1c45d927aSAndrew Rist /**************************************************************
2*69cb9f15Smseidel  *
3c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * distributed with this work for additional information
6c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10*69cb9f15Smseidel  *
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12*69cb9f15Smseidel  *
13c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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17c45d927aSAndrew Rist  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
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19*69cb9f15Smseidel  *
20c45d927aSAndrew Rist  *************************************************************/
21c45d927aSAndrew Rist 
22c45d927aSAndrew Rist 
27cdf0e10cSrcweir #include <osl/mutex.hxx>
29cdf0e10cSrcweir #include <vector>
30cdf0e10cSrcweir #include <memory>
32cdf0e10cSrcweir class Window;
34cdf0e10cSrcweir namespace sd { namespace toolpanel {
36cdf0e10cSrcweir class TreeNode;
38*69cb9f15Smseidel /** This container manages the children of a TreeNode. It handles the
39*69cb9f15Smseidel 	expansion and visibility state of its child controls. The container
40*69cb9f15Smseidel 	does not do the layouting or painting of the controls. Instead it asks
41*69cb9f15Smseidel 	its owner to do that.
43*69cb9f15Smseidel 	The difference between expansion state and visibility is that when a
44*69cb9f15Smseidel 	control is collapsed at least a title bar is shown for it. When it is
45*69cb9f15Smseidel 	not visible then even this title bar is not shown. In that case the
46*69cb9f15Smseidel 	user can not expand the control. A control has to be visible in order
47*69cb9f15Smseidel 	to be expanded or collapsed.
49*69cb9f15Smseidel 	Whenever you expand or collapse, show or hide a child control then use
50*69cb9f15Smseidel 	this container class. Do not call the respective methods of the child
51*69cb9f15Smseidel 	directly.
52cdf0e10cSrcweir */
53cdf0e10cSrcweir class ControlContainer
54cdf0e10cSrcweir {
55cdf0e10cSrcweir public:
56*69cb9f15Smseidel 	enum VisibilityState { VS_SHOW, VS_HIDE, VS_TOGGLE };
57*69cb9f15Smseidel 	enum ExpansionState { ES_EXPAND, ES_COLLAPSE, ES_TOGGLE };
59*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** Create a new control container.
60*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@param pParent
61*69cb9f15Smseidel 			This node is asked to re-calculate the size of its children when
62*69cb9f15Smseidel 			a child of this container is expanded or collapsed.
63*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
64*69cb9f15Smseidel 	ControlContainer (TreeNode* pNode);
66*69cb9f15Smseidel 	virtual ~ControlContainer (void);
68*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** This is function makes sure that all children are deleted. Call
69*69cb9f15Smseidel 		this function from the destructor of a sub class to have all child
70*69cb9f15Smseidel 		windows deleted before the destructor of another base class of that
71*69cb9f15Smseidel 		sub class is called. When that other base class is some kind of a
72*69cb9f15Smseidel 		window it would otherwise complain that there are living children.
73*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
74*69cb9f15Smseidel 	void DeleteChildren (void);
76*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** Add the given control to the set of controls managed by the
77*69cb9f15Smseidel 		container. This control is then expanded.
78*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@return
79*69cb9f15Smseidel 			Return the index under which the control has been inserted in
80*69cb9f15Smseidel 			the container. It is the same index that is returned by
81*69cb9f15Smseidel 			GetControlIndex().
82*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
83*69cb9f15Smseidel 	sal_uInt32 AddControl (::std::auto_ptr<TreeNode> pControl);
85*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** Expand (default) or collapse the specified control. When
86*69cb9f15Smseidel 		expanding a control in a single expansion environment then all
87*69cb9f15Smseidel 		other controls are collapsed. The specified control is being
88*69cb9f15Smseidel 		made the active control as returned by GetActiveControl().
89*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
90*69cb9f15Smseidel 	virtual void SetExpansionState (
91*69cb9f15Smseidel 		sal_uInt32 nIndex,
92*69cb9f15Smseidel 		ExpansionState aState);
93*69cb9f15Smseidel 	virtual void SetExpansionState (
94*69cb9f15Smseidel 		TreeNode* pControl,
95*69cb9f15Smseidel 		ExpansionState aState);
96*69cb9f15Smseidel 	virtual void SetVisibilityState (
97*69cb9f15Smseidel 		sal_uInt32 nIndex,
98*69cb9f15Smseidel 		VisibilityState aState);
100*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** Return the index of the given control.
101*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
102*69cb9f15Smseidel 	sal_uInt32 GetControlIndex (TreeNode* pControl) const;
104*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** Return the number of controls in the container.
105*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
106*69cb9f15Smseidel 	sal_uInt32 GetControlCount (void) const;
108*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** Return the number of visible controls in the container.
109*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
110*69cb9f15Smseidel 	sal_uInt32 GetVisibleControlCount (void) const;
112*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** Return the control with the specified index regardless of whether
113*69cb9f15Smseidel 		that control is hidden or visible.
114*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
115*69cb9f15Smseidel 	TreeNode* GetControl (sal_uInt32 nIndex) const;
117*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** Return the index of the control previous to that that is specified
118*69cb9f15Smseidel 		by the given index.
119*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@param nIndex
120*69cb9f15Smseidel 			Index of the control for which to return the index of the
121*69cb9f15Smseidel 			previous control. This index is guaranteed not to be returned.
122*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@param bIncludeHidden
123*69cb9f15Smseidel 			This flag tells the method whether to include the controls that
124*69cb9f15Smseidel 			are not visible in the search for the previous control. When it
125*69cb9f15Smseidel 			is <FALSE/> the hidden controls are skipped.
126*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@param bCycle
127*69cb9f15Smseidel 			When this flag is <TRUE/> then the search for the previous
128*69cb9f15Smseidel 			control wraps around when reaching the first control.
129*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@return
130*69cb9f15Smseidel 			Returns the index to the previous control or (sal_uInt32)-1 when
131*69cb9f15Smseidel 			there is no previous control. This would be the case when there
132*69cb9f15Smseidel 			is only one (visible) child.
133*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
134*69cb9f15Smseidel 	sal_uInt32 GetPreviousIndex (
135*69cb9f15Smseidel 		sal_uInt32 nIndex,
136*69cb9f15Smseidel 		bool bIncludeHidden=false,
137*69cb9f15Smseidel 		bool bCycle=false) const;
139*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** Return the index of the control next to that that is specified by
140*69cb9f15Smseidel 		the given index.
141*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@param nIndex
142*69cb9f15Smseidel 			Index of the control for which to return the index of the next
143*69cb9f15Smseidel 			control. This index is guaranteed not to be returned.
144*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@param bIncludeHidden
145*69cb9f15Smseidel 			This flag tells the method whether to include the controls that
146*69cb9f15Smseidel 			are not visible in the search for the next control. When it is
147*69cb9f15Smseidel 			<FALSE/> the hidden controls are skipped.
148*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@param bCycle
149*69cb9f15Smseidel 			When this flag is <TRUE/> then the search for the next control
150*69cb9f15Smseidel 			wraps around when reaching the last control.
151*69cb9f15Smseidel 		@return
152*69cb9f15Smseidel 			Returns the index to the next control or (sal_uInt32)-1 when
153*69cb9f15Smseidel 			there is no next control. This would be the case when there is
154*69cb9f15Smseidel 			only one (visible) child.
155*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
156*69cb9f15Smseidel 	sal_uInt32 GetNextIndex (
157*69cb9f15Smseidel 		sal_uInt32 nIndex,
158*69cb9f15Smseidel 		bool bIncludeHidden=false,
159*69cb9f15Smseidel 		bool bCycle=false) const;
161*69cb9f15Smseidel 	void SetMultiSelection (bool bFlag);
163*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** This is method is called when the list of controls has changed,
164*69cb9f15Smseidel 		i.e. a new control has been added. The default implementation is
165*69cb9f15Smseidel 		empty. Overwrite this method in derived classes in order to react to
166*69cb9f15Smseidel 		such changes.
167*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
168*69cb9f15Smseidel 	virtual void ListHasChanged (void);
170cdf0e10cSrcweir private:
171cdf0e10cSrcweir 	osl::Mutex maMutex;
173*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/// List of controls managed by a container.
174*69cb9f15Smseidel 	typedef ::std::vector<TreeNode*> ControlList;
175*69cb9f15Smseidel 	ControlList maControlList;
177*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** This parent is used for resize requests when children are expanded
178*69cb9f15Smseidel 		or collapsed.
179*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
180*69cb9f15Smseidel 	TreeNode* mpNode;
182*69cb9f15Smseidel 	/** The index of the currently expanded control. A value of
183*69cb9f15Smseidel 		(sal_uInt32)-1 indicates that no control is active. This may be the
184*69cb9f15Smseidel 		case after adding controls to the container.
185*69cb9f15Smseidel 	*/
186*69cb9f15Smseidel 	sal_uInt32 mnActiveControlIndex;
188*69cb9f15Smseidel 	bool mbMultiSelection;
189cdf0e10cSrcweir };
191cdf0e10cSrcweir } } // end of namespace ::sd::toolpanel
193cdf0e10cSrcweir #endif