11ecadb57SMathias Bauer<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
21ecadb57SMathias Bauer<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
3*3e02b54dSAndrew Rist<!--***********************************************************
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231ecadb57SMathias Bauer<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="HID" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; *** MODULE HID ***
241ecadb57SMathias Bauer
251ecadb57SMathias BauerDim oDialog AS Object
261ecadb57SMathias BauerDim document AS Object
271ecadb57SMathias Bauer
281ecadb57SMathias BauerSub Main
291ecadb57SMathias Bauer
301ecadb57SMathias Bauer	If not IsHelpFile Then
311ecadb57SMathias Bauer		msgbox(strErr_NoHelpFile)
321ecadb57SMathias Bauer		Exit Sub
331ecadb57SMathias Bauer	End If
341ecadb57SMathias Bauer
351ecadb57SMathias Bauer	document = StarDesktop.CurrentComponent
361ecadb57SMathias Bauer
371ecadb57SMathias Bauer	BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary(&quot;HelpAuthoring&quot;)
381ecadb57SMathias Bauer	oDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;HelpAuthoring&quot;, &quot;dlgHID&quot;)
391ecadb57SMathias Bauer	oDialogModel = oDialog.Model
401ecadb57SMathias Bauer
411ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;	oPath = createUNOService(&quot;com.sun.star.util.PathSettings&quot;)
421ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;	filename = oPath.UserConfig+&quot;/help_hid.lst&quot;
431ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;	oButHIDList = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;butHIDList&quot;)
441ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;	If FileExists(filename) Then
451ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;		oButHIDList.Enable = true
461ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;	Else
471ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;		oLblWait = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;lblWait&quot;)
481ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;		oLblWait.Text = &quot;No hid list found in your config folder&quot;
491ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;		oButHIDList.Enable = false
501ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;	End If
511ecadb57SMathias Bauer	oTxtHID = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;txtHID&quot;)
521ecadb57SMathias Bauer
531ecadb57SMathias Bauer	&apos; Check if bookmarks are allowed here
541ecadb57SMathias Bauer	If IsInList Then
551ecadb57SMathias Bauer		msgbox &quot;No Bookmarks allowed inside a list.&quot;, 48, &quot;D&apos;oh!&quot;
561ecadb57SMathias Bauer		Exit Sub
571ecadb57SMathias Bauer	End If
581ecadb57SMathias Bauer
591ecadb57SMathias Bauer	&apos; Find out if we are in front of an existing HID
601ecadb57SMathias Bauer	If oDialog.Execute() = 1 Then
611ecadb57SMathias Bauer
621ecadb57SMathias Bauer		If oTxtHID.Text = &quot;&quot; Then
631ecadb57SMathias Bauer			msgbox &quot;Empty Help ID. No Help ID element added.&quot;
641ecadb57SMathias Bauer		Else
651ecadb57SMathias Bauer			If IsInBookmark &gt; 0 or Not(ParaIsEmpty) Then
661ecadb57SMathias Bauer				CR
671ecadb57SMathias Bauer			End If
681ecadb57SMathias Bauer			If not(join(split(oTxtHID.Text,&quot; &quot;),&quot;&quot;) = oTxtHID.Text) Then
691ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;				msgbox &quot;Help ID seems to contain forbidden characters (like spaces). You may need to verify this.&quot;
701ecadb57SMathias Bauer&apos;               HID and uno command
711ecadb57SMathias Bauer				arHID = split(oTxtHID.Text,&quot; &quot;)
721ecadb57SMathias Bauer				sHID = arHID(0)
731ecadb57SMathias Bauer				sUNO = arHID(1)
741ecadb57SMathias Bauer			Else
751ecadb57SMathias Bauer				sHID = oTxtHID.Text
761ecadb57SMathias Bauer				sUNO = &quot;&quot;
771ecadb57SMathias Bauer			End If
781ecadb57SMathias Bauer
791ecadb57SMathias Bauer			If sHID &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
801ecadb57SMathias Bauer				bmid = CreateID
811ecadb57SMathias Bauer				InsertTagCR(&quot;BOOKMARK&quot;,&quot;&lt;BOOKMARK branch=&quot;&quot;hid/&quot; + sHID + &quot;&quot;&quot; id=&quot;&quot;bm_id&quot; + bmid + &quot;&quot;&quot; localize=&quot;&quot;false&quot;&quot;/&gt;&quot;,&quot;hlp_aux_bookmark&quot;)
821ecadb57SMathias Bauer			End If
831ecadb57SMathias Bauer			If sUNO &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
841ecadb57SMathias Bauer				bmid = CreateID
851ecadb57SMathias Bauer				InsertTagCR(&quot;BOOKMARK&quot;,&quot;&lt;BOOKMARK branch=&quot;&quot;hid/&quot; + sUNO + &quot;&quot;&quot; id=&quot;&quot;bm_id&quot; + bmid + &quot;&quot;&quot; localize=&quot;&quot;false&quot;&quot;/&gt;&quot;,&quot;hlp_aux_bookmark&quot;)
861ecadb57SMathias Bauer			End If
871ecadb57SMathias Bauer
881ecadb57SMathias Bauer		End If
891ecadb57SMathias Bauer	End If
901ecadb57SMathias Bauer	oDialog.dispose
911ecadb57SMathias Bauer
921ecadb57SMathias BauerEnd Sub
931ecadb57SMathias Bauer
941ecadb57SMathias BauerSub ConvertToSymbol
951ecadb57SMathias Bauer	oPath = createUNOService(&quot;com.sun.star.util.PathSettings&quot;)
961ecadb57SMathias Bauer	filename = oPath.UserConfig+&quot;/help_hid.lst&quot;
971ecadb57SMathias Bauer	oTxtHID = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;txtHID&quot;)
981ecadb57SMathias Bauer	oButHIDList = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;butHIDList&quot;)
991ecadb57SMathias Bauer	sHID = oTxtHID.Text
1001ecadb57SMathias Bauer	sCt = 0
1011ecadb57SMathias Bauer	If FileExists(filename) AND sHID &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
1021ecadb57SMathias Bauer		oLblWait = oDialog.GetControl(&quot;lblWait&quot;)
1031ecadb57SMathias Bauer		oLblWait.Text = &quot;Searching help_hid.lst. Please wait...&quot;
1041ecadb57SMathias Bauer		iNumber = Freefile
1051ecadb57SMathias Bauer		bFound = false
1061ecadb57SMathias Bauer		Open filename For Input As iNumber
1071ecadb57SMathias Bauer		Do While (not eof(iNumber) AND not(bFound))
1081ecadb57SMathias Bauer			Line Input #iNumber, sLine
1091ecadb57SMathias Bauer			sCt = sCt+1
1101ecadb57SMathias Bauer			arHID = split(sLine,&quot;,&quot;)
1111ecadb57SMathias Bauer			If arHID(1) = sHID Then
1121ecadb57SMathias Bauer				If arHID(2) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
1131ecadb57SMathias Bauer					symHID = arHID(0) + &quot; &quot; + arHID(2)
1141ecadb57SMathias Bauer				Else
1151ecadb57SMathias Bauer					symHID = arHID(0)
1161ecadb57SMathias Bauer				End If
1171ecadb57SMathias Bauer				bFound = true
1181ecadb57SMathias Bauer			End If
1191ecadb57SMathias Bauer		Loop
1201ecadb57SMathias Bauer		Close #iNumber
1211ecadb57SMathias Bauer		If not bFound Then
1221ecadb57SMathias Bauer			oLblWait.Text = &quot;Nothing found. Searched &quot;+sCt+&quot; Help IDs&quot;
1231ecadb57SMathias Bauer		Else
1241ecadb57SMathias Bauer			oTxtHID.Text = symHID
1251ecadb57SMathias Bauer			oLblWait.Text = &quot;HelpID found. Searched &quot;+sCt+&quot; Help IDs&quot;
1261ecadb57SMathias Bauer			oButHIDList.Enable = false
1271ecadb57SMathias Bauer		End If
1281ecadb57SMathias Bauer	Else
1291ecadb57SMathias Bauer		oLblWait.Text = &quot;No help_hid.lst found in your config folder&quot;
1301ecadb57SMathias Bauer	End If
1311ecadb57SMathias BauerEnd Sub
1321ecadb57SMathias Bauer
133*3e02b54dSAndrew Rist</script:module>