1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
29 #include "precompiled_slideshow.hxx"
31 #include <canvas/debug.hxx>
32 #include <tools/diagnose_ex.h>
34 #include <com/sun/star/animations/TransitionType.hpp>
35 #include <com/sun/star/animations/TransitionSubType.hpp>
37 #include "parametricpolypolygonfactory.hxx"
38 #include "barwipepolypolygon.hxx"
39 #include "boxwipe.hxx"
40 #include "fourboxwipe.hxx"
41 #include "barndoorwipe.hxx"
42 #include "doublediamondwipe.hxx"
43 #include "veewipe.hxx"
44 #include "iriswipe.hxx"
45 #include "ellipsewipe.hxx"
46 #include "checkerboardwipe.hxx"
47 #include "randomwipe.hxx"
48 #include "waterfallwipe.hxx"
49 #include "clockwipe.hxx"
50 #include "fanwipe.hxx"
51 #include "pinwheelwipe.hxx"
52 #include "snakewipe.hxx"
53 #include "spiralwipe.hxx"
54 #include "sweepwipe.hxx"
55 #include "figurewipe.hxx"
56 #include "zigzagwipe.hxx"
59 using namespace ::com::sun::star;
61 namespace slideshow
62 {
63     namespace internal
64     {
65         ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr
66         ParametricPolyPolygonFactory::createClipPolyPolygon(
67             sal_Int16 nType, sal_Int16 nSubType )
68         {
69             using namespace ::com::sun::star::animations::TransitionType;
70             using namespace ::com::sun::star::animations::TransitionSubType;
72             switch (nType)
73             {
74             case BARWIPE:
75                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
76                     new BarWipePolyPolygon );
77             case BLINDSWIPE:
78                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
79                     new BarWipePolyPolygon( 6 ) );
80             case BOXWIPE:
81                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
82                     new BoxWipe( nSubType == LEFTCENTER ||
83                                  nSubType == TOPCENTER ||
84                                  nSubType == RIGHTCENTER||
85                                  nSubType == BOTTOMCENTER ) );
86             case FOURBOXWIPE:
87                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
88                     new FourBoxWipe( nSubType == CORNERSOUT ) );
89             case BARNDOORWIPE:
90                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
91                     new BarnDoorWipe );
92             case DIAGONALWIPE:
93                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
94                     new BarWipePolyPolygon );
95             case VEEWIPE:
96                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
97                     new VeeWipe );
98             case IRISWIPE:
99                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
100                     new IrisWipe );
101             case ELLIPSEWIPE:
102                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
103                     new EllipseWipe(nSubType) );
104             case CHECKERBOARDWIPE:
105                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
106                     new CheckerBoardWipe );
107             case RANDOMBARWIPE:
108                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
109                     new RandomWipe( 128, true /* bars */ ) );
110             case DISSOLVE:
111                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
112                     new RandomWipe( 16 * 16, // for now until dxcanvas is faster
113 //                                     64 * 64 /* elements */,
114                                     false /* dissolve */ ) );
115             case WATERFALLWIPE:
116                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
117                     new WaterfallWipe(
118                         128,
119                         // flipOnYAxis:
120                         nSubType == VERTICALRIGHT ||
121                         nSubType == HORIZONTALLEFT ) );
122             case CLOCKWIPE:
123                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
124                     new ClockWipe );
125             case FANWIPE:
126                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
127                     new FanWipe( // center:
128                                  nSubType == CENTERTOP ||
129                                  nSubType == CENTERRIGHT ) );
130             case PINWHEELWIPE: {
131                 sal_Int32 blades;
132                 switch (nSubType) {
133                 case ONEBLADE:
134                     blades = 1;
135                     break;
136                 case THREEBLADE:
137                     blades = 3;
138                     break;
139                 case FOURBLADE:
140                     blades = 4;
141                     break;
142                 case EIGHTBLADE:
143                     blades = 8;
144                     break;
145                 default:
146                     blades = 2;
147                     break;
148                 }
149                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
150                     new PinWheelWipe( blades ) );
151             }
152             case SNAKEWIPE:
153                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
154                     new SnakeWipe(
155                         // elements:
156                         64 * 64,
157                         // diagonal:
158                         nSubType == TOPLEFTDIAGONAL ||
159                         nSubType == TOPRIGHTDIAGONAL ||
160                         nSubType == BOTTOMRIGHTDIAGONAL ||
161                         nSubType == BOTTOMLEFTDIAGONAL,
162                         // flipOnYAxis:
163                         nSubType == TOPLEFTVERTICAL ||
164                         nSubType == TOPRIGHTDIAGONAL ||
165                         nSubType == BOTTOMLEFTDIAGONAL
166                         ) );
167             case PARALLELSNAKESWIPE:
168                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
169                     new ParallelSnakesWipe(
170                         // elements:
171                         64 * 64,
172                         // diagonal:
173                         nSubType == DIAGONALBOTTOMLEFTOPPOSITE ||
174                         nSubType == DIAGONALTOPLEFTOPPOSITE,
175                         // flipOnYAxis:
176                         nSubType == VERTICALBOTTOMLEFTOPPOSITE ||
177                         nSubType == HORIZONTALTOPLEFTOPPOSITE ||
178                         nSubType == DIAGONALTOPLEFTOPPOSITE,
179                         // opposite:
180                         nSubType == VERTICALTOPLEFTOPPOSITE ||
181                         nSubType == VERTICALBOTTOMLEFTOPPOSITE ||
182                         nSubType == HORIZONTALTOPLEFTOPPOSITE ||
183                         nSubType == HORIZONTALTOPRIGHTOPPOSITE ||
184                         nSubType == DIAGONALBOTTOMLEFTOPPOSITE ||
185                         nSubType == DIAGONALTOPLEFTOPPOSITE
186                         ) );
187             case SPIRALWIPE:
188                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
189                     new SpiralWipe(
190                         // elements:
191                         64 * 64,
192                         // flipOnYAxis:
193                         nSubType == TOPLEFTCOUNTERCLOCKWISE ||
194                         nSubType == TOPRIGHTCOUNTERCLOCKWISE ||
195                         nSubType == BOTTOMRIGHTCOUNTERCLOCKWISE ||
196                         nSubType == BOTTOMLEFTCOUNTERCLOCKWISE ) );
197             case BOXSNAKESWIPE:
198                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
199                     new BoxSnakesWipe(
200                         // elements:
201                         64 * 64,
202                         // fourBox:
203                         nSubType == FOURBOXVERTICAL ||
204                         nSubType == FOURBOXHORIZONTAL ) );
205             case SINGLESWEEPWIPE:
206                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
207                     new SweepWipe(
208                         // center:
209                         nSubType == CLOCKWISETOP ||
210                         nSubType == CLOCKWISERIGHT ||
211                         nSubType == CLOCKWISEBOTTOM ||
212                         nSubType == CLOCKWISELEFT,
213                         // single:
214                         true,
215                         // oppositeVertical:
216                         false,
217                         // flipOnYAxis:
218                         nSubType == COUNTERCLOCKWISEBOTTOMLEFT ||
219                         nSubType == COUNTERCLOCKWISETOPRIGHT
220                         ) );
221             case DOUBLESWEEPWIPE:
222                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
223                     new SweepWipe(
224                         // center:
225                         nSubType == PARALLELVERTICAL ||
226                         nSubType == PARALLELDIAGONAL ||
227                         nSubType == OPPOSITEVERTICAL ||
228                         nSubType == OPPOSITEHORIZONTAL,
229                         // single:
230                         false,
231                         // oppositeVertical:
232                         nSubType == OPPOSITEVERTICAL ||
233                         nSubType == OPPOSITEHORIZONTAL,
234                         // flipOnYAxis:
235                         false ) );
236             case DOUBLEFANWIPE:
237                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
238                     new FanWipe(
239                         //center:
240                         true,
241                         // single:
242                         false,
243                         // fanIn:
244                         nSubType == FANINVERTICAL ||
245                         nSubType == FANINHORIZONTAL ) );
246             case TRIANGLEWIPE:
247                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
248                     FigureWipe::createTriangleWipe() );
249             case ARROWHEADWIPE:
250                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
251                     FigureWipe::createArrowHeadWipe() );
252             case PENTAGONWIPE:
253                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
254                     FigureWipe::createPentagonWipe() );
255             case HEXAGONWIPE:
256                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
257                     FigureWipe::createHexagonWipe() );
258             case STARWIPE: {
259                 sal_Int32 points;
260                 switch (nSubType) {
261                 case FIVEPOINT:
262                     points = 5;
263                     break;
264                 case SIXPOINT:
265                     points = 6;
266                     break;
267                 default:
268                     points = 4;
269                     break;
270                 }
271                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
272                     FigureWipe::createStarWipe(points) );
273             }
274             case MISCDIAGONALWIPE: {
275                 switch (nSubType) {
276                 case DOUBLEBARNDOOR:
277                     return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
278                         new BarnDoorWipe( true /* doubled */ ) );
279                 case DOUBLEDIAMOND:
280                     return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
281                         new DoubleDiamondWipe );
282                 }
283                 break;
284             }
285             case ZIGZAGWIPE:
286                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr( new ZigZagWipe(5) );
287             case BARNZIGZAGWIPE:
288                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr( new BarnZigZagWipe(5) );
290             case BOWTIEWIPE:
291             case BARNVEEWIPE:
292             case EYEWIPE:
293             case ROUNDRECTWIPE:
294             case MISCSHAPEWIPE:
295             case SALOONDOORWIPE:
296             case WINDSHIELDWIPE:
297                 // for now, map to barwipe transition
298                 return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr(
299                     new BarWipePolyPolygon );
301             default:
302             case PUSHWIPE:
303             case SLIDEWIPE:
304             case FADE:
305                 ENSURE_OR_THROW( false,
306                                   "createShapeClipPolyPolygonAnimation(): Transition type mismatch" );
307             }
309             return ParametricPolyPolygonSharedPtr();
310         }
311     }
312 }