1 /*
2  * Created on 14.11.2003
3  *
4  * To change the template for this generated file go to
5  * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
6  */
7 package com.sun.star.wizards.ui;
9 /**
10  * @author rpiterman
11  *
12  * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
13  * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
14  */
15 public interface UIConsts
16 {
18     public static final int RID_COMMON = 500;
19     public static final int RID_DB_COMMON = 1000;
20     public static final int RID_FORM = 2200;
21     public static final int RID_QUERY = 2300;
22     public static final int RID_REPORT = 2400;
23     public static final int RID_TABLE = 2500;
24     public static final int RID_IMG_REPORT = 1000;
25     public static final int RID_IMG_FORM = 1100;
26     public static final int RID_IMG_WEB = 1200;
27     public static final Integer INVISIBLESTEP = 99;
28     public static final String INFOIMAGEURL = "private:resource/dbu/image/19205";
29     public static final String INFOIMAGEURL_HC = "private:resource/dbu/image/19230";
30     /**
31      * The tabindex of the navigation buttons in a wizard must be assigned a very
32      * high tabindex because on every step their taborder must appear at the end
33      */
34     public static final short SOFIRSTWIZARDNAVITABINDEX = 30000;
35     public static final Integer INTEGER_8 = 8;
36     public static final Integer INTEGER_12 = 12;
37     public static final Integer INTEGER_14 = 14;
38     public static final Integer INTEGER_16 = 16;
39     public static final Integer INTEGER_40 = 40;
40     public static final Integer INTEGER_50 = 50;
41     /**Steps of the QueryWizard
42      *
43      */
44     public static final int SOFIELDSELECTIONPAGE = 1;
45     public static final int SOSORTINGPAGE = 2;
46     public static final int SOFILTERPAGE = 3;
47     public static final int SOAGGREGATEPAGE = 4;
48     public static final int SOGROUPSELECTIONPAGE = 5;
49     public static final int SOGROUPFILTERPAGE = 6;
50     public static final int SOTITLESPAGE = 7;
51     public static final int SOSUMMARYPAGE = 8;
52     public static final Integer[] INTEGERS = new Integer[]
53     {
54         0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
55     };
57     class CONTROLTYPE
58     {
60         public static final int BUTTON = 1;
61         public static final int IMAGECONTROL = 2;
62         public static final int LISTBOX = 3;
63         public static final int COMBOBOX = 4;
64         public static final int CHECKBOX = 5;
65         public static final int RADIOBUTTON = 6;
66         public static final int DATEFIELD = 7;
67         public static final int EDITCONTROL = 8;
68         public static final int FILECONTROL = 9;
69         public static final int FIXEDLINE = 10;
70         public static final int FIXEDTEXT = 11;
71         public static final int FORMATTEDFIELD = 12;
72         public static final int GROUPBOX = 13;
73         public static final int HYPERTEXT = 14;
74         public static final int NUMERICFIELD = 15;
75         public static final int PATTERNFIELD = 16;
76         public static final int PROGRESSBAR = 17;
77         public static final int ROADMAP = 18;
78         public static final int SCROLLBAR = 19;
79         public static final int TIMEFIELD = 20;
80         public static final int CURRENCYFIELD = 21;
81         public static final int UNKNOWN = -1;
82     }
83 }