1 /*************************************************************************
2  *
4  *
5  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6  *
7  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
8  *
9  * This file is part of OpenOffice.org.
10  *
11  * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
13  * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
14  *
15  * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
19  * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
22  * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org.  If not, see
23  * <http://www.openoffice.org/license.html>
24  * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
25  *
26  ************************************************************************/
28 #include "oox/xls/condformatbuffer.hxx"
30 #include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
31 #include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.hpp>
32 #include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>
33 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/ConditionOperator.hpp>
34 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSheetCellRanges.hpp>
35 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSheetConditionalEntries.hpp>
36 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheet.hpp>
37 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheetDocument.hpp>
38 #include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheets.hpp>
39 #include <com/sun/star/style/XStyle.hpp>
40 #include <com/sun/star/style/XStyleFamiliesSupplier.hpp>
41 #include <com/sun/star/table/CellAddress.hpp>
42 #include <com/sun/star/table/CellRangeAddress.hpp>
43 #include <com/sun/star/table/XCellRange.hpp>
44 #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
45 #include "oox/helper/attributelist.hxx"
46 #include "oox/helper/containerhelper.hxx"
47 #include "oox/helper/propertyset.hxx"
48 #include "oox/xls/addressconverter.hxx"
49 #include "oox/xls/biffinputstream.hxx"
50 #include "oox/xls/stylesbuffer.hxx"
52 namespace oox {
53 namespace xls {
55 // ============================================================================
57 using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
58 using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
59 using namespace ::com::sun::star::sheet;
60 using namespace ::com::sun::star::style;
61 using namespace ::com::sun::star::table;
62 using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
64 using ::rtl::OUString;
65 using ::rtl::OUStringBuffer;
67 // ============================================================================
69 namespace {
71 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_CELLIS           = 1;
72 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_EXPRESSION       = 2;
73 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_COLORSCALE       = 3;
74 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_DATABAR          = 4;
75 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_TOPTEN           = 5;
76 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_ICONSET          = 6;
78 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_CELLIS            = 0;
79 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_EXPRESSION        = 1;
80 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_COLORSCALE        = 2;
81 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_DATABAR           = 3;
82 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_ICONSET           = 4;
83 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_TOPTEN            = 5;
84 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_UNIQUE            = 7;
85 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_TEXT              = 8;
86 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_BLANK             = 9;
87 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_NOTBLANK          = 10;
88 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_ERROR             = 11;
89 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_NOTERROR          = 12;
90 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_TODAY             = 15;
91 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_TOMORROW          = 16;
92 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_YESTERDAY         = 17;
93 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_LAST7DAYS         = 18;
94 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_LASTMONTH         = 19;
95 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_NEXTMONTH         = 20;
96 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_THISWEEK          = 21;
97 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_NEXTWEEK          = 22;
98 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_LASTWEEK          = 23;
99 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_THISMONTH         = 24;
100 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_ABOVEAVERAGE      = 25;
101 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_BELOWAVERAGE      = 26;
102 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_DUPLICATE         = 27;
103 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_EQABOVEAVERAGE    = 29;
104 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_EQBELOWAVERAGE    = 30;
106 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_TODAY          = 0;
107 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_YESTERDAY      = 1;
108 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_LAST7DAYS      = 2;
109 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_THISWEEK       = 3;
110 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_LASTWEEK       = 4;
111 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_LASTMONTH      = 5;
112 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_TOMORROW       = 6;
113 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_NEXTWEEK       = 7;
114 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_NEXTMONTH      = 8;
115 const sal_Int32 BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_THISMONTH      = 9;
117 const sal_uInt16 BIFF12_CFRULE_STOPIFTRUE           = 0x0002;
118 const sal_uInt16 BIFF12_CFRULE_ABOVEAVERAGE         = 0x0004;
119 const sal_uInt16 BIFF12_CFRULE_BOTTOM               = 0x0008;
120 const sal_uInt16 BIFF12_CFRULE_PERCENT              = 0x0010;
122 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 template< typename Type >
125 void lclAppendProperty( ::std::vector< PropertyValue >& orProps, const OUString& rPropName, const Type& rValue )
126 {
127     orProps.push_back( PropertyValue() );
128     orProps.back().Name = rPropName;
129     orProps.back().Value <<= rValue;
130 }
132 } // namespace
134 // ============================================================================
136 CondFormatRuleModel::CondFormatRuleModel() :
137     mnPriority( -1 ),
138     mnType( XML_TOKEN_INVALID ),
139     mnOperator( XML_TOKEN_INVALID ),
140     mnTimePeriod( XML_TOKEN_INVALID ),
141     mnRank( 0 ),
142     mnStdDev( 0 ),
143     mnDxfId( -1 ),
144     mbStopIfTrue( false ),
145     mbBottom( false ),
146     mbPercent( false ),
147     mbAboveAverage( true ),
148     mbEqualAverage( false )
149 {
150 }
152 void CondFormatRuleModel::setBiffOperator( sal_Int32 nOperator )
153 {
154     static const sal_Int32 spnOperators[] = {
155         XML_TOKEN_INVALID, XML_between, XML_notBetween, XML_equal, XML_notEqual,
156         XML_greaterThan, XML_lessThan, XML_greaterThanOrEqual, XML_lessThanOrEqual };
157     mnOperator = STATIC_ARRAY_SELECT( spnOperators, nOperator, XML_TOKEN_INVALID );
158 }
160 void CondFormatRuleModel::setBiff12TextType( sal_Int32 nOperator )
161 {
162     // note: type XML_notContainsText vs. operator XML_notContains
163     static const sal_Int32 spnTypes[] = { XML_containsText, XML_notContainsText, XML_beginsWith, XML_endsWith };
164     mnType = STATIC_ARRAY_SELECT( spnTypes, nOperator, XML_TOKEN_INVALID );
165     static const sal_Int32 spnOperators[] = { XML_containsText, XML_notContains, XML_beginsWith, XML_endsWith };
166     mnOperator = STATIC_ARRAY_SELECT( spnOperators, nOperator, XML_TOKEN_INVALID );
167 }
169 // ============================================================================
171 CondFormatRule::CondFormatRule( const CondFormat& rCondFormat ) :
172     WorksheetHelper( rCondFormat ),
173     mrCondFormat( rCondFormat )
174 {
175 }
177 void CondFormatRule::importCfRule( const AttributeList& rAttribs )
178 {
179     maModel.maText         = rAttribs.getString( XML_text, OUString() );
180     maModel.mnPriority     = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_priority, -1 );
181     maModel.mnType         = rAttribs.getToken( XML_type, XML_TOKEN_INVALID );
182     maModel.mnOperator     = rAttribs.getToken( XML_operator, XML_TOKEN_INVALID );
183     maModel.mnTimePeriod   = rAttribs.getToken( XML_timePeriod, XML_TOKEN_INVALID );
184     maModel.mnRank         = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_rank, 0 );
185     maModel.mnStdDev       = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_stdDev, 0 );
186     maModel.mnDxfId        = rAttribs.getInteger( XML_dxfId, -1 );
187     maModel.mbStopIfTrue   = rAttribs.getBool( XML_stopIfTrue, false );
188     maModel.mbBottom       = rAttribs.getBool( XML_bottom, false );
189     maModel.mbPercent      = rAttribs.getBool( XML_percent, false );
190     maModel.mbAboveAverage = rAttribs.getBool( XML_aboveAverage, true );
191     maModel.mbEqualAverage = rAttribs.getBool( XML_equalAverage, false );
192 }
194 void CondFormatRule::appendFormula( const OUString& rFormula )
195 {
196     CellAddress aBaseAddr = mrCondFormat.getRanges().getBaseAddress();
197     ApiTokenSequence aTokens = getFormulaParser().importFormula( aBaseAddr, rFormula );
198     maModel.maFormulas.push_back( aTokens );
199 }
201 void CondFormatRule::importCfRule( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
202 {
203     sal_Int32 nType, nSubType, nOperator, nFmla1Size, nFmla2Size, nFmla3Size;
204     sal_uInt16 nFlags;
205     rStrm >> nType >> nSubType >> maModel.mnDxfId >> maModel.mnPriority >> nOperator;
206     rStrm.skip( 8 );
207     rStrm >> nFlags >> nFmla1Size >> nFmla2Size >> nFmla3Size >> maModel.maText;
209     /*  Import the formulas. For no obvious reason, the sizes of the formulas
210         are already stored before. Nevertheless the following formulas contain
211         their own sizes. */
213     // first formula
214     OSL_ENSURE( (nFmla1Size >= 0) || ((nFmla2Size == 0) && (nFmla3Size == 0)), "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - missing first formula" );
215     OSL_ENSURE( (nFmla1Size > 0) == (rStrm.getRemaining() >= 8), "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - formula size mismatch" );
216     if( rStrm.getRemaining() >= 8 )
217     {
218         CellAddress aBaseAddr = mrCondFormat.getRanges().getBaseAddress();
219         ApiTokenSequence aTokens = getFormulaParser().importFormula( aBaseAddr, FORMULATYPE_CONDFORMAT, rStrm );
220         maModel.maFormulas.push_back( aTokens );
222         // second formula
223         OSL_ENSURE( (nFmla2Size >= 0) || (nFmla3Size == 0), "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - missing second formula" );
224         OSL_ENSURE( (nFmla2Size > 0) == (rStrm.getRemaining() >= 8), "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - formula size mismatch" );
225         if( rStrm.getRemaining() >= 8 )
226         {
227             aTokens = getFormulaParser().importFormula( aBaseAddr, FORMULATYPE_CONDFORMAT, rStrm );
228             maModel.maFormulas.push_back( aTokens );
230             // third formula
231             OSL_ENSURE( (nFmla3Size > 0) == (rStrm.getRemaining() >= 8), "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - formula size mismatch" );
232             if( rStrm.getRemaining() >= 8 )
233             {
234                 aTokens = getFormulaParser().importFormula( aBaseAddr, FORMULATYPE_CONDFORMAT, rStrm );
235                 maModel.maFormulas.push_back( aTokens );
236             }
237         }
238     }
240     // flags
241     maModel.mbStopIfTrue   = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_CFRULE_STOPIFTRUE );
242     maModel.mbBottom       = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_CFRULE_BOTTOM );
243     maModel.mbPercent      = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_CFRULE_PERCENT );
244     maModel.mbAboveAverage = getFlag( nFlags, BIFF12_CFRULE_ABOVEAVERAGE );
245     // no flag for equalAverage, must be determined from subtype below...
247     // Convert the type/operator settings. This is a real mess...
248     switch( nType )
249     {
250         case BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_CELLIS:
251             OSL_ENSURE( nSubType == BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_CELLIS, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - rule type/subtype mismatch" );
252             maModel.mnType = XML_cellIs;
253             maModel.setBiffOperator( nOperator );
254             OSL_ENSURE( maModel.mnOperator != XML_TOKEN_INVALID, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unknown operator" );
255         break;
257             // here we have to look at the subtype to find the real type...
258             switch( nSubType )
259             {
260                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_EXPRESSION:
261                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
262                     maModel.mnType = XML_expression;
263                 break;
264                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_UNIQUE:
265                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
266                     maModel.mnType = XML_uniqueValues;
267                 break;
268                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_TEXT:
269                     maModel.setBiff12TextType( nOperator );
270                     OSL_ENSURE( maModel.mnType != XML_TOKEN_INVALID, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
271                 break;
272                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_BLANK:
273                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
274                     maModel.mnType = XML_containsBlanks;
275                 break;
276                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_NOTBLANK:
277                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
278                     maModel.mnType = XML_notContainsBlanks;
279                 break;
280                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_ERROR:
281                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
282                     maModel.mnType = XML_containsErrors;
283                 break;
284                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_NOTERROR:
285                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
286                     maModel.mnType = XML_notContainsErrors;
287                 break;
288                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_TODAY:
289                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_TODAY, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
290                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
291                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_today;
292                 break;
293                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_TOMORROW:
294                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_TOMORROW, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
295                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
296                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_tomorrow;
297                 break;
298                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_YESTERDAY:
299                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_YESTERDAY, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
300                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
301                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_yesterday;
302                 break;
303                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_LAST7DAYS:
304                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_LAST7DAYS, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
305                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
306                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_last7Days;
307                 break;
308                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_LASTMONTH:
309                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_LASTMONTH, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
310                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
311                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_lastMonth;
312                 break;
313                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_NEXTMONTH:
314                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_NEXTMONTH, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
315                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
316                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_nextMonth;
317                 break;
318                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_THISWEEK:
319                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_THISWEEK, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
320                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
321                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_thisWeek;
322                 break;
323                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_NEXTWEEK:
324                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_NEXTWEEK, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
325                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
326                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_nextWeek;
327                 break;
328                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_LASTWEEK:
329                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_LASTWEEK, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
330                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
331                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_lastWeek;
332                 break;
333                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_THISMONTH:
334                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == BIFF12_CFRULE_TIMEOP_THISMONTH, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected time operator value" );
335                     maModel.mnType = XML_timePeriod;
336                     maModel.mnTimePeriod = XML_thisMonth;
337                 break;
338                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_ABOVEAVERAGE:
339                     OSL_ENSURE( maModel.mbAboveAverage, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - wrong above-average flag" );
340                     maModel.mnType = XML_aboveAverage;
341                     maModel.mnStdDev = nOperator;     // operator field used for standard deviation
342                     maModel.mbAboveAverage = true;
343                     maModel.mbEqualAverage = false;   // does not exist as real flag...
344                 break;
345                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_BELOWAVERAGE:
346                     OSL_ENSURE( !maModel.mbAboveAverage, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - wrong above-average flag" );
347                     maModel.mnType = XML_aboveAverage;
348                     maModel.mnStdDev = nOperator;     // operator field used for standard deviation
349                     maModel.mbAboveAverage = false;
350                     maModel.mbEqualAverage = false;   // does not exist as real flag...
351                 break;
352                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_DUPLICATE:
353                     OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
354                     maModel.mnType = XML_duplicateValues;
355                 break;
356                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_EQABOVEAVERAGE:
357                     OSL_ENSURE( maModel.mbAboveAverage, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - wrong above-average flag" );
358                     maModel.mnType = XML_aboveAverage;
359                     maModel.mnStdDev = nOperator;     // operator field used for standard deviation
360                     maModel.mbAboveAverage = true;
361                     maModel.mbEqualAverage = true;    // does not exist as real flag...
362                 break;
363                 case BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_EQBELOWAVERAGE:
364                     OSL_ENSURE( !maModel.mbAboveAverage, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - wrong above-average flag" );
365                     maModel.mnType = XML_aboveAverage;
366                     maModel.mnStdDev = nOperator;     // operator field used for standard deviation
367                     maModel.mbAboveAverage = false;
368                     maModel.mbEqualAverage = true;    // does not exist as real flag...
369                 break;
370             }
371         break;
373             OSL_ENSURE( nSubType == BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_COLORSCALE, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - rule type/subtype mismatch" );
374             OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
375             maModel.mnType = XML_colorScale;
376         break;
377         case BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_DATABAR:
378             OSL_ENSURE( nSubType == BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_DATABAR, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - rule type/subtype mismatch" );
379             OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
380             maModel.mnType = XML_dataBar;
381         break;
382         case BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_TOPTEN:
383             OSL_ENSURE( nSubType == BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_TOPTEN, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - rule type/subtype mismatch" );
384             maModel.mnType = XML_top10;
385             maModel.mnRank = nOperator;   // operator field used for rank value
386         break;
387         case BIFF12_CFRULE_TYPE_ICONSET:
388             OSL_ENSURE( nSubType == BIFF12_CFRULE_SUB_ICONSET, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - rule type/subtype mismatch" );
389             OSL_ENSURE( nOperator == 0, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unexpected operator value" );
390             maModel.mnType = XML_iconSet;
391         break;
392         default:
393             OSL_ENSURE( false, "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - unknown rule type" );
394     }
395 }
397 void CondFormatRule::importCfRule( BiffInputStream& rStrm, sal_Int32 nPriority )
398 {
399     sal_uInt8 nType, nOperator;
400     sal_uInt16 nFmla1Size, nFmla2Size;
401     sal_uInt32 nFlags;
402     rStrm >> nType >> nOperator >> nFmla1Size >> nFmla2Size >> nFlags;
403     rStrm.skip( 2 );
405     static const sal_Int32 spnTypeIds[] = { XML_TOKEN_INVALID, XML_cellIs, XML_expression };
406     maModel.mnType = STATIC_ARRAY_SELECT( spnTypeIds, nType, XML_TOKEN_INVALID );
408     maModel.setBiffOperator( nOperator );
409     maModel.mnPriority = nPriority;
410     maModel.mbStopIfTrue = true;
412     DxfRef xDxf = getStyles().createDxf( &maModel.mnDxfId );
413     xDxf->importCfRule( rStrm, nFlags );
414     xDxf->finalizeImport();
416     // import the formulas
417     OSL_ENSURE( (nFmla1Size > 0) || (nFmla2Size == 0), "CondFormatRule::importCfRule - missing first formula" );
418     if( nFmla1Size > 0 )
419     {
420         CellAddress aBaseAddr = mrCondFormat.getRanges().getBaseAddress();
421         ApiTokenSequence aTokens = getFormulaParser().importFormula( aBaseAddr, FORMULATYPE_CONDFORMAT, rStrm, &nFmla1Size );
422         maModel.maFormulas.push_back( aTokens );
423         if( nFmla2Size > 0 )
424         {
425             aTokens = getFormulaParser().importFormula( aBaseAddr, FORMULATYPE_CONDFORMAT, rStrm, &nFmla2Size );
426             maModel.maFormulas.push_back( aTokens );
427         }
428     }
429 }
431 void CondFormatRule::finalizeImport( const Reference< XSheetConditionalEntries >& rxEntries )
432 {
433     ConditionOperator eOperator = ConditionOperator_NONE;
435     /*  Replacement formula for unsupported rule types (text comparison rules,
436         time period rules, cell type rules). The replacement formulas below may
437         contain several placeholders:
438         - '#B' will be replaced by the current relative base address (may occur
439             several times).
440         - '#R' will be replaced by the entire range list of the conditional
441             formatting (absolute addresses).
442         - '#T' will be replaced by the quoted comparison text.
443         - '#L' will be replaced by the length of the comparison text (from
444             the 'text' attribute) used in text comparison rules.
445         - '#K' will be replaced by the rank (from the 'rank' attribute) used in
446             top-10 rules.
447         - '#M' will be replaced by the top/bottom flag (from the 'bottom'
448             attribute) used in the RANK function in top-10 rules.
449         - '#C' will be replaced by one of the comparison operators <, >, <=, or
450             >=, according to the 'aboveAverage' and 'equalAverage' flags.
451      */
452     OUString aReplaceFormula;
454     switch( maModel.mnType )
455     {
456         case XML_cellIs:
457             eOperator = CondFormatBuffer::convertToApiOperator( maModel.mnOperator );
458         break;
459         case XML_expression:
460             eOperator = ConditionOperator_FORMULA;
461         break;
462         case XML_containsText:
463             OSL_ENSURE( maModel.mnOperator == XML_containsText, "CondFormatRule::finalizeImport - unexpected operator" );
464             aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH(#T,#B)))" );
465         break;
466         case XML_notContainsText:
467             // note: type XML_notContainsText vs. operator XML_notContains
468             OSL_ENSURE( maModel.mnOperator == XML_notContains, "CondFormatRule::finalizeImport - unexpected operator" );
469             aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "ISERROR(SEARCH(#T,#B))" );
470         break;
471         case XML_beginsWith:
472             OSL_ENSURE( maModel.mnOperator == XML_beginsWith, "CondFormatRule::finalizeImport - unexpected operator" );
473             aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "LEFT(#B,#L)=#T" );
474         break;
475         case XML_endsWith:
476             OSL_ENSURE( maModel.mnOperator == XML_endsWith, "CondFormatRule::finalizeImport - unexpected operator" );
477             aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "RIGHT(#B,#L)=#T" );
478         break;
479         case XML_timePeriod:
480             switch( maModel.mnTimePeriod )
481             {
482                 case XML_yesterday:
483                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "FLOOR(#B,1)=TODAY()-1" );
484                 break;
485                 case XML_today:
486                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "FLOOR(#B,1)=TODAY()" );
487                 break;
488                 case XML_tomorrow:
489                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "FLOOR(#B,1)=TODAY()+1" );
490                 break;
491                 case XML_last7Days:
492                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "AND(TODAY()-7<FLOOR(#B,1),FLOOR(#B,1)<=TODAY())" );
493                 break;
494                 case XML_lastWeek:
495                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "AND(TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY())-7<FLOOR(#B,1),FLOOR(#B,1)<=TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY()))" );
496                 break;
497                 case XML_thisWeek:
498                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "AND(TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY())<FLOOR(#B,1),FLOOR(#B,1)<=TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY())+7)" );
499                 break;
500                 case XML_nextWeek:
501                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "AND(TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY())+7<FLOOR(#B,1),FLOOR(#B,1)<=TODAY()-WEEKDAY(TODAY())+14)" );
502                 break;
503                 case XML_lastMonth:
504                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "OR(AND(MONTH(#B)=MONTH(TODAY())-1,YEAR(#B)=YEAR(TODAY())),AND(MONTH(#B)=12,MONTH(TODAY())=1,YEAR(#B)=YEAR(TODAY())-1))" );
505                 break;
506                 case XML_thisMonth:
507                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "AND(MONTH(#B)=MONTH(TODAY()),YEAR(#B)=YEAR(TODAY()))" );
508                 break;
509                 case XML_nextMonth:
510                     aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "OR(AND(MONTH(#B)=MONTH(TODAY())+1,YEAR(#B)=YEAR(TODAY())),AND(MONTH(#B)=1,MONTH(TODAY())=12,YEAR(#B)=YEAR(TODAY())+1))" );
511                 break;
512                 default:
513                     OSL_ENSURE( false, "CondFormatRule::finalizeImport - unknown time period type" );
514             }
515         break;
516         case XML_containsBlanks:
517             aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "LEN(TRIM(#B))=0" );
518         break;
519         case XML_notContainsBlanks:
520             aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "LEN(TRIM(#B))>0" );
521         break;
522         case XML_containsErrors:
523             aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "ISERROR(#B)" );
524         break;
525         case XML_notContainsErrors:
526             aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "NOT(ISERROR(#B))" );
527         break;
528         case XML_top10:
529             if( maModel.mbPercent )
530                 aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "RANK(#B,#R,#M)/COUNT(#R)<=#K%" );
531             else
532                 aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "RANK(#B,#R,#M)<=#K" );
533         break;
534         case XML_aboveAverage:
535             if( maModel.mnStdDev == 0 )
536                 aReplaceFormula = CREATE_OUSTRING( "#B#CAVERAGE(#R)" );
537         break;
538     }
540     if( aReplaceFormula.getLength() > 0 )
541     {
542         OUString aAddress, aRanges, aText, aComp;
543         sal_Int32 nStrPos = aReplaceFormula.getLength();
544         while( (nStrPos = aReplaceFormula.lastIndexOf( '#', nStrPos )) >= 0 )
545         {
546             switch( aReplaceFormula[ nStrPos + 1 ] )
547             {
548                 case 'B':       // current base address
549                     if( aAddress.getLength() == 0 )
550                         aAddress = FormulaProcessorBase::generateAddress2dString( mrCondFormat.getRanges().getBaseAddress(), false );
551                     aReplaceFormula = aReplaceFormula.replaceAt( nStrPos, 2, aAddress );
552                 break;
553                 case 'R':       // range list of conditional formatting
554                     if( aRanges.getLength() == 0 )
555                         aRanges = FormulaProcessorBase::generateRangeList2dString( mrCondFormat.getRanges(), true, ',', true );
556                     aReplaceFormula = aReplaceFormula.replaceAt( nStrPos, 2, aRanges );
557                 break;
558                 case 'T':       // comparison text
559                     if( aText.getLength() == 0 )
560                         // quote the comparison text, and handle embedded quote characters
561                         aText = FormulaProcessorBase::generateApiString( maModel.maText );
562                     aReplaceFormula = aReplaceFormula.replaceAt( nStrPos, 2, aText );
563                 break;
564                 case 'L':       // length of comparison text
565                     aReplaceFormula = aReplaceFormula.replaceAt( nStrPos, 2,
566                         OUString::valueOf( maModel.maText.getLength() ) );
567                 break;
568                 case 'K':       // top-10 rank
569                     aReplaceFormula = aReplaceFormula.replaceAt( nStrPos, 2,
570                         OUString::valueOf( maModel.mnRank ) );
571                 break;
572                 case 'M':       // top-10 top/bottom flag
573                     aReplaceFormula = aReplaceFormula.replaceAt( nStrPos, 2,
574                         OUString::valueOf( static_cast< sal_Int32 >( maModel.mbBottom ? 1 : 0 ) ) );
575                 break;
576                 case 'C':       // average comparison operator
577                     if( aComp.getLength() == 0 )
578                         aComp = maModel.mbAboveAverage ?
579                             (maModel.mbEqualAverage ? CREATE_OUSTRING( ">=" ) : CREATE_OUSTRING( ">" )) :
580                             (maModel.mbEqualAverage ? CREATE_OUSTRING( "<=" ) : CREATE_OUSTRING( "<" ));
581                     aReplaceFormula = aReplaceFormula.replaceAt( nStrPos, 2, aComp );
582                 break;
583                 default:
584                     OSL_ENSURE( false, "CondFormatRule::finalizeImport - unknown placeholder" );
585             }
586         }
588         // set the replacement formula
589         maModel.maFormulas.clear();
590         appendFormula( aReplaceFormula );
591         eOperator = ConditionOperator_FORMULA;
592     }
594     if( rxEntries.is() && (eOperator != ConditionOperator_NONE) && !maModel.maFormulas.empty() )
595     {
596         ::std::vector< PropertyValue > aProps;
597         // create condition properties
598         lclAppendProperty( aProps, CREATE_OUSTRING( "Operator" ), eOperator );
599         lclAppendProperty( aProps, CREATE_OUSTRING( "Formula1" ), maModel.maFormulas[ 0 ] );
600         if( maModel.maFormulas.size() >= 2 )
601             lclAppendProperty( aProps, CREATE_OUSTRING( "Formula2" ), maModel.maFormulas[ 1 ] );
603         // style name for the formatting attributes
604         OUString aStyleName = getStyles().createDxfStyle( maModel.mnDxfId );
605         if( aStyleName.getLength() > 0 )
606             lclAppendProperty( aProps, CREATE_OUSTRING( "StyleName" ), aStyleName );
608         // append the new rule
609         try
610         {
611             rxEntries->addNew( ContainerHelper::vectorToSequence( aProps ) );
612         }
613         catch( Exception& )
614         {
615         }
616     }
617 }
619 // ============================================================================
621 CondFormatModel::CondFormatModel() :
622     mbPivot( false )
623 {
624 }
626 // ============================================================================
628 CondFormat::CondFormat( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ) :
629     WorksheetHelper( rHelper )
630 {
631 }
633 void CondFormat::importConditionalFormatting( const AttributeList& rAttribs )
634 {
635     getAddressConverter().convertToCellRangeList( maModel.maRanges, rAttribs.getString( XML_sqref, OUString() ), getSheetIndex(), true );
636     maModel.mbPivot = rAttribs.getBool( XML_pivot, false );
637 }
639 CondFormatRuleRef CondFormat::importCfRule( const AttributeList& rAttribs )
640 {
641     CondFormatRuleRef xRule = createRule();
642     xRule->importCfRule( rAttribs );
643     insertRule( xRule );
644     return xRule;
645 }
647 void CondFormat::importCondFormatting( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
648 {
649     BinRangeList aRanges;
650     rStrm.skip( 8 );
651     rStrm >> aRanges;
652     getAddressConverter().convertToCellRangeList( maModel.maRanges, aRanges, getSheetIndex(), true );
653 }
655 void CondFormat::importCfRule( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
656 {
657     CondFormatRuleRef xRule = createRule();
658     xRule->importCfRule( rStrm );
659     insertRule( xRule );
660 }
662 void CondFormat::importCfHeader( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
663 {
664     // import the CFHEADER record
665     sal_uInt16 nRuleCount;
666     BinRangeList aRanges;
667     rStrm >> nRuleCount;
668     rStrm.skip( 10 );
669     rStrm >> aRanges;
670     getAddressConverter().convertToCellRangeList( maModel.maRanges, aRanges, getSheetIndex(), true );
672     // import following list of CFRULE records
673     for( sal_uInt16 nRule = 0; (nRule < nRuleCount) && (rStrm.getNextRecId() == BIFF_ID_CFRULE) && rStrm.startNextRecord(); ++nRule )
674     {
675         CondFormatRuleRef xRule = createRule();
676         xRule->importCfRule( rStrm, nRule + 1 );
677         insertRule( xRule );
678     }
679 }
681 void CondFormat::finalizeImport()
682 {
683     try
684     {
685         Reference< XSheetCellRanges > xRanges( getCellRangeList( maModel.maRanges ), UNO_SET_THROW );
686         PropertySet aPropSet( xRanges );
687         Reference< XSheetConditionalEntries > xEntries( aPropSet.getAnyProperty( PROP_ConditionalFormat ), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
688         // maRules is sorted by rule priority
689         maRules.forEachMem( &CondFormatRule::finalizeImport, ::boost::cref( xEntries ) );
690         aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_ConditionalFormat, xEntries );
691     }
692     catch( Exception& )
693     {
694     }
695 }
697 CondFormatRuleRef CondFormat::createRule()
698 {
699     return CondFormatRuleRef( new CondFormatRule( *this ) );
700 }
702 void CondFormat::insertRule( CondFormatRuleRef xRule )
703 {
704     if( xRule.get() && (xRule->getPriority() > 0) )
705     {
706         OSL_ENSURE( maRules.find( xRule->getPriority() ) == maRules.end(), "CondFormat::insertRule - multiple rules with equal priority" );
707         maRules[ xRule->getPriority() ] = xRule;
708     }
709 }
711 // ============================================================================
713 CondFormatBuffer::CondFormatBuffer( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ) :
714     WorksheetHelper( rHelper )
715 {
716 }
718 CondFormatRef CondFormatBuffer::importConditionalFormatting( const AttributeList& rAttribs )
719 {
720     CondFormatRef xCondFmt = createCondFormat();
721     xCondFmt->importConditionalFormatting( rAttribs );
722     return xCondFmt;
723 }
725 CondFormatRef CondFormatBuffer::importCondFormatting( SequenceInputStream& rStrm )
726 {
727     CondFormatRef xCondFmt = createCondFormat();
728     xCondFmt->importCondFormatting( rStrm );
729     return xCondFmt;
730 }
732 void CondFormatBuffer::importCfHeader( BiffInputStream& rStrm )
733 {
734     createCondFormat()->importCfHeader( rStrm );
735 }
737 void CondFormatBuffer::finalizeImport()
738 {
739     maCondFormats.forEachMem( &CondFormat::finalizeImport );
740 }
742 ConditionOperator CondFormatBuffer::convertToApiOperator( sal_Int32 nToken )
743 {
744     switch( nToken )
745     {
746         case XML_between:               return ConditionOperator_BETWEEN;
747         case XML_equal:                 return ConditionOperator_EQUAL;
748         case XML_greaterThan:           return ConditionOperator_GREATER;
749         case XML_greaterThanOrEqual:    return ConditionOperator_GREATER_EQUAL;
750         case XML_lessThan:              return ConditionOperator_LESS;
751         case XML_lessThanOrEqual:       return ConditionOperator_LESS_EQUAL;
752         case XML_notBetween:            return ConditionOperator_NOT_BETWEEN;
753         case XML_notEqual:              return ConditionOperator_NOT_EQUAL;
754     }
755     return ConditionOperator_NONE;
756 }
758 // private --------------------------------------------------------------------
760 CondFormatRef CondFormatBuffer::createCondFormat()
761 {
762     CondFormatRef xCondFmt( new CondFormat( *this ) );
763     maCondFormats.push_back( xCondFmt );
764     return xCondFmt;
765 }
767 // ============================================================================
769 } // namespace xls
770 } // namespace oox