1# This file defines the languages of the spellchecker, that are 2# included into the language specific installation sets. 3# First column: Language in the installation set. 4# Second column: Assigned spellchecker languages. Comma separated list. 5 6# The first entry after the "=" is the entry, that will be included into 7# a language pack of the corresponding language. If no spellchecker 8# shall be included into the language pack, the keyword "EMPTY" can 9# be used as first entry. 10 11af = "af,en-US" 12ar = "EMPTY,en-US" 13ca = "ca,es,en-US,fr" 14cs = "cs,en-US" 15da = "da,de-DE,en-US" 16de = "de-DE,de-AT,de-CH,en-US,fr,it" 17en-US = "en-US,es,fr" 18en-GB = "en-US,es,fr" 19es = "es,en-US,fr,pt" 20et = "et,en-US" 21fr = "fr,en-US,es" 22gl = "gl,en-US,pt,es" 23he = "he,en-US" 24hu = "hu,de-DE,en-US" 25it = "it,de-DE,en-US,fr" 26ja = "EMPTY,en-US" 27ko = "EMPTY,en-US" 28ku = "ku-TR,en-US" 29lt = "lt,en-US" 30nb = "no,en-US,fr,de-DE,es" 31ne = "ne,en-US" 32nl = "nl,en-US,fr,de-DE" 33nn = "no,en-US,fr,de-DE,es" 34pl = "pl,de-DE,en-US,ru" 35pt-BR = "pt,en-US,es" 36pt = "pt,en-US,es" 37ro = "ro,en-US,de-DE,hu" 38ru = "ru,de-DE,en-US" 39sk = "sk,en-US" 40sl = "sl,en-US" 41sv = "sv,de-DE,en-US" 42sr = "sr,en-US" 43# ! Note the package 'sr' also holds the dictionaries for 'sh' ! 44sh = "sr,en-US" 45sw = "sw,en-US" 46th = "th,en-US" 47uk = "ru,en-US" 48vi = "vi,en-US,fr" 49zh-TW = "EMPTY,en-US" 50zh-CN = "EMPTY,en-US" 51zu = "zu,en-US" 52 53