1<% 2 Option Explicit 3 Response.Expires = 0 4%> 5 6<!-- #include file = "common.inc" --> 7 8<HTML> 9 10<HEAD> 11 <META http-equiv="refresh" CONTENT="<% = cnRefreshTime %>"> 12</HEAD> 13 14<% 15 ' get current picture id 16 Dim nGIFID 17 18 nGifID = File_getDataVirtual( csFileCurrent, ".", ";" )( 0 ) 19 20 ' a new picture was chosen ? 21 if nGIFID <> Session( "GIFID" ) then 22 ' then store the id of the new picture and show it 23 Session( "GIFID" ) = nGIFID 24 %> 25 <BODY bgcolor="red" onLoad="parent.frame1.location.href='./show.asp?<%= nGIFID %>'"> 26 <% 27 else 28 %> 29 <BODY bgcolor="green"> 30 <% 31 end if 32%> 33 34</BODY> 35 36</HTML>