**
487      * Gets a bridge from environment <code>from</code> to environment
488      * <code>to</code>.
489      *
490      * <p>Creates a new bridge, if the requested bridge does not yet exist, and
491      * hands the arguments to the bridge.</p>
492      *
493      * <p>If the requested bridge does not exist, it is searched for in package
494      * <code>com.sun.star.lib.uno.bridges.<var>from</var>_<var>to</var>;</code>
495      * and the root classpath as
496      * <code><var>from</var>_<var>to</var>_bridge</code>.  The used environments
497      * are retrieved through <code>getEnvironment</code>.</p>
498      *
499      * @param from the name of the source environment
500      * @param fromContext the context for the source environment
501      * @param to the name of the target environment
502      * @param toContext the context for the target environment
503      * @param args the initial arguments for the bridge
504      * @return the requested bridge
505      * @see #getBridge
506      * @see #getEnvironment
507      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IBridge
508      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IEnvironment
509      *
510      * @deprecated As of UDK&nbsp;3.2.0, this method is deprecated, without
511      * offering a replacement.
512      */
513     public static IBridge getBridgeByName(
514         String from, Object fromContext, String to, Object toContext,
515         Object[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
516     {
517         return getBridge(
518             getEnvironment(from, fromContext), getEnvironment(to, toContext),
519             args);
520     }
522     /**
523      * Returns an array of all active bridges.
524      *
525      * @return an array of <code>IBridge</code> objects
526      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IBridge
527      *
528      * @deprecated As of UDK&nbsp;3.2.0, this method is deprecated, without
529      * offering a replacement.
530      */
531     public static IBridge[] getBridges() {
532         ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
533         synchronized (bridges) {
534             for (Iterator i = bridges.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
535                 Object o = WeakMap.getValue(i.next());
536                 if (o != null) {
537                     l.add(o);
538                 }
539             }
540         }
541         return (IBridge[]) l.toArray(new IBridge[l.size()]);
542     }
544     /**
545      * Gets a mapping from environment <code>from</code> to environment
546      * <code>to</code>.
547      *
548      * <p>Mappings are like bridges, except that with mappings one can only map
549      * in one direction.  Mappings are here for compatibility with the binary
550      * UNO API.  Mappings are implemented as wrappers around bridges.</p>
551      *
552      * @param from the source environment
553      * @param to the target environment
554      * @return the requested mapping
555      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IEnvironment
556      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IMapping
557      *
558      * @deprecated As of UDK&nbsp;3.2.0, this method is deprecated, without
559      * offering a replacement.
560      */
561     public static IMapping getMapping(IEnvironment from, IEnvironment to)
562         throws java.lang.Exception
563     {
564         IBridge bridge;
565         try {
566             bridge = getBridge(from, to, null);
567         }
568         catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
569             bridge = new BridgeTurner(getBridge(to, from, null));
570         }
571         return new MappingWrapper(bridge);
572     }
574     /**
575      * Gets a mapping from environment <code>from</code> to environment
576      * <code>to</code>.
577      *
578      * <p>The used environments are retrieved through
579      * <code>getEnvironment</code>.</p>
580      *
581      * @param from the name of the source environment
582      * @param to the name of the target environment
583      * @return the requested mapping
584      * @see #getEnvironment
585      * @see #getMapping
586      * @see com.sun.star.uno.IMapping
587      *
588      * @deprecated As of UDK&nbsp;3.2.0, this method is deprecated, without
589      * offering a replacement.
590      */
591     public static IMapping getMappingByName(String from, String to)
592         throws java.lang.Exception
593     {
594         return getMapping(getEnvironment(from, null), getEnvironment(to, null));
595     }
597     /**
598      * Resets this <code>UnoRuntime</code> to its initial state.
599      *
600      * <p>Releases all references to bridges and environments.</p>
601      *
602      * @deprecated As of UDK&nbsp;3.2.0, this method is deprecated, without
603      * offering a replacement.
604      */
605     static public boolean reset() {
606         synchronized (bridges) {
607             for (Iterator i = bridges.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
608                 IBridge b = (IBridge) WeakMap.getValue(i.next());
609                 if (b != null) {
610                     // The following call to dispose was originally made to
611                     // com.sun.star.lib.sandbox.Disposable.dispose, which cannot
612                     // throw an InterruptedException or IOException:
613                     try {
614                         b.dispose();
615                     } catch (InterruptedException e) {
616                         Thread.currentThread().interrupted();
617                         throw new RuntimeException(
618                             "Unexpected exception in UnoRuntime.reset: " + e);
619                     } catch (IOException e) {
620                         throw new RuntimeException(
621                             "Unexpected exception in UnoRuntime.reset: " + e);
622                     }
623                 }
624             }
625             bridges.clear();
626         }
627         environments.clear();
628         return bridges.isEmpty() && environments.isEmpty();
629     }
631     /**
632      * @deprecated As of UDK&nbsp;3.2.0, do not use this internal field.
633      */
634     static public final boolean DEBUG = false;
636     private static final class BridgeTurner implements IBridge {
637         public BridgeTurner(IBridge bridge) {
638             this.bridge = bridge;
639         }
641         public Object mapInterfaceTo(Object object, Type type) {
642             return bridge.mapInterfaceFrom(object, type);
643         }
645         public Object mapInterfaceFrom(Object object, Type type) {
646             return bridge.mapInterfaceTo(object, type);
647         }
649         public IEnvironment getSourceEnvironment() {
650             return bridge.getTargetEnvironment();
651         }
653         public IEnvironment getTargetEnvironment() {
654             return bridge.getSourceEnvironment();
655         }
657         public void acquire() {
658             bridge.acquire();
659         }
661         public void release() {
662             bridge.release();
663         }
665         public void dispose() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
666             bridge.dispose();
667         }
669         private final IBridge bridge;
670     }
672     private static final class MappingWrapper implements IMapping {
673         public MappingWrapper(IBridge bridge) {
674             this.bridge = bridge;
675         }
677         public Object mapInterface(Object object, Type type) {
678             return bridge.mapInterfaceTo(object, type);
679         }
681         private final IBridge bridge;
682     }
684     private static final String uniqueKeyHostPrefix
685     = Integer.toString(new Object().hashCode(), 16) + ":";
686     private static final Object uniqueKeyLock = new Object();
687     private static long uniqueKeyTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
688     private static long uniqueKeyCount = Long.MIN_VALUE;
690     private static final String oidSuffix = ";java[];" + getUniqueKey();
692     private static final ThreadLocal currentContext = new ThreadLocal();
694     private static final WeakMap environments = new WeakMap();
695     private static final WeakMap bridges = new WeakMap();
696 }