xref: /aoo41x/main/sc/source/filter/starcalc/scflt.cxx (revision cdf0e10c)
1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
29 #include "precompiled_sc.hxx"
33 // INCLUDE ---------------------------------------------------------------
35 #include "scitems.hxx"
36 #include <editeng/eeitem.hxx>
38 #include <svx/algitem.hxx>
39 #include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
40 #include <editeng/brshitem.hxx>
41 #include <editeng/colritem.hxx>
42 #include <editeng/crsditem.hxx>
43 #include <editeng/editdata.hxx>
44 #include <editeng/editeng.hxx>
45 #include <editeng/editobj.hxx>
46 #include <editeng/fhgtitem.hxx>
47 #include <editeng/fontitem.hxx>
48 #include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
49 #include <svx/pageitem.hxx>
50 #include <editeng/postitem.hxx>
51 #include <editeng/sizeitem.hxx>
52 #include <editeng/udlnitem.hxx>
53 #include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
54 #include <editeng/wghtitem.hxx>
55 #include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
56 #include <svl/PasswordHelper.hxx>
57 #include <stdio.h>
58 #include <math.h>
59 #include <string.h>
61 #include "global.hxx"
62 #include "sc.hrc"
63 #include "attrib.hxx"
64 #include "patattr.hxx"
65 #include "docpool.hxx"
66 #include "document.hxx"
67 #include "collect.hxx"
68 #include "rangenam.hxx"
69 #include "dbcolect.hxx"
70 #include "stlsheet.hxx"
71 #include "stlpool.hxx"
72 #include "filter.hxx"
73 #include "scflt.hxx"
74 #include "cell.hxx"
75 #include "scfobj.hxx"
76 #include "docoptio.hxx"
77 #include "viewopti.hxx"
78 #include "postit.hxx"
79 #include "globstr.hrc"
80 #include "ftools.hxx"
81 #include "tabprotection.hxx"
83 #include "fprogressbar.hxx"
85 using namespace com::sun::star;
89 #define SC10TOSTRING(p)		String(p,DEFCHARSET)
91 const SCCOL SC10MAXCOL = 255;   // #i85906# don't try to load more columns than there are in the file
94 void lcl_ReadFileHeader(SvStream& rStream, Sc10FileHeader& rFileHeader)
95 {
96 	rStream.Read(&rFileHeader.CopyRight, sizeof(rFileHeader.CopyRight));
97 	rStream >> rFileHeader.Version;
98 	rStream.Read(&rFileHeader.Reserved, sizeof(rFileHeader.Reserved));
99 }
102 void lcl_ReadTabProtect(SvStream& rStream, Sc10TableProtect& rProtect)
103 {
104 	rStream.Read(&rProtect.PassWord, sizeof(rProtect.PassWord));
105 	rStream >> rProtect.Flags;
106 	rStream >> rProtect.Protect;
107 }
110 void lcl_ReadSheetProtect(SvStream& rStream, Sc10SheetProtect& rProtect)
111 {
112 	rStream.Read(&rProtect.PassWord, sizeof(rProtect.PassWord));
113 	rStream >> rProtect.Flags;
114 	rStream >> rProtect.Protect;
115 }
118 void lcl_ReadRGB(SvStream& rStream, Sc10Color& rColor)
119 {
120 	rStream >> rColor.Dummy;
121 	rStream >> rColor.Blue;
122 	rStream >> rColor.Green;
123 	rStream >> rColor.Red;
124 }
127 void lcl_ReadPalette(SvStream& rStream, Sc10Color* pPalette)
128 {
129 	for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < 16; i++)
130 		lcl_ReadRGB(rStream, pPalette[i]);
131 }
134 void lcl_ReadValueFormat(SvStream& rStream, Sc10ValueFormat& rFormat)
135 {
136 	rStream >> rFormat.Format;
137 	rStream >> rFormat.Info;
138 }
141 void lcl_ReadLogFont(SvStream& rStream, Sc10LogFont& rFont)
142 {
143 	rStream >> rFont.lfHeight;
144 	rStream >> rFont.lfWidth;
145 	rStream >> rFont.lfEscapement;
146 	rStream >> rFont.lfOrientation;
147 	rStream >> rFont.lfWeight;
148 	rStream >> rFont.lfItalic;
149 	rStream >> rFont.lfUnderline;
150 	rStream >> rFont.lfStrikeOut;
151 	rStream >> rFont.lfCharSet;
152 	rStream >> rFont.lfOutPrecision;
153 	rStream >> rFont.lfClipPrecision;
154 	rStream >> rFont.lfQuality;
155 	rStream >> rFont.lfPitchAndFamily;
156 	rStream.Read(&rFont.lfFaceName, sizeof(rFont.lfFaceName));
157 }
160 void lcl_ReadBlockRect(SvStream& rStream, Sc10BlockRect& rBlock)
161 {
162 	rStream >> rBlock.x1;
163 	rStream >> rBlock.y1;
164 	rStream >> rBlock.x2;
165 	rStream >> rBlock.y2;
166 }
169 void lcl_ReadHeadFootLine(SvStream& rStream, Sc10HeadFootLine& rLine)
170 {
171 	rStream.Read(&rLine.Title, sizeof(rLine.Title));
172 	lcl_ReadLogFont(rStream, rLine.LogFont);
173 	rStream >> rLine.HorJustify;
174 	rStream >> rLine.VerJustify;
175 	rStream >> rLine.Raster;
176 	rStream >> rLine.Frame;
177 	lcl_ReadRGB(rStream, rLine.TextColor);
178 	lcl_ReadRGB(rStream, rLine.BackColor);
179 	lcl_ReadRGB(rStream, rLine.RasterColor);
180 	rStream >> rLine.FrameColor;
181 	rStream >> rLine.Reserved;
182 }
185 void lcl_ReadPageFormat(SvStream& rStream, Sc10PageFormat& rFormat)
186 {
187 	lcl_ReadHeadFootLine(rStream, rFormat.HeadLine);
188 	lcl_ReadHeadFootLine(rStream, rFormat.FootLine);
189 	rStream >> rFormat.Orientation;
190 	rStream >> rFormat.Width;
191 	rStream >> rFormat.Height;
192 	rStream >> rFormat.NonPrintableX;
193 	rStream >> rFormat.NonPrintableY;
194 	rStream >> rFormat.Left;
195 	rStream >> rFormat.Top;
196 	rStream >> rFormat.Right;
197 	rStream >> rFormat.Bottom;
198 	rStream >> rFormat.Head;
199 	rStream >> rFormat.Foot;
200 	rStream >> rFormat.HorCenter;
201 	rStream >> rFormat.VerCenter;
202 	rStream >> rFormat.PrintGrid;
203 	rStream >> rFormat.PrintColRow;
204 	rStream >> rFormat.PrintNote;
205 	rStream >> rFormat.TopBottomDir;
206 	rStream.Read(&rFormat.PrintAreaName, sizeof(rFormat.PrintAreaName));
207 	lcl_ReadBlockRect(rStream, rFormat.PrintArea);
208 	rStream.Read(&rFormat.PrnZoom, sizeof(rFormat.PrnZoom));
209 	rStream >> rFormat.FirstPageNo;
210 	rStream >> rFormat.RowRepeatStart;
211 	rStream >> rFormat.RowRepeatEnd;
212 	rStream >> rFormat.ColRepeatStart;
213 	rStream >> rFormat.ColRepeatEnd;
214 	rStream.Read(&rFormat.Reserved, sizeof(rFormat.Reserved));
215 }
218 void lcl_ReadGraphHeader(SvStream& rStream, Sc10GraphHeader& rHeader)
219 {
220 	rStream >> rHeader.Typ;
221 	rStream >> rHeader.CarretX;
222 	rStream >> rHeader.CarretY;
223 	rStream >> rHeader.CarretZ;
224 	rStream >> rHeader.x;
225 	rStream >> rHeader.y;
226 	rStream >> rHeader.w;
227 	rStream >> rHeader.h;
228 	rStream >> rHeader.IsRelPos;
229 	rStream >> rHeader.DoPrint;
230 	rStream >> rHeader.FrameType;
231 	rStream >> rHeader.IsTransparent;
232 	lcl_ReadRGB(rStream, rHeader.FrameColor);
233 	lcl_ReadRGB(rStream, rHeader.BackColor);
234 	rStream.Read(&rHeader.Reserved, sizeof(rHeader.Reserved));
235 }
238 void lcl_ReadImageHeaer(SvStream& rStream, Sc10ImageHeader& rHeader)
239 {
240 	rStream.Read(&rHeader.FileName, sizeof(rHeader.FileName));
241 	rStream >> rHeader.Typ;
242 	rStream >> rHeader.Linked;
243 	rStream >> rHeader.x1;
244 	rStream >> rHeader.y1;
245 	rStream >> rHeader.x2;
246 	rStream >> rHeader.y2;
247 	rStream >> rHeader.Size;
248 }
251 void lcl_ReadChartHeader(SvStream& rStream, Sc10ChartHeader& rHeader)
252 {
253 	rStream >> rHeader.MM;
254 	rStream >> rHeader.xExt;
255 	rStream >> rHeader.yExt;
256 	rStream >> rHeader.Size;
257 }
260 void lcl_ReadChartSheetData(SvStream& rStream, Sc10ChartSheetData& rSheetData)
261 {
262 	rStream >> rSheetData.HasTitle;
263 	rStream >> rSheetData.TitleX;
264 	rStream >> rSheetData.TitleY;
265 	rStream >> rSheetData.HasSubTitle;
266 	rStream >> rSheetData.SubTitleX;
267 	rStream >> rSheetData.SubTitleY;
268 	rStream >> rSheetData.HasLeftTitle;
269 	rStream >> rSheetData.LeftTitleX;
270 	rStream >> rSheetData.LeftTitleY;
271 	rStream >> rSheetData.HasLegend;
272 	rStream >> rSheetData.LegendX1;
273 	rStream >> rSheetData.LegendY1;
274 	rStream >> rSheetData.LegendX2;
275 	rStream >> rSheetData.LegendY2;
276 	rStream >> rSheetData.HasLabel;
277 	rStream >> rSheetData.LabelX1;
278 	rStream >> rSheetData.LabelY1;
279 	rStream >> rSheetData.LabelX2;
280 	rStream >> rSheetData.LabelY2;
281 	rStream >> rSheetData.DataX1;
282 	rStream >> rSheetData.DataY1;
283 	rStream >> rSheetData.DataX2;
284 	rStream >> rSheetData.DataY2;
285 	rStream.Read(&rSheetData.Reserved, sizeof(rSheetData.Reserved));
286 }
289 void lcl_ReadChartTypeData(SvStream& rStream, Sc10ChartTypeData& rTypeData)
290 {
291 	rStream >> rTypeData.NumSets;
292 	rStream >> rTypeData.NumPoints;
293 	rStream >> rTypeData.DrawMode;
294 	rStream >> rTypeData.GraphType;
295 	rStream >> rTypeData.GraphStyle;
296 	rStream.Read(&rTypeData.GraphTitle, sizeof(rTypeData.GraphTitle));
297 	rStream.Read(&rTypeData.BottomTitle, sizeof(rTypeData.BottomTitle));
298 	sal_uInt16 i;
299 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
300 		rStream >> rTypeData.SymbolData[i];
301 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
302 		rStream >> rTypeData.ColorData[i];
303 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
304 		rStream >> rTypeData.ThickLines[i];
305 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
306 		rStream >> rTypeData.PatternData[i];
307 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
308 		rStream >> rTypeData.LinePatternData[i];
309 	for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
310 		rStream >> rTypeData.NumGraphStyles[i];
311 	rStream >> rTypeData.ShowLegend;
312 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
313 		rStream.Read(&rTypeData.LegendText[i], sizeof(Sc10ChartText));
314 	rStream >> rTypeData.ExplodePie;
315 	rStream >> rTypeData.FontUse;
316 	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
317 		rStream >> rTypeData.FontFamily[i];
318 	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
319 		rStream >> rTypeData.FontStyle[i];
320 	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
321 		rStream >> rTypeData.FontSize[i];
322 	rStream >> rTypeData.GridStyle;
323 	rStream >> rTypeData.Labels;
324 	rStream >> rTypeData.LabelEvery;
325 	for (i = 0; i < 50; i++)
326 		rStream.Read(&rTypeData.LabelText[i], sizeof(Sc10ChartText));
327 	rStream.Read(&rTypeData.LeftTitle, sizeof(rTypeData.LeftTitle));
328 	rStream.Read(&rTypeData.Reserved, sizeof(rTypeData.Reserved));
329 	//rStream.Read(&rTypeData, sizeof(rTypeData));
330 }
332 double lcl_PascalToDouble(sal_Char* tp6)
333 {
334 // #i68483# bah! this was broken forever...
335 //   struct
336 //   {
337 //        sal_uInt8       be  ;     /* biased exponent           */
338 //        sal_uInt16      v1  ;     /* lower 16 bits of mantissa */
339 //        sal_uInt16      v2  ;     /* next  16 bits of mantissa */
340 //        sal_uInt8       v3:7;     /* upper  7 bits of mantissa */
341 //        sal_uInt8       s :1;     /* sign bit                  */
342 //   } real;
343 //
344 //   memcpy (&real, tp6, 6);
345 //   if (real.be == 0)
346 //         return 0.0;
347 //   return (((((128 +real.v3) * 65536.0) + real.v2) * 65536.0 + real.v1) *
348 //         ldexp ((real.s? -1.0: 1.0), real.be - (129+39)));
350     sal_uInt8* pnUnsigned = reinterpret_cast< sal_uInt8* >( tp6 );
351     // biased exponent
352     sal_uInt8 be = pnUnsigned[ 0 ];
353     // lower 16 bits of mantissa
354     sal_uInt16 v1 = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( pnUnsigned[ 2 ] * 256 + pnUnsigned[ 1 ] );
355     // next 16 bits of mantissa
356     sal_uInt16 v2 = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( pnUnsigned[ 4 ] * 256 + pnUnsigned[ 3 ] );
357     // upper 7 bits of mantissa
358     sal_uInt8 v3 = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >( pnUnsigned[ 5 ] & 0x7F );
359     // sign bit
360     bool s = (pnUnsigned[ 5 ] & 0x80) != 0;
362     if (be == 0)
363         return 0.0;
364     return (((((128 + v3) * 65536.0) + v2) * 65536.0 + v1) *
365         ldexp ((s ? -1.0 : 1.0), be - (129+39)));
366 }
369 void lcl_ChangeColor( sal_uInt16 nIndex, Color& rColor )
370 {
371 	ColorData aCol;
373 	switch( nIndex )
374 		{
375 		case 1:		aCol = COL_RED;				break;
376 		case 2:		aCol = COL_GREEN;			break;
377 		case 3:		aCol = COL_BROWN;			break;
378 		case 4:		aCol = COL_BLUE;			break;
379 		case 5:		aCol = COL_MAGENTA;			break;
380 		case 6:		aCol = COL_CYAN;			break;
381 		case 7:		aCol = COL_GRAY;			break;
382 		case 8:		aCol = COL_LIGHTGRAY;		break;
383 		case 9:		aCol = COL_LIGHTRED;		break;
384 		case 10:	aCol = COL_LIGHTGREEN;		break;
385 		case 11:	aCol = COL_YELLOW;			break;
386 		case 12:	aCol = COL_LIGHTBLUE;		break;
387 		case 13:	aCol = COL_LIGHTMAGENTA;	break;
388 		case 14:	aCol = COL_LIGHTCYAN;		break;
389 		case 15:	aCol = COL_WHITE;			break;
390 		default:	aCol = COL_BLACK;
391 		}
393 	rColor.SetColor( aCol );
394 }
396 String lcl_MakeOldPageStyleFormatName( sal_uInt16 i )
397 {
398 	String	aName = ScGlobal::GetRscString( STR_PAGESTYLE );
399 	aName.AppendAscii( " " );
400 	aName += String::CreateFromInt32( i + 1 );
402 	return aName;
403 }
405 //--------------------------------------------
406 // Font
407 //--------------------------------------------
410 Sc10FontData::Sc10FontData(SvStream& rStream)
411 {
412 	rStream >> Height;
413 	rStream >> CharSet;
414 	rStream >> PitchAndFamily;
415 	sal_uInt16 nLen;
416 	rStream >> nLen;
417 	if (nLen < sizeof(FaceName))
418 		rStream.Read(FaceName, nLen);
419 	else
420 		rStream.SetError(ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT);
421 }
424 Sc10FontCollection::Sc10FontCollection(SvStream& rStream) :
425 	ScCollection (4, 4),
426 	nError     (0)
427 {
428   sal_uInt16 ID;
429   rStream >> ID;
430   if (ID == FontID)
431   {
432 	sal_uInt16 nAnz;
433 	rStream >> nAnz;
434 	for (sal_uInt16 i=0; (i < nAnz) && (nError == 0); i++)
435 	{
436 	  Insert(new Sc10FontData(rStream));
437 	  nError = rStream.GetError();
438 	}
439   }
440   else
441   {
442 	DBG_ERROR( "FontID" );
443 	nError = errUnknownID;
444   }
445 }
448 //--------------------------------------------
449 // Benannte-Bereiche
450 //--------------------------------------------
453 Sc10NameData::Sc10NameData(SvStream& rStream)
454 {
455 	sal_uInt8 nLen;
456 	rStream >> nLen;
457 	rStream.Read(Name, sizeof(Name) - 1);
458 	if (nLen >= sizeof(Name))
459 		nLen = sizeof(Name) - 1;
460 	Name[nLen] = 0;
462 	rStream >> nLen;
463 	rStream.Read(Reference, sizeof(Reference) - 1);
464 	if (nLen >= sizeof(Reference))
465 		nLen = sizeof(Reference) - 1;
466 	Reference[nLen] = 0;
467 	rStream.Read(Reserved, sizeof(Reserved));
468 }
471 Sc10NameCollection::Sc10NameCollection(SvStream& rStream) :
472 	ScCollection (4, 4),
473 	nError     (0)
474 {
475   sal_uInt16 ID;
476   rStream >> ID;
477   if (ID == NameID)
478   {
479 	sal_uInt16 nAnz;
480 	rStream >> nAnz;
481 	for (sal_uInt16 i=0; (i < nAnz) && (nError == 0); i++)
482 	{
483 	  Insert(new Sc10NameData(rStream));
484 	  nError = rStream.GetError();
485 	}
486   }
487   else
488   {
489 	DBG_ERROR( "NameID" );
490 	nError = errUnknownID;
491   }
492 }
494 //--------------------------------------------
495 // Vorlagen
496 //--------------------------------------------
499 Sc10PatternData::Sc10PatternData(SvStream& rStream)
500 {
501   rStream.Read(Name, sizeof(Name));
502   //rStream.Read(&ValueFormat, sizeof(ValueFormat));
503   //rStream.Read(&LogFont, sizeof(LogFont));
504   lcl_ReadValueFormat(rStream, ValueFormat);
505   lcl_ReadLogFont(rStream, LogFont);
507   rStream >> Attr;
508   rStream >> Justify;
509   rStream >> Frame;
510   rStream >> Raster;
511   rStream >> nColor;
512   rStream >> FrameColor;
513   rStream >> Flags;
514   rStream >> FormatFlags;
515   rStream.Read(Reserved, sizeof(Reserved));
516 }
519 Sc10PatternCollection::Sc10PatternCollection(SvStream& rStream) :
520   ScCollection (4, 4),
521   nError     (0)
522 {
523   sal_uInt16 ID;
524   rStream >> ID;
525   if (ID == PatternID)
526   {
527 	sal_uInt16 nAnz;
528 	rStream >> nAnz;
529 	for (sal_uInt16 i=0; (i < nAnz) && (nError == 0); i++)
530 	{
531 	  Insert(new Sc10PatternData(rStream));
532 	  nError = rStream.GetError();
533 	}
534   }
535   else
536   {
537 	DBG_ERROR( "PatternID" );
538 	nError = errUnknownID;
539   }
540 }
543 //--------------------------------------------
544 // Datenbank
545 //--------------------------------------------
548 Sc10DataBaseData::Sc10DataBaseData(SvStream& rStream)
549 {
550 	//rStream.Read(&DataBaseRec, sizeof(DataBaseRec));
551 	rStream.Read(&DataBaseRec.Name, sizeof(DataBaseRec.Name));
552 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.Tab;
553 	lcl_ReadBlockRect(rStream, DataBaseRec.Block);
554 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.RowHeader;
555 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.SortField0;
556 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.SortUpOrder0;
557 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.SortField1;
558 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.SortUpOrder1;
559 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.SortField2;
560 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.SortUpOrder2;
561 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.IncludeFormat;
563 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryField0;
564 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryOp0;
565 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryByString0;
566 	rStream.Read(&DataBaseRec.QueryString0, sizeof(DataBaseRec.QueryString0));
567     DataBaseRec.QueryValue0 = ScfTools::ReadLongDouble(rStream);
569 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryConnect1;
570 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryField1;
571 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryOp1;
572 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryByString1;
573 	rStream.Read(&DataBaseRec.QueryString1, sizeof(DataBaseRec.QueryString1));
574     DataBaseRec.QueryValue1 = ScfTools::ReadLongDouble(rStream);
576 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryConnect2;
577 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryField2;
578 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryOp2;
579 	rStream >> DataBaseRec.QueryByString2;
580 	rStream.Read(&DataBaseRec.QueryString2, sizeof(DataBaseRec.QueryString2));
581     DataBaseRec.QueryValue2 = ScfTools::ReadLongDouble(rStream);
582 }
585 Sc10DataBaseCollection::Sc10DataBaseCollection(SvStream& rStream) :
586   ScCollection (4, 4),
587   nError     (0)
588 {
589   sal_uInt16 ID;
590   rStream >> ID;
591   if (ID == DataBaseID)
592   {
593 	rStream.Read(ActName, sizeof(ActName));
594 	sal_uInt16 nAnz;
595 	rStream >> nAnz;
596 	for (sal_uInt16 i=0; (i < nAnz) && (nError == 0); i++)
597 	{
598 	  Insert(new Sc10DataBaseData(rStream));
599 	  nError = rStream.GetError();
600 	}
601   }
602   else
603   {
604 	DBG_ERROR( "DataBaseID" );
605 	nError = errUnknownID;
606   }
607 }
610 int Sc10LogFont::operator==( const Sc10LogFont& rData ) const
611 {
612 	return !strcmp( lfFaceName, rData.lfFaceName )
613 		&& lfHeight == rData.lfHeight
614 		&& lfWidth == rData.lfWidth
615 		&& lfEscapement == rData.lfEscapement
616 		&& lfOrientation == rData.lfOrientation
617 		&& lfWeight == rData.lfWeight
618 		&& lfItalic == rData.lfItalic
619 		&& lfUnderline == rData.lfUnderline
620 		&& lfStrikeOut == rData.lfStrikeOut
621 		&& lfCharSet == rData.lfCharSet
622 		&& lfOutPrecision == rData.lfOutPrecision
623 		&& lfClipPrecision == rData.lfClipPrecision
624 		&& lfQuality == rData.lfQuality
625 		&& lfPitchAndFamily == rData.lfPitchAndFamily;
626 }
629 int Sc10Color::operator==( const Sc10Color& rColor ) const
630 {
631 	return ((Red == rColor.Red) && (Green == rColor.Green) && (Blue == rColor.Blue));
632 }
635 int Sc10HeadFootLine::operator==( const Sc10HeadFootLine& rData ) const
636 {
637 	return !strcmp(Title, rData.Title)
638 		&& LogFont == rData.LogFont
639 		&& HorJustify == rData.HorJustify
640 		&& VerJustify == rData.VerJustify
641 		&& Raster == rData.Raster
642 		&& Frame == rData.Frame
643 		&& TextColor == rData.TextColor
644 		&& BackColor == rData.BackColor
645 		&& RasterColor == rData.RasterColor
646 		&& FrameColor == rData.FrameColor
647 		&& Reserved == rData.Reserved;
648 }
651 int Sc10PageFormat::operator==( const Sc10PageFormat& rData ) const
652 {
653 	return !strcmp(PrintAreaName, rData.PrintAreaName)
654 		&& HeadLine == rData.HeadLine
655 		&& FootLine == rData.FootLine
656 		&& Orientation == rData.Orientation
657 		&& Width == rData.Width
658 		&& Height == rData.Height
659 		&& NonPrintableX == rData.NonPrintableX
660 		&& NonPrintableY == rData.NonPrintableY
661 		&& Left == rData.Left
662 		&& Top == rData.Top
663 		&& Right == rData.Right
664 		&& Bottom == rData.Bottom
665 		&& Head == rData.Head
666 		&& Foot == rData.Foot
667 		&& HorCenter == rData.HorCenter
668 		&& VerCenter == rData.VerCenter
669 		&& PrintGrid == rData.PrintGrid
670 		&& PrintColRow == rData.PrintColRow
671 		&& PrintNote == rData.PrintNote
672 		&& TopBottomDir == rData.TopBottomDir
673 		&& FirstPageNo == rData.FirstPageNo
674 		&& RowRepeatStart == rData.RowRepeatStart
675 		&& RowRepeatEnd == rData.RowRepeatEnd
676 		&& ColRepeatStart == rData.ColRepeatStart
677 		&& ColRepeatEnd == rData.ColRepeatEnd
678 		&& !memcmp( PrnZoom, rData.PrnZoom, sizeof(PrnZoom) )
679 		&& !memcmp( &PrintArea, &rData.PrintArea, sizeof(PrintArea) );
680 }
683 sal_uInt16 Sc10PageCollection::InsertFormat( const Sc10PageFormat& rData )
684 {
685 	for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<nCount; i++)
686 		if (At(i)->aPageFormat == rData)
687 			return i;
689     Insert( new Sc10PageData(rData) );
691 	return nCount-1;
692 }
695 static inline sal_uInt8 GetMixedCol( const sal_uInt8 nB, const sal_uInt8 nF, const sal_uInt16 nFak )
696 {
697 	sal_Int32		nT = nB - nF;
698 				nT *= ( sal_Int32 ) nFak;
699 				nT /= 0xFFFF;
700 				nT += nF;
701 	return ( sal_uInt8 ) nT;
702 }
703 static inline Color GetMixedColor( const Color& rFore, const Color& rBack, sal_uInt16 nFact )
704 {
705 	return Color(	GetMixedCol( rBack.GetRed(), rFore.GetRed(), nFact ),
706 					GetMixedCol( rBack.GetGreen(), rFore.GetGreen(), nFact ),
707 					GetMixedCol( rBack.GetBlue(), rFore.GetBlue(), nFact ) );
708 }
711 void Sc10PageCollection::PutToDoc( ScDocument* pDoc )
712 {
713 	ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
714 	EditEngine aEditEngine( pDoc->GetEnginePool() );
715 	EditTextObject* pEmptyObject = aEditEngine.CreateTextObject();
717 	for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<nCount; i++)
718 	{
719 		Sc10PageFormat* pPage = &At(i)->aPageFormat;
721 		pPage->Width = (short) ( pPage->Width * ( 72.0 / 72.27 ) + 0.5 );
722 		pPage->Height = (short) ( pPage->Height * ( 72.0 / 72.27 ) + 0.5 );
723 		pPage->Top = (short) ( pPage->Top * ( 72.0 / 72.27 ) + 0.5 );
724 		pPage->Bottom = (short) ( pPage->Bottom * ( 72.0 / 72.27 ) + 0.5 );
725 		pPage->Left = (short) ( pPage->Left * ( 72.0 / 72.27 ) + 0.5 );
726 		pPage->Right = (short) ( pPage->Right * ( 72.0 / 72.27 ) + 0.5 );
727 		pPage->Head = (short) ( pPage->Head * ( 72.0 / 72.27 ) + 0.5 );
728 		pPage->Foot = (short) ( pPage->Foot * ( 72.0 / 72.27 ) + 0.5 );
730 		String aName = lcl_MakeOldPageStyleFormatName( i );
732 		ScStyleSheet* pSheet = (ScStyleSheet*) &pStylePool->Make( aName,
735         // #i68483# set page style name at sheet...
736         pDoc->SetPageStyle( static_cast< SCTAB >( i ), aName );
738 		SfxItemSet* pSet = &pSheet->GetItemSet();
740 		for (sal_uInt16 nHeadFoot=0; nHeadFoot<2; nHeadFoot++)
741 		{
742 			Sc10HeadFootLine* pHeadFootLine = nHeadFoot ? &pPage->FootLine : &pPage->HeadLine;
744 			SfxItemSet aEditAttribs(aEditEngine.GetEmptyItemSet());
745             FontFamily eFam = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;
746 			switch (pPage->HeadLine.LogFont.lfPitchAndFamily & 0xF0)
747 			{
748 				case ffDontCare:	eFam = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;		break;
749 				case ffRoman:		eFam = FAMILY_ROMAN;		break;
750 				case ffSwiss:		eFam = FAMILY_SWISS;		break;
751 				case ffModern:		eFam = FAMILY_MODERN;		break;
752 				case ffScript:		eFam = FAMILY_SCRIPT;		break;
753 				case ffDecorative:	eFam = FAMILY_DECORATIVE;	break;
754 				default:	eFam = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;		break;
755 			}
756 			aEditAttribs.Put(	SvxFontItem(
757 									eFam,
758                                     SC10TOSTRING( pHeadFootLine->LogFont.lfFaceName ), EMPTY_STRING,
759                                     PITCH_DONTKNOW, RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW, EE_CHAR_FONTINFO ),
760 								EE_CHAR_FONTINFO );
761             aEditAttribs.Put(   SvxFontHeightItem( Abs( pHeadFootLine->LogFont.lfHeight ), 100, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ),
762 								EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT);
764 			Sc10Color nColor = pHeadFootLine->TextColor;
765 			Color TextColor( nColor.Red, nColor.Green, nColor.Blue );
766             aEditAttribs.Put(SvxColorItem(TextColor, EE_CHAR_COLOR), EE_CHAR_COLOR);
767 			// FontAttr
768 			if (pHeadFootLine->LogFont.lfWeight != fwNormal)
769                 aEditAttribs.Put(SvxWeightItem(WEIGHT_BOLD, EE_CHAR_WEIGHT), EE_CHAR_WEIGHT);
770 			if (pHeadFootLine->LogFont.lfItalic != 0)
771                 aEditAttribs.Put(SvxPostureItem(ITALIC_NORMAL, EE_CHAR_ITALIC), EE_CHAR_ITALIC);
772 			if (pHeadFootLine->LogFont.lfUnderline != 0)
773                 aEditAttribs.Put(SvxUnderlineItem(UNDERLINE_SINGLE, EE_CHAR_UNDERLINE), EE_CHAR_UNDERLINE);
774 			if (pHeadFootLine->LogFont.lfStrikeOut != 0)
775                 aEditAttribs.Put(SvxCrossedOutItem(STRIKEOUT_SINGLE, EE_CHAR_STRIKEOUT), EE_CHAR_STRIKEOUT);
776 			String aText( pHeadFootLine->Title, DEFCHARSET );
777 			aEditEngine.SetText( aText );
778 			aEditEngine.QuickSetAttribs( aEditAttribs, ESelection( 0, 0, 0, aText.Len() ) );
780 			EditTextObject* pObject = aEditEngine.CreateTextObject();
782 			switch (pHeadFootLine->HorJustify)
783 			{
784 				case hjCenter:
785 					aHeaderItem.SetLeftArea(*pEmptyObject);
786 					aHeaderItem.SetCenterArea(*pObject);
787 					aHeaderItem.SetRightArea(*pEmptyObject);
788 					break;
789 				case hjRight:
790 					aHeaderItem.SetLeftArea(*pEmptyObject);
791 					aHeaderItem.SetCenterArea(*pEmptyObject);
792 					aHeaderItem.SetRightArea(*pObject);
793 					break;
794 				default:
795 					aHeaderItem.SetLeftArea(*pObject);
796 					aHeaderItem.SetCenterArea(*pEmptyObject);
797 					aHeaderItem.SetRightArea(*pEmptyObject);
798 					break;
799 			}
800 			delete pObject;
801 			pSet->Put( aHeaderItem );
803 			SfxItemSet aSetItemItemSet( *pDoc->GetPool(),
809 								  0 );
810 			nColor = pHeadFootLine->BackColor;
811 			Color aBColor( nColor.Red, nColor.Green, nColor.Blue );
812 			nColor = pHeadFootLine->RasterColor;
813 			Color aRColor( nColor.Red, nColor.Green, nColor.Blue );
815 			sal_uInt16 nFact;
816 			sal_Bool		bSwapCol = sal_False;
817 			switch (pHeadFootLine->Raster)
818 			{
819 			   case raNone:		nFact = 0xffff; bSwapCol = sal_True; break;
820 			   case raGray12:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 12;	break;
821 			   case raGray25:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 25;	break;
822 			   case raGray50:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 50;	break;
823 			   case raGray75:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 75;	break;
824 			   default:	nFact = 0xffff;
825 			}
826 			if( bSwapCol )
827                 aSetItemItemSet.Put( SvxBrushItem( GetMixedColor( aBColor, aRColor, nFact ), ATTR_BACKGROUND ) );
828 			else
829                 aSetItemItemSet.Put( SvxBrushItem( GetMixedColor( aRColor, aBColor, nFact ), ATTR_BACKGROUND ) );
831 			if (pHeadFootLine->Frame != 0)
832 			{
833 			  sal_uInt16 nLeft = 0;
834 			  sal_uInt16 nTop = 0;
835 			  sal_uInt16 nRight = 0;
836 			  sal_uInt16 nBottom = 0;
837 			  sal_uInt16 fLeft   = (pHeadFootLine->Frame & 0x000F);
838 			  sal_uInt16 fTop    = (pHeadFootLine->Frame & 0x00F0) / 0x0010;
839 			  sal_uInt16 fRight  = (pHeadFootLine->Frame & 0x0F00) / 0x0100;
840 			  sal_uInt16 fBottom = (pHeadFootLine->Frame & 0xF000) / 0x1000;
841 			  if (fLeft > 1)
842 				nLeft = 50;
843 			  else if (fLeft > 0)
844 				nLeft = 20;
845 			  if (fTop > 1)
846 				nTop = 50;
847 			  else if (fTop > 0)
848 				nTop = 20;
849 			  if (fRight > 1)
850 				nRight = 50;
851 			  else if (fRight > 0)
852 				nRight = 20;
853 			  if (fBottom > 1)
854 				nBottom = 50;
855 			  else if (fBottom > 0)
856 				nBottom = 20;
857 			  Color  ColorLeft(COL_BLACK);
858 			  Color  ColorTop(COL_BLACK);
859 			  Color  ColorRight(COL_BLACK);
860 			  Color  ColorBottom(COL_BLACK);
861 			  sal_uInt16 cLeft   = (pHeadFootLine->FrameColor & 0x000F);
862 			  sal_uInt16 cTop    = (pHeadFootLine->FrameColor & 0x00F0) >> 4;
863 			  sal_uInt16 cRight  = (pHeadFootLine->FrameColor & 0x0F00) >> 8;
864 			  sal_uInt16 cBottom = (pHeadFootLine->FrameColor & 0xF000) >> 12;
865 			  lcl_ChangeColor(cLeft, ColorLeft);
866 			  lcl_ChangeColor(cTop, ColorTop);
867 			  lcl_ChangeColor(cRight, ColorRight);
868 			  lcl_ChangeColor(cBottom, ColorBottom);
869 			  SvxBorderLine aLine;
870               SvxBoxItem aBox( ATTR_BORDER );
871 			  aLine.SetOutWidth(nLeft);
872 			  aLine.SetColor(ColorLeft);
873 			  aBox.SetLine(&aLine, BOX_LINE_LEFT);
874 			  aLine.SetOutWidth(nTop);
875 			  aLine.SetColor(ColorTop);
876 			  aBox.SetLine(&aLine, BOX_LINE_TOP);
877 			  aLine.SetOutWidth(nRight);
878 			  aLine.SetColor(ColorRight);
879 			  aBox.SetLine(&aLine, BOX_LINE_RIGHT);
880 			  aLine.SetOutWidth(nBottom);
881 			  aLine.SetColor(ColorBottom);
882 			  aBox.SetLine(&aLine, BOX_LINE_BOTTOM);
884 			  aSetItemItemSet.Put(aBox);
885 			}
887 			pSet->Put( SvxULSpaceItem( 0, 0, ATTR_ULSPACE ) );
889 			if (nHeadFoot==0)
890 				aSetItemItemSet.Put( SvxSizeItem( ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, Size( 0, pPage->Top - pPage->Head ) ) );
891 			else
892 				aSetItemItemSet.Put( SvxSizeItem( ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, Size( 0, pPage->Bottom - pPage->Foot ) ) );
894 			aSetItemItemSet.Put(SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_ON, sal_True ));
895 			aSetItemItemSet.Put(SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC, sal_False ));
896 			aSetItemItemSet.Put(SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_SHARED, sal_True ));
898 			pSet->Put( SvxSetItem( nHeadFoot ? ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERSET : ATTR_PAGE_HEADERSET,
899 									aSetItemItemSet ) );
900 		}
902 		SvxPageItem aPageItem(ATTR_PAGE);
903 		aPageItem.SetPageUsage( SVX_PAGE_ALL );
904 		aPageItem.SetLandscape( pPage->Orientation != 1 );
905 		aPageItem.SetNumType( SVX_ARABIC );
906 		pSet->Put(aPageItem);
908 		pSet->Put(SvxLRSpaceItem( pPage->Left, pPage->Right, 0,0, ATTR_LRSPACE ));
909 		pSet->Put(SvxULSpaceItem( pPage->Top, pPage->Bottom, ATTR_ULSPACE ));
911 		pSet->Put(SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_HORCENTER, pPage->HorCenter ));
912 		pSet->Put(SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_VERCENTER, pPage->VerCenter ));
914 		//----------------
915 		// Area-Parameter:
916 		//----------------
917 		{
918 			ScRange* pRepeatRow = NULL;
919 			ScRange* pRepeatCol = NULL;
921 			if ( pPage->ColRepeatStart >= 0 )
922 				pRepeatCol = new ScRange( static_cast<SCCOL> (pPage->ColRepeatStart), 0, 0 );
923 			if ( pPage->RowRepeatStart >= 0 )
924 				pRepeatRow = new ScRange( 0, static_cast<SCROW> (pPage->RowRepeatStart), 0 );
927 			if ( pRepeatRow || pRepeatCol )
928 			{
929 				//
930 				// an allen Tabellen setzen
931 				//
932                 for ( SCTAB nTab = 0, nTabCount = pDoc->GetTableCount(); nTab < nTabCount; ++nTab )
933 				{
934                     pDoc->SetRepeatColRange( nTab, pRepeatCol );
935                     pDoc->SetRepeatRowRange( nTab, pRepeatRow );
936 				}
937 			}
939 			delete pRepeatRow;
940 			delete pRepeatCol;
941 		}
943 		//-----------------
944 		// Table-Parameter:
945 		//-----------------
946 		pSet->Put( SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_NOTES,   pPage->PrintNote ) );
947 		pSet->Put( SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_GRID,    pPage->PrintGrid ) );
948 		pSet->Put( SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_HEADERS, pPage->PrintColRow ) );
949 		pSet->Put( SfxBoolItem( ATTR_PAGE_TOPDOWN, pPage->TopBottomDir ) );
950 		pSet->Put( ScViewObjectModeItem( ATTR_PAGE_CHARTS,   VOBJ_MODE_SHOW ) );
951 		pSet->Put( ScViewObjectModeItem( ATTR_PAGE_OBJECTS,  VOBJ_MODE_SHOW ) );
952 		pSet->Put( ScViewObjectModeItem( ATTR_PAGE_DRAWINGS, VOBJ_MODE_SHOW ) );
953 		pSet->Put( SfxUInt16Item( ATTR_PAGE_SCALE,
954 								  (sal_uInt16)( lcl_PascalToDouble( pPage->PrnZoom ) * 100 ) ) );
955 		pSet->Put( SfxUInt16Item( ATTR_PAGE_FIRSTPAGENO, 1 ) );
957 		pSet->Put( SvxSizeItem( ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, Size( pPage->Width, pPage->Height ) ) );
958 	}
960 	delete pEmptyObject;
961 }
964 ScDataObject* Sc10PageData::Clone() const
965 {
966 	return new Sc10PageData(aPageFormat);
967 }
970 //--------------------------------------------
971 // Import
972 //--------------------------------------------
975 Sc10Import::Sc10Import(SvStream& rStr, ScDocument* pDocument ) :
976 	rStream             (rStr),
977 	pDoc                (pDocument),
978 	pFontCollection     (NULL),
979 	pNameCollection     (NULL),
980 	pPatternCollection  (NULL),
981 	pDataBaseCollection (NULL),
982 	nError              (0),
983 	nShowTab			(0)
984 {
985 	pPrgrsBar = NULL;
986 }
989 Sc10Import::~Sc10Import()
990 {
991 	pDoc->CalcAfterLoad();
992 	pDoc->UpdateAllCharts();
994 	delete pFontCollection;
995 	delete pNameCollection;
996 	delete pPatternCollection;
997 	delete pDataBaseCollection;
999 	DBG_ASSERT( pPrgrsBar == NULL,
1000 		"*Sc10Import::Sc10Import(): Progressbar lebt noch!?" );
1001 }
1004 sal_uLong Sc10Import::Import()
1005 {
1006     pPrgrsBar = new ScfStreamProgressBar( rStream, pDoc->GetDocumentShell() );
1008 	ScDocOptions aOpt = pDoc->GetDocOptions();
1009 	aOpt.SetDate( 1, 1, 1900 );
1010 	aOpt.SetYear2000( 18 + 1901 );		// ab SO51 src513e vierstellig
1011 	pDoc->SetDocOptions( aOpt );
1012 	pDoc->GetFormatTable()->ChangeNullDate( 1, 1, 1900 );
1014     LoadFileHeader();                           pPrgrsBar->Progress();
1015     if (!nError) { LoadFileInfo();              pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1016     if (!nError) { LoadEditStateInfo();         pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1017     if (!nError) { LoadProtect();               pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1018     if (!nError) { LoadViewColRowBar();         pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1019     if (!nError) { LoadScrZoom();               pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1020     if (!nError) { LoadPalette();               pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1021     if (!nError) { LoadFontCollection();        pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1022     if (!nError) { LoadNameCollection();        pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1023     if (!nError) { LoadPatternCollection();     pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1024     if (!nError) { LoadDataBaseCollection();    pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1025     if (!nError) { LoadTables();                pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1026     if (!nError) { LoadObjects();               pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1027     if (!nError) { ImportNameCollection();      pPrgrsBar->Progress(); }
1028 	pDoc->SetViewOptions( aSc30ViewOpt );
1030 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1031 	if (nError)
1032 	{
1033 		DBG_ERROR( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nError ).GetBuffer() );
1034 	}
1035 #endif
1037 	delete pPrgrsBar;
1038 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
1039 	pPrgrsBar = NULL;
1040 #endif
1042 	return nError;
1043 }
1046 void Sc10Import::LoadFileHeader()
1047 {
1048 	Sc10FileHeader FileHeader;
1049 	//rStream.Read(&FileHeader, sizeof(FileHeader));
1050 	lcl_ReadFileHeader(rStream, FileHeader);
1052 	nError = rStream.GetError();
1053 	if ( nError == 0 )
1054 	{
1055 		sal_Char Sc10CopyRight[32];
1056 		strcpy(Sc10CopyRight, "Blaise-Tabelle");    // #100211# - checked
1057 		Sc10CopyRight[14] = 10;
1058 		Sc10CopyRight[15] = 13;
1059 		Sc10CopyRight[16] = 0;
1060 		if ((strcmp(FileHeader.CopyRight, Sc10CopyRight) != 0)
1061 			|| (FileHeader.Version < 101)
1062 			|| (FileHeader.Version > 102))
1063 			nError = errUnknownFormat;
1064 	}
1065 }
1068 void Sc10Import::LoadFileInfo()
1069 {
1070 	Sc10FileInfo FileInfo;
1071 	rStream.Read(&FileInfo, sizeof(FileInfo));
1073 	nError = rStream.GetError();
1074 	// Achtung Info Uebertragen
1075 }
1079 void Sc10Import::LoadEditStateInfo()
1080 {
1081 	Sc10EditStateInfo EditStateInfo;
1082 	rStream.Read(&EditStateInfo, sizeof(EditStateInfo));
1084 	nError = rStream.GetError();
1085 	nShowTab = static_cast<SCTAB>(EditStateInfo.DeltaZ);
1086 	// Achtung Cursorposition und Offset der Tabelle Uebertragen (soll man das machen??)
1087 }
1090 void Sc10Import::LoadProtect()
1091 {
1092 	//rStream.Read(&SheetProtect, sizeof(SheetProtect));
1093 	lcl_ReadSheetProtect(rStream, SheetProtect);
1094 	nError = rStream.GetError();
1096     ScDocProtection aProtection;
1097     aProtection.setProtected(static_cast<bool>(SheetProtect.Protect));
1098     aProtection.setPassword(SC10TOSTRING(SheetProtect.PassWord));
1099     pDoc->SetDocProtection(&aProtection);
1100 }
1103 void Sc10Import::LoadViewColRowBar()
1104 {
1105 	sal_uInt8 ViewColRowBar;
1106 	rStream >> ViewColRowBar;
1107 	nError = rStream.GetError();
1108 	aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_HEADER, (sal_Bool)ViewColRowBar );
1109 }
1112 void Sc10Import::LoadScrZoom()
1113 {
1114 	// Achtung Zoom ist leider eine 6Byte TP real Zahl (keine Ahnung wie die Umzusetzen ist)
1115 	sal_Char cZoom[6];
1116 	rStream.Read(cZoom, sizeof(cZoom));
1117 	nError = rStream.GetError();
1118 }
1121 void Sc10Import::LoadPalette()
1122 {
1123 	//rStream.Read(TextPalette, sizeof(TextPalette));
1124 	//rStream.Read(BackPalette, sizeof(BackPalette));
1125 	//rStream.Read(RasterPalette, sizeof(RasterPalette));
1126 	//rStream.Read(FramePalette, sizeof(FramePalette));
1127 	lcl_ReadPalette(rStream, TextPalette);
1128 	lcl_ReadPalette(rStream, BackPalette);
1129 	lcl_ReadPalette(rStream, RasterPalette);
1130 	lcl_ReadPalette(rStream, FramePalette);
1132 	nError = rStream.GetError();
1133 }
1136 void Sc10Import::LoadFontCollection()
1137 {
1138 	pFontCollection = new Sc10FontCollection(rStream);
1139 }
1142 void Sc10Import::LoadNameCollection()
1143 {
1144 	pNameCollection = new Sc10NameCollection(rStream);
1145 }
1148 void Sc10Import::ImportNameCollection()
1149 {
1150 	ScRangeName*		pRN = pDoc->GetRangeName();
1152 	for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pNameCollection->GetCount(); i++)
1153 	{
1154 		Sc10NameData*	pName = pNameCollection->At( i );
1155 		pRN->Insert( new ScRangeData(	pDoc,
1156 										SC10TOSTRING( pName->Name ),
1157 										SC10TOSTRING( pName->Reference ) ) );
1158 	}
1159 }
1162 void Sc10Import::LoadPatternCollection()
1163 {
1164 	pPatternCollection = new Sc10PatternCollection( rStream );
1165 	ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
1166 	for( sal_uInt16 i = 0 ; i < pPatternCollection->GetCount() ; i++ )
1167 	{
1168 		Sc10PatternData* pPattern = pPatternCollection->At( i );
1169 		String aName( pPattern->Name, DEFCHARSET );
1170 		SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyle = pStylePool->Find( aName, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA );
1171 		if( pStyle == NULL )
1172 			pStylePool->Make( aName, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA );
1173 		else
1174 		{
1175 			pPattern->Name[ 27 ] = 0;
1176 			strcat( pPattern->Name, "_Old" );       // #100211# - checked
1177 			aName = SC10TOSTRING( pPattern->Name );
1178 			pStylePool->Make( aName, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA );
1179 		}
1180 		pStyle = pStylePool->Find( aName, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA );
1181 		if( pStyle != NULL )
1182 		{
1183 			SfxItemSet &rItemSet = pStyle->GetItemSet();
1184 			// Font
1185 			if( ( pPattern->FormatFlags & pfFont ) == pfFont )
1186 			{
1187                 FontFamily eFam = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;
1188 				switch( pPattern->LogFont.lfPitchAndFamily & 0xF0 )
1189 				{
1190 					case ffDontCare   : eFam = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;		break;
1191 					case ffRoman      : eFam = FAMILY_ROMAN;		break;
1192 					case ffSwiss      : eFam = FAMILY_SWISS;		break;
1193 					case ffModern     : eFam = FAMILY_MODERN;		break;
1194 					case ffScript     : eFam = FAMILY_SCRIPT;		break;
1195 					case ffDecorative : eFam = FAMILY_DECORATIVE;	break;
1196 					default: eFam = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;		break;
1197 				}
1198                 rItemSet.Put( SvxFontItem( eFam, SC10TOSTRING( pPattern->LogFont.lfFaceName ), EMPTY_STRING,
1200                 rItemSet.Put( SvxFontHeightItem( Abs( pPattern->LogFont.lfHeight ), 100, ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT ) );
1201 				Color TextColor( COL_BLACK );
1202 				lcl_ChangeColor( ( pPattern->nColor & 0x000F ), TextColor );
1203                 rItemSet.Put( SvxColorItem( TextColor, ATTR_FONT_COLOR ) );
1204 				// FontAttr
1205 				if( pPattern->LogFont.lfWeight != fwNormal )
1206                     rItemSet.Put( SvxWeightItem( WEIGHT_BOLD, ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT ) );
1207 				if( pPattern->LogFont.lfItalic != 0 )
1208                     rItemSet.Put( SvxPostureItem( ITALIC_NORMAL, ATTR_FONT_POSTURE ) );
1209 				if( pPattern->LogFont.lfUnderline != 0 )
1210                     rItemSet.Put( SvxUnderlineItem( UNDERLINE_SINGLE, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE ) );
1211 				if( pPattern->LogFont.lfStrikeOut != 0 )
1212                     rItemSet.Put( SvxCrossedOutItem( STRIKEOUT_SINGLE, ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT ) );
1213 			}
1214 			// Ausrichtung
1215 			if( ( pPattern->FormatFlags & pfJustify ) == pfJustify )
1216 			{
1217 				sal_uInt16 HorJustify = ( pPattern->Justify & 0x000F );
1218 				sal_uInt16 VerJustify = ( pPattern->Justify & 0x00F0 ) >> 4;
1219 				sal_uInt16 OJustify   = ( pPattern->Justify & 0x0F00 ) >> 8;
1220 				sal_uInt16 EJustify   = ( pPattern->Justify & 0xF000 ) >> 12;
1221 				if( HorJustify != 0 )
1222 					switch( HorJustify )
1223 					{
1224 						case hjLeft:
1225                             rItemSet.Put( SvxHorJustifyItem( SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_LEFT, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY ) );
1226 							break;
1227 						case hjCenter:
1228                             rItemSet.Put( SvxHorJustifyItem( SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_CENTER, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY ) );
1229 							break;
1230 						case hjRight:
1231                             rItemSet.Put( SvxHorJustifyItem( SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_RIGHT, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY ) );
1232 							break;
1233 					}
1234 				if( VerJustify != 0 )
1235 					switch( VerJustify )
1236 					{
1237 						case vjTop:
1238                             rItemSet.Put( SvxVerJustifyItem( SVX_VER_JUSTIFY_TOP, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY ) );
1239 							break;
1240 						case vjCenter:
1241                             rItemSet.Put( SvxVerJustifyItem( SVX_VER_JUSTIFY_CENTER, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY ) );
1242 							break;
1243 						case vjBottom:
1244                             rItemSet.Put( SvxVerJustifyItem( SVX_VER_JUSTIFY_BOTTOM, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY ) );
1245 							break;
1246 					}
1248 				if( ( OJustify & ojWordBreak ) == ojWordBreak )
1249 					rItemSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( sal_True ) );
1250 				if( ( OJustify & ojBottomTop ) == ojBottomTop )
1251                     rItemSet.Put( SfxInt32Item( ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, 9000 ) );
1252 				else if( ( OJustify & ojTopBottom ) == ojTopBottom )
1253                     rItemSet.Put( SfxInt32Item( ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, 27000 ) );
1255 				sal_Int16 Margin = Max( ( sal_uInt16 ) 20, ( sal_uInt16 ) ( EJustify * 20 ) );
1256 //				if( ( ( OJustify & ojBottomTop ) == ojBottomTop ) ||
1257 //					( ( OJustify & ojBottomTop ) == ojBottomTop ) )
1258 // vielleicht so?
1259 				if( ( ( OJustify & ojBottomTop ) == ojBottomTop ) )
1260                     rItemSet.Put( SvxMarginItem( 20, Margin, 20, Margin, ATTR_MARGIN ) );
1261 				else
1262                     rItemSet.Put( SvxMarginItem( Margin, 20, Margin, 20, ATTR_MARGIN ) );
1263 			}
1265 			// Frame
1266 			if( ( pPattern->FormatFlags & pfFrame ) == pfFrame )
1267 			{
1268 				if( pPattern->Frame != 0 )
1269 				{
1270 					sal_uInt16	nLeft	= 0;
1271 					sal_uInt16	nTop	= 0;
1272 					sal_uInt16	nRight	= 0;
1273 					sal_uInt16	nBottom	= 0;
1274 					sal_uInt16	fLeft	= ( pPattern->Frame & 0x000F );
1275 					sal_uInt16	fTop	= ( pPattern->Frame & 0x00F0 ) / 0x0010;
1276 					sal_uInt16	fRight	= ( pPattern->Frame & 0x0F00 ) / 0x0100;
1277 					sal_uInt16	fBottom	= ( pPattern->Frame & 0xF000 ) / 0x1000;
1279 					if( fLeft > 1 )
1280 						nLeft = 50;
1281 					else if( fLeft > 0 )
1282 						nLeft = 20;
1284 					if( fTop > 1 )
1285 						nTop = 50;
1286 					else if( fTop > 0 )
1287 						nTop = 20;
1289 					if( fRight > 1 )
1290 						nRight = 50;
1291 					else if( fRight > 0 )
1292 						nRight = 20;
1294 					if( fBottom > 1 )
1295 						nBottom = 50;
1296 					else if( fBottom > 0 )
1297 						nBottom = 20;
1299 					Color	ColorLeft( COL_BLACK );
1300 					Color	ColorTop( COL_BLACK );
1301 					Color	ColorRight( COL_BLACK );
1302 					Color	ColorBottom( COL_BLACK );
1304 					sal_uInt16	cLeft	= ( pPattern->FrameColor & 0x000F );
1305 					sal_uInt16	cTop	= ( pPattern->FrameColor & 0x00F0 ) >> 4;
1306 					sal_uInt16	cRight	= ( pPattern->FrameColor & 0x0F00 ) >> 8;
1307 					sal_uInt16	cBottom	= ( pPattern->FrameColor & 0xF000 ) >> 12;
1309 					lcl_ChangeColor( cLeft, ColorLeft );
1310 					lcl_ChangeColor( cTop, ColorTop );
1311 					lcl_ChangeColor( cRight, ColorRight );
1312 					lcl_ChangeColor( cBottom, ColorBottom );
1314 					SvxBorderLine	aLine;
1315                     SvxBoxItem      aBox( ATTR_BORDER );
1317 					aLine.SetOutWidth( nLeft );
1318 					aLine.SetColor( ColorLeft );
1319 					aBox.SetLine( &aLine, BOX_LINE_LEFT );
1320 					aLine.SetOutWidth( nTop );
1321 					aLine.SetColor( ColorTop );
1322 					aBox.SetLine( &aLine, BOX_LINE_TOP );
1323 					aLine.SetOutWidth( nRight );
1324 					aLine.SetColor( ColorRight );
1325 					aBox.SetLine( &aLine, BOX_LINE_RIGHT );
1326 					aLine.SetOutWidth( nBottom );
1327 					aLine.SetColor( ColorBottom );
1328 					aBox.SetLine( &aLine, BOX_LINE_BOTTOM );
1329 					rItemSet.Put( aBox );
1330 				}
1331 			}
1332 			// Raster
1333 			if( ( pPattern->FormatFlags & pfRaster ) == pfRaster )
1334 			{
1335 				if( pPattern->Raster != 0 )
1336 				{
1337 					sal_uInt16 nBColor = ( pPattern->nColor & 0x00F0 ) >> 4;
1338 					sal_uInt16 nRColor = ( pPattern->nColor & 0x0F00 ) >> 8;
1339 					Color aBColor( COL_BLACK );
1341 					lcl_ChangeColor( nBColor, aBColor );
1343 					if( nBColor == 0 )
1344 						aBColor.SetColor( COL_WHITE );
1345 					else if( nBColor == 15 )
1346 						aBColor.SetColor( COL_BLACK );
1348 					Color aRColor( COL_BLACK );
1349 					lcl_ChangeColor( nRColor, aRColor );
1350 					sal_uInt16 nFact;
1351 					sal_Bool		bSwapCol = sal_False;
1352 					sal_Bool		bSetItem = sal_True;
1353 					switch (pPattern->Raster)
1354 					{
1355 			   		case raNone:		nFact = 0xffff; bSwapCol = sal_True; bSetItem = (nBColor > 0); break;
1356 			   		case raGray12:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 12;	break;
1357 			   		case raGray25:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 25;	break;
1358 			   		case raGray50:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 50;	break;
1359 			   		case raGray75:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 75;	break;
1360 			   		default:	nFact = 0xffff; bSetItem = (nRColor < 15);
1361 					}
1362 					if ( bSetItem )
1363 					{
1364 						if( bSwapCol )
1365                             rItemSet.Put( SvxBrushItem( GetMixedColor( aBColor, aRColor, nFact ), ATTR_BACKGROUND ) );
1366 						else
1367                             rItemSet.Put( SvxBrushItem( GetMixedColor( aRColor, aBColor, nFact ), ATTR_BACKGROUND ) );
1368 					}
1369 				}
1370 			}
1371 			// ZahlenFormate
1372 			if( ( pPattern->ValueFormat.Format != 0 ) &&
1373 				( ( pPattern->FormatFlags & pfValue ) == pfValue ) )
1374 			{
1375 				sal_uLong nKey = 0;
1376 				ChangeFormat( pPattern->ValueFormat.Format, pPattern->ValueFormat.Info, nKey );
1377 				rItemSet.Put( SfxUInt32Item( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, ( sal_uInt32 ) nKey ) );
1378 			}
1380 			// Zellattribute (Schutz, Versteckt...)
1381 			if( ( pPattern->Flags != 0 ) &&
1382 				( ( pPattern->FormatFlags & pfProtection ) == pfProtection ) )
1383 			{
1384 				sal_Bool bProtect  = ( ( pPattern->Flags & paProtect ) == paProtect );
1385 				sal_Bool bHFormula = ( ( pPattern->Flags & paHideFormula ) == paHideFormula );
1386 				sal_Bool bHCell    = ( ( pPattern->Flags & paHideAll ) == paHideAll );
1387 				sal_Bool bHPrint   = ( ( pPattern->Flags & paHidePrint ) == paHidePrint );
1388 				rItemSet.Put( ScProtectionAttr( bProtect, bHFormula, bHCell, bHPrint ) );
1389 			}
1390 		} // if Style != 0
1391 	} // for (i = 0; i < GetCount()
1392 }
1395 void Sc10Import::LoadDataBaseCollection()
1396 {
1397 	pDataBaseCollection = new Sc10DataBaseCollection(rStream);
1398 	for( sal_uInt16 i = 0 ; i < pDataBaseCollection->GetCount() ; i++ )
1399 	{
1400 		Sc10DataBaseData* pOldData = pDataBaseCollection->At(i);
1401 		ScDBData* pNewData = new ScDBData( SC10TOSTRING( pOldData->DataBaseRec.Name ),
1402 									( SCTAB ) pOldData->DataBaseRec.Tab,
1403 									( SCCOL ) pOldData->DataBaseRec.Block.x1,
1404 									( SCROW ) pOldData->DataBaseRec.Block.y1,
1405 									( SCCOL ) pOldData->DataBaseRec.Block.x2,
1406 									( SCROW ) pOldData->DataBaseRec.Block.y2,
1407 									sal_True,
1408 									( sal_Bool) pOldData->DataBaseRec.RowHeader );
1409 		pDoc->GetDBCollection()->Insert( pNewData );
1410 	}
1411 }
1414 void Sc10Import::LoadTables()
1415 {
1416 	Sc10PageCollection aPageCollection;
1418     sal_Int16 nTabCount;
1419     rStream >> nTabCount;
1420     for (sal_Int16 Tab = 0; (Tab < nTabCount) && (nError == 0); Tab++)
1421 	{
1422 		Sc10PageFormat   PageFormat;
1423 		sal_Int16            DataBaseIndex;
1424 		Sc10TableProtect TabProtect;
1425 		sal_Int16            TabNo;
1426 		sal_Char             TabName[128];
1427 		sal_uInt16           Display;
1428 		sal_uInt8             Visible;
1429 		sal_uInt16           ID;
1430 		sal_uInt16           DataCount;
1431 		sal_uInt16           DataStart;
1432 		sal_uInt16           DataEnd;
1433 		sal_uInt16           DataValue;
1434 		sal_uInt16           Count;
1435 		sal_uInt16           i;
1436 		String           aStr;	// Universal-Konvertierungs-String
1439 		//rStream.Read(&PageFormat, sizeof(PageFormat));
1440 		lcl_ReadPageFormat(rStream, PageFormat);
1442         sal_uInt16 nAt = aPageCollection.InsertFormat(PageFormat);
1443 		String aPageName = lcl_MakeOldPageStyleFormatName( nAt );
1445 		pPrgrsBar->Progress();
1447 		rStream >> DataBaseIndex;
1449 		//rStream.Read(&TabProtect, sizeof(TabProtect));
1450 		lcl_ReadTabProtect(rStream, TabProtect);
1452         ScTableProtection aProtection;
1453         aProtection.setProtected(static_cast<bool>(TabProtect.Protect));
1454         aProtection.setPassword(SC10TOSTRING(TabProtect.PassWord));
1455         pDoc->SetTabProtection(static_cast<SCTAB>(Tab), &aProtection);
1457 		rStream >> TabNo;
1459 		sal_uInt8 nLen;
1460 		rStream >> nLen;
1461 		rStream.Read(TabName, sizeof(TabName) - 1);
1462 		if (nLen >= sizeof(TabName))
1463 			nLen = sizeof(TabName) - 1;
1464 		TabName[nLen] = 0;
1466 		//----------------------------------------------------------
1467 		rStream >> Display;
1469 		if ( Tab == (sal_Int16)nShowTab )
1470 		{
1471 			ScVObjMode	eObjMode = VOBJ_MODE_SHOW;
1473 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_FORMULAS,	  IS_SET(dfFormula,Display) );
1474 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_NULLVALS,	  IS_SET(dfZerro,Display) );
1475 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_SYNTAX,	  IS_SET(dfSyntax,Display) );
1476 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_NOTES,		  IS_SET(dfNoteMark,Display) );
1477 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_VSCROLL,	  sal_True );
1478 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_HSCROLL,	  sal_True );
1479 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_TABCONTROLS, sal_True );
1480 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_OUTLINER,	  sal_True );
1481 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetOption( VOPT_GRID,		  IS_SET(dfGrid,Display) );
1483 			// VOPT_HEADER wird in LoadViewColRowBar() gesetzt
1485 			if ( IS_SET(dfObjectAll,Display) ) 			// Objekte anzeigen
1486 				eObjMode = VOBJ_MODE_SHOW;
1487 			else if ( IS_SET(dfObjectFrame,Display) )	// Objekte als Platzhalter
1488 				eObjMode = VOBJ_MODE_SHOW;
1489 			else if ( IS_SET(dfObjectNone,Display) )	// Objekte nicht anzeigen
1490 				eObjMode = VOBJ_MODE_HIDE;
1492 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetObjMode( VOBJ_TYPE_OLE,	  eObjMode );
1493 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetObjMode( VOBJ_TYPE_CHART, eObjMode );
1494 			aSc30ViewOpt.SetObjMode( VOBJ_TYPE_DRAW,  eObjMode );
1495 		}
1497 	/*	wofuer wird das benoetigt? Da in SC 1.0 die Anzeigeflags pro Tabelle gelten und nicht pro View
1498 		Dieses Flag in die ViewOptions eintragen bei Gelegenheit, Sollte der Stephan Olk machen
1499         sal_uInt16 nDisplayMask = 0xFFFF;
1500         sal_uInt16 nDisplayValue = 0;
1501 		if (Tab == 0)
1502 			nDisplayValue = Display;
1503 		else
1504 		{
1505 			sal_uInt16 nDiff = Display ^ nDisplayValue;
1506 			nDisplayMask &= ~nDiff;
1507 		}
1508 	*/
1509 		//--------------------------------------------------------------------
1510 		rStream >> Visible;
1512 		nError = rStream.GetError();
1513 		if (nError != 0) return;
1515 		if (TabNo == 0)
1516 			pDoc->RenameTab(static_cast<SCTAB> (TabNo), SC10TOSTRING( TabName ), sal_False);
1517 		else
1518 			pDoc->InsertTab(SC_TAB_APPEND, SC10TOSTRING( TabName ) );
1520 		pDoc->SetPageStyle( static_cast<SCTAB>(Tab), aPageName );
1522 		if (Visible == 0) pDoc->SetVisible(static_cast<SCTAB> (TabNo), sal_False);
1524 		// ColWidth
1525 		rStream >> ID;
1526 		if (ID != ColWidthID)
1527 		{
1528 			DBG_ERROR( "ColWidthID" );
1529 			nError = errUnknownID;
1530 			return;
1531 		}
1532 		rStream >> DataCount;
1533 		DataStart = 0;
1534 		for (i=0; i < DataCount; i++)
1535 		{
1536 			rStream >> DataEnd;
1537 			rStream >> DataValue;
1538 			for (SCCOL j = static_cast<SCCOL>(DataStart); j <= static_cast<SCCOL>(DataEnd); j++) pDoc->SetColWidth(j, static_cast<SCTAB> (TabNo), DataValue);
1539 			DataStart = DataEnd + 1;
1540 		}
1541 		pPrgrsBar->Progress();
1543 		// ColAttr
1544 		rStream >> ID;
1545 		if (ID != ColAttrID)
1546 		{
1547 			DBG_ERROR( "ColAttrID" );
1548 			nError = errUnknownID;
1549 			return;
1550 		}
1552 		rStream >> DataCount;
1553 		DataStart = 0;
1554 		for (i=0; i < DataCount; i++)
1555 		{
1556 			rStream >> DataEnd;
1557 			rStream >> DataValue;
1558 			if (DataValue != 0)
1559 			{
1560 				bool bPageBreak   = ((DataValue & crfSoftBreak) == crfSoftBreak);
1561 				bool bManualBreak = ((DataValue & crfHardBreak) == crfHardBreak);
1562 				bool bHidden = ((DataValue & crfHidden) == crfHidden);
1563                 for (SCCOL k = static_cast<SCCOL>(DataStart); k <= static_cast<SCCOL>(DataEnd); k++)
1564                 {
1565 					pDoc->SetColHidden(k, k, static_cast<SCTAB>(TabNo), bHidden);
1566                     pDoc->SetColBreak(k, static_cast<SCTAB> (TabNo), bPageBreak, bManualBreak);
1567                 }
1568 			}
1569 			DataStart = DataEnd + 1;
1570 		}
1571 		pPrgrsBar->Progress();
1573 		// RowHeight
1574 		rStream >> ID;
1575 		if (ID != RowHeightID)
1576 		{
1577 			DBG_ERROR( "RowHeightID" );
1578 			nError = errUnknownID;
1579 			return;
1580 		}
1582 		rStream >> DataCount;
1583 		DataStart = 0;
1584 		for (i=0; i < DataCount; i++)
1585 		{
1586 			rStream >> DataEnd;
1587 			rStream >> DataValue;
1588 			pDoc->SetRowHeightRange(static_cast<SCROW> (DataStart), static_cast<SCROW> (DataEnd), static_cast<SCTAB> (TabNo), DataValue);
1589 			DataStart = DataEnd + 1;
1590 		}
1591 		pPrgrsBar->Progress();
1593 		// RowAttr
1594 		rStream >> ID;
1595 		if (ID != RowAttrID)
1596 		{
1597 			DBG_ERROR( "RowAttrID" );
1598 			nError = errUnknownID;
1599 			return;
1600 		}
1602 		rStream >> DataCount;
1603 		DataStart = 0;
1604 		for (i=0; i < DataCount; i++)
1605 		{
1606 			rStream >> DataEnd;
1607 			rStream >> DataValue;
1608 			if (DataValue != 0)
1609 			{
1610 				bool bPageBreak   = ((DataValue & crfSoftBreak) == crfSoftBreak);
1611 				bool bManualBreak = ((DataValue & crfHardBreak) == crfHardBreak);
1612                 bool bHidden      = ((DataValue & crfHidden) == crfHidden);
1613                 for (SCROW l = static_cast<SCROW>(DataStart); l <= static_cast<SCROW>(DataEnd); l++)
1614                 {
1615                     pDoc->SetRowHidden(l, l, static_cast<SCTAB> (TabNo), bHidden);
1616                     pDoc->SetRowBreak(l, static_cast<SCTAB> (TabNo), bPageBreak, bManualBreak);
1617                 }
1618 			}
1619 			DataStart = DataEnd + 1;
1620 		}
1621 		pPrgrsBar->Progress();
1623 		// DataTable
1624 		rStream >> ID;
1625 		if (ID != TableID)
1626 		{
1627 			DBG_ERROR( "TableID" );
1628 			nError = errUnknownID;
1629 			return;
1630 		}
1631 		for (SCCOL Col = 0; (Col <= SC10MAXCOL) && (nError == 0); Col++)
1632 		{
1633 			rStream >> Count;
1634 			nError = rStream.GetError();
1635 			if ((Count != 0) && (nError == 0))
1636 				LoadCol(Col, static_cast<SCTAB> (TabNo));
1637 		}
1638 		DBG_ASSERT( nError == 0, "Stream" );
1639 	}
1640 	pPrgrsBar->Progress();
1642 	aPageCollection.PutToDoc( pDoc );
1643 }
1646 void Sc10Import::LoadCol(SCCOL Col, SCTAB Tab)
1647 {
1648 	LoadColAttr(Col, Tab);
1650 	sal_uInt16 CellCount;
1651 	sal_uInt8   CellType;
1652 	sal_uInt16 Row;
1653 	rStream >> CellCount;
1654     SCROW nScCount = static_cast< SCROW >( CellCount );
1655     if (nScCount > MAXROW) nError = errUnknownFormat;
1656 	for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; (i < CellCount) && (nError == 0); i++)
1657 	{
1658 		rStream >> CellType;
1659 		rStream >> Row;
1660 		nError = rStream.GetError();
1661 		if (nError == 0)
1662 		{
1663 			switch (CellType)
1664 			{
1665 				case ctValue :
1666 				{
1667 					const SfxPoolItem* pValueFormat = pDoc->GetAttr(Col, static_cast<SCROW> (Row), Tab, ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT);
1668 					sal_uLong nFormat = ((SfxUInt32Item*)pValueFormat)->GetValue();
1669                     double Value = ScfTools::ReadLongDouble(rStream);
1670 					//rStream.Read(&Value, sizeof(Value));
1672 					// Achtung hier ist eine Anpassung Notwendig wenn Ihr das Basisdatum aendert
1673 					// In StarCalc 1.0 entspricht 0 dem 01.01.1900
1674 					// if ((nFormat >= 30) && (nFormat <= 35))
1675 					// Value += 0;
1676 					if ((nFormat >= 40) && (nFormat <= 45))
1677 						Value /= 86400.0;
1678 					pDoc->SetValue(Col, static_cast<SCROW> (Row), Tab, Value);
1679 					break;
1680 				}
1681 				case ctString :
1682 				{
1683 					sal_uInt8 Len;
1684 					sal_Char s[256];
1685 					rStream >> Len;
1686 					rStream.Read(s, Len);
1687 					s[Len] = 0;
1689 					pDoc->SetString( Col, static_cast<SCROW> (Row), Tab, SC10TOSTRING( s ) );
1690 					break;
1691 				}
1692 				case ctFormula :
1693 				{
1694                     /*double Value =*/ ScfTools::ReadLongDouble(rStream);
1695 					sal_uInt8 Len;
1696 					sal_Char s[256+1];
1697 					//rStream.Read(&Value, sizeof(Value));
1698 					rStream >> Len;
1699 					rStream.Read(&s[1], Len);
1700 					s[0] = '=';
1701 					s[Len + 1] = 0;
1702 					ScFormulaCell* pCell = new ScFormulaCell( pDoc, ScAddress( Col, static_cast<SCROW> (Row), Tab ) );
1703 					pCell->SetHybridFormula( SC10TOSTRING( s ),formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_NATIVE );
1704 					pDoc->PutCell( Col, static_cast<SCROW> (Row), Tab, pCell, (sal_Bool)sal_True );
1705 					break;
1706 				}
1707 				case ctNote :
1708 					break;
1709 				default :
1710 					nError = errUnknownFormat;
1711 					break;
1712 			}
1713 			sal_uInt16 NoteLen;
1714 			rStream >> NoteLen;
1715 			if (NoteLen != 0)
1716 			{
1717 				sal_Char* pNote = new sal_Char[NoteLen+1];
1718 				rStream.Read(pNote, NoteLen);
1719 				pNote[NoteLen] = 0;
1720                 String aNoteText( SC10TOSTRING(pNote));
1721                 delete [] pNote;
1722                 ScAddress aPos( Col, static_cast<SCROW>(Row), Tab );
1723                 ScNoteUtil::CreateNoteFromString( *pDoc, aPos, aNoteText, false, false );
1724 			}
1725 		}
1726 		pPrgrsBar->Progress();
1727 	}
1728 }
1731 void Sc10Import::LoadColAttr(SCCOL Col, SCTAB Tab)
1732 {
1733 	Sc10ColAttr aFont;
1734 	Sc10ColAttr aAttr;
1735 	Sc10ColAttr aJustify;
1736 	Sc10ColAttr aFrame;
1737 	Sc10ColAttr aRaster;
1738 	Sc10ColAttr aValue;
1739 	Sc10ColAttr aColor;
1740 	Sc10ColAttr aFrameColor;
1741 	Sc10ColAttr aFlag;
1742 	Sc10ColAttr aPattern;
1744 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aFont);
1745 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aAttr);
1746 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aJustify);
1747 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aFrame);
1748 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aRaster);
1749 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aValue);
1750 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aColor);
1751 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aFrameColor);
1752 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aFlag);
1753 	if (nError == 0) LoadAttr(aPattern);
1755 	if (nError == 0)
1756 	{
1757 		SCROW nStart;
1758 		SCROW nEnd;
1759 		sal_uInt16 i;
1760 		sal_uInt16 nLimit;
1761         sal_uInt16 nValue1;
1762 		Sc10ColData *pColData;
1764 		// Font (Name, Groesse)
1765 		nStart = 0;
1766 		nEnd = 0;
1767 		nLimit = aFont.Count;
1768 		pColData = aFont.pData;
1769 		for( i = 0 ; i < nLimit ; i++, pColData++ )
1770 		{
1771 			//nEnd = aFont.pData[i].Row;
1772 			nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(pColData->Row);
1773 			//if ((nStart <= nEnd) && (aFont.pData[i].Value != 0))
1774 			if ((nStart <= nEnd) && (pColData->Value))
1775 			{
1776                 FontFamily eFam = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;
1777 				//Sc10FontData* pFont = pFontCollection->At(aFont.pData[i].Value);
1778 				Sc10FontData* pFont = pFontCollection->At(pColData->Value);
1779 				switch (pFont->PitchAndFamily & 0xF0)
1780 				{
1781 					case ffDontCare   : eFam = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;		break;
1782 					case ffRoman      : eFam = FAMILY_ROMAN;		break;
1783 					case ffSwiss      : eFam = FAMILY_SWISS;		break;
1784 					case ffModern     : eFam = FAMILY_MODERN;		break;
1785 					case ffScript     : eFam = FAMILY_SCRIPT;		break;
1786 					case ffDecorative : eFam = FAMILY_DECORATIVE;	break;
1787 					default: eFam = FAMILY_DONTKNOW;		break;
1788 				}
1789 				ScPatternAttr aScPattern(pDoc->GetPool());
1790                 aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxFontItem(eFam, SC10TOSTRING( pFont->FaceName ), EMPTY_STRING,
1792                 aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxFontHeightItem(Abs(pFont->Height), 100, ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT ));
1793 				pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab(Col, nStart, Col, nEnd, Tab, aScPattern);
1794 			}
1795 			nStart = nEnd + 1;
1796 		}
1798 	// Fontfarbe
1799 	nStart = 0;
1800 	nEnd = 0;
1801 	nLimit = aColor.Count;
1802 	pColData = aColor.pData;
1803 	for( i = 0 ; i < nLimit ; i++, pColData++ )
1804 	{
1805 		//nEnd = aColor.pData[i].Row;
1806 		nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(pColData->Row);
1807 		//if ((nStart <= nEnd) && (aColor.pData[i].Value != 0))
1808 		if ((nStart <= nEnd) && (pColData->Value))
1809 		{
1810 			Color TextColor(COL_BLACK);
1811 			lcl_ChangeColor((pColData->Value & 0x000F), TextColor);
1812 			ScPatternAttr aScPattern(pDoc->GetPool());
1813             aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxColorItem(TextColor, ATTR_FONT_COLOR ));
1814 			pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab(Col, nStart, Col, nEnd, Tab, aScPattern);
1815 		}
1816 		nStart = nEnd + 1;
1817 	}
1819 	// Fontattribute (Fett, Kursiv...)
1820 	nStart = 0;
1821 	nEnd = 0;
1822 	nLimit = aAttr.Count;
1823 	pColData = aAttr.pData;
1824 	for( i = 0 ; i < nLimit ; i++, pColData++ )
1825 	{
1826 		nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(pColData->Row);
1827         nValue1 = pColData->Value;
1828         if ((nStart <= nEnd) && (nValue1))
1829 		{
1830 			ScPatternAttr aScPattern(pDoc->GetPool());
1831 			if ((nValue1 & atBold) == atBold)
1832              aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxWeightItem(WEIGHT_BOLD, ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT));
1833 			if ((nValue1 & atItalic) == atItalic)
1834              aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxPostureItem(ITALIC_NORMAL, ATTR_FONT_POSTURE));
1835 			if ((nValue1 & atUnderline) == atUnderline)
1836              aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxUnderlineItem(UNDERLINE_SINGLE, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE));
1837 			if ((nValue1 & atStrikeOut) == atStrikeOut)
1838              aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxCrossedOutItem(STRIKEOUT_SINGLE, ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT));
1839 			pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab(Col, nStart, Col, nEnd, Tab, aScPattern);
1840 		}
1841 		nStart = nEnd + 1;
1842 	}
1844 	// Zellausrichtung
1845 	nStart = 0;
1846 	nEnd = 0;
1847 	nLimit = aJustify.Count;
1848 	pColData = aJustify.pData;
1849 	for( i = 0 ; i < nLimit ; i++, pColData++ )
1850 	{
1851 		nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(pColData->Row);
1852         nValue1 = pColData->Value;
1853         if ((nStart <= nEnd) && (nValue1))
1854 		{
1855             ScPatternAttr aScPattern(pDoc->GetPool());
1856             sal_uInt16 HorJustify = (nValue1 & 0x000F);
1857             sal_uInt16 VerJustify = (nValue1 & 0x00F0) >> 4;
1858             sal_uInt16 OJustify   = (nValue1 & 0x0F00) >> 8;
1859             sal_uInt16 EJustify   = (nValue1 & 0xF000) >> 12;
1861 			switch (HorJustify)
1862 			{
1863 				case hjLeft:
1864                     aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxHorJustifyItem(SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_LEFT, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY));
1865 					break;
1866 				case hjCenter:
1867                     aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxHorJustifyItem(SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_CENTER, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY));
1868 					break;
1869 				case hjRight:
1870                     aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxHorJustifyItem(SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_RIGHT, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY));
1871 					break;
1872 			}
1874 			switch (VerJustify)
1875 			{
1876 				case vjTop:
1877                     aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxVerJustifyItem(SVX_VER_JUSTIFY_TOP, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY));
1878 					break;
1879 				case vjCenter:
1880                     aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxVerJustifyItem(SVX_VER_JUSTIFY_CENTER, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY));
1881 					break;
1882 				case vjBottom:
1883                     aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxVerJustifyItem(SVX_VER_JUSTIFY_BOTTOM, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY));
1884 					break;
1885 			}
1887 			if (OJustify & ojWordBreak)
1888                 aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SfxBoolItem(sal_True));
1889 			if (OJustify & ojBottomTop)
1890                 aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SfxInt32Item(ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE,9000));
1891 			else if (OJustify & ojTopBottom)
1892                 aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SfxInt32Item(ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE,27000));
1894 			sal_Int16 Margin = Max((sal_uInt16)20, (sal_uInt16)(EJustify * 20));
1895 			if (((OJustify & ojBottomTop) == ojBottomTop) || ((OJustify & ojBottomTop) == ojBottomTop))
1896                 aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxMarginItem(20, Margin, 20, Margin, ATTR_MARGIN));
1897 			else
1898                 aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SvxMarginItem(Margin, 20, Margin, 20, ATTR_MARGIN));
1899 			pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab(Col, nStart, Col, nEnd, Tab, aScPattern);
1900 		}
1901 	nStart = nEnd + 1;
1902 	}
1903 	// Umrandung
1904 	sal_Bool			bEnd = sal_False;
1905 	sal_uInt16			nColorIndex = 0;
1906 	sal_uInt16			nFrameIndex = 0;
1908 	// Special Fix...
1909 	const sal_uInt32	nHelpMeStart = 100;
1910 	sal_uInt32			nHelpMe = nHelpMeStart;
1911 	sal_uInt16			nColorIndexOld = nColorIndex;
1912 	sal_uInt16			nFrameIndexOld = nColorIndex;
1914 	nEnd = 0;
1915 	nStart = 0;
1916 	while( !bEnd && nHelpMe )
1917 	{
1918 		pColData = &aFrame.pData[ nFrameIndex ];
1920 		sal_uInt16	nValue	= pColData->Value;
1921 		sal_uInt16	nLeft	= 0;
1922 		sal_uInt16	nTop	= 0;
1923 		sal_uInt16	nRight	= 0;
1924 		sal_uInt16	nBottom	= 0;
1925 		sal_uInt16	fLeft	= ( nValue & 0x000F );
1926 		sal_uInt16	fTop	= ( nValue & 0x00F0 ) >> 4;
1927 		sal_uInt16	fRight	= ( nValue & 0x0F00 ) >> 8;
1928 		sal_uInt16	fBottom	= ( nValue & 0xF000 ) >> 12;
1930 		if( fLeft > 1 )
1931 			nLeft = 50;
1932 		else if( fLeft > 0 )
1933 			nLeft = 20;
1935 		if( fTop > 1 )
1936 			nTop = 50;
1937 		else if( fTop > 0 )
1938 			nTop = 20;
1940 		if( fRight > 1 )
1941 			nRight = 50;
1942 		else if( fRight > 0 )
1943 			nRight = 20;
1945 		if( fBottom > 1 )
1946 			nBottom = 50;
1947 		else if( fBottom > 0 )
1948 			nBottom = 20;
1950 		Color	ColorLeft( COL_BLACK );
1951 		Color	ColorTop( COL_BLACK );
1952 		Color	ColorRight( COL_BLACK );
1953 		Color	ColorBottom( COL_BLACK );
1954 		sal_uInt16	nFrmColVal	= aFrameColor.pData[ nColorIndex ].Value;
1955 		SCROW	nFrmColRow	= static_cast<SCROW>(aFrameColor.pData[ nColorIndex ].Row);
1956 		sal_uInt16	cLeft		= ( nFrmColVal & 0x000F );
1957 		sal_uInt16	cTop		= ( nFrmColVal & 0x00F0 ) >> 4;
1958 		sal_uInt16	cRight		= ( nFrmColVal & 0x0F00 ) >> 8;
1959 		sal_uInt16	cBottom		= ( nFrmColVal & 0xF000 ) >> 12;
1961 		lcl_ChangeColor( cLeft, ColorLeft );
1962 		lcl_ChangeColor( cTop, ColorTop );
1963 		lcl_ChangeColor( cRight, ColorRight );
1964 		lcl_ChangeColor( cBottom, ColorBottom );
1966 		if( static_cast<SCROW>(pColData->Row) < nFrmColRow )
1967 		{
1968 			nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(pColData->Row);
1969 			if( nFrameIndex < ( aFrame.Count - 1 ) )
1970 				nFrameIndex++;
1971 		}
1972 		else if( static_cast<SCROW>(pColData->Row) > nFrmColRow )
1973 		{
1974 			nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(aFrameColor.pData[ nColorIndex ].Row);
1975 			if( nColorIndex < ( aFrameColor.Count - 1 ) )
1976 				nColorIndex++;
1977 		}
1978 		else
1979 		{
1980 			nEnd = nFrmColRow;
1981 			if( nFrameIndex < (aFrame.Count - 1 ) )
1982 				nFrameIndex++;
1983 			if( nColorIndex < ( aFrameColor.Count - 1 ) )
1984 				nColorIndex++;
1985 		}
1986 		if( ( nStart <= nEnd ) && ( nValue != 0 ) )
1987 		{
1988             ScPatternAttr   aScPattern(pDoc->GetPool());
1989 			SvxBorderLine	aLine;
1990             SvxBoxItem      aBox( ATTR_BORDER );
1992 			aLine.SetOutWidth( nLeft );
1993 			aLine.SetColor( ColorLeft );
1994 			aBox.SetLine( &aLine, BOX_LINE_LEFT );
1996 			aLine.SetOutWidth( nTop );
1997 			aLine.SetColor( ColorTop );
1998 			aBox.SetLine( &aLine, BOX_LINE_TOP );
2000 			aLine.SetOutWidth( nRight );
2001 			aLine.SetColor( ColorRight );
2002 			aBox.SetLine( &aLine, BOX_LINE_RIGHT );
2004 			aLine.SetOutWidth( nBottom );
2005 			aLine.SetColor( ColorBottom );
2006 			aBox.SetLine( &aLine, BOX_LINE_BOTTOM );
2008             aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put( aBox );
2009             pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab( Col, nStart, Col, nEnd, Tab, aScPattern );
2010 		}
2011 		nStart = nEnd + 1;
2013 		bEnd = ( nFrameIndex == ( aFrame.Count - 1 ) ) && ( nColorIndex == ( aFrameColor.Count - 1 ) );
2015 		if( nColorIndexOld != nColorIndex || nFrameIndexOld != nFrameIndex )
2016 		{
2017 			nColorIndexOld = nColorIndex;
2018 			nFrameIndexOld = nFrameIndex;
2019 			nHelpMe = nHelpMeStart;
2020 		}
2021 		else
2022 			nHelpMe--;
2024 		pColData++;
2025 	}
2027 	// ACHTUNG: Code bis hier ueberarbeitet ... jetzt hab' ich keinen Bock mehr! (GT)
2029 	// Hintergrund (Farbe, Raster)
2030 	sal_uInt16		nRasterIndex = 0;
2031 	bEnd		= sal_False;
2032 	nColorIndex	= 0;
2033 	nEnd		= 0;
2034 	nStart		= 0;
2036 	// Special Fix...
2037 	nHelpMe		= nHelpMeStart;
2038 	sal_uInt16		nRasterIndexOld = nRasterIndex;
2040 	while( !bEnd && nHelpMe )
2041 	{
2042 		sal_uInt16	nBColor = ( aColor.pData[ nColorIndex ].Value & 0x00F0 ) >> 4;
2043 		sal_uInt16	nRColor = ( aColor.pData[ nColorIndex ].Value & 0x0F00 ) >> 8;
2044 		Color	aBColor( COL_BLACK );
2046 		lcl_ChangeColor( nBColor, aBColor );
2048 		if( nBColor == 0 )
2049 			aBColor.SetColor( COL_WHITE );
2050 		else if( nBColor == 15 )
2051 			aBColor.SetColor( COL_BLACK );
2053 		Color	aRColor( COL_BLACK );
2055 		lcl_ChangeColor( nRColor, aRColor );
2057         ScPatternAttr aScPattern( pDoc->GetPool() );
2059 		sal_uInt16 nFact;
2060 		sal_Bool		bSwapCol = sal_False;
2061 		sal_Bool		bSetItem = sal_True;
2062 		switch ( aRaster.pData[ nRasterIndex ].Value )
2063 		{
2064 		case raNone:		nFact = 0xffff; bSwapCol = sal_True; bSetItem = (nBColor > 0); break;
2065 		case raGray12:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 12;	break;
2066 		case raGray25:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 25;	break;
2067 		case raGray50:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 50;	break;
2068 		case raGray75:	nFact = (0xffff / 100) * 75;	break;
2069 		default:	nFact = 0xffff; bSetItem = (nRColor < 15);
2070 		}
2071 		if ( bSetItem )
2072 		{
2073 			if( bSwapCol )
2074                 aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put( SvxBrushItem( GetMixedColor( aBColor, aRColor, nFact ), ATTR_BACKGROUND ) );
2075 			else
2076                 aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put( SvxBrushItem( GetMixedColor( aRColor, aBColor, nFact ), ATTR_BACKGROUND ) );
2077 		}
2078 		if( aRaster.pData[ nRasterIndex ].Row < aColor.pData[ nColorIndex ].Row )
2079 		{
2080 			nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(aRaster.pData[ nRasterIndex ].Row);
2081 			if( nRasterIndex < ( aRaster.Count - 1 ) )
2082 				nRasterIndex++;
2083 		}
2084 		else if( aRaster.pData[ nRasterIndex ].Row > aColor.pData[ nColorIndex ].Row )
2085 		{
2086 			nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(aColor.pData[ nColorIndex ].Row);
2087 			if( nColorIndex < ( aColor.Count - 1 ) )
2088 				nColorIndex++;
2089 		}
2090 		else
2091 		{
2092 			nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(aColor.pData[ nColorIndex ].Row);
2093 			if( nRasterIndex < ( aRaster.Count - 1 ) )
2094 				nRasterIndex++;
2095 			if( nColorIndex < ( aColor.Count - 1 ) )
2096 				nColorIndex++;
2097 		}
2098 		if( nStart <= nEnd )
2099             pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab( Col, nStart, Col, nEnd, Tab, aScPattern );
2101 		nStart = nEnd + 1;
2103 		bEnd = ( nRasterIndex == ( aRaster.Count - 1 ) ) && ( nColorIndex == ( aColor.Count - 1 ) );
2105 		if( nColorIndexOld != nColorIndex || nRasterIndexOld != nRasterIndex )
2106 		{
2107 			nColorIndexOld = nColorIndex;
2108 			nRasterIndexOld = nRasterIndex;
2109 			nHelpMe = nHelpMeStart;
2110 		}
2111 		else
2112 			nHelpMe--;
2114 		nHelpMe--;
2115 	}
2117 	// Zahlenformate
2118 	nStart = 0;
2119 	nEnd = 0;
2120 	nLimit = aValue.Count;
2121 	pColData = aValue.pData;
2122 	for (i=0; i<nLimit; i++, pColData++)
2123 	{
2124 		nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(pColData->Row);
2125         nValue1 = pColData->Value;
2126         if ((nStart <= nEnd) && (nValue1))
2127 		{
2128 			sal_uLong  nKey    = 0;
2129             sal_uInt16 nFormat = (nValue1 & 0x00FF);
2130             sal_uInt16 nInfo   = (nValue1 & 0xFF00) >> 8;
2131 			ChangeFormat(nFormat, nInfo, nKey);
2132             ScPatternAttr aScPattern(pDoc->GetPool());
2133             aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(SfxUInt32Item(ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, (sal_uInt32)nKey));
2134             pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab(Col, nStart, Col, nEnd, Tab, aScPattern);
2135 		}
2136 		nStart = nEnd + 1;
2137 	}
2139 	// Zellattribute (Schutz, Versteckt...)
2140 	nStart = 0;
2141 	nEnd = 0;
2142 	for (i=0; i<aFlag.Count; i++)
2143 	{
2144 		nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(aFlag.pData[i].Row);
2145 		if ((nStart <= nEnd) && (aFlag.pData[i].Value != 0))
2146 		{
2147 			sal_Bool bProtect  = ((aFlag.pData[i].Value & paProtect) == paProtect);
2148 			sal_Bool bHFormula = ((aFlag.pData[i].Value & paHideFormula) == paHideFormula);
2149 			sal_Bool bHCell    = ((aFlag.pData[i].Value & paHideAll) == paHideAll);
2150 			sal_Bool bHPrint   = ((aFlag.pData[i].Value & paHidePrint) == paHidePrint);
2151             ScPatternAttr aScPattern(pDoc->GetPool());
2152             aScPattern.GetItemSet().Put(ScProtectionAttr(bProtect, bHFormula, bHCell, bHPrint));
2153             pDoc->ApplyPatternAreaTab(Col, nStart, Col, nEnd, Tab, aScPattern);
2154 		}
2155 		nStart = nEnd + 1;
2156 	}
2158 	// ZellVorlagen
2159 	nStart = 0;
2160 	nEnd = 0;
2161 	ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = pDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
2162 	for (i=0; i<aPattern.Count; i++)
2163 	{
2164 		nEnd = static_cast<SCROW>(aPattern.pData[i].Row);
2165 		if ((nStart <= nEnd) && (aPattern.pData[i].Value != 0))
2166 		{
2167 			sal_uInt16 nPatternIndex = (aPattern.pData[i].Value & 0x00FF) - 1;
2168 			Sc10PatternData* pPattern = pPatternCollection->At(nPatternIndex);
2169 			if (pPattern != NULL)
2170 			{
2171 				ScStyleSheet* pStyle = (ScStyleSheet*) pStylePool->Find(
2172 									SC10TOSTRING( pPattern->Name ), SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA);
2174 				if (pStyle != NULL)
2175 					pDoc->ApplyStyleAreaTab(Col, nStart, Col, nEnd, Tab, *pStyle);
2176 			}
2177 		}
2178 		nStart = nEnd + 1;
2179 	}
2180   }
2182   delete[] aFont.pData;
2183   delete[] aAttr.pData;
2184   delete[] aJustify.pData;
2185   delete[] aFrame.pData;
2186   delete[] aRaster.pData;
2187   delete[] aValue.pData;
2188   delete[] aColor.pData;
2189   delete[] aFrameColor.pData;
2190   delete[] aFlag.pData;
2191   delete[] aPattern.pData;
2192 }
2195 void Sc10Import::LoadAttr(Sc10ColAttr& rAttr)
2196 {
2197   rStream >> rAttr.Count;
2198   rAttr.pData = new Sc10ColData[rAttr.Count];
2199   if (rAttr.pData != NULL)
2200   {
2201 	for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rAttr.Count; i++)
2202 	{
2203 	  rStream >> rAttr.pData[i].Row;
2204 	  rStream >> rAttr.pData[i].Value;
2205 	}
2206 	//rStream.Read(rAttr.pData, rAttr.Count * sizeof(Sc10ColData));
2207 	nError = rStream.GetError();
2208   }
2209   else
2210 	nError = errOutOfMemory;
2211 }
2214 void Sc10Import::ChangeFormat(sal_uInt16 nFormat, sal_uInt16 nInfo, sal_uLong& nKey)
2215 {
2216   // Achtung: Die Formate werden nur auf die StarCalc 3.0 internen Formate gemappt
2217   //          Korrekterweise muessten zum Teil neue Formate erzeugt werden (sollte Stephan sich ansehen)
2218   nKey = 0;
2219   switch (nFormat)
2220   {
2221 	case vfStandard :
2222 	 if (nInfo > 0)
2223 	   nKey = 2;
2224 	 break;
2225 	case vfMoney :
2226 	 if (nInfo > 0)
2227 	   nKey = 21;
2228 	 else
2229 	   nKey = 20;
2230 	 break;
2231 	case vfThousend :
2232 	 if (nInfo > 0)
2233 	   nKey = 4;
2234 	 else
2235 	   nKey = 5;
2236 	 break;
2237 	case vfPercent :
2238 	 if (nInfo > 0)
2239 	   nKey = 11;
2240 	 else
2241 	   nKey = 10;
2242 	 break;
2243 	case vfExponent :
2244 	 nKey = 60;
2245 	 break;
2246 	case vfZerro :
2247 	 // Achtung kein Aequivalent
2248 	 break;
2249 	case vfDate :
2250 	  switch (nInfo)
2251 	  {
2252 		case df_NDMY_Long :
2253 		 nKey = 31;
2254 		 break;
2255 		case df_DMY_Long :
2256 		 nKey = 30;
2257 		 break;
2258 		case df_MY_Long :
2259 		 nKey = 32;
2260 		 break;
2261 		case df_NDM_Long :
2262 		 nKey = 31;
2263 		 break;
2264 		case df_DM_Long :
2265 		 nKey = 33;
2266 		 break;
2267 		case df_M_Long :
2268 		 nKey = 34;
2269 		 break;
2270 		case df_NDMY_Short :
2271 		 nKey = 31;
2272 		 break;
2273 		case df_DMY_Short :
2274 		 nKey = 30;
2275 		 break;
2276 		case df_MY_Short :
2277 		 nKey = 32;
2278 		 break;
2279 		case df_NDM_Short :
2280 		 nKey = 31;
2281 		 break;
2282 		case df_DM_Short :
2283 		 nKey = 33;
2284 		 break;
2285 		case df_M_Short :
2286 		 nKey = 34;
2287 		 break;
2288 		case df_Q_Long :
2289 		 nKey = 35;
2290 		 break;
2291 		case df_Q_Short :
2292 		 nKey = 35;
2293 		 break;
2294 		default :
2295 		 nKey = 30;
2296 		 break;
2297 	  }
2298 	  break;
2299 	case vfTime :
2300 	 switch (nInfo)
2301 	 {
2302 	   case tf_HMS_Long :
2303 		nKey = 41;
2304 		break;
2305 	   case tf_HM_Long :
2306 		nKey = 40;
2307 		break;
2308 	   case tf_HMS_Short :
2309 		nKey = 43;
2310 		break;
2311 	   case tf_HM_Short :
2312 		nKey = 42;
2313 		break;
2314 	   default :
2315 		nKey = 41;
2316 		break;
2317 	 }
2318 	 break;
2319 	case vfBoolean :
2320 	 nKey = 99;
2321 	 break;
2322 	case vfStandardRed :
2323 	 if (nInfo > 0)
2324 	   nKey = 2;
2325 	 break;
2326 	case vfMoneyRed :
2327 	 if (nInfo > 0)
2328 	   nKey = 23;
2329 	 else
2330 	   nKey = 22;
2331 	 break;
2332 	case vfThousendRed :
2333 	 if (nInfo > 0)
2334 	   nKey = 4;
2335 	 else
2336 	   nKey = 5;
2337 	 break;
2338 	case vfPercentRed :
2339 	 if (nInfo > 0)
2340 	   nKey = 11;
2341 	 else
2342 	   nKey = 10;
2343 	 break;
2344 	case vfExponentRed :
2345 	 nKey = 60;
2346 	 break;
2347 	case vfFormula :
2348 	 break;
2349 	case vfString :
2350 	 break;
2351 	default :
2352 	 break;
2353   }
2354 }
2357 void Sc10Import::LoadObjects()
2358 {
2359   sal_uInt16 ID;
2360   rStream >> ID;
2361   if (rStream.IsEof()) return;
2362   if (ID == ObjectID)
2363   {
2364 #ifdef SC10_SHOW_OBJECTS
2365 	// Achtung nur zu Debugzwecken
2366 	//-----------------------------------
2367 	pDoc->InsertTab(SC_TAB_APPEND, "GraphObjects");
2368 	SCCOL nCol = 0;
2369 	SCROW nRow = 0;
2370 	SCTAB nTab = 0;
2371 	pDoc->GetTable("GraphObjects", nTab);
2372 	pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "ObjectTyp");
2373 	pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "Col");
2374 	pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "Row");
2375 	pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "Tab");
2376 	pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "X");
2377 	pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "Y");
2378 	pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "W");
2379 	pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "H");
2380 	//-----------------------------------
2381 #endif
2383 	sal_uInt16 nAnz;
2384 	rStream >> nAnz;
2385 	sal_Char Reserved[32];
2386 	rStream.Read(Reserved, sizeof(Reserved));
2387 	nError = rStream.GetError();
2388 	if ((nAnz > 0) && (nError == 0))
2389 	{
2390 	  sal_uInt8 ObjectType;
2391 	  Sc10GraphHeader GraphHeader;
2392 	  sal_Bool IsOleObject = sal_False; // Achtung dies ist nur ein Notnagel
2393 	  for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; (i < nAnz) && (nError == 0) && !rStream.IsEof() && !IsOleObject; i++)
2394 	  {
2395 		rStream >> ObjectType;
2396 		//rStream.Read(&GraphHeader, sizeof(GraphHeader));
2397 		lcl_ReadGraphHeader(rStream, GraphHeader);
2399 		double nPPTX = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTX;
2400 		double nPPTY = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTY;
2402 		long nStartX = 0;
2403 		for (SCsCOL nX=0; nX<GraphHeader.CarretX; nX++)
2404 			nStartX += pDoc->GetColWidth(nX, static_cast<SCTAB>(GraphHeader.CarretZ));
2405 		nStartX = (long) ( nStartX * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
2406 		nStartX += (long) ( GraphHeader.x / nPPTX * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
2407 		long nSizeX = (long) ( GraphHeader.w / nPPTX * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
2408         long nStartY = pDoc->GetRowHeight( 0,
2409                 static_cast<SCsROW>(GraphHeader.CarretY) - 1,
2410                 static_cast<SCTAB>(GraphHeader.CarretZ));
2411 		nStartY = (long) ( nStartY * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
2412 		nStartY += (long) ( GraphHeader.y / nPPTY * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
2413 		long nSizeY = (long) ( GraphHeader.h / nPPTY * HMM_PER_TWIPS );
2415 #ifdef SC10_SHOW_OBJECTS
2416 		 // Achtung nur zu Debugzwecken
2417 		 //-----------------------------------
2418 		 nCol = 0;
2419 		 nRow++;
2420 		 switch (ObjectType)
2421 		 {
2422 		  case otOle :
2423 		   pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "Ole-Object");
2424 		   break;
2425 		  case otImage :
2426 		   pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "Image-Object");
2427 		   break;
2428 		  case otChart :
2429 		   pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "Chart-Object");
2430 		   break;
2431 		  default :
2432 		   pDoc->SetString(nCol++, nRow, nTab, "ERROR");
2433 		   break;
2434 		 }
2435 		 pDoc->SetValue(nCol++, nRow, nTab, GraphHeader.CarretX);
2436 		 pDoc->SetValue(nCol++, nRow, nTab, GraphHeader.CarretY);
2437 		 pDoc->SetValue(nCol++, nRow, nTab, GraphHeader.CarretZ);
2438 		 pDoc->SetValue(nCol++, nRow, nTab, GraphHeader.x);
2439 		 pDoc->SetValue(nCol++, nRow, nTab, GraphHeader.y);
2440 		 pDoc->SetValue(nCol++, nRow, nTab, GraphHeader.w);
2441 		 pDoc->SetValue(nCol++, nRow, nTab, GraphHeader.h);
2442 		 //-----------------------------------
2443 #endif
2445 		switch (ObjectType)
2446 		{
2447 		  case otOle :
2448 		   // Achtung hier muss sowas wie OleLoadFromStream passieren
2449 		   IsOleObject = sal_True;
2450 		   break;
2451 		  case otImage :
2452 		  {
2453 		   Sc10ImageHeader ImageHeader;
2454 		   //rStream.Read(&ImageHeader, sizeof(ImageHeader));
2455 		   lcl_ReadImageHeaer(rStream, ImageHeader);
2457 		   // Achtung nun kommen die Daten (Bitmap oder Metafile)
2458 		   // Typ = 1 Device Dependend Bitmap DIB
2459 		   // Typ = 2 MetaFile
2460 		   rStream.SeekRel(ImageHeader.Size);
2462 			if( ImageHeader.Typ != 1 && ImageHeader.Typ != 2 )
2463 				nError = errUnknownFormat;
2464 		   break;
2465 		  }
2466 		  case otChart :
2467 		  {
2468 			Sc10ChartHeader ChartHeader;
2469 			Sc10ChartSheetData ChartSheetData;
2470 			Sc10ChartTypeData* pTypeData = new Sc10ChartTypeData;
2471 			//rStream.Read(&ChartHeader, sizeof(ChartHeader));
2472 			lcl_ReadChartHeader(rStream, ChartHeader);
2474 			//!	altes Metafile verwenden ??
2475 			rStream.SeekRel(ChartHeader.Size);
2477 			//rStream.Read(&ChartSheetData, sizeof(ChartSheetData));
2478 			lcl_ReadChartSheetData(rStream, ChartSheetData);
2480 			//rStream.Read(pTypeData, sizeof(Sc10ChartTypeData));
2481 			lcl_ReadChartTypeData(rStream, *pTypeData);
2483 			Rectangle aRect( Point(nStartX,nStartY), Size(nSizeX,nSizeY) );
2484 			Sc10InsertObject::InsertChart( pDoc, static_cast<SCTAB>(GraphHeader.CarretZ), aRect,
2485 								static_cast<SCTAB>(GraphHeader.CarretZ),
2486 								ChartSheetData.DataX1, ChartSheetData.DataY1,
2487 								ChartSheetData.DataX2, ChartSheetData.DataY2 );
2489 			delete pTypeData;
2490 		  }
2491 		  break;
2492 		  default :
2493 		   nError = errUnknownFormat;
2494 		   break;
2495 		}
2496 		nError = rStream.GetError();
2497 	  }
2498 	}
2499   }
2500   else
2501   {
2502 	DBG_ERROR( "ObjectID" );
2503 	nError = errUnknownID;
2504   }
2505 }
2510 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2512 FltError ScFormatFilterPluginImpl::ScImportStarCalc10( SvStream& rStream, ScDocument* pDocument )
2513 {
2514 	rStream.Seek( 0UL );
2515 	Sc10Import	aImport( rStream, pDocument );
2516 	return ( FltError ) aImport.Import();
2517 }