xref: /trunk/main/sw/source/ui/docvw/edtwin2.cxx (revision ef785786)
1 /**************************************************************
2  *
3  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
5  * distributed with this work for additional information
6  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
7  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
9  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
14  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
16  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
17  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
18  * under the License.
19  *
20  *************************************************************/
24 // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove
25 #include "precompiled_sw.hxx"
26 #include <tools/ref.hxx>
27 #include <hintids.hxx>
29 #include <doc.hxx>
30 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
31 #include <stdio.h>
32 #endif
34 #include <vcl/help.hxx>
35 #include <svl/stritem.hxx>
36 #include <unotools/securityoptions.hxx>
37 #include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
38 #include <txtrfmrk.hxx>
39 #include <fmtrfmrk.hxx>
40 #include <editeng/flditem.hxx>
41 #include <svl/urihelper.hxx>
42 #include <svx/svdotext.hxx>
43 #include <editeng/outliner.hxx>
44 #include <svl/itemiter.hxx>
45 #include <svx/svdview.hxx>
46 #include <svx/svdpagv.hxx>
47 #include <swmodule.hxx>
48 #include <modcfg.hxx>
49 #include <view.hxx>
50 #include <wrtsh.hxx>
51 #include <docsh.hxx>
52 #include <edtwin.hxx>
53 #include <dpage.hxx>
54 #include <shellres.hxx>
55 #include <docufld.hxx>
56 #include <dbfld.hxx>
57 #include <reffld.hxx>
58 #include <cellatr.hxx>
59 #include <shdwcrsr.hxx>
60 #include <fmtcol.hxx>
61 #include <charfmt.hxx>
62 #include <fmtftn.hxx>
63 #include <redline.hxx>
64 #include <tox.hxx>
65 #include <txttxmrk.hxx>
66 #include <uitool.hxx>
67 #include <viewopt.hxx>
68 #include <docvw.hrc>
69 #include <utlui.hrc>
71 #include <PostItMgr.hxx>
72 #include <fmtfld.hxx>
74 // --> OD 2009-08-18 #i104300#
75 #include <IDocumentMarkAccess.hxx>
76 #include <ndtxt.hxx>
77 // <--
79 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
80 	Beschreibung:	KeyEvents
81  --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
82 static void lcl_GetRedlineHelp( const SwRedline& rRedl, String& rTxt, sal_Bool bBalloon )
83 {
84 	sal_uInt16 nResId = 0;
85 	switch( rRedl.GetType() )
86 	{
87 	case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_INSERT:	nResId = STR_REDLINE_INSERT; break;
88 	case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_DELETE:	nResId = STR_REDLINE_DELETE; break;
89 	case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_FORMAT:	nResId = STR_REDLINE_FORMAT; break;
90 	case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_TABLE:		nResId = STR_REDLINE_TABLE; break;
91 	case nsRedlineType_t::REDLINE_FMTCOLL:	nResId = STR_REDLINE_FMTCOLL; break;
92 	}
94 	if( nResId )
95 	{
96 		rTxt = SW_RESSTR( nResId );
97 		rTxt.AppendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM(": " ));
98 		rTxt += rRedl.GetAuthorString();
99 		rTxt.AppendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( " - " ));
100 		rTxt += GetAppLangDateTimeString( rRedl.GetTimeStamp() );
101 		if( bBalloon && rRedl.GetComment().Len() )
102 			( rTxt += '\n' ) += rRedl.GetComment();
103 	}
104 }
107 void SwEditWin::RequestHelp(const HelpEvent &rEvt)
108 {
109     SwWrtShell &rSh = rView.GetWrtShell();
110     sal_Bool bQuickBalloon = 0 != (rEvt.GetMode() & ( HELPMODE_QUICK | HELPMODE_BALLOON ));
111     if(bQuickBalloon && !rSh.GetViewOptions()->IsShowContentTips())
112         return;
113     sal_Bool bWeiter = sal_True;
114     SET_CURR_SHELL(&rSh);
115 	String sTxt;
116 	Point aPos( PixelToLogic( ScreenToOutputPixel( rEvt.GetMousePosPixel() ) ));
117     sal_Bool bBalloon = static_cast< sal_Bool >(rEvt.GetMode() & HELPMODE_BALLOON);
119 	SdrView *pSdrView = rSh.GetDrawView();
121     if( bQuickBalloon )
122 	{
123 		if( pSdrView )
124 		{
125 			SdrPageView* pPV = pSdrView->GetSdrPageView();
126             SwDPage* pPage = pPV ? ((SwDPage*)pPV->GetPage()) : 0;
127             bWeiter = pPage && pPage->RequestHelp(this, pSdrView, rEvt);
128 		}
129 	}
131     if( bWeiter && bQuickBalloon)
132 	{
133 		SwRect aFldRect;
134         sal_uInt16 nStyle = 0; // style of quick help
135 		SwContentAtPos aCntntAtPos( SwContentAtPos::SW_FIELD |
136 									SwContentAtPos::SW_INETATTR |
137 									SwContentAtPos::SW_FTN |
138 									SwContentAtPos::SW_REDLINE |
139 									SwContentAtPos::SW_TOXMARK |
140 									SwContentAtPos::SW_REFMARK |
141                                     SwContentAtPos::SW_SMARTTAG |
142 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
143 									SwContentAtPos::SW_TABLEBOXVALUE |
144 						( bBalloon ? SwContentAtPos::SW_CURR_ATTRS : 0) |
145 #endif
146 									SwContentAtPos::SW_TABLEBOXFML );
148 		if( rSh.GetContentAtPos( aPos, aCntntAtPos, sal_False, &aFldRect ) )
149 		{
150              switch( aCntntAtPos.eCntntAtPos )
151 			{
152 			case SwContentAtPos::SW_TABLEBOXFML:
153 				sTxt.AssignAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "= " ));
154 				sTxt += ((SwTblBoxFormula*)aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pAttr)->GetFormula();
155 				break;
156 #ifdef DBG_UTIL
157 			case SwContentAtPos::SW_TABLEBOXVALUE:
158 			{
159                 sTxt = UniString(
160                             ByteString::CreateFromDouble(
161                                 ((SwTblBoxValue*)aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pAttr)->GetValue()  )
162                             , gsl_getSystemTextEncoding());
163 			}
164 			break;
165 			case SwContentAtPos::SW_CURR_ATTRS:
166 				sTxt = aCntntAtPos.sStr;
167 				break;
168 #endif
170 			case SwContentAtPos::SW_INETATTR:
171             {
172 				sTxt = ((SfxStringItem*)aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pAttr)->GetValue();
173 				sTxt = URIHelper::removePassword( sTxt,
174 										INetURLObject::WAS_ENCODED,
175 			   							INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS);
176                 //#i63832# remove the link target type
177                 xub_StrLen nFound = sTxt.Search(cMarkSeperator);
178                 if( nFound != STRING_NOTFOUND && (++nFound) < sTxt.Len() )
179                 {
180                     String sSuffix( sTxt.Copy(nFound) );
181                     if( sSuffix.EqualsAscii( pMarkToTable ) ||
182                         sSuffix.EqualsAscii( pMarkToFrame ) ||
183                         sSuffix.EqualsAscii( pMarkToRegion ) ||
184                         sSuffix.EqualsAscii( pMarkToOutline ) ||
185                         sSuffix.EqualsAscii( pMarkToText ) ||
186                         sSuffix.EqualsAscii( pMarkToGraphic ) ||
187                         sSuffix.EqualsAscii( pMarkToOLE ))
188                     sTxt = sTxt.Copy( 0, nFound - 1);
189                 }
190                 // --> OD 2009-08-18 #i104300#
191                 // special handling if target is a cross-reference bookmark
192                 {
193                     String sTmpSearchStr = sTxt.Copy( 1, sTxt.Len() );
194                     IDocumentMarkAccess* const pMarkAccess =
195                                                 rSh.getIDocumentMarkAccess();
196                     IDocumentMarkAccess::const_iterator_t ppBkmk =
197                                     pMarkAccess->findBookmark( sTmpSearchStr );
198                     if ( ppBkmk != pMarkAccess->getBookmarksEnd() &&
199                          IDocumentMarkAccess::GetType( *(ppBkmk->get()) )
200                             == IDocumentMarkAccess::CROSSREF_HEADING_BOOKMARK )
201                     {
202                         SwTxtNode* pTxtNode = ppBkmk->get()->GetMarkStart().nNode.GetNode().GetTxtNode();
203                         if ( pTxtNode )
204                         {
205                             sTxt = pTxtNode->GetExpandTxt( 0, pTxtNode->Len(), true, true );
207                             if( sTxt.Len() )
208                             {
209                                 sTxt.EraseAllChars( 0xad );
210                                 for( sal_Unicode* p = sTxt.GetBufferAccess(); *p; ++p )
211                                 {
212                                     if( *p < 0x20 )
213                                         *p = 0x20;
214                                     else if(*p == 0x2011)
215                                         *p = '-';
216                                 }
217                             }
218                         }
219                     }
220                 }
221                 // <--
222                 // --> OD 2007-07-26 #i80029#
223                 sal_Bool bExecHyperlinks = rView.GetDocShell()->IsReadOnly();
224                 if ( !bExecHyperlinks )
225                 {
226                     SvtSecurityOptions aSecOpts;
227                     bExecHyperlinks = !aSecOpts.IsOptionSet( SvtSecurityOptions::E_CTRLCLICK_HYPERLINK );
229                     if ( !bExecHyperlinks )
230                     {
231                         sTxt.InsertAscii( ": ", 0 );
232                         sTxt.Insert( ViewShell::GetShellRes()->aHyperlinkClick, 0 );
233                     }
234                 }
235                 // <--
236 				break;
237             }
238 			case SwContentAtPos::SW_SMARTTAG:
239             {
242                 KeyCode aCode( KEY_SPACE );
243                 KeyCode aModifiedCode( KEY_SPACE, KEY_MOD1 );
244                 String aModStr( aModifiedCode.GetName() );
245                 aModStr.SearchAndReplace( aCode.GetName(), String() );
246                 aModStr.SearchAndReplaceAllAscii( "+", String() );
247                 sTxt.SearchAndReplaceAllAscii( "%s", aModStr );
248             }
249             break;
251 			case SwContentAtPos::SW_FTN:
252 				if( aCntntAtPos.pFndTxtAttr && aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pAttr )
253 				{
254                     const SwFmtFtn* pFtn = (SwFmtFtn*)aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pAttr;
255 					pFtn->GetFtnText( sTxt );
256 					sTxt.Insert( SW_RESSTR( pFtn->IsEndNote()
257 									? STR_ENDNOTE : STR_FTNNOTE ), 0 );
258                     if( aCntntAtPos.IsInRTLText() )
259                         nStyle |= QUICKHELP_BIDI_RTL;
260                 }
261 				break;
263 			case SwContentAtPos::SW_REDLINE:
264 				lcl_GetRedlineHelp( *aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pRedl, sTxt, bBalloon );
265 				break;
267 			case SwContentAtPos::SW_TOXMARK:
268 				sTxt = aCntntAtPos.sStr;
269 				if( sTxt.Len() && aCntntAtPos.pFndTxtAttr )
270 				{
271 					const SwTOXType* pTType = aCntntAtPos.pFndTxtAttr->
272 										GetTOXMark().GetTOXType();
273 					if( pTType && pTType->GetTypeName().Len() )
274 					{
275 						sTxt.InsertAscii( ": ", 0 );
276 						sTxt.Insert( pTType->GetTypeName(), 0 );
277 					}
278 				}
279 				break;
280 			case SwContentAtPos::SW_REFMARK:
281 				if(aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pAttr)
282 				{
284 					sTxt.AppendAscii( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( ": "));
285 					sTxt += ((const SwFmtRefMark*)aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pAttr)->GetRefName();
286 				}
287 			break;
289 			default:
290 				{
291 					SwModuleOptions* pModOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig();
292 					if(!pModOpt->IsHideFieldTips())
293 					{
294 						const SwField* pFld = aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pFld;
295 						switch( pFld->Which() )
296 						{
297 						case RES_SETEXPFLD:
298 						case RES_TABLEFLD:
299 						case RES_GETEXPFLD:
300 						{
301 							sal_uInt16 nOldSubType = pFld->GetSubType();
302 							((SwField*)pFld)->SetSubType(nsSwExtendedSubType::SUB_CMD);
303                             sTxt = pFld->ExpandField(true);
304 							((SwField*)pFld)->SetSubType(nOldSubType);
305 						}
306 						break;
308 						case RES_POSTITFLD:
309 							{
310 								/*
311 								SwPostItMgr* pMgr = rView.GetPostItMgr();
312 								if (pMgr->ShowNotes())
313 								{
314 									SwFmtFld* pSwFmtFld = 0;
315 									if (pMgr->ShowPreview(pFld,pSwFmtFld))
316 									{
317 										SwPostIt* pPostIt = new SwPostIt(static_cast<Window*>(this),0,pSwFmtFld,pMgr,PB_Preview);
318 										pPostIt->InitControls();
319 										pPostIt->SetReadonly(true);
320 										pMgr->SetColors(pPostIt,static_cast<SwPostItField*>(pSwFmtFld->GetFld()));
321 										pPostIt->SetVirtualPosSize(rEvt.GetMousePosPixel(),Size(180,70));
322 										pPostIt->ShowNote();
323 										SetPointerPosPixel(pPostIt->GetPosPixel() + Point(20,20));
324 									}
325 									return;
326 								}
327 								*/
328 								break;
329 							}
330 						case RES_INPUTFLD:	// BubbleHelp, da der Hinweis ggf ziemlich lang sein kann
331 							bBalloon = sal_True;
332 							/* no break */
333 						case RES_JUMPEDITFLD:
334 							sTxt = pFld->GetPar2();
335 							break;
337 						case RES_DBFLD:
338                             sTxt = pFld->GetFieldName();
339 							break;
341 						case RES_USERFLD:
342 						case RES_HIDDENTXTFLD:
343 							sTxt = pFld->GetPar1();
344 							break;
346 						case RES_DOCSTATFLD:
347 							break;
349 						case RES_MACROFLD:
350 							sTxt = ((const SwMacroField*)pFld)->GetMacro();
351 							break;
353 						case RES_GETREFFLD:
354                         {
355                             // --> OD 2008-01-09 #i85090#
356                             const SwGetRefField* pRefFld( dynamic_cast<const SwGetRefField*>(pFld) );
357                             ASSERT( pRefFld,
358                                     "<SwEditWin::RequestHelp(..)> - unexpected type of <pFld>" );
359                             if ( pRefFld )
360                             {
361                                 if ( pRefFld->IsRefToHeadingCrossRefBookmark() ||
362                                      pRefFld->IsRefToNumItemCrossRefBookmark() )
363                                 {
364                                     sTxt = pRefFld->GetExpandedTxtOfReferencedTxtNode();
365                                     if ( sTxt.Len() > 80  )
366                                     {
367                                         sTxt.Erase( 80 );
368                                         sTxt += '.';
369                                         sTxt += '.';
370                                         sTxt += '.';
371                                     }
372                                 }
373                                 else
374                                 {
375                                     sTxt = ((SwGetRefField*)pFld)->GetSetRefName();
376                                 }
377                             }
378                             // <--
379                         }
380                         break;
381 						}
382 					}
384 					if( !sTxt.Len() )
385 					{
386 						aCntntAtPos.eCntntAtPos = SwContentAtPos::SW_REDLINE;
387 						if( rSh.GetContentAtPos( aPos, aCntntAtPos, sal_False, &aFldRect ) )
388 							lcl_GetRedlineHelp( *aCntntAtPos.aFnd.pRedl,
389 													sTxt, bBalloon );
390 					}
391                 }
392 			}
393 			if (sTxt.Len() )
394 			{
395 				if( bBalloon )
396 					Help::ShowBalloon( this, rEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), sTxt );
397 				else
398 				{
399 					// dann zeige die Hilfe mal an:
400 					Rectangle aRect( aFldRect.SVRect() );
401 					Point aPt( OutputToScreenPixel( LogicToPixel( aRect.TopLeft() )));
402 					aRect.Left()   = aPt.X();
403 					aRect.Top()    = aPt.Y();
404 					aPt = OutputToScreenPixel( LogicToPixel( aRect.BottomRight() ));
405 					aRect.Right()  = aPt.X();
406 					aRect.Bottom() = aPt.Y();
407                     Help::ShowQuickHelp( this, aRect, sTxt, nStyle );
408 				}
409 			}
411 			bWeiter = sal_False;
412 		}
413         if( bWeiter )
414         {
415             sal_uInt8 nTabCols = rSh.WhichMouseTabCol(aPos);
416             sal_uInt16 nTabRes = 0;
417             switch(nTabCols)
418             {
419                 case SW_TABCOL_HORI:
420                 case SW_TABCOL_VERT:
421                     nTabRes = STR_TABLE_COL_ADJUST;
422                     break;
423                 case SW_TABROW_HORI:
424                 case SW_TABROW_VERT:
425                     nTabRes = STR_TABLE_ROW_ADJUST;
426                     break;
427                 // --> FME 2004-07-30 #i32329# Enhanced table selection
428                 case SW_TABSEL_HORI:
429                 case SW_TABSEL_HORI_RTL:
430                 case SW_TABSEL_VERT:
431                     nTabRes = STR_TABLE_SELECT_ALL;
432                     break;
433                 case SW_TABROWSEL_HORI:
434                 case SW_TABROWSEL_HORI_RTL:
435                 case SW_TABROWSEL_VERT:
436                     nTabRes = STR_TABLE_SELECT_ROW;
437                     break;
438                 case SW_TABCOLSEL_HORI:
439                 case SW_TABCOLSEL_VERT:
440                     nTabRes = STR_TABLE_SELECT_COL;
441                     break;
442                 // <--
443             }
444             if(nTabRes)
445             {
446                 sTxt = SW_RESSTR(nTabRes);
447                 Size aTxtSize( GetTextWidth(sTxt), GetTextHeight());
448                 Rectangle aRect(rEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), aTxtSize);
449                 Help::ShowQuickHelp(this, aRect, sTxt);
450             }
451             bWeiter = sal_False;
452         }
453     }
455 /*
456 aktuelle Zeichenvorlage anzeigen?
457 	if( bWeiter && rEvt.GetMode() & ( HELPMODE_QUICK | HELPMODE_BALLOON ))
458 	{
459 		SwCharFmt* pChrFmt = rSh.GetCurCharFmt();
461 	}
462 */
463     if( bWeiter && pSdrView && bQuickBalloon)
464 	{
465 		SdrViewEvent aVEvt;
466 		SdrHitKind eHit = pSdrView->PickAnything(aPos, aVEvt);
467 		const SvxURLField *pField;
468 		SdrObject* pObj = NULL;
470 		if ((pField = aVEvt.pURLField) != 0)
471 		{
472 			// URL-Feld getroffen
473 			if (pField)
474 			{
475 				pObj = aVEvt.pObj;
476 				sTxt = pField->GetURL();
478 				bWeiter = sal_False;
479 			}
480 		}
481 		if (bWeiter && eHit == SDRHIT_TEXTEDIT)
482 		{
483 			// URL-Feld in zum Editieren ge?ffneten DrawText-Objekt suchen
484 			OutlinerView* pOLV = pSdrView->GetTextEditOutlinerView();
485 			const SvxFieldItem* pFieldItem;
487 			if (pSdrView->AreObjectsMarked())
488 			{
489 				const SdrMarkList& rMarkList = pSdrView->GetMarkedObjectList();
491 				if (rMarkList.GetMarkCount() == 1)
492 					pObj = rMarkList.GetMark(0)->GetMarkedSdrObj();
493 			}
495 			if (pObj && pObj->ISA(SdrTextObj) && pOLV &&
496 					(pFieldItem = pOLV->GetFieldUnderMousePointer()) != 0)
497 			{
498                 pField = dynamic_cast<const SvxURLField*>(pFieldItem->GetField());
500                 if (pField )
501 				{
502 					sTxt = ((const SvxURLField*) pField)->GetURL();
503 					bWeiter = sal_False;
504 				}
505 			}
506 		}
507 		if (sTxt.Len() && pObj)
508 		{
509 			sTxt = URIHelper::removePassword( sTxt, INetURLObject::WAS_ENCODED,
510 			   							INetURLObject::DECODE_UNAMBIGUOUS);
512 			Rectangle aLogicPix = LogicToPixel(pObj->GetLogicRect());
513 			Rectangle aScreenRect(OutputToScreenPixel(aLogicPix.TopLeft()),
514 								OutputToScreenPixel(aLogicPix.BottomRight()));
516 			if (bBalloon)
517 				Help::ShowBalloon(this, rEvt.GetMousePosPixel(), aScreenRect, sTxt);
518 			else
519 				Help::ShowQuickHelp(this, aScreenRect, sTxt);
520 		}
521 	}
523 	if( bWeiter )
524 		Window::RequestHelp( rEvt );
525 }
527 void SwEditWin::PrePaint()
528 {
529 	SwWrtShell* pWrtShell = GetView().GetWrtShellPtr();
531     if(pWrtShell)
532     {
533 		pWrtShell->PrePaint();
534     }
535 }
537 void  SwEditWin::Paint(const Rectangle& rRect)
538 {
539 #if defined(MYDEBUG)
540 	// StartUp-Statistik
541 	if ( pTickList )
542 	{
543 		SYSTICK( "Start SwEditWin::Paint" );
546 	}
547 #endif
549 	SwWrtShell* pWrtShell = GetView().GetWrtShellPtr();
550 	if(!pWrtShell)
551 		return;
552 	sal_Bool bPaintShadowCrsr = sal_False;
553 	if( pShadCrsr )
554 	{
555 		Rectangle aRect( pShadCrsr->GetRect());
556 		// liegt vollstaendig drin?
557 		if( rRect.IsInside( aRect ) )
558 			// dann aufheben
559 			delete pShadCrsr, pShadCrsr = 0;
560 		else if( rRect.IsOver( aRect ))
561 		{
562 			// liegt irgendwie drueber, dann ist alles ausserhalb geclippt
563 			// und wir muessen den "inneren Teil" am Ende vom Paint
564 			// wieder sichtbar machen. Sonst kommt es zu Paintfehlern!
565 			bPaintShadowCrsr = sal_True;
566 		}
567 	}
568 /*
569     //TODO/LATER: what's the replacement for this? Do we need it?
570 	SwDocShell* pDocShell = GetView().GetDocShell();
572   SvInPlaceEnvironment *pIpEnv =  pDocShell ?
573 								  pDocShell->GetIPEnv() : 0;
574 	if ( pIpEnv && pIpEnv->GetRectsChangedLockCount() )
575 		//Wir stehen in Groessenverhandlungen (MM), Paint verzoegern
576 		Invalidate( rRect );
577     else */
578     if ( GetView().GetVisArea().GetWidth()  <= 0 ||
579 			  GetView().GetVisArea().GetHeight() <= 0 )
580 		Invalidate( rRect );
581 	else
582 		pWrtShell->Paint( rRect );
584 	if( bPaintShadowCrsr )
585 		pShadCrsr->Paint();
586 }