1[OKLabel] 2en-US = "OK" 3 4[InstallLabel] 5en-US = "Install" 6 7[AbortLabel] 8en-US = "Abort" 9 10[IntroText1] 11en-US = "Welcome to the [FULLPRODUCTNAME] Installation Wizard" 12 13[IntroText2] 14en-US = "This installation will update your installed versions of [PRODUCTNAME]" 15 16[IntroText3] 17en-US = "This might take a moment." 18 19[ChooseMyOwnText] 20en-US = "Not listed (choose location in an extra step)" 21 22[ListPromptText] 23en-US = "Choose [PRODUCTNAME] [PRODUCTVERSION] installation for which you want to install the [FULLPRODUCTNAME]" 24 25[ChooseManualText] 26en-US = "Point the dialog to your [PRODUCTNAME] [PRODUCTVERSION] installation." 27 28[ListOKLabelText] 29en-US = "Install" 30 31[ListCancelLabel] 32en-US = "Abort" 33 34[AppInvalidText1] 35en-US = "This is not a valid [PRODUCTNAME] [PRODUCTVERSION] installation." 36 37[AppInvalidText2] 38en-US = "Run the installer again and choose a valid [PRODUCTNAME] [PRODUCTVERSION] installation" 39 40[StartInstallText1] 41en-US = "Click Install to start the installation" 42 43[StartInstallText2] 44en-US = "Installation might take a minute..." 45 46[IdentifyQText] 47en-US = "Installation failed, most likely your account does not have the necessary privileges." 48 49[IdentifyQText2] 50en-US = "Do you want to identify as administrator and try again?" 51 52[IdentifyYES] 53en-US = "Yes, identify" 54 55[IdentifyNO] 56en-US = "No, abort installation" 57 58[InstallFailedText] 59en-US = "Installation failed." 60 61[InstallCompleteText] 62en-US = "Installation of [PRODUCTNAME] language pack completed." 63 64[InstallCompleteText2] 65en-US = "Call '[PRODUCTNAME] - Preferences - Language Settings - Languages' to change the user interface language." 66 67[InstallCompleteTextPatch] 68en-US = "Installation of [FULLPRODUCTNAME] completed" 69