100d096e9SLiu Zhe /**************************************************************
200d096e9SLiu Zhe  *
300d096e9SLiu Zhe  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
400d096e9SLiu Zhe  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
500d096e9SLiu Zhe  * distributed with this work for additional information
600d096e9SLiu Zhe  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
700d096e9SLiu Zhe  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
800d096e9SLiu Zhe  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
900d096e9SLiu Zhe  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
1000d096e9SLiu Zhe  *
1100d096e9SLiu Zhe  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
1200d096e9SLiu Zhe  *
1300d096e9SLiu Zhe  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
1400d096e9SLiu Zhe  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
1600d096e9SLiu Zhe  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
1700d096e9SLiu Zhe  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
1800d096e9SLiu Zhe  * under the License.
1900d096e9SLiu Zhe  *
2000d096e9SLiu Zhe  *************************************************************/
21*eba4d44aSLiu Zhe package fvt.uno.sw.field;
2200d096e9SLiu Zhe 
2300d096e9SLiu Zhe import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
2400d096e9SLiu Zhe import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
2500d096e9SLiu Zhe 
2600d096e9SLiu Zhe import java.util.Calendar;
2700d096e9SLiu Zhe 
2800d096e9SLiu Zhe import org.junit.After;
2900d096e9SLiu Zhe import org.junit.AfterClass;
3000d096e9SLiu Zhe import org.junit.Before;
3100d096e9SLiu Zhe import org.junit.BeforeClass;
3200d096e9SLiu Zhe import org.junit.Test;
3319bdf417SLiu Zhe import org.openoffice.test.common.FileUtil;
3400d096e9SLiu Zhe import org.openoffice.test.common.Testspace;
3500d096e9SLiu Zhe import org.openoffice.test.uno.UnoApp;
3600d096e9SLiu Zhe 
3700d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue;
3800d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet;
3900d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.container.XEnumeration;
4000d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.container.XEnumerationAccess;
4100d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.frame.XStorable;
4200d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory;
4300d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.text.XTextDocument;
4400d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.text.XTextField;
4500d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.text.XTextFieldsSupplier;
4600d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
4700d096e9SLiu Zhe import com.sun.star.util.DateTime;
4800d096e9SLiu Zhe /**
4900d096e9SLiu Zhe  * Test Date and Time Field can be created and Load
5000d096e9SLiu Zhe  * @author test
5100d096e9SLiu Zhe  *
5200d096e9SLiu Zhe  */
5300d096e9SLiu Zhe public class CheckDateTimeField {
5400d096e9SLiu Zhe 
5500d096e9SLiu Zhe 
5600d096e9SLiu Zhe 
57ba41a487SLiu Zhe 	private String tempPath = "uno/sw/temp/" ;
5800d096e9SLiu Zhe 	private String tempFileName =  String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
59970a06e3SLiu Zhe 	private static final UnoApp app = new UnoApp();
6000d096e9SLiu Zhe 
61970a06e3SLiu Zhe 	private XTextDocument document = null;
6200d096e9SLiu Zhe 	@Before
setUpDocument()6300d096e9SLiu Zhe 	public void setUpDocument() throws Exception {
6400d096e9SLiu Zhe 		document = (XTextDocument) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, app.newDocument("swriter"));
6500d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
6600d096e9SLiu Zhe 
6700d096e9SLiu Zhe 	@After
tearDownDocument()6800d096e9SLiu Zhe 	public void tearDownDocument() {
6900d096e9SLiu Zhe 	     app.closeDocument(document);
7019bdf417SLiu Zhe 		 FileUtil.deleteFile(Testspace.getFile(tempPath));
7100d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
7200d096e9SLiu Zhe 
7300d096e9SLiu Zhe 
7400d096e9SLiu Zhe 
7500d096e9SLiu Zhe 	@BeforeClass
setUpConnection()7600d096e9SLiu Zhe 	public static void setUpConnection() throws Exception {
7700d096e9SLiu Zhe 		app.start();
7800d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
7900d096e9SLiu Zhe 
8000d096e9SLiu Zhe 	@AfterClass
tearDownConnection()8100d096e9SLiu Zhe 	public static void tearDownConnection() throws InterruptedException, Exception {
8200d096e9SLiu Zhe 		app.close();
8300d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
8400d096e9SLiu Zhe 
8500d096e9SLiu Zhe 
8600d096e9SLiu Zhe 
8700d096e9SLiu Zhe 	/**
8800d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * Test Time field can be created correctly.
8900d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 1.Create a Time in new document
9000d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 2.Verify the Time is created by check the date hour in the new document
9100d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 3.Save and close the new document to doc format
9200d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 4.Reload the new save doc file, check the  time field
9319bdf417SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
9400d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 */
9500d096e9SLiu Zhe 
9600d096e9SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testCreateTimeFieldSaveDoc()9719bdf417SLiu Zhe 	public void testCreateTimeFieldSaveDoc() throws Exception {
9800d096e9SLiu Zhe 
9900d096e9SLiu Zhe 		String url = Testspace.getUrl(tempPath + tempFileName + ".doc");
10000d096e9SLiu Zhe 		PropertyValue[] propsValue = new PropertyValue[1];
10100d096e9SLiu Zhe 		propsValue[0] = new PropertyValue();
10200d096e9SLiu Zhe 		propsValue[0].Name = "FilterName";
10300d096e9SLiu Zhe 		propsValue[0].Value = "MS Word 97";
10400d096e9SLiu Zhe 
10500d096e9SLiu Zhe 		createTimeFiled(document, url, propsValue);
10600d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
10700d096e9SLiu Zhe 	/**
10800d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * Test Time Field can be created correctly.
10900d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 1.Create a Time Field in new document
11000d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 2.Verify the Time Field is created by check the date hour in the new document
11100d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 3.Save and close the new document to doc format
11200d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 4.Reload the new save odt file, check the Time Field
11319bdf417SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
11400d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 */
11500d096e9SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testCreateTimeFieldSaveODT()11619bdf417SLiu Zhe 	public void testCreateTimeFieldSaveODT() throws Exception {
11700d096e9SLiu Zhe 
11800d096e9SLiu Zhe 		String url = Testspace.getUrl(tempPath + tempFileName + ".odt");
11900d096e9SLiu Zhe 		PropertyValue[] propsValue = new PropertyValue[0];
12000d096e9SLiu Zhe 		createTimeFiled(document, url, propsValue);
12100d096e9SLiu Zhe 
12200d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
12300d096e9SLiu Zhe 
createTimeFiled(XTextDocument document, String url, PropertyValue[] propsValue)12419bdf417SLiu Zhe 	private void createTimeFiled(XTextDocument document, String url, PropertyValue[] propsValue) throws Exception {
12500d096e9SLiu Zhe 		XMultiServiceFactory sevriceFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, document);
12619bdf417SLiu Zhe 		XTextField  dateFiled = (XTextField)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextField.class, sevriceFactory.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.textfield.DateTime"));
12719bdf417SLiu Zhe 
12819bdf417SLiu Zhe 
12919bdf417SLiu Zhe 		XPropertySet props = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, dateFiled);
13019bdf417SLiu Zhe 		props.setPropertyValue("IsDate", false);
13119bdf417SLiu Zhe 
13219bdf417SLiu Zhe 		document.getText().insertTextContent(document.getText().getEnd(), dateFiled, false);
13319bdf417SLiu Zhe 		DateTime dateField = (DateTime) props.getPropertyValue("DateTimeValue");
13419bdf417SLiu Zhe 
13519bdf417SLiu Zhe 		String dateString = document.getText().getString();
13619bdf417SLiu Zhe 		assertTrue("Verify time field is creatd, by verify it's hour",  dateString.indexOf(String.valueOf(dateField.Hours).trim()) != -1);
13719bdf417SLiu Zhe 		assertTrue("Verify time field is creatd, by verify it's minutes",  dateString.indexOf(String.valueOf(dateField.Minutes).trim()) != -1);
13819bdf417SLiu Zhe 		int expectHour = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
13919bdf417SLiu Zhe 		assertEquals("Verify time field is creatd, value is right, by compare Hour", expectHour, dateField.Hours);
140cebb507aSLiu Zhe 		XStorable store = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, document);
14119bdf417SLiu Zhe 		store.storeAsURL(url, propsValue);
14219bdf417SLiu Zhe 		app.closeDocument(document);
14319bdf417SLiu Zhe 		document = (XTextDocument) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, app.loadDocumentFromURL(url));
144cebb507aSLiu Zhe 		XTextFieldsSupplier fieldsSupplier = (XTextFieldsSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextFieldsSupplier.class, document);
14519bdf417SLiu Zhe 		XEnumerationAccess xEnumeratedFields = fieldsSupplier.getTextFields();
14619bdf417SLiu Zhe 		XEnumeration enumeration = xEnumeratedFields.createEnumeration();
14719bdf417SLiu Zhe 		while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
14819bdf417SLiu Zhe 			  Object field =  enumeration.nextElement();
14919bdf417SLiu Zhe 				XPropertySet props2 = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, field);
15019bdf417SLiu Zhe 				DateTime dateField2 = (DateTime) props2.getPropertyValue("DateTimeValue");
15119bdf417SLiu Zhe 				assertEquals("Verify time field is creatd correct by save and reload.", expectHour, dateField2.Hours);
15200d096e9SLiu Zhe 		}
15300d096e9SLiu Zhe 
15419bdf417SLiu Zhe 
15500d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
15600d096e9SLiu Zhe 	/**
15700d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * Test Date Field can be created correctly.
15800d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 1.Create a Date in new document
15900d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 2.Verify the Date is created by check the date hour in the new document
16000d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 3.Save and close the new document to doc format
16100d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 4.Reload the new save doc file, check the  Date field
16219bdf417SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
16300d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 */
16400d096e9SLiu Zhe 
16500d096e9SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testCreateDateFieldSaveDoc()16619bdf417SLiu Zhe 	public void testCreateDateFieldSaveDoc() throws Exception {
16700d096e9SLiu Zhe 
16800d096e9SLiu Zhe 		String url = Testspace.getUrl(tempPath + tempFileName + ".doc");
16900d096e9SLiu Zhe 		PropertyValue[] propsValue = new PropertyValue[1];
17000d096e9SLiu Zhe 		propsValue[0] = new PropertyValue();
17100d096e9SLiu Zhe 		propsValue[0].Name = "FilterName";
17200d096e9SLiu Zhe 		propsValue[0].Value = "MS Word 97";
17300d096e9SLiu Zhe 
17400d096e9SLiu Zhe 		createDateFiled(document, url, propsValue);
17500d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
17600d096e9SLiu Zhe 	/**
17700d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * Test Date Field can be created correctly.
17800d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 1.Create a Date field in new document
17900d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 2.Verify the dateField is created by check the date hour in the new document
18000d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 3.Save and close the new document to doc format
18100d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 * 4.Reload the new save odt file, check the date  field
18219bdf417SLiu Zhe 	 * @throws Exception
18300d096e9SLiu Zhe 	 */
18400d096e9SLiu Zhe 	@Test
testCreateDateFieldSaveODT()18519bdf417SLiu Zhe 	public void testCreateDateFieldSaveODT() throws Exception {
18600d096e9SLiu Zhe 
18700d096e9SLiu Zhe 		String url = Testspace.getUrl(tempPath + tempFileName + ".odt");
18800d096e9SLiu Zhe 		PropertyValue[] propsValue = new PropertyValue[0];
18900d096e9SLiu Zhe 		createDateFiled(document, url, propsValue);
19000d096e9SLiu Zhe 
19100d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
createDateFiled(XTextDocument document, String url, PropertyValue[] propsValue)19219bdf417SLiu Zhe 	private void createDateFiled(XTextDocument document, String url, PropertyValue[] propsValue) throws Exception {
19300d096e9SLiu Zhe 		XMultiServiceFactory sevriceFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, document);
19419bdf417SLiu Zhe 		XTextField  dateFiled = (XTextField)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextField.class, sevriceFactory.createInstance("com.sun.star.text.textfield.DateTime"));
19519bdf417SLiu Zhe 
19619bdf417SLiu Zhe 
19719bdf417SLiu Zhe 		XPropertySet props = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, dateFiled);
19819bdf417SLiu Zhe 		props.setPropertyValue("IsDate", true);
19919bdf417SLiu Zhe 
20019bdf417SLiu Zhe 		document.getText().insertTextContent(document.getText().getEnd(), dateFiled, false);
20119bdf417SLiu Zhe 		DateTime dateField = (DateTime) props.getPropertyValue("DateTimeValue");
20219bdf417SLiu Zhe 
20319bdf417SLiu Zhe 		String dateString = document.getText().getString();
20419bdf417SLiu Zhe 		assertTrue("Verify date field is creatd, by verify it's Month",  dateString.indexOf(String.valueOf(dateField.Month).trim()) != -1);
20519bdf417SLiu Zhe 		assertTrue("Verify date field is creatd, by verify it's Day",  dateString.indexOf(String.valueOf(dateField.Day).trim()) != -1);
20619bdf417SLiu Zhe 		int expectDay = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
20719bdf417SLiu Zhe 		assertEquals("Verify date field is creatd, value is right, by compare Day", expectDay, dateField.Day);
208cebb507aSLiu Zhe 		XStorable store = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, document);
20919bdf417SLiu Zhe 		store.storeAsURL(url, propsValue);
21019bdf417SLiu Zhe 		app.closeDocument(document);
21119bdf417SLiu Zhe 		document = (XTextDocument) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, app.loadDocumentFromURL(url));
212cebb507aSLiu Zhe 		XTextFieldsSupplier fieldsSupplier = (XTextFieldsSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextFieldsSupplier.class, document);
21319bdf417SLiu Zhe 		XEnumerationAccess xEnumeratedFields = fieldsSupplier.getTextFields();
21419bdf417SLiu Zhe 		XEnumeration enumeration = xEnumeratedFields.createEnumeration();
21519bdf417SLiu Zhe 		while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
21619bdf417SLiu Zhe 			  Object field =  enumeration.nextElement();
21719bdf417SLiu Zhe 				XPropertySet props2 = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, field);
21819bdf417SLiu Zhe 				DateTime dateField2 = (DateTime) props2.getPropertyValue("DateTimeValue");
21919bdf417SLiu Zhe 				assertEquals("Verify date field is creatd correct by save and reload.", expectDay, dateField2.Day);
22000d096e9SLiu Zhe 		}
22100d096e9SLiu Zhe 
22200d096e9SLiu Zhe 	}
22300d096e9SLiu Zhe 
22400d096e9SLiu Zhe 
22500d096e9SLiu Zhe 
22600d096e9SLiu Zhe 
22700d096e9SLiu Zhe }