xref: /aoo41x/main/svx/inc/svx/svdotext.hxx (revision 215d8f42)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 #ifndef _SVDOTEXT_HXX
25 #define _SVDOTEXT_HXX
27 #include <vcl/field.hxx>
28 #include <svx/svdoattr.hxx>
29 #include <svx/svdtrans.hxx> // GeoStat
30 #include <tools/datetime.hxx>
31 #include <svx/xtextit0.hxx>
32 #include "svdtext.hxx"
33 #include <vector>
34 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
35 #include "svx/svxdllapi.h"
36 #include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/baseprimitive2d.hxx>
37 #include <svx/svdpagv.hxx>
39 //************************************************************
40 //   Vorausdeklarationen
41 //************************************************************
43 class OutlinerParaObject;
44 class SdrOutliner;
45 class SdrTextObj;
46 class SvxFieldItem;
47 class ImpSdrObjTextLink;
48 class EditStatus;
50 namespace sdr { namespace properties {
51 	class TextProperties;
52 }}
54 namespace drawinglayer { namespace primitive2d {
55 	class SdrContourTextPrimitive2D;
56 	class SdrPathTextPrimitive2D;
57 	class SdrBlockTextPrimitive2D;
58 	class SdrStretchTextPrimitive2D;
59 }}
61 namespace drawinglayer { namespace animation {
62 	class AnimationEntryList;
63 }}
65 namespace drawinglayer { namespace geometry {
66 	class ViewInformation2D;
67 }}
69 namespace sdr { namespace table {
70 	class Cell;
71 	class SdrTableRtfExporter;
72 	class SdrTableRTFParser;
73 }}
75 //************************************************************
76 //   Defines
77 //************************************************************
81 //************************************************************
82 //   Hilfsklasse SdrTextObjGeoData
83 //************************************************************
85 class SdrTextObjGeoData : public SdrObjGeoData
86 {
87 public:
88 	Rectangle					aRect;
89 	GeoStat						aGeo;
90 };
92 //************************************************************
93 //   Hilfsklasse ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData
94 //************************************************************
96 class ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData : public SdrObjUserData
97 {
98 	friend class				SdrTextObj;
99 	friend class				ImpSdrObjTextLink;
101 	SdrTextObj*					pObj;
102 	String						aFileName;   // Name des referenzierten Dokuments
103 	String						aFilterName; // ggf. ein Filter
104 	DateTime					aFileDate0;  // Unnoetiges neuladen vermeiden
105 	ImpSdrObjTextLink*			pLink;
106 	rtl_TextEncoding			eCharSet;
108 public:
109 	TYPEINFO();
110 	ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData(SdrTextObj* pObj1);
111 	virtual ~ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData();
113 	virtual SdrObjUserData* Clone(SdrObject* pObj1) const;
114 };
116 namespace sdr
117 {
118 	namespace properties
119 	{
120 		class CustomShapeProperties;
121 		class CellProperties;
122 	} // end of namespace properties
123 } // end of namespace sdr
125 //************************************************************
126 //   SdrTextObj
127 //************************************************************
129 class SVX_DLLPUBLIC SdrTextObj : public SdrAttrObj
130 {
131 private:
132 	// Cell needs access to ImpGetDrawOutliner();
134 	friend class				sdr::table::Cell;
135 	friend class				sdr::table::SdrTableRtfExporter;
136 	friend class				sdr::table::SdrTableRTFParser;
138 	// CustomShapeproperties need to access the "bTextFrame" member:
139 	friend class sdr::properties::CustomShapeProperties;
141 protected:
142     virtual sdr::properties::BaseProperties* CreateObjectSpecificProperties();
143 	virtual sdr::contact::ViewContact* CreateObjectSpecificViewContact();
145 private:
146 	// This method is only allowed for sdr::properties::TextProperties
GetTextEditOutliner() const147 	SVX_DLLPRIVATE SdrOutliner* GetTextEditOutliner() const
148 	{
149 		return pEdtOutl;
150 	}
152 	// This method is only allowed for sdr::properties::TextProperties
SetPortionInfoChecked(sal_Bool bNew)153 	SVX_DLLPRIVATE void SetPortionInfoChecked(sal_Bool bNew)
154 	{
155 		bPortionInfoChecked = bNew;
156 	}
158 	// to allow sdr::properties::TextProperties access to SetPortionInfoChecked()
159 	// and GetTextEditOutliner()
160 	friend class sdr::properties::TextProperties;
161 	friend class sdr::properties::CellProperties;
163 	friend class				ImpTextPortionHandler;
164 	friend class				ImpSdrObjTextLink;
165 	friend class				ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData;
166 	friend class				SdrPowerPointImport; // fuer PowerPointImport
167 	friend class				SdrExchangeView; // fuer ImpGetDrawOutliner
168 	friend class				SdrView;         // fuer ImpGetDrawOutliner
169 	friend class				SdrObjEditView;  // fuer TextEdit
170 	friend class				SdrMeasureObj;   // fuer ImpGetDrawOutliner
171 	friend class				SvxMSDffManager; // fuer ImpGetDrawOutliner
172 	friend class				SdrObjCustomShape;// fuer ImpGetDrawOutliner
173 	friend class				SdrText;		// fuer ImpGetDrawOutliner
175 protected:
176 	// Das aRect ist gleichzeig auch das Rect vom RectObj und CircObj.
177 	// Bei bTextFrame=sal_True wird der Text in dieses Rect hineinformatiert.
178 	// Bei bTextFrame=sal_False wird der Text am Mittelpunkt des Rect zentriert.
179 	Rectangle					aRect;
181 	// Der GeoStat enthaelt den Drehwinkel und einen Shearwinkel
182 	GeoStat						aGeo;
184 	// this is the active text
185 	SdrText*					mpText;
187 	// Hier merke ich mir die Ausmasse des Textes (n.i.)
188 	Size						aTextSize;
190 	// Ein Outliner*, damit
191 	// 1. das TextObj nicht von mehreren Views gleichzeitig editiert und
192 	// 2. beim Streamen waerend des Editierens ein Flush() ausgefuehrt
193 	// werden kann
194 	SdrOutliner*   				pEdtOutl;
196 	// Bei Fontwork muss soviel auf's BoundRect draufgerechnet werden
197 	// damit es ausreichend gross ist.
198 	Rectangle*					pFormTextBoundRect;
200 	// Moegliche Werte fuer eTextKind sind:
201 	//     OBJ_TEXT         normaler Textrahmen
202 	//     OBJ_TEXTEXT      Textfortsetzungsrahmen
203 	//     OBJ_TITLETEXT    TitleText fuer StarDraw-Praesentation
204 	//     OBJ_OUTLINETEXT  OutlineText fuer StarDraw-Praesentation
205 	// eTextKind hat nur Bedeutung, wenn bTextFrame=sal_True, da es sich sonst
206 	// um ein beschriftetes Grafikobjekt handelt.
207 	SdrObjKind					eTextKind;
209 	// #108784#
210 	// For text editing in SW Haeder/Footer it is necessary to be
211 	// able to set an offset for the text edit to allow text editing at the
212 	// position of the virtual object. This offset is used when setting up
213 	// and maintaining the OutlinerView.
214 	Point						maTextEditOffset;
215 public:
GetTextEditOffset() const216 	const Point& GetTextEditOffset() const { return maTextEditOffset; }
SetTextEditOffset(const Point & rNew)217 	void SetTextEditOffset(const Point& rNew) { maTextEditOffset = rNew; }
219 protected:
220 	// Fuer beschriftete Zeichenobjekte ist bTextFrame=FALSE. Der Textblock
221 	// wird dann hoizontal und vertikal an aRect zentriert. Bei bTextFrame=
222 	// sal_True wird der Text in aRect hineinformatiert. Der eigentliche Textrahmen
223 	// ist durch ein SdrRectObj mit bTextFrame=sal_True realisiert.
224 	sal_Bool						bTextFrame : 1;
225 	sal_Bool						bPortionInfoChecked : 1; // Fuer Optimierung von Textobjekten
226 	sal_Bool						bNoShear : 1;            // Obj darf nicht gesheart werden   (->Graf+Ole+TextFrame)
227 	sal_Bool						bNoRotate : 1;           // Obj darf nicht gedreht werden    (->Ole)
228 	sal_Bool						bNoMirror : 1;           // Obj darf nicht gespiegelt werden (->Ole,TextFrame)
229 	sal_Bool						bTextSizeDirty : 1;
231 	// #101684#
232 	sal_Bool						mbInEditMode : 1;	// Is this text obejct in edit mode?
234 	// Fuer Objekt mit freier Groesse im Draw (Mengentext). Das Flag wird vom
235 	// der App beim Create gesetzt.
236 	// Wenn das Objekt dann spaeter in der Breite resized wird, wird
237 	// AutoGrowWidth abgeschaltet (Hart auf sal_False attributiert). Das Flag wird
238 	// dann ebenfalls auf sal_False gesetzt, sodass sich das Objekt anschliessend
239 	// wie ein normales Textobjekt verhaelt.
240 	// Resize in der Breite kann sein:
241 	// - Interaktives Resize in Einfach- oder Mehrfachselektion
242 	// - Positions+Groesse Dialog
243 	sal_Bool						bDisableAutoWidthOnDragging : 1;
245 	// #111096#
246 	// Allow text suppression
247 	sal_Bool						mbTextHidden : 1;
249 	// #111096#
250 	// Flag for allowing text animation. Default is sal_true.
251 	sal_Bool						mbTextAnimationAllowed : 1;
253 	SdrOutliner& ImpGetDrawOutliner() const;
255 private:
256 	SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpCheckMasterCachable();
257 	// #101029#: Extracted from ImpGetDrawOutliner()
258     SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpInitDrawOutliner( SdrOutliner& rOutl ) const;
259 	// #101029#: Extracted from Paint()
260     SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpSetupDrawOutlinerForPaint( FASTBOOL 		bContourFrame,
261                                        SdrOutliner& 	rOutliner,
262                                        Rectangle& 		rTextRect,
263                                        Rectangle& 		rAnchorRect,
264                                        Rectangle& 		rPaintRect,
265                                        Fraction& 		aFitXKorreg ) const;
266 	SVX_DLLPRIVATE SdrObject* ImpConvertContainedTextToSdrPathObjs(bool bToPoly) const;
267 	SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpLinkAnmeldung();
268 	SVX_DLLPRIVATE void ImpLinkAbmeldung();
269 	SVX_DLLPRIVATE ImpSdrObjTextLinkUserData* GetLinkUserData() const;
270 //	void ImpCheckItemSetChanges(const SfxItemSet& rAttr);
272 protected:
273 	bool ImpCanConvTextToCurve() const;
274 	SdrObject* ImpConvertMakeObj(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon, sal_Bool bClosed, sal_Bool bBezier, sal_Bool bNoSetAttr = sal_False) const;
275 	SdrObject* ImpConvertAddText(SdrObject* pObj, FASTBOOL bBezier) const;
276 	void ImpSetTextStyleSheetListeners();
277 	void ImpSetCharStretching(SdrOutliner& rOutliner, const Rectangle& rTextRect, const Rectangle& rAnchorRect, Fraction& rFitXKorreg) const;
278 	void ImpJustifyRect(Rectangle& rRect) const;
279 	void ImpCheckShear();
280 	Rectangle ImpDragCalcRect(const SdrDragStat& rDrag) const;
281 	void ImpSetTextEditParams() const;
SetTextSizeDirty()282 	void SetTextSizeDirty() { bTextSizeDirty=sal_True; }
284 	// rAnchorRect ist InOut-Parameter!
285 	void ImpSetContourPolygon( SdrOutliner& rOutliner, Rectangle& rAnchorRect, sal_Bool bLineWidth ) const;
287 	virtual SdrObjGeoData* NewGeoData() const;
288 	virtual void SaveGeoData(SdrObjGeoData& rGeo) const;
289 	virtual void RestGeoData(const SdrObjGeoData& rGeo);
290 	FASTBOOL NbcSetEckenradius(long nRad);
291 	FASTBOOL NbcSetAutoGrowHeight(bool bAuto);
292 	FASTBOOL NbcSetMaxTextFrameHeight(long nHgt);
293 	FASTBOOL NbcSetAutoGrowWidth(bool bAuto);
294 	FASTBOOL NbcSetMaxTextFrameWidth(long nWdt);
295 	FASTBOOL NbcSetFitToSize(SdrFitToSizeType eFit);
297     // #115391# new method for SdrObjCustomShape and SdrTextObj to correctly handle and set
298     // SdrTextMinFrameWidthItem and SdrTextMinFrameHeightItem based on all settings, necessities
299     // and object sizes
300     virtual void AdaptTextMinSize();
302 	// Konstruktoren fuer beschriftete Zeichenobjekte
303 	SdrTextObj();
304 	SdrTextObj(const Rectangle& rNewRect);
306 	// Konstruktoren fuer Textrahmen
307 	SdrTextObj(SdrObjKind eNewTextKind);
308 	SdrTextObj(SdrObjKind eNewTextKind, const Rectangle& rNewRect);
310 	// der sal_uInt16 eFormat nimmt Werte des enum EETextFormat entgegen
311     SdrTextObj(SdrObjKind eNewTextKind, const Rectangle& rNewRect, SvStream& rInput, const String& rBaseURL, sal_uInt16 eFormat);
312 	virtual ~SdrTextObj();
314 public:
315 	TYPEINFO();
317 	// #101684#
IsInEditMode() const318 	sal_Bool IsInEditMode() const { return mbInEditMode; }
320 	// via eCharSet kann der CharSet der vorliegenden Datei uebergeben werden.
321 	// Bei RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW wird der CharSet der aktuellen Plattform verwendet.
322 	// Derzeit unterstuetzt wird ASCII und RTF wobei ich die Unterscheidung
323 	// selbst treffe. rFilterName ist noch ohne Bedeutung und muss leer gelassen
324 	// werden.
325 	// I.d.R. muss die App nur SetTextLink() rufen - der Rest geschieht von
326 	// selbst (SfxLinkManager). Die Methode LoadText() kann ausserdem verwendet
327 	// werden, um eine Datei in ein Textobjekt zu laden (ohne Verknuepfung).
328 	// TextLinks koennen nicht editiert werden (allenfalls spaeter mal ReadOnly).
329 	// Eine Attributierung kann nur am Textrahmen vollzogen werden.
330 	void SetTextLink(const String& rFileName, const String& rFilterName, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet);
331 	void ReleaseTextLink();
IsLinkedText() const332 	FASTBOOL IsLinkedText() const { return pPlusData!=NULL && GetLinkUserData()!=NULL; }
333     FASTBOOL ReloadLinkedText(FASTBOOL bForceLoad=sal_False);
334     FASTBOOL LoadText(const String& rFileName, const String& rFilterName, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet);
336 	virtual FASTBOOL AdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight(Rectangle& rR, FASTBOOL bHgt=sal_True, FASTBOOL bWdt=sal_True) const;
337 	virtual FASTBOOL NbcAdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight(FASTBOOL bHgt=sal_True, FASTBOOL bWdt=sal_True);
338 	virtual FASTBOOL AdjustTextFrameWidthAndHeight(FASTBOOL bHgt=sal_True, FASTBOOL bWdt=sal_True);
339 	void NbcResizeTextAttributes(const Fraction& xFact, const Fraction& yFact);
IsTextFrame() const340 	FASTBOOL IsTextFrame() const { return bTextFrame; }
IsOutlText() const341 	FASTBOOL IsOutlText() const { return bTextFrame && (eTextKind==OBJ_OUTLINETEXT || eTextKind==OBJ_TITLETEXT); }
GetTextKind() const342 	SdrObjKind GetTextKind() const { return eTextKind; }
344     // #121917#
345     virtual bool HasText() const;
347 	FASTBOOL HasEditText() const;
IsTextEditActive() const348 	sal_Bool IsTextEditActive() const { return (pEdtOutl != 0L); }
350 	/** returns the currently active text. */
351 	virtual SdrText* getActiveText() const;
353 	/** returns the nth available text. */
354 	virtual SdrText* getText( sal_Int32 nIndex ) const;
356 	/** returns the number of texts available for this object. */
357 	virtual sal_Int32 getTextCount() const;
359 	/** returns true only if we are in edit mode and the user actually changed anything */
360 	virtual bool IsRealyEdited() const;
362 	/** changes the current active text */
363 	virtual void setActiveText( sal_Int32 nIndex );
365 	/** returns the index of the text that contains the given point or -1 */
366 	virtual sal_Int32 CheckTextHit(const Point& rPnt) const;
SetDisableAutoWidthOnDragging(FASTBOOL bOn)368 	void SetDisableAutoWidthOnDragging(FASTBOOL bOn) { bDisableAutoWidthOnDragging=bOn; }
IsDisableAutoWidthOnDragging()369 	FASTBOOL IsDisableAutoWidthOnDragging() { return bDisableAutoWidthOnDragging; }
370 	void NbcSetText(const String& rStr);
371 	void SetText(const String& rStr);
372     void NbcSetText(SvStream& rInput, const String& rBaseURL, sal_uInt16 eFormat);
373     void SetText(SvStream& rInput, const String& rBaseURL, sal_uInt16 eFormat);
375 	// FitToSize und Fontwork wird bei GetTextSize() nicht berueksichtigt!
376 	virtual const Size& GetTextSize() const;
377 	void FitFrameToTextSize();
379 	// Gleichzeitig wird der Text in den Outliner gesetzt (ggf.
380 	// der des EditOutliners) und die PaperSize gesetzt.
381 	virtual void TakeTextRect( SdrOutliner& rOutliner, Rectangle& rTextRect, FASTBOOL bNoEditText=sal_False,
382 		Rectangle* pAnchorRect=NULL, sal_Bool bLineWidth=sal_True ) const;
383 	virtual void TakeTextAnchorRect(::Rectangle& rAnchorRect) const;
GetGeoStat() const384 	const GeoStat& GetGeoStat() const { return aGeo; }
386 	long GetEckenradius() const;
387 	virtual FASTBOOL IsAutoGrowHeight() const;
388 	long GetMinTextFrameHeight() const;
389 	long GetMaxTextFrameHeight() const;
390 	virtual FASTBOOL IsAutoGrowWidth() const;
391 	long GetMinTextFrameWidth() const;
392 	long GetMaxTextFrameWidth() const;
394 	SdrFitToSizeType GetFitToSize() const;
GetGeoRect() const395 	const Rectangle &GetGeoRect() const { return aRect; }
397 	// Feststellen, ob TextFontwork
398 	virtual FASTBOOL IsFontwork() const;
400 	// Soll die Fontwork-Kontour versteckt werden?
401 	FASTBOOL IsHideContour() const;
403 	// Textfluss innerhalb Kontur
404 	FASTBOOL IsContourTextFrame() const;
406 	// Horizontale Textausrichtung
407 	SdrTextHorzAdjust GetTextHorizontalAdjust(const SfxItemSet& rSet) const;
408 	SdrTextHorzAdjust GetTextHorizontalAdjust() const;
410 	// Vertikale Textausrichtung
411 	SdrTextVertAdjust GetTextVerticalAdjust(const SfxItemSet& rSet) const;
412 	SdrTextVertAdjust GetTextVerticalAdjust() const;
414 	// Textrahmenabstaende
415 	long GetTextLeftDistance() const;
416 	long GetTextRightDistance() const;
417 	long GetTextUpperDistance() const;
418 	long GetTextLowerDistance() const;
419 	SdrTextAniKind GetTextAniKind() const;
420 	SdrTextAniDirection GetTextAniDirection() const;
422 	virtual void SetPage(SdrPage* pNewPage);
423 	virtual void SetModel(SdrModel* pNewModel);
424 	virtual void TakeObjInfo(SdrObjTransformInfoRec& rInfo) const;
425 	virtual sal_uInt16 GetObjIdentifier() const;
427 	// Wird zur Bestimmung des Textankerbereichs benoetigt
428 	virtual void TakeUnrotatedSnapRect(Rectangle& rRect) const;
429 	virtual void TakeObjNameSingul(String& rName) const;
430 	virtual void TakeObjNamePlural(String& rName) const;
431 	virtual void operator=(const SdrObject& rObj);
432 	virtual basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon TakeXorPoly() const;
433 	virtual basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon TakeContour() const;
434 	virtual void RecalcSnapRect();
435 	virtual void NbcSetSnapRect(const Rectangle& rRect);
436 	virtual void NbcSetLogicRect(const Rectangle& rRect);
437 	virtual const Rectangle& GetLogicRect() const;
438 	virtual long GetRotateAngle() const;
439 	virtual long GetShearAngle(FASTBOOL bVertical=sal_False) const;
441 	virtual sal_uInt32 GetSnapPointCount() const;
442 	virtual Point GetSnapPoint(sal_uInt32 i) const;
444 	virtual sal_uInt32 GetHdlCount() const;
445 	virtual SdrHdl* GetHdl(sal_uInt32 nHdlNum) const;
447     // special drag methods
448     virtual bool hasSpecialDrag() const;
449 	virtual bool applySpecialDrag(SdrDragStat& rDrag);
450 	virtual String getSpecialDragComment(const SdrDragStat& rDrag) const;
452 	virtual FASTBOOL BegCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat);
453 	virtual FASTBOOL MovCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat);
454 	virtual FASTBOOL EndCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat, SdrCreateCmd eCmd);
455 	virtual FASTBOOL BckCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat);
456 	virtual void BrkCreate(SdrDragStat& rStat);
457 	virtual basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon TakeCreatePoly(const SdrDragStat& rDrag) const;
458 	virtual Pointer GetCreatePointer() const;
460 	virtual void NbcMove(const Size& rSiz);
461 	virtual void NbcResize(const Point& rRef, const Fraction& xFact, const Fraction& yFact);
462 	virtual void NbcRotate(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double sn, double cs);
463 	virtual void NbcMirror(const Point& rRef1, const Point& rRef2);
464 	virtual void NbcShear(const Point& rRef, long nWink, double tn, FASTBOOL bVShear);
466 	virtual FASTBOOL HasTextEdit() const;
467 	virtual sal_Bool BegTextEdit(SdrOutliner& rOutl);
468 	virtual void TakeTextEditArea(Size* pPaperMin, Size* pPaperMax, Rectangle* pViewInit, Rectangle* pViewMin) const;
469 	virtual void EndTextEdit(SdrOutliner& rOutl);
470 	virtual sal_uInt16 GetOutlinerViewAnchorMode() const;
472 	void StartTextAnimation(OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rOffset, long nExtraData=0L);
473 	void StopTextAnimation(OutputDevice* pOutDev=NULL, long nExtraData=0L);
475 	virtual void NbcSetOutlinerParaObject(OutlinerParaObject* pTextObject);
476 	void NbcSetOutlinerParaObjectForText( OutlinerParaObject* pTextObject, SdrText* pText );
477 	virtual OutlinerParaObject* GetOutlinerParaObject() const;
478 	virtual OutlinerParaObject* GetEditOutlinerParaObject() const;
479 	virtual bool HasOutlinerParaObject() const;
481 	virtual void NbcReformatText();
482 	virtual void ReformatText();
484 	virtual FASTBOOL CalcFieldValue(const SvxFieldItem& rField, sal_uInt16 nPara, sal_uInt16 nPos,
485 		FASTBOOL bEdit, Color*& rpTxtColor, Color*& rpFldColor, String& rRet) const;
487 	virtual SdrObject* DoConvertToPolyObj(sal_Bool bBezier, bool bAddText) const;
SetTextEditOutliner(SdrOutliner * pOutl)489 	void SetTextEditOutliner(SdrOutliner* pOutl) { pEdtOutl=pOutl; }
491     /** Setup given Outliner equivalently to SdrTextObj::Paint()
493     	To setup an arbitrary Outliner in the same way as the draw
494     	outliner on SdrTextObj::Paint(). Among others, the paper size,
495     	control word and character stretching are initialized, such
496     	that the formatting should match the screen representation.
497     	The textual content of the outliner is not touched, i.e. no
498     	Init() or Clear() is called on the Outliner.
500         @param rOutl
501         The Outliner to setup.
503         @param rPaintRect
504         The region to paint the outliner content into. This is useful
505         to e.g. determine the top, left position of text in shapes.
506      */
507     void SetupOutlinerFormatting( SdrOutliner& rOutl, Rectangle& rPaintRect ) const;
509     /** Update given Outliner equivalently to SdrTextObj::Paint()
511     	Same functionality as in SetupOutlinerFormatting(), except
512     	that the outliner content is not cleared.
514         @param rOutl
515         The Outliner to update.
517         @param rPaintRect
518         The region to paint the outliner content into. This is useful
519         to e.g. determine the top, left position of text in shapes.
520      */
521     void UpdateOutlinerFormatting( SdrOutliner& rOutl, Rectangle& rPaintRect ) const;
522 	void ForceOutlinerParaObject();
523 	virtual sal_Bool IsVerticalWriting() const;
524 	virtual void SetVerticalWriting(sal_Bool bVertical);
526 	/** called from the SdrObjEditView during text edit when the status of the edit outliner changes */
527 	virtual void onEditOutlinerStatusEvent( EditStatus* pEditStatus );
529 	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
530 	//
531 	// transformation interface for StarOfficeAPI. This implements support for
532 	// homogen 3x3 matrices containing the transformation of the SdrObject. At the
533 	// moment it contains a shearX, rotation and translation, but for setting all linear
534 	// transforms like Scale, ShearX, ShearY, Rotate and Translate are supported.
535 	//
536 	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
537 	// gets base transformation and rectangle of object. If it's an SdrPathObj it fills the PolyPolygon
538 	// with the base geometry and returns TRUE. Otherwise it returns FALSE.
539 	virtual sal_Bool TRGetBaseGeometry(basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rMatrix, basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon) const;
541 	// sets the base geometry of the object using infos contained in the homogen 3x3 matrix.
542 	// If it's an SdrPathObj it will use the provided geometry information. The Polygon has
543 	// to use (0,0) as upper left and will be scaled to the given size in the matrix.
544 	virtual void TRSetBaseGeometry(const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rMatrix, const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon);
546 	// #103836# iterates over the paragraphs of a given SdrObject and removes all
547 	//			hard set character attributes with the which ids contained in the
548 	//			given vector
549 	virtual void RemoveOutlinerCharacterAttribs( const std::vector<sal_uInt16>& rCharWhichIds );
551 	// #111096#
552 	// Access to thext hidden flag
553 	sal_Bool GetTextHidden() const;
554 	void NbcSetTextHidden(sal_Bool bNew);
556 	// #111096#
557 	// Get necessary data for text scroll animation. ATM base it on a Text-Metafile and a
558 	// painting rectangle. Rotation is taken from the object.
559 	GDIMetaFile* GetTextScrollMetaFileAndRectangle(Rectangle& rScrollRectangle, Rectangle& rPaintRectangle);
561 	// #111096#
562 	// Access to TextAnimationAllowed flag
563 	bool IsTextAnimationAllowed() const;
564 	void SetTextAnimationAllowed(sal_Bool bNew);
566     // #i8824#
567     // Set single item at the local ItemSet. *Does not use* AllowItemChange(),
568 	// ItemChange(), PostItemChange() and ItemSetChanged() calls.
569 	void SetObjectItemNoBroadcast(const SfxPoolItem& rItem);
571 public:
572 	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
573 	// text primitive decomposition helpers
574 	void impDecomposeContourTextPrimitive(
575 		drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence& rTarget,
576 		const drawinglayer::primitive2d::SdrContourTextPrimitive2D& rSdrContourTextPrimitive,
577 		const drawinglayer::geometry::ViewInformation2D& aViewInformation) const;
578 	void impDecomposePathTextPrimitive(
579 		drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence& rTarget,
580 		const drawinglayer::primitive2d::SdrPathTextPrimitive2D& rSdrPathTextPrimitive,
581 		const drawinglayer::geometry::ViewInformation2D& aViewInformation) const;
582 	void impDecomposeBlockTextPrimitive(
583 		drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence& rTarget,
584 		const drawinglayer::primitive2d::SdrBlockTextPrimitive2D& rSdrBlockTextPrimitive,
585 		const drawinglayer::geometry::ViewInformation2D& aViewInformation) const;
586 	void impDecomposeStretchTextPrimitive(
587 		drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence& rTarget,
588 		const drawinglayer::primitive2d::SdrStretchTextPrimitive2D& rSdrStretchTextPrimitive,
589 		const drawinglayer::geometry::ViewInformation2D& aViewInformation) const;
591 	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
592 	// timing generators
593 	void impGetBlinkTextTiming(drawinglayer::animation::AnimationEntryList& rAnimList) const;
594 	void impGetScrollTextTiming(drawinglayer::animation::AnimationEntryList& rAnimList, double fFrameLength, double fTextLength) const;
596 	/** returns false if the given pointer is NULL
597 		or if the given SdrOutliner contains no text.
598 		Also checks for one empty paragraph.
599 	*/
600 	static bool HasTextImpl( SdrOutliner* pOutliner );
602 	/** returns a new created and non shared outliner.
603 		The outliner will not get updated when the SdrModel is changed.
604 	*/
605 	boost::shared_ptr< SdrOutliner > CreateDrawOutliner();
606 };
608 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
610 #endif //_SVDOTEXT_HXX