1Sub Main
3	rem Get reference to current active frame. Most time this will be
4	rem the basic ide by himself.
5	xTestFrame = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame
7	rem Create more then one indicator objects for this frame.
8	xIndicator1 = xTestFrame.createStatusIndicator()
9	xIndicator2 = xTestFrame.createStatusIndicator()
10	xIndicator3 = xTestFrame.createStatusIndicator()
12	rem Check status of creation. No null references should be detected.
13	if( isNull(xIndicator1)=TRUE ) or ( isNull(xIndicator2)=TRUE ) or ( isNull(xIndicator3)=TRUE ) then
14		msgbox "Error: Could not create status indicators!"
15		exit Sub
16	endif
18	rem Start working for indicator 1 and 2.
19	rem The window should NOT be shown!
20	xIndicator1.start( "Indicator 1:", 100 )
21	xIndicator2.start( "Indicator 2:", 200 )
22	msgbox "Indicator 1 and 2 was started ... the window should NOT be shown!"
24	rem Start working for indicator 3.
25	rem The window should be shown! It's the most active one.
26	xIndicator3.start( "Indicator 3:", 300 )
27	msgbox "Indicator 3 was started ... the window should be shown!"
29	rem Set different values and texts for indicator 1 and 2.
30	rem These values are not visible.
31	xIndicator1.setValue( 25 )
32	xIndicator2.setValue( 50 )
34	rem Work with indicator 3.
35	rem If working finished automaticly indicator 2 is reactivated.
36	i = 0
37	while i<300
38		xIndicator3.setText( "Indicator 3: Range=300 Value=" + i )
39		xIndicator3.setValue( i )
40		i = i+10
41		wait( 1 )
42	wend
44	rem Delete indicator 2 before you deactivate number 3!
45	rem The next automaticly activated indicator will be the number 1.
46	xIndicator2.end
47	msgbox "Indicator 3 will be destroyed. Indicator 2 was deleted ... number 1 must reactivated automaticly!"
48	xIndicator3.end
50	rem Work with indicator 1.
51	rem If working finished automaticly the window will be destroyed.
52	i = 25
53	while i<100
54		xIndicator1.setText( "Indicator 1: Range=100 Value=" + i )
55		xIndicator1.setValue( i )
56		i = i+10
57		wait( 1 )
58	wend
59	xIndicator1.setText( "Indicator 1: ... reset values to defaults" )
60	wait( 1000 )
61	xIndicator1.reset
62	xIndicator1.setText( "Indicator 1: ... set 50 % for progress" )
63	wait( 1000 )
64	xIndicator1.setValue( 50 )
65	msgbox "Indicator 1 will be destroyed. Indicator window must destroyed automaticly!"
66	xIndicator1.end
68	msgbox "Test for status indicator finished successful!"
69End Sub