1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
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13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
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19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_drawinglayer.hxx"
27 #include <drawinglayer/processor3d/zbufferprocessor3d.hxx>
28 #include <basegfx/raster/bpixelraster.hxx>
29 #include <vcl/bmpacc.hxx>
30 #include <basegfx/raster/rasterconvert3d.hxx>
31 #include <basegfx/raster/bzpixelraster.hxx>
32 #include <drawinglayer/attribute/materialattribute3d.hxx>
33 #include <drawinglayer/texture/texture.hxx>
34 #include <drawinglayer/primitive3d/drawinglayer_primitivetypes3d.hxx>
35 #include <drawinglayer/primitive3d/textureprimitive3d.hxx>
36 #include <drawinglayer/primitive3d/polygonprimitive3d.hxx>
37 #include <drawinglayer/primitive3d/polypolygonprimitive3d.hxx>
38 #include <drawinglayer/geometry/viewinformation2d.hxx>
39 #include <basegfx/polygon/b3dpolygontools.hxx>
40 #include <basegfx/polygon/b3dpolypolygontools.hxx>
41 #include <drawinglayer/attribute/sdrlightingattribute3d.hxx>
43 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
45 using namespace com::sun::star;
47 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
49 namespace
50 {
BPixelRasterToBitmapEx(const basegfx::BPixelRaster & rRaster,sal_uInt16 mnAntiAlialize)51 	BitmapEx BPixelRasterToBitmapEx(const basegfx::BPixelRaster& rRaster, sal_uInt16 mnAntiAlialize)
52 	{
53 		BitmapEx aRetval;
54 		const sal_uInt32 nWidth(mnAntiAlialize ? rRaster.getWidth()/mnAntiAlialize : rRaster.getWidth());
55 		const sal_uInt32 nHeight(mnAntiAlialize ? rRaster.getHeight()/mnAntiAlialize : rRaster.getHeight());
57 		if(nWidth && nHeight)
58 		{
59 			const Size aDestSize(nWidth, nHeight);
60 			sal_uInt8 nInitAlpha(255);
61 			Bitmap aContent(aDestSize, 24);
62 			AlphaMask aAlpha(aDestSize, &nInitAlpha);
63 			BitmapWriteAccess* pContent = aContent.AcquireWriteAccess();
64 			BitmapWriteAccess* pAlpha = aAlpha.AcquireWriteAccess();
66 			if(pContent && pAlpha)
67 			{
68 				if(mnAntiAlialize)
69 				{
70 					const sal_uInt16 nDivisor(mnAntiAlialize * mnAntiAlialize);
72 					for(sal_uInt32 y(0L); y < nHeight; y++)
73 					{
74 						for(sal_uInt32 x(0L); x < nWidth; x++)
75 						{
76 							sal_uInt16 nRed(0);
77 							sal_uInt16 nGreen(0);
78 							sal_uInt16 nBlue(0);
79 							sal_uInt16 nOpacity(0);
80 							sal_uInt32 nIndex(rRaster.getIndexFromXY(x * mnAntiAlialize, y * mnAntiAlialize));
82 							for(sal_uInt32 c(0); c < mnAntiAlialize; c++)
83 							{
84 								for(sal_uInt32 d(0); d < mnAntiAlialize; d++)
85 								{
86 									const basegfx::BPixel& rPixel(rRaster.getBPixel(nIndex++));
87 									nRed = nRed + rPixel.getRed();
88 									nGreen = nGreen + rPixel.getGreen();
89 									nBlue = nBlue + rPixel.getBlue();
90 									nOpacity = nOpacity + rPixel.getOpacity();
91 								}
93 								nIndex += rRaster.getWidth() - mnAntiAlialize;
94 							}
96 							nOpacity = nOpacity / nDivisor;
98 							if(nOpacity)
99 							{
100 								pContent->SetPixel(y, x, BitmapColor(
101 									(sal_uInt8)(nRed / nDivisor),
102 									(sal_uInt8)(nGreen / nDivisor),
103 									(sal_uInt8)(nBlue / nDivisor)));
104 								pAlpha->SetPixel(y, x, BitmapColor(255 - (sal_uInt8)nOpacity));
105 							}
106 						}
107 					}
108 				}
109 				else
110 				{
111 					sal_uInt32 nIndex(0L);
113 					for(sal_uInt32 y(0L); y < nHeight; y++)
114 					{
115 						for(sal_uInt32 x(0L); x < nWidth; x++)
116 						{
117 							const basegfx::BPixel& rPixel(rRaster.getBPixel(nIndex++));
119 							if(rPixel.getOpacity())
120 							{
121 								pContent->SetPixel(y, x, BitmapColor(rPixel.getRed(), rPixel.getGreen(), rPixel.getBlue()));
122 								pAlpha->SetPixel(y, x, BitmapColor(255 - rPixel.getOpacity()));
123 							}
124 						}
125 					}
126 				}
127 			}
129 			delete pContent;
130 			delete pAlpha;
132 			aRetval = BitmapEx(aContent, aAlpha);
134 			// #i101811# set PrefMapMode and PrefSize at newly created Bitmap
135 			aRetval.SetPrefMapMode(MAP_PIXEL);
136 			aRetval.SetPrefSize(Size(nWidth, nHeight));
137 		}
139 		return aRetval;
140 	}
141 } // end of anonymous namespace
143 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
145 class ZBufferRasterConverter3D : public basegfx::RasterConverter3D
146 {
147 private:
148     const drawinglayer::processor3d::DefaultProcessor3D&	mrProcessor;
149     basegfx::BZPixelRaster&								    mrBuffer;
151     // interpolators for a single line span
152     basegfx::ip_single										maIntZ;
153     basegfx::ip_triple										maIntColor;
154     basegfx::ip_triple										maIntNormal;
155     basegfx::ip_double										maIntTexture;
156     basegfx::ip_triple										maIntInvTexture;
158     // current material to use for ratsreconversion
159     const drawinglayer::attribute::MaterialAttribute3D*     mpCurrentMaterial;
161     // bitfield
162     // some boolean flags for line span interpolator usages
163     unsigned												mbModifyColor : 1;
164     unsigned												mbUseTex : 1;
165     unsigned												mbHasTexCoor : 1;
166     unsigned												mbHasInvTexCoor : 1;
167     unsigned												mbUseNrm : 1;
168     unsigned												mbUseCol : 1;
getTextureCoor(basegfx::B2DPoint & rTarget) const170     void getTextureCoor(basegfx::B2DPoint& rTarget) const
171     {
172 	    if(mbHasTexCoor)
173 	    {
174 		    rTarget.setX(maIntTexture.getX().getVal());
175 		    rTarget.setY(maIntTexture.getY().getVal());
176 	    }
177 	    else if(mbHasInvTexCoor)
178 	    {
179 		    const double fZFactor(maIntInvTexture.getZ().getVal());
180             const double fInvZFactor(basegfx::fTools::equalZero(fZFactor) ? 1.0 : 1.0 / fZFactor);
181 		    rTarget.setX(maIntInvTexture.getX().getVal() * fInvZFactor);
182 		    rTarget.setY(maIntInvTexture.getY().getVal() * fInvZFactor);
183 	    }
184     }
incrementLineSpanInterpolators(double fStep)186     void incrementLineSpanInterpolators(double fStep)
187     {
188 	    maIntZ.increment(fStep);
190 	    if(mbUseTex)
191 	    {
192 		    if(mbHasTexCoor)
193 		    {
194 			    maIntTexture.increment(fStep);
195 		    }
196 		    else if(mbHasInvTexCoor)
197 		    {
198 			    maIntInvTexture.increment(fStep);
199 		    }
200 	    }
202 	    if(mbUseNrm)
203 	    {
204 		    maIntNormal.increment(fStep);
205 	    }
207 	    if(mbUseCol)
208 	    {
209 		    maIntColor.increment(fStep);
210 	    }
211     }
decideColorAndOpacity(basegfx::BColor & rColor)213     double decideColorAndOpacity(basegfx::BColor& rColor)
214     {
215         // init values with full opacity and material color
216         OSL_ENSURE(0 != mpCurrentMaterial, "CurrentMaterial not set (!)");
217         double fOpacity(1.0);
218         rColor = mpCurrentMaterial->getColor();
220         if(mbUseTex)
221         {
222             basegfx::B2DPoint aTexCoor(0.0, 0.0);
223 	        getTextureCoor(aTexCoor);
225 	        if(mrProcessor.getGeoTexSvx().get())
226 	        {
227 		        // calc color in spot. This may also set to invisible already when
228 		        // e.g. bitmap textures have transparent parts
229 		        mrProcessor.getGeoTexSvx()->modifyBColor(aTexCoor, rColor, fOpacity);
230 	        }
232 	        if(basegfx::fTools::more(fOpacity, 0.0) && mrProcessor.getTransparenceGeoTexSvx().get())
233 	        {
234 		        // calc opacity. Object has a 2nd texture, a transparence texture
235 		        mrProcessor.getTransparenceGeoTexSvx()->modifyOpacity(aTexCoor, fOpacity);
236 	        }
237         }
239         if(basegfx::fTools::more(fOpacity, 0.0))
240         {
241 	        if(mrProcessor.getGeoTexSvx().get())
242 	        {
243 		        if(mbUseNrm)
244 		        {
245 			        // blend texture with phong
246 			        rColor = mrProcessor.getSdrLightingAttribute().solveColorModel(
247 				        basegfx::B3DVector(maIntNormal.getX().getVal(), maIntNormal.getY().getVal(), maIntNormal.getZ().getVal()),
248 				        rColor,
249 				        mpCurrentMaterial->getSpecular(),
250 				        mpCurrentMaterial->getEmission(),
251 				        mpCurrentMaterial->getSpecularIntensity());
252 		        }
253 		        else if(mbUseCol)
254 		        {
255 			        // blend texture with gouraud
256 			        basegfx::BColor aBlendColor(maIntColor.getX().getVal(), maIntColor.getY().getVal(), maIntColor.getZ().getVal());
257 			        rColor *= aBlendColor;
258 		        }
259 		        else if(mrProcessor.getModulate())
260 		        {
261 			        // blend texture with single material color
262 			        rColor *= mpCurrentMaterial->getColor();
263 		        }
264 	        }
265 	        else
266 	        {
267 		        if(mbUseNrm)
268 		        {
269 			        // modify color with phong
270 			        rColor = mrProcessor.getSdrLightingAttribute().solveColorModel(
271 				        basegfx::B3DVector(maIntNormal.getX().getVal(), maIntNormal.getY().getVal(), maIntNormal.getZ().getVal()),
272 				        rColor,
273 				        mpCurrentMaterial->getSpecular(),
274 				        mpCurrentMaterial->getEmission(),
275 				        mpCurrentMaterial->getSpecularIntensity());
276 		        }
277 		        else if(mbUseCol)
278 		        {
279 			        // modify color with gouraud
280 			        rColor.setRed(maIntColor.getX().getVal());
281 			        rColor.setGreen(maIntColor.getY().getVal());
282 			        rColor.setBlue(maIntColor.getZ().getVal());
283 		        }
284 	        }
286 	        if(mbModifyColor)
287 	        {
288 		        rColor = mrProcessor.getBColorModifierStack().getModifiedColor(rColor);
289 	        }
290         }
292         return fOpacity;
293     }
setupLineSpanInterpolators(const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D & rA,const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D & rB)295     void setupLineSpanInterpolators(const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D& rA, const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D& rB)
296     {
297         // get inverse XDelta
298         const double xInvDelta(1.0 / (rB.getX().getVal() - rA.getX().getVal()));
300         // prepare Z-interpolator
301         const double fZA(rA.getZ().getVal());
302         const double fZB(rB.getZ().getVal());
303         maIntZ = basegfx::ip_single(fZA, (fZB - fZA) * xInvDelta);
305         // get bools and init other interpolators on demand accordingly
306         mbModifyColor = mrProcessor.getBColorModifierStack().count();
307         mbHasTexCoor = SCANLINE_EMPTY_INDEX != rA.getTextureIndex() && SCANLINE_EMPTY_INDEX != rB.getTextureIndex();
308         mbHasInvTexCoor = SCANLINE_EMPTY_INDEX != rA.getInverseTextureIndex() && SCANLINE_EMPTY_INDEX != rB.getInverseTextureIndex();
309         const bool bTextureActive(mrProcessor.getGeoTexSvx().get() || mrProcessor.getTransparenceGeoTexSvx().get());
310         mbUseTex = bTextureActive && (mbHasTexCoor || mbHasInvTexCoor || mrProcessor.getSimpleTextureActive());
311         const bool bUseColorTex(mbUseTex && mrProcessor.getGeoTexSvx().get());
312         const bool bNeedNrmOrCol(!bUseColorTex || (bUseColorTex && mrProcessor.getModulate()));
313         mbUseNrm = bNeedNrmOrCol && SCANLINE_EMPTY_INDEX != rA.getNormalIndex() && SCANLINE_EMPTY_INDEX != rB.getNormalIndex();
314         mbUseCol = !mbUseNrm && bNeedNrmOrCol && SCANLINE_EMPTY_INDEX != rA.getColorIndex() && SCANLINE_EMPTY_INDEX != rB.getColorIndex();
316         if(mbUseTex)
317         {
318 	        if(mbHasTexCoor)
319 	        {
320                 const basegfx::ip_double& rTA(getTextureInterpolators()[rA.getTextureIndex()]);
321 		        const basegfx::ip_double& rTB(getTextureInterpolators()[rB.getTextureIndex()]);
322 		        maIntTexture = basegfx::ip_double(
323 			        rTA.getX().getVal(), (rTB.getX().getVal() - rTA.getX().getVal()) * xInvDelta,
324 			        rTA.getY().getVal(), (rTB.getY().getVal() - rTA.getY().getVal()) * xInvDelta);
325 	        }
326 	        else if(mbHasInvTexCoor)
327 	        {
328 		        const basegfx::ip_triple& rITA(getInverseTextureInterpolators()[rA.getInverseTextureIndex()]);
329 		        const basegfx::ip_triple& rITB(getInverseTextureInterpolators()[rB.getInverseTextureIndex()]);
330 		        maIntInvTexture = basegfx::ip_triple(
331 			        rITA.getX().getVal(), (rITB.getX().getVal() - rITA.getX().getVal()) * xInvDelta,
332 			        rITA.getY().getVal(), (rITB.getY().getVal() - rITA.getY().getVal()) * xInvDelta,
333 			        rITA.getZ().getVal(), (rITB.getZ().getVal() - rITA.getZ().getVal()) * xInvDelta);
334 	        }
335         }
337         if(mbUseNrm)
338         {
339 	        const basegfx::ip_triple& rNA(getNormalInterpolators()[rA.getNormalIndex()]);
340 	        const basegfx::ip_triple& rNB(getNormalInterpolators()[rB.getNormalIndex()]);
341 	        maIntNormal = basegfx::ip_triple(
342 		        rNA.getX().getVal(), (rNB.getX().getVal() - rNA.getX().getVal()) * xInvDelta,
343 		        rNA.getY().getVal(), (rNB.getY().getVal() - rNA.getY().getVal()) * xInvDelta,
344 		        rNA.getZ().getVal(), (rNB.getZ().getVal() - rNA.getZ().getVal()) * xInvDelta);
345         }
347         if(mbUseCol)
348         {
349 	        const basegfx::ip_triple& rCA(getColorInterpolators()[rA.getColorIndex()]);
350 	        const basegfx::ip_triple& rCB(getColorInterpolators()[rB.getColorIndex()]);
351 	        maIntColor = basegfx::ip_triple(
352 		        rCA.getX().getVal(), (rCB.getX().getVal() - rCA.getX().getVal()) * xInvDelta,
353 		        rCA.getY().getVal(), (rCB.getY().getVal() - rCA.getY().getVal()) * xInvDelta,
354 		        rCA.getZ().getVal(), (rCB.getZ().getVal() - rCA.getZ().getVal()) * xInvDelta);
355         }
356     }
358     virtual void processLineSpan(const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D& rA, const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D& rB, sal_Int32 nLine, sal_uInt32 nSpanCount);
360 public:
ZBufferRasterConverter3D(basegfx::BZPixelRaster & rBuffer,const drawinglayer::processor3d::ZBufferProcessor3D & rProcessor)361     ZBufferRasterConverter3D(basegfx::BZPixelRaster& rBuffer, const drawinglayer::processor3d::ZBufferProcessor3D& rProcessor)
362     :   basegfx::RasterConverter3D(),
363         mrProcessor(rProcessor),
364         mrBuffer(rBuffer),
365 	    maIntZ(),
366 	    maIntColor(),
367 	    maIntNormal(),
368 	    maIntTexture(),
369 	    maIntInvTexture(),
370         mpCurrentMaterial(0),
371 	    mbModifyColor(false),
372 	    mbUseTex(false),
373 	    mbHasTexCoor(false),
374 	    mbUseNrm(false),
375 	    mbUseCol(false)
376     {}
setCurrentMaterial(const drawinglayer::attribute::MaterialAttribute3D & rMaterial)378     void setCurrentMaterial(const drawinglayer::attribute::MaterialAttribute3D& rMaterial)
379 	{
380         mpCurrentMaterial = &rMaterial;
381     }
382 };
processLineSpan(const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D & rA,const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D & rB,sal_Int32 nLine,sal_uInt32 nSpanCount)384 void ZBufferRasterConverter3D::processLineSpan(const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D& rA, const basegfx::RasterConversionLineEntry3D& rB, sal_Int32 nLine, sal_uInt32 nSpanCount)
385 {
386     if(!(nSpanCount & 0x0001))
387     {
388 	    if(nLine >= 0 && nLine < (sal_Int32)mrBuffer.getHeight())
389 	    {
390 			sal_uInt32 nXA(::std::min(mrBuffer.getWidth(), (sal_uInt32)::std::max((sal_Int32)0, basegfx::fround(rA.getX().getVal()))));
391 			const sal_uInt32 nXB(::std::min(mrBuffer.getWidth(), (sal_uInt32)::std::max((sal_Int32)0, basegfx::fround(rB.getX().getVal()))));
393 	        if(nXA < nXB)
394 	        {
395 		        // prepare the span interpolators
396 		        setupLineSpanInterpolators(rA, rB);
398 		        // bring span interpolators to start condition by incrementing with the possible difference of
399 		        // clamped and non-clamped XStart. Interpolators are setup relying on double precision
400 		        // X-values, so that difference is the correct value to compensate for possible clampings
401 		        incrementLineSpanInterpolators(static_cast<double>(nXA) - rA.getX().getVal());
403 		        // prepare scanline index
404 		        sal_uInt32 nScanlineIndex(mrBuffer.getIndexFromXY(nXA, static_cast<sal_uInt32>(nLine)));
405                 basegfx::BColor aNewColor;
407 		        while(nXA < nXB)
408 		        {
409 			        // early-test Z values if we need to do anything at all
410 					const double fNewZ(::std::max(0.0, ::std::min((double)0xffff, maIntZ.getVal())));
411 			        const sal_uInt16 nNewZ(static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(fNewZ));
412 					sal_uInt16& rOldZ(mrBuffer.getZ(nScanlineIndex));
414 			        if(nNewZ > rOldZ)
415 			        {
416 				        // detect color and opacity for this pixel
417 						const sal_uInt16 nOpacity(::std::max((sal_Int16)0, static_cast< sal_Int16 >(decideColorAndOpacity(aNewColor) * 255.0)));
419 						if(nOpacity > 0)
420 						{
421 							// avoid color overrun
422 							aNewColor.clamp();
424 							if(nOpacity >= 0x00ff)
425 							{
426 								// full opacity (not transparent), set z and color
427 								rOldZ = nNewZ;
428 								mrBuffer.getBPixel(nScanlineIndex) = basegfx::BPixel(aNewColor, 0xff);
429 							}
430 							else
431 							{
432                                 basegfx::BPixel& rDest = mrBuffer.getBPixel(nScanlineIndex);
434                                 if(rDest.getOpacity())
435                                 {
436                                     // mix new color by using
437                                     // color' = color * (1 - opacity) + newcolor * opacity
438 									const sal_uInt16 nTransparence(0x0100 - nOpacity);
439 									rDest.setRed((sal_uInt8)(((rDest.getRed() * nTransparence) + ((sal_uInt16)(255.0 * aNewColor.getRed()) * nOpacity)) >> 8));
440 									rDest.setGreen((sal_uInt8)(((rDest.getGreen() * nTransparence) + ((sal_uInt16)(255.0 * aNewColor.getGreen()) * nOpacity)) >> 8));
441 									rDest.setBlue((sal_uInt8)(((rDest.getBlue() * nTransparence) + ((sal_uInt16)(255.0 * aNewColor.getBlue()) * nOpacity)) >> 8));
443                                     if(0xff != rDest.getOpacity())
444                                     {
445                                         // both are transparent, mix new opacity by using
446                                         // opacity = newopacity * (1 - oldopacity) + oldopacity
447                                         rDest.setOpacity(((sal_uInt8)((nOpacity * (0x0100 - rDest.getOpacity())) >> 8)) + rDest.getOpacity());
448                                     }
449                                 }
450                                 else
451                                 {
452 									// dest is unused, set color
453 									rDest = basegfx::BPixel(aNewColor, (sal_uInt8)nOpacity);
454                                 }
455 							}
456 						}
457 			        }
459 			        // increments
460 			        nScanlineIndex++;
461 			        nXA++;
462 			        incrementLineSpanInterpolators(1.0);
463 		        }
464 	        }
465         }
466     }
467 }
469 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
470 // helper class to buffer output for transparent rasterprimitives (filled areas
471 // and lines) until the end of processing. To ensure correct transparent
472 // visualisation, ZBuffers require to not set Z and to mix with the transparent
473 // color. If transparent rasterprimitives overlap, it gets necessary to
474 // paint transparent rasterprimitives from back to front to ensure that the
475 // mixing happens from back to front. For that purpose, transparent
476 // rasterprimitives are held in this class during the processing run, remember
477 // all data and will be rendered
479 class RasterPrimitive3D
480 {
481 private:
482     boost::shared_ptr< drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx >     mpGeoTexSvx;
483     boost::shared_ptr< drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx >     mpTransparenceGeoTexSvx;
484     drawinglayer::attribute::MaterialAttribute3D              maMaterial;
485     basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon                                   maPolyPolygon;
486     double                                                    mfCenterZ;
488     // bitfield
489     bool                                                      mbModulate : 1;
490     bool                                                      mbFilter : 1;
491     bool                                                      mbSimpleTextureActive : 1;
492     bool                                                      mbIsLine : 1;
494 public:
RasterPrimitive3D(const boost::shared_ptr<drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx> & pGeoTexSvx,const boost::shared_ptr<drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx> & pTransparenceGeoTexSvx,const drawinglayer::attribute::MaterialAttribute3D & rMaterial,const basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon & rPolyPolygon,bool bModulate,bool bFilter,bool bSimpleTextureActive,bool bIsLine)495     RasterPrimitive3D(
496         const boost::shared_ptr< drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx >& pGeoTexSvx,
497         const boost::shared_ptr< drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx >& pTransparenceGeoTexSvx,
498         const drawinglayer::attribute::MaterialAttribute3D& rMaterial,
499         const basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon,
500         bool bModulate,
501         bool bFilter,
502         bool bSimpleTextureActive,
503         bool bIsLine)
504     :   mpGeoTexSvx(pGeoTexSvx),
505         mpTransparenceGeoTexSvx(pTransparenceGeoTexSvx),
506         maMaterial(rMaterial),
507         maPolyPolygon(rPolyPolygon),
508         mfCenterZ(basegfx::tools::getRange(rPolyPolygon).getCenter().getZ()),
509         mbModulate(bModulate),
510         mbFilter(bFilter),
511         mbSimpleTextureActive(bSimpleTextureActive),
512         mbIsLine(bIsLine)
513     {
514     }
operator =(const RasterPrimitive3D & rComp)516 	RasterPrimitive3D& operator=(const RasterPrimitive3D& rComp)
517 	{
518         mpGeoTexSvx = rComp.mpGeoTexSvx;
519         mpTransparenceGeoTexSvx = rComp.mpTransparenceGeoTexSvx;
520         maMaterial = rComp.maMaterial;
521         maPolyPolygon = rComp.maPolyPolygon;
522         mfCenterZ = rComp.mfCenterZ;
523         mbModulate = rComp.mbModulate;
524         mbFilter = rComp.mbFilter;
525         mbSimpleTextureActive = rComp.mbSimpleTextureActive;
526         mbIsLine = rComp.mbIsLine;
528         return *this;
529     }
operator <(const RasterPrimitive3D & rComp) const531 	bool operator<(const RasterPrimitive3D& rComp) const
532 	{
533         return mfCenterZ < rComp.mfCenterZ;
534 	}
getGeoTexSvx() const536     const boost::shared_ptr< drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx >& getGeoTexSvx() const { return mpGeoTexSvx; }
getTransparenceGeoTexSvx() const537     const boost::shared_ptr< drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx >& getTransparenceGeoTexSvx() const { return mpTransparenceGeoTexSvx; }
getMaterial() const538     const drawinglayer::attribute::MaterialAttribute3D& getMaterial() const { return maMaterial; }
getPolyPolygon() const539     const basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon& getPolyPolygon() const { return maPolyPolygon; }
getModulate() const540     bool getModulate() const { return mbModulate; }
getFilter() const541     bool getFilter() const { return mbFilter; }
getSimpleTextureActive() const542     bool getSimpleTextureActive() const { return mbSimpleTextureActive; }
getIsLine() const543     bool getIsLine() const { return mbIsLine; }
544 };
546 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
548 namespace drawinglayer
549 {
550 	namespace processor3d
551 	{
rasterconvertB3DPolygon(const attribute::MaterialAttribute3D & rMaterial,const basegfx::B3DPolygon & rHairline) const552 		void ZBufferProcessor3D::rasterconvertB3DPolygon(const attribute::MaterialAttribute3D& rMaterial, const basegfx::B3DPolygon& rHairline) const
553 		{
554 			if(mpBZPixelRaster)
555 			{
556                 if(getTransparenceCounter())
557                 {
558                     // transparent output; record for later sorting and painting from
559                     // back to front
560                     if(!mpRasterPrimitive3Ds)
561                     {
562                         const_cast< ZBufferProcessor3D* >(this)->mpRasterPrimitive3Ds = new std::vector< RasterPrimitive3D >;
563                     }
565                     mpRasterPrimitive3Ds->push_back(RasterPrimitive3D(
566                         getGeoTexSvx(),
567                         getTransparenceGeoTexSvx(),
568                         rMaterial,
569                         basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon(rHairline),
570                         getModulate(),
571                         getFilter(),
572                         getSimpleTextureActive(),
573                         true));
574                 }
575                 else
576                 {
577                     // do rasterconversion
578                     mpZBufferRasterConverter3D->setCurrentMaterial(rMaterial);
580 				    if(mnAntiAlialize > 1)
581 				    {
582                         const bool bForceLineSnap(getOptionsDrawinglayer().IsAntiAliasing() && getOptionsDrawinglayer().IsSnapHorVerLinesToDiscrete());
584 					    if(bForceLineSnap)
585 					    {
586 						    basegfx::B3DHomMatrix aTransform;
587 						    basegfx::B3DPolygon aSnappedHairline(rHairline);
588 						    const double fScaleDown(1.0 / mnAntiAlialize);
589 						    const double fScaleUp(mnAntiAlialize);
591 						    // take oversampling out
592 						    aTransform.scale(fScaleDown, fScaleDown, 1.0);
593 						    aSnappedHairline.transform(aTransform);
595 						    // snap to integer
596 						    aSnappedHairline = basegfx::tools::snapPointsOfHorizontalOrVerticalEdges(aSnappedHairline);
598 						    // add oversampling again
599 						    aTransform.identity();
600 						    aTransform.scale(fScaleUp, fScaleUp, 1.0);
602 						    if(false)
603 						    {
604 							    // when really want to go to single pixel lines, move to center.
605 							    // Without this translation, all hor/ver hairlines will be centered exactly
606 							    // between two pixel lines (which looks best)
607 							    const double fTranslateToCenter(mnAntiAlialize * 0.5);
608 							    aTransform.translate(fTranslateToCenter, fTranslateToCenter, 0.0);
609 						    }
611 						    aSnappedHairline.transform(aTransform);
613 						    mpZBufferRasterConverter3D->rasterconvertB3DPolygon(aSnappedHairline, 0, mpBZPixelRaster->getHeight(), mnAntiAlialize);
614 					    }
615 					    else
616 					    {
617 						    mpZBufferRasterConverter3D->rasterconvertB3DPolygon(rHairline, 0, mpBZPixelRaster->getHeight(), mnAntiAlialize);
618 					    }
619 				    }
620 				    else
621 				    {
622 					    mpZBufferRasterConverter3D->rasterconvertB3DPolygon(rHairline, 0, mpBZPixelRaster->getHeight(), 1);
623 				    }
624                 }
625 			}
626 		}
rasterconvertB3DPolyPolygon(const attribute::MaterialAttribute3D & rMaterial,const basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon & rFill) const628 		void ZBufferProcessor3D::rasterconvertB3DPolyPolygon(const attribute::MaterialAttribute3D& rMaterial, const basegfx::B3DPolyPolygon& rFill) const
629 		{
630 			if(mpBZPixelRaster)
631 			{
632                 if(getTransparenceCounter())
633                 {
634                     // transparent output; record for later sorting and painting from
635                     // back to front
636                     if(!mpRasterPrimitive3Ds)
637                     {
638                         const_cast< ZBufferProcessor3D* >(this)->mpRasterPrimitive3Ds = new std::vector< RasterPrimitive3D >;
639                     }
641                     mpRasterPrimitive3Ds->push_back(RasterPrimitive3D(
642                         getGeoTexSvx(),
643                         getTransparenceGeoTexSvx(),
644                         rMaterial,
645                         rFill,
646                         getModulate(),
647                         getFilter(),
648                         getSimpleTextureActive(),
649                         false));
650                 }
651                 else
652                 {
653                     mpZBufferRasterConverter3D->setCurrentMaterial(rMaterial);
654 				    mpZBufferRasterConverter3D->rasterconvertB3DPolyPolygon(rFill, &maInvEyeToView, 0, mpBZPixelRaster->getHeight());
655                 }
656 			}
657 		}
ZBufferProcessor3D(const geometry::ViewInformation3D & rViewInformation3D,const geometry::ViewInformation2D & rViewInformation2D,const attribute::SdrSceneAttribute & rSdrSceneAttribute,const attribute::SdrLightingAttribute & rSdrLightingAttribute,double fSizeX,double fSizeY,const basegfx::B2DRange & rVisiblePart,sal_uInt16 nAntiAlialize)659 		ZBufferProcessor3D::ZBufferProcessor3D(
660 			const geometry::ViewInformation3D& rViewInformation3D,
661 			const geometry::ViewInformation2D& rViewInformation2D,
662 			const attribute::SdrSceneAttribute& rSdrSceneAttribute,
663 			const attribute::SdrLightingAttribute& rSdrLightingAttribute,
664 			double fSizeX,
665 			double fSizeY,
666 			const basegfx::B2DRange& rVisiblePart,
667             sal_uInt16 nAntiAlialize)
668 		:	DefaultProcessor3D(rViewInformation3D, rSdrSceneAttribute, rSdrLightingAttribute),
669 			mpBZPixelRaster(0),
670 			maInvEyeToView(),
671 			mpZBufferRasterConverter3D(0),
672 			mnAntiAlialize(nAntiAlialize),
673             mpRasterPrimitive3Ds(0)
674 		{
675 			// generate ViewSizes
676 			const double fFullViewSizeX((rViewInformation2D.getObjectToViewTransformation() * basegfx::B2DVector(fSizeX, 0.0)).getLength());
677 			const double fFullViewSizeY((rViewInformation2D.getObjectToViewTransformation() * basegfx::B2DVector(0.0, fSizeY)).getLength());
678 			const double fViewSizeX(fFullViewSizeX * rVisiblePart.getWidth());
679 			const double fViewSizeY(fFullViewSizeY * rVisiblePart.getHeight());
681             // generate RasterWidth and RasterHeight
682             const sal_uInt32 nRasterWidth((sal_uInt32)basegfx::fround(fViewSizeX) + 1);
683 			const sal_uInt32 nRasterHeight((sal_uInt32)basegfx::fround(fViewSizeY) + 1);
685 			if(nRasterWidth && nRasterHeight)
686 			{
687 				// create view unit buffer
688 				mpBZPixelRaster = new basegfx::BZPixelRaster(
689 					mnAntiAlialize ? nRasterWidth * mnAntiAlialize : nRasterWidth,
690 					mnAntiAlialize ? nRasterHeight * mnAntiAlialize : nRasterHeight);
691 				OSL_ENSURE(mpBZPixelRaster, "ZBufferProcessor3D: Could not allocate basegfx::BZPixelRaster (!)");
693 				// create DeviceToView for Z-Buffer renderer since Z is handled
694 				// different from standard 3D transformations (Z is mirrored). Also
695 				// the transformation includes the step from unit device coordinates
696 				// to discrete units ([-1.0 .. 1.0] -> [minDiscrete .. maxDiscrete]
698 				basegfx::B3DHomMatrix aDeviceToView;
700 				{
701 					// step one:
702 					//
703 					// bring from [-1.0 .. 1.0] in X,Y and Z to [0.0 .. 1.0]. Also
704 					// necessary to
705 					// - flip Y due to screen orientation
706 					// - flip Z due to Z-Buffer orientation from back to front
708 					aDeviceToView.scale(0.5, -0.5, -0.5);
709 					aDeviceToView.translate(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
710 				}
712 				{
713 					// step two:
714 					//
715 					// bring from [0.0 .. 1.0] in X,Y and Z to view cordinates
716                     //
717 					// #i102611#
718                     // also: scale Z to [1.5 .. 65534.5]. Normally, a range of [0.0 .. 65535.0]
719                     // could be used, but a 'unused' value is needed, so '0' is used what reduces
720                     // the range to [1.0 .. 65535.0]. It has also shown that small numerical errors
721                     // (smaller as basegfx::fTools::mfSmallValue, which is 0.000000001) happen.
722                     // Instead of checking those by basegfx::fTools methods which would cost
723                     // runtime, just add another 0.5 tolerance to the start and end of the Z-Buffer
724                     // range, thus resulting in [1.5 .. 65534.5]
725 					const double fMaxZDepth(65533.0);
726 					aDeviceToView.translate(-rVisiblePart.getMinX(), -rVisiblePart.getMinY(), 0.0);
728 					if(mnAntiAlialize)
729 						aDeviceToView.scale(fFullViewSizeX * mnAntiAlialize, fFullViewSizeY * mnAntiAlialize, fMaxZDepth);
730 					else
731 						aDeviceToView.scale(fFullViewSizeX, fFullViewSizeY, fMaxZDepth);
733                     aDeviceToView.translate(0.0, 0.0, 1.5);
734 				}
736 				// update local ViewInformation3D with own DeviceToView
737 				const geometry::ViewInformation3D aNewViewInformation3D(
738 					getViewInformation3D().getObjectTransformation(),
739 					getViewInformation3D().getOrientation(),
740 					getViewInformation3D().getProjection(),
741 					aDeviceToView,
742 					getViewInformation3D().getViewTime(),
743 					getViewInformation3D().getExtendedInformationSequence());
744 				updateViewInformation(aNewViewInformation3D);
746 				// prepare inverse EyeToView transformation. This can be done in constructor
747 				// since changes in object transformations when processing TransformPrimitive3Ds
748 				// do not influence this prepared partial transformation
749 				maInvEyeToView = getViewInformation3D().getDeviceToView() * getViewInformation3D().getProjection();
750 				maInvEyeToView.invert();
752 				// prepare maRasterRange
753 				maRasterRange.reset();
754 				maRasterRange.expand(basegfx::B2DPoint(0.0, 0.0));
755 				maRasterRange.expand(basegfx::B2DPoint(mpBZPixelRaster->getWidth(), mpBZPixelRaster->getHeight()));
757 				// create the raster converter
758 				mpZBufferRasterConverter3D = new ZBufferRasterConverter3D(*mpBZPixelRaster, *this);
759 			}
760 		}
~ZBufferProcessor3D()762 		ZBufferProcessor3D::~ZBufferProcessor3D()
763 		{
764 			if(mpBZPixelRaster)
765 			{
766 				delete mpZBufferRasterConverter3D;
767 				delete mpBZPixelRaster;
768 			}
770             if(mpRasterPrimitive3Ds)
771             {
772                 OSL_ASSERT("ZBufferProcessor3D: destructed, but there are unrendered transparent geometries. Use ZBufferProcessor3D::finish() to render these (!)");
773                 delete mpRasterPrimitive3Ds;
774             }
775 		}
finish()777         void ZBufferProcessor3D::finish()
778         {
779             if(mpRasterPrimitive3Ds)
780             {
781                 // there are transparent rasterprimitives
782                 const sal_uInt32 nSize(mpRasterPrimitive3Ds->size());
784                 if(nSize > 1)
785                 {
786                     // sort them from back to front
787             		std::sort(mpRasterPrimitive3Ds->begin(), mpRasterPrimitive3Ds->end());
788                 }
790                 for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nSize; a++)
791                 {
792                     // paint each one by setting the remembered data and calling
793                     // the render method
794                     const RasterPrimitive3D& rCandidate = (*mpRasterPrimitive3Ds)[a];
796                     mpGeoTexSvx = rCandidate.getGeoTexSvx();
797                     mpTransparenceGeoTexSvx = rCandidate.getTransparenceGeoTexSvx();
798                     mbModulate = rCandidate.getModulate();
799                     mbFilter = rCandidate.getFilter();
800                     mbSimpleTextureActive = rCandidate.getSimpleTextureActive();
802                     if(rCandidate.getIsLine())
803                     {
804                 		rasterconvertB3DPolygon(
805                             rCandidate.getMaterial(),
806                             rCandidate.getPolyPolygon().getB3DPolygon(0));
807                     }
808                     else
809                     {
810                 		rasterconvertB3DPolyPolygon(
811                             rCandidate.getMaterial(),
812                             rCandidate.getPolyPolygon());
813                     }
814                 }
816                 // delete them to signal the destructor that all is done and
817                 // to allow asserting there
818                 delete mpRasterPrimitive3Ds;
819                 mpRasterPrimitive3Ds = 0;
820             }
821         }
getBitmapEx() const823         BitmapEx ZBufferProcessor3D::getBitmapEx() const
824 		{
825 			if(mpBZPixelRaster)
826 			{
827                 return BPixelRasterToBitmapEx(*mpBZPixelRaster, mnAntiAlialize);
828 			}
830 			return BitmapEx();
831 		}
832 	} // end of namespace processor3d
833 } // end of namespace drawinglayer
835 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
836 // eof